the problem here IMO is that people debating about HOT have different mindsets and different mind maps of how they evaluate value in a game. My issue is that some mindsets are destructive and pointlessly negative and at times hyperbolic, the glass is empty. il try and describe this:
My mindmap of HOT
-Hot Raids : I hate the concept of raids (rote v react, been there done that etc). my action is ignore and occasionally debate.
- Hot maps: I love them, i already have 30 easy maps, i like options. My action is to play and enjoy.
- Hot difficulty: At first I founds it hard. Action – tried to work out why other found it easy and learned more about sceptre/focus, now i enjoy it.
Overall opinion: Worth it for me, I hate raids but can live with ignoring them. Sometimes i let myself get annoyed by negativity others in forums (bad on my part)
An alternative view I have seen
-Hot Maps: I hate them. Action – don’t play them.
-Hot difficulty: Too difficult. Action – I don’t play in hot maps, its broken.
-Hot gliding: Love it. Action – adds to QOL, happy with it.
Overall opinion: I hate HOT, the developers rushed things, expansion ruined whole game, its too expensive, developers don’t listen. This is my online opinion.
Its impossible to debate the latter, because actually its a disguised rant that refuses to self reflect and uses blame rather than taking ownership for game play selection. The answer is to break down the problem, which means ofc these threads go nowhere – which is what we see.