Showing Posts For darkace.8925:


in Crafting

Posted by: darkace.8925


Definitely a good idea, and I highly doubt it’d cut into AN’s profit margin, so they should definitely do it. No one is gonna buy extra bag slots just for those certain cooking materials that don’t get added to collectible bank.

I’ve got four bank tabs dedicated solely to intermediate cooking ingredients.

Believably Black Human Male?

in Human

Posted by: darkace.8925


It’s the voice, not the appearance, I’d like more options for. The current human voice actor (male) does a fine job, but he sounds very much white. If I’m going to make an Elonian character, something I’d like to do, I’d like him to sound the part.

Really need a dueling menu

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


-10,000,000. No to open world dueling UNLESS it has an opt-out feature that is enabled by default.

That’s not far enough. Open world duelers must also travel to a remote, isolated location so I never have to see them or read their map chat-bragging or trash talking. Furthermore, there has to be a sub-forum here for people to complain about how overpowered the class that just beat them is or how underpowered their own class is, with any complaints of class balance stemming from duels not posted in said sub-forum resulting in an infraction.

Chances of a new race on July 1st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Every time I see cries for a new playable race(s), it’s for an immediate release, as if no one is taking into account the volume of content that would entail:

  • New starter zone

Not strictly required, but it would be nice.

  • New Personal Story

I don’t play the one we have now on my alts. I give slightly less than a mouldy skritt’s lopped off tail. Needless make-work to do one if you set up the new races as a thing for veteran players.

  • New City

Again optional and largely irrelevant – its not like the cities we have now are anything more than a way to take load off of Lions Arch – a function rendered meaningless by the mega-sharding. A slightly more service oriented village on the starter map would fulfill the need as well as a whole city map would.

  • Free pizza

Now, you realize any pizza will have to be bought through the gem store . They gotta make some money somewhere in this process.

  • New racial Skills

Which can and even should be as defective/sub-par as the existing ones.

  • Re-fitting armors

True, but also why skeleton-based animation exists.

From someone who desperately wants a new playable race, I’d rather them not add one if they weren’t going to give them the full treatment (capital city complete with voiced ambient NPC banter, starting zone, Personal Story, voice acting, etc.)

[Suggestion] Gladiator Arena

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


>Anet here’s a great new original fresh idea! DUELING!

your sarcasm makes you look dumb. i put “dueling” at the beginning….aside. the MAIN idea was mainly nice architectural structures in the world…..howtoreadingcomprehension?

Sorry, but I’m with Vakrir…your post very much looks like a thinly-veiled request for dueling.

Why do people play anything other than a war?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


I have a warrior… I find it very boring to play. Not because the warrior does a lot of damage and trivializes encounters more thoroughly than other classes, but because of the class mechanics.

As someone with a greatsword-toting warrior, I don’t even use the class mechanic. I just sit at full adrenaline because A. Arcing Slice sucks, and B. Berserker’s Power doesn’t suck. The day two-handed axes are added to this game will be a joyous one for me.

Could some bad guys die for a change?

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


The enemy of my enemy is…well, not friend in the case of an Elder Dragon, but a useful tool. And only an irrational individual would knowingly destroy a tool from which he can benefit.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


I’m hoping Elona gets the same treatment.

Of course Elona is getting the same treatment, they are not making it because they don’t want to offend the African market. What we really need is a totally unique continent not in GW 1, where the race will have blue skin and not offend Earthlings.

I’m can’t help but feel you didn’t read my entire post. That, or you’re intentionally using my words way out of context.

Why do people play anything other than a war?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


The better question would be:

Why does anyone play a necro? No mobility, lowest DPS of all classes, no active defenses, and very little group support. The only situation where a necro doesn’t objectively make your group worse is 3-headed wurm for the trash.

No active defense? They’ve got some very good crowd control, which is – of course – a form of active defense.

nothing is reseting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkace.8925


Things aren’t resetting for my account. My dailies, world boss kills/rewards, 24 hour nodes (blooming passifloras, orich veins, etc), and even hourly nodes (mithril, cypress, etc) are not resetting.

