Showing Posts For maxinion.8396:

Please FIX Phantasmal Warden.

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


oh god, the horror

Please FIX Phantasmal Warden.

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


I’ve noticed sometimes that the whirling hands animation doesn’t play, but the “swirl of stuff around the phantasm” does continue, and damage is applied. I haven’t noticed any other issues either, but I could just be lucky so far!

Relitivly new to Mesmar.

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


I can speak to the PvE end of things. I used 10-20-20-0-20 clone cripple spam as a leveling build, with sword/sword + staff, so I know where you’re coming from. It was a lot of fun, but it is ~super defensive~, especially if you’re packing PTV. Your DPS is really, really, really low. If you want to raise your DPS, you’re going to need to pack more zerker gear (it’s fine to have helm/chest/legs in PTV, but everything else should really be zerker) and switch to a build without the 20 points in chaos. If you’re just doing open world stuff, consider using the greatsword instead of the staff, as it almost always is going to be more effective. If you’re in dungeons, you’ll want to switch to full melee (sword/sword and sword/focus, for example).

The folks on the forums have already put together a really wonderful guide (which I link to 3 times a day I think): This should give you all the information you need on builds for open world and builds for dungeons.

Ideal Mesmer Build(s) for Dungeons ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


No problem two other tips:

1) Read the dungeon forum. People can be a little acerbic there, but they know what they’re talking about (and people saying wrong things are immediately called out most times).

2) Consider watching a video of a path before running it. The dungeon forum has Strife’s old ones listed, which are outdated in terms of builds, but still accurate on dungeon mechanics and knowing what to do. This is particularly relevant for mesmers, as there are a few places where pulls from focus 4 and your feedbacks can really help fights out.

Ideal Mesmer Build(s) for Dungeons ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Oh and learn to reflect!

Ideal Mesmer Build(s) for Dungeons ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Basically do 10/30/0/30/0 or 10/30/0/20/10 and use sword main hand, and two off hands depending on the situation. Zerk gear with ruby orbs. Melee all the things.

Fractal Ranged weapon?

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


If you require range, greatsword >> all pretty much. The iWarlock from staff is not bad, but the DPS from staff is rather awful. Scepter is super bad in PvE. Stick with greatsword, but remember to swap it back to sword for things that do not require range

sword, pistol, eh?

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Let’s not digress on the greatsword. All that needs to be said for both new and existing players regarding the greatsword for mesmers can be found here:

To the OP: As others have essentially said, if your phantasms can be safely placed so that it will take no damage the entire fight, your pistol is easily the best bet, and you should really only summon those. In the other cases, sword is the higher DPS option. I, personally, use both nearly always as I am constantly weapon-swapping to proc my battle sigil. As Lord Byron noted, the Svanir Shaman in the blizzard fractal is the perfect example of when to use pistol phantasms. They are unaffected by his agony attack and can be placed out of range of his only distance-based breath attack.


(this is an interesting topic so let’s try to stick to it folks!)

Just a thank you note :)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


I apologize on behalf of all the french out there…

English is poorly taught in our country so most of the french PuGs you’ll get will just remain silent so as not to be seen as imbeciles :’(

Your English is better than our French, at least

Why the Selfish Builds?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


TL;DR version of the morale of the whole thread: Pugs are bad. You are bad too, if you don’t use proper DPS builds, which provide other damage/defense buffs to the group without lowering your DPS. If you don’t do this or at least try, you are as bad as the pugs you’re talking down upon.


Why the Selfish Builds?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Morale of the story: invite Wethospu and let him solo the whole path while you sit back and relax, sipping a tea.

ok, pretty sure this is a better moral than my attempt~

sword, pistol, eh?

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


P.p.S. also GS has its applications but if you even discuss the “sacred truth” you shalt be labeled as noob from the anti-GS inquisition…..
Whose sacred god (the mist golem) commanded them to ban the gs from the game.

This is unfortunate. I’ve done a lot of this testing and with a ‘Mantrasm’ 30/30/0/0/10 build the DPS isn’t too far off from Sword/x. GS is 5% to 11% lower depending on how many phantasms are rolling, at least in my test scenario. This doesn’t take into account group might stacks n what not. Sword/X is an optimal choice but IMHO its wrong to view every GS mesmer as a bad player. The % DPS loss with GS gets larger with different builds though.

