Showing Posts For XarOneZeroNine.2374:

How to Fix Underwater Combat.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


A big one for me to fix underwater combat would be to allow characters to have an “underwater build”. My engineer, for example, is heavily specced for flamethrower and burning damage… problem is, since I can’t use the flamethrower underwater most of my major traits just don’t do anything. I could spec for grenades or bombs (which do work underwater) but I enjoy using the flamethrower so I don’t see it as a good alternative.

We already switch head armor and weapons when underwater… why not switch traits as well, and maybe even gear when we go underwater.


This and being able to hotbind dodge keys to the z axis would fix a lot of my concerns with underwater combat.

Timer on living story achievement page

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


All hail PixelPumpkin! Bringer of common sense!

Seriously why isn’t this done already?

Excellent suggesstion Pixel.

Deaf Comander on far shiverpeaks server

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


One idea that might help is allowing us to save alias’s for chat commands / phrases.

That way instead of a whole sentence one could simply type ‘;kx’ or some such and the other people in the channel would see ’All Gather to help claim Keep <whatever> ’

Many more things that are typed often could have an alias. String alias’s together for complex phrases etc.

Would be a lot less typing allowing more time to control a character.

Skins and the "Unlocked Rewards" window

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374



Mad Memoires: Complete Edition

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I’d like to see them move the book in the direction of the zenith, hellfire/radiant skins.
(As in a reusable skin)

I love the look of the book. The game was so ‘new’ last halloween I had no idea that I was putting the book onto a character I’d rarely play once I tried some of the other professions.

I’d really like to aquire more skins but they are just not user friendly at all especially with most of the ‘event’ skins being backpieces.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Collaborative Development

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The preview will be available like 12-18 hours right before the patch goes live, leaving no time for anyone’s opinions on their details to matter.

This is my main concern with the whole ‘Collaborative Development’ thing.

If there is going to be any kind of collaboration at all we need the information early enough in the process to provide feedback so that changes can be made before implementation.

However Anet keeps everything so close to the vest that they never speak of things unless they are certain to make it into the game ‘as is’.

These are diametrically opposed.

If our feedback can not be given enough time to actually make contructive changes to feature implementation, what’s the point ? Feel good vibes on the forums?

Time will tell…

More time for the guild missions

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Guild bounties need an adjustment that is for sure.

As it stands they are very difficult for small guilds and totally leave out guild members that are not yet level 80.

The training mission was a good thing. It would be ideal if there were more actual tiers in the bounty. That way small guilds or guild with sub 80 members could actual participate.

Small, medium, and Large guilds should all have a way to get the same amount of commendations.

Have 3 Tiers of rewards with a max cap of One Commendation.

Tier one – 1/3 of a commendation (can do this 3 times a week)
Tier two – 2/4 of a commendation (can do this 2 times a week)
Tier three – 1 commendation (can do this 1 time a week)

Basically have smaller guilds do their missions more times to get the same rewards. This way it would make it pointless for larger guilds to do the smaller missions when they can get more efficient results from the higher tiers.

Or even

1. Group the NPCs according to the difficulty (to track and kill).

- 6 easiest NPCs = Tier 1 NPCs
– the next 6 NPCs = Tier 2 NPCs
– the last 6 NPCs = Tier 3 NPCs

2. Limit the NPCs that need to be killed/tracked according to tier.
— Training mission
— Tier 1 = kill 1 NPC out of 6 T1 NPCs
— Tier 2 = kill 2 out of 6 T1 NPCs
—Tier 3 = kill 3 out of 12( T1 + T2 NPCs )
—Tier 4 = kill 6 out of 18 ( all )

That way smaller guilds running with anywhere from 4 or 5 to 25 members can enjoy T1 & T2 and the large 100 ~ 500 member guilds can do T3 & T4.
This also provide room to add more bounty targets for more tiers.

Since Guild Merit is different on each tier, so it should be no problem.

