Nice, just got my hat. Thanks Anet for listening to your loyal customers instead of the cheap ones.
So, lets figure this out. An official answer would be awesome, even though I dont think we will have one because… well, we know the customer support we have.
Mini Festive Golem: cash shop box random drop
Mini Snowman: cash shop box random drop
Mini Infinirarion: cash shop box random drop
Foostivoo the Merry: combine 3 cash shop box random drop minis + 50 wads of enchanted stuff
Princess Doll: ??
Toy Ventary: forge or cash shop
Toy Soldier: ??
Toy Golem: ??
Plush Griffon: ??
Is it possible to get all of them? Will the other 4 be added to cash store like Toy Ventari?
nah, ill probably never buy chests since it is a lottery with terrible drop rate and mostly useless stuff. i usually buy the stuff i want directly and, in the day they make chests the only way to get the stuff i like (bound stuff), ill probably quit the game.
Nice to know that there is no “only during this day” things, specially not on 24-25 dec or 31 dec – 1 jan. That way people can enjoy both the content of the game and the trips/parties/whatever they do during xmas and new year.
This is for new accounts.
Don’t forget, those who purchased previously had other opportunities: Beta access, Head-start access, digital items, the post-trial offer, event participation, etc. With each promotion there are different incentives.
Ok, that ends with my cosmetic items collection and leaves me only with the minipet collection. Less stuff to buy from GW2 cash store, more cash to spend in other games. Even though I dont think this is a smart decision from Anet/NCsoft (and it is not the 1st), thanks for answering. That ends the subject for me.
1) If based in the game content, it would be a short movie.
2) If based on Lost Shores, a 3 hour movie about walking in circles and killing big crabs
3) If based in personal story, a game about someone who is searching for a lost heirloon and saves some children.
4) If based in dungeons or fractals, you wont be able to watch some parts of it and there is a chance you wont see the final part.
5) If based on customer support, the girl who sells tickets will dress like a stripper and smile at you while the guy who take the tickets will beat the hell out of you with a baseball bat.
6) If based on progression, it will have 20 minutes, but it will keep repeating over and over again.
Thats a good question, sir. And for the ones that claim it is not affected my MF, do you have any official word on it? Because my chest drops are MUCH better with a MF set, so either it is a huge coincidence that I get lots of rares and exotics from chests when I use MF set and dont get when I dont use or MF does affect chests (which, in my experience, seems to be what happens).
You see, what we have here is called a Placebo.
Chests are not affected by MF at all.
edit: nvm, now ive seen the whole topic.
(edited by toafarmer.8401)
Got my chest today, I got:
- Ancient karka Shell Box / Ancient karka Shell (the 100% chance items)
- lvl 80 rare Rampager’s Banded Greaves of Balthazar (heavy boots) = 1 Mithril Ore + 1 Major Rune of Balthazar
- lvl 80 rare Cleric’s Rogue Pants of the Flock (medium leg) = 1 Glob of Ectoplasm + 1 Major Rune of the Flock + 3 Thick Leather Sections
- lvl 76 exotic Rampager’s Spear of Smoldering = auction house, will propably get ~85s for it clean
- lvl 80 exotic Zho’s Mask (medium head) = bank (will use on alt or wait for the auction house to go back to normal after the exotic flood since it is only 1g15s clean)
So that is around 3-4g worth, except for the bag and acessory, which are actually very good and what made it worth to me.
Thats a good question, sir. And for the ones that claim it is not affected my MF, do you have any official word on it? Because my chest drops are MUCH better with a MF set, so either it is a huge coincidence that I get lots of rares and exotics from chests when I use MF set and dont get when I dont use or MF does affect chests (which, in my experience, seems to be what happens).
Grind, in this game? Where?
hmm… almost all the game is grind, sir. t get exotics, you must grind. to get ascended, you must grind a lot. to get legendary, you must grind a real lot. so either you grind or you dont do endgame properly, only carried.
Sure the legendaries are a grind, but no one is forcing it upon you.
Besides that there is no grind, sure the doomsayers claim fractals are a grind for ascended gear, but that isnt true. It’s just a short run per day. Gearing up isnt a grind either.
