(edited by Zatoichi.1049)
I don’t really think of it as hate exactly, so much as general disrespect for the class. I suppose some might call it the same thing.
for PvP, WvW:
-the original team Spirit builds
-the original BM builds where the pet hit really hard
-and now, Longbow builds.
we have a history of having successful, passive play style builds. People don’t like loosing against passive builds.
People also don’t like loosing against AI.
For PvE:
-Bearbows. No skills, with the I play how I want to mentality, seriously damaged our dungeon reputation. A terribly played Warrior could be forgiven because they were just stupidly OP, but not a Bearbow.
-Pets dead all the time, missing moving targets (also a WvW issue), unless you have good pet management skills, and lets face it, few do.
-previously low DPS (especially if pet is dead, and often was before pet health buff), and team support, relative to top dungeon classes, established the dungeon “meta” early on.
combine it all with a history of the pet system just plain sucking for the longest time, and still has various issues both in performance and design, and you get our current reputation.
I honestly would be much happier if they made #3 Zealots Embrace’s immobilize wave travel twice the speed on the ground, and #5 Ring of Warding not root you in place.
Rytlock is now a servant of Kormir. That or she stole his eyes.
lol. “Gimme dem cat eyes!”
Though the other npc says bloodstone dust is not meant for consumption.
that is because he is either uniformed, stubborn, or unwilling to accept/jealous of the other chefs creativity. Chefs get like that when they become complacent, and young inspired chefs come along and find new ways to prepare food, and that’s how change happens in the culinary world.
I don’t know if it’s that, he is a Priory cook, so he might know a thing or two. However, it could very well be a possibility if the second chef decided to try to use it and come up with some recipes anyway. The problem is though, that such recipes while they may provide fantastic buffs, there could be unexpected side effects….
Last time I checked, no one in Tyria was saying anything about the 5 star cuisine coming out of the Priory. He is basically akin to a military chef, or a school lunch chef, probably making the same dishes day in and day out for years, to feed lots and lots of people. That certainly is what creates complacency in the culinary world.
I will say though, I do like the idea of food with great buffs and penalties as well, providing the penalties aren’t substantial.
While he may be more akin to a military cook, or school lunch chef, his response (at least to me) implies that he had thought of using the dust himself. But was dissuaded by the scholars and those in the know about bloodstone dust to be a bad idea. I wouldn’t put it past the Priory to have at least tried it at some point, but the results were less then favorable (i.e. people died horrible deaths) and thus it was declared unfit for consumption.
true, hmmm, well for me his response was immediate dismissal without entertaining the idea, insinuating stubbornness, as if he had not attempted to use them, and just was shrugging off the idea as instantly bad. like he was aghast simply at the idea of it. he might have tried it, idk, once, and failed, and his ego took over, saying " im so good, so it cant be done"
(edited by Zatoichi.1049)
15 char
Woot! Rytlock’s a Ritualist! Profession change confirmed! :-D
Edit: he jumped in that hole — and came out in Cantha!
heehee. Nah not Cantha, that’s silly, He met up with Razah in the Mists and they talked about fashion and, you know, how to be a Ritualist.
15 char
Though the other npc says bloodstone dust is not meant for consumption.
that is because he is either uniformed, stubborn, or unwilling to accept/jealous of the other chefs creativity. Chefs get like that when they become complacent, and young inspired chefs come along and find new ways to prepare food, and that’s how change happens in the culinary world.
I don’t know if it’s that, he is a Priory cook, so he might know a thing or two. However, it could very well be a possibility if the second chef decided to try to use it and come up with some recipes anyway. The problem is though, that such recipes while they may provide fantastic buffs, there could be unexpected side effects….
Last time I checked, no one in Tyria was saying anything about the 5 star cuisine coming out of the Priory. He is basically akin to a military chef, or a school lunch chef, probably making the same dishes day in and day out for years, to feed lots and lots of people. That certainly is what creates complacency in the culinary world.
I will say though, I do like the idea of food with great buffs and penalties as well, providing the penalties aren’t substantial.
as a ranger main, Sic Em is just a poorly designed skill that I never use for the same reason. it is very unfair to thieves (not really to mesmers cuz they don’t need the stealth to survive) and practically useless as a skill in general outside of trolling them. I just feel lame for using it, like I don’t deserve to win just cuz I pressed a single utility. The skill should be something completely different, that is not a hard counter to stealth. I would be surprised to know if any more than like, 1% of the ranger population even mains it, even on BM builds that can somewhat take advantage of the pet buff.
its just another lame, uninspired ranger skill.
