Showing Posts For Yamsandjams.3267:

give us "sight beyond sight" trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I could see it working as something like “prevent the next blind that you are affected by – 10s ICD”, or something like that.

Or it could be one of those threshold traits, like “immune to blind while over 90% health” or something.

I dunno. A blanket immunity is not a good idea though.

Hammer / mace post patch

in Warrior

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Hammer and mace might have a bit more place in PvE when the break bar changes come in HoT since they’d be able to wear it down faster than other weapon sets.

But other than that I’m not sure. GS has always been the dominant force in PvE simply because of how the AI acts. That’ll change a bit in HoT as well though.

Med kit enoying in use now plz read devs!

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Yep, this is another one of those “WE MADE THIS TRAIT YOU NEVER RUN AND WE’RE GOING TO FORCE YOU TO LIKE IT!” scenarios.

No one ran packaged stimulants before, and I can guarantee you it’s not because it was so overpowered that engineers neglected it to give other players a fair chance.

If there was the ability to throw it directly at an allied target (or self, if targeting self) and having the dispensable affect them as soon as it hit them (or fall on the floor if it fails to hit them), that would be more convenient.

Otherwise, I’d prefer it to go back to the non-ground targeted version. No point in trying to cleanse my immobilize if I can’t pick up the immobilize cleanse I tossed two inches in front of me.

HGH-EG Invalidates Elixir Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


That said, Healing Mist toolbelt procing HGH is a bit too much (Plus it’s not an “elixer”)
Acid Bomb and Super Elixir should stay synergistic, and getting two elixers for the price of one with the elixer gun then lets it work in an HGH build while being no better or worse than any other elixer for benefiting from HGH traits.

But it is labelled as an elixir as far as the tool belt is concerned. One could argue acid bomb is also not an elixir since it’s an acid, whereas elixir F is an elixir but doesn’t get the synergy. The only things that are actually “elixirs” are the elixir utility skills, or at least that was previously the case.

And Double Dipping on Kit and Elixer traits isn’t a problem at all. Kits aren’t even really a skill type so much as a mechanic. And Engineer isn’t the only class to get that sort of thing. You can Triple dip mesmer trait benifits using “Affects Illusions” “Affects Phantasms” and the trait for the weapon producing the phantasm. (Double cooldown reduction on a weapon’s phantasm skill, with buffs to that phantasm)

I don’t think it’s worth performing cross-class comparisons in this case, although you’re correct in saying this is not a unique thing to the engineer. However, your comment on how kits are more mechanics than skills is part of the issue here. In many ways, the kits are treated like weapons, not like extra skills. There has always been a great disparity between the opportunity costs and benefits of kits and non-kits, so much so that kits have always been the dominant force in the game.

Now perhaps that’s just the way it’s going to be. I just don’t think it should be that way, and I don’t see why it’s to anyone’s benefit for it to be that way. Obviously this issue is of a larger, global scope than the more specific one I was trying to highlight here though.

Elixir Gun benefiting from HGH, is just a benefit to engineers who want to run an elixer build and still be able to have ONE kit so they can weapon swap and have more options, yet still want to use the thematically relvant kit. Otherwise you’ll just have more HGH builds leaning towards Grenades or Mortar or something else.

That’s at the core of my issue though. Why does the buff to elixir builds involve slotting less elixirs and taking a kit? If I’m supposed to run kits, why can’t it be build into the profession inherently? Why should I even be allowed to select no kits on my utility bar if it’s not the proper way to play the game?

I know the buff is good. In fact it’s quite good. I feel a bit silly complaining about it. But I don’t think it helps push variety out into whatever meta comes out of these specialization changes. If anything, I want to see the ability to use less kits without sacrificing so much, and the elixir gun changes seem to go in the opposite direction, at least from my perspective.

HGH-EG Invalidates Elixir Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


The fact that Elixir gun was not synergistic with the alchemy line in the old system was just stupid.

Technically it did due to deadly mixture, but that was a very lackluster trait that no one ran.

And the elixir gun already has it’s own trait to make it better, I don’t see why it needs a second one. I agree it fits thematically, but not functionally. In fact, I’d even suggest that inversion enzyme is not good enough in it’s current form in that the elixir gun loses things like it’s cooldown reduction and increased super elixir duration if you don’t run HGH. Why not just port those qualities over to inversion enzyme and keep the elixir gun trait as one trait?