It just seems like there are a lot of better ways to handle guild missions, especially the bounty, that would allow guilds of all sizes to enjoy them.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I just want to know what’s going on.
What is the direction of the game?
Right now it just feels reactionary.

I’ll just quote myself from another thread instead of copy pasting:

Ascended is just not enough for the gear grind crowd and too much for the horizontal progression crowd. Leaving no one truly happy in the long term.

People are saying all the time that gear isn’t needed. That you can do naked runs of dungeons. So why add higher stats at all then?

Yet we needed to have magic find by account. Those MF leechers weren’t bringing their ‘A’ game and contributing enough so we changed MF. But its so easy you can do it naked, but don’t dare wear MF gear…

Some people keep saying the game is ‘too easy’, and that there is no PvE ‘challenge’. Ascended will only make things easier for them. If they rebalance for ascended, due to the time gating nature of it compared to exotics, those without it will be overly challenged and discouraged with thier inequal contributions to the group. Or just get wrecked solo.

What happens when the people who asked for a new gear tier are done collecting ascended? Add another tier or upset them by not adding one?

Aside from the things I mentioned in that other thread there are plenty of other contradicting things going on in this game at the moment. Examples are the wallet being alt friendly but time gating soulbound stuff is anti alt, having legendary weapon ingredients overlap with ascended weapon ingredients doesn’t solve the supposed ‘time-gap’ it exacerbates it. There are more but this post is already long enough.

What is going to happen? Is there a plan in place for all of these contridicting opinions? Or will it just be reactive change after reactive change until the whole things spins wildly out of control?

You mentioned being black and white. Well, choose one, tell us which one, and then stand by it.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Why play anything besides guardian?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


It is rather interesting to see how man people who actively play the game totally misjudge it. Myself, I am a casual player and I don’t do much PvE, but I have been closely following the discussions around the game since BWE1. One big problem with the game is that most people just focus on one single class (that they play) and are ignorant of the subtleties of the other classes + blindly repeat the myths they hear elsewhere.

The fact is, colesy and others are absolutely right. Guardian sustain DPS > Warrior sustain DPS (in a bully buffed group). Its also easily to explain why most people find it hard to believe. First of all, Guardian is strongly associated with support roles. Secondly, Warrior perceivably hit higher numbers – what people forget is that 42K 100b has a cast time of 3.5s, which results in effective DPS of 12k for 100b only, but you also have to factor in the cooldown. Thirdly, Warriors clearly have higher DPS when played solo or in not min-maxed groups, because Warriors have easy access to offence buffs.

Colesy is also spot-on when talking about zerker gear. However, you must remember that this is about min-maxing! Glass cannon groups are the most efficient in PvE, but this requires very skilled players. Players of average skill (or noobs like me) are better off running defensive builds, which allow more margin for error. Under these circumstances, Warrior DPS will be higher again – simply because Guardian must sacrifice more DPS to get defence.

Tl;DR: indeed, in a properly min-maxed group, with highly skilled player Guardian DPS > Warrior DPS. Most players won’t get there though. Personally, I never cared about min-maxing. I just want to enjoy the game. I play guardian because of cool blue effects. I also play Warrior, because stuns and mobility is fun

Nicely said Green Plum.

Like them or not Colesy and No Trigger are correct. Need proof? The tests are easy peasy to do yourself. In fact I recommend doing the tests personally so that it can be seen firsthand. If that is too boring or time consuming or your just lazy or whatever, go to the dungeon forums, ask for the math + video. Someone will respond.

False Positive: Player Concurrency

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I think I understand what the OP is talking about.

For example Anet looks at their crafting numbers and says ‘Wow look at all the people that are crafting. Our crafting system must be great!’ without taking into considersation those that just crafted an alt to 80 because it was fast not because it was fun. Or those that only crafted to get an ascended weapon. Not because they enjoyed crafting but because it was the only way to get the weapon of choice.

Another exapmle that I think fits is the indescriminate slayer acheivement. If Anet looks at this and sees that X percentage of players have completed it and assumes that people enjoy killing those little buggers and then makes content for it (ambient killer daily) with out asking was it fun for them or did they do it just to put themselves over the top for the next AP chest?

