I don’t agree that ele, revenant, and guard dps needs to be buffed.
I agree its totally over the top- and almost crazy that reflect can even be shared. I remember back near launch engi had a reflect that was really cool- it had a clear animation and was special.
Now you can have the whole team at mid with reflect up running around spamming other abilities. Ele and engi in particular are way over the top in this regard now, its almost funny.
I love when people who got carried by their absurdly high MMR post their screenshots. If you have such high MMR you can literally go afk on close whole game and still win most of your games.
I don’t understand why a high MMR makes a difference?
If you have high MMR it tries to put you in team with other people with high MMR. If you have low MMR it tries to put you into teams with other low MMR people. So the end result is low MMR vs high MMR matches because the pvp population is too small to offer high MMR vs high MMR matches
Well mate, sorry to disappoint you but my MMR in this acc its actually low. As a proof of that I can tell you, that 1st off all I was amber from the start of the season and u can check my total w/l ratio on the print below. And Im not “showing off” Im actually just trying to tell you guys, that there is no “stuck in divisions” if u dont progress its just because u need to get better, thats all.
And @Cynz I did played in my main acc at the first days of the season, and got legend in less than a week against ppl with the “high MMR”.
My point is guys, no matter what, leagues are ment to separate different skill levels, so if you are having an hard time getting to legend, its probably cause you need to get better and not the MMR’s, pvp system’s fault.with that said heres the print @Malediktus
You might well be an amazing player, but it is impossible or nearly impossible for one player to carry a team. I know that a lot of my losses are due to being outplayed/out rotated; but a lot have also been due to quite bad teammates or bad build match ups.
You must have had a lot of luck with your teammates as well as skill to get such a smooth ride to legendary. Personally I find getting on really weak teams annoying sometimes, but I often also get close games so I am not sure the system is that bad.
I think stronghold rocks, not sure if I like it more than conquest, but its nice to have a change of pace after years of just one game mode.
I love when people who got carried by their absurdly high MMR post their screenshots. If you have such high MMR you can literally go afk on close whole game and still win most of your games.
I don’t understand why a high MMR makes a difference?
“DH are in a good spot in WvW so they wont be getting buffed for TPvP.”
-Anet logic.
“I suck at DH so they need to be buffed.”
-OP’s logic
Ewww no stronghold shouldn’t have a place in PvP. If we ever get a GvG mode then that would be perfect for stronghold, but not 5 person pvp teams
Stronghold is the most strategic map/game mode we have, its perfect for 5 man premades.
The guardian/DH has fallen so much that it’s nearly extinct in some parts of the game pvp,pve(some dung,raids) and even the wvw(remaining debatable)
G/DH have become the mockery of the other classes and the accused for losing some games because we can keep up
In my case i accuse the devs the creators for making the G/DH so weak and dont open there eyes to se that the class is dying soo fast that were near unplayableFortunately as long as Guard stays the best at giving AoE stab they’ll exist as frontliners in WvW.
Cynz you keep throwing out that “they aren’t as bad as thief was” like it means something. Thief got buffed. Or do you want them to revert that damage buff thieves got?
They could do it, wouldn’t change thief role really. I just don’t think DH are that bad as they claim, i saw few good ones in legend. I haven’t seen a single team flaming DH yet, however i have seen thieves getting flamed for simply playing the class every second match in s1/2.
And as i said before, i think Anet should focus more on bringing back bunker or medi guard instead of buffing braindead trap build. And nerf elites, ofc, all of them.
I am 100% sure that DH is a safer bet than a thief in most games. There are amazing thieves that can turn matches, but often they are easy kills or can get shut out of the game. However, unless the DH player is really terrible it is usually a pretty solid class in spvp. And good DH’s are a nightmare.
…and it was the worst experience I’ve ever had in a MMO. By far.
Look, I’m all in for the ideia of seeking a 50/50 outcomes results, but not in the way it’s been done this season.
Instead of matches where every side have a 50% chance of winning, so in the long run we would’ve approximately a 50% win ratio, you achieved this ratio with blowouts matches. In one match my team would win by far, and in the next, I’d lose by far. And both were boring as hell.