Especially given that the 4 and 5 skills have been defined as Elixirs this whole time without benefiting from any such traits, and they are basically equivalent to toolbelt thrown elixers. (despite the name, Elixer F does not, so I think it should stay unsynergized with the traits)

They should have removed the elixir labels from those nearly three years ago. It’s just something they never did for no reason. But I’m confused as to why you think a skill with “elixir” in the name should not synergize with elixir-specific traits simply because it has never had that label associated with it. If they had acutally corrected the tooltips properly, would you agree that none of the skills should synergize with elixir gun? This is also in spite of the fact that elixir F did actually, at one point, synergize with elixir specific traits.

If you think that the Elixer gun is making Elixer H less relevent, I think that’s more a problem with Elixer H than the E-gun. (I vote we give it resistance)

This is true, at least in part. I believe the true problem here is healing “turret”, whose functionality is really a glorified water bomb and not an actual turret. It is difficult for the other healing skills to currently have a place with the healing “turret” in it’s current form, although the problem is exacerbated by making elixir-specific benefits available in a convenient package that happens to synergize quite nicely with healing “turret”.

[Poll]Normalize Reveal?

in Thief

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


UGH, I forgot about this. Just put the reveal back to 3 seconds in sPvP already.

New Build Code/Shorthand To Explain Builds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


The best one I saw so far was to use the actual name of the specialization line (or an abbreviation) followed by three successive a I, II, or III symbols which corresponded to the top, middle, and bottom trait in adept, major, and grandmaster slots, respectively.

So your example would change to something like this:

DA – II, II, I

I feel having all those letters look a bit messy together. You could probably still use them, but formatting them in the above way might make it more readable.

Two Shotted in WvW since Jun 23 patch

in WvW

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Yep, the damage has been cranked up past 11 for now. Insane coordinated spike bursts, and conditions will melt you at a pace you’re not used to.

Probably will be like this for awhile until the devs figure out what the meta is shaping up to be.

Unfortunately, commanders lauding the people lollygagging about in the back of the zerg doing nothing simply because they didn’t die where everyone else who was actually fighting did die is not really helping matters.

HGH-EG Invalidates Elixir Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Not only that, but engineers that do run elixirs only run a select few elixirs. Things like elixir U, C, and R have basically disappeared from the game completely. If they’re not supposed to be taken seriously, why even have them?

In my opinion these 3 elixirs got much more attractive after the patch. Vigor got nerfed, so the endurance recharge by elixir r is really nice to get extra dodges. Conditions got a huge buff and even elixir gun and ht can have a hard time removing them all. So this way elixir c may get more used too. And the biggest buff goes to elixir u, because it got removed its cons (25% more damage on you or no endurance) and got buffs instead (5 stacks of might or fury). That’s really nice if you want to burst something or someone down.

On paper, yes, but in practice?

I could see build running one elixir, yes. They have novel functionality. That’s what is kind of going around a bit now. Healing turret, two kits, supply crate (usually), and then one freebie which is either another kit or something else that brings you a certain utility. That freebie could easily be one of elixirs C, U, or R, but could you feasbily see a situation where all utility slots are occupied by elixirs? Especially when elixir gun is a three-in-one package?

Conditions are more powerful, yes, but they also expire quicker, so you might not have time to pop elixir C, whereas it was perhaps useful before for clearing 2 minutes of poison and cripple.

Elixir U is undoubtedly better, but what are you going to burst with? The kit that you didn’t slot in order to take elixir U?

And elixir R will be nice for the endurance regen in light of the vigor nerf, but isn’kitten bit counter-intuitive to take this over a kit that allows you to proc sigil of energy and invigorating speed quite easily?

Giving up a kit for each of those elixirs is a very big opportunity cost. That’s why they’ve been rarely run before. Making elixir gun a three-in-one elixir package without increasing the opportunity cost does not directly incentivize someone run more elixirs since they can get their might stacking, duration, and cooldown boosts while also having the utility present in the elixir gun.

(edited by Yamsandjams.3267)

Mortar should be renamed to Grenade Launcher

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


It’s a game where a little knife can kill a larger number of people faster than an endless supply of explosives.

I don’t find the concept of a mobile mortar to be outlandish.

That said, I don’t care if the name changes to grenade launcher. I feel they wouldn’t do this though because it would overlap with the grenade kit. Hell, they could call it the “didgeridoo blaster pack” for all I care.

Less build diversity?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I think hybrid builds can still perform well, but I haven’t seen any shake up in the actual build configurations as far as skill choices go, outside the toying around people are doing with mortar or taking a single elixir in the new version of “elixir builds”.

Certain hybrid-specific traits, like modified ammunition, are simply never run. Everyone goes for incendiary powder.

The meta will still need quite a bit of time to bake though.

Med kit nerfed or buffed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


•ground targeted without having to trait it

This is actually not a pro, it’s a con.

