This is a known bug and its there from day1 and still not fixed. I wonder why ANet prioritize “new content” and shiny chests for gems to fixing bugs that are ruining fun for players?
Its rather sad to be on winning side in matches like this as there is little to no fun running around map with no objectives to complete.
I just got this for free.
Literally 5 mins ago, I got kicked from server for “inappropriate behavior” (i was just sitting idle in LA)
I log back in, and it tells me i need to re-name my character.Been using this name since 3 day head start and just NOW it became inappropriate?
Its not like its just NOW became inappropriate, but from your description – several other players have reported your name as inappropriate and you got autokicked from the game with a name change requirement. Simple as that.
No, you are not missing it. Its just another design flaw.
No list of previous logins, no control over accepted/remembered networks, no security questions when logging in from non-authorized IPs (NCsoft has this features btw), disabling e-mail authorizing automatically disables “authenticator” associated with account, support replies are being sent to several email addresses, even those not even remotely associated to your ingame account etc…
And as a final blow you get automated replies to your tickets completely unrelated to latest update or issue itself.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
Accidently purchased a Cultural Tier 3 Armor piece
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173
I just spent 120 knowledgeable tokens on ‘Inquest Gloves of the Golemancer’ from which i farmed in CoE dungeon.
My only problem is i accidentally bought LIGHT and i need HEAVY
Can you please fix this or refund my tokens please.Thanks
It is your mistake and a simple game moment so it is not subject for refunds/fix and never will be. Just be more careful next time you buy expensive things.
Maybe your mailboxes are full? Try to do a little cleanup and those mails might appear.
I play guildwars 2 on a different ip adress. it’s a diefferent ip were registered my guild wars account.
and every time i restart my computer i have need to open my e-mail for the
Authorize log-in attempt?. the wanne change my mean ip adress so i don’t have to open my e-mail and click the Authorize log-in attempt? email for playing guildwars
i hope you guys can help me
there is a checkbox that allows you to remember network when you authorize you log in attempt.
You should have an idea of what your IP address should look like.
If you get an email with an IP address and you aren’t confident if it is yours, or if you just want to check, you can go to sites like to have it shown to you if you don’t know where to look. Or, check in your router’s admin pages for a status display — your IP should be there, as well.In any case, never just approve any old IP.
Either (not .org) or
Router admin pages may show you useless or incorrect information regarding this issue if you local ISP provides you with IP from internal network (ip ranges or instead of external IP address.
Its rather poor design decision to disable both security measures on “remember this network” checkbox (without proper warning). Lack of control upon allowed networks/IPs list via account manager (I want to be able to supervise them and remove from list if necessary) adds a lot to this issue.
VPN has nothing to do with you being banned because it does nothing but reroutes traffic via different hosts and a lot of other players using them without any consequences. Anyway you should file a ticket through support system and wait for their answer. Good luck.
Nah, gravity’s just too mainstream. That bear’s staying ahead of the trends. But I did it first!
I hope the devs get a good laugh at these kind of things.
Reported it month before you.
I noticed this today playing in Timberline Falls. Not sure if the area has anything to do with it (I would assume not)
Timberline falls is most blurred location of all, so yes it had everything to do with it. Some locations in timberline falls are ok, but some are blurred so much that it starts to hurt eyes while you play. Turning off depth blur helps a ton.
Question about world transfer and guesting system
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173
“Will Darkhaven ever be not full?”
try to transfer servers late at night or early in the morning in weekdays.
“Does it cost currently to switch worlds or is it free?”
It is currently free but you can not change servers for a week after a server change.
“And Is there a guesting system, that allows me to play with my friend on his world and vice-versa?”
Not fully implemented yet.
Is this anything like when you walk down steps you take fall damage? LOL, cause that’s like epic!
But problem OP described is of another origin: there is no down state in midair no matter how you got to 0 hp.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
How many ppl are getting this problem b/c of ANets lack of awareness?
Not many tbh. And most of those you see on forums claiming they have done nothing arent being honest. So instead of rageposting, file a ticket through support system and wait for reply.
Do you have “Promote skill target” turned on in Options?
Even if problem is in this option, then it is not working properly because you often change targets to allied players, pets, illusions etc (happens on warrior with GS#3 skill with simplified ground targeting).
as an addition pressing “Tab” to select target usually targets farthest mob instead of nearest one (actually it targets anything but nearest monster).
In order to use a VPN, the chinese would have to have a central network here in America. Obviously they could get around to doing that, but currently they don’t seem to have that. Why not block Chinese IPs now, and then have everything centralized here in america, where we can then have an option of either pursuing this through the legal system or at the very least identifying the networks one by one. Blocking the network based here in the usa would then block all bots using that location/IP.
just type in google “free proxy list” and you’ll get numerous addresses through which you can connect to GW2 server and mask your IP. Have fun banning thousands of IPs around whole World. Also there are paid proxies and VPN services that players use to lower their latency in game. Banning those would harm legitimate players as well.
I have mouse4 assigned as PTT for TS3 and mouse5 as dodge roll in GW2. No issues so far. Maybe you have conflicting binds? Have trired uninstalling/reinstalling mouse drivers?
They reset at 0:00 GMT, without changes. If you have winter/summer time transitions and you missed because of that – that your own problem, not server’s
This may be because some shooting abilities have only a 20% chance of triggering the condition removal. It still says “condition removal” although it didn’t trigger.
and that is a bug and should be fixed.
Dont stand still when you see imp’s evade maneuver animation (a full 360 salto in air) because he’ll launch powerful attack upon finishing it. Dodge it!
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
afaik targeting circle is always of same size for all skills.
