Showing Posts For carabidus.6214:

Proposal: 90 trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I just had a thought this morning that I wanted to share with everyone. I see quite a few posts referring to the professions being “walled in” to a limited number of viable builds. What if our trait point budget was increased to 90? This would allow three full trait lines, if we so choose, or more points for diversification. For the extra 20 trait points, how about “cashing in” skill points for trait points, but permitted only at level 80?

Thanks for taking the time to read my post and I look forward to seeing what some of you think about this!

Epidemic Trick: Double up conditions 1v1

in Necromancer

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I don’t have any tips (yet). My necro is level 32 and I am so happy I stuck with him. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate this thread with its super useful information. I am building a precision/toughness/power necro with dual daggers and staff. I have three level 80 characters (engineer, thief, warrior) and I am amazed how quickly I can shut down a mob with my necro! Granted, you need to employ a range of tactics to be successful. Tricks like the ones described here (and the necro forum in general) are essential reading as I consider this profession the most challenging to master of all the ones I have tried so far.

1 Extra Utility Slot - A Serious Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I wholeheartedly agree. The professions have an amazing array of diverse skills. Even one extra slot would be a significant increase in depth.

Why so many Guardians/Warriors? :O

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Also, never underestimate the therapeutic value of hitting something with a very large axe (or two) after a bad day at work

So true! In my case, it would be a very large hammer! I catch myself chuckling when that hammer slams the ground and sends shock waves through the mob! VERY therapeutic indeed!

I just rolled a warrior for the first time last week and he is simply epic in PvE. I have an engineer and thief, both at level 80. I love them both and still play them quite regularly. However, it took a fair amount of time beyond level 80 to fully refine their builds. With my warrior, I am going with pure tank for the duration (power/toughness/vitality) and a hammer/dual mace swap. I keep a rifle stowed in case I need range.

Viable Gap Closure For Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: carabidus.6214


These are some great suggestions! Since this is my first time playing a warrior, I really appreciate the wisdom of experienced players.

My warrior is now level 17 and equipped in full greens. He has three sets of minor runes: warrior, fighter and soldier. His weapons are the hammer and rifle, each equipped with a minor sigil of bloodlust. Interestingly, my warrior has a more noticeable performance boost compared to my engineer and thief when they transitioned from blues to greens.

Thanks to your suggestions, I am becoming more proficient at getting into melee range (Bull’s Charge and the hammer burst skill “Earthshaker”). Also, performing a dodge roll into melee bridges smaller gaps quickly and gives me a brief moment of invulnerability.

I am now becoming more accepting of the fact that the warrior is not a high mobility profession. After all, the professions are supposed to be distinct. How incredibly boring it would be if each profession used the same template!

The high survivability of the warrior seems to make up for the lack of on-demand gap closure (like the thief).

I am definitely making the warrior work for me. Honestly, I think I’m having more fun with this toon than any other so far!

Viable Gap Closure For Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: carabidus.6214


The topic of gap closure as it relates to warriors has come up interspersed among other topics in these subforums. My intention with this thread is to elucidate this problem and offer some creative “workarounds” until warrior players are given a proper gap closure skill/utility on par with the thief. I guess my thief has spoiled me with his ability to pounce on the nearest enemy via “heartseeker” with impunity. For my thief, as long as I keep up my initiative, I have a virtually unlimited supply of gap closures during a mob fight.

My norn warior is fairly new (level 13) and this is my first time with the profession. I’m rolling with a pure tank build (power/toughness/vitality) with the hammer as his melee weapon. Seeing that big norn sending shock waves through the ground with his hammer certainly gives that “epic” appeal I was looking for, and so far it’s been tons of fun.

However, lately I have been getting frustrated with the lack of reliable and consistent gap closure. I have yet to discover a skill or utility that has a low enough cool down for getting into melee range.

I welcome your suggestions and I will watch this thread with keen interest.


