Showing Posts For rajule.8054:

Burning changes on the horizon?

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


So, application of burning is only an issue for guardians as engis and elementalists have no problem keeping stacks on.

what are the fundamental flaws with burning as a whole? I’ve never played an ele, and little time as an engi and when I did I focused on bleeding so how do they feel about burning usefulness?

Is Zealot's Defense bugged?

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


They are bugged.

The sword #3 also does not block, it simply absorbs projectiles. Meaning it cannot interact with traits.

Also even if it fired all of it’s attacks off & even accounting for the fact that the sword AA will often miss on moving targets the #3 skill is a DPS loss to just using the AA and hoping it all hits.

These skills aren’t alone in their problems either.

If you look at the mace #3 in combat you will notice it is the only melee block in game that can be triggered & ended by ranged attacks. Every other melee block can only be ended by a melee attack & will thus continue to block ranged attacks until it ends.

can you give an example of other melee blocks that you are referring to.

Burning changes on the horizon?

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I don’t think they should revert it to stacking with intensity because yes it will then be too similar to bleeds,

They could lower the damage, increase the durations a bit, but make it hard to remove. Via making all burns capable of jumping to nearby targets and/or give it a duration meter similar to what they’re doing with champions and crowd control.

Lets say applying multiple burns adds to the timer like it does currently, but a condition cleanse instead of removing burining entirely will only reduce the duration by a certain amount lets say 1 sec.

so if you have a lot of burns stacking on you its going to take several cleanses to remove it completely.

a long running complaint with guardians and buring is that its our only damage condtion and is so easy to remove I think this change could do a lot to counteract that.

Ring of Warding Venn diagram

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


In my case when it happened I was in borderlands and saw an enemy player running away from another guardian. I was on the path to intercept and did ring of warding intending to stop his path, however the other guardian did JI and ring right before I did.

so he bounced off the other guardian’s ring and then mine went off basically drawing an 8 and he was caught in the little gap between.

the space was so tight he just kept doing the bounce animation about 3 or 4 times before we downed him. pretty amusing,but a one in a million chance.

Ring of Warding Venn diagram

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I’ve done it once, but I don’t have or know of a video, sorry. Why do you want to see it?


in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


Ok, I think I get it now. So on single procs it seems to be working fine and we’re getting our fractional procs that we lost before, but when there are several procs with fractional tics in a short amount of time the math gets screwy and its not adding the partial procs properly.


in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


excuse my apparent ignorance, but I’ve been watching this thread and I’m not following you when you say that this change/bug is a dps loss for you.

Can you explain how getting ticks for fractions of a second now when before those fractions were completely wasted is a loss in damage. I’m not sure what I’m missing.

(edited by rajule.8054)

Guardian secondary class speculation

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I just realized some strong evidence that the new weapon for guardian could be bow.

Our spirit weapons..

we have hammer, sword, shield and.. bow. All of those we can already use ourselves except the bow.

Although its not my first choice for guardian I do like bows thematically and some decent ranged would be more than welcome since they don’t want to give us soft cc to catch targets.

Guardian secondary class speculation

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I think there’s a good chance there’s a new spear weapon, so some class that would use that. it’d be cool if we could use it one handed or two handed. so you can have a shield and spear.

Put all the maps in "Ranked"

in PvP

Posted by: rajule.8054


I would really love to see more maps in ranked rotation including the older maps.

I like how my profile says temple of the silent storm is my favorite map when in actuality I’m not very fond of it. it just comes up on the rotation so often.. in ranked games we don’t really get to pick which maps we want unless in a group and you get majority to vote in your favor.

You do make good points for some maps being excluded.. but at the end of the day the map pool is ridiculously small for the game being this far a long.

Recent matchmaking issues

in PvP

Posted by: rajule.8054


U freaking serious anet? 5 pugs vs 4que gg

I’m not familiar with MMR as I went away from spvp for a bit while most of the changes were being made. am I missing something from your screenshot that shows if you’re up against a premade or not? the only way I’ve been able to tell is after the game starts I look at enemy nameplates as we’re fighting and see if multiple players have the same guild acronym. This doesn’t seem practical especially if they’re not in the same guild. Is there some indication on the team list that shows this that I’m not seeing?

