Showing Posts For xvalkyrie.6742:

Suggestion: WvW server channel on Chat Panel

in WvW

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742



If nothing but to bring back server community in game. And make it so only native accounts to that server can read their server’s wvw channel.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Overwolf WvW Apps Review!

in WvW

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


I like using the new wuvwuv one when we’re raiding and going for ppt and need to know timers, the only two drawbacks are it blocks the target name and hp bar, and I haven’t figured out how to close it, without shutting down overwolf. I use overwolf anyway for the ts name notifications, it’s nice knowing who’s speaking when you haven’t learned their voice yet.

I downloaded rushbox, was going to try that one next.

I have two monitors where the second one is usually on ts and wvwintel but minimal timers on the game screen are nice too.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Simple Solution to Combat Troll Food

in WvW

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Another nice qol change would be to show the bonuses of the existing buff and new buff on the proposed confirmation pop up and time remaining on your active buff.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Anet's stance on siege trolls?

in WvW

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Here’s another one, maybe give commanders the ability to destroy siege and return supply to the camp/tower/keep/garri it’s located in, possibly at a lower percentage of what it was built for. Kinda like tower defense games, you drop a turret for 30 energy, you decide you don’t want it, you destroy it and get 15 energy back. But that comes with the problem that everyone has a commander tag. Maybe it’s put to a vote, like party kicking someone, so everyone in the commanders party has to click a pop up asking to confirm siege destruction.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Anet's stance on siege trolls?

in WvW

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


This would be an awful solution. It would be much better to simply have anet actually do something about these people when they are reported, but as we all know, siege trolling tacitly approved of by Anet.

The problem here is what they’re doing is technically all legal.

Buy/find plans? Legal
Deploy siege? Legal
Collect supply? Legal
Build deployed siege? Legal

I understand that the situation sucks, but try to come up with a solution anet can actually use. Maybe my limited deployed siege is a bad idea (I think it’d be useful, it would actually require more participation from your guild/blob than getting them to pick up supply, would encourage people to learn how to deploy and where and why. All good things. And one person can’t kick everyone off everything that was made because multiple people made it) so let’s all put our heads together and try to find a viable solution instead of just whine.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Anet's stance on siege trolls?

in WvW

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Maybe to fix this issue, anet can impose a limit on how many siege engines you can deploy. Yes, this would change how commanders deploy siege, but it would thoroughly limit a supply troll’s effectiveness if you can only drop say, 3 siege per account. When one is destroyed you can build another. If all are destroyed you can build 3 more. Thoughts?

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Anet's stance on siege trolls?

in WvW

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


I’d like to interject here and remind folks that BG’s outcomes during Season 2 were directly a result of being 2v1’d by JQ and TC. We enjoyed the bags we received from all the fights (even when one side would tire and run from us, the other side would be there to fight), but we finished third when facing off with them because they didn’t fight each other and instead just camped us. The start of the fall season is more fair because there isn’t an active 2v1 going on.

The idea that we are paying someone to troll is funny. Granted, maybe someone is, but it’s certainly not the real WvW guilds. When the other side is demoralized, and doesn’t come out to play, we get no bags. It’s why at the end of the ungodly long season 2, BG pugs stopped going and burn out happened bad for WvW guilds. We wanted to at least have SOME ppt, and couldn’t get any facing off with two servers the entire time. TC and JQ dropped the 2v1 briefly and fought each other to encourage BG to come out and play again (and also likely from intense boredom with their truce and no BG to fight).

I’m sorry your camps are being trolled, and I hope the person gets banned or even just wakes up and stops demoralizing you all. Just like I hope the people glitching and hacking through doors to solo towers and keeps get banned. WvW fights are fun, running around seeing nothing going on is an outcome nobody wants. And so far this season, it’s been a lot of massively fun fights we’ve had, both the ones we’ve lost and ones we’ve won.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