Metrics are great, but they only tell you what people are doing not why they are doing it.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

New skills and traits ETA?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


My first cynical guess would be that new skills & traits will come when they figure out how to monetize them.

My second cynical guess would be that new skills & traits will ‘just happen’ to come alongside of another games release / expansion

My third guess would be the last update in December or the first update in January so that they can observe the fallout from the skill & trait changes coming in the October 15th update, giving them some time to try and get the new skills & traits in line with how things will be rather than with the exisisting ones.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Make Runes accountbound plz

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Yes, they should be account bound.

The direction and state of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Very well said ProxyDamage.

Your journey has parallels to all of my current group of gamer friends that bought this game together and I agree with pretty much everything that you said.

We are not logging in nearly as often as we used to. The no subscription fee helps with that a lot. Sometimes I wonder what will be the breaking point of our commitment to this game.

my thoughts on the new dye pack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I said the same thing when about the flame & frost dye packs…

IF I could buy the specific colors I wanted I would buy a few of those colors.

However, I am disappointed once again. I simply will NOT buy anything from the gem store that is character bound or gated behind a money grubbing screw over your player RNG. I will not spend actual money for a ‘chance’ to get what I actually want.


Skin Achievements

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Yes. So much yes.

Make this happen.

This would be a huge boon for appearances.

I'm getting so tired of this...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Agree 100% with OP.

Its is also a bit unnerving how the following statement struck me….

I know what will happen .. they continue to change all bosses with more HPs and more oneshot kills, untill most player say : stop that in the open world .. make it instanced raid-encounters.

And then they finally can implement EQ/WoW-Style Raids even after most players didn’t wanted them in the past. But now .. hey they players just said they want it.

And just look at the Tequatl forum .. there are more and more posts like that.

And after that .. prepare for Ascended+1 Stuff

Boss 'Week'?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


World Shark Boss Week is currently the working title for the patch that revamps the risen champion megalodon….

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Better fast cast ground targeting:
We split this into 3 different options; so that players can more easily cater how ground targeting works for them.

  1. Double tap to cast
  2. Press the button to cast
  3. Release the button to cast

I would really like an option which is “Ground Target at Center of Current Target”. In other words an option to let me skip picking a place on the ground to drop the skill — instead it would put the skill reticule centered on my current target.

This would make my life so much easier as a grenade engineer.

Yes. This. A ‘cast centered on current target’ would be truly awesome.

collections upgrade?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374



I read somewhere there is a gemstore item so that you can collect more than 250 of material. Is it available yet ? Or is it something in the future ?

This rumor comes from a poster on reddit that data mines the gw2.dat file looking for interesting things. One of the things he found is a ‘collection expander’ item purchasable in the gemstore.

Whether or not this ever actually makes it into the game is up to Anet. Just because they put a ‘placeholder’ item in the files for the gemstore doesn’t mean it is something that they can do or haven’t changed there minds about.

A ton of things can happen in between the data mining stage and actual implementation.

You can see some of the other stuff that has been datamined and see for yourself just how much of it made it or didn’t make it into the game with some of these links: <— the one with the collection expander

My thoughts on Ascended/Direction of game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


@Irrodesia, Thank you for posting your toughts. They eerily mirror that of my entire (though admittedly very small) guild.

Ascended is just not enough for the gear grind crowd and too much for the horizontal progression crowd. Leaving no one truly happy in the long term.

People are saying all the time that gear isn’t needed. That you can do naked runs of dungeons. So why add higher stats at all then?

Yet we needed to have magic find by account. Those MF leechers weren’t bringing their ‘A’ game and contributing enough so we changed MF. But its so easy you can do it naked, but don’t dare wear MF gear…

Some people keep saying the game is ‘too easy’, and that there is no PvE ‘challenge’. Ascended will only make things easier for them. If they rebalance for ascended, due to the time gating nature of it compared to exotics, those without it will be overly challenged and discouraged with thier inequal contributions to the group. Or just get wrecked solo.