I do not understand Magic Find

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


The percentage is multiplicative, not additive. If you have a 1 in 4 chance of a ticket winning, having 4 tickets doesn’t mean you’ll have a 100% chance but instead more like 50% or so. In other words, they don’t stack. For all we know, having 100% MF in gear may not actually yield 100% MF if each piece is multiplicative.

I can provide a better explanation later when I’m not stuck using my phone.

That’s right. If magic find works in this way, then consider the lottery ticket example. Each ticket has a 1/4 chance to win. The chance of getting AT LEAST ONE winning ticket is:

1 – [the probability of NOT getting a winning ticket]^(# of tickets)

1 – [0.75]^4 = 1- 0.31640625 = 0.68359375

So, having more than one ticket definitely increases your chance of winning, but it is not additive. As you buy more tickets, your chance of winning asymptotically approaches 100%, but you never actually reach 100%.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

All dungeons should receive fractal treatment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Coincidentally the hard mode feature in Guild Wars 1 was highly praised.

They want to roll out a “hard mode” for dungeons, then I say go for it. But optionally adjusting the difficulty level of a dungeon is a much different idea than what currently exists in FoM where every character is permanently and irrevocably segregated by a leveling system.

All dungeons should receive fractal treatment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


If all dungeons are leveled like FoM, I’m done. Period. The leveling system in FoM has done nothing but polarize players and marginalize the ones who are not level x^10. And without a proper group finder, many (especially newcomers to GW2) will find themselves deadlocked in levels 1-3 indefinitely.

All of the dungeons would benefit from a second look by the devs, but leveling them like FoM is definitely not the way to go.

A Second Chance?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


In order for me to continue playing for the “long term” (beyond 3 months from now), I will need to see the following:

1) A reworking or outright end to the leveling system in FoM. The current system is a horrible idea that only polarizes players and encourages elitism from BOTH ends of the player spectrum: the casuals versus hardcore. I actually enjoy the FoM dungeon instances. They are beautifully rendered and challenging, so I applaud ArenaNet’s efforts for the content itself.

2) It is clear that ascended items are here to stay. Although I would rather not see any vertical gear progression, I am willing to accept ascended gear IF AND ONLY IF these items are obtainable via the same paths as exotics: crafting, karma vendors, drops, TP, etc. The AMA indicates that this is the intended plan, so I’m willing to wait until this is implemented, but not for very long.

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I wanted the look of a street fighter with my charr thief, so I needed an armor set that looked “lean” and not bulky. I finally settled on a blue set of “seeker” armor that I transmuted.


Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Wearing the new Apothecary’s armor. This is the blue set that I transmuted with my exotic.


I hate Orr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


i stopped levelingmy warrior at 77 because i found it way to frustrating to try and get accross orr.

I may never finish my personal story.

You’re almost there! Don’t give up now! Yes, the last few levels can be a genuine challenge. Ask your guildmates to lend you a hand. If your guild is no help to you, then consider switching to a guild that caters specifically to PvE or PvX. Your guild can be a real asset throughout your character’s career, especially during the leveling process.

What server are you on? I’d be happy to run around Orr with you with my engineer. You’ll level up before you know it.

Have you tried Frostgorge Sound? That map has more opportunities for xp than Orr, but less loot and upper-tier mats.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

I hate Orr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Orr definitely has a creepy atmosphere with an overwhelming sense of danger. I actually like going down there. However, the respawn rate is way too high. After I polish off a mob, I have virtually no time to reconcile my inventory, check the map, bask in my accomplishments etc. before the same mob respawns and tries to kill me again.

And I completely agree about the pulling and crippling overkill. It’s monotonous. Although I expect the enemies in a level 80 zone to be the toughest in the game, this needs toning down.

Am I the only one having trouble finding groups for dungeons?

in Mesmer

Posted by: carabidus.6214


My character is a level 80 engineer and I get passed over for dungeon groups all the time (except by my guildmates; they are often very willing to help with dungeons). Yesterday, I whispered to 4 non-guild lfg requests in a span of 15 minutes and I was completely ignored.

