Showing Posts For carabidus.6214:

Trading Post problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


You’re not alone… My fiance has the same problem that you described.

Not being able to get a decent name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I have used lesser known languages like Samoan and even Elvish for my character names. Works every time…

Just tried ESO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


It may be that when the game is out on consoles it’ll do better

Others may disagree, but MMOs don’t belong on consoles.

Insofar as ESO specifically, it was the biggest gaming disappointment of last year hands down.

GW2 has spoiled me for any MMO to come…

What computer can play WvW 40+ fps?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


“Essential”? I have to disagree, Carabidus. Yes, decreasing load times is great, but I wouldn’t go so far as “essential”, especially on a budget.

SSDs are not expensive, brother…

What computer can play WvW 40+ fps?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Additionally, an SSD is essential…

What computer can play WvW 40+ fps?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


To run GW2, I wouldn’t go less than $1000 in parts. I’ve had experience with sub-$1k desktops and GW2 specifically. I just wouldn’t want you to be disappointed…

Uping dificulty to diversify builds is a trap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


If you get hit when you have a high health pool or armour, you do not get one shotted.

In higher level content, tanking up on toughness/vitality does not get you very far. Instead of one shot, you might survive two shots. Not much difference and not worth the trait expenditure… In a system where you are facing death in one/two shots, things need to die quickly and efficiently.

Personally, I would love to see more “build diversity”. But until the game starts coming away from dodge-or-die mechanics and making toughness actually be a worthwhile investment, we will continue to have the zerker meta.

Uping dificulty to diversify builds is a trap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


For the circle to be broken, ARMOR and HEALING need to actually matter, not the other way around.

Does this mean tanking? NO. But it does mean that bosses will not 1 shot you, may be 2 shot you or 3, but in between you have time to react and adjust, something that zerker would ideally not allow.


I could not possibly agree more. Toughness means nothing in endgame content, but it should. Dodge or die mechanics are so pervasive in this game that every encounter boils down to killing things as quickly as possible before you’re dead.

Drop System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


It is a multiplier that applies to the chance to receive loot of an increased tier.

If you are looting a monster and it was going to be a rare item and you had a 0.5% chance for the rare item to be an exotic, then 200% Magic Find would change that to be a 1.0% chance of the rare item being exotic.

Yes, I know it is a multiplier. I just think the drop probabilities are so low to begin with that a 200% multiplier has a negligible effect on getting a decent drop (0.0001 probability as opposed to 0.0003?) Honestly, I think we are kidding ourselves with this MF nonsense. This is why I refuse to use MF of any kind and instead devote my food and utility buffs to tactical.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

Drop System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Im not sure but the word luck should be more clearly defined…

MF is given as a percentage, but what does 200% actually mean and does it actually matter? The entire MF mechanic needs to be completely scrapped and replaced with a system proposed here:

Anet and RNG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Here’s a stimulating discussion of RNG here:

I really believe that GW2 needs a system that eliminates the frustration illustrated by the OP.

game crashes everytime i leave group

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Well, add me to the list. Uninstalling/Reinstalling client right now. Let’s hope that fixes it.

UPDATE: fresh installation of the client seems to have fixed the issue. I’ve joined/left several parties and no CTDs. I know it’s a hassle, but you guys may want to try this.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

Melee vs Ranged vs Weapon Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Engagement range has absolutely nothing to do with armor class/weight.

Agreed… My proposal has nothing to do with armor weight per se, but a profession’s inherent skills. Warriors, guardians and revenants are CQB specialists and should receive a reduction on incoming damage ONLY if both weapon slots have melee weapons AND they are in melee range. I’m not at all proposing a faceroll system, but one that is balanced. Currently, I feel the system is not at all balanced and wholly unforgiving for those of us who want to go full-time melee.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

Only a few new Legendaries on HoT day One?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


This sort of worries me. I assumed that HoT would be a bulk of new content and not access to “future updates”.

New legendary weapons are not game “content”; they’re skins. Personally, I hope the focus of HoT will be greater PvE variety as opposed to the regular “let’s stand 1200 units away and mash #1” as how PvE exists today (except for the Silverwastes; that place is the real deal and a one hell of a welcomed challenge).

Melee vs Ranged vs Weapon Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Engagement range has absolutely nothing to do with armor class/weight.

The game is balanced around the fact that melee weapon have 2-3 times as much dps as ranged weapons because they are a higher risk.