What happens when the people who asked for a new gear tier are done collecting ascended? Add another tier or upset them by not adding one?

What is going to happen? Is there a plan in place for all of these contridicting opinions? Or will it just be reactive change after reactive change until the whole things spins wildly out of control?

We’ll just have to wait and see I guess. I really don’t think anyone from anet will ever post in this thread, so our only option is too wait and hope the game goes in a direction that each player agrees with, else choose a new game.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Pristine Fractal Relics- more uses

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


It would be nice if there were more things to spend them on instead of just rings. Personally I’d like to see everything that is sold for fractal relics also be sold for pristine fractal relics. Or even some sort of exchange from PFR to regular fractal relics.

Or they could just let us salvage ascended items for ascended crafting mats.
Buy rings just to salvage for mats.

300% MF how much luck needed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Well based on the wiki page for luck you need 2,775,280 just to get to 99% so I am thinking it will be a good deal over 4.2 million to cap it off at 300%.

Extended Achievement Tracker

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The game already knows which particular ‘part’ of an achievement that has been completed. That way credit won’t be issued for repeating a particular ‘part’.

So why not just display this information to the player?

Simple qulaity of life fix. Should have been in from day one really, but it most definitely should have come in with the achievement tab update.

Explorer achievement problem

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I use this when I can’t find something.

RNG broken. Love the game, think I'm done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


<snip> it’s not the game’s fault. It’s yours.

Not that you’ll listen or believe me, but I know how to tag mobs. After running the with zergs ad nausem I learned where to put my symbols. I learned how to fill my bags with junk. Which is the point you are missing.

What you are trying to say is that i’m bad at the game and that I am not getting any loot. That is not the case. I know I am getting credit for the mobs, my bags overfloweth with junk. If I wasn’t tagging them I’d get nothing.

So basically, regardless of what we say to you, your repsonse boils down to ‘it works for me so l2p noob’…

I’ve said my piece. Thrown in my 2 cents worth of anecdotal evidence. It’s clear now that was a bad idea. I’m done.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

RNG broken. Love the game, think I'm done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Look at my sig.

I have.

I have also run max magic find. For quite some time I tried to increase my odds. Didn’t change my loot drops in any noticable way. Sure I got more greens than before but kitten . Trash loot is trash loot.

You should change your sig to say ‘MF gear works for me’.

+60 exotics in 5 months is not a fluke. Maybe you’re not killing enough mobs for MF gear to be best utilized

MF gear works best in:
-zergs with high number of mobs
-classes with superb tagging ability, such as the Guardian

Funny you should say that. My main is a Guardian. I ran the CS loot farm when it was in its hey day.

I’ve followed the zerg from world boss to boss tagging everything I can. My bags fill up, I get loot. I just don’t get exotics and hardly ever get more than the guarenteed rare from the whole thing.

I’ve spent hours upon hours in the Crown Pavillion.

I’m attacking you or anything. I’m happy that your drops are good.
I just think you need to empathize a bit more.

I’ve gotten used to getting junk loot and scraping my way to just buying what I would like off of the TP.

Seriously 1 exotic since september… It shouldn’t matter if I ran full MF or no MF, 11 months of gameplay should yield more than 1…

RNG broken. Love the game, think I'm done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Look at my sig.

I have.

I have also run max magic find. For quite some time I tried to increase my odds. Didn’t change my loot drops in any noticable way. Sure I got more greens than before but kitten . Trash loot is trash loot.

You should change your sig to say ‘MF gear works for me’.

Do people prefer limited items or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I strongly dislike limited time things. Even if the argument is that <event to be named> (wintersday, halloween, SAB etc.) happens every year, you can get the skin next year’. blerg… I don’t know where i’ll be in my life in a years time. There are a million things that can happen. I know where I plan to be that could go off the rails due to a meteor, traffic accident, family stuff and on an on. Heck the game might even close a year from whenever.

