gwamm, grinding without any meaning and/or measure 8-).
titles are just cosmetic. i never have a title on, didnt in gw1 and wont in gw2,
because it doesnt say anything.
doing teq with people displaying ‘sunbringer’ and stil they dont know what to do when
there are no commanders 8-P
bad designing?
uw and fow were great to do with any profession.
professions arent alienated by dungeons, but by players.
the celeron is the least powerfull processor from intel.
i would say no.
reseating means remove memory and videocard, and then put them back in again.
What i find kind of odd is that you have just 1 memory stick, while most modern memory has to be placed in pairs or even tripple modules(dual or tripple channel).
correct me if im wrong
maybe swap your single 8 gig stick for 2 4gig ones and see what happens.
I would say its probably your memory thats a fault here.
are the bios settings for the memory ok? i had one fried module once because
the shop that build it didnt put the correct voltage settings in the bios.
good luck with trouble shooting
theres no Viconia DeVir in this game 8-) to bad
baldurs gate, i still play that game now and then.
(edited by innocens.1582)
Is anyone here really arguing that AoC is more interesting than Guild Wars 2 is to more people?
I found aoc to be way more emerging then gw2 will ever be 8-)
i attached a pingplotter screen, and it goes haywire at,
and i think (correct me if im wrong).
not much you can do about it i8-)
It was unplayable yesterday evening.
I live in holland and the lag was so horrible, i logged of.
2 disconnects during teq, lagspikes and so on.
No fun in hitting your keboard with nothing happening.
i have the same problem when i warp into la.
This weekend it got way worse then it was before.
I dont defrag because i use a solid state disk(lol ssd gets kittened )
intel core i7 975 @4ghz
asus ramage 2 extreme mobo
nvidia gtx 590
6gb ddr3
win7 64bit
i think the game is fine as it is.
I get more then enough loot to be able to do the things i wanne do,
i would even say sometimes its raining rares and exotics.
Even have some ascended drops without looking for them.
The fun of games for me is playing them with friends and have a
good time, or jsut reandomly roam through the world,
not the drops it gives.
intel says if its a intel board, 3 beeps is memory.
so if you have a intel board you could try the following,
depending on how many memory modules are in your machine,
take out everything thats not needed . If you dont know wich ones, check the motherboard manual and leave the first bank in and take out the rest.
Check if the problem is gone.
If so, start adding memory back in until it glitches again.
thats the faulty module.
If it glitches right away, swap the module with another one and repeat.
hope i explained it right 8-)
Good luck.
is it a new system?
edit the shortcut to gw2.
command line is something like “D:\games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe”
add space -repair so it looks like “D:\games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -repair
run guildwars, and when its finished remove the -repair part.
You can also make a copy of the shortcut and call it guildwars reapair or something.
and then edit the new guildwars repair shortcut.
i have a story from gw1 ring of fire mission early days when just profecies was there.
We had this warrior with us in gear that you could get by trading things with someone. So this was the cheapest gear there was for a lvl 20.
i forgot what it was called lol.
He was very good at what he did, and he fitted the group perfectly.
No leroying, listening to what was said in chat and acting accordingly.
Very smooth rof mission that was 8-)
I have also met leroying wammos in obsi gear who just kittened everything up.
I dare say it doesnt matter what someone has. ap points, titles, armor , weapons, it
doesnt say anything.
(edited by innocens.1582)
i dont think ap says much.
Maybe i just hitchhiked with people who know what they are doing, and
dont know kitten myself.
I mean hey i could buy the ‘dungeon master’ ttitle probably by paying
for the runs.
If you want to do things relaxed, try find other relaxed people.
Dont join the speed clears
I dont know if they still are in the game, but a guild like mara
might be what your looking for. You have to be above 21 i think.
Very relaxed people and fun to play with.
I dont think there is much difference between the players in gw1 and gw2.