So, yes. Except for guild dungeon runs, I am finding it quite difficult to hook up with other groups. Rejecting a request based solely on profession is just plain ignorant. If played and built correctly, ANY profession can dominate. Insofar as mesmers, there are several in our guild and I love running with them. I enjoy being with capable players who truly enjoy the game, regardless of profession.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

Skills Not Engaging?

in Engineer

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Are you sure you have valid target in front of your character when this happens? For me the short cooldown triggers when the skill is unable to execute, for example because my target is behind me.

This is certainly something to consider. The short cool down does happen when an enemy maneuvers around and ends up behind me, even though I still have a positive target lock.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

Skills Not Engaging?

in Engineer

Posted by: carabidus.6214


This has been happening to me, too. I notice it mostly with blowtorch, but I think that’s only because of the obvious graphic associated with it. My elixir (maybe all utility?) skills seem to get caught in this weird state where the icon is flashing, but it doesn’t do anything. I have to continually press the key to get it to activate out of this state.

This is exactly what I have observed. Also, I am unable to detonate my active rocket turret via the function key or left-clicking the button. This happens all the time, especially under water.

Skills Not Engaging?

in Engineer

Posted by: carabidus.6214


aye are you in WVW

Skills not engaging followed by a short cool-down happens in PvE and WvW. But regarding WvW specifically, the inability to swap to different slot skills is definitely a problem for me and it seems to be getting worse.

Skills Not Engaging?

in Engineer

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I’ve been noticing some anomalous skill behavior. For instance, in the midst of combat, I’ll select a pistol skill and it will not engage, but instead, a very short cool-down of a second or two is displayed for that skill. Is this a known issue (perhaps related to lag) or is it my keyboard? This seems to be happening with greater frequency. Some insight would be greatly appreciated.

Why do they play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


They knew it wasn’t worth it, It’s a mistake in my opinion, the reward should be proportional to the time effort needed.

All too true. I cannot tell you how many times the champion troll in Frostgorge Sound yielded nothing more than a random blue, and that was with magic find. I’m not one of these entitled gamers that thinks there should be an exotic hiding under every cave spider. Nevertheless, a champion should NEVER yield anything less than green. Taking down a champion is a group effort and the rewards should be proportional to other group efforts in PvE.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Just add me to the list as well. The ocillating audio “alarm” issue happens every time The Claw of Jormag shows up and frequently in Wv3. It also occurs in other large PvE battles involving lots of players. I’ve submitted bug reports in-game. Can we please get an official update on the status of this problem? It’s making the game unplayable.

Why Magic Find is a Poor Mechanism

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


But in the presence of magic find that implies balancing loot drops around the average magic find % a player will have. Consequently, if you build with no magic find you will get much less valuable loot than you would have done in a game where there was no such mechanism.

This sums up precisely why I am against magic find bonuses of any kind. If you don’t use it, your accumulated loot will always be below average. This places an “indirect” requirement to use magic find consumables and supplants combat and tactical consumables. This takes all the fun out of exploring and reduces every outing to “just another zergfest farming run”.

if you wear magic find gear in dungeons you are kittening your party for the sake of personal gain

A+ all the way… I personally do not use any magic find gear or consumables in dungeons. Sure, the dungeon loot can be nice, but I go in there ready for BATTLE, not for farming. I have plenty of omnomberry cookies on hand for dungeons.

Magic find makes botters more productive and consequently fuels gold selling

Another good point. We need to make their job more difficult, not easier. I would love to see the end to all magic find bonuses in GW2 and replace the stats on magic find gear with tactical and combat stats. Then, adjust all the drop tables accordingly to reflect that no one has magic find bonuses. Of course, this will not happen since that ship has already left the dock and there’s no bringing it back…

Who sets Gem prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: carabidus.6214


However, it’s much easier to farm gold in the game and exchange for crystals at this point in time.