I dont think you are seeing things clearly. One piece costs 1350 fractal tokens. fractal 1=15 tokens. fractal 2=30 tokens. fractal 3=15 tokens. wait, how many runs to 1350? And that is for only 1 piece. And not even the ascended one, which will be an upgrade of this one.
The “grind” parts in this game doesnt even come close to asian games.
if that is your standard, then I agree.
ok, got my chest minutes ago. Attended/Loot/Mail
Personally I just hope they add the hat to the store after a period of time. Limited exclusive, and such. And mostly just because it looks kitten adorable on the Asura. Also, for those asking if it’s the same as the Witch kitten it is not. It’s like a big floppy Gandalf hat. Not worth this much fuss, but I’d still like one.
That would be good enough, even though giving it for free to the digital deluxe/collector’s edition would be fairer.
Don’t care about the money I spent ( I have CE) but I really look forward that someone answers me that ppl who already have collecters edition or digital deluxe will get the items as we’ll! It’s not about the cash It’s just that you buy a COLLECTER’S EDITION! and you have less ingame stuff than ppl who buy a NORMAL EDITION! doesn’t make sence to me:)
Thats very illustrative.
Someone who buys a COLLECTOR’S EDITION does it because they like COLLECTING things. Same for the deluxe, which in this case is a “collector’s edition” for people who only want the digital stuff.
So, people are upset because of a hat?
Am I getting this right?
That is a way to see it. Another one is “people are upset because of a videogame?”. But Id say Im upset because the way Anet is treating their customers.
Well a video game is something that you can put a lot of time in. Anything you put time into has value for yourself. But a free promo item that is a town hat, that hardly anyone uses only has value to you because you decided to be upset about it.
When you put hundreds or thousands of hours in a game and all that effort is suddenly invalidated, I can understand people being upset. This not so much.
Some people like collecting stuff. Ive put lots of hours in GW trying to get money to improve my minipet collection. What was the use for them? None. Some people put their time in getting a precursor/legendary. Whats the use for them? None. I like collecting things, specially minipets, and the fact I might not be able to have a complete collection because of content released after I have purchased the game annoys me.
I personally dont see the point of whining because one didnt get a precursor from karka chest and his friend/neighbor/guildie got. Precursors are still avaiable in the game, anyone can get. But the fact that I cant obtain something to my collection just because it might be exclusive to people who bought the game later (which I dont believe will happen, by the way) doesnt sound fair to me.
………………there is seriously an argument over a hat…….lol……..k. wow. I have a digital deluxe version which i purchased for the elite skill and the bank access.
I purchased for both the elite and the cosmetics.
its not like they are offering new players a free precursor lol.
precursors are also cosmetic items and they can be obtained ingame.
if some random new player tried to show off their hat to me in lions arch…A- i would not even pay attention or B- id shove all the wealth i attained that they wont realistically attain in the amount of time i did simply because they are new.
some people collect things, even if they dont use them.
if u want a hat that offers 0 advantage so badly go buy a new copy of the digital deluxe its $20 or 37gold 60 silver and 99 copper.
hat will be attached to the new account.
to op- you ask for an official response but i very much doubt you will get one or that there should even be one. u complaining would be like going to a store on black friday and crying that what you bought 2 months ago is now cheaper?!?!?
no, im not complaining because it is cheaper. im complaining because i want to be able to have this item in my collection and so far I dont know how to do it.
So ANet is “disrespecting its customers” by offering a business promotion, just like every other company in the entire world?
I’m beginning to think that we’re just going to get complaints towards ANet staff over everything and anything now, even stuff that it makes no sense to complain about.
You can tell how well-grounded the folks in this forum are. “I didn’t get a hat in a video game, my life is being ruined by these evil corporations!” First-world problems, indeed.
No, it is disrespecting customers for making content available for new players that is not available for older players who supported the game when they needed money to finish the game.
And the problem here isnt the hat itself, but some people are just too narrow-minded to understand this. That is why companies in game ndustry do whatever they want without considering what customers expect.
How is this a punishment? All games are like this. The price goes down. Why? Because people quit buying it. How do you get more sales? Some sort of a special.
No one is complaining about price.
Most games lump in DLCs, or come out with a Special Edition or Game of The Year version. These specials get people to buy the game.