I find most of the community in gw2 very helpfull.
if people want to pay to have someone else do something for them
by all means, go for it
In gw1 you could buy runs to outposts, runs through dungeons,
spider runs in uw (for wich some people asked a big bag of money)
but if you met the right people, you could get it for free to sometimes.
I wasnt a runner in the true sense back then, but got of several free drok runs for people. Ascelon -> la i did for free when in the mood, and spider runs in uw to.
I like to make others happy 8-)
i get out of bed and cant find my pandabear
im all thumbs up for mounts to be able to travel faster.
would love to have a horse.
achievement points dont say much, i would even dare say titles dont say much either.
There arent just speedclears, there are people who do stuff a bit more relaxed to.
If you dont see any in lfg make your own.
In my experience you best run dungeons with friends or guildies.
mostly do teq at 18:00 dutch time and im there 45 minuts before it starts.
A friend of mine does the same (hes on another server).
If my map is ok he comes to me and if his map is ok i go to him.
Mostly if your early you get a good group.
At 21:00(dutch time) i see a lot of ‘guild teq runs’ organised by different guilds.
im there about 10-15 min early and if its a guild run its a guaranteed success.
are you using 802.11n to connect to your wifi?
Try using only a/b/g.
once i had a laptop that acted realy funny with type n connections.
The wifi card supported it, but it disconnected a lot.
Put the router back to 802.11a/b/g and the problem was gone.
maybe worth a try.
ps: gaming over a ethernet cable will allways be more stable then
over a wireless connection.
had this this weekend at the teq event for the first time.
couldnt move couldnt cast..
just stood there locked in place for 1 minut.
After i got downed by a red circle and got back up i could move again.
good to know /sit works
i tend to agree with dusty, that someone in this gear doing damage is more usefull
then someone who’s dead on the ground.
The amount of dead and downed people at the zerg group with teq is huge sometimes
If you factor in the time it takes to revive a downed player, and during this time the downed player and his rezzers dont do damage, i realy dont think it makes much difference in the end damage wise at these big events.
are you using a hd tv as monitor?
looks like not everyone plays games for the same reasons.
some play to have some fun and escape real life
some play for just rewards, time is money, and every minut in game equals gold.
we wil never agree on whats best im afraid
world events fail because people dont know what to do, and because some seem to like to afk.
Dont realy think it has anything to do with someones build.
I do teq allmost every day, and when commanders explain in map chat what people should do, it allways works.
When no one explains anything, then it fails.
some real life game quotes that i think are funny,
“they are killing the troll illegal!!!!” → comment from frostgorge sound train
“We will notify anet so you wont get the boss chest” → not being on teamspeak during the teq event. The biggest joke was they failed misserably and i allready got the chest 3 hours before.
i tend to agree with the op.
dont like jumping. When i entered dry top i left after 30 seconds when i saw
it was this stupid jumping all over again (this is my personal opinion).
I agree that a mmo is not a platform game and jumping puzzles should not
be required to explore a new area .
i got a green clickable star on the right side of the screen, this took me to a email, wich
unlocked the ls2 for me.
should work about the same for you.
Else check your mail.
rof server login takes ages,
bltp gives ‘invalid authorzization’
edit: looks like its solved
(edited by innocens.1582)
during world events stacking bleeding on spawned champs and then spreading it to the trash with your epidemic works pretty good.
So i disagree that condition necros hurt world events.
it might sound weird to some players that others play this game for fun and
not for profit.
personaly i think that what games are for, relax and have some fun.
and dont worry i wont join your goup.
i totaly agree with amia and siren.
love playing necro and sometimes do conditionmancer, and sometimes
direct damage with axe combined with some conditions.
Now the question of what is the best build has different answers for everyone.
There is no best build probably.
In the open world and with world events, conditionmancer is a lot of fun to play
with all of the trash running around there.
I imagine this could be used in some dungeons with lots of trash to.
And when there is single targe damage needed, i think axe works just fine.