Assuming you are serious, I just want to know two things: HOW and WHERE are you farming? Brother, farming in this game is like finding water in the desert, and those expensive magic find boosters have little or no effect even when stacked with magic find consumables. I have given up any serious farming.

I feel that many pc games go in the wrong direction, pricing their cash shop content at a premium while losing the opportunity to sell more units at a lower cost.

A+ on this one. The gem shop is way overpriced when you consider the conversion from gold to gems.

Who sets Gem prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Honestly, we just need more ways to make gold in game, you guys have stomped all of the “low-risk” ways, and the high risk forms of farming aren’t very rewarding.

An MMO could not possibly account for all of the VERY involved dynamics that make up a real-world economy. Thus, I think we can all agree that a completely free game economy versus a totally controlled game economy are unhealthy extremes. Nevertheless, it is a documented fact that the GW2 economy is progressively leaning towards a command economy with every patch. We not only have DR for gold, but now for karma as well! I understand that bots are a plague for any MMO economy, but I am telling you: if these controls keep increasing as they have, you are simply driving players directly to the gold sellers in hoards. I personally have never bought gold this way for any game nor will I ever. I would rather pack it up right now and uninstall the game than give those illegitimate parasites my money. The developers deserve every penny of my gem purchases as it is a superbly crafted game. However, there are LEGIONS of players that are on the fence about this issue, but would RATHER obtain gold from ANet or through other legitimate means like farming and map completions. With this level of control over the economy, you are creating the very thing that you are so ferociously trying to control.

I’d say make dungeon gear bind on equip instead of bind on aquire, or allow dungeon tokens to be exchanged to npcs for gold, this way people can do their daily dungeon runs without feeling like the game is trying everything it can do to prevent them from progressing.

This is definitely something that warrants further discussion. Why so many “bind on acquire” items? How about NO bind on acquire and just bind on equip for ALL items? Let’s talk about getting rid of account bound items like dungeon tokens, badges of honor and (humorously) lemons! That would legitimately and conservatively open up the economy just a little and would serve as a good starting point.

The Commander - New System

in Suggestions

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Yes, i can agree to this. although…

In our server, there are a lot of people who got Commander because the really do lead properly, and are in guilds dedicated to WvW. What about those people?

If those commanders have such a stellar reputation, they would have nothing to worry about under the system the OP is proposing. They would keep getting votes and/or commendations from the players they lead. Eventually, their title would become permanent.

I agree that something needs to be done about the current commander system. Simply paying for the commander title is like paying for the degree “doctor of neurology”, and then that person is licensed to perform brain surgery.

Will you spend 100g for the commander's compendium?

in WvW

Posted by: carabidus.6214


For me… Maybe it’s temporary, but I lost any interest in WvW. Zerging is repetitive and whole WvW is unrewarded.

This is exactly where I am right now regarding Wv3. The concept itself has incredible potential if it emphasized (and rewarded) tactics and team organization. I don’t have enough experience to offer too many specific suggestions for improvement, but one aspect that needs to be evaluated is reviving defeated players. It makes no sense that you defeat an enemy player and his guildies rezz him back into combat in seconds. Keep the downed state for characters in Wv3, but disallow rezzing in-place. Force the killed player to warp back to a waypoint and truck himself back to wherever. And if the way back is crawling with enemies, too bad. This would help control zerging to some extent.

I've hit a snare in making gold.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Selling mats and salvaging rares is my primary income. Make sure you complete your daily achievements to cover your farming expenses (like magic find consumables).

Finally, I always have plenty of omnomberry bars handy (30% magic find and 40% more gold from monsters).

Why can't you fully gear for condition damage in lev 80 exotics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Yes, it also exists for the karma exotics.

The problem is it doesn’t exist for weapons or accessories.

That’s right. I had the same problem for my engineer condition build, but moreso for weapons. I use a cleric’s pearl pistol/shield combination that gives me a nice boost of power, healing and toughness, which is in line with my battle doctrine of firepower and survivability.