There’s a reason no one ever ran packaged stimulants, and it’s not because tossable bandages was so overpowered that engineers deliberately didn’t run it to give everyone else a fair chance.

It was because having them as ground targeted abilities made it very inconvenient to heal yourself with them, especially while you were on the move (although it was also because few people actually ran the med kit).

Anet is trying to tell you something doing this. Med-Kit was NEVER meant to be a healing machine for yourself, its whole concept is about supporting your team by healing (and now: removing the condition your mate is struggling the most). It is shown really clear by our new Med-Kit AA, it is just healing our team members, not us!

I get that, but there’s certain situations where I want to give myself the dispensables, not other people.

More to the point, it’s always been very difficult to give other people the dispensables. You can’t feasible throw them on top of people, and they still have to make it to the dispensable even if it’s out on the floor. An immobilize clear is useless if the person can’t pick it up because they’re immobilized. It would be nice if I could, say, target my ally and throw it directly at them, and they receive the effects as soon as it hits them. But the engine just does not support that kind of play.

Of course, some of those problems could potentially be alleviated via practice and proper VOIP chat, but I think it’s poor design to require VOIP to use a skill effectively in a game that prioritizes impromptu group play.

Then there’s also the issue where a wall you run by gets the attention of your cursor just before you throw the dispensable, sending it all the way off to the side where you don’t want it, but that’s a separate issue.

I haven’t tested to see if there’s still a problem with them going through the ground yet. I think the ground targeting might actually prevent that, so that’s a plus I suppose.

Mortar Proj. Finisher is functionally useless

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


The poison field is still nice for a condi build, but the kit is much more effective in a power build for now.

Obviously they can’t make the auto attack a blast finisher, but if it could at least apply the projectile finishers effect in the AoE explosion it does, that would be a good but small way to buff it.

HGH-EG Invalidates Elixir Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I don’t think so, it just makes sense that the elixir gun works with elixir traits. It is its whole concept to be a weapon spreading elixirs around you. Actually I’m thinking they didn’t follow the road seriously enough. It seems like the condi remove of alchemistical tinctures don’t work with the elixir gun attacks, which would have a perfect synergy with Inversion enzyme.

It makes sense thematically, yes. I agree. But I don’t agree that it makes sense functionally. They could have simply called it “chemical gun” instead of “elixir gun” while leaving the functionality the same.

There are already elixirs that are very difficult to justify using a utility slot for, why make it even harder by implementing a three-in-one elixir package at the same opportunity cost?

HGH-EG Invalidates Elixir Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


3 elixir builds are low skill floor specs that don’t belong in the meta any more than turrets do.

Kits are the backbone of every build across the game because functionally they’re among the highest skill cap builds in the game warranting their strength.

Are they really that high skill cap though? It’s very rare to find engineers who don’t run kit-based builds, and newer players are always guided directly to them.

Not only that, but engineers that do run elixirs only run a select few elixirs. Things like elixir U, C, and R have basically disappeared from the game completely. If they’re not supposed to be taken seriously, why even have them?

Furthermore, is that how the utilities are actually supposed to be implemented? A class of “low skill floor” utilities that aren’t to be used in any serious type of gameplay? What’s the point? Why even try to balance those skills then if they’re supposed to be irrelevant to anyone who wants to take the game seriously?

The reason I supported turret builds is because they were one of the only kitless builds that was actually workable (to an extent) in a competitive environment. I wasn’t opposed to nerfing them, but they’ve virtually disappeared from the game since. I don’t see how it’s a positive thing for the game when you spend a lot of time making and balancing all these skills, and then saying “here, now only run these select few because those are the only ones that are meant to be good”.

If that’s truly the case, they might as well just remove half the skills in the game. It’s the same issue I had with GW1, literally hundreds of skills that were completely worthless. What was the point?

Med kit nerfed or buffed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


•ground targeted without having to trait it

This is actually not a pro, it’s a con.

There’s a reason no one ever ran packaged stimulants, and it’s not because tossable bandages was so overpowered that engineers deliberately didn’t run it to give everyone else a fair chance.

It was because having them as ground targeted abilities made it very inconvenient to heal yourself with them, especially while you were on the move (although it was also because few people actually ran the med kit).

Not only that, but the ground targeted antidote didn’t auto-remove immobilize like the non-traited version did, which could be a death sentence to med kit users.

Simply “doing more” isn’t necessarily a good thing when it makes that thing inconvenient to use. It’s why necros that elected to use wells in PvP didn’t like taking ground targeted wells at times because it could delay the casting of their stun breaker or healing skill.