It got to the point where people would know in the first fight which team they were (the winning or losing team) and if it were the losing team, they could just chill and afk for the rest of the match, because the results were setting before the match even started.
Look at my statistics, that would be awesome if most of the games weren’t boring blowouts. Please, fix your matchmaking. 50% win ratio means nothing if it’s achieved like that.
Its not the worst experience eva for me, but I have noticed the same thing. I was one pip from div 5 ruby yesterday then had a 9 game losing streak- back to div 2. I don’t know if it is just luck or the system actively tries to make it like that.
Just got out of some spvp, nothing but guardians.
1 game had 5/10 players as guardians, next had 4/5 of my opponents all guardians, then another 2 games had 3/5 of the opposing players as guardians.
They are super popular right now, so they can’t be that bad.
You should probably come out of amber division.
I promise you it gets much “better” from there
I am in ruby and it is the same story- sometimes 3 DH’s on a team: they are far from bad- although some players using DH are bad. The sad thing is guard got turned into a burst bow/trapper.
Guardian is ok but…. OP elementalist and engineers hard conter every ranged classes. Every time is in game 1-2 elementalist with engineer. Team with elementalist vs team without in ruby+ has 90%+ win rate.
That is all
Yeah Guard seems fairly robust for the burst it can dish out, and I agree with you on ele/engi- pretty tough to beat.
Not sure if the issue is that one person can’t carry a team, but I do have the same experience of being in good teams for a few games and then getting placed in with people who don’t really know how to play for a few games, its really weird.
I think the sole reason you do well against rangers is because you play and understand the class a lot. You know what the mistakes and animations look like so you can capitalize on them. It frankly has nothing to do with how weak or strong the class is, you simply understand what to do against them.
I don’t have HoT so the animations of any of the new classes/builds are relatively unfamiliar to me.
Now obviously I won those fights because I outplayed them, the point is it is much easier to outplay a ranger than other classes. Look how fast they melt. The first fight was a druid pushing home, if that was a condi warrior or bunker ele 100% they would have owned me. As it was they could do nothing, I didn’t have to watch for animations because the fight was over that fast.
In other fights in the video I make many mistakes, but the rangers just don’t have the burst to make the most of it, nor do they have low cd condi cleanse. If I make one miss against a warrior, engi, reaper etc I am basically toast (but those classes’ meta builds are also quite tanky); playing against ranger is relatively far more forgiving.
“it has severe weaknesses to the other classes (meta Rev, scrapper, thief, Mesmer, warrior and Ele)” YES! Does druid ranger also suffer from this? The trouble is because I don’t have HoT I can’t see how druid ranger fares against the meta builds; I just know that to play against druid on my non-Hot builds (on various classes) doesn’t feel anywhere near as scary or futile as against say ele or condi warrior.
You are playing one of the best (maybe the best) core Ranger builds. Congrats on making it to Ruby with core Ranger. Yes, Druid fares much better against the other meta classes. I kind of see it like this in 1v1 scenarios:
Meta Druid > Meta thief
Meta Druid > Reaper
Meta Druid > Guardian (I mess this up sometimes and die)
Meta Druid = Meta Scrapper (You can stalemate the best of the best)
Meta Druid = Meta Ele (They won’t harm you, and you won’t harm them)
Meta Druid = Meta Chrono (someone will die)
Meta Druid =< Meta Rev (R Heisenburg kill me often, the rest stalemate or loose)
Meta Druid < Meta Warrior
Condi Druid (ADST Sage) mostly fares the same but utterly destroys Rev, Thief, Guardian, and some warriors.The real benefit of a well played Druid is realized in group fights 2v2 – 5v5. If they let you free cast heals it is pretty much GG.
Thanks, that is insightful.
One thing I have found in group fights is that if my team targets the enemy ele, unless the team is really good, it ends up taking too long to take the ele down – or the team wipes before they get the ele down. However, if we target the druid its quite easy to take down, and the enemy team starts to collapse. That has also added to my sense that “rangers are weak”.
Many games have started like that and we would be down by quite a bit, only to turn around and win once I started calling target on the druid.
So in that sense I am not really sure what the role of the bunkerish druid build is: ele seems to do better support and has more survival, its not overwhelmingly strong in 1vs1, it doesn’t have extreme burst, and its relatively easily pinned down.