Though the other npc says bloodstone dust is not meant for consumption.
that is because he is either uniformed, stubborn, or unwilling to accept/jealous of the other chefs creativity. Chefs get like that when they become complacent, and young inspired chefs come along and find new ways to prepare food, and that’s how change happens in the culinary world.
actually, screw rifle, I want pistol, for a more authentic Ranger:
1. Karate chop
2. Judo Flip
3. Sweep the Leg
4. Wrastle
5. Beard Punch
When the street chef in the priory mentioned putting Bloodstone Dust in food and selling it on the street and making a fortune.
Bloodstone dust = item used in ascended crafting
Not too long ago, ANET mentioned something about creating new uses for Ascended crafting materials. Hint at incoming Ascended food?
thematically i sm not against rifle for ranger, but another 1200 range single target weapon is the last thing ranger NEEDS.
for rifle to exist on ranger, it would essintially have to suck from a distance. It certainly could not be a strong cc weapon, with knockbacks, immobilize, stuns, etc., otherwise could u imagine wolf rifle/longbow ranger? I can here the QQ already. for the same reason, it also could not be a strong single target power weapon either, otherwise that would be too much Burst damage from such range.
so in my mind, it would have to be a 1200 range condi weapon that gets better the closer the enemy gets.
i believe what the ranger actually needs, is a 600 range staff that is team support oriented, Thematically designed to correlate with a rangers spititual attunement to nature. Think varient of the Guardian staff – boons, heals, aoe auto attack, soft cc, maybe even a pet revive. This will make them more team friendly
i agree with most of your cooldown changes, And i really like your torch 4 idea, as well as your protect me change.
Inlike the shout mastery idea too.
Moving trap stuff to WS, as discussed many times, would further cramp up an already cramped trait line and leave a trapper without any condition removal trait options. not gonna happen.
a 12 second traited guard teleport would be OP as kitten
Making RaO as shout would give it too big of CD reduction with its current timer.
Your 3 axe changes, overly strong each on their own, when combined would be obscene. It already stacks about 5 might with strength runes and boon duration, with your change speed change it would maintain like 7-8 might on u just from auto attacking a single target, and could do double its current damage to single targets? Sorry. Ut i domt think you thought this one through. that with a huge cooldown reduction on winters bite that you want and you have yourself a godmode weapon.
WvW is a competative game mode. It would be best to expect players with a highly competative mindset. i know very frustrated competative players can be prone to angry outbursts.
As mentioned, they key thing is a death, for your friend, might not seem like a big deal, but if enemy troops are rallying from it, you are creating a major problem. This is especially problematic while roaming with havoc squads and guild groups.
also, although this may not be the case for your friends server,but its a big no no to play up level in gold league, and perhaps high tier silver leaque servers, not only beacuse of the reason above, but you are also taking up the spot in que that a more experienced, veteran WVW player could have taken. Of course your friend is technically free to do this, but he should know that, mush like the comment that was directed at him, playing an uplevel poorly in such high level of competative play, AND beimg innexperienced is also very rude and direspectful to those who wish to properly compete.
There are some valid issues out there sure, some classes have some advantages, not gonna get into that, but that aside…
The complainers and OP proclaimers on these forums, and others, represent an insignificant percentage of the gw2 population, that are more focused on complaining and crying nerf than adapting and learning, which is the reason why we see threads about all classes being OP. For these individuals, complaining on the forums is their initial impulse, a reflex, and are quick to jump on and get the word out after they get badly beat by something, and are prone to continue to do so over and over again. its a form of therapy. Thats why we see tend to see such posts by the same posters over and over again. These posters need validation.
somtimes the qq is justified, very rarely, more often it is just uniformed kittening. good players arent on here every single day complaining about X classes OP nature, they are playing the game and enjoying an aspect of a strategic game – learning and improving. fact is, some people just wont be satisfied until their class can faceroll everything.
this skill, much like most of the warriors hammer skills, has a significant tell in its wind up and takes 3/4 second to cast. Additionally, not a all warriors are taking merciless hammer any more (reduced recast).
honestly, You cant just complain about every aspect of warrior that helps them win against you. The aspects of warrior that are arguably OP have already been addressed many times (i.e. mobility, passive health regeneration, immunities, defense to damage output ratio), having access to weakness on this skill is not part of the problem.
(edited by Zatoichi.1049)
that’s a huge number that I don’t think I have ever achieved with my full glass, 6/6/0/2/0 LB build, and I am full ascended everything.