In all honestly, I would just like the dispensables in the kit to be like the untraited bandages used to be. That is, they just deploy right in front of you. Trying to toss the bandages at people is both slow and generally ineffective, and it makes it very inconvenient to use them on yourself or set them up in a stack prior to an engagement.

I’ve been trying the med blaster thing out for a bit, but it’s a little hard to tell how effective it’s being since the damage got cranked up way past 11.

HGH-EG Invalidates Elixir Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


5. “Another mouth-breather flapping his gums with no suggestions, how typical.”

I would be lying if I said I think the change should simply be fully reverted. It is a good buff for engineer, and I think having the cooldown reduction on elixir skills is important to preserve. However, I do feel it is detrimental to actual elixir builds. As such, I would propose the following suggestions:

- Elixir gun skills are no longer affected by elixir-specific traits (i.e. alchemical tinctures, HGH)

- Inversion enzyme now reduces the cooldown of acid bomb, super elixir, and healing mist by 20%

- (MAYBE) Inversion enzyme now also improves the effectiveness of acid bomb, super elixir, and healing mist by 20%

I say maybe on the last part because I think that was a strong and unnecessary buff to the elixir gun, although it can still be a bit early to tell how it will work out until we have an established meta.

In any case, this would allow the elixir gun to maintain its reduced cooldowns and possibly enhanced skill effects without encroaching on the territory of elixir builds, stealing their functionality and doing it better.

At any rate, thanks if you ended up reading all of that. I’d be curious if anyone else is like minded, or if popular opinion requires that I simply pack up my thoughts and conform without further questions.

I think this would be one small step back towards making kitless builds a future possibility, while also preserving the uniqueness that elixir builds have been known for in the past.

HGH-EG Invalidates Elixir Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


4. “Why don’t you git gud and learn how to play the game properly?”

The issue I have with this is that the engineer is pigeonholed into running kits to be competitive in any form. PvE? Kits. PvP? Kits. WvW? Kits. No one talks about engineer builds without talking about kits. So much conversation around balance for the engineer deals with kits. Kits this, kits that. Kits, kits, kits. Engineers can’t even perform a weapon swap mechanic to proc sigils unless they are using a kit, so they’re locked out of some universal base functionality that everyone else has inherent access to without making certain build decisions. Not only that, but kits are a source of permanent swiftness that is often too difficult to pass up due to the other poor mobility options (although to be fair, the specialization changes brought in nice alternatives).

I want to believe there’s a reality that contains competitive builds (in all three game types) that do not need run any kits, but this change to the elixir gun has gone in the opposite direction. Specifically, it promotes engineers to run more or less the same utility skills that they’ve been running for the past two-ish years, but perhaps “spicing it up” by taking elixir B instead of slick shoes or rocket boots. Thus people claim “elixir builds” are back, when they’re just using variants of the same kit-based builds.

It’s a similar reason as to why I was sad to see turret builds hit so hard. They were the only kitless build that truly worked (at least to a degree) in a competitive game mode, but that was eventually given the axe. Everyone went back to their multi-kit, healing “turret” builds.

How are you supposed to promote build diversity where you take a unique aspect of a particular build – in this case elixir build’s ability for might generation and condition clearing – and making that available to more conventional builds with a lower opportunity cost? Non-elixir builds now take elixir gun with the HGH trait and call themselves “elixir builds” even though they’ve made barely any elixir-related decisions outside of one trait (though to be fair there’s only one actual elixir specific trait now). They may not even run any elixirs and all, and in many cases they only run one actual elixir.

This is made even odder by the fact that elixir gun already has an elixir gun specific trait. If the concern here was that the cooldown reduction for elixir gun skills was no longer available, why not just tack it on to the inversion enzyme trait?

Instead, to fully specialize in the elixir gun, you actually need to take two traits (that are on the same line) instead of just one, but the other kits only have one trait. In fact, HGH extends the duration of acid bomb and super elixir to make them even more powerful without even considering the might stacks they generate (i.e. more damage and healing ticks). It seems to be an inconsistency in the overall design philosophy. Where’s flamethrower’s trait that reduces its cooldowns and the effectiveness of its abilities that exists alongside juggernaut?

HGH-EG Invalidates Elixir Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


3. “Yeah, well… you know, that’s just like, uh… semantics, man”.

It might appear that way, but let me try and do my best to explain why this is important.

Prior to the changes, an elixir build enjoyed certain benefits that were not as easily available to other engineer builds. In particular, the cleaning formula 409 and HGH traits allowed for an alternative source of condition clearing and the potential for high boon generation for the engineer and allies, particularly might. This provided a style of build that was different than the common multi-kit builds that highly dominated all areas of engineer gameplay.