When you play, what role do you fill and how do you cope with being focused?
@OP, thanks for posting the video, it clears things up quite a build. The build you are using is actually a pretty nice counter to many Druid builds. At range you can gank them pretty fast and if they don’t press you, you will ruin them at range.
The problem is that the build you are running is not great for team play, as it has severe weaknesses to the other classes (meta Rev, scrapper, thief, Mesmer, warrior and Ele). The opponents you are facing are also failing to react to you properly most of the time.
Regardless, I’ve gotten ganked a few times by rangers jumping me at the wrong time with LB. Doesn’t matter, though, the build is weaker in team fights so usually ends up costing the match.
One final point, it looks like the majority of those Rangers (and especially their allies) are a little weak. Is this in unranked?
Thanks for the feedback Archon. All the footage was taken this week in ranked at ruby tier (which seems to be a mix of ruby/sapphire players).
“it has severe weaknesses to the other classes (meta Rev, scrapper, thief, Mesmer, warrior and Ele)” YES! Does druid ranger also suffer from this? The trouble is because I don’t have HoT I can’t see how druid ranger fares against the meta builds; I just know that to play against druid on my non-Hot builds (on various classes) doesn’t feel anywhere near as scary or futile as against say ele or condi warrior.
The fact that you beat me in the video does the ranger a weak class, I lost simply because I tested change something in the trait that did not work, the others who call all the rangers that noob video when they want to come face me can talk \O/
Thanks for commenting Rap. I have total respect for you and all the other rangers in that video, I want you guys to know that wasn’t trying to paint anyone out as being a bad player.
The thing I find playing against rangers is that they don’t seem to be both really tanky and able pump out lots of damage (some classes/builds seem to do this atm). Also it seems fairly simple to condi burst and interupt/cc them (relative to other classes). That has nothing to do with player skill, its just how the class is.
If he hasn’t seen very many good ones, then why not ask if others have noticed the same thing? At least he took the effort to go and video his point. And having an excellent druid smoke him doesn’t really prove things one way or another does it? So what would be the point, he’s already admitted that good ones exist out there.
It could be that this class just has a high skill floor to be effective. Its not weak when used properly but very suseptible to being used improperly. Theif is the one most like that in my opinion.
You have restored my faith in humanity. Thank you.
It is also the fact that you play condi trap ranger. Since the seed nerf, rangers can be quite vulnerable to that, and you can quite easily nuke them down when they dont have SOTP up. Also, quite many of ur opponents didnt even play Druid it seems. Almost any build can be hard countered by a certain non-meta build, while that build is not so useful in many other situations -> reason why we barely see any trap rangers.
I think that must be a large part of it because I have only been playing condition builds this season. Even on thief, which is (was?) my favorite class, I can’t play power anymore (kind of sad).
Note though that every ranger (except me) in that video had HoT and most of them seemed to be playing some kind of druid build.
So you posted a video of a Ranger nuking Rangers to show that Ranger is the weakest class?
Wouldnt it be more accurate to say that the majority of the weakest players you encounter seem to pick Ranger?
If I had played five or ten games then that would be logical to assume, but after about 150 or so games this season seeing the same thing no matter what class I play its hard for me to believe that the “majority of the weakest players you encounter seem to pick Ranger”.
Also note that in no way am I saying that the players in that video are bad: I have total respect for them and enjoyed playing with them. Even the best of players can make mistakes or get taken by surprise.
However, there is a very tangible difference for me playing against other classes:
I would say condition warrior, bunker-type ele, and engi are almost impossible to beat, and that is always- again hard to believe that only the best players I encounter seem to pick those classes.
Then there is reaper which seems to be very strong but not “invincible”, and its like every reaper seems to be the same in terms of skill. DH can also be overall strong, but I notice a quite a difference between players on that class/build.
Next thief, mesmer, revenant: seems to be about 50/50 chance of meeting a really skilled player/build that will totally destroy me, or a walkover.
