“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
In general, while learning the game, you don’t have to care about it at all. You can play the entire Open World maps any way you want, and test and experiment and find what works for you/is fun etc.
The only places you should start thinking about that is in PvP/WvW, and Raids, and possibly some Dungeons and Fractals (depending on who you play with, and what fractal level etc).
Typically players care more about finding a balance of Damage vs Survivability that they’re comfortable with, and adapt around that to make a build they enjoy. Many players enjoy heavy into survival at start, and as they feel more comfortable with the game, slowly shift over to more damage.
Yeah it is strange if you’re coming from other games with more rigid role systems, but basically GW2 lets you play any role with any class, with its own twists etc.
I’m currently having the opposite, played GW2 so long, and trying a more traditional MMO, and learning how restricted I am in dungeons ! >_< Oh boy!
Don’t really mind them myself, but I guess you could replace “Retreat!” with “Move Out!” which makes sense no matter which way you’re running.
Don’t want to see “Save Yourself!” changed, unless they change it to my favorite verbal typo of the skill: “Shave Yourself!” and then have the guardian shave 4 nearby allies, and make his own beard larger.
Can we plz have a anet pool for a cross server chat on each matchup.
The game would feel more alive with that!
Make it happen!!!
I just don’t see any real benefit to it.
All the trolling:
The only real benefit I can see is between Duelers, and other groups trying to setup organized fighting. And showing respect for those you’ve Dueled with etc. But I don’t consider that to be anywhere near worth the negatives.
A compromise that might work, was to allow “/say” to be multi-server. That would allow most of the same, with only half of the negatives, and much easier to block for individual users. Still can’t say I’m positive to even that.
I don’t really understand what you want to accomplish with this idea? Is it meant so that when you enter WvW, in addition to your normal class, you also pick one of these as sort of a sub-class ? Because at first glance, they really look like “class descriptions”, but it didn’t sound like you wanted entirely new classes for WvW.
Anyways, each of these “classes” sounds very hard locked into what they do. As such, I’d say they go against the existing class design where classes can generally play in many different styles. It also strikes me as a bad idea to add more layers of “specializing” in things in WvW, which would/could make it even harder to get good fights in smaller scale, as there would be even more rock/scissor/paper in builds.
It sounds like you want the game to play more similar to the “holy trinity” style, where people have set roles in combat ?
Seriously, if htey closed EotM, how many of the players do you think would bother returning to WvW? Personally I think most of them would just go back to PvE instead. Doubt you’d get as much as 5 more people per link at this stage.
Laughs Despite your usual trolling, we’re halfway there with the links. At this stage it isn’t unreasonable to start imaging going the rest of the way.
Wow this thread derailed.
Completely agree with Gaile on this, there is a lot of things people can post and discuss, but in a more neutral or positive tone. The negative tone adds absolutely nothing of any use to any discussion. From what I’ve seen so far, the negative tone only serve to kill discussion before it can even start.
The whole “Developers doesn’t talk with us” is a scapegoat in this case, it has nothing to do with how we choose to communicate. It may be a reason why many are bitter etc, but they still choose to post in a negative manner or not. That, and it actively discourage Developers (or any other posters for that matter), from bothering to reply seriously, or at all.
Have to second that the easiest way to get Transmo Charges is city map completions. I always keep an open character slot for that, make a new toon, and just run through all 6 citites and do map completion.
Still dreaming of actually finding other people in this map.
I have been playing GW2 on and off in the last year.