Also to chime in on the OP throughout this month that I’ve started spvp again I felt like my win ratio was reasonable a little over 50%, but like others have stated this last week I really feel like I hit a wall and continually end up in horrible matchups. Last night I think I even had a game where I didn’t kill anyone. not even stomping another players kill.

Turai Ossa voice actor?

in Living World

Posted by: rajule.8054


On a side note I just realized last night listening to Eir that she sounds just like the boss from MGS3

(edited by rajule.8054)

[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: rajule.8054


SPOILERS: just in case

I’ve been relatively happy with season 2. Living story is the main thing that has kept me playing gw2. Some criticisms though.

As some have probably mentioned there’s a few rough edges in the writing. In this particular chapter the 2 things that bugged me the most where the quest revolving around turai ossa and parts of the boss fight.

The turai ossa quest just didn’t make sense to me. I understood that forgotten magic was similar to the old human gods so their magic might affect the door, but I didn’t see the logic behind breaking the seal on a book about turai summoning his spirit, and then instead of his spirit being angry or confused like that he has you fight enchanted weapons and worms so he can sit on his throne?? was he a king at some point?

the blurb about him beforehand said he died out in the wilderness with his group. then you collect crystals for.. reasons. and he turns them into the torch. why, why and why?

it seemed like some jibberish stitched together to give you a reason to fight something.. anything.. I don’t think we need combat thrown in the middle of a quest just because. I’d rather have an interesting story thats all text and dialogue than some nonsense made up so I have to kill stuff.

If I"m missing things and there are good reasons for why we did what we did thats a different story, but the way it was presented it just didn’t make sense and I really didn’t enjoy that part.

aside from that segment it was pretty good, and the “twist” was enjoyable even though it was guessed by fans long ago.

This other part is just nitpicking, overall the boss fights have gotten 100 times better ( I really really enjoyed fighting the krait hybrid at the top of the tower), but when we are made to solo enemies 100’s of times our size in video games without any heavy artillery it just seems silly for the sake of gameplay. why did the shadow trap and fight just us ignoring everyone else including caithe who had the egg “I assume what it was after”. Also why does it sit on the wall occasionally swatting at us, but mostly letting us fight adds in piece instead of just smearing us on the floor like a fly.

it would have been cooler for me and more believable if since we were in a solo situation had to run from the beast through some sort of obstacle course trying to get away and eventually get it trapped in falling debris and then go in for the kill.

or why didn’t rox toss us the torch at the beginning then we use that get a bunch of new ascended powers while wielding it allowing us to go toe to toe with the beast..

I guess what I’m trying to say with the writing is I don’t like to see good writing and logic sit waaaay in the back to make room for easy to do gameplay mechanics. Not even really using some of the stuff thats unique to this game.

I wasn’t expecting the segue into an expansion annoucement, but now that I know I’m somewhat excited provided that some new features are added or existing mechanics changed or expanded on. I really want to see something shake the foundation of this game. for me it has remained largely the same as beta as far as how its played and what their is to do.

I’ve never seen any of what I would consider major class changes since launch, my home instance remains unused minus resource nodes and a couple of quaagan. NPC’s do not react differently at all to my personality choices, nor my level. “There’s an asura in metrica inbetween different level areas who warns me that I’m too inexperienced for the road ahead even though my character is max level and decked out”

There’s still uncompleted fair section in divinities reach. why can I still not go there and have dozens of mini games to play? go to the pub and get in a bar brawl using only pickups as weapons etc.

I could rant on but I’ll stop here for now.

please give us more than just more zones and a higher level cap.


Heart of Thorns inc: Plz fix shields

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


Sorry but they’re not going to change it, Its been well over a year now.

Arena Net doesn’t seem to do skill reworks like other games. if you look at patch notes 90% of the class “changes” are just tooltip clarifications.