I would suspect close to 100% crit chance with Rampage as One, signet of the hunt and signet of the wild combined (+25 damage and +50% damage for next shot), specced to add might on activation was involved ,and maybe jungle stalker for pet for 5 more might, or perhaps you were interrupted and activated moment of clarity
that being said, this build is a troll build, even for a glassy ranger its even more super glassy cuz you really cant run around with it, throwing down all your utilities for a one-off hit, unless you are with a good group, and is really only decent from a tower.
A suggestion I saw in another thread (can’t remember who unfortunately) was to change the trait to have a 100% chance on dodge to reflect projectiles. Seems like a strong trait that would attract players to the tree for something other than traps. Could even add things to it like gain 10 seconds of swiftness when dodging.
that would be me in this thread, thanks for the support ^^.
The “new” Striders Defense
the auto atk dmg w/o cd always was the same, before and after patch…
The DPS on the auto attack has also increased by 10%. Read the Wind makes attacks 10% faster to do. Technically, Rapid Fire has had its cast time reduced, then reduced again by 10%.
Read the wind is a Grandmaster trait though, it wasn’t a direct buff to the longbow itself, but a buff to a very underwhelming trait.
yeah reflect have long cooldowns, but if u manage to reflect a rapid fire only once, im gonna eat at least 50% of my health cuz im full glass cannon too.
You must be really good, because when I get my attacks reflected I either dodge roll or cancel immediately, taking only 1-2 arrows, then down them after 7 seconds or so, which is basically when rapid fire is off CD again.
I play a ranger too. The issue is not how much damage it dishes out, but how very, very, very easy it is to do it.
The class was never a joke, its just not a lot of people, at least the ones that voice their opinions about it, really knew how to play it well.
perhaps I should have said “up to 50%” because of how fast rapid fire is, when its being reflected, its pretty kitten difficult to instantly tell if its getting reflected, and because Im full glass, (full ascended zerker everything) even 3-4 arrows of it will do up to 8K to me. I can dodge or cancel but im still gonna eat 3-4, maybe more, before most likely
and yes, the class was absolutely a joke, not in the eyes of the rangers themselves, but in the eyes of many other people/classes. have you ever played gold league WvW?
oh such sweet, sweet QQ. Ive been waiting two years to stop being a joke class to others, and now that we have this, the tears are sooooo sweet. So sorry you just cant shrug off a ranger as nothing now.
BTW, I was beating people on glass LB long before this patch, and now I just trash them. Its funny as I sit there and watch people eat the entire channel, knowing full well they have a filled endurance bar. How is that not a LTP issue?
yeah reflect have long cooldowns, but if u manage to reflect a rapid fire only once, im gonna eat at least 50% of my health cuz im full glass cannon too.
(edited by Zatoichi.1049)
I actually like it.
Currently, Signet of the hunt active is very gimmicky, and still wont be highly useful after the update, and sic’em really only shines in BM. Your way makes them universally useful in all builds. And I would say flavor wise, they still work thematically.
2 things though
how would the revealed apply itself?
why does it make sense to have 2 damage modifiers for the pet on one skill (sic’em)? Merging would have to be involved as you said.
I’m really surprised to see so many people thinking guardian changes “won.” So they made Med guardian stronger, a spec barely 15% of the guardian population uses. People aren’t running med guard in pve, and they certainly aren’t running them in large scale WvW, unless to troll people. Most team PvP uses bunker guard AH not med guard.
The spirit weapon changes probably aren’t going to amount to much if anything, cuz the traits u need to make them usable are spread out everywhere. We shall see on this one…
People still wont use tomes
I mean, I guess they didn’t get nerfed, so I see how that’s a win in a way, but really, the guardian changes aren’t really changing much.
Ranger definitely “won” but most people don’t care cuz they don’t see ranger as a threat, and ranger isn’t even on most peoples radars.
Thief and Warrior definitely lost
If i want a polar bear i want a freakin snow white bear and not some street sludge color.
Real polar bears are often not snow white, and my guess is that they are using a real bear model for that color.
That said, the real fix is to ask ANet to allow rangers to apply dies to their pets and make them whatever color they want. Then you can spend 34 gold in the trading post getting the Celestial dye so you can have a bright white bear.
heh that would be silly but fun
These aren’t the ONLY changes though, right?
From past experience, I’d say yes they are.
considering they previewed every classes changes rather systematically over the past month, I would say it is likely the only changes, aside from perhaps some minor tweaking.
our only hope, slim though it may be, is that cuz we went first in the previews, maybe that shows Anet wanted our feedback, so that they would have ample time to adjust or perhaps add more before the patch went in.
