Showing Posts For toafarmer.8401:

looking for [Recipe: Fur Leather Helm]

in Crafting

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


So, any news about this recipe? Im trying to complete tailor recipes and never found that one.

New items: temporary or permanent?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Any chance of an official answer?

New items: temporary or permanent?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Flip? The tool is bound.

Is it easy to make gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Very easy to make gold. All the game is designed in a way you can make gold very very fast. All you need is a credit card.

F&F discovery and forge recipes

in Crafting

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Is there any discovery or forge recipe in F&F or only the cooking and EL tonic ones?

Rewarded Jugs of Karma not stacking

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


so I believe you can only get 1 of each / account. stupid idea for such an useless reward.

What is the Molten Jetpack droprate?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


“In Guild Wars 2, everybody should have access to every item.”

It should be that way. Everybody should have access to it, granted they play well.

Everyone has. It is in the auction house. Stop whining about RNG and drop rates and buy the stuff you dont get. So simple.


I’ll whine about RNG till the day it’s gone, and I will not buy the stuff I don’t get. So simple. Now go be a fanboy somewhere else, I heard CoD is in great need of people like you. Quit defending bad design.

If you read my posts, you will find out you sound like an idiot for calling me a fanboy. I spend most of the time in this forum criticizing this game, since it has major flaws (like being a grindy, generic mmo, with a poor pool of skills, badly designed dungeons and so on).

If someone “plays well” he/she will get enough money from other contents and will be able to buy the stuff. It is in the auction house. it is not osulbound. RNG is the best system (not invented by Anet nor NC$oft) around so far and it wont be gone (go play WoW if you prefer tokens). You can whine all you want. My 3 years old nephew also does it when she doesnt get what she wants. But she sounds more mature than you.

New items: temporary or permanent?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


The only one of those that may not be permanente would be the tunneling tool, but that too I believe will stay.

Agree with you. But would love to have an official answer, even though this game has a poor customer support, making me believe we wont have an official word about this (or about 90% of the stuff asked on forums).

How to avoid AoE from Molten Berserker? (bug)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


not a bug, it is lag. done the fight dozens of times.

lol at your argument, sorry but weth and I have both soloed it, it’s a bug, not lag. You will not get to see the full extent of a boss’ mechanics until you solo it. Other players will be taking agro and you will have to pay significantly closer attention due to the lack of a safety net. It’s a bug not lag. If you need proof that I soloed it then click the link in my sig or go to the dungeon solo thread. I know what I’m talking about. Please, the next time you argue like this have some way to back yourself up. I really don’t want to have to continue this annoying school yard argument. If I didn’t need to delete many of my fail videos to clear hd space I could have shown you a dozen videos of this exact bug happening while being blatantly outside of the aoe range. Are you still really going to tell me it’s lag and not a bug? If so I’ll know just to ignore all your posts from now on.

Ive “soloed” (not soloed exactly, but been the last one standing for the last 25-30% life) twice with my ranger. I know EXACTLY the mechanics for this boss and I have an average ping of 200ms. So I can tell you: this is not a bug, it is lag. I know very well the boss mechanics and how it is to have lag. Btw, feel free to ignore my posts, you wont be the 1st person who cant accept different views in this forums. Lots of spoiled kids nerd raging around. There are some issues with this fight, specially due to red circles not showing and other graphic issues, but in this 2nd video the problem is lag. I know it is more comfortable to blame a bug than admiting you failed. Feel free to do it as well if it makes you feel better.

How to avoid AoE from Molten Berserker? (bug)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


not a bug, it is lag. done the fight dozens of times.

New items: temporary or permanent?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Well, while I agree with you, Id like an official answer (like the ones we never get, but we can always try).

How to avoid AoE from Molten Berserker? (bug)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


1st vid might be a bug. 2nd is just lag.

What is the Molten Jetpack droprate?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


“In Guild Wars 2, everybody should have access to every item.”

It should be that way. Everybody should have access to it, granted they play well.

Everyone has. It is in the auction house. Stop whining about RNG and drop rates and buy the stuff you dont get. So simple.

