So Marjory, Kasmeer, Rox and Braham are having a glass of milk in The Dead End, they have a nice talk. You should probably go there and see it, seems Anet is creating the New Destiny’s Edge, where 1 won’t run away, another will not be bossy and third will not be stubborn, fourth is Kasmeer.
Shush kitty, you have fur, you don’t need cloth to cover yourself. Pff wild beasts, spoiled wild beasts, if I’m gonna give you clothes next thing you gonna ask is iBookah, and yo daddy ain’t got $$ for your first Asuraphone – learn to enjoy only FREE things in life.
I worked so hard for my world completion, TWICE. But I can not even see golden star above my head, nor the titles I worked for. Can we see them? Is it such hard to make it?
Just stand on top of those platforms
Arenanet is not funding them, Anet itself is funded by NCSoft. NCsoft – Producer, Anet – everything else. Now NCsoft is funding Carbine to create Wildstar. %% of Anets earnings (or however they have in the contract) goes to Wildstar because NCsoft can do anything with its share.
asuran skill pain inverter for certain
there is that skill but it is reatliation/confusion
Ok…..I have been playing since betas and one thing I hate the most is RNG. It can be a small dose but not in EVERYTHING. Its just… unfair that most of my guildies get their precursors dropped cuz of LUCK. Its just…on of them forged Dawn and Dusk 2 mins apart. Another got Lover from Teq, then forged Spark and got Energizer, one of them got some other dropped. Its so UNFAIR. I have played every type of content in this game, even over 200 fractals and didn’t get ANY WEAPON not even the ones I cant use, or more than 5 rings form daily. its so ughhh, why RNG should rule the game?
My favourite is “Orphans – Wont – Have – To – Burn – Each – other – To – Stay – Warm” I don’t remember how he says exactly though
It’s a bug all new Wintersday minis get affected by combat. Someone’s dog died
Sorry can’t hear you over mesmer’s phantasm, eles buffs, guardians EVERYTHING and engis AED.
funnily enough, there’s a topic in the guardian forums right now talking about how broken they are.
So much irony.
I play guardian, not much WvW but I am familiar with all its traits and NO they are barking at a wall Guardian is a GOOD class all around.
^^ You should learn to detect sarcasm. Zelda isn’t P2W either (it’s a single player game). I gave the OP a reply which I felt had as much validity as his statement “ArenaNet hates Rangers.”
Yes now I got an official confirmation from one of the devs. I reposted this post on GW2 Discussion with a P.S. message asking not to move to Ranger sub and asked them if moving the post was another way of trashing it. Now it got infacted
Sorry can’t hear you over mesmer’s phantasm, eles buffs, guardians EVERYTHING and engis AED.
ArenaNet likes Warriors because the class name begins with a “w,” which stand for “winning.” Ranger begins with an “r” which stand for… well, you can probably guess what it stand for because you’re smart.
Also, In classic DnD ArenaNet (the whole company) was always afraid to play as the ranger because they got scared if they weren’t wearing heavy armor, hence they don’t understand the class archetype.
Also, ArenaNet was founded by former Blizzard employees and BLIZZARD only makes P2W games, as everyone knows. Also, ArenaNet was originally named “TriForge,” which is a reference to the TriForce from The Legend of Zelda. Zelda is also a pay to win game.
I don’t see the point in 3rd paragraph, do warriors P2W? nah they just get all good skills for free
Why does Anet keep making warriors STRONGER but leaving Rangers behind? When I heard so much QQing about Ranger and how weak it is and bla bla bla I decided to try it, but NO. Rangers don’t have so good and useful skills or traits as warriors. No stability, srsly wtf. Warriors got now a super healing skill that can full heal them, WTF. Why make ranger so bad? Its sword skill just roots you or leaps you across miles. Could you please stop “Blanacing” and help this class out? It does not even have normal melee one handed weapon. Sword is bad and horrific, axe is ranged, too bad it could have been a better weapon for actual melle, I still wonder where we get those 4 other axes when we throw them, and they never return. Longbow is just a joke, unless you are in PvE, for PvP you can not use it. I most certainly welcome any advices on builds for Ranger for PvE PvP and WvW.
In PvP during quick battle if i want to unleash Rapid Fire or just stealth with my LB my skill gets cancelled and goes on small cd for like 2 seconds. It happens many times but no I am not being dazed or stunned, why? Is Anet purposely trying to trash Ranger?
Memser healing skill is wonderful, now I don’t have to wait for my heal skill to recharge everytime in Fractals, passive healing is doing GREAT
/15 chars
Crafting system is quite simple, however use a guide for fast Craft leveling, or just do it randomly if you are new. The highest tier gear, which is NOT cheap or easy to obtain, nor Overpowered, is currently obtainable by crafting or lucky drops. For Exotic gear – second in slot, still strongly viable in almost any contet (Fractals need Ascended (highest) because only Ascended gear can be infused, to resist fractal debuff). You can find fast crafting lvl guides on GW2Crafts.Net Since you are a new player just put aside what I wrote above. Necromancers wear light armour, so for that you need to go for Tailor. They wield weapons and all of them, except Warhorn, is made by either Artificers or Weaposmiths. You can always change your crafting discipline for a small fee. All your recipes and progress will be retained each time you change it.