I have all classes upto level 10 (lol..its no much i know)
I am just looking for a class-> that is engaging (not Ranger like..where you just snooze with your pet doing all the work)
-> rewarding when you level with useful abilities getting available to you
-> lil challenging
-> I am not that much worried about the endgame content so I am ok with leveling slow
-> Should atleast make me to think for a second before engaging multiple mobs i.e if there is no chance of dying then all i am doing is clicking buttons without any thrill
(1) To be Fair, the Ranger (as every other class) is what you makes it to be. I agree that the standard Ranger with longbow, pet, and zerk gear is as boring as it comes. But I’ve had a good bit of fun last few months playing a sword/torch + shortbow, ranger with lots of traps. Sort of middle range skirmisher, that jumps in and out of melee constantly, while lining up aoes. Still easy though, because ranger has way too much burning damage :p
But the clue here is that most classes can play in almost any manner. Try all the weapons, find something you like, that gives you the kind of experience you want, and not just what people recommend, or what feels the strongest etc. Guardian for example traditionally was Greatsword + Staff for leveling. So try something else. I’m having fun with Sword and Scepter, while mixing up my off-hands. Hammer is a bit weird in Pve, but can be fun.
(2) I don’t know how to answer this, all classes uses the same system to get heropoints, and uses them to unlock skills and traits. Most of the personification of play style comes through traits, so I’d recommend siting down and reading through the trait lines before investing in them, to see what you really want. I do know that picking a wrong trait line can feel very punishing at start, until you gather enough hero points to unlock another one.
(3) + (5) While any class can be challenged depending on how you play it, I must admit that some classes can feel harder than others etc. The easiest are probably: Guardian, Warrior, Revenant, Ranger, Necromancer. So that leaves you with: Thief, Engineer, Elementalist, Mesmer.
This should also answer the 5th question, as the first 5 can usually just run into things, and worst case get out for free with some “get out of jail for free” cards. The last 4 usually don’t have that, or at least not in the same way. And usually require some planning and saving some important cooldowns for getting away.
(4) In both regards, play what you want. There isn’t that big a difference between leveling and end-game in this game, so find a class you enjoy playing, and rather just experiment with different ways of playing that class.
TLDR: Play Thief
It’s a class with zero passive defenses, lots of active defenses, so your survival is entirely dependent on yourself. You have to pay attention to things constantly, and no “snoring at the wheel” like some other classes can turn into at times/builds. Switch around weapons often, try new things constantly. Don’t stagnate, and Thief will never stagnate on you! It’s my favorite leveling class, and the most fun in combat.
Last friday (reset) every even numbered month. So this month.
Well, that is the problem with developing on old engines, sometimes there are some weird stuff that just can’t be changed (hardcoded or limitations or what not). Considering WoW is built partially from Warcraft3, and GW2 is a heavy modified GW1 engine. Who knows what is hardlocked or not. Heck, most scripts in the games is invisible small critters casting spells :p
Anyways, what I feel is the most relevant question here is the Game Design, on how many slots vs how much loot/drops etc they intended. And how this is messed up with the further adds of map specific items, and how behind they are with adding them to the wallet.
This might again touch on a limitation in the engine (We don’t know), that it takes so long to add items to wallet. It might be a whole lot of work to add a single item to the wallet, because that part might be coded really weird, based on some GW1 stuff.
Wondering if it would be easier to just make a new inventory system for those items, or perhaps have them count as account bound mats instead, and let us use them from mats tab. Or some other weird workaround.
Well, don’t like the suggestion as it stands, as the net effect is that the match-up ends up with a pile of servers on server “leading”, and no players on servers “losing”. So you’ll end up with an entire server that is winning also wanting to move around.
Basically you’re saying that they should effectively shut down one entire Tier for a week. And the effect they might have on another tier, could potentially shut down another Tier as well.
Using the same idea, but trying to minimize the number of people thrown around, ends me up at a request I’ve seen thrown around the forum several times in the past:
Combine the Queue system and match the numbers of the teams.
If Server A has 50, B has 40, and C has 20. Set limit to 40 (B). Throw anyone else trying to join A into Queue, and let them click a button to guest at a random other server that is losing (and a slight volunteer bonus).
Effect: Server A+B will have roughly same number of players on the map, and anyone stuck in the Queue, can play mercenaries on other servers that needs the help.
People are still going to be ticked off that they can’t get into THEIR server, as per usual. But at this stage I’m starting to wonder if WvW players aren’t just permanently ticked in the first place, so might not make a difference.
Personally I don’t think the server structure will ever work, but it is too much work and resources for them to change it. So we’re stuck with what we got.