New items: temporary or permanent?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Are the new items temporary or permanent? Im not asking about the ones that have in their description “available for a limited time”, but the ones that doesnt. More specific:

Quaggam Killer Whale Backpack Set/Cover and the Charr equivalent
Sonic Tunneling Tool

Would love to see an official answer.

millions of excess silk scraps/thick leather

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


i simply like the idea of the mystic chest to be brought back.
One of my fav items in game

This is a very good idea, which makes me sure it wont happen.

quaggan killer whale backpack set

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


any chance of an official answer?

millions of excess silk scraps/thick leather

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Yeah, I agree we need a sink to those.

How is the Super Skin market functioning atm?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


So I played the market a lot in GW1, but this is nothing like I’ve seen before:

1) Limited-time items released
2) Price steadily climbs over the month when they still spawn
3) The items stop spawning, and price drops

Shouldn’t the price be going up since there are zero new skins being introduced into the market? Why is this not playing out like every limited-release item I have seen in GW1?

It seems like you were a very bad market player in GW since the same thing used to happen there. Take the celestials as an example (except for the pig). When they were released, the hype made the price go up to 60-70k during the event. Lots of noobs used to stock them thinking the price would skyrocket like pig (because they had no idea how the pig was gotten). Then you have tons of noob market players with tons of celestials and no market for them, since most people who want them already have. Prices stabilized for like 2-4 weeks, then noobs needed money and decided to sell a couple of their 2-5 celestials for the same 70k they were during event. But wait! There is still no market for them. Then the celestial prices slowly dropped to 25-30kish – the point where experienced marked players started to buy and stock them. After a while (18 months+), prices went back to higher standards, because you had new players wanting the pets and the bigger dealers had stocked almost all of them (buying for the 15-25kish istead of 70kish during the first hype).

Id say the prices for SAB skins will go up fastly when SAB comes back, if the skins really stop dropping. SAB skins will be hyped again and collectors will want the old ones. But if I had to guess, Id say the rare skins will drop again when SAB is back, even thoguh they will not be available from Moto, which doesnt mean they will lose lots of value. If you really played GW market instead of only buying X ectos = 100k and selling X-1=100k, you will remember Polar Bear and Zippy.

If the skins keep dropping whenever SAB is there, the best time to sell them will be 2-3 months before SAB comes – which no one knows right now when is gonna happen.

quaggan killer whale backpack set

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


it is confirmed, yes. i got one from blc.

Rewarded Jugs of Karma not stacking

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Ohhh… Thanks for the explanation, Matthew. I guess it doesn’t make a difference as all of my characters are level 80.

@toafarmer: Supposedly the pages/letters can be collected multiple times, although when I went in the dungeon for my 2nd run last night, they still hadn’t respawned despite it being more than 24 hours since my first run. However, I hadn’t drank any of the 3 Jugs of Karma I’d received for them yet. I’ll do a 3rd run of the dungeon tonight and see whether they’ve respawned.

Lets hope so… if I knew the reward was karma and it was account based, Id prefer to keep the pages as souvenir instead of taking the karma jugs.

Rewarded Jugs of Karma not stacking

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


How many pages/letters you can get of each? Only once or 1/day/account?

quaggan killer whale backpack set

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


is this a temporary drop from chests or permanent?

Today is still in April. Why does this shut?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Anet is still in silent.
I dont wanna think they are neglecting the issue until the heat dies down.

Sorry, man, but that is what they always do. And Im sure they will do it again. On Anet’s side, SAB is over. Period. Even though this is very disrespectful, that’s Anet. Get used to it.

Dungeon DR

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


There is no DR for the dungeon. It can be farmed multiple times and the end reward stays the same. The only DR available would be the standard “killing mobs of the same type repeatedly”.

nice, thx for the answer.

Dungeon DR

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


is there any kind of dr on the new dungeon? any kind of daily reward? or can it be grinded?