When GW did this, they gave the “older” palyers the same items avaiable in the special edition.
I can understand rage if they were getting a full expansion this early lumped into their purchase. Or if they were getting items that actually meant something. Or like 2000 free gems. But its a hat. A freaking hat. Town clothing, which makes it even less valuable than free armor skins.
The gems can be purchased. The expansions can be purchased. The hat is not obtainable. Even if I bought a new account, it would be attached to another account. I myself dont even care a lot about cosmetic clothes, I only like collecting stuff.
For all products, value goes down over time. This is a fact for everything. If you want good deals on stuff, don’t buy when its brand new. You can either play it sooner, or save money by playing it later.
As I said, no one is complaining about the price or asking for a $20 refund.
Actually you got more benefit since you likely have items from all the events that preceded the promo (e.g. mad king, lost shores), experience, higher levels, and are closer to a legendary (if you care about that sort of thing). Not to mention that you probably got to experience the rather fun Halloween events (and the cool mad king cutscene when you werent expecting it!), whereas someone who just bought the game hasnt nor ever will have experienced those events like you have. Someone who buys the game later will have less benefit because all they get is a town clothes hat.
My guess is if you had to choose between buying GW2 earlier, or waiting several months and buying it for the town clothes hat it comes with — most people would choose to buy it early.
The point is: I am not losing the content because I bought the game later. It is because I bought the game before. That doesnt make sense to me.
if you really wanted an official response from Anet then you would have gone to the support area…or call and ask them…and if you still didn’t receive the answer you wanted to hear…then perhaps putting it in the suggestions area of these forums. Cause by putting a specific question in general then your always going to get responses from everyone else, many of which you don’t want to hear or refuse to believe…so…who’s trolling now?…
I did that. Here is the answer: “Thanks for contacting Guild Wars 2 Support. Someone will be reviewing your ticket shortly. If you would like to add to or update your support ticket, please reply to this message or update your incident by clicking the link below. We appreciate your patience and will reply shortly.”
And sorry, I didnt have the intention of making you angry for not having the deluxe version, all I want to know is how do I claim the hat. Since I had no response for my ticket, I decided to try the forums for a faster answer. Which I am still waiting for.
What i love about GW2:
—the graphics
—the leveling system is unique
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in
—the personal story quests
—no subscription fee
—the choices of races and professions
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr)
—beautiful characters
—easy to use map and UIwhat i don’t like is in other posts
i hope the game can evolve to be even more fun!
—the graphics – ok
—the leveling system is unique – what? how so? it is the very same of dozens of mmos…
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in – true
—the personal story quests – they suck
—no subscription fee – thats why the game is worth its price
—the choices of races and professions – same as every mmo
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr) – grind basically (kill 10 centaurs, but has not the centaur number, but a progression bar)
—beautiful characters – true
—easy to use map and UI – trueOrr should be scrapped horrible spammaed with useless mobs
proffs same as every mmo? maybe he means he likes the mechanics of some special race so no not same as every MMo yes all mmos have classes
Hmm uf he means “Norn, Asura, Human, Charr and Sylvari” instead of “Human, Elf, Dwarf” than ok. The races are a bit different, but the mechanics are pretty much the same.
What i love about GW2:
—the graphics
—the leveling system is unique
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in
—the personal story quests
—no subscription fee
—the choices of races and professions
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr)
—beautiful characters
—easy to use map and UIwhat i don’t like is in other posts
i hope the game can evolve to be even more fun!
—the graphics – ok
—the leveling system is unique – what? how so? it is the very same of dozens of mmos…
—most of the world is beautiful and pleasant to move around in – true
—the personal story quests – they suck
—no subscription fee – thats why the game is worth its price
—the choices of races and professions – same as every mmo
—the questing/zones system is unique and enjoyable (except orr) – grind basically (kill 10 centaurs, but has not the centaur number, but a progression bar)
—beautiful characters – true
—easy to use map and UI – true
at all? even a little bit?
Reading this forum as a new player, I get the impression that this is one of the worst MMOs on the market.
The mood around here was generally much more positive before Nov 15 and the terrible patch.
Thats because people were still hyped.
The question is, did this direction get enough new players to compensate for those that quit?
