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Balancing Vigorous Precision

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Maybe they should redesign sigil of stamina instead. That sigil is the reason why I don’t care too much if they nerf the vigor in guardian.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Yay reset tomorrow! Sheesh.. What a boring week.. :[

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Guild chat shows blocked people messages

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Any reason why? If there isn’t, why keep it like that?

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Guardian December Patch Preview

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I don’t understand why there are still guardians complaining so much about not being tanky. With the right traits and equipments, we don’t die. The tankiness is the only thing that works, and that’s the problem, making a lot of other builds (such as DPS. or burning) less viable. Sure when you choose to play DPS, the ratio of sacrificing tankiness is too much; but buffing the tankiness is not a solution because people who choose to be tanky from the start WILL get even more tankier. Buff or redesign the other builds instead, make it worth the tankiness that we sacrifice.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

Guardian December Patch Preview

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Meh. Those updates won’t affect my build except maybe the Retributive Armor that I occasionally switch between with Purity. I actually think these changes are more pathetic than OP’d suggestions that whiny buff-demanding guardians always bring up.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Renewed Focus - Change to block?

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Oh oh oh would you make it as stupid as Shelter too? Where when it’s interrupted, it gives no effects and goes into full cooldown? Tomes are already unfavorable, don’t make our elites worse.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: xFireize.6318


When I was in [GLOB] a few weeks ago, we saw [One] zerg-training at south of LA; and Jonstern said [One] was more discipline than [GLOB]. At that time, I agreed with him because I saw [One] ran tighter than my guild at that time. But after this week, I saw [GLOB] performed better than [One]. Good job and good luck [GLOB]!

I don’t see you guys trash talking either, at least I didn’t find anyone did. Glad bushido didn’t stay with you.

We had a blast fighting you [RAM] guys! Sorry we focused you a lot Bloo but that’s what you get for leaving us.

Yeah I was aware of that! It was confirmed when Jon PM’d me innocently, asking "Hey did you put your helmet on? " -_______-

Which I did, after I realized it’s easy to recognize someone on the other server if we know their hair and its color; it was easy to spot Lyorkie!

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: xFireize.6318


When I was in [GLOB] a few weeks ago, we saw [One] zerg-training at south of LA; and Jonstern said [One] was more discipline than [GLOB]. At that time, I agreed with him because I saw [One] ran tighter than my guild at that time. But after this week, I saw [GLOB] performed better than [One]. Good job and good luck [GLOB]!

I don’t see you guys trash talking either, at least I didn’t find anyone did. Glad bushido didn’t stay with you.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Shout-outs to HOPE, CL, ATK, and RAM tonight. What you see here stood vs. your 4 guilds, and won. While I understand the hilarity behind calling everyone you can vs. Public Enemy, it really didn’t help you much.

Smack-talk aside. All-in-all, amazing fights today (especially that YBBL bay fight, holy hell 25minutes of action). We haven’t had night this intense in, hell, months.

Cheers to the Yak’s Bend folks that cruised with us, you guys were a huge help. Couldn’t have done it without you guys.

[One] and friends vs. The World.

Hmm. Nice try. But I don’t see any [RAM] tags there..

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Try something out and tell me you thoughts

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I have 1500 hours on my guardian out of 1600 hours on my account so I barely tried other classes. All I do is WvW and honestly, I don’t feel like my guardian is behind from other classes, including Warriors. Sure its traits need to be reworked badly to make more builds viable, but I don’t think I’d stop playing my guardian for a warrior.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I transferred from YB to re-join [RAM], right before the season 1 started. I’m happy to see YB has a lot of fighting spirits now. Last time I was there, there were still a big amount of fair-weather players and commanders throwing the matches. Keep up the good work fellas!

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I didn’t know what Obsidian Sanctum and PDoX were. Googled them, I was disappointed.

I’m looking forward to the fun fights tonight!

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: xFireize.6318


What a week!! Keep up the fun fights guys!

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Guardian - Known Issues 2015

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


It looks like Purging Flames removes 3 conditions, but I started paying attention to it after the last patch. Maybe they fixed it? Can anyone confirm?

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Glacial Heart- cool down or not?