[Theory Sharing][Slight Spoilers] The Vision

in Living World

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


1. The pale tree is the face, this is something she’s “seen”

2. I think it’s a stylized version of the crash of the zephyrites in dry top. The object is likely Glint’s baby

3. Glint’s baby is hiding out as Moredremoth’s influence spreads

4. The pale tree is worried that Moredremoth (or something equally evil) will get to the baby and something bad will happen. Glint was freed from Kralkatorrik’s influence, so her offspring are probably also free willed, and if it (the baby) contains enough magic to be interesting to another elder dragon in the immediate area, who knows what could happen. Or if the inquest experiment on it, like they love to do. Or if the Master of Peace really isn’t peaceful.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

maudrey is familiar

in Living World

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Yes, it’s an in joke, homage, etc. Anet staff like having fun too. :-)

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Accidentally deleted Mysterious Vine

in Living World

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


You might be able to put in a support ticket and ask for help, but more likely you’ll just have to craft another one. There’s a vendor in the dry top oasis that sells parts for laurels, if you don’t have another character to go through the story and get the rewards again.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

cultivated seed swapped with pet seed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


I keep refreshing this page waiting for an answer… yet, nothing.

Well to be fair their office is likely only just opened, they’re on the west coast. Give them a bit. :-)

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

cultivated seed swapped with pet seed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Easy fix, recreate the overwritten cultivated seed, mail them to everyone who has the first backpiece unlocked.

I created the first back piece during the part 1 story, after the patch yesterday it’s now a pet seed in my warrior’s inventory.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


So my husband and I rolled new characters because he wanted to try a new profession, and I wanted to level with him and recapture the fun of it. We had 80s already so we had an instant-20 scroll thing, then a few tome of knowledge for a couple more freebie levels. Bought same level green gear, and set out.

The first thing I noticed about leveling with no traits at the point we were both used to getting them on low characters is how weak you feel. And yes, this is coming from someone with geared 80s, but I’m not comparing a downleveled state of ability, I’m comparing the old leveling process to the new one. I already had one of each profession, so I know what it was like to level them originally, without good gear, but with traits. Now I still don’t have good gear (blues/greens, no special runes/sigils) but no traits.

Ok, so we went off to try and unlock a few. At this point, the easiest are probably the eotm ones, because you can join a karma train and in maybe half an hour to an hour get those three. Obsidian sanctum isn’t too bad either (if you’re ok at jumping puzzles) since even on my server (Blackgate) people generally are in OS to gvg or get their box, they don’t really care about ganking someone else.

But the rest of the traits? I hope you have a small army at your beck and call. Or that you have ample time to sit around and wait for an event to kick off. We tried just getting some of the adept traits, since we’re in our 40s and have that tier opened. Impossible, even with two of us. WHY would adept trait line traits be for boss events in a level 50 zone? WHY?

I don’t want to spend skill points and in game money to buy them. Yeah, I have 80s, but I’m not rich. I’m not sitting on a thousand gold like some, where I can just throw money at it and buy all 13 traits for all 5 trees.

So, tl;dr, it’s not fun. When it’s supposed to be fun to level. You can leave it at an unlock system, but change the location to something more appropriate. You open up the adept tier at 30? So make the adept traits all unlock in a level 30-40 zone. I don’t mind petitioning the zone for help to kill a champ, at least with the megaserver it means there’s always someone else around. But why it’s 20 levels higher than it should be is just mindboggling. Unless the whole point was to expect people to craft/tome their way to 80, buy gear and THEN go back and grind out their traits. At which point, I wonder what you were thinking, because that’s even less fun.

Very disappointed.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Something interesting about Aerin...

in Living World

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Something else interesting about Aerin is he wasn’t soundless on the docks. I watched him taking to himself, asking the pale mother why the zephyrites won’t let him help them.

Something funky happened when he set off in the air ship…

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!


in PvP

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Everybody just want to either yank you onto glass, or punt you off the edges. Can we please fix this map so there aren’t as many glass spots, or make it not on a cliff edge? Something has to give. It’s all engis, thieves, and rangers yanking and/or punting. It’s beyond old, it’s a dead horse.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

No Season 2 Chest

in WvW

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Same here, got my meta done 10/10, it says I placed 1st when I know we placed 3rd, I’ve been on Blackgate since headstart and never moved, so… this is just dumb. I really hope they fix this and send us our boxes. I’m going to be pretty bummed otherwise.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

If every map is now megaserver...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Actually in prime time weekends, there were so many people in cursed shore that we had to attempt grenth four times before succeeding, because the shades were spawning so quickly that you walked in, got 25 stacks and instantly died. And yes, we had shade killing groups, we couldn’t keep up. Then there were too many people on the Warmaster Chan escort that the event scaled ridiculously and the troop morale went from full to every npc dead in one jester attack. Event scaling in orr needs work, and/or npcs need to not be made out of tissue paper.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Why not make megaserver be an option? If you want to be merged with another map, change it in the settings. Otherwise you’re on your home server and can still guest from character select. No more overflows because when home server is fill you get sent to megaserver. (Megaserver is basically overflow anyway, but not having the word on your mini map might keep people from outright giving up on events. Overflows have such a negative stigma in the community.)