I play the way i like, and when i wanne do a dungeon i go with friends.
They dont care what i play and i dont care what they play, as long as we have a fun time.
And we allways have 8-)
Some people cant handle the fact that they are anonymous behind a pc,
and start acting way different then in real life.
Insulting others is one example of this.
Best thing is to just ignore it probably.
^ that made me rofl
i dont use my gw email anywhere else, and even i
get the occasional ‘password reset’ email.
no one even knows this email adress exist except gmail.
I just delete them and check if i see any weird login ip’s.
So far i did nog see any 8-).
necro is fun to play. go for it!
well if they dont want me just say so, i have no problem with that.
either accept im new and take some time, or say you wanne do speedclear no newbies allowed.
Dont accept me in your party knowing im new and then take off like im not there.
edit: its not that anyone has to teach me something if they dont want that.
Its not telling new players you dont wanne take time and then blame them for their mistakes.
(edited by innocens.1582)
From another perspective, i hate it when i do say im totaly new to dungeons,
and see 4 people take of to do a speedclear without taking any time
to explain anything at all and then start noobcalling 8-)
this made me dislike dungeons and so far i avoided them like the plague
ps: above happened with one guy i knew and even he didnt take any time to explain anything.
Its not playing for fun but just playing for fast profit.
53 and recently returned
in gw1 our guild was made up of laid back people from 12 to around 50
and it worked realy wel.
just need to find the right guild now .
he should go to the support page and then submit a request.
give support the things he does still know like serial number,
and ask for a reset of his login email and password.
is it possible your keyboard switches from country? from for instance usa international to dutch.
It does so when you press ctrl and shift together to.
If you have had any trojans of virusses on your pc, it might be a good idea to do a clean install of windows.
Hope this helps and good luck
e-Mail from "ArenaNet?" Please read! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: innocens.1582
if you get fake sites with .tk, send a mail to with the source email code in it, and they will block the site.
lots of other registrars do this as well.
If its chinees or east europian, do not bother to send mail to the abuse address.
the 20% extra damage through customization was only done in pvp i think.
In pve the 20% realy didnt matter much .
I never customized a weapon in gw1.
The reason was not primary for selling, but the fact that you could give it to another character if you wanted to.
Dont realy like soulbound myself since you cant give your weapons to another char.
As far as economy in games goes, i think this is pertty overhyped by most.
For me its just pixels on my screen.
I could not care less about what stuff costs, since i never buy something except for
I still remember this dwarf patrol in Lornar’s Pass.
If you werent carefull, they were allways on top of you in the wrong place at the wrong time
in gw1 enemies could not patrol?
I agree they were set patrol route’s, but there were lots of patrols in gw1
(edited by innocens.1582)
no, i dont buy black lion keys.
I dont use the gem store for anything but bank and inventory space.
I dont roleplay myself, but i loved the rp server on aoc.
live and let live, its that simple actualy.
Let people do what they want, and if its a rp server, hey people roleplay.
@the op, sorry your friends left. i can imagine that feels realy bad.
i dont experience many bugs, but i dont play much. only 1 or 2 hours a day, and
lately i dont play more then maybe 5 hours a week.
I used to be a gw1 addict. played it for like 5 years straight for at least 4 hours a day.
I loved that game.
I dont have the same feeling when playing gw2, but i cant lay my finger on why not.
I dont think its a bad game, i just dont find it as atractive to play.
I still play it and still enjoy myself, but it did not put the hook in me like gw1 did.
just my 2 cents.
about not being a wow or other mmo clone people keep talking about,
i dare to disagree. Flame me if you want
I think the gear is very much like other mmo’s
several tiers or armor and weapons with all kinds of stats on it, its just like
that other mmo i played, and it wasnt wow lol.
(edited by innocens.1582)
pass the dutchie pan the left hand side
(edited by innocens.1582)
yes it is massive multiplayer online (rpg)