Its not acc bound the only way to search for it is if you right-click and choose Buy More
I got like 4 or 5 of it out of 1k box (not a best way to throw 20g)
The first time i opened got 50 dragonite and I was like WOOOW and al gifts after that gave me ugly clothes
Antitoxin was not at 100% last time I looked, and it was recently it was somwhere around 95% and that 5% is wful ton of players, and why do you even care, do you want to extend that content?
bug supposedly?
Sorry, but orphans burning each other is just in bad taste.
that’s actually what Ho Ho Tron says after he collects all the money he needs.
to burn each other to stay warm – Ho Ho Tron. Tomorrow is the release of the Wintersday event. It is so exciting with all this new Dolyak Escort event and everything that was there last year with IMPROVEMENTS. Anyone who could not watch the livestream here are the most useful notes.
- Party Activities – you can now enter activities with your party (mentioned only about Toypocalypse and Snowball Mayhem, doubt it works on others)
-No queue for JP – you won’t have to wait for the puzzle to reset and can choose any of the three available paths, also a checkpoint where players can take the present and go or take continue. (right before the exploding gifts)
-Donations – in LA near Weaponsmithing station Minstrel and Ho Ho Tron are collecting gold to donate for orphans, they usually have funny conversations between them, bragging about gold they got.
-Dolyak Escorting – after the donation requirement has been filled HoHoTron or Minstrel will start Dolyak escort event where players have to repel huge waves of Skritt using Snowball or Kick (F key function) The event does not scale and gets harder over time.
-Gifts for you and you and you All activities grant gifts from various actions. E.G is your team scores a gift in Snowablly Mayhem you get a gift, during the dolyak escort the dolyak drops gifts the longer the event the more the gifts you get.
-Winters….MONTH – The event will continue until 21st January.
Nothing else has been revealed (if I forgot anything comment and I’ll add it)
You should check out the Grawl fractal, boss fight when elementals spawn is HELL. My guildies were stuck there (And they are really good players) for hours dan couldnt beat it. For lvl 43 it is alaways good to take mesmer and necromancer as Phantasms and Minions wont kill you, also Conditions are good.
While watching Wooden Potatoes’s video about scarlet, listening him read the story. I heard the phrace She wanted to construct systems as complex as the ones she saw in nature, to build machines as sublime as the living things she saw each and every day And it struck me, Twisted, Clockheart, Hybrid – Scarlet wants to create her own people, her own race, she wants to be the one in charge of something bigger, much bigger than the alliances. Her curiosity in Chaos and Dragon magic can be explained by the following. The dragons can corrupt and create their own creatures – Primordus does not corrupt anything, it creates while other dragons corrupt the dead and the living to rule over them. The chaos magic can twist things inside out and transform them into ANYTHING. Scarlet wants to join these magics together so she can create – or corrupt – the race she wants to rule over. Her experiments do make sense now, and we can see the progress. She experimented by fusing two things together with each alliance, well maybe excpet for Aetherblades, it was for something different, it was for Propaganda. During F&F she fused Dredge and Charr, she created Molten berserker and firestorm which were fuses of Charr and Dredge stuff. With Clockworks she created robots that were magical and could rebuild THEMSELVES – PROGREEEESSSSS. Then she threw Clockheart at us which was her Twisted technology and Living Oak heart or w/e heart. Finally she created Hybrid that was almost entirely living thing, however they failed and scarlet knew they would, thats why she is thanking us for cleaning after her because we literally are doing that. These experiments are her toys so she can not go wrong while playing with the Real Chaos and Dragon magic. As we know these networks go around the globe and intersect at locations, The giant PILLARS, they are meant to capture Chaos and Dragon magic, to fuse them together. With this Scarlet will create or corrupt race that she will rule over.
(edited by g e o.2589)
I mean the thing, I shoot 3 giant balls from my PISTOL, look at the picture. XD
If you choose a Street Rat you have a choice between dumpong a friend into trouble or saving the friend while whole Divinity’s Reach gets poisoned.
So I recently returned to my thief and well I use weapons that drop for me, this time it was pistol/dagger. I don’t really remember shooting Bolas from my pistol :s
See the picture below, if its a bug then its a funny bug
I keep saying that they forgot what “fun” is.
