gw1 i still have loads of quest lines to do… they came from everywhere, so many sometimes that i didnt know what to do.
GW2 well 6 months in an all done except for the grind…:(
no kitten i think your abit late to the party, altho an in game lfg is needed
since last week im getting dc about once an hour, not sure if its me or the game.. altho im sure its annoying when waiting for a dragon or boss to spawn only to relog in an OF server
they look cool but i want one with sleeves… also its nice to see something added to the gem store
yea hide others spell FX , would be great , when there are so many people attacking one thing all i can see is a ball of light…:)
is it possible to somehow buy single items from vendors more than 1 item at a time?
For example, if I want to purcahse 100 of an item from a vendor, do I need to click the “buy” button 100 times? Or can I somehow do a combination of buttons that lets me choose a bulk value?
Thanks so much!
If you have a gaming mouse you can set a repeat on your buttons, but thats it afaik
who doesnt love power ranger armour..!!
i moved around at first with a few mates to see what server we liked best , im sorry but playing with friends is a valid reason.
And for the rest of the questions…. i just dont enjoy wvw as much as i do pve, and for some reason i always have. so i chose to do things i enjoy doing..:)
yep they are only from the gem store or chests. all the one you get in the world by leveling are basic ones only..
not a chance… thats value right there…
I dont understand why it would bother you tho…
still lag at dragons tho..:(
hehe thats great..!!
When people view your topic and not say anything at all. What is the point of even viewing it?
i tend to find i read people topics to see what they are thinking about the game and things… but usually buy the time i get to the bottom of the thread someone has already replied saying what i was gonna say, so i find i dont need to post.
(altho sometimes i just read the OP and reply to that but not often)
Dont let them put you off, Gillius. I solo’d my ranger to 80 and I have brains made of 100% mashed potato.
I do wish they could use pistols and rifles though, doesn’t make sense having a ranger blocked from some projectile weapons.
That made me laugh… thanks..:)
Patch is good. Like the changes every month. Always feel regenerated to pick up over the weekend. Thanks for giving us a fun game and working on more things to do in game
lol i have to admit… i joined an AC run, it was late and i guessed it would be the standard face roll as i have done it many times before, boy was i surprised when it had all changed, and i guess it caught other people off guard too. was a nice surprise!! gonna have to check out the others now too..:)
only read the op… and it makes me sad… i just started a ranger, and was finding it quite fun.. but she is only lvl 15 or so….sad panda…:(
lmao the way im going it ill be my grandkids that get twilight (or sunrise or whatever) seems like im never gonna get one…
Read any forum posts lately?
Just people raging.. nothing new on forums
If they can only be looted once per day, they better reward much better than they did. I’m talking at least one guaranteed rare.
yea i want at least a green drop….:p
lmao mine says ’we’re sorry there was an error retrieving the patch note please try again Dont worry tho you can still play the game’ ..looool
millions of people dl at once… it will come in
edit: btw same here…
yea i just found this happening to me. once again anet kitten of their players for trying to make a little gold (or a loss i suck at it…hehe )
Edit: just noticed it only lasts for 5 min or so. it makes even less sense now…
(edited by gillius.2856)
When someone starts attacking the mobs im trying to dodge, i just leave em to it and go grab some more mobs… they’re everywhere…hehe
(maybe they are doing there daily kills…)
Drugs are bad…hehe
Warrior for sure.
I sit on railways, train is about to hit me, Endure Pain, train-in-face deals 0 damage.
Then detarget, Rush, WA, Savage leap, Bull’s charge away like a boss.
HaHa this reminds me of that bit in ‘no ordinary family’ where he was testing his powers to stop a car….can got clean run over… was so funny..!!
a search would have told you that… glad you got it sorted tho..!!
Sorry, bad idea. As other’s said – one opens all – not good.
Not sure how people see “one opens all” lol.. I have no clue where people are reading this.
Because you said… If you guarantee a key from a chest….
Na the best I ever get is an achievement, but I still do then cos they are great, well all except the wvw ones…. There I die to fast… Lol
Yea i would like mounts too? but i have found most classes have some sort of speed up with either a weapon or a skill..
Nope I wouldn’t buy keys, I used the ones that dropped from leveling and had fun with the tonics, but tbh if I could sell them on the TP I would.
i SUPORT THIS topic duels inspect and gvg its MUST BE in this game !!!
Yea I agree, along with a world chat too.
Or they could leave orr as it is and open up the rest of the map so we can explore new stuff. But I guess they already have plans for those areas.
I thought they must have done something in that 45mb I downloaded in the no changes patch.
No Thanks
(More words)
It was a bad idea the first time round….
oh look another pvp’er moaning… how original
I see many people hating on RNG.
I only hate the RNG because it seems to hate me…:( and ive been nothing but nice..
can i have your stuff… its taking me ages….:)
They come from black lion chest and the tp. As the drop rate for the keys has been minimised we re seeing less of these transmutation stones
I think there’s an option to change yr party window to simplified.. i find it good when im healing but then turn it off again im not.. maybe you toggled it by mistake?
I feel they left out a lot of stuff that was fun in gw1 .
just get a group and do the quests to open it up, its an mmo play with some friends
Lol… you didn’t read past the title did you?
To the op… Balthazar isn’t currently open on Tarnished Coast, but it very frequently is. Next time I see it open I’ll shoot you a pm.
Opps my apologies .
just get a group and do the quests to open it up, its an mmo play with some friends
Also, PLEASE change it where right clicking = targeting. There needs to be a toggle in the setting to disable right click targeting/selecting sometimes.
Oh hell yea this.. i cant count how many times i have targeted another player while adjusting my camera… its quite annoying
I would like this, and it just dawned on me that i have a growing friends list and it would be nice to be able to put a note by their name, just so i can write things like when i met them and what they like doing so when im looking for group i can contact the right people.
As it is when i add someone it adds their account name and mostly i have no idea who is who because i added a char name not an account name.
What do you guys think?
nope cos all it does is puts a symbol by your name… so its pretty much pointless so no one uses it
I bet Anet won’t even dare to answer … or they will in 2 in the other thread about loots…
Or they will just delete the posts and pretend nothing happened
5 Dungeons in a month… not to hard to do, if you dont want to do it then dont i guess