Why can't you fully gear for condition damage in lev 80 exotics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


This is not really a problem for spvp, the itemization is there for you to do a proper condition build.

But for PVE/WvW, at level 80 in top gear…you can’t properly gear yourself for condition damage.

I have a set of Shiro’s armor for my engineer, but I believe you are looking for light armor. There might be a light armor equivalent that gives power, vitality and condition damage. The Shiro set has done wonders for my PvE and Wv3. For my engineer build, I have optimized firepower, condition damage and survivability with virtually no emphasis on critical hits. I think some professions lend themselves more to critical damage, but the engineer is not one of them IMO. Melee specialists like thieves and warriors can dish out some serious critical damage with the right build.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

Crashes then verifing game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: carabidus.6214


With a corrupt file issue, I would uninstall/reinstall the client. After installing and patching, just sign in using your account credentials.

Thankfully, all of our characters are saved on ANet’s servers. I bought a new computer a couple of months ago. I installed the game on my new computer and all of my characters were waiting for me.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Same here. Post-patch is the first time I’ve ever seen invisible players and NPCs. I never had any rendering issues until last night.

Personal story with party

in Personal Story

Posted by: carabidus.6214


In order for someone to accompany you during a personal story instance, do you have to form a party first and then enter your instance as “party leader”? Not sure how all this works. I’m at the Arah Dungeon step in my personal story and I would like to have some people with me during that one especially!

Also, what is the limit on the number of people that can accompany you?

My First WvWvW Experience

in WvW

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I just wish to preface this post by saying that GW2 is my very first MMO. My gaming background is primarily RTS, and I must say that I am exceedingly impressed with GW2 on so many levels.

Anyway, I have been in exploratory mode ever since my main character attained max level a couple of weeks ago. Although I’ve been thoroughly enjoying my adventures in the wilds of Tyria and met some great players during my travels, I was seeking a change of pace from the usual. So, I decided to give WvWvW a shot. What follows are some quick thoughts about my 2.5 hour experience from last night.

The Battles
Virtually all “group events” in PvE suffer from player over-saturation, and to my dismay, I discovered that WvWvW was no different. The “epic” battles are so huge that the entire experience devolves into a cacophony of spell casting and explosions. I found myself spamming skill #1 just to acquire a positive target lock on something. In the final analysis, I just did not feel that my contribution to these battles made much difference due to the massive scale and confusion.

Repair Costs
As stated in my opening, I admit that my MMO experience is limited to GW2. So, I have a grand total of about one month of tenure under my belt while many of you have years. I have the maturity to take my lumps from the more experienced players in WvWvW until I learn the ropes. Many of you have your WvWvW builds and tactics down to a science and I think that’s great. Given enough time (probably a LOT of time), I would be the guy schooling noobs like me and taking on my equals in during a tower siege. However, what I cannot abide by are the costs of repairs during this “learning” process. I spent more silver in repairs during that 2.5 our period than I do in a week of PvE. I wanted to be in the thick of it. I was not content to just cower behind a wall while my server compatriots were dropping like flies. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be? So, I got a beat-down. Many times. It’s not fun getting one-shot to the deck and paying 1s54c in repairs each time it happens. For me, WvWvW is severely deleterious to my bottom line, so I’m not too keen on repeating the experience.

Thankfully, GW2 offers some spectacular PvE content. There are some PvE issues as with any new game (player over-saturation during group events is my biggest gripe so far). However, the overwhelming majority of my PvE experience has been incredibly memorable and enjoyable. Even when I attain 100% map completion, I enjoy the content so much that I would not mind repeating it with a different race and class someday.

I cannot say I’m turned off from WvWvW forever, but as it stands now, the risk versus reward ratio is just not conducive for me to return to it any time soon.

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


This is my first MMO, and although I am familiar with the term “botting”, I would like to ask the more experienced players or admins how to spot a potential bot. I have seen “suspicious” activity in my travels, but I don’t want to report someone without more information. I assume these bots are not actual human players and the avatars are controlled by a computer program.