Terrible download rate

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Interesting, I have not downloaded today’s patch, but I usually download updates between 400 KBps up to 3 MBps

Hope you have better luck. I have a 15 mbps connection and the new build (specially the last file) was downloading at 10 kbps tops. That happens everytime I download the patches in the day they are released.

Other games solved the problem by providing a link with direct download to the patches.

Terrible download rate

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Lots of fanbois posting here while waiting for the client to patch at 10kbps.

Today is still in April. Why does this shut?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


I would say that was a very stupid move from Anet, but my post would be infracted and deleted (guess we have new mods around). So I will just say that this was unexpected and I feel that this was not clever and was a little disrespectful to the players that, like me, were expecting SAB to shut down only when the dailies reset.

Terrible download rate

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Downloading the new build now. At 1-8 KBps. Every day there is a new build it is the same crap. You need better servers or alternative ways to download the new crap.

And before someone asks, everything else is downloading just fine here and firewall is not blocking the client.

What is being about Master of Baubles bug?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


…You might have missed one or something

Lol !! Clearly people aren’t reading anything the OP types.

Sorry I can’t help. Don’t have the title either.

Im reading him. And I also think he is missing something, but it is easier to complain in the forums and call it a bug than admiting he missed something.

New dungeon temporary or permanent?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Is one of them, there are quite a few others as well but I won’t bother linking them.

thank you sir. +1

W1Z1 Checkpoint bug

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Okies, this is pretty uncommon since Ive done 500+ runs of SAB zones 1 & 2, but right now im standing in the very 1st checkpoint in zone 1 and it was impossible to pass it due to the blue thing not being blue (couldnt activate it).

It started to work while I was writing this post, like 90s after I came to it. Not a lag issue, since the monsters were moving, neither a graphical glitch, since I stepped into the thing multiple times.

Edit: possibly a conection issue, since I lost conection now. Not sure if my end or yours.

(edited by toafarmer.8401)

I found secret batcave...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


The part with him saying he glitched threw the world by a some mushroom jump, is a hoax. I know there are glitches like that in other MMOs, but I don’t believe this MMO has that glitch otherwise, we would had a long… time ago, be hearing about characters under the ground farming nodes by BoTing methods.

Fanboism blinds, mate. I got glitched under Caledon Forest twice during april 1st (not sure if it was a coincidence or because of the special chests). So yes, this flawless perfect MMO has this sort of glitches. I hope you can sleep well even after having this info.

New dungeon temporary or permanent?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


can you provide a link with official word on that? because I dont really care about how many times this was asked, but if it was answered.

New dungeon temporary or permanent?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


So, is the new dungeon temporary or permanent?

The dialogue... oh lord, the dialogue...

in Personal Story

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


I am the kind of player who read the books ingame, who talks no random NPCs for lore’s sake, who collect books in Elder Scrolls games. I love to follow the lore, to think about what is said, to put pieces of dialogue together and understand the game worlds by doing it.

Gw2 story line? Well, after day 2, I just skip. The main story is the worst Ive ever seen. The voice acting is the most terrible since Sega’s Altered Beast (which was awesome for it’s time). Sometimes I feel the voice was recorded from google translator. Schwarzenegger would do better playing Shakespeare.

The personal story lacks epicness. Even collecting boar poop in WoW had more of an epic feeling.

The "quests’ itselves are also terrible. In addition to all the bugs, the fights are extremely boring.

GW had a great story and lore. Prophecies had one of the best stories Ive seen in a MMO. Factions and Nightfall (and even EotN) were also awesome. The characters meant something. GW2 is just epic boredom. Heroic ennui. It seems people who made GW were fired or have unlearned everything.

“Oh, we wanna make people feel that they are part of the world, they can change things, they blablabla”. When I remember the old interviews from PAX before the release of the game, I think: where the hell is the game they said they were making?

The emotion of 90% of voice acting is so terrible that even if the story was good (and most of it is terrible) it wouldnt feel like it. “Actors” read (yes, they read, they dont act) “look, we are being attacked by a giant flamming badas dragon” with the same emotion they would read “hey, honey, we need to buy more milk, this was the last bottle”.