Last is ranger: the bunkerish druid build seems to be the strongest, but it is quite easy to lock down and burst in a team fight, and I can even 1vs1 them sometimes. That’s never going to happen against ele bunker, and I think in a 1vs1 I have only ever beaten one condi warrior and one engi (don’t know the build- its the one with heaps of reflects and invun, then if you get close switches to hammer and kills me in a couple of hits), but I assume they were drunk or something.
I only started getting footage a couple of days ago because people were trolling me on this thread, I’ll try for a burn guard version next.
Hi all,
Make the kitten pvp area better with simple solutions to burn time: a big arena that you can enter and fight other players while you wait, crafting stations so people can do some money. Also make queueing for ranked matches possible from all maps (probably except raids and fractals).
Not sure about the other ideas, but this would be great. I don’t understand why they stopped letting us queue from hotjoin or wherever in the first place. Crafting stations would be very nice as well; again I can’t understand why these are not already in the mists. Is there a reason?
Here is some footage showing how easy it is to melt Rangers. Most fights seem to pan out like this, same on my burn guard:
I don’t think Ranger players suck, the class itself seems to weak compared to other classes with HoT builds .
Does chrono or reaper have an effect similar to Healing Seed or Lunar Impact? Those rangers were easy to kill because they didn’t spec properly or pop Protect Me or Signet of Stone at the proper moments. Some also don’t take advantage of the terrain or their pet skills. The problem isn’t the class but user error.
Well I would think that normally, but this season I have been constantly killing most rangers with ease while other classes are are nearly always a challenge or impossible. That suggests an underlying class weakness, not user error.
Btw, is protect me and signet of stone in the meta build? Otherwise your claim that “they didn’t spec properly or pop Protect Me or Signet of Stone at the proper moments” is somewhat contradictory. Not that either of those utilities would have any impact whatsoever when fighting any of the condition builds I run.
(edited by Yasha.5963)
I am confused. Are you saying the ranger class could use some buffs (yeah baby) or are you saying ranger players suck and you can crush them because they are so bad?!
Your ambiguity is on purpose?
I don’t think Ranger players suck, the class itself seems to weak compared to other classes with HoT builds . I am not particularly good and use non-HoT builds so I was just surprised at how easy it was most of the time to kill rangers/druids this season.
I don’t know whether buffs are needed, they just seem comparatively the easiest class by far to play against.
“I can kill bad rangers”
“I can’t kill good rangers”No that is not what I am saying, I guess your reading comprehension is kind of weak but I’ll try explain again:
I can kill nearly every ranger I have played against this season and do it with relative ease. Compared to that, every other class (assuming HoT builds) is either challenging (eg Reaper/DH/Thief), or impossible (eg condi warrior, engi, ele).
As far as I can see ranger is by far the weakest class- almost laughably so.
Now I thought perhaps it was just that I was playing a direct counter build- but another poster says druids are strong vs conditions, so its not that. Nor do I believe that somehow almost every ranger I play against is a noob and every condi warrior is a pro. I think many of the rangers I have played against play well- they just have a weak sauce class that is really easy to pin down and burst.
Ranger has always been a class like that, where there is no middle ground: they are either terrible or they are great. Just like a thief. But the class itself is fine (minus the poorly designed core pets) and absolutely competitive. You might be really good at killing rangers because you main one.
After reading everyone’s comments I was actually thinking exactly what you wrote. Like you say maybe its like thief was before HoT – you either get it or you’re a liability (not sure if that’s still the case for thief post HoT).
I just never felt like a “ranger slayer” before, so it is weird feeling like rangers are so soft.
Third time now. 1 v 1 my ranger or you’re a confirmed forum troll. You keep dodging everyone’s 1v1 challenge. You make such idiotic claims and don’t back it up. You’re most likely a forum keyboard warrior at this point.
My point is that I have been easily smashing most rangers in the current season, and all other classes seem much stronger. Winning or losing in a 1vs1 duel won’t prove/disprove my point, since it has nothing to do with what I am saying and it doesn’t show the relative strength/weakness compared to other classes.
I am not sure what “idiotic claims” I have made, I have just told you my experience of the last couple of months. If you have difficulty beating rangers, well I am surprised because they seem to mainly be really weak, but perhaps you are just really bad at the game. However, I will “back up” what I am trying to say by showing you what I see in my play experience through a video montage. Maybe some of the less abusive posters can give some feedback on it.