(edited by Zatoichi.1049)
I think most of the pets look kind of stupid and artistically under-developed.
I reckon; “Gain 3s of Aegis whenever you swap weapons in combat, weapon swapping is 30% faster.” Fits in nicely with the other swapping traits in skirmishing and also fulfils the defence part of the trait name. Choosing it would then give swiftness, fury and aegis on swap every 6s. IMO, ranger needs more boon traits such as this. My $0.02.
I don’t think Aegis fits the ranger, especially not on weaponswap.
1) You have to be in combat to make use of this trait, so not an option for the initial engagement.
2) Aegis on 6 sec. cd is way shorter than the guard Aegis.
3) You have to make the decision if you want to block an attack or if you want to stay on your current weapon, which isn’t optimal.
I agree with this, aegis doesn’t really fit in my mind, though I appreciate your desire to keep within the “defense” flavor of the skill. And yeah, Aegis every 6 seconds, let alone 9, is incredibly OP and much more than a guardian gets.
Isn’t there a bug to this trait where the block chance increases the more enemies you have in a certain range? I remember hearing that on one of the Arrow to the Knee podcasts.
I prefer to think of it as a feature… but i’ve still noticed that it procs a LOT more than 15% atm when there’s more than 1 person in melee range of you even when the other people in range are melee.
Will be funny when/if they “fix” it and people cry nerf.
“All they ever do if nerf the ranger class!” lol
Edited Op to include all users ideas thusfar
I saw some suggestion couple days ago to just make it Fast Hands trait for Rangers.
Engineers have other professions’ traits in Grandmasters, why shouldn’t we ?
Id take it, but as a gm trait i would want more out of it, not much more though.
If this trait triggers, there is good chance that it was already being evaded anyway, considering there are so many evades on Ranger melee weapons:
- sword 2
- sword 3
- dagger 4
- greatsword 1
- greatsword 3 (after update)
- greatsword 4 (block)
So revisiting my idea of 100% Reflect projectiles on evade ( reflects the attacks properties as well) wouldnt it be cool to have the ability to reflect, for example, a Pin Down, another rangers rapid fire, uhhh mesmer staff attacks, during those evades?
we could go even further with it and have a sucsessful reflect transfer a condition (10 second ICD)
Also, with this change, it should be active with all weapons. So shortbow 3 could see some use with it.
Seriously what’s with this fascination with carrying two bows at once?
Has there ever been an archer, historically and contemporarily, who carries two bows at once?
if I could I would carry 8 bows, 14 quivers, and a crossbow for safety. Master of range and fumbling about. Yeah, Death from afar: my own death as I drop all my bows on the ground trying to decide which one to use.
like how about 100% chance to reflect projectiles while evading?
That…is actually a pretty good idea. I’m not sure if I would take that as a master trait, but I definitely like the idea behind it. The big question is: Would the devs be able to implement something like this or are the existing mechanics too restricting. =P
probably not. It would be buggy as kitten,a t least at first
New Strider’s defense:
Description: Evade reflect projectiles
It is still grandmaster trait worthy no matter what weapon set since dodging causes evasion.
whoa, having not seen this thread til now, I just suggested this exact change in my thread about this…
like how about 100% chance to reflect projectiles while evading?
Mobile Banner and Roller Turret, can’t wait.
and knowing how much the developers love warriors, I bet they would get that untraited too!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy with the update, but so long as its on the table, can we do a little something better with this?
•Strider’s Defense: Increased block chance from 15% to 20%.
EDIT: Wanted to add this threads ideas to OP.
User ideas thus far, for a rework of Stide’rs Defense:
1. Skittles: 20% chance to block projectiles. Gain Health after a successful block.
2. Zatoichi (me) 100% chance to Reflect projectiles on evade. Successful Reflects transfer one condition (10 sec ICD on condi transfer only). Works on all weapons.
3. Holland & Rym. -5 seconds on weapon swap, works on all weapons
4. Raven: Strider’s wind: Gain 1 second of 100% movement speed and 1 second of quickness on weapon swap (10 sec ICD)
5. Atherakhia. -5 seconds on weapon swap with:
Swap to Longbow: Fury for 5 seconds.
Swap to Shortbow: Quickness for 3 seconds.
Swap to Longsword: Swiftness for 15 seconds.
Swap to Axe: Might for 5 seconds.
Swap to Sword: Next hit causes cripple.