I was on yesterday when the dailies and everything else reset. I was originally on a character in Dry Top, and thought it might be the same problem we experienced a couple of weeks ago. So I switched to another character in Southsun, only to have the same connectivity issues. I think learned via forum that it was a DDOS attack. So I decided to give it a few hours in hopes the attacks would abate.

When I logged back in to Southsun to get my daily Karka Queen kill I discovered that my dailies were complete. I thought this strange, as I only remember completing one before being disconnected a second time. I then scoured the island for orich veins, ancient saplings, and blooming passifloras while waiting for the queen to pop. I couldn’t find any, though I did hit the mithril and cypress nodes while looking. Then after killing the queen I got neither my daily bonus chest nor my daily character reward. I got Gold for the event, so I obviously did enough damage to earn the chests that were not given.

At this point, putting A and B and C together, I realized there was a bug. So when I logged into Southsun today on the same character to see if things had finally reset I discovered that the hourly resource nodes (mithril and cypress) I’d harvested last night had not reset.

I logged on to a third character and hoped over to Southsun and found the daily and hourly nodes that hadn’t reset for my other character, but killing the queen awarded me with neither the account-bound nor character-specific chest. So from that we can conclude my entire account is bugged.

If this is resolved quickly, it’s going to be nothing more than an minor inconvenience. But if this bug persists it’s going to be costing me 1 laurel and ~3 gold per day, and that’s going to add up very quickly. Hopefully someone from the support staff can give me a quick reply, as sitting in the dark while losing gold and laurels by the day isn’t a very pleasant state in which to be.

Daily reset bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkace.8925


I didn’t check the date on the OP for this thread, but apparently it’s not a new occurrence. I assumed it happened because of the DDOS yesterday, since that’s just about when I had the problem. So to those of you who have had this as an ongoing problem, was there ever a solution? I don’t see a red reply anywhere.

Not a fan of active armor mobs...

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


can’t disagree with OP more………these new mordrem mobs are EXACTLY what PvE needs. Boon Stripping, CC, Condi Dmg, Condi Cleanse, Blocks, etc. are now worth doing.

so much more fun to fight now (and yes, you can still zerk if you are careful and pack a few skills/traits that do the above things).

Agreed. This was a nice way to encourage players to use something other than full-on direct damage. Now if they can work in some crowd control and support necessities (or close to necessities), we’ll finally have some real build diversity in PvE.

Edit: The only thing I wish they’d done differently is slowly introduce these new mobs – one at a time – through the Living Story so we’d get the chance to learn their strengths and weaknesses without all the chaos of giants zergs with blinding spell animations.

(edited by darkace.8925)

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


I’m hoping Elona gets the same treatment it got in Guild Wars (i.e. zones running from level 1 to level cap, a racial capital, Elonians as a playable race complete with a fully developed Personal Story, Elonian Cultural Weapons & Armor, etc). There’s not a chance in hell I’m going to get my wish, but that’s what I’m wanting to see.

Daily reset bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkace.8925


My Daily didn’t reset. My chests at the Karka Queen didn’t reset (neither the character-specific nor the account-based bonus chest). My Blooming Passifloras and Rich Ore Veins didn’t reset. It’s quite an inconvenience.

Revert Melee Cleave Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Staff ele used to be so boss back in Beta without the Target cap :P.

World vs World is why we can’t have nice things.

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Events dont count. They are just the same events we already have all over the game. As for crafting the skins. Thats optional and they dont look like they are worth the bother.

I disagree. Events do count as content. Anything that can be slapped on a box or in a press release when promoting a game counts as content. I’ve often seen MMOs tout an expansion adding X new quests, so by that standard I don’t see why new events wouldn’t count as content.

And just because you don’t deem something “worth the bother” doesn’t mean it doesn’t qualify as content. If I applied that same standard, sPvP and Fractals wouldn’t qualify as content. They clearly are, even if I don’t find them “worth the bother”. You’re not being objective when you dismiss something entirely simply because you don’t enjoy it.