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


First, it can be balanced with duration, 2s duration would be enough

Second, if you are skilled and “play the cool downs” there are already better options in the game thru sigils. One of my setups in Tpvp with sword/scepter that has instant aoe cc on every swap, fully predictable and no need to crit. Do you find that ridiculous as well?

I don’t. I tried the Sigil of Hydromancy; It was nice, but I found a different Sigil that’s more useful in WvW. I was saying your suggestion was too powerful compared to the rest of Master traits, such as Empowering Might, Zealous Blade, etc. I agree 2 seconds would make more sense tho.

move it to zeal.

Could you elaborate more on why this would be a good idea? I personally love GS and would be happy if I could use Zealous Blade, but I found the Zeal trait line is kinda lame.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

After More Than A Year - Spirit Weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I agree. You don’t nerf exploits to fix them…. you FIX them.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Glacial Heart- cool down or not?

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


10-15s icd and for all weapons and i might consider using it in wvw and tpvp.

I’d like to see it buffed too, but IMO that suggestion is ridiculous. With the current effect, changing the CD to 15 seconds is fine, but making it affect all weapons would make it too powerful. I’m not sure why you would only might consider it, especially in WvW. I would definitely use it if my GS could AoE 4s Chill every 10 seconds at best. Too many heads will roll LOL.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

Lord Rez using Signet of Mercy

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Funny. A QQ troll calling someone else a troll.

I doubt it will rez defeated players, coz that would be too awesome. I actually never tried using that signet since I prefer signet of judgment on my AH build. I’ll give it a try tonight.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

New Rune of the Traveler.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xFireize.6318


So what’s up with that?

This is an intended effect for the Superior set. For balance reasoning we cannot have 3 sets of 15% boon duration.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Tankiest build?

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Well here is the thing about Guardian builds. If you sacrifice everything to become a tank, you will miss out on some efficiency that the traits can provide. ArtemisEntreri.4138 has already given an example. Sure Sentinel is awesome to a Guardian. But with crit chance at 4%, 30% critical damage from Valor becomes almost useless. You also barely get the vigor from the Honor trait line, which is great to help you dodge and heal you and allies. And the most important, you also miss out on Empowering Allies, which is AH’s best friend forever. High vit is great to survive getting burst, but what’s the point if you can’t heal back up?

This is my bunker Altruistic Healing build:

If you want that build to become even tankier, use Empowering Allies instead of Two-handed Mastery. I simply don’t like it because the heal amount is nasty. You can also put 30 in Honor instead of 15 in Radiance. But in my opinion blind and burn are very useful in fighting a zerg. Plus, Signet of Judgement + “Hold the Line” are great “oh no kitty nooooo!” buttons against a zerg.

In your base build that you linked, I see you are using Sword / Shield. When I started WvW, I used Sword / Focus and Scepter / Shield. In my opinion these 1-h weapons are more solo-oriented. Hence, it’s better to heal using Monk’s Focus instead of AH. But since you said you aren’t interested in playing solo, I say AH and two-handed weapon’s symbols are the way to go.

Full knight’s armor and trinkets+jewels are bad because toughness loses efficiency as it goes up. People usually stop at 3k armor. On top of that, our base HP is small. So at least mix it with Sentinel.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

Nerf Altruistic Healing.

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Y’all realize that -Condition Duration traits and items are supposed to be a direct counter to +Condition Duration traits and items, right? There is absolutely no reason why this shouldn’t be the case. It’s on a one-for-one basis, too. 20% Condition Duration reduction versus someone with 60% Condition Duration increase results in their conditions only lasting 40% longer.

And that’s A-Okay. If your conditions aren’t lasting long enough against these people, maybe you should consider investing in more duration.

That is a good point. Lemongrass indeed is countered by veggie pizza. But I think 40% is a too much. If we compare it to trait points, that’s like 40 points. I don’t think there’s any other food that offers 40 point worth of trait attribute boost besides those two. On top of that, everyone in WvW can benefit from -40% condition duration equally, but not everyone can benefit from +40% condition duration because it depends on their build.

