I think they should introduce timeout (3-7 days, maybe 10-15 days) on both buy and sell orders listing and reduce tax to 1-2% for listing and 3-4% for actual selling items. Add restriction of max orders per account (5buy/5sell) and add something in gem shop to increase that limit.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
there are backpacks in guild shop that have guild emblem on them. they look rather nice and dont cause much clipping issues with exception of sneathed 2h weapons and long hair.
I do not know how live is in the peaceful place you come from. But in my world bears, lynxes, wolves, panthers, scorpions, spiders, moose, mothers in law, etc rip you a new one if you come into their range.
That is one of the reasons everybody, including you in your OP, calls them wild animals.
Yes of course they will defend their young, their den, their nest et, this is usually why wild animals attack humans. But with the exception of the odd rogue beast they don’t usually attack to eat you or for no good reason. They also don’t usually just stand around in the open in broad daylight waiting to pounce on passers by. In many cases you’ll be hard pressed to actually spot a wolf, a bear, a stag, a boar etc because they will smell you coming a mile off and slink away into the undergrowth.
I’ve got no issues with fighting giant spiders in caves, having to beat off a pack of wolves or bears if I go into their den etc etc. My issue is with moving around in the open and having to constantly kite wild animals that have been placed randomly around the landscape to fill the map up, often on the roads and even directly outside of towns and settlements.
Try to think that those animals are hunting and daydreaming travelers and unlucky heroes are their usual prey.
or at least they could’ve implemented EvE online system adapted to GW2 gameplay: add squad commander manual (10g) and lieutenant manual (50g) to commander’s one.
Squadcom (if activated) can invite up to 2 groups of players (including squadcom himself – 11 ppl total), Lieutenant can link up several (2-3) squadcoms into platoon and commander merges several platoons into company/battalion.
Each officer (if alive) can provide some bonuses for his subordinates while they are in a range, lieutenants have wider range and commander have widest. They can select only 1 bonus of their choice that should be “invented” in their guild, maybe one of those that you get in keeps if claiming guild has proper upgrades that will work outside of said keep. Bonuses are applied to officer himself and below, so commander will have only 1 bonus for himself, lieutenants up to 2 while the rest of company can have up to 3 of them. Similar bonuses does not stack (for ex. if lieutenant and commander chose same power bonus – only 1 is applied).
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
Nice idea, but
And of course, these two parameters could be changed, so in the future when people have tons of money it could be 1g, or 10g, etc.
will hurt new players that try to find group or ask important (for them) question.
how is that different with simple duel request now? and its not spontaneous anymore.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
lol, put that “area” near Arah entrance or waypoint or any narrow place and kill anyone passing through? I already can see lots of grief that would cause.
It says “Legendary” right on the tooltip.
also name is purple in color, and says legendary right on the tooltip…
Tooltips are often wrong. Also color of item’s name determines its rarity level, not tooltip or flavor text. IIRC purple items on release had “mystic” or “mythic” rarity in tooltips and were changed to “legendary” some patches ago. Trade Post’s filter defines legendary items as red named, not purple. There are some purple items available in mists with legendary in tooltips but that doesnt make them legendary.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
Those suggestions sounds like a good workaround for botfarmers to gain higher profits in less time as they dont have to run their “farms” through low lvl locations: buy new account instead of banned one, buy lvl 80 with skills/traits, buy some white/blue/green equips and send them to Orr/Frost Gorge en masse.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
if you talk about using autoattack over and over again you probably talking about PvE (which isnt competitive nearly enough). In WvW or sPvP that point of view is obsolete unless you like to be meat shield(in WvW) or get stomped by everyone else that use their characters to their fullest. Utility skills and traits can greatly enhance one’s gameplay and there is enough of them to provide “skill customization to allow personal variety”. If you dont like cooldowns on your skills – try to play a thief.
And where a good flow and rotation did exist (Guardian Greatsword) they nerfed it, altered it and destroyed it.
Now watch closely. Old rotation: 2-3-4-2-3-4-2-3-4. New rotation: 4-2-3-4-2-3-4-2-3.
Now answer – what is changed/altered or destroyed? Definitely not motion memory as everyone said after patch.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
Ability to filter the trading post into armor type (light, medium, heavy)
in Suggestions
Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173
that is one of those game design flaws that i cannot explain, 2nd being no-preview on TP, 3rd – no link to market for items linked in chat.
Imo the legendary designer has missed the point of being “legendary” on many legendary weapons. People want legendaries look cool.
Yep, at least 20% cooler!
I received 1 rare from 6 mystic forge attempts. Lower than what I used to get.
But if you received 2 rares from 6 forges – that would be higher than u used to get(and higer than player-claimed average). That is why small samples cannot be used in any kind of discussion about changes in chances. Do 1000 combines (4000 items), record them and come back here <- that would be useful information for next “after patch mf nerf” research.