Game has no sub. New players = new money. Old players leaving = we have new money and dont need better servers. So, yes, it will work.
All MMO forums have a large group of people who do nothing else than throw smack against the game and devs.
And another large group who thinks everything is great. Haters vs Fanboys. All forums are about the same. The people who have construtive critics about the game are usually so annoyed by the fanboys that they end up to turn to haters.
There are 2 millions of players in GW2
Where did you take this number from?
and it’s easily the best MMO on the market for now
I disagree, but it is a good game. Worth the 60 bucks.
Simply put.
The more angry people are at the game, the more they care.
No one makes page-long threads about something they don’t care about.
Other MMOs, people just leave.
GW2 people just complain and complain and complain and never go anywhere
Thats true. 26 real life friends of mine quit the game without making a single post on forums. Their guild is dead (I am the only one logging in), even though Im pretty pissed of with a lot of things. But I liked GW so much that I am still trying to believe GW2 will be as good as GW. So far, it doesnt seem it will be.
Although, I don’t play the game anymore, I feel that the game easily surpasses most other MMOs (inlcuding WoW) in terms of content, replayability, etc.. WoW and other MMOs did not have this much content initially, had many bugs, and definitely wasn’t as fun. The art work in GW2 is top tier.
Sorry, sir, but I have to disagree. This game surpasses many MMO and I agree even WoW. But not in terms of content. WoW has (since release) much more content than GW2. Same for replayability, for the very same reason. WoW had WAY more content initially than GW2 has. GW2 has about the same ammount of bugs WoW had back there, but Blizzard used to fix them (they dont do it anymore though) while Anet really dont seem to care about fixing bugs while they are working on getting more money from people. WoW, for its time, was way more fun than GW2 for its time. If you play both today for the 1st time, well, then GW2 will be more fun. But considering WoW is 8 years old, Id say GW2 had to bring way more to players to be considered “better than WoW on it’s release”.
WoW got really boring later, when they started to change the game. That was 3 years after the release, while GW2 is taking the same path 3 months after its release. The art in GW2, well, I agree with you. It is the second best graphics Ive seen, only behind TSW, which has a very different purpose (It is a MMO designed for adults, with a modern day set up, very different from the fantasy MMOs like WoW, FF, GW, Lotro, and so on).
Another difference between WoW’s and GW2’s releases (note: I dont play WoW for 3 years and I dont even think about comming back to it, it is just not my game) is the difficulty. WoW was a hard game when it was released, specially the end game content. You could easily level to max level by questing, but the end game dungeons and raids were hard as hell.
GW2 is much more a casual game. Anyone can beat the end game content if they have the proper armor or a group who can carry them. There is nothing even close to WoW raids or end game dungeons, specially if you think that was released 8 years before.
Is GW2 better than WoW? For today, much better. For the launch, well, if you prefer easy games, yes. If you prefer challenges, no. All a matter of taste. And GW2 is better than WoW mostly because WoW now sucks, because it lacks real challenges and it got boring, not because GW2 brings something really new, because it doesnt. It is a more polished version of Lotro, with better dungeons, better graphics and an easier “build” system.
an email asking me to wait for a few more days.
BTW, including me, a group of 27 real life friends bought this game. After 3 months, I am the only one still playing. All the others are playing other games. And I have been playing other games more than this one on the last days, considering the customer support, the bugs and the recent “maintenances” are pissing me off. The game is not bad, but it gets boring fast if you are a hardcore player.
In GW leveling was not important, what was important was your intelligence and skill. You had a huge pool of skills to chose from and make great builds and work those builds as teams. While this was very challenging and fun, it didnt help selling the game, since most MMO players are not very smart (you wouldnt believe the “builds” people made in GW) and prefer to have more straightforward paths. But, even thought they want straightforward games, they also like the feeling of “achieving” things.
GW2 has a different approach than GW. It was dumbed down so any casual MMO player can be able to complete almost anything. So, the “max level” is still easy and now it is a little important because you need max level to have max equip. But the game is designed for making most casual MMO players happy. Thats why they have hugely reduced the skill pool and customization and thats why they didnt add any real challenge in the game other then grinding.