It’s just not fun that way. All of the skins should be available all of the time. This way players could actually customize their appearance and everyone would have a wider variety to choose from.

It’s frustrating to take a break from a game, come back, (or even start new) and be told ‘oh you like that, well you can’t have it Ever, too bad. Why ? because kitten you! thats why’

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

RNG broken. Love the game, think I'm done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Anecdotal is anecdotal and all that, but kitten it sure feels like the RNG is a boss monster that is out to get me. Like maybe there is a Dev or something on the other end of my loot that just laughs as I only ever get blues….

I’ve been playing since September. I have only ever looted 1, yes that is one, exotic in that entire time. To top it all off it was in fractals so it was account bound…

Speaking of fractals I’ve run over 150 of them, closing in on 200 runs and I only have 3 vials of mist essence to show for it. No globs, no shards.

The only reason I’ve started to see even some rares is due to the guaranteed one from world events.

I haven’t seen the code. I don’t know what is really happening, but is sure does feel like the loot gods are against me…

GW2... From Innovative to Copy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


GW2 tries to appeal to everyone, and ends up with a watered down experience for everyone. A hardcore player and a casual certainly can play this game and have some fun doing so, but not near as much as a game catered to their individual needs.

Essentially this game is becoming a cash grab catering to the lowest common denominator instead of making a really great game a group of people will really enjoy, GW1 brought me in because I was a hardcore PvP fan, though the PvE wasn’t 1/2 bad either.

This is somewhat akin to how I feel about the game as it is now.

They are simply trying to please everyone, creating a reason for everyone to log in, but are just ending up with something that falls short for everyone.
Thus it appears that everyone complains about everything.

Unless you are tagging the names to the complaints and doing all kinds of extra work to keep the various ‘types’ of players tied to their respective feedback the overall vibe ends up being everything sucks, change everything.

Then when they (anet) change something, a different yet indistinguishable group of ‘everyone’ gets angry again.

They (anet) need to just pick a side. Decide the target audience. Provide the best possible experince for said audience. If they do this, over time those players not in the target demographic will leave, but those that are their target audience will be better off for it and will do all sorts of stuff to recruit their friends, promote the game etc.

The saying ‘jack of all trades and a master of none’ comes to mind when discussing GW2. It’s fitting.

[Feedback] Invasions and Casual Play

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Clockwork Chaos achievements / Emissary Vorpp Achievements

The 5 different map invasions cancelled is for the achievement ‘Portal Closer’.

The 7 different map invasions cancelled is for the achievement ‘Worldwide Invasion Responder’.

The 13 different map invasions cancelled is for the achievement ‘Invasion Canceler’.
It appears that to complete this one you will need to stop the invasions on every map that is capable of having invasion events.

You need 17 achievements for the ‘Clockwork Chaos’ meta achievement.

Invasion Canceler Question

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


In the update notes it says that “Invasions will not occur in Orr, Southsun Cove, or maps suited for character levels below 25.”

OK. That means there will be no invasions in the following zones:

  • Level Range To Low
    • Queensdale (01-15)
    • Metrica Province (01-15)
    • Caledon Forest (01-15)
    • Plains of Ashford (01-15)
    • Wayfarer Foothills (01-15)
    • Kessex Hills (15-25)
    • Brisban Wildlands (15-25)
    • Diessa Plateau (15-25)
    • Snowden Drifts (15-25)
  • Exempted Areas
    • Straits of Devastation (Orr)
    • Malchor’s Leap (Orr)
    • Cursed Shore (Orr)
    • Southsun Cove (Southsun)

That leaves

  • Gendarran Fields
  • Lornar’s Pass
  • Fields of Ruin
  • Harathi Highlands
  • Blazeridge Steppes
  • Dredgehaunt Cliffs
  • Bloodtide Coast
  • Timberline Falls
  • Iron Marches
  • Sparkfly Fen
  • Mount Maelstrom
  • Fireheart Rise
  • Frostgorge Sound

Which means for the achievement ‘Invasion Canceler’ that require 13 portal invasions stopped on different maps that you need to complete every single available invasion map to get this achievement.