In particular, this allowed skills like elixir H to maintain some semblance of relevance as a healing skill because it gained additional benefits via the traits that provided some alternative to healing “turret”. While the elixir skills have generally not been competitive as other builds in recent times, you could make them fill a niche of sorts that a more “proper” build could do so as adequately.

However, with the current changes that have gone in regarding elixir gun skills being affected by elixir traits, the benefits that were formerly exclusive to “elixir builds” can now be accessed by something that is not an elixir.

So what’s the problem? The problem here is that these “elixir builds” are made less effective and less unique because the elixir gun now encroaches on their territory. In particular, it can be more optimal to run the elixir gun, a “kit”, because it gives you access to three separate “elixir” skills that can be on lower cooldowns than actual elixir skills (i.e. elixir U’s cooldown compared to super elixir, acid bomb, and healing mist). As such, it is possible to generate more might stacks quicker for both the engineer and their allies. This is in addition to the other benefits elixir gun already enjoys, such as access to a stronger auto-attack than on pistol, powerful allied condition clearing, as well as the fact that it provides access to the weapon swap mechanic that the engineer does not inherently have.

So while the change that makes elixir gun skills work with elixir specific traits is an overall buff for the engineer, it is not a buff for “elixir builds”. If nothing else, it makes them pigeonholed into running elixir gun to maximize the benefits of their trait choices.

Now running the elixir gun does mean you have to give something up (i.e. elixir S), so elixirs can still provide some novel form of functionality. But the elixir gun synergizes much better with the elixir traits than any actual elixir does. It is literally three elixirs in one, and each of those elixirs has lower cooldowns than most other actual elixir skills.

Certain elixirs are already very difficult to slot into any sort of build, particularly elixirs U, R, and C. Additionally, elixir H really only had novel usage in an elixir build since healing “turret” provided much better healing, condition clearing, and team support than elixir H always did. Now all these skills will be even more difficult to justify in the utility slots because elixir gun is a very attractive three-in-one prospect that will eat one of the utility slots.

Even worse, in the case of elixir H, the benefits provided by the elixirs traits are recouped in the multiple “elixirs” present in the elixir gun if the engineer decides not to run elixir H. Additionally, healing “turret” now synergizes extra well in one of these new “elixir” builds because acid bomb can be used easily in the water field for extra healing. As such, elixir H has been shoved more or less completely out of the niche it had pre-specializations, and it’s more optimal for “elixir builds” to run healing “turret” and elixir gun, neither of which are true “elixirs”.

HGH-EG Invalidates Elixir Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


2. “Do you even queue, bro? Elixir builds are back.”

No, I don’t think so. Let me attempt to demonstrate (excuse the use of an outdated build tool, I mean to demonstrate the utility skill choice primarily)…

THIS is an elixir build:

THIS is a more serious elixir build:

Now both those are condi, but you can make power variants too, obviously.

Now to compare…

THIS is NOT an elixir build:

THIS is also NOT an elixir build:

Again, sorry for using the outdated editor, just trying to demonstrate the utilities and overall trait decisions.

So what exactly is the difference here? Well, it’s simple. The first two builds are highly specialized in elixirs, taking multiple elixir-specific traits, and running full or almost full elixirs on their skills selections. It makes sense to call these “elixir builds” because they use elixir skills and take traits to specialize in those elixirs. These builds have not “come back”, they’ve been niche builds that were once primarily used in roaming or in PvP before healing “turret” ascended to its position as the supreme ruler of engineer healing skills.

In comparison, the other two builds take very few traits that specialize in elixirs (i.e. HGH only) and have very few or no elixirs on the build. It doesn’t make sense to call these ones “elixir” build because they’re highly focused on not using elixirs and most of their build selections do not improve upon those elixirs.

The changes to the elixir gun facilitate the second variety of builds quite nicely, but I do not consider them to be true “elixir builds” due to their highly diluted specialization into elixirs.

HGH-EG Invalidates Elixir Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


1. “Wow, another ignorant loser complaining about buffs.”

First off, I know if is a bit crappy of me to complain about such a buff. I do think it is quite good for a buff, and I expect elixir gun to get a lot of play now as a new meta bakes.

But I was a bit surprised that such a change actually went through. I recall that this sort of thing was present in the beta builds, but was taken out at launch. This often confused people because the “elixir” gun didn’t benefit from “elixir” traits. In fact, the tooltips for some of the skills were never updated to reflect the fact that they did not function with those traits (i.e. have the “elixir” label removed).