I’m sure the last time I checked “Fun” meant an emotion mostly provided by grinding out achievements and gold to get that expensive skin from Gemstore.
shouldnt this be in Suggestions?
that forum is dead, no one ever looks at it, give me a chance before moderator moves the post
So we saw that the new skills will cost 25 skill points, however I think there should be a different way of doing it, more exciting and challening. Skill Points do not mean anything now and most people have piles of them lying, so I think there should be points of higher tier called Superior (or w/e) Skill Points. These type of SP will have to be collected by doing special mini dungeons, bosses, event chains, scavenger hunts. Activities, for short. This will be more exciting way of getting them. The skills could cost from 1-5 depending on their tier (ex. 1 for healing, 2-3-4 for Utility, 5 for elite)
Ninja queen posted before me, but this is for OP:
So what would you prefer? That it is easy when you don’t know it? So it wouldn’t even be worthy of being called trivial once you do know it?
Content isn’t meant to be cleared without knowledge or experience the first time; your first time should be testing the waters, learning what mobs do, when and how they do it, learning and developing encounter tactics, etc, not just whipping through the whole kitten instance. That comes after completing a few dozen times.
Yes but if it makes you to never touch a dungeon again then its not doing well
Guys did you even read it? I am not saying that they are too difficult for people who KNOW it, as for me aswell. I tried with stuff that drops and entered with 36 lvl to see how it was to people who have never done before. For NEW players it is way too difficult if they are doing it with lvl 35s and mostly with DROPPED gear.
Today I tried to do AC P3 with my lvl 36 thief, there were two toher low lvls one was 48 ele and 38 mesmer, and lvl 80 guardian and necro, however it was extremely difficult to do it. We could not get past the lover’s crypt. I admit we didn’t give it much of a try after failing in 2-3 times, but now try to look from a newbie’s perspecitve. The first dungeon and so difficult, most groups don’t even accept you. CM/TA/SE are not that much difficult, and its not even about CoF, lvl 75 dungeon which is MUCH easier than lvl 35 one. So do you agree with this? Personally I think CoF should be a but more challenging while AC should be more relieved as its the first one, just think how can newbies guess to stack on spider queen, if it unleashes one AoE attack everyone dies, it needs a bit of rework, even if gold reward decreases.
Devs PLEASE PLEASE, make Deception (#2 skill on downed) function similarly to thief’s downed skill, give it a ground targeting option. Here are the reasons why: you never know where you are gonna get teleported so mostly its in big red circles, under the boss, nowhere, to the next enemy, to your death, right under the attack etc. Its really unfair that we have a skill with 50/50 suicide/salvation while eles can freely roam and enter keeps and towers with their #2 downed skill or thieves that teleport NOT under the enemy. Please devs consider it.
Ascended armour, New Healing Skills, Trait Fix. SNOWBALL MAYHEM AND WINTERSDAY JP, Minis coming back. This will be a very merry (farmy) wintersday!
Head: Grenth if possible or Arah, or nothing
Shoulders: Deathly Mantle or Tactical
Chest: HoTW
Hands: Arah
Legs: CM pants
Feet: AC shoes
Abyss and Swampblack dyes
Toughts? Would you eat this nasty stuff ?
its a poison you can offer to your annoying neighbour whose dog never shuts up
Here is a cosplay I could find best fits the Grenth – Grenth’s Avatar
page is usually revealed much earlier
here is my question: can you still buy the 5 agony resist infusions from FoM? If so, can you combine those together to make a +6? Or, have they been removed from the fractal relic golem? Or are they just 5 agony resist instead of a +5 agony resist? I haven’t seen anything on this yet.
infusions that you can buy in FoTM are (blues) these ones are (pink) so no, you can not combine those infusions. The new infusion slot on (Infused) items is just for Pink infusions.
If you want to calculate how much +1s you need stick it into this formula
n=1X2^(n-1) and for regeants [2^(n-1)]-1
for + 5 = 2^(5-1) = 2^(4)= 16
16(+ 1)>8(+ 2)>4(+ 3)>2(+ 4)>1(+5) – 15 regeants.
for + 6 = 2^(6-1) = 2^(5)= 32
32(+ 1)>16(+ 2)>8(+ 3)>4(+ 4)>2(+ 5)>1(+ 6) – 31 Regeants
(edited by g e o.2589)
I did this around a week or so ago and didn’t have any problem.
is there new infusing recipe? take a look Vial is in the left bottom corner
What was your luckiest moment in GW2? I was doing fotm lvl 28 and got tons of T6 and rares also Assassin’s Ascended weapon box in daily <3. What was your luckiest moment?
If you listen carefully to uncategorized asuran boss he says “All of us, Abandoned, you are not real” if you look also around closely it is rata sum. It blows up in the future and that asura is the only one remaining. for others, do not know, Urban is Ascalon War, Collosus – dunno, have no idea about underwater, for Ice fractal, SoS can open mists portals so they might have gone themselves there. Swamp – no idea.
for 10-19 5 is nice you don’t die easily if you get caught in agony, so you can just infuse one ring.
It will function as other fractals do, maybe in this week we will be able to manually select new fractal chain so we can experience all of them if there are any achievements, however later it will just function as general.