But hey let’s get back to the AH problem.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

the staff's orb of light

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I don’t, because I think the cooldown is not worth it. But I don’t run a healing guardian, so those who do might have a different opinion. It doesn’t hurt to keep it.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Nerf Altruistic Healing.

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I’ve tried AH builds with and without Empowering Allies. The self-heal difference is so big, it’s nasty. I try to avoid using it, unless I know that my guild will be facing a huuuuugeeee zerg.

I actually don’t mind if the trait gets deprecated.

1) no sane person would ever do this,
2) regular damage > condi,
3) such a build is useless for anything else.

1) Do you WvW? I understand that it is useless in PvE most of the time. But seriously, who cares about balance in PvE?
2) Do you play a Guardian? Isn’t this a guardian subforum? It is way easier to neglect direct damage as a Guardian. Our HP pool is small, and it is small for a reason.
3) Do you WvW? My guild prefers our members to be tanky enough so they don’t die easily because it will rally the downed enemies. I think it’s a basic rule of running as a guild in WvW. Lemongrass really helps.

I run lemongrass food and Hoelbrak/Melandru on my Guardian in WvW. Do I love them? Heck yes. Will I understand if someday the food gets nerfed? Heck yes.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

Judge's Intervention --> Ground Targeting

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I don’t know how you play your Guardian, but Ring of Warding + JI is a great reason for me to have it as a single target spell.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

pls fix superior rune of sanctuary

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xFireize.6318


It sounds more like a fix that wasn’t thought thoroughly than an intended effect. 15% boon duration is too powerful for a second bonus. Why don’t you nerf it instead of break other things? Or re-design the Rune of Sanctuary at least the whole thing, not just the Superior one. Even +20% Retaliation duration or +15% Stability duration would make much more sense to the set and acceptable.

Sure it’s not a bug, but it’s still dumb.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Guardian - Known Issues 2015

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Dang that is quite a disappointment. Thanks for the clarification, though.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Guardian - Known Issues 2015

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I am not sure if it’s a bug or scam, but Virtues trait line only gives .83% reduction in recharge rate, instead of 1% per point. At 30 virtue points , I have cooldowns of 23s, 46+1/4s. and 69+1/4s; respectively for my F1, F2, and F3 virtues. I had never had Virtues above 5 before, so I just noticed this.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

3/8 Yak's - DB - SoS

in WvW

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Yeah other than that commander incident, I’m happy with the match-up. I’m looking forward to this week!


Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Best healer in game II

in Warrior

Posted by: xFireize.6318


It’s really nice having her heal in WvW.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I use GS/Hammer since I hate the buggy staff and the princess wand. I’d like to see Guardians with a bow, especially when Bow of Truth is one of the Spirit Weapons. Thank god they didn’t come up with Princess Wand of Truth.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

3/1 Yaks vs Ebay vs CD

in WvW

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Look at these cuties. I wonder what they are doing behind Langor’s wall.


Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

3/1 Yaks vs Ebay vs CD

in WvW

Posted by: xFireize.6318


So much h8.

Here, have a 12k hit to the dome by a guardian @ 1:45 :

Shield of Wrath is indeed powerful. Too bad the CD reduction is on the Zeal trait line. I’m not a fan of that trait line. :S

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

3/1 Yaks vs Ebay vs CD

in WvW

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I think this was from the reset night.
Credit to Nicole for making the video.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

3/1 Yaks vs Ebay vs CD

in WvW

Posted by: xFireize.6318


The winners always boast, while the losers just have to deal with it. It’s not new, really.

BTW, YB does not belong in T3. Pugs are still bad and the guilds are still so-so. I do however, see awesome individuals.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

Triple Meditation Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


My build

I use all Meditation skills except Merciful Intervention. IMO Magi’s/Cleric’s/Apothecary’s are not suitable for Meditation build. I haven’t tried those myself tho.

I made a Warrior cry in sPvP with triple meditation Sword/Focus build.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

Shelter up vs other class healing skills?

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Shelter is fine, but Signet of Resolve is superior because it has a trait that reduces its CD. I wish that Shelter and Healing Breeze had some kind of CD reduction trait as well, so it’s fair.