That is your reward for going melee, insane dps that no ranged weapon will ever achieve.

If you can survive long enough to do as much damage as a ranged player over time…

Melee vs Ranged vs Weapon Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


There are a significant amount of bosses, events and champions in this game where going into Melee range is suicide, counter productive and offers ZERO advantage but PLENTY of disadvantages.

Because bosses deal out ridiculous amounts of damage in melee, any player who chooses to go all melee (i.e. equipping both weapon sets – warrior, guardian) AND wears heavy armor should receive less damage while in melee range only. Justification: these classes are close-quarters specialists and should be encouraged to melee.

Melee vs Ranged vs Weapon Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


…and before you say I can make my own groups, I am aware of that, but I should not have to do so just to be allowed to play ranged, on a ranged class called “Ranger”.

That is not why it is called a ranger …

Exactly… The classical “ranger” is a skirmisher adept in guerrilla warfare.

Melee vs Ranged vs Weapon Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Going full berserker’s is going glass cannon, and you cannot blame the game for “being too hard” when you set yourself up like that, everyone loves pumping out max damage but if you can’t handle it, don’t do it. There are lots of viable gear alternatives for a damage focused role that won’t end with you getting 1 shot from everything.

Because toughness mitigates damage so poorly in this game, many end-game foes will one-shot you regardless of how much toughness you have. This is why damage-centric builds are the most popular in the game: burn them down before they get the chance to one-shot you.

Why the Silverwastes Meta Event Fails

in Living World

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Simply put, the “hero of the wastes” (aka “thanks for showing up”) bonus magic find for the map is conferred upon anyone who merely participates in the meta. This bonus should be a reward for successfully completing the meta.

It is very difficult to find a map where the population is actually interested in doing the meta. This relegates the Silverwastes to mindless chest-farming 24/7.

This really needs some serious attention…

LFGuild|any NA server|serious meta PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Greetings! My fiancé and I are experienced GW2 players seeking a mature, active PvE guild with a good sense of humor and an interest in doing “endgame” content (Arah, Fractals, Legendary and Ascended crafting, etc.).

We both bring a great deal of PvE experience to the table, having been in the game since beta, and our builds generally reflect the current meta. Between the two of us, we most often run elementalist, ranger, mesmer and guardian.

We are eager to connect with other enthusiastic GW2 players!

Pet Taming Wishlist for HoT

in Ranger

Posted by: carabidus.6214




[suggestion] $15/month = no diminished returns...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I would sooner pay a sub for gw2 than any MMO on the market today, including the spectacular disaster that is ESO.

What is the highest DPS class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Threads like this would be nonexistent if GW2 allowed damage meters…

Just sayin’…

any one else bored with gw2 ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


the economy is going bad quickly its like gw2 wants to remove all gold you can earn for you to just buy it your basic " cash grab " if you ask me

Want to experience a truly bad economy? Try ESO and the utter failure called the “guild store” and zone chat festooned with WTB/WTS spamming. Trust me, I didn’t know what a bad MMO economy was until I played that game. It didn’t take me very long to unsub from that pail of swill…

The megaserver-wide GW2 TP is utopian by comparison…

Gw2 most grindy game ever..?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Give ESO a try and you’ll know the true meaning of grindfest. With no TP and time gates on “researching” traits for gear, it’s a hot mess and I regret every penny I spent on the game.

Leveling is the worst it's been

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


but the question is why change to trait system now after almost 20 months? because of the expansion:)

I will believe that when I see it… I am just speculating here, but I think Anet already made a decision about where their development resources should go: Living Story or an expansion, but not both.

I would be more than surprised if GW2 ever offers a bonafide expansion. Until then, I have moved on with another MMO at this time. With every profession leveled to 80 and with only one new PvE map added since launch, there is just nothing else left to do but the ascended gear/fractal grind. I would consider PvP, but I do not agree with GW2’s homogenized PvE/PvP game design design philosophy.

Stat Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I appreciate needing to balance in a bit of dps.. but the zerker standing next to me is going to do 10x my dps if I am trying to support.. let me do the support job properly and let him do the dps job properly!

Then what you desire is a trinity MMO, which GW2 is not. For example, even a cleric’s support build for my guardian does not turn him into a tank in the traditional sense. He does not have taunt skills to keep aggro on himself and away from the more fragile DPS members of the party. And since bosses are immune to CC in GW2, the boss ignores my “tanky” guardian almost completely and proceeds to shred the squishy, but high DPS elementalist next to me. The ele is a greater threat on the aggro table than the guardian hurling wet noodles. That’s just the way this particular game works, for better or worse.