So the “achievement” you will feel in this game is getting your legendary weapons after a lot of grinding and/or spending cash in cashstore (and world completion, which is repetitive due to the lack of content but also fun).
The game is ok. Nothing new on it, if you liked Lotro, you will probably like this. It is a better version of Lotro but with 1/5 of the content and a crappy storyline, but overall it is a nice MMO just like any other in the market. Better than the older ones, worse than some of the latest releases. Considering it does not have monthly fee, it is worth the 60 bucks. Just dont expect customer support, because it has the worst customer support ever, and forget everything that they announced previously to launch, because the game has not much of what has been announced like a couple of years ago. But it is basically a mix of Lotro and Rift, with some WoW comming to it recently (not only because of the bugs, but also the servers being frequently unavailable due to maintenance and some combat challenges that remind Crusader’s Coliseum). Is it worth the 60 bucks? Yes. Is it a great game? No.
I wonder if the people who buy this ‘wizard hat’ version will be angry that they didn’t get the cute baseball cap or witch hat or devil horns. Cuz I’d totally give them mine, given how little I wear them.
Cept I wouldn’t give em my ballcap cuz it’s not cool to wear another guy’s cap.
Those people decided to buy the game after the release, so they lost the content released during the last few months. Thats what happened to me in GW and I wasnt asking for Tengu Day prizes, since I didnt have the game when it was released. Also didnt complain about the things I didnt get when I wasnt able to attend the events.
So same thing here – if you waited for the sale you could have it. But you decided not to wait. You could have it now if you buy now, just like anyone else.
But it’s just a hat, no actual wizard powers included, no Brittney14 either.
No, not the same thing. Actually its not even similar. Unless you have cognitive problems I will assume you are just trolling.
I wonder if the people who buy this ‘wizard hat’ version will be angry that they didn’t get the cute baseball cap or witch hat or devil horns. Cuz I’d totally give them mine, given how little I wear them.
Cept I wouldn’t give em my ballcap cuz it’s not cool to wear another guy’s cap.
Those people decided to buy the game after the release, so they lost the content released during the last few months. Thats what happened to me in GW and I wasnt asking for Tengu Day prizes, since I didnt have the game when it was released. Also didnt complain about the things I didnt get when I wasnt able to attend the events.
Any of you remember the old movie classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?
All the whiners in this game remind me of the kid who played Veruca Salt…“Oh Daddy I want a Oompa Loompa!”…..“Oh Daddy I want a Golden Goose and I want it nowwww!”
“Stomps Feet”….pathetic absolutely pathetic…Do you have deluxe version?
No I don’t have the “deluxe” version nor do I intend to get it…the “bonus” items for upgrading or purchasing it didn’t really appeal to me…I did purchase a retail boxed copy of the game and got the head start etc that everyone else got it who purchased it before launch did. And I do not feel slighted in any way that ones who buy the copy that I bought get it as a free “upgrade” now…promotions are just that…promotions…I got the head start and other pre-purchase items that new buyers now won’t ever get.
Thats what I thought. Now I understand it clearly.
You understand what clearly? If I had waited and bought the game now I would have gotten the digital deluxe version as a free upgrade but yet I do not feel slighted at all because I got what was advertised at the time….get over it….you got 3 hats if you started at launch until present and new people will only get 1 yet you feel entitled to getting that 1 hat the new people get instead of being satisfied with what you have already received……amazing the mentality of some people….
Yeah, amazing. “I couldnt buy deluxe version so I think anyone who wants the hat is a whiner”.
Eh? Excuse me? I never ever said I "couldnt’ buy the digital deluxe version, I said I didn’t WANT to….big difference….and yes it WAS available back at launch…seems like you are just picking out what you want to in order to fulfill your own agenda or something while ignoring what you don’t want to hear, which is , NO, you can’t have a hat unless you purchase another copy of the game…get it through your thick head already…
If that makes you feel better, well, ok, you didnt want to. Whatever.
And there is no official word about this issue. No one in Anet said that people who already own the digital deluxe wont be able to get the hat. I dont even understand why you, that couldnt buy (or didnt want to buy) the deluxe version, are doing here in this topic.
This is something that was not in GW and was implemented in GW2. I dont think the purpose was to make combat worse and clunkier, but that whats happened.