Thank you, AreaNet, for your efforts in keeping GW2 enjoyable for legitimate players!

Anyone else still having a blast?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I’m a lone wolf; I like playing on-line games for the fact that there’s other real folks on, but play by myself.

I do the same. However, it would be nice to have another player or two with me now that I’m trying to complete the Orrian maps. That place will get you whacked in short order if you’re alone! The flash mobs of undead are unrelenting!

Rare Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: carabidus.6214


For sure. Now that we can craft directly from our materials collection, those rare mats need their own tab.

I am particularly fond of sun beads, for some reason…

What to do w/ level 80 equipment drops?

in Crafting

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I vendor everything except for rares and exotics regardless of item level. I use a mystic salvage kit for these items, but I keep a Black Lion kit for recovering runes and sigils from items. Some of those are quite valuable.

How to Make Money

in Crafting

Posted by: carabidus.6214


You really have to look at how much time it takes you to gather all that stuff, in that time, you could be doing many other things to earn money.

Exactly. I went down to Orr specifically to farm for ancient wood and orichalcum. Let’s just say it didn’t go well. After getting flash mobbed by undead and incurring repair costs multiple times, the entire enterprise was a bust. There isn’t very much of the aforementioned mats out there to make another gathering trip worthwhile.

GW2 is the most aesthetically beautiful game I have ever played and the personal storyline is gripping. However, crafting is a quite a letdown. Part of the problem is that there exists no interdependence among the crafts. This would open up the market. For instance, as a Huntsman, I would need a jeweler to craft the pearl inlays for an exotic pistol. This would give justification for crafting beyond reaching max level.

Ugh, I Want To Like Crafting So Bad, But...

in Crafting

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I hear you, OP. Upper-tier crafting materials are out of sight on the TP. In my case (huntsman level 400), it is futile to purchase all of your upper-tier materials and turn a profit, even if you have all of the ore and wood on hand. Even if you were crafting for your character, it is still cheaper in virtually all cases to purchase gear on the TP than make it yourself (especially exotics) UNLESS you farmed all of the materials yourself. That definitely needs to be addressed. Otherwise, crafting is relegated to the status of a “leveling tool” and not much use beyond that. This is sad because I actually enjoy crafting in this game and I would like to continue as my main level 80 character explores Tyria. As crafting is largely a gold sink, there is essentially no incentive for me to continue crafting once my character reaches max level.

The drop rates of crafting materials need a little tweaking. On the other hand, I don’t want them to become too common where it wrecks the economy.

I’m sure we can strike a balance and come up with a solution. I’ve also heard that if we give it more time, the economy will stabilize. For those of you who have formal experience in economics, is there any validity to this claim?

Exotic Rifle Recipe

in Crafting

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Great! Thanks for the information! Nothing like a finely crafted firearm for the battlefields of Orr!

Exotic Rifle Recipe

in Crafting

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I finally saved enough skill points for an Eldritch Scroll and now I am ready to construct a Mystic Rifle for my engineer. However, I have heard that some people were getting a level 65 rifle instead of an 80 due to a bug. Is this still the case or has the bug been fixed?

Also, I assume the recipe template for mystic weapons on the GW2 wiki is accurate? Just to confirm, the recipe for a Mystic Rifle should be:

30 Mystic Coins
1 Eldritch Scroll
5 orichalcum rifle barrels
5 ancient wood rifle frames


FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: carabidus.6214


My issue took 14 days. This is a long, but understandable amount of time.

I beg to differ. Two weeks to resolve an issue that requires a few keystrokes is completely unacceptable.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Is it me or is a company that does not charge a monthly subscription suppose to be making their money from their “cash store” for development and other expenses involved in publishing this game? Why in hell would this be prohibited on such a grand scale? It has caused me to ponder the long-term outlook for this game.