“I can kill bad rangers”
“I can’t kill good rangers”No that is not what I am saying, I guess your reading comprehension is kind of weak but I’ll try explain again:
I can kill nearly every ranger I have played against this season and do it with relative ease. Compared to that, every other class (assuming HoT builds) is either challenging (eg Reaper/DH/Thief), or impossible (eg condi warrior, engi, ele).
As far as I can see ranger is by far the weakest class- almost laughably so.
Now I thought perhaps it was just that I was playing a direct counter build- but another poster says druids are strong vs conditions, so its not that. Nor do I believe that somehow almost every ranger I play against is a noob and every condi warrior is a pro. I think many of the rangers I have played against play well- they just have a weak sauce class that is really easy to pin down and burst.
Ranger has always been a class like that, where there is no middle ground: they are either terrible or they are great. Just like a thief. But the class itself is fine (minus the poorly designed core pets) and absolutely competitive. You might be really good at killing rangers because you main one.
After reading everyone’s comments I was actually thinking exactly what you wrote. Like you say maybe its like thief was before HoT – you either get it or you’re a liability (not sure if that’s still the case for thief post HoT).
I just never felt like a “ranger slayer” before, so it is weird feeling like rangers are so soft.
“I can kill bad rangers”
“I can’t kill good rangers”
No that is not what I am saying, I guess your reading comprehension is kind of weak but I’ll try explain again:
I can kill nearly every ranger I have played against this season and do it with relative ease. Compared to that, every other class (assuming HoT builds) is either challenging (eg Reaper/DH/Thief), or impossible (eg condi warrior, engi, ele).
As far as I can see ranger is by far the weakest class- almost laughably so.
Now I thought perhaps it was just that I was playing a direct counter build- but another poster says druids are strong vs conditions, so its not that. Nor do I believe that somehow almost every ranger I play against is a noob and every condi warrior is a pro. I think many of the rangers I have played against play well- they just have a weak sauce class that is really easy to pin down and burst.
(edited by Yasha.5963)
More likely its builds require more skill to run well, or they are playing the class wrong. I had a whole 20 matches played on a warrior over 3 years and I can get on one and do well against lower tier players. On my f2p ranger I rek revenants. Doesn’t mean revenant is weak, just most people that are in sapphire don’t play it well.
I don’t really notice any difference between the tiers- rangers are almost always easy kills and condi warriors etc are very strong. It might be different at legendary rank, but I expect the rangers would still be the easier match up.
Doesn’t have HoT, complains that ranger is weak. Newsflash, most core builds are garbage compared to HoT specs.
Complain? I am saying rangers seem like the weakest class in spvp because I can kill them 98% of the time on my non-HoT builds. Why can I kill rangers so easily while other classes- particularly ele, engi, and condi warrior are virtually gods?
They’re not, you have just had the luxury of fighting very bad ones.
Right…. nearly all the rangers I played against are noobs, the players on the other classes are just pro.
Please fight ROM’s ranger and record it please so we can all see how you “own” him~
I have said several times that there are good rangers out there that I (probably) can’t beat; my point is not that I am super amazing, my point is that even though I am not particularly good I can still kill nearly all the rangers I meet extremely easily while using non HoT builds whereas most other classes are either a challenge or impossible to kill. Which tells me the ranger class is very weak.
Its as if most of the other classes have HoT builds that make the average or new player into a force to be reckoned with, while only the best players can dig something great out of ranger.
Now possibly non-HoT thief or warrior are even weaker: thief is a shadow of what it used to be at launch (at least without HoT) but I am talking about relative ease to kill classes including HoT builds. If I see a thief on the enemy team its about 50/50 chance that they will wreck me constantly or won’t be able to touch me. Against warrior I have no chance of killing a HoT condi build, against a non-HoT build … I haven’t seen many recently but they are usually easier to kite and condi spike.
Anyway after playing quite a lot, it is clear to me that Ranger is the weakest, easiest to kill class. I guess it is good in a way, because if it was as strong as a condi warrior/hammer engi etc I would hardly be able to kill anything.