Add trade to the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


If someone is dumb to the point they get scammed in a game with an auction house, he/she deserves to be scammed. The point is Anet was never able to ban the scammers (as they still are not able to ban botters/exploiters properly).

It is funny to see how some people “think”. Oh, people might get scammed and cry in the forums and I dont wanna see it. Well, dont read the forums then.

But reading the trash some people wrote here and by knowing how lazy Anet is, I will just stick to the auction house.

Trading Guild Wars2 account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


They don’t allow it because some people will give or sell an account, then later contact support and get it back.

Do you really believe that? They don’t allow because if you buy anyone’s account you dont give THEM money. And money is all they want.

I found secret batcave...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Also a fair warning to all other players, please refrain yourselves from searching this area. The end result is not pretty.

kitten da police

Reconnaissance bugged?

in Personal Story

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


congats anet for having this bugged since launch. still bugged.

Complete discoevry list?

in Crafting

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


There is a list of recipes that “use” Bolts of Wool. You might start there and see if you are missing any of them.

My fist thought was one of the wool bags, like “10-slot Invisible Bag” or one of those.

In addition of being a complete mess (you cant filter tailor recipes, for example), the list is very, very, VERY incomplete. Wiki for GW2 completly sucks. And I have all those recipes. And some others that are not on the list.

Lets figure out some drop rates!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Prices may rise because more people are interested in it.

Or because the offer decreased, which surely is the case here.

Learn from SAB forum

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


What amazes me is that Josh responds to both positive and negative feedback.

Yeah, he is the best guy in Anet team. He answers, he reads the stuff, he even seems to care about the game and not only the money. It would be awesome if the other forums were like this, but most of staff seems to be worried only about getting their payement by the end of the month.

Lets figure out some drop rates!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Well, I had the strong impression that drops were nerfed. Then I come here and see I am not the only one. Guess we had another ninja change, that is reflected in super skin prices, which skyrocket on the last week. Of course this will be deleted for “conspiracy theory” or whatever they name it, but with the prices rising and the complete lack of skins for me in all those days, I have reasons to believe the drop rate has changed. Was it only me, it could be bad luck, but my bad luck wouldnt justify prices rising 3×.

I can't find Moto

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


He is on the left of SAB, north rata Sum, close to the LA asura gate.

Complete discoevry list?

in Crafting

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Hey there. Ive been trying to complete all possible tailor recipes, but there is at least 1 of them I cant find.

I can add “bolt of wool” and it says I have 1 more recipe to find out.

Been trying to find a complete list of possible discoveries, but didnt find any. gw2wiki is terrible and even more complete sites like gw2db lack information.

Any ideas? I wouldnt like to spend a ton of money buying slivers/fragments/shards/cores/lodestones without knowing wich ones I need (and if I need).

(edited by toafarmer.8401)

Check your server

in Suggestions

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


With the guest thing, would be nice to have a way to see in what server you currently are. Be it on hero menu or guild menu, whatever. When I check guild menu I see the server of all guild members except mine, while seeing my location (which I can check by opening map or mousing over minimap).

Lets figure out some drop rates!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


you mean you can actually get skins? when does this miracle occur?

Every chest at the end of each zone has a 2% chance of dropping a skin (not in infantile mode). That works only on the first time you complete the zone with each character each day.

Little bug of death ans pain

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


When changing from W1Z2 to W1Z3, the rainbow that appears after cage is destroyed disappeared, I felt into poison and died during transition screen (could even hear the poison ticking). Think this was not an intended feature.

Molten Alliance Pick [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


Not only an infinite mining pick is useless because the normal ones are cheap but spending 10$ for pixels and pixels that aren’t even useful is kinda funny imo. Like not because its new YOU have to buy something as worthless…

They are very useful. Not only they are convenient and look cool, they are also unlimited. Beer is as useless as pixels, since Ill pee them, but I also keep buying beer. And, wait… if you dont think one should spend money on pixels, why did you buy a game made of… pixels? You should try Monopoly.