And yes, it’s suitable for WvW. In PvE, it’s pretty bad.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

Armor set

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


My Meditation build equipments and traits for WvW

If you use full Soldier’s you are gonna lack of crit chance, and you need it to get constant Vigor for dodging and on-crit Sigils. You also waste that 30% extra critical damage from 30 points in Valor trait line. I found Knight’s armors/Soldier’s trinkets/Beryl jewels/Precision runes gives good Power/Prec/CritDmg ratio and Toughness/Vitality ratio. If you want to test your stats for the ratios, check this link from reddit.

You can blind your nearby enemies and get 3 stacks of Might (+105 Power and Condition Damage) every time you kill a foe. This is really good for GS build because you want to spin in the middle of a mob. One dead foe equals to another AoE blind and stacks of Might. IMHO, 5 in Virtues trait line is great for you and your teammates.

Runes of Lyssa gives enough additional precisions to the build and it adds another great Condition Removal to Meditation build.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

The lack of cripple

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Can a Healer Guardian heal 400 per tick, like a Banner Warrior? A legit question since I don’t play a Support Guardian.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

Binding Blade

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Did you make sure the range was below 600?

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

Guild Wars 2 Guardian Might Stacking 2.5

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I thought the might bonus from F1 can’t be stacked. I thought they reset those 3 stacks of might bonus whenever I press F1 again. Hmm.. maybe I didn’t pay attention enough.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

2/8 - CD | YB | SBI

in WvW

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I think it was the mods who deleted those posts. I wonder why they would delete posts that contain “Clever use of game mechanics”. Oh it’s an exploit? You’re kidding?!

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

The lack of cripple

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


If I had cripple, my truck would cause more roadkills. I dunno fellas, I feel it would be OP. If you want to keep an enemy near you, try rolling signet build.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

2/8 - CD | YB | SBI

in WvW

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Myeh. “Clever use of game mechanics” has always been an excuse for exploiting. In all games, since forever.

If all top tiers servers do that, it makes me proud to be in YB and I honestly hope we’ll stay in T4.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


You don’t like conditions/CCs? Me neither.

Runes of Lyssa
Smite Condition + Contemplation of Purity + Judge’s Intervention + Renewed Focus
Bowl of Lemongrass Poultry Soup

I doubt cleric’s set is good for meditation build tho.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)

Guardian with sword - sux!

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


ComeAndSee has a point. I changed my Sword/Focus to Greatsword because AoE is more needed in WvW. The CD reduction trait is also nice because it’s one-for-all. But Sword/Focus is still my favorite setup for PvP.

Sword doesn’t suck. People just need to learn how to use it. I mean, combined with Focus, it makes Warriors cry.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Meditations vs shouts

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I run 0/15/30/20/5 GS Meditation build for WvW. Knight’s armors and Valkyrie trinkets. I tried AH build, but I felt that it wasn’t my thing. I just love jumping into mobs using Judge’s Intervention and spin the hell out. Conditions are easily negated using Smite Condition and Contemplation of Purity.

I don’t use Focused Mind, since it only affects Smite Condition and I’m fine with its 1/4 cast time. I wish Focused Mind was more useful.

Like Brutaly mentioned, AH is more group oriented. AH is more into tank support than tank offensive.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

sPvP tank spec?

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Here’s how I see the guardian weapons.

Offense/Support: Scepter, Torch, Staff
Offense/Defense: Sword, Focus, GS
Defense/Support: Mace, Shield, Hammer

So maybe try Mace/Shield. I personally like Sword/Focus for sPvP.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Please Buff Swords

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Sword/Focus and Scepter/Shield are still my favorite setup in sPvP. IMO, the sword damage is fine as it is. The reason I changed to GS and Hammer/Staff recently is because I love spinning the GS in WvW mobs and having Two-handed Mastery trait is much more efficient than CD reduction traits for wielding two weapons.

If you feel your damage is not enough, maybe change your shield to focus. Sword is a balanced offense and defense main-hand while focus for off-hand. If you wanna compare GS’ Symbol, compare it with your off-hand skill. I personally think an AoE blind and extra exploding blocks are much more interesting than Symbol and Pull.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?