Guardian Shield, again..Please change it

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


4 should have a slightly lower cd, do more damage and have a 300 knockback. 5 should work as it does now with a lower cd and blast. Also it should stack regeneration

It’d be a bit overkill to have both abilities with a knockback. I’d prefer to see 4 give aegis and protection to allies, severely lower or even remove the damage, but make it daze enemies.

Best Jumping Puzzle EVER

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rajule.8054


Loved this JP.
Though I don’t understand what’s the meaning behind that Final Skrit hole we can’t use…

you should be able to use that after you collect the key fragments from the nearby rubble open the chest and finish the “event”

Best Jumping Puzzle EVER

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rajule.8054


finally completed this jp last night and it was awesome. I knew it was big but didn’t realize it spanned nearly the entire zone. above and below. so much great scenery. I loved it the first time I climbed out the the ground and realized I was on the rocks above all the forts and seeing the battle below. really cool.

if I had to give criticism, I think one thing I’d like to see more of in jp’s is interacting with the environment, or actual puzzle sections like in tomb raider. not just a bunch of static rocks and boards to climb over. there are other jumping puzzles rich with such things, but I think because of the shear size of this one, the fact that it was all static and devoid of enemies or creatures was more apparent.

Best Jumping Puzzle EVER

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rajule.8054


ah, heck yeah. I didn’t realize there was a new jumping puzzle. one of my favorite parts of this game. I can’t wait to get home and try it out now.

So Shield...

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I don’t like being a pessimist about this but the pattern I’ve seen with arena net rarely if ever completely reworking weapons since launch leads me to believe they feel the core mechanics for everything is good enough as is.

the most extreme rework I’ve ever seen them do is swapping out the 2 and 4 ability on the great sword.

I think they’r hesitant to make any major changes because it could have a ripple effect and severely imbalance other parts of the game.

All complaints about op classes and broken mechanics aside, when I played wow patch day was like christmas for me because abilities were always being added, removed or reworked changing how you could play.

gw2 handles pretty much the same as the first day I played it. That may be great in some ways, but also a bit boring, and frustrating when you see abilities or weapons going unused and nothing being done to try and change that.

All that being said I don’t hate the shield on guardian. I used it for a long time. It can be used effectively, but I do agree it seems odd that the shield on a defensive class that has blocking as a core mechanic can’t block with it..

Tome of Courage - Please Anet

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


what they should add is some sort of training mode like in the pvp hub where you either have no cooldown on the skill so that you have time to sit and learn each abilities.

I felt the same when I tried using the tomes, I got all these new abilities in the middle of a fight and had no idea what they did, how they behaved and no time to read the tooltips. nex thing I knew the duration was over and I had to wait several minutes to try again.

Turret Engineers in pvp

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


what booms said, any class that can really control an area “staff necros” you need to bait them out of the area or leave and come back.

You would think with all our symbols and consecrations that we’d be able to rule an area like that and I think we can defense wise, but our tools don’t really have the offensive punch that turrets and such do.

Mighty blow distance increase?

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


as mentioned above there is an after cast when you land from the mighty blow that may cancel out any distance gained by the jump. Although I have learned of a small trick that I use often with heroic leap,(greatsword 3) but sometimes mighty blow to gain extra distance.

basically it annoyed me that when you heroic leap off an edge when you get to the end of the animation you lose all your forward momentum and drop straight down. however if you switch weapons just before the animation ends then this will not happen and you’ll get a little extra distance. I usually use it to clear large gaps in wvw.

Similarly you can do this on level ground to get around that aftercast. Obviously being out of combat is ideal so you don’t have the cooldown for switching weapons. You could give that a shot for getting to a node quickly, but I’ve always assumed it wasn’t worth the effort since mighty blows jump is so small compared to heroic leap.

Please change hammer auto-attack!

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


While I don’t disagree that the AA is slow I’m fine with it. I’ve played a guardian since beta and used a hammer the entire time and never been bothered by the speed of it.