Just to clear up:
You don’t get actual normal XP in WvW anylonger (nor EotM), instead you get a few Tomes of Knowledge from WXP level ups and from the reward track. These can naturally be consumed to gain 1 level per Tome.
You are scaled up in WvW, but that does not mean you are a level 80 character. It just boosts your stats and gear to roughly what it would be if you where an 80 and the gear was 80. You still are whatever level you where before, and have the same equipment restrictions etc (like no superior sigils and runes until 60 etc).
Also, technically you can get into WvW at level 1, if you can crash out of the tutorial somehow (I’ve done it).
I don’t think they’re going to make new maps, nor do I know if this would be the right way to do it. But heck this sounds fun:
This made me think of old Dune, and making a map based on that. Sort of like having a lot of sand, with some rocks here and there (small but safe). And whenever you’re on sand, the more activity the larger the chance to attract a sandworm, that will put a large aoe under groups of people, and keep trying to eat people off (near impossible to destroy, but easy enough to evade).
Basically, if a large enough number gathers, friend or foe, in one area, and makes a ruckus of themselves, a sandworm is summoned, and starts aoe (perhaps with knockdown) as it breaches the surface, and bite on anyone thats nearby, until the group disperse and hides on rocks.
My WvW mantra, every time I join WvW, I chant the holy words:
“No gliding in WvW. No gliding in WvW. No gliding in WvW…”
Not certain I’d like this myself, but one idea, would be to incorporate this with a future LS.
Say they planned to make a LS around Elonia or Cantha, they could make up the entire zone 1 map at a time with each LS release. Starting with a 0-15, then 15-25, 25-35, 35-45, kitten, etkittenil they had enough zones. The main problem would be a city, since I don’t think they want to make more cities, so I guess the best solution there would be to do Ebon Hawk style from Fields of Ruin and add to the 0-15 map.
shrug Doubt they would do this, they probably have no reason to do so after all. We do have plenty of starting zones, and free selection of them. So I don’t see it as a big matter. Heck you can get 8 levels just map complete the 6 cities.
Illconceived Was Na.9781
+1 to all of you, nice discussion and interesting points.
To add something: How would it change things if ANet made a own map specific inventory tab that holds all map specific items, say a own 20 slot bag. Also carry over for WvW for siege, sw fro shovels, bitter frost for the armor pieces and potions etc ?
Bigger bags is a bandaid. The fix would be:
- Not spamming us with crazy amounts of green and blue items.
- Drop cash, directly.
- Drop crafting mats, directly.
- That’s it. Done.
Honestly a large part of the problem would go away if we got the blue and greens already salvaged. But that might change it the other way around, so people didn’t even bother to buy more than the initial 4 bag slots :p
Best one yet, love the commando, wish they just made all players into commandos on 1st april, best joke ever.
But yeah honestly would love to try to play something like that.
I agree that many of us (me at the head of the line) have inventory issues. For me, though, it’s not the bag size that’s bothering me. What seems clunky and problematic to me is the now familiar process of…
Take item A that drops here and combine it with item B that drops there and make item C which is then used with item K to make food to feed some plant with a special feeder that you carry. Oh…and while this is going on, you have item G that you must use with item X to have a chance to get item Z that might help you make item A.
I rarely jump on these opportunities when the present themselves. Instead, I procrastinate. I keep them in my immediate inventory “just in case.” I’ve been burned a number of times by getting rid of things that I subsequently decided to use. And, yes, I could put it all in the bank (which has maxed out space) but, like any self-respecting lazy player, I have my bank full of junk.
Every six months of so I take a few hours to clean house and it makes a difference. But I would appreciate fewer of the really complex collection/combination/multi-tiered junk fests. Actually, I would prefer that to having more inventory slots.
I fall in under this, I just fill the bank up with all these items, don’t even know what they do and couple of times a year, try to figure it out while cleaning up.
Funny enough the game Aion had a clever solution for this, it had a own inventory separate from your usual one for all quest items and other relevant stuff like this. So the game stored all of these for you, without taking up any of your usual inventory slots.