As far as I have tested /sword vs /pistol is very close dps wise, each having its strengths. If you run 20 in Dueling tree you can switch between them or use both.


ahhh the whole point of gs being bad is that you lose out on group might stacks and group buffs because you’re camping max range where the gs has moderate dps as opposed to melee where it has kittenty dps. multiply the dps loss in your solo by 2 and you get the real effect.


PS sorry for responding to troll posts which distract from topic. Pistol is great! Byron’s post on pistols is informative~

(edited by maxinion.8396)

Why the Selfish Builds?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


So the moral of the story is…

Spec’ing for completely solo play, like a 5 signet warrior, is bad because it lowers group DPS and does not raise your solo DPS enough to compensate. Overspec’ing for group play, like an AH guardian with staff, is bad because it lowers your own DPS more than it raises group DPS, thereby lowering group DPS.

We all want mad group DPS. Builds on either end of the “selfish” and “group-style” are bad because of this. A good player knows where the balance which maximizes DPS is. For warriors, that’s banners and so on. For guards, it’s the more “selfish” builds most of the time, since the natural guardian qualities of constantly throwing up aegis and so on are good enough for support, and things like AH do not actually help you in raising group DPS.

Can we finish the thread now?

How Squishy is DPS Staff [PVE]?

in Elementalist

Posted by: maxinion.8396


@ Jasher (post 2): In PvE, there is NEVER a range option. It does not exist unless the boss mechanics necessitate it, and the only boss I can think of that requires range is the final boss in Dredge fractal. You MUST stack bosses to benefit from your party’s boons, benefit from reflects, proc your own Earth VI trait, and benefit from group healing. Ranging off to the side while the rest of your party melee’s is selfish and ineffective, and should justifiably result in you being kicked ASAP.

What!? You would kick me from the party because I don’t automatically stack in red circles with the rest of the melee? So much wrong with this post. You obviously have your own way of doing things and that’s great, but please know that there is more than one way to play this game.


sword, pistol, eh?

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Note that the right answer, for a boss which does not require reflects, is to use pistol + sword in offhands. Both are better than iWarden~

Gathering Mesmer Builds/Playstyles.

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


nerf BF(blurred frenzy) is op nerf it from evade to non.. is not enough evade
nerf glamours all over instead while way necros better give glamours to add HP to enemy
nerf tw to 5sec pls
nerf dying phantasms without hitting 1 time at least let them visual butterflies
nerf ourself survivability.. omg we are cleanser such a boss when use signet cleanse
nerf mantras it gives such a fine challenge while i am chanting as a bard with non reward..

sorry just remind us this game is pvp structered mechanic.. instead delete wvw better not say wvw is competitive area as Tpvp..

respect there should be a marketing strategies.. / customer satisfaction..


sword, pistol, eh?

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Basically, if you’re afraid of the phantasm dying all the time, you can place the duelists at range before heading into melee yourself.

But yeah, they do worse damage.

PSA: People can kill your instance

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Fortunately devs are aware of this:

But yeah, in the meantime, it sucks. :\

Gathering Mesmer Builds/Playstyles.

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Isn’t this done here already?

In particular the dungeon/PvE section is good (has KillerAngel’s very nice playing guide), and links colesy’s dungeon build as well:

Achievements for sale & other dungeon flaws

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


I like how the guy ignores the thread about the support ticket with the direct confirmation that this is alright, and continues to refer to only the other moderator post. gg strawman.

You don’t have to like it, and you can say they should change it— that’s your right. But these are the breaks: selling paths at the end is legal. Go convince Arenanet that your opinion is correct and that might change, I am sure they are looking forward to your feedback (not in these forums though, since they don’t read them ).

(edited by maxinion.8396)

The sad truth about Rangers....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


The blame needs to be put on ANet for designing such a horribly broken combat system that makes melee a vastly better choice than anything ranged in pretty much any imaginable situation.

That’s only really true in dungeons. Range has its place in open world and in WvW and in PvP. Only one of the ~4 types of content the game offers is really stacked against range— that’s not so bad.