I see the argument that the 3rd attack misses a lot because of the speed or it doesn’t go off at all, but this has never been my experience as long as you stay on target it goes off even if they move out of range before the animation finishes it will still finish which still gives you protection which is mainly what you want the attack to trigger for anyway.

I dunno. I see posts like this a lot so I know I’m definitely in the minority but I like the hammer AA just fine. although I wouldn’t mind hammer 4 sped up slightly. its gotta be the most telegraphed CC in the game hands down.

Light Aura is wrong or correct ?

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


The whole point of retaliation is to punish attackers. If you start hesitating attacking a group because they’ll return a large percentage of your damage back at you then its doing its job.

Also as others pointed out light aura because of its activation stipulations is not as prevalent as you seem to believe there are other better ways to already give retaliation to a group.

Guardian hammer skill five

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I have no problem trapping people with ring of warding. If they’re out of melee range you just start the cast animation and then immediately judges intervention to them before it finishes. If they are closer you could root with hammer 3, pop a speed boost or even dodge roll to get a few feet in front of them and then you’ll have enough time to catch them in it.

I’d be ok if you could at least move at a slow pace while casting but I’m ok without and it doesn’t need it’s own shadow step

No changes to the shield in upcoming patch?

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I’m sort of ok with shield, I used it for a long time and love the knockback/bubble/small heal.

if there is anything I’d tweak it would be shield 4 either add a daze effect to the cone attack(really strong offensive) or have it give aegis to allies it hits in addition to the protection it already gives.

ele destroyed me in under a second... twice

in Elementalist

Posted by: rajule.8054


Thanks for the responses. It was just my first encounter with such a build. I could tell he was squishy in fact when I downed him the first time I think most of my damage was retaliation as I was just trying to avoid him and heal back up. I don’t have extracts with me at the moment but I’ve been trying different specs. I have around 16k go but only 952 toughness and I run with hammer and vs right now. My build is setup to stack damage multipliers and vulnerability.

As far as naming people in posts you’re probably right and I’ll black out those names when I get home.

ele destroyed me in under a second... twice

in Elementalist

Posted by: rajule.8054


I’m not looking to troll or anything like that, I would just like someone to please take a look at this combat log and possibly elaborate what this guy did. The last 10 or so entries happened in less than a second aside from the arc lightning at the end.

all I saw was him blink to me and I was instantly at 10% health. He did it twice the first time I think I had renewed focus up and barely survived log enough to down him ( we actually both went down. he got revived, then I self revived and ran away. then he came back about 30 sec later and did it again and I instantly dropped and rage quit.

I know those abilities are all instant cast or procs and he basically face rolled the keyboard to hit them all at once, but I"m not at all familiar with elementalist traits and I still can’t believe that much damage can be frontloaded in literally under a second from one class.


Edited to remove names.


(edited by rajule.8054)

Guardian changes sucks=(

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


Really I think the OP is overreacting.

Been thinking about this patch for a while and the list of improvements, while a little underwhelming, they are all buffs and should add a little to each person’s play. Traited tomes and Meditations definitely got a nice boost.

Definitely beats nerfs.

I’d really love them to look at 3 things next patch. A signet for speed, virtue cd or maybe a total revamp of virtues to make them more interesting, and spirit weapon longevity. I really think those 3 things could lift this class quite a bit.

I don’t think the changes are terrible at all. they are quite good, but I personally would have liked to see more changes to things that really need improvement(like spirit weapons) and less changes to things that are already strong (like meditations)

Guardian changes sucks=(

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


Why the guardian needs a blink I’ll never understand

because part of Anet’s guardian design is that we’re suppose to be the first ones in a fight and the last ones out. Hence why we have targeted blinks, but a lack of soft cc and abilities that make it easy to disengage.

As far as the changes, I’m not super excited either. I never felt meditations were a part of the guardian that needed a lot of help. they’ve always been strong for offensive solo oriented playstyles. spirit weapon changes are welcome, but if the ai still doesn’t work or the weapons die in 2 hits its not gonna make much of a difference.