Dev Blog: Changes to Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


This is a good change. Players just steamroll low level content at the moment. This will actually mean they will have to learn how to play in the early levels and then they will quickly ramp up in power at the later levels when they already know how to play the game.

Pre-80 content will be nerfed, so steamrolling through early content will still be a problem during early leveling. Moreover, the proposed “tuning” on pre-80 content to account for players having less traits will make such zones even more laughably trivial for fully-traited/kitted level 80 characters.


Scroll down do Roy Cronacher’s quote on this page…

Rox's quiver is back

in Ranger

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Gorgeous quiver! Seriously one of the nicest skins offered by the BL store. I say bring it on as a permanent item.

What species would you truly play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I’m surprised no one mentioned the kodan…

Take out overflow from events

in Living World

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Nothing wrong with overflows as long as the events in them are time synced.

That’s fine if you are going solo, but what about getting a group of your friends together for the event? Isn’t that the point of playing an MMO? Having your group members separated into synced overflows that are often maxed out defeats the purpose entirely…

Take out overflow from events

in Living World

Posted by: carabidus.6214


And it is much better than not doing the event at all or instanced content, if you want instanced content play an SP RPG not an MMORPG.

You are aware that the most successful MMORPG on the planet has instanced content?

Take out overflow from events

in Living World

Posted by: carabidus.6214


What would your suggestion be though?

Instanced content instead of these open world raids where you end up NOT playing with your friends due to overflows…

Metabolic primer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Same here… Any food eaten expires normally while the primer is active…

Jar Of Red Curry Paste - Cannot Discover

in Crafting

Posted by: carabidus.6214


DOH! Yes, I see it… Thanks, everyone!

Jar Of Red Curry Paste - Cannot Discover

in Crafting

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Despite having the proper ingredients (and enough quantity) to discover red curry paste, I cannot.

1 Lime
1 Pile of Stirfry Spice Mix
1 Cayenne Pepper
1 Lemongrass

I cannot possibly imagine what I am doing wrong, but when I try to click these ingredients in the discovery window, some of them become unavailable (greyed-out). My chef is at level 400. Thanks in advance!

The time to say no to a level cap increase?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


But that would invalidate the reason why level caps exist. Having to play for new max gear is the only real reason.

Perhaps this is true in a game where the progression is gear based. I propose a more skill based progression from levels 80 to X. Personally, I would rather have access to more interesting skills and skills with more synergy than just boosting gear stats.

The time to say no to a level cap increase?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I would be in favor of a level cap increase if and only if:

1) All currently held (soulbound) level 80 exotics are grandfathered into the BiS category

2) Complete removal or major overhaul of how ascended items are obtained. For instance, ascended items obtainable thorough extensive and tough quest chains.

3) The addition of several more end game PvE zones complete with new dungeons.

Well, I can dream, at least…

(edited by carabidus.6214)

So how do we fix Berserker?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Remove 1 shot mechanics, until then I see no reason to not put out the max possible damage on any character I play. No more support for me. Berserker all the way.

This sums up the discussion for me as well. Now that I’m back to doing zone completions, virtually EVERY champion I encounter has the same design: 10^10 hit points, 1/2 shot instadown attacks and AoE rings that fill up an entire area or room. PVT gear will not help very much in these situations because of how poorly armor mitigates damage. And since champs are immune to CC, the most effective solution is to burn him down as quickly as possible via high DPS.

A shout/staff guardian is the only viable support role in the game. The elementalist comes close, but a support ele requires far too much juggling of combo fields to be effective, so you might as well go full zerker with that one, too.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

Boss Week Achievement Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Same. Cannot interact with some of these teeth in Sparkfly.
UPDATE: issue resolved (somehow). As has been suggested, perhaps the inability to interact has something to do with being in a state of combat.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: carabidus.6214


While players with various skill levels are welcome to play it, in order to succeed, you need the following:

1) Full grasp of game mechanics
2) Ability to pay attention to map leadership. Joining squads helps a lot if not on voice comm like Vent or Team Speak.
3) Full Exotic gear. Masterwork and Rares are welcome, but not preferred.
4) Understanding that we will rez downed players, but not dead ones. If you are dead, WP quickly so you can rejoin the fight.
5) Ability to multitask in combat. You may go from attacking Tequatl, to defending turrets in the blink of an eye. Be prepared for anything.
6) Take your bathroom breaks BEFORE Teq lands. Leaving to go to the potty, while on a turret will make people upset.
7) Full agreement that failing the event isn’t the end of the world. Use the loss as a learning tool. Know your mistakes, and fix them.
8) If you win, you must mail Martin cookies. Double the order if your drop is an Ascended weapon or Precursor.