Doesn’t have HoT, complains that ranger is weak. Newsflash, most core builds are garbage compared to HoT specs.
Complain? I am saying rangers seem like the weakest class in spvp because I can kill them 98% of the time on my non-HoT builds. Why can I kill rangers so easily while other classes- particularly ele, engi, and condi warrior are virtually gods?
They’re not, you have just had the luxury of fighting very bad ones.
Right…. nearly all the rangers I played against are noobs, the players on the other classes are just pro.
I can set up some time with some good ones if you care to.
I know there are some good players, really good players; but it seems like anyone can be a good player on say condi warrior or hammer engi, but only a few are good at ranger.
I can set you up some matches with some average ones if you want.
I get plenty of practice killing them in spvp …..
Let’s see some of those practices.
OK I’ll try and get some footage for you.
Doesn’t have HoT, complains that ranger is weak. Newsflash, most core builds are garbage compared to HoT specs.
Complain? I am saying rangers seem like the weakest class in spvp because I can kill them 98% of the time on my non-HoT builds. Why can I kill rangers so easily while other classes- particularly ele, engi, and condi warrior are virtually gods?
They’re not, you have just had the luxury of fighting very bad ones.
Right…. nearly all the rangers I played against are noobs, the players on the other classes are just pro.
I can set up some time with some good ones if you care to.
I know there are some good players, really good players; but it seems like anyone can be a good player on say condi warrior or hammer engi, but only a few are good at ranger.
I can set you up some matches with some average ones if you want.
I get plenty of practice killing them in spvp …..
Doesn’t have HoT, complains that ranger is weak. Newsflash, most core builds are garbage compared to HoT specs.
Complain? I am saying rangers seem like the weakest class in spvp because I can kill them 98% of the time on my non-HoT builds. Why can I kill rangers so easily while other classes- particularly ele, engi, and condi warrior are virtually gods?
They’re not, you have just had the luxury of fighting very bad ones.
Right…. nearly all the rangers I played against are noobs, the players on the other classes are just pro.
I can set up some time with some good ones if you care to.
I know there are some good players, really good players; but it seems like anyone can be a good player on say condi warrior or hammer engi, but only a few are good at ranger.
Doesn’t have HoT, complains that ranger is weak. Newsflash, most core builds are garbage compared to HoT specs.
Complain? I am saying rangers seem like the weakest class in spvp because I can kill them 98% of the time on my non-HoT builds. Why can I kill rangers so easily while other classes- particularly ele, engi, and condi warrior are virtually gods?
They’re not, you have just had the luxury of fighting very bad ones.
Right…. nearly all the rangers I played against are noobs, the players on the other classes are just pro.
Doesn’t have HoT, complains that ranger is weak. Newsflash, most core builds are garbage compared to HoT specs.
Complain? I am saying rangers seem like the weakest class in spvp because I can kill them 98% of the time on my non-HoT builds. Why can I kill rangers so easily while other classes- particularly ele, engi, and condi warrior are virtually gods?
Necro is also weak in PvP. Normally the first target to get focused down because they have no sustain.
I think Reaper is very strong, but I was able to start beating it when I changed to long-bow on trap ranger. The thing is I have to land my full burst multiple times to kill one (takes a while), while most seem to be able to pretty much two shot me if I get caught close when they go reaper mode: actually that seems to be a theme with lots of HoT specs- high defence, high damage, brainless auto-procs, and lots of aoe spam.
Killable, but definitely not a free kill like most of the rangers I seem to come across.
I think a lot of you are missing one key information…he doesn’t have HoT. That changes the whole question isn’kitten :P
Core rangers are far from fine, but again, so does every core class.
Yes, maybe the other classes feel different to play against when you have HoT. Druid is really quite easy to kill though. If I see a team with 2 warriors an ele and two engis for example I feel like giving up before the game even starts (assuming the warriors and engis have HoT builds).
Ranger is certainly not the weakest class. I win 90% of my 1v1 on ranger and I have very high burst (I can kill things like thieves and marauder revs in seconds if I land all my burst), great healing and support and good mobility and disengage.
Maybe you are just a much better player than the Rangers you have fought because a condi guard/trap ranger should not beat an equally skilled player using the meta Druid build. Rangers are especially good against condition builds because they have 2 full condi clears, one (celestial avatar) on a 15 second cooldown.