Instrument Users, post your music here!

in Community Creations

Posted by: rajule.8054


I’ve always loved the opening theme to the original wild arms. I wish I could figure out how to play that on my lute.

I can't hear my new lute

in Audio

Posted by: rajule.8054


It is my first instrument purchase so I’m not real experienced, seeing others play them I don’t recall the other instruments being so quiet. when I first tried it I wasn’t sure it was even working so I turned my ambient sound and music way down and I can still barely hear it over dialogue and other players footsteps.

could we crank it up a few decibels?

EDIT: upon second inspection through the audio settings I realized there is a seperate slider for instruments… my bad..

(edited by rajule.8054)

Life Steal Litany build help

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


why not greatsword and zealous blade so you get healing from that as well?

lies directly from gw2 wiki

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


Isn’t the wiki community run anyway? Even if it was lying don’t complain to Anet.

that quote is pulled from the guardian description on the guildwars 2 web site.

*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rajule.8054


I got the colossus on my 8th forge attempt. you can do some things to improve your odds. like only forge weapons that are the same type as the precursor your want. only forging exotics etc.

lies directly from gw2 wiki

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


the wiki isn’t lying its relaying the info its been provided.

any Unscathed Contender group comps?

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I’ve never used it because as said above its not reliable at all. I would consider it if they say dropped it to 10% and made it “when under the affects of virtue of courage”

Tomes Cooldowns simple solution

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I think an easy, but huge change that would certainly make me give tomes a second look is just allowing us to still use our utility skills while the tome is active. I’d be fine if they slightly nerfed the output if I could still use my utilities.

Same for other transformation skills. why does it have to completely block out all other skills? It makes using the elite very jarring and alien which is what immediately turned me away from them.

Narrative Lessons From 15 Months of Scarlet

in Living World

Posted by: rajule.8054


Loved this post. After every section i said yes, that is exactly how I felt, but I didn’t know how to articulate it. Anet please take this to heart and really try to apply all of it to future content.

So Spirirt weapons - Here's how I see it

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


I remember when the game first came out spirit weapons were a big thing at least in spvp at that time they couldn’t take damage so would last their full duration or until the guardian is killed. Then Anet changed that and everyone stopped using them.

So to my knowledge thats the main issue with them now, is that they die too quick to be of any use although I’m sure the ai is wonky too.

Litany of Wrath

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


Since the healing skill falls under the meditation category shouldn’t Litany of Wrath be an instant healing skill.

1) 1 second cast time reduces the active damage counter from the last 5 seconds.

2) Guardian’s do not deal lots of damage really effecting the overall healing capabilities.

3) In a previous patch it was stated that “I feel Meditations should be instant…” when Monks Focus was changed to give fury.

An improved version would be; 15% damage from the last 5 seconds adds to the heal with an instant cast time.
Times when i have to get in a better position to heal. perhaps so i am not interrupted, which does take up time of 1-3 seconds.

This might be a bit OP but i am sure there are smarter people than me who can actively input on reconstructing it. More versatility than the standard and almost always used “Signet of Resolve”. I really want to use this skill.

renewed focus is or was technically a meditation as well, but its not instant, and the other meditations didn’t use to be instant by default either you had to trait for it.

Given its nature Litany would be much better as an instant cast, but there’s nothing anywhere that says meditations are suppose to be instant cast.

Is stealth stomp avoidable when downed?

in Suggestions

Posted by: rajule.8054


As scrambles said once you’re down the fight is pretty much over. even if they don’t stealth and you interrupt them you’re just delaying the inevitable in the vast majority of cases so its not worth trying to nerf that technique. anyone who can’t use stealth is just going to use stability or block.

(edited by rajule.8054)

faction specific daily missions

in Suggestions

Posted by: rajule.8054


Sorry, I tend to ramble

but yes that is the jist of what I was suggesting.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: rajule.8054


Right now I feel like the only way to get ‘good’ gear in the game is through crafting. Crafting, in every game I have ever played, has been my LEAST favorite style of gameplay. Period. Hands down, absolutely DO NOT LIKE IT. Unfortunately with current game design, I am forced to participate in activities I do not like if I want to get my character to the top end of progression. This is a huge frustration for me.