However, it seemed to be a justifiable change because the elixir gun is a “kit” and is to be made to work with “kit” traits (i.e. speedy kits, kit refinement). Having it work with both “kit” and “elixir” traits would be double-dipping.

But now it seems that this sort of justification is no longer present, although I’m not sure as to the specific reason for this. My best guess is that there was no longer room for the elixir gun cooldown reduction trait, so they had some of the skills benefit from the recharge reduction on HGH. I agree that it makes thematic sense for “elixir” traits to affect the “elixir” gun (though ironically “ELIXIR F” does not benefit form the traits), but I feel the justification that the elixir gun was a kit and shouldn’t benefit from those traits was sound.

This, in part, has to do with an inherent issue in the engineer where it is nigh impossible to be competitive without running at least one kit.

The only other reason for the abandonment of this convention that I can think of is that the devs were tired of people posting questions about why the tooltips for some skills were “elixirs” but didn’t benefit from elixir traits. Thus, they just decided to make them work that way despite the fact they had nearly THREE WHOLE YEARS to change the tooltips. But that seems to be an unlikely possibility.

Regardless of these changes being a buff to engineer, I feel they are a negative change for the profession because they are detrimental to elixir builds.

HGH-EG Invalidates Elixir Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267



- I do not believe elixir gun should benefit from elixir-specific traits, although I do agree it is a strong buff to the elixir gun.

- This takes away the unique benefits that were previously specific to elixir builds (that is, builds that focus on using actual elixirs).

- The engineer profession has less incentive to run more elixirs on the utility bar, some of which were already difficult to justify, due to the convenient three-in-one elixir package provided by the elixir gun. This reduces the feasible build diversity and more firmly situates the same sort of builds engineers have been using for the past two-ish years.

- The reality of competitive/viable “kitless” builds becomes even dimmer than it previously was, which I do not believe is a positive move for obtaining novel build variety.

Summary of suggestions:

- Elixir gun is no longer affected by alchemical tinctures or HGH.

- Inversion enzyme now reduces the cooldown of acid bomb, super elixir, and regenerating mist by 20%

- (MAYBE) Inversion enzyme now also improves the effectiveness of acid bomb, super elixir, and regenerating mist by 20%

Why the half effort?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I would’ve liked the elixir gun to get a reskin. It’s just a piece of wood with tape on it currently.

I can see why people don’t really like the mortar, but I don’t think they had a model that was a “portable canon” aside from that thing Hronk uses. So we got the “budget model”.

Adrenal Implant making first minor obsolete

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


It seems you didnt get the purpose of this thread. It doesn’t stack at all.

With vigor and the trait active you have as much regen as with just vigor or with just the trait active: 50%. Yes I tested this ingame.

This does not agree with testing I did, where I found the two to be stacking. However, I don’t believe it was up to 100%, it looked more like 75%.

I’m not aware if the devs have commented on this specifically, it would be nice to have them say one way or another what it’s supposed to do.

59 rolls - Ectoplasm gambling containers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I tried the rare one 5 times and the ascended one once, and all resulted in complete and utter losses in both gold and ectos with over 200 of both ectos and gold thrown away in total. I would’ve been better off giving the ectos and gold to some poor sod trying to craft a legendary.

Needless to say I won’t be found in that cave anytime soon.

BUG: Can't change ascended gear to Verata's?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


The recipe uses an exotic inscription. It can’t “find” the Verata’s inscriptions because they’re not a valid ingredient in the recipe.

Unfortunately that means you’ve wasted materials on those inscriptions, although you can possibly sell them off on the TP to recoup your losses.

Anyone Has a Problem Chaining Skills?

in PvP

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I was noticing a bit of this last night, having a bit of delay when trying to get my shield out.

I know in the past that this was sometimes due to on-dodge traits, like evasive powder keg or reckless dodge, but I didn’t have a trait like that at the time.

It’s possible it could just be due to the lag though. The servers can sometimes get hit with episodes of lag when patches like this come out because there’s constantly people downloading stuff, and this patch was relatively large.

Was there any particular skills that were giving you problems? I know some skills exhibit this sort of “delay” normally. For instance, I often find it impossible to chain the ranger axe auto attack into splitblade smoothly, there’s always this very clunky delay in between.

Any recordings of todays livestreams?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I missed the streams, too. But we’ll get to experience everything in the patch tomorrow so I’m not too upset.

Yes but it would be nice to see what the guest community members have to say.

You should be able to find it on those streamer’s past broadcast’s lists if you go to their respective twitch channels.

Although I can’t comment in regards to the promptness of their availability though.

so 8k burn ticks?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


good one yamsandjams xD

I put that in it’s own thread now, I should delete this one, heh. THanks though.