6. LostProphet: -2 or 3 seconds on weapon swap. Gain Openening Strike on weapon swap
(edited by Zatoichi.1049)
point 1: it is a bow. A bow shoots arrows. Want something else? get a musket or something, oh wait, rangers cant get those.
point 2: see point 1
point 3 : exploding trick arrows and flaming arrows of fiery death are already taken by other professions.
kitten, now I’m imagining how awesome it would look if rapid fire shot flaming arrows, or if barrage was like an arrow firestorm. Or if point blank shot were to shoot some kind of floral breeze at the enemy or some shiz. I can dream kitten.
I believe what you’re thinking of is what’s known in the GW2 vernacular as a “Warrior”
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smoldering_ArrowRangers can only shoot arrows really far, shoot a bunch of arrows really fast, or shoot an arrow really hard; all in the same stance. It not like the class has access to Nature Magic or anything…
More than likely he’s a GW1 vet who doesn’t understand how 250 years of lore made rangers forget how to use a lot of their skills (who ANet gave quite a few of to warriors):
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kindle_ArrowsIt’s a real shame that between GW1 and GW2 lore wise, Rangers forgot how to combine fire with arrows, gave away their preparations to thieves in the form of venoms, completely forgot stances and “mirror stancing” with the pet, forgot most of their good pet skills and bow skills in general, and completely forgot all of the amazing spirits with awesome abilities in favor of the tissue paper, have to follow you to keep up with combat instead of having amazing range and effects spirits that we have now.
It’s okay though I guess, because now we can use a 2 handed sword and 2 pets at a time (with arguably less than half the effectiveness they could have in GW1 combined together, but still).
Current iterations of the classes be kitten ed, because every single class in the game retains most of the capabilities they had in GW1 if they existed in GW1, except the ranger, who in the transition sacrificed almost everything that made them unique and in return didn’t receive any sort of compensation in the form of design or capabilities.
“Different games, different designs, blah blah blah, etc.” To that argument, I say that if everything was going to be different in this game but use the preexisting lore, then the least they could’ve done as courtesy is not call this the “ranger” class when any sort of resemblance to the GW1 class is a mere shell of what Rangers were truly capable of. Should’ve just went ahead and called the class “Beastmasters.”
Preach it brother preach! Preach it on high!
Looks very strong. Replacing SB with sword/torch and offhand training would probably produce better results(more mobility, synergise with HS, burning with 15 might=ouch)
food – condi duration food(tons of value out of poison, burning, imob etc..)
You dont need 2 of the same pet, the F2 is on 6sec CD. take Drake as sec pet to combo with entangle, HS blast finisher etc. Drake with 25 might is scary.
hmm yeah didn’t think about the burn/might combo. That’s a good point, though I don’t love the sword. I suppose it would come down to the class I am facing. I will certainly keep that in mind. Ill keep both sets on standby.
Im thinking of switching the other pet to owl or raven as mentioned above, though the drake is indeed a nice idea with entangle, provided they aren’t a Mesmer or Thief and can just teleport away.
as for the food, I chose the health regen, +70 toughness food to help keep me alive long enough to build up stacks and let the pet do most of the work. I suppose if I were to go sword/torch, pizza would be better.
You have a lot of cripple with SB4, Dagger5, and Muddy Terrain. I am assuming you are going Hawk/Eagle to benefit from a low CD F2 to trigger Intimidation Training more. Since you’re already throwing out good amounts of cripple, I’d consider swapping one or both of your birds to Owl/Raven, because they have much better burst and you’ll probably still maintain permanent cripple anyway.
yeah that’s an idea. Yeah I was going hawk/eagle. I guess that will come down to the ICD of Intimidation training. But I do like the idea of having a better burst and some more chill.
I probably wouldn’t want to use offhand cuz I only have one offhand weapon. I would take aristocracy if we had a heal with a lower cooldown, but atm in liking the 5% damage buff on strength. I have considered krait though. Could be a really good bomb when combined with a big F2 in a beastmaster build.
haha just posted a new topic about a celestial build before I even saw this one. Heres mine.
Hybrid Might BM
This is a post patch concept build. Just a skeleton atm, not finalized at all. Its for WvW, but probably can work in PvP with some tweaking. Help me make it better if you think its viable.
Ideas behind build:
1.) Quick Might stacking on pet through use of New Axe buff and Battle Sigils with Fortifying Bond.
2.) Constant soft CC. Perma-cripple (probably) through new Intimidation Training with Birds, at least when combined with weapon skills. Immobilize/chill.