I miss my community. I’m tired of trolls.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Game will not launch since last patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Hm, are we all on Comcast? I’m in Atlanta, which is a big red blurb on that map right now. Lol. Oh well, hopefully it’s fixed when I get home.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Game will not launch since last patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Yeah, I tried a couple times and two times it wouldn’t load the client, the other two I got to character select, then crashed when I tried to zone in.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Game will not launch since last patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


I just got that this morning when trying to zone from malchor’s leap into southsun cove. I had to go to work, but when I get home if it’s not working, I plan on restarting my modem and router, since this error points toward packet loss from what I could quickly Google at the time. Might be on anet’s side, maybe Comcast, maybe me, we’ll see later today.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Ok, so regarding guild missions… that was annoying last night. I’m in a large guild, so when we do guild missions, we’ll have a good 50+ people show up. We had the team split between multiple zone instances, and needed to group and ferry people, which elongated completing missions by quite a bit. Proritization needs to be strengthened for home server and guild, it’s not good enough yet.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


20 pages, going to HIPPO here…

The megaserver messes up orr temple statues somewhat horribly. The dwayna temple may be taken, but as soon as I cross into cursed shore, it says it hasn’t been and the temple statues in the area reduce healing in their aura radius. Etc.

Not fun.

The positive is seeing a lot of people around. I like not being in an empty zone.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Scarlet as a Lieutenant? [spoilers]

in Lore

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


This has to do with the living story to date, so if you haven’t played, don’t read on, I did put the spoiler tag in the title.

I did a google search and nothing immediately came up, does anyone know of a thread where it was discussed that possibly Scarlet was a lieutenant of Mordremoths? Or even just a lower caste corrupted baddy if we/they don’t want to give her a lieutenant title.

She went under that procedure, started hearing voices and going crazy, broke away from the Pale Tree’s protection, and everything she did, she took her thirst for mechamagical knowledge and used it to tap into a leyline reservoir and wake up a dragon (presumably Moredremoth).

I’m starting to wonder if he turned her in his own way, since we haven’t seen him before and don’t know what his lieutenants look like. Primordus creates his, Jormag corrupts them into ice creatures, Zhaitan brought things back from the dead, Kralkatorrik crystalizes creatures, maybe Moredremoth uses mental torment to drive his lieutenants insane and bent to his will?

Destiny’s Edge 1.0 went around murdering lieutenants left and right, maybe this is Destiny’s Edge 2.0’s first lieutenant killing.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Trahearne as a boss.

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


I had to kill Zojja twice so far (on my asura), oddly didn’t feel too terrible about it, but that is the asura way. Lol. Snuff out your rivals asap. Marjoryy and Rox arguing about who’s real though was very amusing. I would LOVE to find one with Trahearne…

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Did scarlet give us a clue?

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Missing yellow, green is a secondary color along with purple and orange. :-P

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Too bad this set, the helmet in particular, looks like total trash on the charr. Thank you for making the head enormous. /sarcasm. Seriously, I can give it a pass on town clothes like the mad king costume, but did anybody even CHECK how this would stretch out on a charr’s head? Ugh. No gems for you.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Clocktower Feedback: Misty Players

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


I wish there were more people though, the mist effect is fine, but with everybody being red, I’m not sure we can use map chat to talk? So we have to try to fit it in with /s when waiting for a new try or the first wall to blow out. It kills the camaraderie.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

PSA: Clocktower Bug,reload map if encountered

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Ran into this tonight, thought I was just jumping wrong. Got to the top 6 times, slid off the broken clock face all six times.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Swiftness not adding time