Achievements for sale & other dungeon flaws

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


let’s keep that ready for c/p for next time

Grear and build question

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


10/30/0/30/0 is also very viable. Use sword/sword or sword/pistol or sword/focus (usually I take focus and swap out the other off-hand).

I used to use 10/30/0/30/0 but I find Compounding Power (3% extra damage/illusion) is stronger than an extra 2 sec on Glamours (Feedback, Null Field) so I switched to 10/30/0/20/10.

This one is a matter of taste. I think you’re probably right and I should switch it out, but I just <3 feedback so much.

Grear and build question

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


In general a Phantasm build is the best for PvE, especially fotm.
Viable builds are everthing that’s based on X/20/X/20/X. Those are the must have traits for fotm. Sure it may work otherwise too, but this is the most important for you.

So you really can go:

In general don’t go over 20 in dominon, don’t go over 20 in illusions and don’t go over 0 in chaos Yes there are exceptions

20 in domination serves no purpose.

No one say greatsword spec plz.

Grear and build question

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


10/30/0/30/0 is also very viable. Use sword/sword or sword/pistol or sword/focus (usually I take focus and swap out the other off-hand).

Achievements for sale & other dungeon flaws

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


I’d like to see where they said that. Got a link?

And then some support replies and probably some other stuff I don’t remember maybe someone else can link.

Anyway. Anet stance on this didn’t change since GW1.

I’m going to bookmark this so I can just paste it the next time someone asks for proof. Every week like clockwork…

Elitists, I'll honestly miss you !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Without colesy I would be using a greatsword with my mesmer in dungeons (or maybe I would have eventually figured out myself that that was a bad idea >.>). Thanks colesy for helping me suck less! Honestly your posts (even at their “most aggressive”, let’s say) were still the most helpful things in the mesmer forum.

WOW!! That Knockdown!!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


The trick with ACp1 gravelings (at least the scepter hunting room at the beginning) is to kill burrows fast enough so that you never spawn too many gravelings. Same thing with lover’s chamber in ACp3. If you kill things fast enough, then your dodges (if you pay attention to their wind up) and a few stunbreaks are easily enough to get past the gravelings launching.

Jibreel's Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Not a good PvE/dungeon build at all~ Way too little damage, way too much defense. Seems like a nice mix for WvW though.

Elitists, I'll honestly miss you !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


How about folks complaining about elitists go over to the 1000x other threads complaining about elitists, and we continue the little group hug over here, mmmk?

(and I say this as a ~mediocre myself)

Elitists, I'll honestly miss you !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Group hug, everyone.

Elitists, I'll honestly miss you !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


What a great post. Wonderfully written, OP.

These folks make the game better for everyone, whether everyone realizes it or not.

The Gw2 dungeons again....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Dungeons are supposed to be for five man ORGANIZED groups that know their classes and know the game mechanics— including the dungeon mechanics. Not the game’s fault if you and your group need to l2p, or if you should be running with a guide and you’re not. Considering that even most pug groups are able to easily finish paths, I don’t think there’s much of a problem.

Does anyone NOT have crashing issues?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Very rarely crash. I run at 1440×900 with everything at max except AA off. Running on 2012 MBP Retina.

Boss Stacking

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


If you look for non-stacking groups, they do exist. I’ve run a few of them in AC, and they’re often fun, even if I normally stack.

Losing the will

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Because it hasn’t been said and seems relevant: thanks for your theory crafting work with ele, zelhyn! My ele isn’t 80 yet so I haven’t been able to try your build, but your careful explanations and thoughtful writing have taught me a lo, and I’m excited to give it a shot. I hope you find a way to keep having fun!

PvE Dungeon build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Straight damage is always best. But a few percent sacrifice for more reflect is almost certainly worth it. Unless you know you’re running with guardians that have reflect locked down, you will actually be doing more damage (most of the time) with a nice set of reflect utilities. 10/30/0/30/0, with sword/focus and sword/X, is highly preferred for this reason.

Take a look at this post: to get some very valuable tips.

New to the Dungeon Scene, looking for advice!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Once again, great advice, and I’m taking it all to heart.