If GW2 made something similar to hold all those random stuff drops that might be useful for something down the road (box of light for example) as well as al the LS items and new map currencies (until they got own spot in the wallet) etc.
That would probably help more on item management than anything else.
Agreed with Illconceived Was Na.
I’d prefer the game to just do single stat on each piece so we could mix and adapt (up to a certain max limit per stat). Would also make it much easier to update and change gear, instead of looking at how 3-4 stats change changing one piece.
Make what you want to play with.
I’m not recommending this, but it is a way it could work:
A difficulty slider that actually imposed a penalty/boost to each character. So Easy mode might give that player +100% health. While a Hard mode might give the player -10% to all stats for example.
So can’t recommend it. Any other solution is basically using the Megaserver to divide the population into 3 difficulties. But then you are dividing the entire community in 3.
The best solutions would be to either focus on Instanced content as others above me has talked about, which largely means Fractals since they’ll never bother updating dungeons.
Or to just make most maps and areas a bit of everything. Have certain areas of each map super easy, and have another side super hard so only the most hardcore dares to wander in alone, while others might need groups or even zergs to survive certain spots. This is a scaling that lets you sort of choose your own adventure, and get an ingame feel of progress through teamwork or self improvement.
I’m not a big PvP’er myself, but I’ll try to answer things roughly in order:
I want to know how much does gw2 truly require to play competitive and all the costs.
If you mean real world money, then nothing once you have bought the expansion pack. No monthly subscriptions, nothing that gives you any actual advantages in a fight that can be bought for gold/$/Gems etc. GW2 has a policy that the “Gem store” is for cosmetic and convenience items. Stuff like more character slots, more bank storage, various miniatures (that does nothing of any benefit in game), Outfits/Costumes, endless gathering/Harvest tools, and the ever lovable Copper-Fed-Salvagematic.
For PvP specifically, the game is setup so that in PvP areas, you use the “PvP system”, so you don’t need to get anything at all, you can buy starter weapons from the merchants on the pvp map, setup your build etc and just go at it. Everything is equalized, so no one has any kind of numeric advantage over others. You can gather in-game gold and buy a couple of extra “Amulets” (Stat combinations), think that is pretty much it.
also, how much do you have to grind?
For just PvP, nothing at all. PvP sets you to the max level (80) while in PvP areas. Unlocks all class options, including specialization as long as you have the expansion-pack. You can pick up whatever weapons you want cheap at merchants on the pvp lobby itself.
(I’m actually not certain if you even need armor ? Never did try this, but do you even need armor in pvp or is your armor rating set automatically to the standard exotics level 80 baseline?)
Specifically, it doesn’t matter if you have a level 1 white greatsword or a legendary 80 greatsword. In PvP they get scaled to do the same stats, so the only thing that matters is that it is a “greatsword”.
PvP is specifically built like this so people can start the game and go right into PvP, and never have to leave unless they want to. (Just like GW1, where you coul dmake own PvP-characters, auto max level etc).
Hope this was of any help.
My mind went to the d&d style use of the word feats so I was quite confused trying to figure out what in gw2 was analogous to them that didn’t already have their own word heh.
Same here.
Anyways, male norn has a semi-fat body, which I use for my main. Closest I’ve found so far, and quite like it.
@ HazyDaisy.4107 +1
@ Balthazzarr.1349 +1
@ Choppy.4183 +1
I don’t miss the old upgrade system at all. You’re still dependent on keeping your camps alive, if they constantly flip back and forth that will slow down upgrading a lot. And as an (ex)roamer, mostly in enemy bl’s the only upgrades I ever used was the caravan guards to empty out supply cheaply before the enemy took it back, and to add 1-2 more grunts to pester poor home-bl defenders.
And with all the griefing and drama I saw in mapchat over who dared to this or that upgrade etc, combined with all the gold costs and such, I don’t miss it one bit.
@ Baldrick + Choppy: Liked both of your posts, good points.
Just killing the servers, and restart them, will re-create the same problem down the road. And with the player-bases experience in this matter, I doubt it would take more than 2 months to get back to the same spot.