The New Mokitten:

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Oh, that good old mokittenoes a lot of work.

It’s a good thing the mokittenidn’t get nerfed in the updates.

It would have made for a mokittenevoid of any usefulness, or a mokittenependent on other kits to be useful at all.

But now the mokittenrives the point home with a lot of useful things.

That will be great to see the mokittenevestating opponents like nothing else.

I can’t wait to try out the mokittenancing while I blow people up.

Anyone who questions the mokitteneserves the wrath that will fall upon them.

In fact, it’s possible to see the mokittenetermining the new meta for engineers everywhere.

Mokittenrastically changes the way we think about things.

I can’t believe the performance mokitteneftly shows now.

All hail the mokitten:

so 8k burn ticks?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


(edited by Yamsandjams.3267)

Suggestion on Throw Mine...

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Can anybody explain the bug? What is an example?

The bug states “If this is placed below a character who was friendly and becomes an enemy, it will not automatically trigger”, but I don’t know why the OP cares to fix this. The only real situations this applies is during events or scripted events where an NPC may start friendly (i.e. to talk to), and then turn hostile afterwards.

It probably can also occur in PvP if you swap teams during a hotjoin match, but I can’t think of any other scenarios where it would cause any kind of potential problems.

Range traits just gone...

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Elixer F was handy for chasing for distance cripple and weakness

Pffffft! HAHAHA… oh, man.

Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh.

No, but seriously, that thing couldn’t hit a Zhaitan-size quaggan, let alone a moving player.

Heal Resonator and Medkit

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


EDIT : Just tested it to be sure. This is the case, bandage self F1 toolbelt does NOT proc on heal traits pre patch.

I thought that it did, but thank you for testing it.

I believe it does recharge from AMR, but perhaps that’s an exception to the rule (since med kit can’t “recharge”).

However, in the stream where they showed off the engineer changes, it did show a bandage self tool tip with an AoE regen effect. If it’s not from Heal Resonator, then where does it come from?

[Suggestion] Veteran (Hot preorder)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Can’t tell if serious, but…

You should post this in the cess pool that is

Anything anyone has to say on the matter is in there.

is this a joke?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


hahaha I ninjaed you all.

is this a joke?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


See red post on first page of

You are a bit late to the party.

Also, calm thy mammaries, sir.

YOUR opinion: WORST Profession at commanding?

in WvW

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I would say warrior is the worst because most of the ones I fight spend 80% of the battle with their back turned to me, speeding away with their greatswords.

They should really invest in nicer back pieces…

(obviously this is sarcastic, just wanted to state so explicitly, because Internet).

Devs, please be prompt with next balance pass

in PvP

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


also, were they drunk while buffing the engie?

Drunk with POWER< AHAHHAH!!!


Well they were drinking beer on the most recent livestream (don’t like ANet people, we know what it was :P).

In any case, I’m kind of thinking they will nerf a lot of the engineer stuff… there’s been so many alterations to engineer that it’s tough to predict exactly how it will go down (the new “meta” will need time to cook).

Lion's Arch - Tomorrow!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


iv never ever did understand those American time conversions or that stupid imperial system "METRIC RULES :P "can u kindly tell me what time is it in EU in a time zone that 99% of the planet is using thx also we dont use pm am and i dont understand that part as well

Technically they are not “American” time conversions or anything to do with the imperial system (which was originally used by the British and brought over to North America along with all sorts of diseases and the like).

Further, you don’t state which EU timezone you need as there are multiple EU timezones.

In any case, you can always Google the answer to those sorts of questions.

PST is equivalent to UTC-7, which is the same as GMT-7. So you will need to take the time in GMT, add 7 to it, and then convert that to whichever local time zone you use.

Self-harm necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I’m thinking of something… five necros running blood magic could go down in a cluster, and the Last Rites trait would cause it so that they would all keep each other from expiring naturally, and they could all focus their downed state power on someone.

Mind you it steals life, so they’ll eventually rally, but they can use master of corruption to help themselves go down faster again.

But you can’t even nuke yourselves down fast with plague because if you ball up for last rites, 1 engie can just moa all of you.

kitten … I guess they will have to start out separated, and converge on each other when they’re about to go down.

Does plague signet passive function while in plague form? I’m thinking now about one necro sucking off all the other necro’s self condis onto themselves… I wonder just how high the stacks could get.

Ricochet... gone???

in Thief

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


IMHO, all the removed traits for pistol on thief happened because of HoT.
the weapon thief are getting as elite spec is prob a Rifle and all “projectile” traits, affecting both pistol or rifle are going to be in that elite spec trait line.