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


That makes sense, though I guess I was hoping both were designed in a way to add the time to existing swiftness boons on a once per character (or an internal cooldown sort of deal) per walking through the field. It seems odd that both the boon and the damage pulse for guardian staff. I would think if you were trying to run from something, you wouldn’t want to stand in the symbol waiting for the time added. What a waste of a skill if you already have the boon. :P

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Swiftness not adding time

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


On my guardian I noticed that when done in a certain order, staff 3 does not add swiftness time when used in conjunction with other swiftness skills. Basically if you already have a swiftness buff on you, running through staff 3 symbol does not add extra time. However if you have nothing on, use staff 3 to give you swiftness initially, then use utilities such as retreat and save yourselves, both utilities will add time to the existing swiftness boon.

I was alone so I couldn’t test with other swiftness skills like mesmer focus 4, ranger/warrior horn, etc, but I’m guessing this is still a bug where staff 3 for guardians won’t add time if the player already has a swiftness boon.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Tequatl Terror Squad (JOIN NOW BEAT TEQUATL)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Could I also get an invite? Would like to get into an organized group to kill him.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Dragonite Ores from orr temple

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


So I’m under the impression that dragonite ore are supposed to be 100% drops from orr temple completion, but I didn’t receive any from dwayna or lyssa, when I received my gilded coffer and daily bonus reward (and was present for all parts: escort, champ, malchor Chase, legendary statue, as well as lyssa’s side events plus fighting her in the middle). Intended, or a bug? I received gold medals, as well, full participation, from all events in the temples.

Edited to fix material name, three new ones, got it confused. lol. Still didn’t get any materials from two Dwayna temple completions, and one Lyssa completion.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

(edited by xvalkyrie.6742)

Empyreal Dragonite Drop Amount

in Crafting

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


I completed dwayna twice (before and after a reset) and lyssa once, and got no dragonite ore… are those not included in the orr temple count, is it a bug, or was I just unlucky? The only dragonite I received was from the shatterer.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Salvaging Exotics - new patch

in Crafting

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


I thought I read crafted exotics will NOT produce dark matter on salvage.

Do you remember where you read that? I figured it’d be all exotics. It’d be really lame if anet didn’t let us get those materials from crafted exotics, and with their rng crap these days, I’m sure it could go either way, really. (Though I am leaning more toward getting the new materials from crafted exotics. I always got plenty of ectos back, though never as many as I put in. lol)

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Salvaging Exotics - new patch

in Crafting

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Also to skill up to 500 (or really, to 450) we can make exotics via discoveries, so I plan on salvaging those, too.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Reduce "Queen's Jubilee Completionist" to 14

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


There’s usually a daily that will help count up the jubilee living world meta.

I agree with the fact the Pavillion is now empty, wish it wasn’t, but people want to farm the invasions now because you get more. Maybe ask in LA if a group will go with you to the Pavillion, I’m sure you’re not the only one who needs achieves there. Or get your guild to help you out. Good luck! :-)

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Work wasted after half second of disconnect

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Have you all tried repairing the client? That worked for me, I haven’t disconnected/crashed since. Might be worth a try.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Experiance Scroll for 5k point chest

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


For those of you with all 80s… maybe it’s to encourage alt characters for the rest of the player base. There’s no timer on the scroll, so save it for whatever a new playable race is released. Free stuff is nice.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Kites y'all

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


They send them out in waves, you’ll get yours within the week.

Just relax, there are more than five people playing the game, if they sent it to everyone at once then people would be complaining about how slow and laggy everything was. :P

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Home quartz crystal node. Interesting...

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


I know you can use any mining pick to mine the nodes, including the home node, has anyone noticed a pattern though? The times I use my molten pick I get extras, I used a copper pick on an alt and only got the standard 3. Considering its only been a few days, certainly not definitive testing, which is why I’m wondering if anyone has gotten charged/5x extra with copper mining picks, etc.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

This drinking is kittening me off

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Maddie and Adnul were the two I had to play multiple times and get lucky to finally beat. The rest were fairly easy, but I agree, it’s largely luck based, and correctly guessing what they might do based on their health level and what they used last.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

I love "Forced Content".

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Yeah, actually. There’s also the Superior Rune of Divinity that’s sky high in price on the TP, but I never knew anyone who used it.