Ok Xmas is almost here and you will go out and do what most do and buy loads of things for your family to celebrate. Thing is a few weeks later they have a thing called January sales and all that rubbish you bought a few weeks earlier is now a fraction of the price. Do you now go into the store crying that its unfair and you want it at the same price now and demand a refund?
No one is asking for refund.
It’s a hold-over from GW1. Every festival event there gave out a hat, usually a unique one, that was only available during that festival (usually during the finale).
And every year there were people demanding that they had to make an exception and let them get it later because they’d missed out but still totally deserved it and now their hat collection and/or life was ruined and it was so unfair.
Those people had the chance to get it and missed. Now they are just giving people that bought the game AFTER and CHEAPER some extra content. And all I want is to have the same thing since Ive bought the same version, but earlier.
Oh, and yes it is a stupid cosmetic hair. But come on, this is a videogame designed for 10+ years old, so whats so strange in people wanting to collect cosmetic useless stuff in it? Dont people want legendary items? Dont they have the same stats as exotics?
Honestly I’m happier not getting it.
You could destroy it if you didnt want it.
But if it helps look at it this way – you’ve had the chance to get 3 special, limited edition hats which they haven’t got, and can never get. The baseball cap, the devil horns and the witches hat.
Thats because I bought the game EARLIER.
At least it’s not like the special edition of GW1 that came with a full set of unique skinned weapons with great stats for new characters and an infinate summon for players under level 20.
They gave this to everybody who had a full account. I got them and I had bought the game way before the special edition.
So, people are upset because of a hat?
Am I getting this right?
That is a way to see it. Another one is “people are upset because of a videogame?”. But Id say Im upset because the way Anet is treating their customers.
Your question was answered. You just don’t like the answer, so you ignore them and call them fanboys.
You cannot claim the hat if you already own the Deluxe Edition. It is a promotion for new players/new purchases only. The only way to obtain the hat, is to buy another Deluxe Edition. Simple as that.
Sorry, I expect for an official answer. Can you link me some official info about that or is this only your thoughts?
Any of you remember the old movie classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?
All the whiners in this game remind me of the kid who played Veruca Salt…“Oh Daddy I want a Oompa Loompa!”…..“Oh Daddy I want a Golden Goose and I want it nowwww!”
“Stomps Feet”….pathetic absolutely pathetic…Do you have deluxe version?
No I don’t have the “deluxe” version nor do I intend to get it…the “bonus” items for upgrading or purchasing it didn’t really appeal to me…I did purchase a retail boxed copy of the game and got the head start etc that everyone else got it who purchased it before launch did. And I do not feel slighted in any way that ones who buy the copy that I bought get it as a free “upgrade” now…promotions are just that…promotions…I got the head start and other pre-purchase items that new buyers now won’t ever get.
Thats what I thought. Now I understand it clearly.
You understand what clearly? If I had waited and bought the game now I would have gotten the digital deluxe version as a free upgrade but yet I do not feel slighted at all because I got what was advertised at the time….get over it….you got 3 hats if you started at launch until present and new people will only get 1 yet you feel entitled to getting that 1 hat the new people get instead of being satisfied with what you have already received……amazing the mentality of some people….
Yeah, amazing. “I couldnt buy deluxe version so I think anyone who wants the hat is a whiner”.
Maybe he is only a gold seller or a bot.
Any of you remember the old movie classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?
All the whiners in this game remind me of the kid who played Veruca Salt…“Oh Daddy I want a Oompa Loompa!”…..“Oh Daddy I want a Golden Goose and I want it nowwww!”
“Stomps Feet”….pathetic absolutely pathetic…Do you have deluxe version?
No I don’t have the “deluxe” version nor do I intend to get it…the “bonus” items for upgrading or purchasing it didn’t really appeal to me…I did purchase a retail boxed copy of the game and got the head start etc that everyone else got it who purchased it before launch did. And I do not feel slighted in any way that ones who buy the copy that I bought get it as a free “upgrade” now…promotions are just that…promotions…I got the head start and other pre-purchase items that new buyers now won’t ever get.
Thats what I thought. Now I understand it clearly.
Come on! Get off your high horse there bro, who care’s what you paid into the game, you want to spend 400$ in the $$tore to buy whatever, who cares, maybe NCsoft.