This is a very good point. Aside from game sales, the gem store is the prime revenue stream for supporting GW2’s future development. I purchased this game because I wanted to commit to an MMO for the long haul. However, as these gem store issues continue unabated, I would actually feel more secure if GW2 required a subscription. This way, we are virtually guaranteed further game development down the road.

Unfortunately, the lack of a subscription is a double-edged sword. We get to play a masterpiece of an MMO without a monthly subscription. On the flip side, AreaNet is under no obligation whatsoever to develop this game further, other than patches.

Given these points, my concerns regarding the gem store go beyond the customer service aspects.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: carabidus.6214


This morning I woke up to find that I was suddenly credited with 4000 gems. I have no clue whatsoever where those gems came from.

Lucky break! Enjoy the free gems! You and everyone here deserve some measure of recompense.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Hey everyone, I was able to purchase gems today. I never received a response to my support tickets but I was just able to purchase gems. I’d go in and see if you can also. Maybe they fixed the problem. Good luck!

I finally got some gems yesterday after receiving the dubious “24-hour authorization”. I was told to contact support if I wished to purchase gems again. I had to wait a week for a temporary purchasing authorization, and many of us are still waiting.

Could someone please explain the logic behind such an authorization system? I can understand taking such measures temporarily and only if you are among the many people whose accounts were hacked. But my GW2 account was never compromised.

Is the hacking problem more pervasive than AreaNet is saying? Are they in full-bore lockdown mode until they get a handle on it? Whatever the case, consumers should not be arbitrarily flagged for fraud on a wholesale basis.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: carabidus.6214



I’ve had just about enough of this.

After the supposed “fix”, purchasing gems is still not possible. I tried both a new credit card and PayPal with no success. You can be certain that this forum represents only a microcosm of the multitudes of customers that are facing this problem. But yet, astoundingly, the problem persists and we continue to be ignored as a whole. Finally, and insultingly, we are teased with some supposed fix that really amounts to nothing more than a delete button!

This issue is quickly becoming a deal-breaking situation for me. If this problem is not fixed before my level 65 character achieves level 80 (which will not be long), I will uninstall the game. Moreover, I will make sure to discourage as many people as possible not to purchase any products produced by AreaNet or its subsidiaries.

Nevertheless, even at though I am at the point of complete exasperation, I am still willing to cooperate with your billing department to clear up this matter and get back in the game. THAT is how much I believe you have a masterpiece of a game here, so don’t blow it.

(edited by carabidus.6214)

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous. anet post linked to by the gw2wiki. We’re apparently supposed to be able to level crafting as I level my character by making items useful to me without having to craft a bunch of “junk,” I have been doing just the opposite though being forced to craft a bunch of “junk” and forced to go back and farm previous areas I have long since out leveled.

And now that many of us continue to have their gem purchases blocked, crafting is out the window. I’ll be lucky to raise enough capital to purchase a grandmaster’s manual for my engineer before he reaches level 80.

A proposed workaround might be to just grind and farm, but maybe I really don’t want to spend my in-game time farming. I was under the impression that GW2 was about providing a multitude of leveling pathways so that players have the power to decide HOW they want to play. If you’re into farming and enjoy the grind, then great. However, I happen to enjoy getting into my personal story, exploring Tyria and taking in the beautiful ambiance of the game. I WOULD like to explore crafting much further, but it is impossible (for me) with these ongoing gem purchasing issues.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Is the billing maintenance that has been announced for 7am PT tomorrow morning intended to fix the problem for people who have been unable to purchase gems?

Exactly. We finally receive an official statement and ETA of a “fix”, but no mention of blocked gem purchasing and undelivered items, which are the root problems to start with.

Feel forced to use grenades. PVE.

in Engineer

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I use grenades to soften up a tough target initially, then I switch quickly to pistols. This works best when I have the element of surprise.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: carabidus.6214


I just spoke with the CFO at NCSoft West about this issue. He said he was not the right person to address the issue but he is forwarding the information to management within NCSoft.

Well done! Thank you, brother! Did you use the phone number appearing in this thread?