WvW as it plays out right now, for one side to have fun, the two other sides aren’t allowed to have fun (A generalization, exceptions happens. hardcore sadist roamers for ex). So they do what most people do when they don’t have fun, they stop playing. And then suddenly most of the people on the side that had fun, has little to no fun left.
In sPvP this would be handled by short matches, and match-making algorithms, so at least that won’t happen over and over, and each match being a few minutes long. WvW you’re kinda stuck with it for a week, and just hope to get away for it the next week (and basically reverse the roles).
This, more than anything else is what needs to change.
Unfortunately, any sort of change to this would either force the game toward a more pure competitive game mode, and thus start changing or removing the server structure and the 24/7 mode, as well as frighten away the casuals and fair-weathers.
Or it would have to go more towards casual and tick off all the competitive minded players, and likely create a huge mess on the forums as they expressed their vitriol on the matter.
Either way, it would be a good bit of work. And I doubt they have the time/resources/manpower/money/will to do it. So guess I’ll just accept WvW for what it is, a defect EotM.
Edit: @Op, you didn’t add an option in the straw-poll for “It doesn’t matter”.
(edited by joneirikb.7506)
From what I understand, this was because of the manual Glicko Adjustment made (in one of the stickied threads). From memory TC and Mag got a -100 each, and couple of others got +20 or so. Combine that with the random element of Glicko, and I think this weeks match is within the known range.
From last weeks glicko ratings:
DB: 1705
Mag: 1930 (-100)
YB: 1720
So within, barely.
They used to have own match-up threads here, but the people posting there destroyed ANet’s image of a “nice and friendly community”, so they decided they didn’t want to have that on the official forums. Ever since they’ve disallowed “Match-up talk” because they want to avoid that type of “toxic talk”.
I can see their point, most of the match-up discussions tends to devolve into mud slinging and name calling, with very little constructive or relevant content. And there is a own forum for that if interested, mud slinging and all.
Last friday every even numbered month. Iirc.
So… The real solution is for ANet guild to become a zerg busting guild, and always play on the lowest server in a match-up, and beat up all the enemy groups. And never claim anything but the south camp in enemy borderlands ?
Honestly if I was employed at a game company, and the fans demanded that I stop playing the game, I’d probably stop working on the game as well.
Would have loved to see something like this, and taking parts out of existing wvw maps to use as maps for this. Say SMC, the bloodlust area of alpine etc. Lots of nice places that could be sort of cut out and made a own map for something like this.
ANet specifically does not give out specific numbers for things like this, they’ve stated that a few times before. The reason I’ve seen stated is because they don’t want players to game the system, or at least making it as hard as possible for them to do so.
So it’s been asked continually since game release, and probably even way back in Beta, but they refuse to answer.
So you’ll never get a better answer that the “More or kitten , +/- ~20, depending on which way the wind is blowing at ANet server today.”
It took just about the entire budget allocated for WvW for the HoT expansion to make 1 map (Desert), so where do you expect them to have the money to make 3 new maps ? It also took them about a year all in all from start until release of that single map, so you’re willing to wait for 3 years until they replace them ?
And to be honest, you could accomplish the exact same thing with just running multiple copies of EBG since everyone loves the map so much. :p
Both maps (Alpine/Desert, as well as EotM btw) are simply too big investments for them to just throw them away, or at least to be replaced with something else, especially with how badly received the last two maps has been (Desert/EotM) by the player base.
So if you where on the Economy department of ANet, would you have allowed that ?
That said, I agree that the 1 RBG and 3 BL’s is pretty silly considering the popularity of the maps. Most likely 2 EBG, 1 ABL, 1 DBL would work much better with the over all population. But ANet has designed themselves into a trap with the “home map system”, so they need to have own specific “Borderland maps” in 3/4 maps.
Said it before, remove the Home map system, and slightly change the Alpine/Desert maps to work a bit more like full 3 ways maps. Then you can adjust maps as needed/wanted.
Remove “Account Bound”, let people sell them. Problem solved.