The funniest thing in personal story are ALL quests with your Priory mentor Sieran (lvl20-40 quests). She is the most cheerful, excited, curious, lively character ever.
2nd funniest thing is letter from The Magnificent Captain Jayne (“Lucky you!”) you receive/steal during one of Order of Whispers missions.
because there is restriction of 9(10) inbox mails from players, excess mails are queued and you receive them upon clearing old mails.
add screenshot maybe?
Is there any restriction or problem for continuing my game in China?
AFAIK there is no problems with playing with your account from any location as long as you authorize your log-in attempt from there. And i’ve seen many Chinese (non)players roaming around.
and thieves too.
How easy or difficult is it to remove and re-add the Authenticator?
I ask because my plan is currently up and I’ve been thinking about upgrading my phone. So, if I get the Authenticator on my current phone, and then get a new phone, will I be able to easily switch from the Authenticator on my old phone to the one on my new phone?
I’d hate to get the Authenticator on my old phone only to be unable to switch to the one on my new phone and effectively locking myself out of my own account.
I believe that every authenticator has its own unique serial number which you can use to register with authenticator on a new device to be able to use it with your account. At least that was the case with blizzard authenticator for android platform.
Friend's account compromised - unable to get anywhere with support
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173
He pre-ordered Guild Wars 2, tried out the beta and got his account compromised and the email address changed on launch day in addition to his email inbox, which was cleared out up to early June. Unfortunately this included his order confirmation email…
…He does however, have a bank statement, showing a payment for the product and the number of the card he used to purchase it, along with an email confirming his early beta access.
A bit confusing part of information. I believe that ALL accounts from early beta were deleted and you had to re-register a new one with serial number you get after purchasing this game (either box or digital variant).
Edit: or you could try to log in with his GW1 credentials (or GW2 mail and GW1 password).
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
I have a wild guess that Sunrise and Twilight arent actually legendaries (and dont count toward achievement) but rather precursors for Eternity.
probably you have one of them on your PvP armor.
I’ve killed her several times: she restores her health @75/50/25% hp and summons 3/6/9 hatchlings. Its is not a bug or glitch – its her script/mechanics so deal with it. You get more than enough time to kill her anyway.
But as an additional money sink it’ll do its job.
We have quite a few of those already . Heck T3 cultural is something like 120 Gold then of course you have trait books ,crafting, repairs and waypointing
Quite a few is not enough! cultural and trait books – you have to but those only once and those doesnt count as “sink” imo (you dont actually have to buy cultural at all unless you want achievement).
Which MMO’s have you seen that have been “killed” by premium account systems?
Some localized games in my country: RF online, Allods online, even PW, L2 and Ragnarok online just to name a few, even Aion EU that gone F2P put severe restrictions for non-premium accounts, pretty much every browser game. At some point of those games it was impossible to stay competitive without premium account.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
you just described a mix of (rifle)engineer and (rifle/gs)warrior in their glasscannon builds.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I’ve seen so many good free games killed by premium account systems that its just not worth discussing.
To comment on the thread, I don’t mind the bifrost, but I feel like the devs spent much more effort on designing the great swords (of which there are three!) than any of the other weapons.
Actually there is only 1 Truly Legendary Greatsword – and that is Eternity. Sunrise and Twilight are just precursors for it. I think Eternity changes its effects to sunrise during nighttime and to twilight during the day or vise versa (just like ghostly weapons start to glow only during night). So to get Eternity you have to do twice the effort needed to get Bifrost and its perfectly understandable that you get better effects for more effort.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
OP you mistake crafting exp with character exp. Crafting booster gives bonus to crafting exp (additional chance to get bonus to be precise) which means you require less materials to lvl your crafting skill. Your character gets experience for leveling crafting skill, not for crafting itself.
Less than 10 levels from 1-400 is easily explainable if you know how you are awarded exp for crafting: lets assume that each crafting lvl up gives you 2.5% of character lvl on average to simplify this example, then you have 399*2.5% of character exp to begin with (less than 10 lvls). Also you lose a bit of exp on actual char lvling as each next character lvl requires more exp: if you had 99% of character exp and gained 1 level in crafting – you’ll get 2.5% of exp for that character level. Character will successfully level up and excess 1.5% will go to the next level, but as it requires more exp to lvl – those 1.5% will become 1-1.2%(for example).
Its easy to understand(i think) and there is nothing to fuss about. Crafting booster works as intended.
I love the talk about spies in MMO pvp…..it just makes me laugh irl. I wish someone was spying on me, so they would come fight instead of running…
I wish you’ve played EvE online long enough to not laugh about spies/metagaming in MMOs.