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Monks weren’t absorbed by the Guardian (I think that’s the word TC wanted to use), they were merged with Paragons to form the Guardian.

Assassins are, as TC said, just Thieves by another name.

Mechanically speaking, the Engineer is the Ritualist. Instead of summoning spirits you’re deploying turrets. Instead of gaining new skills from urns, you’re gaining them through kits. Thematically, they’re nothing alike. Mechanically, they’re the same thing.

There are a few problems with this. First, I don’t see them building a profession around one specific weapon. So a profession “that wields pole-arms” probably isn’t going to happen. Second, I don’t see them making a new weapon class that other professions can’t use. So “only X profession can use pole-arms/scythes/etc” probably isn’t going to happen, either. Last, I don’t see them making a profession too close to something made popular in another IP. So “Dragoons as they exist in Final Fantasy” certainly isn’t going to happen.

What is a Samurai going to do that the Warrior already can’t. If you slapped a katana skin on the Warrior’s greatsword and gave him Far East-themed armor you’d have exactly what you’re looking for: a profession relying on martial prowess and weapon mastery to defeat his foes.

As I stated earlier, the Paragon was subsumed by the Guardian. Aside from throwing spears, it’s all there.

Dark Knight
A Dark Knight, as you guys are pining for, is little more than a merging of the Warrior and the Necromancer. Since there’s already a profession utilizing dark magic, I don’t think they’ll add another. It just wouldn’t bring enough to the table that’s not already covered by other professions.

What I’d like to see
I’d like to see a profession that uses spirit magic. I’m no lore nut, so correct if I’m wrong, but Tyria’s oldest form of magic (and the only one not governed by the Bloodstone) is spirit magic, or the type of magic practiced by Ritualists. I’d like to see a heavy armor profession added to the game, but I feel such a profession would be too close to the Guardian if it wore heavy armor.

I also wouldn’t mind a martial arts profession, but I don’t know if the developers could do enough with it so it wouldn’t just feel like a Thief by another name.

Skins for Play and Skins for Pay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


You guys are misconstruing the “play the way you want to play” thing. If I’m not mistaken, I believe they were saying you could level up by exploring, questing, running dungeons, world vs world, crafting, etc. I don’t think they ever said, explicitly or otherwise, that you’d be able to earn exactly the same rewards no matter what you do in-game. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for crafters to be able to make some skins while dungeon runners can earn others with people doing world vs world earning others still.

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Why aren’t you picking on the person who made the wrong statement in the first place? Oh right, because you agree with him.

This isn’t the first time you’ve been wrong when presuming to speak for me, but I actually agree with both of you. I think the overall quality of the Living Story: Season 1 was very poor, but I also think the quality improved markedly toward the end. And I think Season 2, thus far, has been better still.

About you presuming to speak for me, that’s yet another of your double standards. You recently replied to the accusation of being a paid shill for this game with, and I’m paraphrasing here, “just because the majority of my posts are supportive or praising doesn’t mean I think it’s perfect. I just don’t bother posting criticisms because I feel what criticism I have to offer has already been covered.”

So that’s one standard for you. But then you turn around and call me jaded because my posts are generally critical. That’s a different standard for me than the one you’re applying to yourself. I’m doing exactly what you’re doing from the other side of the same coin, and you label me one thing while telling others it’s unfair for them to label you the opposite. That, my friend, is a double standard.

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


See the Living World wasn’t bad. It wasn’t bad on paper. It wasn’t bad in it’s execution though it was uneven. Toward the end of the first season the Living World picked up some converts that hated it in the beginning. The Marionette fight was very popular. Escape from Lion’s Arch was very popular too. So calling it bad, just because you say so is problematical.

You’re very conveniently ignoring the bug-ridden fiasco that was the Season 1 finale.