Another question, though! A number of people have suggested buying a full set of exotics. Were I to do so, what then would be the benefit to running dungeons?

Fun + gold basically. It’s one of the more effective ways of gathering gold in the game (though there are more effective ones, they’re less interesting IMO).

But yeah, either stay in greens and slowly build up exotic, or buy rares and slowly build up exotic with tokens. I bought rares with my main, probably won’t with my alts. You can also craft rares as you gain crafting levels, for example.

What infusions?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Cool, thanks for the tips! So the consensus is to not worry too much about AR, and just go with magic find, basically?

What infusions?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Hi all,

Had a quick question before I spend a ton of laurels. I recently got my Distinguished Circle of Logic as my first piece of ascended gear, and am looking to get an infusion for it. I haven’t run fractals yet (lol noob) so I’m not sure if I’m going to need agony resistance down the line if turns out I do want to run fractals. Should I hold out and wait till I know, or is it fine to just spring for a +20% magic find infusion? Would losing the 5 AR from that slot potentially hold me back eventually?

Thanks for any tips/advice!


New to the Dungeon Scene, looking for advice!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Get your armor to 2,500 to 3,000 range will help your survival during melee.

yeah, think we’re gonna have to go with “no” on this one

New to the Dungeon Scene, looking for advice!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


As TKiller says, it’s all about learning the dungeon, and downs while you’re learning are to be expected. Melee is definitely something you should be practicing though, because it’s by far the best way to deal damage. Watch monsters, don’t be afraid to dodge back, etc.

Everyone here will always promote pure zerker gear as it is far and away the best option in dungeons. However, don’t feel bad for slotting soldiers gear into head, chest, and legs (you can get exotic soldiers gear for clearing AC exp mode). Just three slots like that with a PTV (power – toughness – vitality) gearset can go a ~long~ way to helping your survivability as you learn. As you get better, you can slot in more berserker’s. For more details on this strategy, check out for example this guide: I also find that this gearset helps when the rest of the party is not in berserker gear, as longer fights can be a bit tough to take with pure glass cannon gearing.

Hope this helps your survivability!

2013-2014: What Kind of Mesmer Are You?

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


PvE – Open World: Phantasm deeps
PvE – Dungeons: Phantasm deeps

(s/s + s/f + s/p depending on situations, using ranged only if necessary)

New to the Dungeon Scene, looking for advice!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


If a group on LFG says “experienced only” or “exp only” or “speed run”, stay clear of them till you know the dungeon well. If there’s nothing specific mentioned, or “all welcome” in particular is posted, feel free to go and be open about being a noob— people are MUCH more willing to help an honest noob than carry a dishonest bad.

The above is by far the most important thing. Other than that, watch Strife’s videos (listed at the top of this forum) to get a feeling for the dungeons before you go into them, if you want. Learn the abilities of your class and what’s expected of you— this is something you will learn as you go along as well, of course, but reading up (and watching the videos) doesn’t hurt. So for example: prepare reflects if you’re a mesmer or a guardian, prepare might stacking if you’re a warrior or an ele, etc.

Good luck and have fun~

Okay guys—help out the newb.

in Mesmer

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Feedback won’t help on non-ranged enemies, so better to hold onto it for when you need it.

Your strategy is good! Keep it up. Phantasms are a great source of damage, sword is the best melee damage (and best auto-attack you have), and greatsword is the best range weapon (in terms of damage). Greatsword usage is contentious in dungeons, but for open world leveling, I don’t think anyone will disagree that it’s useful.

Higher level characters get scaled down, but their traits do not— they’ll have all the +15% damage, +10% damage, +etc etc. stats that come every 5/10 levels still. That, and their gear is scaled down, but scaled down exotic level 80 zerker gear is still better than level 20 gear.

Mesmers are notorious for a somewhat tricky leveling process— people often will say that we don’t feel like we’re really dealing damage till level 60 or so, and that might be what’s happening for you. Just keep going, and every level gets better~

If you want some more resources, the best ones today are probably and . The latter in particular has a nice leveling guide for exactly the weapon combination that you’re using. You might find some suggestions and tweaks there that can tighten things up, but it sounds like you’re doing things right.

Good luck with leveling! Things will get better