3.)Hybrid damage (direct and condi) using our best hybrid weapons, Short Bow and Axe, with mostly Celestial stats, gets stronger with WvW with Guard Killer buff, taking advantage of both power and condi damage buffs.
4.) Passive Healing/regeneration, so you can stay alive as you kite your opponent from a distance.
5.) Survival of the Fittest for condi clear, as well as providing Fury to you, and to Pet (Fortifying Bond) for bursts after you stack up enough Might.
6.) Lots of dodges.
So yeah, just a concept, let me know what you think about options for stats, runes, weapons, blah blah.
EDIT: Probably going to switch my Heal mainly to Healing Spring just cuz its more valuable in WvW groups.
EDIT 2: switch one pet to owl as Sevans suggested
(edited by Zatoichi.1049)
so I’m hearing a lot of angry replies about how the last 2 professions will not have enough time between the preview and patch to discuss the changes…
I hate to say this, but seriously, do you guys really believe that discussing the changes is going to persuade them to change anything they already decided on? What in the history of Anet makes you people believe that after releasing patch notes/previewing patch notes, that forum discussions will get them to change their mind?
Deceptive Evasion and Weakening Shroud are two examples where preview feedback changed how things went down.
ok, sure, but unless there are many , many more examples (which there may be), those 2 examples don’t really paint a picture of Anet being a company interested in community feedback when it comes to balance. They are historically not the best of listeners when it comes to balance. Only recently with the CDIs have they shown to have some interest in it, but that was highly structured and planned
but really, going back to my last point, considering how haphazardly they ordered the classes, for the exception of maybe ranger chosen first for a reason, do you honestly think they are going to be listening this time? The have already made it clear that the choices were random week to week, and to me, that shows a clear and purposeful lack of structure. If they wanted feedback, at least significant feedback and not just “oh kitten we overlooked a really stupid thing we did” feedback, they would have been a little more conscientious and purposeful with their ordering, and planned for X amount of time for each class. To me this just shows that they don’t give a kitten and therefor aren’t looking for any significant amount of feedback.
The only other explanation for such disregard is that they just plain didn’t realize that the last 2 classes would have no time for feedback, which to me seems less plausible.
(edited by Zatoichi.1049)
If anet learned anything from warrior and necro, is that they don’t want to over-buff. This patch is a great start, and I believe we will begin to see more improvements from here on out. Ranger is pretty famous for eating nerfs patch after patch, and I believe Anet has finally become aware of that. We will get more, have some faith.
so I’m hearing a lot of angry replies about how the last 2 professions will not have enough time between the preview and patch to discuss the changes…
I hate to say this, but seriously, do you guys really believe that discussing the changes is going to persuade them to change anything they already decided on? What in the history of Anet makes you people believe that after releasing patch notes/previewing patch notes, that forum discussions will get them to change their mind?
The fact that they have been picking essentially at random, when to preview what profession, should be enough evidence that they are not seeking feedback for the purposes of changing their minds.
Is there a chance to get imbued version in future?
This is what I’d like to know. I don’t want to get this one if the imbued comes out later as a separate version.
I doubt it. her blade belongs to her family. There is only one, much like traherns caladbolg (spelling???) This one is a tribute to her, a copy for the masses. At least that’s what I would think
probably cuz u and i aren’t a delequa, and they don’t want everyone running around with it when there is supposed to be only one. The one in the store, is a tribute to her, and thus not the original.
yep. I also logged in to let anet know how great looking this armor set is
1.) its clean. practically no pixilation (at least on my humans and norns)
2.) it detailed. Very detailed. And again, each detail is clean and pronounced.
3.) great reflective properties, particularly in the metal. At the beginning, not many armors had the sheen that that the skins as of late have.
4.) Realistic looking cloth. often cloth gets overshadowed, but this armor has nice, realistic looking folds and believable material.
5.) its an amazing, and highly inspired design. Refined, dramatic, with a nice blend of cultures (although I would say predominantly European)
now, there are pros and cons to it being an outfit…
1.)no transmutation charges needed to apply to multiple characters/alternate armor sets.
2.) its easy to toggle on and off
1.) cant toggle anything other than helm (should be at least able to toggle shoulders amirite?)
2.) when anet releases costumes, they only make one at a time. would be nice to see 2-3 different versions of the ceremonial armor, so players can pick the one that suits their characters the most.
if we can get the cons taken care of, we would be in great shape.
thanks for stepping up your game anet and remembering that your going to have to keep upping the standards of appearances the older the game gets.