My suggestions? Right now dungeon gear is obsolete. Aside from skins that are so-so and tokens to buy exotics to salvage them for ectos, there’s not much point to them in terms of progression. My suggestion? Add a third tier of armor to the dungeons. Ascended armor. Then going beyond that, what about the people who don’t care about fractals and have no need for agony resistance? What about the possibility of ascended infusions that grant more general purpose effects? Hard stats are an easy way to do that, but I would rather see specialized bonuses that directly contribute to certain builds.

Cooldowns for certain style of skills would be a fun one. Enhancements to specific skills is another route.

Aside from all that… I feel like my biggest frustration with the game right now is as I initially stated. My progression is tied to a mechanic I hate. I want to be able to enjoy the game in different ways, to play and just have fun in my way without having to grind away at crafting.

I have to at least both agree, and disagree with you.

agree that crafting sucks in every MMO, but disagree that you have to craft to get decent gear. except while I was leveling I’ve never worn anything I crafted I just did it to kill time or on occasion make money. all the gear I have now is from dungeons,wvw, laurels or guild tokens. unless you count the forge, cause I did spent a lot of time there to get my legendary.

I am also deeply apposed to a gear ladder or any kind of tier system. adding a new tier is an easy “fix” but as time goes on the gap between those who have the “best” gear and those who don’t gets bigger and bigger. also gear starts to become more important than skill. that was one of the many things that killed my interest in wow was the huge gear dependency.

I’m glad thus far the stat difference between item rarities is small compared to other games, but I wasn’t thrilled with the inclusion of ascended items and don’t really want to see any new tiers added. I’m all for side grades and item skins, but please stats from gear are terrible.

and I know sondergaard was asking for an existing tier to be added to another part of the game which is fine, I am just using it as a jumping point for my dislike for gear ladders.

faction specific daily missions

in Suggestions

Posted by: rajule.8054


I really enjoyed the openness and freedom of the “quests” and events while leveling up and how it promoted exploration of the entire map. however I found when I reached max level and got map completion I lost some direction. daily tasks are great, and its good that they are more generalized, but I also find myself just going to the same areas I know will work well for said task to get it done easily and I don’t explore as much. the Same goes for Metas. sure you’re traveling the world, but really you’re porting to the closest wp completing the event and then porting to the next.

Another disappointment I have is the lack of interaction with my chosen faction. I was very immersed reading up on the backgrounds of each faction when I first created my character and visited there offices in divinity’s reach. I decided to go with the priory and there part of my personal story was probably my favorite part. The few quests I had exploring ruins were exactly what I had imagined. however I am now max level and no longer have any interaction with them.

My idea is to basically add regular (daily) faction missions to the game. Some missions could be more generic and shared across all of the factions but the bulk would be specific and themed depending on who you chose to align with IE the priory missions could involve exploring/revisiting dungeons, jumping puzzles and other various ruins collection objects, solving riddles etc. Vigil missions would be a bit more combat oriented, completing an assault or defense of a keep somewhere in the world, escorting a vip etc. and the order of whispers missions would be more espionage/stealth oriented. spying on an npc, sneaking into a base for a rescue etc.

but I think its important that there would be a fair variety of missions that you could get, and that they could take place in any zone in the world that you’re level appropriate for and take a bit of trekking. Some would be open world, collection/delivery events and others would be instanced single player dungeon type events. (the last few living world events I’ve really enjoyed having the option to solo and it felt like just the right amount of challenge. I really want to see more of that. Hell I’d even love to see some take place in the wvw maps. perhaps some artifact important to the war effort has been dropped off somewhere in the borderlands and you’ve gotta make your way through to pick it up.

These missions could be used towards completing your daily events, and could also be used to acquire some sort of faction currency and access to new faction unique items/ skins. (the armor is cool,but I’d like a lot more)

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: rajule.8054


I may be a bit late to this conversation I haven’t really been following the thread closely, but I have had an idea I’ve been kicking around for a while that in some ways pertains to horizontal character progression.