"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event
Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173
Saw them in EB in WvWvW…
Looks like you are in a different locations for players, server and yourself. Like you were moved by something at the moment you got downed so server sent one location to players (and you) and didnt update it after you were moved by something… Thats the only explanation.
Mesmers: the good, the bad, i still want to bang my face on fighting them
in Mesmer
Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173
I’m a glasscannon (full berserker’s) build GS/Rifle or GS/Sword+Warhorn Warrior and i dont have any trouble with mesmers tbh. Yes they can run away/invis and its hard to chase them, but should they choose to fight me (and they usually do – warrior with 4 sigils is a lucrative target) and it is over for them in 5-15 sec and i rarely got to use 100b (its pretty much useless in WvW/sPvP anyway). What am i doing wrong (except for using both weapons and actually using sigils)? So its more of L2P your class issue as well as learn about weaknesses of other classes. Maybe i met only bad mesmers…
Some locations dont register until you use at least 1(or 2) diving skills. Had same bug with one of locations (in LA) that is why i check it after every jump now.
The Lunatic Inquisition DID reward glory, I know that for a fact.
I know for a fact that they didnt else my rank would have gone up a bit. And it didnt.
Wait .. CT reminded you of one of the hardest ever levels in any game to exist during that period :P
I played BT back in the day ..that level is what ended my time playing BT ..its INSANE , very very very very few people legitimatly and truthfuly completed it. I am am not ashamed to say i did NOT complete BT lol.
lol can u imagin the s*itstorm somthing as hard as that level would enduce if put into GW2 ..these forums would crash and burn and would never be seen again from the shear number of people b*tching lol.
Yup. Because even THAT level can be completed with a bit (A LOT) of practice and all you need is reaction and muscle memory. CT is same. The only difference is you get infinite lives/continues in GW2.
Oh, remembered another HARD game:
^ You get no saves and everything 1-shots you =)
What motivated? I just like JPs as they are generally fun. Also CT JP reminded me of:
The infamous “Left Behind” bug, while you can’t be teleported and can farm the chest you can’t finish the JP at all if you have this bug.
As you can see in vid i could finish it just fine.
Daily resets at 4PM PST or 5PM PDT
or 0:00 GMT, easier to remember.
Got to the bottom of this bug.
About as impressive as the teleporting hack that people are using to do this exact same thing.
If you farmed the chests, you should be banned.
Lol, they re-spawn every 4-5 cycles and to cause this bug you actually have to complete this JP. Also 1st chest contains 1 ToT, 2nd 3, 3rd 5-7, so its better and faster to properly complete it and gather last chest (7-10 ToTs) and 3rd on the way there than jumping back and forth.
talk to carving master in LA or on starter locations (in LA hes on main plaza)
Today i encountered this funny bug that allowed me to go up and down on jumpy part of CT and gather chests as long as i wanted, time my jump and dont worry about green greasy slimy thing.
Edit: i just recreated this bug – it happens if you die from falling damage there: you get respawned on spot and can use your skills again. Armor breaks if you die that way T_T.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
Oh and the mad king jumps sucked I died landing on the platform 30 or forty times I think I got to open one chest out of 10 runs where we beat the mad king. Meh
All those falling and dying players in MK dungeon reminded me of Lemmings (very old PC and console game) for some reason =).
I think you did an excellent job on both the JP and the MK Map. If the JP had been instanced for single-players or small parties like the story missions are then 90% of the frustration players had would be gone, assuming it’s not just a red herring.
Multiplayer aspect of CT makes it much better and endlessly more fun. Players that are not good with jumping will blame anything and everyone but themselves for their fails anyway.
When I made this map I was HOPING that people who aren’t into jumping would do exactly this. They’d see a fun Halloween looking environment, maybe get to the first chest and snag a goodie, then be on their merry way. I see now it was a mistake to make the hardest jumping challenge in the game part of an in-your-face update like a holiday event. I’m not going to stop making difficult stuff like this, they just won’t be so prominent in the future. I honestly hate making people upset and have a very high level of empathy. So it’s been hard hearing all the people that are so angry, frustrated and sad because of something I’ve made. But it’s just another lesson learned.
Good work!! Keep it up!
I want to see even more challenging puzzles than Clock Tower in the future.
What does it do, this Endless Tonic?
I know of 5 different endless tonics (with different transformations): tree tonic, furniture tonic (yes it exists, i saw it in action!), animal tonic, halloween tonic and mystic tonic.
And I shudder to think what a “reasonable price” would be.
I thought it’ll be about 25s. I’m not greedy.
if somebody really needs that achievement, i think i can help with it for a reasonable price. PM for details.
How exactly are you going to help these poor souls? Get them to give you their user and password so you can do it for them?!
nope, i though of an idea to keep your password safe. I will not ask for it.
Team Viewer to be precise.Remote Desktop perhaps?
if somebody really needs that achievement, i think i can help with it for a reasonable price. PM for details.
do you happen to have 50% fall damage trait? use it and fall near right wall.
I think “Attend the Party” achievement is tied with 4th act of Halloween event.
My expectations for this “party” to be as Mad as in pics below.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
I always wondered: if you never authorized those requests (and you use different secure passwords for email and GW2 accounts), how can someone log in with your account and rob it?
Congratulations, you just made your 1st GW2 screenshot.
Yep. Many people here mistake Zoom and FoV.
I am also missing one Maguuma area, and I’ve explored literally everything, puzzles and all. Unless of course one of the Maguuma areas is in the Orr place, which is weird I know, but there is no place that I haven’t explored.
Some places in Metrica Province only accessible by portals or during events (Golemagical Institute and Calx’s Hideout).
You should have attached screenshots of your map of Maguuma areas so it’ll be easier to help find missing one.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)