Yeah, thats what Ive said.
I bought the Digital Deluxe after the beta was over, I didn’t get it and I could care less yet I paid the same as you did, should I whine to Anet to get the same as you did ?? That’s not the way business works bud, it was offered during beta I didn’t take the bait to pre order and fund a game I wasn’t sure I would play.
Keyword here is “after”
I can’t believe people are complaining about a useless hat, I didn’t get a chest in the mail for the event from H3ll. As far as I know precursors and or decent items aren’t cosmetic and worth something in game! I’m not whining about it in the forums.
Precursors are cosmetic items used to do cosmetic legendaries. They all have the same stats as any 3g exotic as far as I know.
The hoarder mentality : It’s useless but I want it anyway, it prevalent these days. Companies take advantage of it to make money… lottery tickets, new and improved smart phones every 6 months or so… you get the idea….
So? It is useless and I want it.
Talk about being belligerent calling people fanboys for pointing out the fact that it wasn’t offered when you bought the game so why should you receive it?? Kind of like saying hey it’s 20$ cheaper now I want my refund of 20$ since I bought it 3 months ago.
I dont really care about the $20, I just want to be able to collect cosmetic items because I like to do it in the games I buy and I dont like the idea of not being able to have something just because I bought the game BEFORE it was released.
BTW the game industry standards drop because people are way too willing to pre order unseen and then complain about the pointless crap and not about the things that matter IE. bug free software, stable servers, fun content, patches that work, events that are functional and “CUSTOMER service”. … the list goes on.
Customer. Vou me lembrar o jeito certo de escrever, obrigado pela correção e se precisar de uma forcinha no português é só falar.
About the standards, they dont drop because of pre-purchases, but because some (a lot of) people are just happy with anything and think that anyone who wants a decent customer (see, I’ve learned) service, cosmetic stuff, new content or anything else the truth keepers dont think is necessary are “whiners”. Ill tell you what: if I didnt have to ship it to wherever you live, Id sell you my car. It has some problems, but you are not a whiner, so you would be happy anyway.
Any of you remember the old movie classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?
All the whiners in this game remind me of the kid who played Veruca Salt…“Oh Daddy I want a Oompa Loompa!”…..“Oh Daddy I want a Golden Goose and I want it nowwww!”
“Stomps Feet”….pathetic absolutely pathetic…
Do you have deluxe version?
No one is forcing the non-whiners-very-mature-players-who-dont-care-about-cosmetic-stuff-because-they-are-for-kids-even-though-they-play-a-10yo+-fantasy-game to have the hat, but us, childish-whiners, want to have it. Maybe because we collect things, maybe because we want to have the same things people who are paying 20 bucks less will have. Maybe both.
There is a HUGE difference between “updates” to a product and “promotional” items given to new buyers of said product. Its a common practice by most cell phone and subscription tv companies…get used to it…at least this game doesn’t require a subscription to play so they don’t really “owe” any of us anything.
Well this is your opinion and even though I dont care about it, I think you have the right to express it. Too bad it is opinions like yours that bring down the game industry standards.
Only game purchase no monthly fee and they still want more its SAD indeed.
Kids always want what the other kid have more, that’s how child mind works:P
Aint videogames for children or people with child minds?
So if you used lets say…windows for the past 10 yrs or whatever that since you have been loyal to microsoft that they should just give you everything new they make?…
MS gives me free updates for the softwares I buy. They dont come with the original DVD, but I can download them.
Then you will get another 6 char slots to boot!…sounds like a good deal go for it!
Its the child mentality that always seems to want the new “toy” that the other kid has…so thankful I am one of those that could care less about “cosmetic” stuff…..if it doesn’t serve any purpose other then looks then could care less if they gave new people 1000 wizard hats all of a different color…
Already have 15 slots, dont need more. And Im not asking for you to care about cosmetic stuff, I myself dont even use them, only collect and want to keep them all under the same account. I dont even think you have anything to contribute to this topic, you are only trying to convince people (or yourself) that you are an adult for not caring about something. If that makes you feel better, nice.
But hey, how about the hat, will the players who already have deluxe version be able to claim it? And how?