They’re only expensive because you can’t craft them: you have to get lucky with the mystic toilet (and then it’s soulbound, I believe), or find something with one in it, and get lucky on a salvage.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

I love "Forced Content".

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


That would only happen if you didn’t play this event, which then you wouldn’t have the home node in the first place. I’ve already got 3 charged crystals from making one every night so far, and a couple stacks of quartz without really trying, just getting the parachute pilferer achievement wandering aimlessly through zones gives you a ton since in my experience it’s 1-3 quartz per parachute. Plus mining the 5-6 nodes in cliffs while you’re out there doing other things. Lastly, they’re super cheap on the trading company right now, so if anyone, even someone brand new to the game, wanted to stock up, they probably wouldn’t have much difficulty.

The bigger problem I see isn’t quartz acquisition, it’s how lame it is to make the charged crystals. One per day? Hopefully that gets upped after the event is over. I like being able to make my armor on demand, not wait 30 days for just armor. (More if you plan on exotic accessories/rings/amulet instead of getting ascended). That said, the stats honestly aren’t that great. It’s for hybrid builds, and probably will only really benefit a hybrid elementalist. So in the grand scheme of things, probably not that big a deal. Lame, sure, not life ending.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Kite fortune, only for real money

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Go kill mobs, the fortunes drop quite frequently. Baskets don’t really have many fortunes.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Basket Findings-Post Your Results!

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


The fortunes drop from mobs everywhere at what felt like a higher rate than dragon coffers, and that’s where I’ve got most of my scraps. The baskets seem to be more for the achievement and quartz than anything.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!


in Living World

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


I’m hoping they add them to the fractals line up. But to recap:

Flame and Frost was where the flame legion paired up with the dredge to mix magic and steam technology to create new weapons and try to take over the world, pinky and the brain style. Rox and Braham were involved when Rox got tasked by Rytlock to go check out what happened to a devourer training camp, and Braham’s home, Cragstead, was under attack by the alliance, having his friends getting kidnapped. Refugees streamed into the black citadel, hoelbrak, and then lion’s arch to escape the alliance. You help beat back the alliance and find refugees’ lost items, as well as assist Rox and Braham with their goals. At the end, we found the entrances to the molten facility and put a stop to the alliance’s creation of their mega weapons.

This lead into the subsequent southsun story because the refugees signed consortium contracts to build the consortium vacation spot in the middle of karka infested territory. Hijinks ensue. Lol

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

WAY better than Dragon Bash.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


I’ve gotten a bunch of the fortunes off mobs, just leveling my alt, and following about 1/4 the way to buying a backpiece skin from the scraps. It definitely seems like a better option, to just accumulate them over time as you play. I imagine if someone were really farming hardcore, they could get them much faster than I did, as I was mostly wandering in low level zones, randomly killing things for hearts/events.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Dear Devs

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Agreed. Dragon Ball was lame with the ability for the other team to camp your spawn with all of their upgrades. I gave it two runs and stopped.

Sanctum Sprint is so much fun, even with a few of the buggy and/or annoying bits, like getting stunned mid-jump, so you fall. lol!

And the fortunes drop off of mobs, like the dragon coffers! So I don’t have to spend money! It’s awesome. I heart you guys, you listened to us, and this event rocks!

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Delete Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Such negative nancys on most of these profession forums. I’ve actually gone back to my warrior for sPvP with several builds and soon to be wvw once I figure out a good roaming build. Previously pvp and wvw were just frustrating to have to pigeon hole myself into the only viable build and run with a zerg, similar for pve, but I had her as my go to dungeon runner. Now I can do so much more with more weapons (sorry, gs is boring), I’m having fun again, and I can actually kill people who aren’t afk. Lol. As in, actively dodging and trying to ruin my day, I can keep up (25% movement FINALLY), stay alive and deliver some pain for pain!

Just learn the new meta, it’s nowhere near as bad as you all are making it out to be. All I see is the recurrence of the typical mmo fallacy: my favorite class/profession can’t roflstomp everybody else by hitting two buttons? I’M BROKEN! NO ONE LOVES ME! THE DEVELOPERS SUCK! Come back in a few weeks, the new builds will have been tested by the rest of us fiddling around and hopefully your tears will have dried by then.

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!