Edit: And again, I’ve got to point out your double standard. You closed your paragraph with “so calling it bad, just because you say so is problematical”. You opened that very paragraph with “see the Living World wasn’t bad”. Since what’s good for the goose is also good for the gander, I’m going to say to you “calling it good, just because you say so is problematical.”

(edited by darkace.8925)

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Every time you single me out with that kind of personal attack, you look more and more desperate.

Come on, now…you’re supposed to be above these kinds of silly games, aren’t you?

Nope, you’re really getting on my nerves and it feels quite personal. I don’t say “only Dark Ace” would do anything. By singling me out, you’re making a personal statement. Not to mention you ignore and trivialize the point I was making. It’s a way to ridicule people. It’s really bad to resort to that sort of attack and comment that I should be above it.

It’s not an attack. If you feel it is, then you’re free to report me.

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Every time you single me out with that kind of personal attack, you look more and more desperate.

Come on, now…you’re supposed to be above these kinds of silly games, aren’t you?

Voice Packs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


I’d gladly dump $10-15 on a voice pack. I’d love to roll another human character, but can’t make myself do so without a difference voice for the character. It’s not that I don’t like the voice actor they’ve already got (he did a fine job), it’s just that I don’t want two very different looking characters sounding exactly the same.

That said, a voice pack would be very costly to produce and it wouldn’t change anything other than the voice we hear in the now obsolete Personal Story. So it’s never going to happen. Alas, poor Elonian necromancer I wanted to make…I never knew ye.

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Nearly everyone hates it? Evidence?

I love it. I know lots of people who love it. Anet has the actual data on how many people not only play it, but continue to play it.

And the new living story stuff is much better than the old stuff. And some of that was pretty kitten ed good.

If no one likes the living story why did so many people continue to play the Marionette and Escape from LA?

Only Vayne would challenge someone to provide empirical data on something before offering anecdotal evidence in rebuttal.

Revert Melee Cleave Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Since melee auto attacks cleave, ranged auto attacks should pierce. I mean, fair’s fair, right?

Why does the last two skin sets look crappy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: darkace.8925


I’ve been waiting for a real “earth” weapon for my ele for a very long time. Very pleased with the ley line stuff, though a bit sad there’s no aquatic weapons!

Monsoon was a HUGE missed opportunity.

How's RP these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


There always seems to be people RPing in the bar near the crafting stations in the Black Citadel. Just this afternoon I was watching ten minutes of two guys trying to out “tough guy” one another with lots of “X glares threateningly at Y” “oh yeah!? Y glares even more threateningly at X” while doing some leather working.

wait, Bowl of Fire Salsa is how much!?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: darkace.8925


Yah. Right now chili peppers are 15 silver each. Cayenne and Ghost peppers are 6 silver each. That’s 21 silver right there.

Chili peppers are harvested from the Charr areas and their nodes share a harvest with other items. This means there isn’t a dependable way to farm them except by finding a lot of herbs in those areas.

Whoa, when did that happen? It’s mighty tempting to sell the stack sitting in my bank for a quick 40 gold. I remember when dill prices were ~18 silver, but they’ve fallen off and chili peppers have jumped. I can’t imagine it’s simply a case of “hard to find” as rosemary is in a similar situation yet significantly cheaper.

20 prickly pears? really?

in Crafting

Posted by: darkace.8925


When I saw what appeared to be a node farm in the newly opened Oasis I was hoping it was a Prickly Pear node farm. Alas, it’s mostly cabbage, carrots, and lettuce. There are three (or four?) cactus nodes, though, so hopefully that will make getting the hundreds of Prickly Pears I’m going to need to craft a handful of this food a bit more bearable.

stop calling me "boss"!

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


you totally ignored the rest I wrote.

without “the boss” the group wouldn’t even be there now. you brought everybody together. thus you are the leader of the group.

Actually, Mr. E brought everyone together.

what decisions do you expect to make? this is an mmorpg not a kittening sandbox game…

You say that like we didn’t have bigger decisions in our Personal Story.