They won’t put pistol traits in that line because it’s part of the “core” group. If someone wants to play with core stuff, their traits shouldn’t be locked behind non-core specializations.

Furthermore, I believe thief will get axe or mace, not rifle.

I don’t even play P/P I think it’s ridiculous that you thieves who do are just kind of being forgotten and left behind.

Well, p/p thieves have always been forgotten and left behind, so it’s just business as normal. They’ll just all be extra sad now because they’ll be having less fun overall.

Baseline changes and clarification

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


And another thing: hope devs are noticing that ELIXIR F isn’t actually an elixir in the tool tip. It is even called ELIXIR F, come on guys. ^^

I don’t think they’ll make that an “elixir” because it just has too short a cooldown. That could be used to stack insane amounts of might and eat away condis, even just firing it out into the open at nothing (which you might as well do since it can hit worth a kitten ).

What I don’t understand is why they are going ahead with making things like acid bomb and super elixir count as “elixirs” while also not doing things like having no baseline bomb radius or coated bullets. Do they just want elixir builds to start running more kits now? Doesn’t that defeat the entire point of being an “elixir” build.

My brain is having issues in sense comprehension.

Range traits just gone...

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


nobody is saying anything about rifle 1 range…. will it be 1000 range or 1200 range with rifled barrels baseline?!?!?

From what we can tell, it’s still 1000 currently.

Devs, please be prompt with next balance pass

in PvP

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


“Metas” need time to develop, and they can change over time.

The last thing you want are knee-jerk reactions to things that don’t need to be nerfed or buffed, and then come back here a month later saying “why did you buff X in the previous patch, it’s clearly overpowered now!?”, which was what happened with things like rampager stance.

I think they will have it on their priority list though, seeing as they know the scale of the effect this will have on the game. But I don’t think it’s something that’ll happen very soon (aside from the cases where there might be extremely broken stuff).

New System Removes Vit From Many Builds

in PvP

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


This is why I’ve always hated the amulet system. Yes, I realize it’s “simpler”, but I want to be able to have an individual six pieces I can slot. Newer/casual/uncaring players can always use the single amulet system, I just want an option for tweaking.

To be fair, we’ll still need to let the changes settle in as these things take some time before they become a “meta”, but I know there’s various PvE/WvW build I have that will be getting some gear stats changes to account for the loss from trait lines, I just want to be able to do that in PvP as well.

Random =/= fun

in PvP

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Can we get a confirmation that this is true? I thought this applied to conversion only.

If rng is coming to cleansing its gonna be straight up gg.

You’re correct, the only information I can find in the official notes mention conversions only, not cleanses. I suppose I had, at some point, assumed it applied to cleanses as well. I’m not sure if it was something they said vocally (would have to rewatch the stream), but the notes only talk about conversions specifically.

Exclusive items should stay exclusive.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Pushing sales using scarcity techniques should not be a source of prestige.

I don’t fully agree with this. Prestige is actually a perfect way to push sales of certain things. Maybe it’s less “genuine” in some respect, but if the item actually has that prestige, there’s no reason not to try and exploit that. Although I will concede that it would be quite annoying if all exclusives were handled in such a manner, though that isn’t the case currently.

That is, of course, as long as we are talking about cosmetics. Once it’s things that start affecting gameplay statistics (i.e. certain gear stat combinations), that is encroaching on pay-to-win territory and needs to be avoided at all costs.

[Suggestion] Extra Toon Slot is nice, but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


My mistake, I actually thought this was someone attempting to make some form of reasonable request but failing to do so, as opposed to simply instigation via trolling. I’ll be moving on now.

[Suggestion] Extra Toon Slot is nice, but...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


All I know if I didn’t buy ultimate and waited….I could have bought basic…get that 1 slot I only wanted FREE, buy 4k in gems seperately, and essentially save 10 bucks.

Before it was a complaint from people who have not spent a cent yet/vets which was understandable and I aggreed… it’s been changed and delux/ultimate players get the middle finger instead. Hilarious.

You’re going to have to explain this more clearly.

If I’m reading this correctly, you’re saying that if ANet had included the free character slot initially, you would have only purchased the base package. Then you would’ve went on to buy 4k worth of gems on top of that.

So in total, you would’ve spent $50 for the base game, and $50 for the 4k gems, for $100.

Now, given that the ultimate edition is $100 and includes all the items you wanted plus more, I’m not seeing where the basis of your complaint is. You’re arguing that ANet has given you excess value for the same price, and you want less? I’m not sure where you’re getting the $10 savings from.