I really enjoyed the openness and freedom of the “quests” and events while leveling up and how it promoted exploration of the entire map. however I found when I reached max level and got map completion I lost some direction. daily tasks are great, and its good that they are more generalized, but I also find myself just going to the same areas I know will work well for said task to get it done easily and I don’t explore as much. the Same goes for Metas. sure you’re traveling the world, but really you’re porting to the closest wp completing the event and then porting to the next.

Another disappointment I have is the lack of interaction with my chosen faction. I was very immersed reading up on the backgrounds of each faction when I first created my character and visited there offices in divinity’s reach. I decided to go with the priory and there part of my personal story was probably my favorite part. The few quests I had exploring ruins were exactly what I had imagined. however I am now max level and no longer have any interaction with them.

My idea is to basically add regular (daily) faction missions to the game. Some missions could be more generic and shared across all of the factions but the bulk would be specific and themed depending on who you chose to align with IE the priory missions could involve exploring/revisiting dungeons, jumping puzzles and other various ruins collection objects, solving riddles etc. Vigil missions would be a bit more combat oriented, completing an assault or defense of a keep somewhere in the world, escorting a vip etc. and the order of whispers missions would be more espionage/stealth oriented. spying on an npc, sneaking into a base for a rescue etc.

but I think its important that there would be a fair variety of missions that you could get, and that they could take place in any zone in the world that you’re level appropriate for and take a bit of trekking. Some would be open world, collection/delivery events and others would be instanced single player dungeon type events. (the last few living world events I’ve really enjoyed having the option to solo and it felt like just the right amount of challenge. I really want to see more of that. Hell I’d even love to see some take place in the wvw maps. perhaps some artifact important to the war effort has been dropped off somewhere in the borderlands and you’ve gotta make your way through to pick it up.

These missions could be used towards completing your daily events, and could also be used to acquire some sort of faction currency and access to new faction unique items/ skins. (the armor is cool,but I’d like a lot more)

Guardian shout "Save Yourself"

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


It’s kinda all in the wiki.!%22

a) you are taking conditions from up to 5 allies
b) you can convert those conditions again into boons if you use contemplation of purity
c) with altruistic healing you heal yourself with this skill

I’m not a number cruncher so I never checked how much it heals for with altruistic healing for example but it’s a good group skill and even works nicely solo since you are not drawing any conditions.

Edit: Maybe I’m not getting your point? I just think it’s a good skill and it’s most often on my bar.

but thats what he’s saying. you get all the same benefits whether you take allies conditions or not so why would you hurt yourself by using it near them.

I like getting boons from it even solo but I agree there should be some reward for using it as it was intended, maybe the boons you receive have a longer duration per condition you transfer.

Tome Elite

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


The downside is that i lose my Virtues while using the book, cause you know. Guardians are not supposed to use Virtues, and i lose my utility skills cause fudge yeah why the fudge not!!! So yeah, those things are kinda annoying.

at the least this needs to be changed, why do we lose access to our virtures and utilities when using these elites?
Is this the case for other “transformation” elites. aside from having a bulleye on your face when you use it I avoid the tomes because the duration is really short and the control/playstyle is far too jarring for me. I’d prefer they’re more like a new weapon set so I still have access to my other abilities.

Arah P2 Solo Build

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


you can solo a dungeon? I’d like to see a video of that.

Guardian December Patch Preview

in Guardian

Posted by: rajule.8054


6. Shield – Shield of Judgment needs knockback effect. Shield of Absorption needs to be converted into a 3 second channeled block with a significantly smaller dome absorbing projectiles. This will help guardian’s direct damage intake as well as still guarding others. Remove knockback and healing sequence.

what would be the point of having the dome of absorbtion if the guardian can already block everything for 3 seconds? especially if you make it too small for allies to stand in.

on shield 4 I’d prefer a daze over a knockback we don’t need 2 on the same weapon.

(edited by rajule.8054)