What if ANet doesn’t agree it’s a “problem”? What if ANet thinks that leveling should be something earned by the account, not bought from other players or the gem shop?
I don’t disagree. But at the same time after having leveled every class 2-3 times, I sure wouldn’t mind buying a few extra Tomes, or just ask guild members with spare tomes for a few etc. Also good if you have a second account and just want to level up a toon on it quickly etc.
I certainly agree that new players shouldn’t just grab a pack of tomes and insta 80. Heck I am even against the free 80boost item we got (except for the free shared inventory slot!).
So something like this definitively should have some clauses, like you can only buy Tomes if you already have a level 80 toon, or something else. But I didn’t bother write an essay for that post, because nobody reads it anyways :p
I think the Tomes are a bad design in the first place, and that leveling on the whole is overly dragged out for the sake of leveling, instead of streamlined into something more practical (like a 20 level system like they had in GW1, and rather give you meaningful upgrades per level, instead of a dozen filler junks we get now).
Just to clarify one thing, most things in this game actually give % of level XP. Like Exploration, waypoints, POI, vistas, hearts etc. Think also Events.
So doing these will level you up exactly as fast between level 30-40 as 70-80 or 20-30. The only difference I know of is that 1-20 was set to be faster (on purpose).
Even monsters XP scales somewhat to your level, so you gain mostly the same no matter what level etc. Slightly slower if you’re higher level (downscaled etc), and slightly higher if you’re in higher level areas.
Really, as other have said before in this thread, the best advice really is to just not care about it, walk around and do whatever catches your fancy. You’ll level up eventually no matter what you do, for the first toon or two, the most important thing is to take your time and learn the game, controls, combat etc. Not how fast you get to 80.
Anyway, it’s not about who’s right or who’s wrong. The problem is that WvW has been trying to be all things to all players for too long now and it isn’t working. I do seriously believe the whole game mode should be rethought and there should be a formal split between the tactical/strategic structure-based, territory holding, points scoring matchplay and the larger-scale, Guild vs Guild direct person-to-person PvP game. It’s not impossible for the two to go hand in hand but as populations harden and scores become less meaningful it’s becoming increasingly difficult for WvW to support both playstyles effectively.
This, +1
Just do like the rest of T1 does atm, and go play in EotM instead
You have my axe! I shall follow you to the gates of Mordor!
I think another/different idea might be to take a hint from the Mentor Tag. By giving WvW its own tag symbol. This could be done either through a WXP track, or as a combination system with the existing tag.
Example a WXP Commander track might reward you with a “wvw pug tag” or something.
But if you have that AND a normal commander tag, it might unlock different symbols for the usual commander tag. The idea here is to give a way for commanders with more WvW experience a way to stick out.
Obviously this will have some good and bad sides, naturally a lot of people are going to do the usual elitist: “But he only has a PVE tag, we’re not following him!” etc. Which I think is the main reason this will never ever happen.
Remove “Account Bound”, let people sell them. Problem solved.
First glider I’ve liked in quite a while. It is a bit big, but I understand that because of the shape and form it has, but I can also see how that becomes a problem/annoyance for others.
I am a huge supporter of more options to disable/enable specific visual things/clutter. And would absolutely love to see an option to disable/use standard models for Wings, Backpacks, for other players so you can still see your own.
Also do the same for all the light effects and flashy looking stuff from attacks and skills. If more than 5 people attack the same model, it looks more like a Disco than a fight, and my eyes start hurting.
Sorry, but that’s blasphemy! Ranger is the best. Full stop.
And that in my opinion, is what matters most. Hey, I play dual-bow Ranger, for goodness sake!
Disowns Gaile
;) Kidding play whatever you like, as long as you don’t [Point Blank Shot] something I melee, I’m fine.
Ohh i see where this is going sale more sale, more sale !!!
Because if this is it:
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Yaks-Bend/first#post6513253" terms of play hours and ranks gained, which is the primary metric we use to determine which worlds we lock each week."