No I’m not. I’m telling it like it is.
They did not fight the marionette. They did not run around LA saving citizens. They only barely helped against the hologram, and IIRC, not at all against the Assault Knights. Two of them got blown up by Scarlet. In each case, it’s our characters that are rushing into the thick, getting done the important things, while they stand behind.

And where would you be without Taimi’s expertise? Or Marjory’s intuition? Or Kasmeer’s super-Mesmer powers? Or Rox’s connections? Or Mr. E’s hints? You’d be right smack in the middle of nowhere. And unless you’re following Braham 24/7, how do you know he didn’t save people during Lion’s Arch. In a living, breathing world you’ve got to assume some stuff happens off-screen.

That’s a definition, but that’s not the definition.

“Leading the way” doesn’t necessarily mean you’re deciding, alone, where to go. It just means you’re going in first.

Within the context of this conversation, it’s the only definition that applies.

Indeed, leading a group of people does not by definition mean barking orders.
It can also mean being the tip of the spear, which is exactly what the player is.

Again, being the tip of the spear doesn’t equate to leadership. You can’t be the boss if you don’t display some measure of leadership.

stop calling me "boss"!

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


Who fought the Marionette? They didn’t. They stood at the ends of the pathways.
Who saved people in Lion’s Arch? They didn’t. They just stood near rally points.
Who killed Scarlet? They didn’t. At best, one of them provided a distraction (which there was an achievement to make her actually not do anyways).

What you’re doing is taking credit for a win because your RBI single drove in the go-ahead run. You’re not giving credit to the guy batting in front of you for getting a single then putting himself in scoring position by stealing second base. You’re not crediting the rest of your team for playing good defense, or the closer for protecting the lead. You’re being a bad teammate.

Leading a group isn’t necessarily about barking orders at them.

Leading a group of people is, by definition, about “being in charge or command of” them. Do you really feel you’re in charge or command of this group of NPCs?

more Jory/Kasmeer facedesking (spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


I think it injected a little bit of realism to the situation, any sooner resolution to the discussion and it would have felt abrupt to me.

You think Kasmeer honoring Jory’s request for space to mourn her dead sister without begging like a love-sick puppy would have been abrupt? To each their own, I guess.

stop calling me "boss"!

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


And besides you are the leader of the group. Without you the group wouldn’t even exist. Maybe not even be alive. So ‘Boss’ is fine. Sounds cooler than ‘friend’ or stuff like that.

In what way are you the leader of the group? There’s been neither leading nor following with this group, ergo “boss” doesn’t fit naturally. Sure, you’ve made a few decisions, but those decisions amounted to a mother asking her six year old child if they want Count Chocula or Frankenberry cereal for breakfast.

more Jory/Kasmeer facedesking (spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


So, asking for its removal is selfish…

I’m not asking for it’s removal, I’m asking for it’s improvement.

…and spending part of your time complaining about it and defending your point of view is child-ish and pointless, as you’re wasting more of your time here than you did reading/listening to them.

I don’t see it as a waste of time. If enough people think like me and voice their opinion on the subject in a constructively critical manner then the writers might take note of what we feel is working and what isn’t. If they can then improve the dialogue in future installments of the Living Story, then my time spent discussing the subject will have been worthwhile.

stop calling me "boss"!

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


The problem isn’t that they’re calling us “boss”, it’s that they’re doing it without much (any?) cause to do so. If they hadn’t simply done it out of nowhere – if there had been something organic that lead to them calling us that – then I’d be okay with it. But out of the blue as it is, it just seems off.

There was, you lead them and the world to victory over Scarlet. You earned their trust and respect through battle and blood last season.

You’re confusing combat prowess with leadership. Or maybe I’m nitpicking. Either way, it just doesn’t feel as deftly handled as the monikers bestowed upon us in the Personal Story.

stop calling me "boss"!

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


I personally like it and find it appropriate as the PC is the team leader. If you take umbrage to being treated with any honor considering the heroics you’ve done in your storyline then perhaps playing the wrong kind of MMO. As these kinds of MMOs deeply involve and integrate your PC into the narrative and takes into account the superhuman level of heroics you’ve achieved.