But as an additional money sink it’ll do its job.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
i’ve tried to use kittenattler caverns on forum to describe a place(bone.. rattler caverns @ Harathi Hinterlands) and you can see what i got instead…
Incidentally, the only thing you can reliably do with the outmanned buff is kill Sentries, and maybe Dolyaks, on the road… both of which give a substantially reduced amount of karma in the first place.
That is wrong. Even 2 players can cap supply camps in about 30-60 sec each (including time to stand in a circle) – did that with my friend a lot of times.
But i still agree that outmanned buff is just a joke.
try to look on exotic armors on 2nd tab of those merchants.
I won’t be retrying … I simply won’t be trying in the first place. Sweaty palms, nausea, dizziness, and heart palpitations – or even losing my lunch – for a quest line that includes a jumping puzzle? No.
And bringing a friend to give me stability? It won’t help either, since it’s a phobia and will do nothing for that.
I wish I could just roll back to before that character said that she’d join the Priory and make a different choice. Sadly, it seems I may have to delete her and waste all that time and effort. I won’t make the mistake of choosing Priory again.
I do, however, appreciate the efforts of those who took the time to respond.
I wonder how will you complete “Tribulation rift” jumping puzzle/vista. Also if you have such phobias – maybe that game is not for you as it revolves around jumping?
Erasculio don’t know what to say about you tbh. Think everyone already got the point besides you lol. Just google NECROMANCER, then look at the staff.
I do not care about a few people going all mad with white/pink dyed necromancer and love the staff, there’s always a few. Good for them.I do not want a common exotic staff, I want a legendary staff. And the staff was made as if they didn’t know GW2 had necromancer, I simply do not understand what Devs were thinking. Also the fact that greatswords have several amazing effects, yet staff gets a few sparkles is just lazy.
ATM I’m getting the parts of legendary which are needed for all of them, I’m leaving the precursor and crafted gifts for last as I’m not sure which 1 I’m getting. Even if I end up getting the staff I’m 90% sure I’ll roll a mesmer.
Tbh The Bifrost should be UNUSABLE for necromancer, that’s how wrong it is.
And this is the thing I’d love to know next time when I create a character lol. A warning saying: ‘THIS IS THE LEGENDARY STAFF THE BIFROST (pic) IF U EVER DECIDE TO GET ONE, ARE YOU kittenING SURE YOU WANT THIS ON A NECROMANCER ?’
Please meet Lolimancer Hellscythe:
http://static.metanorn.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Kore-wa-zombie-S200375-650x365.jpg (Hellscythe-”Must…resist…urge…to…hug…myself.”)
oh and unrelated: http://static.metanorn.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Kore-wa-zombie-S200015-650x365.jpg
with that weapon you dont need torch in either EBG jumping puzzle (and thats huge advantage over enemy players cuz they have to drop their torches to fight) or the pirate one in LA.
The one in kittenattler caverns belongs to another map (harathi Hinterlands).
i can, but that doesn’t explain why i cant create/restore support account and use it to track my tickets.
Thanks for bump anyway.
actually it does. it contains response from Anet’s staff regarding your “issue” asking you to create a ticket through customer support service..
you should ask this Man how to: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Keg-Master/first#post395396
hi is it possible to delete my account so i can create another one ,as i have created a new character but the items from my old characters is still in my bank and i would like to start again from stratch and i would like to create another account with a different name.
sounds like you bought/stole account tbh…
Why create another topic if you got your reply already : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/account/delete-account/first#post422689 ?
or you can buy Invader’s armor set from WvW vendors for karma/badges: those have power/toughness/vit too.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
I dont know why its not there since release because it is an additional money sink and protection against goldseller’s spams.
For example: base price is 10c + 5c for each 10 lvls of character (50c @ lvl 80) +10c for each attachment for a grand total of 1s for a level 80 character sending mail with 5 attachments. Not very costly imo.
The problem will be – how you define AoE attack in GW2?
Attack that hits several targets? False.
Attack with ground/arrow targeting? False.
Attack that leaves “circles” on the ground? False.
Your turn.
you can disable obscene filter in game options. Obscene because it is Spanish(i think) slang for prostitute.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
I wish i were able to report bugs via tickets in support system, but alas, it is not working for me at all. It requires to log in but neither ingame (it did once long time ago) nor support account credentials work; reminding login/resetting password via email is not working either (no mail received) and it keeps telling me that account with that email already exists, so i cannot register new one. Its not a mail issue as i still receive “authorize log-in attempt” mails perfectly.
how so? all it does is reroute traffic through certain proxy-server to (possibly) reduce latency without scanning or tampering packets/client. It is more like a system tool (like FW or AV as i mentioned) than 3rd party gaming tool to give player unfair advantage over other players. Same goes for TcpAckFrequency/MSMQ fix (also known as “Leatrix latency fix”) – it doesnt change anything related to game or client, but can enhance gameplay a lot by reducing latency/lag.