On condi builds I have much more trouble against warrior and ele, and some thief builds- just can’t get condis to stick for long enough.
I should make a video compilation, I’m like a ranger mass murderer its crazy.
I have noticed that I can easily kill nearly all rangers, when I see one on the enemy team I feel great because its almost a guaranteed free kill. Of course there are some very talented players who are good at getting away or kiting, but in 100 games I might see 2 of those.
In contrast it seems either the other classes are very strong or are only played by very skilled players. With most of the other classes its more like out of 100 games I might see 2-5 players that seem to be weak and the rest are either unkillable (condi warrior, some ele builds, and most engis) or at the least a challenge.
What build/ profession do you play? You might be playing a counter
I don’t have HoT, but I mainly play burn guard, trap condi ranger, and thief-either condi or burst. Are they hard to beat on other classes?
I have noticed that I can easily kill nearly all rangers, when I see one on the enemy team I feel great because its almost a guaranteed free kill. Of course there are some very talented players who are good at getting away or kiting, but in 100 games I might see 2 of those.
In contrast it seems either the other classes are very strong or are only played by very skilled players. With most of the other classes its more like out of 100 games I might see 2-5 players that seem to be weak and the rest are either unkillable (condi warrior, some ele builds, and most engis) or at the least a challenge.
HoT basically destroyed spvp. Balance was best soon after launch of GW2, now its a complete joke.
Ice Trap either has to become a pure utility trap, or needs damage buffed ten-fold (just an expression).
Ya I don’t think anyone has ever disagreed that it needs stun break or something more on it.
It just needs more damage, not some completely unrelated effect like a stun break. All that kind of kitten ever amounts to is more reasons for Anet to look at Ranger and go “but it’s so survivable already, better nerf something” and suddenly we lose something else that’s much more important.
While more damage is always nice, one of the main problems with traps is that they have no utility other than applying conditions. An instant cast stun break, invun or something like that on the traps would be huge- but it would have to come as a straight buff without increasing CD imo.
Indeed, the main reason trapper is good now is that runes of the trapper give traps utility in the form of limited stealth and speed, and those things make an enormous difference despite the nerf. Without trapper runes, a trap build is pretty mediocre (for spvp).
I switched my main to ranger recently and was shocked to find that now traps are breaking my stealth. Does ranger have some kind of dexterity problem. lol
edit: Okay, I see that all traps do a tiny bit of direct damage and that is making stealth skills pointless for a trapper build. And it’s useless for my stealthy condi ranger.
Now I see why people call ranger the red-headed step child. bleck
Its not useless, imo trapper rune Ranger with carrion (and traps) is the strongest non-Hot ranger build for pvp.
My computer never bluescreens, but yesterday I dc’d logged back in and finished off the game (we won) and got pips removed and dishonor. It was also the first good team I had played with in about an hour. Yep it sucks.
I really miss guard bunkers, they couldn’t kill much but sure could hold a point.
Is it just my rose colored glasses, or has the balance overall got progressively worse since launch?
Wow that warrior build is unbelievably strong, its like the old Hambow on steriods.
Good news is you don’t need HoT to play Ranger.
i remember when longbow was kinda joke and shortbow was awesome.
then the nerf nation attack
Yeah it had a 1200 range and a faster rate of fire, all the other skills were pretty much the same I think. LB got a total rework and made it amazing.
Very happy with sb.
This must all be coming from an sPvP perspective. PvE I’m melting mobs.
Yeah in pvp, I don’t know what issues Rangers face in pve.
i am having a lot of trouble pvping these thief’s that just dodge to kill. i looked up their build not only does the build have infinite dodging it clears a condi with each dodge witch is giving me more trouble. i have to say it is very annoying getting killed with knifes that fly out when they dodge. so in a nut shell they do not even use a skill to kill people . i was told if i hit them has soon has they land i can hurt them is this true? if so i am stupid when it comes to timeing
The condi cleanse on evade is quite OP, add lag and so on into the mix and winning a fight like that basically comes down to luck.
The devs lost their way with HoT, at least from an spvp perspective.