It appears that way to me but I just want to make sure I’m not missing something. The main reason I ask is that the pattern for achievements like this have always had ‘extra’ ones and you didn’t necessarily need to do them all (i.e. there were 44 balloon towers and you only needed 30). Well that reason and I haven’t had time to log in and check yet.

Thank you.

Karma hoarding - wanted warning about change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


So what exactly is the point of liquid karma now?

All karma is account wide, therefore no reason to pass a jug / drip / vial / thimble / etc to an alt.

Boosts no longer work on liquid karma. No reason to even allow the jug / drip / vial / thimble / etc to waste space in my inventory.

Just hand out the karma directly and spare our mice a few clicks.

Fractal's Ascended Back Piece, a complaint

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I understand the frustration.

I’ve run over 150 fractals and I only have 3 vials… no globs or shards at all…

The really awful part is just about every 3rd set I run someone links vials/globs/shards lke they are falling out of the sky…. Just not for me it seems…

It would be nice if we could salvage ascended gear for mist essence. Or put mist essence in the TP.

Article on game dev harrasment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Interesting article. Eerily relevant.

Thanks for linking it.

poor planning

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Bonus Paragraph: They don’t create content every two weeks. They have four teams on a rotation, leading to a total development time of 8 weeks on each content update. The queens speech will be the first update with a fully loaded 8 week dev time and the updates thereafter will be on this regimented schedule.

Wouldn’t that be 12 weeks, not 8? Each team’s offering is up for 4 weeks, then there are three other teams, each with their content up for 4 weeks before the 1st team is due again. 3 × 4 = 12.

While each teams content is indeed up for 4 weeks, they overlap.

Example queen’s gauntlet opened up on august 6th and will run until september 3rd. Four weeks.

However the Queen’s speech starts on august 20th. Overlapping the queens gauntlet by 2 weeks.

So four teams, with releases every two weeks equals 8 weeks for development time.

Wait, so Cutthroat Politics was a different team than Zephyr Sanctum? And Zephyr Sanctum was up for 4 weeks but Cutthroat was only up for two. I thought that each team prepared 4 weeks of content patched at the start and again halfway through.

Actually we don’t know. Personally I think that each team produces the whole 4 weeks, so I think cuttroath politics was probably made by the same team that did the bazaar, sky pirates by the dragon bash and so on.

So if each team produces the entire 4 weeks of content, essentially 2 LS updates, that would give each team 4 months of dev time. Right? So 16 weeks on rotation?

Team 1 creates content for 4 weeks, team 2 pops in on week 5 for 4 weeks followed by team 3 and 4 for 4 weeks each. By the time team 1 comes up again in the rotation 4 months have passed.

Certainly seems plausible.

Account Wallet + Pristine Fractal Relics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Crystalline Dust replaces Fractal Relics in all recipes requiring Fractal Relics.

Each dungeon vendor has had an item added to them for sale that replaces the dungeon tokens in the mystic forge recipes.

All of the dungeon vendors now sell ‘offering of <dungeon type>’.

For example Offering of Ascalon replaces Acalonian Tears in the recipes for Claw of the Howling King and Colossus Fang.

poor planning

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Bonus Paragraph: They don’t create content every two weeks. They have four teams on a rotation, leading to a total development time of 8 weeks on each content update. The queens speech will be the first update with a fully loaded 8 week dev time and the updates thereafter will be on this regimented schedule.

Wouldn’t that be 12 weeks, not 8? Each team’s offering is up for 4 weeks, then there are three other teams, each with their content up for 4 weeks before the 1st team is due again. 3 × 4 = 12.

While each teams content is indeed up for 4 weeks, they overlap.

Example queen’s gauntlet opened up on august 6th and will run until september 3rd. Four weeks.

However the Queen’s speech starts on august 20th. Overlapping the queens gauntlet by 2 weeks.

So four teams, with releases every two weeks equals 8 weeks for development time.