I do not disagree with any part of this list. Nevertheless, Teq is now raid-caliber content and it does not belong in the open world. Scale this as a 24 man instance and then I’ll congratulate Anet on a job well done. To require uber-gear and tactics for open world content in a level 58 zone is irresponsible. Sorry guys, but all of the QQ is completely justified in this case, and I don’t normally side with the complainers.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

Catapult smoke lag ? or just me ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


This is happening with me, too. My rig is a beast and I play with all my settings on max with no problems. But a catapult strike causes the framerate to drop to the point where it looks like the game may crash or freeze. Definitely not hardware based.

Would you buy an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


In a word, no. GW2 was my first MMO and it will most likely be my last. I simply do not like monetized content centering around a cash shop full of lottery items. The entire experience is rather cheap and immersion-breaking. If this is the direction of all future MMOs, then I’ll stick to single player RPGs like Skyrim where the story is gripping, the loot is incredible and the character progression actually makes you feel epic.

35 laurels. Ring or accessory?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Accessory. Only takes 10 days to farm for a ring at level 10

But what are the chances of a ring dropping with the stats you need? I’m sure it would happen eventually, but we all know how RNG can be…

so GW2 polearms? discuss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


For necromancers, an “executioner” style, two-handed battleaxe for power/crit builds!

3000 Heavy Moldy Bags

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I love to see data like this! Very much appreciated!

Has anyone studied the probability of Risen dropping a heavy moldy bag? I would think the drop probability is unaffected by magic find so the results should be consistent.

Where is underwater combat going?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


My #1 reason for enjoying underwater combat: the spear. Just about every profession I have played has excellent and very useful spear skills. The z-axis makes things a little dodgy from a melee standpoint, but many spear skills have built-in gap closures or skills that pull enemies to you: two features not commonly seen in two-handed terrestrial weapons.

I would love the idea of a completely aquatic explorable zone… I’ll just grab my spear and go!

RNG broken or is it just me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Honest question: If you started getting 3 exotics everyday and a ring every fractal run, would you make this post and say RNG is broken?

1500+ hours of PvE and I have had exactly ONE exotic drop from a mob. Yea… That’s broken, brother.

RNG broken or is it just me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


It’s because the RNG approach to rewards is inherently broken.

I cannot speculate about whether or not the RNG system is working as intended, but there is definitely a DR bug. For me, just a few minutes of killing mobs in Orr produces a streak of porous bone drops.

April 30th patch sounds impressive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Yeah, I can’t say I’m impressed. PvP stuff I don’t play, 1 Dungeon.. that’s kinda neat.. more expensive Gem stuff.

It will be a neat story dungeon for about a month, then it will be erased. I’ve seen far too much time and talent virtually wasted on what amounts to very decent but temporary content. Honestly, I could have done without ALL of the holiday events and F&F just to have balanced professions and a working solution to the asymmetrical reward system.

The thing that gets me is that Anet said F&F is “An expansion’s worth of content” When there is no way to construe that as true. & they look like their gonna keep going with that over-promise, under-deliver: “culminates in a boss battle that will go down in Guild Wars 2 history”. Guys… STOP. It looks horrible when you say stuff like “expansions worth of content”. It’s not even close.

100% agree. By definition and by historical precedence in the gaming industry for the last two decades at least, an “expansion” is almost a sequel to the game itself. This means new professions, maps, permanent dungeons, across-the-board refinements and fixes, etc.

Agh.. & these currencies.. whaaaat?? Gold, Karma,Guild Merits, Laurels, AC,CM,CoF,.. agh WTFFFF.. Wasn’t the plan to have Karma be the thing that let us play what we want to buy what we want? I dunno.. I’m so inundated with currencies & mats it feels draining to dare having a goal.

They new currencies are additional time gates to keep us plugged in and give us a sense of progression. Reading between the lines, these new currencies imply that there really may not be a whole lot of real content planned for this game for a very long time.