The problem isn’t that they’re calling us “boss”, it’s that they’re doing it without much (any?) cause to do so. If they hadn’t simply done it out of nowhere – if there had been something organic that lead to them calling us that – then I’d be okay with it. But out of the blue as it is, it just seems off.

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Are you saying that using a scavenger hunt as an example, which happens to have an achievement attached to it means that I’m saying ALL achievements are content? Because I don’t believe I implied that.

I’m saying that a scavenger hunt that happens to have an achievement attached to it is content. I didn’t think of the pinatas as content. All I ever remember saying about them is that if you do two of them every time you go to LA you’d get that achievement without grinding. Hardly the same thing.

You should stop trying to twist what I say. It doesn’t help get your point across. Unless you can find a place where I actually state that all achievements are content. Of course some achievement are just there for window dressing.

But then, the achievements in the TA dungeon to me WERE content. They provided harder and more challenging things to do in the dungeon than you would have had if you just ran the dungeon. If you ran that dungeon and didn’t do the more challenging achievements, yes, you’d be missing out on content.

I’m not saying that you implied that at all. You implied it yourself when you said…

Content isn’t just what you like. It’s content for people who like scavenger hunts. So what you say is there’s 1. 5 hours of content you like or you consider content. That’s not the same thing at all.

A lot of people do like achievements and some people do like scavenger hunts. It’s a form of content, and in fact, a traditional staple of many RPG games. Sorry you don’t like it, though.

Given the context of that post, it’s clear you were stating achievements and scavenger hunts are content. You’re not the kind of guy who clicks “Reply” before ensuring you’ve said exactly what you meant to say. If you simply meant scavenger hunts, you wouldn’t have even brought up achievements.

more Jory/Kasmeer facedesking (spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


You realise that entire part of the dialogue can be skipped. In fact the dialogue trees give you a grand total of 4 options to skip the dialogue that so offends you. So you are basically getting upset that you have to read completely optional words that you specifically chose to read.

You can’t skip the dialogue at Fort Selma because it’s mandatory; you have to sit through it if you want to progress the story.

But that’s not really the point. The point is this: I don’t want to skip bad dialogue, I want to enjoy good dialogue. The dialogue between Kasmeer and Jory has been consistently bad. I won’t pretend it hasn’t been bad with other characters, too; but other characters don’t get the same volume of dialogue Kasmeer and Jory get and their dialogue is usually contextually in line with the scene in which it’s presented.

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


In one scenario the chefs are allowed only so much time to prepare each course, and then it’s served whether it’s ready or not.

Never had a dinner at a restaurant where the course was brought to me incomplete, or not ready . . . and from when I worked in it, the kitchen would not send out a plate which wasn’t done.

Then that’s where this analogy falls apart, because video games and their patches can and do ship before they’re ready.

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


You’ve never had a multiple course dinner, have you? Ever eaten at an Olive Garden? Any restaurant where you sit down and you have things come to you as they’re ready, like appetizers, then entree, then dessert?


In one scenario the chefs are allowed only so much time to prepare each course, and then it’s served whether it’s ready or not. In the other scenario the chef has plenty of time to ensure the food to be served at the feast is as good as it can be.

stop calling me "boss"!

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


Why not just call us “Commander” again? Aren’t we technically still a commander?

As of now we are currently not on active duty which is why we are wandering around the world freely.

We will be called Commander again once we are in active duty with the Pact.

I could be sorely mistaken here, and I’m sure someone in the military will set me straight if I am, but I’ve always been under the impression one is always addressed as their highest rank in the military whether they’re active or not.

more Jory/Kasmeer facedesking (spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


You obviously don’t read the dialogue because it ends up with us discussing how we should talk to the Pale Tree.

One of the last things said in this chapter is, and I quote Kasmeer here, “if only I still had my family’s wealth, I could take her away from all this. Keep her safe. Give her the things she deserves.”