Any sign of a real FoV fix from Arenanet yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Relatively relavant: Gearbox on Field of View

Cant put Fractal Relics into Mystic Forge

in Crafting

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Here you go:

Fractal Relics (the regular ones) have been removed from Mystic Forge recipes. Those recipes now use Piles of Crystalline Dust instead.

With regards to dungeon tokens and crafting: You can buy Offerings from the vendors that sell you the dungeon armors and then use them in the crafting recipes.

Hope that helps

Am I the only one whos dissapointed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


So 25 total explorable paths across all 8 dungeons and 18 of them are ‘equal’ with the absolute minimum ‘bonus’ gold.

Caudecus’s Manor, Twilight Arbor, Sorrow’s Embrace, Citadel of Flame, Honor of the Waves, and Crucible of Eternity are all the same. A few of the aforementioned dungeons have individual paths that vary wildly let alone across all 18 paths of 6 dungeons.

Couple that with the 50 silver extra you get for running Ascalonian Catacombs and 21 of the 25 paths reward 1.5g or less. Gold you can only get once per day.

Not a single path was worth 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75 gold at all? Really?

I don’t know why I’m surprised…

I’ll just settle in with my total lack of faith that anything good will ever happen to dungeon paths.

Disappointed again…

Let's talk about Dungeon Gold!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


So 25 total explorable paths across all 8 dungeons and 18 of them are ‘equal’ with the absolute minimum ‘bonus’ gold.

Caudecus’s Manor, Twilight Arbor, Sorrow’s Embrace, Citadel of Flame, Honor of the Waves, and Crucible of Eternity are all the same. A few of the aforementioned dungeons have individual paths that vary wildly let alone across all 18 paths of 6 dungeons.

Couple that with the 50 silver extra you get for running Ascalonian Catacombs and 21 of the 25 paths reward 1.5g or less. Gold you can only get once per day.

Not a single path was worth 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75 gold at all? Really?

I don’t know why I’m surprised…

I’ll just settle in with my total lack of faith that anything good will ever happen to dungeon paths.

Disappointed again…

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Wallet & Pristine Fractal Relics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Probably wasn’t added because it would have messed up their nice big purdy wallet screen layout (ugly as sin).

Sadly, this is probably the case. Conveinence only so much. If they add the PFR there would be blank space in the grid and people would keep asking for stuff to go into said space or posting conspiracy theories about the ‘new currency for the empty space’.

What I find funny is the pristine relics weren’t added, but the normal relics which are required in mf recipes and cant be removed from wallet were.

Guess whoever came up with this idea has never upgraded or downgraded an essence.

I haven’t actually been in game yet but Martin said that the intention was to place on object on buy-4373 in the mistlock observatory that you purchased for the same amount of relics used in the mystic forge to replace the use of the relics in the forge. Not sure if this is in game yet or not.

Wallet & Pristine Fractal Relics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


They didn’t add Pristine relics because it’s not something people would have stacks of. those that do run fractals every single day since November and are probably in the top 5%

Otherwise, what’s stopping other people for asking for stacks of food? Stacks of legendaries? Stacks of siege?

People are not asking for ‘stacks of legendaries’ or any consumable use items (seige, food, spy kits etc) to be in the wallet…

Matin even said in another thread “it makes it a lot easier to use them at the vendors as you no longer have to go to your bank to withdraw them.” in reference to all of the tokens that are going into the wallet, yet this is exactly what we have to do with Pristine Fractal Relics, which are a permanent token, for the permanent content that is Fractals of the Mists.

Think about the two types of fractal currency for just a second.

  • Fractal Relics
    • Aquired in Fractals of the Mists
    • Spent at the buy-4373 vendor in the mistlock observatory
    • Will be placed in the wallet
  • Pristine Fractal Relics
    • Aquired in Fractals of the Mists
    • Spent at the buy-4373 vendor in the mistlock observatory
    • Will NOT be placed in the wallet

Hmmmm…. I wonder where something went wonky…

Pvp Chimeric Prism Focus

in Crafting

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I believe that is only available as a Hall of Monuments reward from playing GW1.