Quote end.You just buy one gw2 account per day you play in the week,
so with 7 gw2 accounts you don’t count towards locking your own server.Just use 7 different emails – maybe gw2 will being to offer free emails accounts
to complementary this new sale strategy.It is all about the money.
I do love this 5 year olds thinking strategy – but all for the money ofc, i do see the point !
If you play 4 hours a day for 7 days on a single account = 28 “play hours”.
If you play 4 hours a day for 7 days on 7 different accounts = 28 “play hours”.
Edit: did 4*9 in my head instead of 4*7, fixed.
+1 Best Thread.
Also Commando rules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR2Esy83MQ0
Ranger is the easiest class to play in “Open World Tyria”, it plays very different in a few other places (Dungeons, Fractals, PvP, WvW etc), because the Pet can indeed face-tank just about anything in the Open World. So if you want a challenge, basically any other profession will be better suited for Open World, for the rest Ranger can be as challenging as the rest, and sometimes harder.
Now which professions are “the most fun & challenging” depends mostly on yourself. But a few Suggestions: Thief, Engineer (avoid turrents), Elementalist, Mesmer.
Personally I like Thief and Ele a lot for this, since they have very low hitpoints, very low armor, and almost no “Passive Defenses”. They’re very dependent on your “Active Defenses” and play to survive.
That being said, all enemies at the starting areas are completely trash, and should not be used under any circumstances as a measurement for how good or bad your class is. Example Pistol/Pistol Thief might seem overpowering right now, but you will notice that the enemies will take longer and longer to kill as you get to new areas. I don’t think I’d even want to play Pistol/Pistol in the 80 areas. And as you level/get to higher areas, you continually want your weapons more for keeping you alive So Pistol/Dagger for example starts looking like a much better option.
Commander tag isn’t a WvW only thing, so it needs to cost something that applies to all game modes. I’m fully aware that the CMD tag has the greatest effect in WvW despite that.
(Also, I’d love the tears if you had to use badges and such for buying a tag period, all the tears of pve players all over again, that just wanted a vanity tag)
(edited by joneirikb.7506)
You can play GW2, including WvW, with ALL communication switched off if you want. Don’t limit it to not joining voice channels – switch off map, party, squad, say, team and all the rest of the channels. That way you get GW2 all to yourself as a solo RPG with some NPCs with really good AI.
Try it sometime. it’s very relaxing.
Just had to comment on this one, since I’ve been playing some Aion last weeks, and found that you can disable chats, disable name tags over their heads, and there is even a shortcut button to disable drawing their avatars. At that point, you can’t see another player at all. Kinda liked it, until I clicked one by random, and nearly jumped out of my chair thought I had seen a ghost or something!
(That and you can still see monsters being attacked, and they block nodes).
But yeah, this would create all kinds of new paranoia levels in WvW though…
Asked this for ages. Perhaps we will actually find other people, and perhaps even enemies in the JP, so there is actually some pvp on this map.
You can create something similar in the guildhall arena, by using some of the traps and hazards. Create areas that you have to use dodges and jumps etc to get through. One of my guildies made the arena into a “death-trap” sort of thing doing that. But it does require some creativity from the one making it
Maybe a clue is in the OP’s signature?
Anyways, ascended rings are easy to get and dirt cheap, I think the price reflects this properly.
Been wanting for a while that they remove the stats from weapons and armor, and focus them entirely on the trinkets. And have each of the 6 trinkets give +500 to a single stat, max +1000.
That way players could setup their own stats as they wished, in decent shaped blocks, and make it easier/cheaper to change around stats as needed. Without invalidating armors and weapons every single time etc, keep those for Runes/Sigils and skins.
It would remove some of the current fine tuning of the stats, and I know the WvW crowd is waiting for me around the corner with baseball bats for even daring to mention this. I just find the current stat system needlessly complex for the sake of complexity, which actively discourage most people from experimenting with stats and builds, simply because it isn’t fun or practical to change around everything you got.
From memory:
Primordial legs are one of my faves that doesn’t have the bumpers or mud flaps.
Heritage armor isn’t that hot looking, but is another without them flaps.
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