Ok. So you went through the trouble of quoting exactly what was said. My point still stands though. This is just plain nitpicking.

A. If you want to presume something of someone, you should at least acknowledge you did so unfairly when you’re presumption is shown to be incorrect instead of trying to dismiss it with a shrug of the shoulders.

B. Your point doesn’t stand because the chapter ends exactly like I said it did: with Kasmeer carrying on about Jory.

C. For you it may be a trivial thing not worth nitpicking. For me it’s bad writing and bad characterization and it’s worth offering my constructive criticism to the writers.

more Jory/Kasmeer facedesking (spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


You obviously don’t read the dialogue because it ends up with us discussing how we should talk to the Pale Tree.

One of the last things said in this chapter is, and I quote Kasmeer here, “if only I still had my family’s wealth, I could take her away from all this. Keep her safe. Give her the things she deserves.”

stop calling me "boss"!

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


I thought “hero”, “slayer”, etc worked rather well for catchall names in the Personal Story, but I agree with TC that “boss” seems like a weak substitute for [Player’s Name]. “Boss” implies we’re in a position of leadership, and there’s nothing in-game that indicates we’ve displayed any.

more Jory/Kasmeer facedesking (spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


The worst part about it is it doesn’t even stop there. After the final cut scene, after a great revelation, and after the formation of a plan of action we don’t close with discussion of any of that. Oh no…God no! Why the hell would we close Chapter 2 discussing Mordromoth, The Eternal Alchemy, or the leaders we’re going to visit when we can discuss Kasmeer and Jory some more? We close, unsurprisingly, with Kasmeer again prattling on about how she wishes she could be with and protect Jory. Because we didn’t get enough of that in the previous instance, apparently.

Why do people play anything other than a war?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


For fun.

/15 characters

more Jory/Kasmeer facedesking (spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


Stop trying to turn this into something it’s not. Kindly take your straw men elsewhere.

I seem to have hit a nerve.

Although, telling me to get out rather than show how I’m jumping to the wrong conclusion only makes my suspicion stronger. Oh well.

That’s a clear case of you seeing what you want to see. There is nothing in my OP that criticizes these characters for anything other than their dialogue carrying on too long and being unskippable. That you read more into it than that says an awful lot about you, doesn’kitten

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Suppose Chapter 1 of Season 2 had been one mail to set up the scenario, one instanced fight that takes 5 minute to get to and complete, and one achievement requiring the harvesting of 4000 cactus nodes. You’re saying the content isn’t complete until the achievement is earned. And with four cactus nodes respawning hourly, by your logic that’s 4000 hours worth of content. Yeah, that’s some rock-solid logic you got there.

Harvesting a respawning node isn’t content. A scavenger hunt is. I don’t see how you could possibly make that analogy. We’re finding hidden stuff. That’s not just content for me, a lot of people like that kind of thing.

According to you, achievements are content. If harvesting nodes had an achievement attached to them – as the dragon pinatas during last year’s Dragon Bash did – that would qualify as content. Your words, not mine.

more Jory/Kasmeer facedesking (spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


So why is it just these two that annoy you and not dialogue from any of the other characters who also speak during the story?

I explained quite clearly what it was about their dialogue in this chapter that bugged me. The answer it right there, in my OP.

Seems to me like these two characters just annoy you, period. Not any of the others.

I got annoyed with Taimi’s Scarlet fangirling shenanigans, and setting us up to get caught in that machine (and possibly nearly corrupted as well), but I’m not constantly making topics about it.

Also, I’ve seen at least another thread or two specifically complaining about KasJory’s dialogue. I’m beginning to think this is less about what they’re saying and more the characters in particular.

Stop trying to turn this into something it’s not. Kindly take your straw men elsewhere.

more Jory/Kasmeer facedesking (spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


So why is it just these two that annoy you and not dialogue from any of the other characters who also speak during the story?

I explained quite clearly what it was about their dialogue in this chapter that bugged me. The answer it right there, in my OP.