Specifically the 20 point reward, which you can check here

condition stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The devs addressed this topic multiple times.

Jon Peters addressed it here

Colin then talked about it during a four part Q&A.
The relevant quote comes from part IV

Comment and question about how conditions only stack to 25 and if you have more than one condition stacker that it becomes useless and if anything is being done to address it.

Colin: Currently, no. Interesting statistic for you – every condition in the game costs server bandwidth. We have to track how often the condition is running, what the duration of that condition is, and what the stack is at. So the more stacks we allow, the more expensive it gets because we’re tracking every additional stack on there. So, we could say that you could have infinite stacks. Number one, that becomes really imbalanced. But number two, it’s really expensive for us on a performance basis. That’s one of those weird, kind of backend server issues that can help make game design decisions regardless of what you want to do with it.

Comment and question on how if everyone has their own individual stack on a mob instead.

Colin: Yeah, it’s tough. It’s certainly something that we can look at. It does drastically change the way the professions play. It does say that you can no longer stack all of one type of condition. It might change the skills on each weapons if we were to do that. It would encourage more group play to a certain extent. It’s not really something that we’re talking about, but it’s an interesting idea.

Jon Peters posted again and then again and also brought how condition damage doesn’t affect objects

So long story short, they are aware that the current method is not the best.
How long it takes them to find a solution, and an individuals reaction to that amount of time, is up to them I guess.

'Kitten' is getting old...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


“Noy Jitat” or “Chongo-longo”

Please stop once-per-day content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Time gated content is a double edged sword. It cuts both ways.

It artificially extends content. Making people log in / play more. It gives a sense of progression towards a goal and it is a vary noticable way to see that progression.

On the other hand those who can not log in / play every set amount of time inevitably fall behind, feel discouraged and the above ‘progression’ seems insurmountable to them.

I think the happy medium is to allow the time gated materials to be placed in the Trading Post. This way those who ‘want it now’ or ‘need to catch up’ can, for a price. Those who have no interest is these materials can sell them, those who don’t have the gold can continue to aquire them, and those who no longer need them will continue to make them either because its become routine or they want to earn some coin too.

It’s not perfect, but it certainly helps solve the time gates materials quizzybug.

Time gated actionable content is another issue all together.

Account Wallet... I love this!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Because the wallet is for items that you get an abundance of. Getting 1 pristine fractal per day isn’t enough to warrant a spot on the wallet. Otherwise you’d have people complaining and asking to put a slot for Gifts of Exploration or all your lvl 80 Krait Slayer Greatswords and what-not.

Before I say all this, don’t get me wrong here. It’s really not that big of a deal whether they are or not but it doesn’t line up with the other relics.

Seriously? No one is asking for ‘lvl 80 Krait Slayer Greatswords’ or gifts of whatever to be in the wallet.

The question came about because Pristine Fractal Relics are aquired the same way Fractal Relics are aquired and spent at the same vendor. Martins quote even said “it a lot easier to use them at the vendors as you no longer have to go to your bank to withdraw them” in reference to everything else. This is exactly what we have to do with Pristine Fractal Relics.

Side note: You can aquire up to 5 a day currently not just 1. They are also used in much smaller numbers than the other tokens, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be in the wallet.

It makes no sense to me.
Aquire them the same way as something else that goes into the wallet. Check
Spend them at the same vendor as another wallet currency. Check
Put them in the wallet. Nope.

Clarification would be nice.

Account Wallet... I love this!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Can’t find the post right now, but there was mention that pristine relics would not be stored? If this is true; why not? Is there anything excluded from the wallet?

Pristine Fractal Relics will not go into the wallet. I have no idea why…

After the wallet is in place, the tokens are no longer physical objects, they are handled the same way that gold, karma and laurels are handled. So like you said, it makes it a lot easier to use them at the vendors as you no longer have to go to your bank to withdraw them.

And to answer another question: Pristine Fractal Relics are not part of the wallet.