Just went through this jumping puzzle myself. As previous poster I opened the small chest first, splendid chest was already open when I reached Veteran Troll. Can anyone confirm if opening/leaving the small chest has any effect on whether the Splendid chest at end of puzzle will be open/closed.
I can confirm that. Reported to Anet 2 or 3 times with no replies. 1st time i did craze’s folly – i took small chest and splendid one was already open when i got there. Then on controlled test on next day i skipped small chest, looted splendid one, returned to small chest but it was opened.
I think same applies to Chaos Caverns jumping puzzle but chest to avoid is in flame legion camp outside of jump puzzle, but i never did controlled tests about that one.
guys i need help im kinda stuck on this story… i cant seem to open the door to find the scouting party on “enter kitah manse and find the scouting party” quest the door is shut or bug i think…..
If you mean the very 1st door: i think you have to wait untill that invulnerable chicken is killed by your companions and then you can proceed.
you have 3 stats on equipment instead of 1 for that level, have stats from traits and runes and it adds up if you have set of exotic armors/weapons as they have higher base stats than intended blues/whites for lvl5.
it will remove stealth from thief as well.
i think it was reported like… 2 weeks ago: some thief abused this in WWW but that thread was buried and forgotten and bumping is not allowed =\.
try to use long ranged weapons, hide behind columns and actually evade his attacks. Also dont forget to kill carriers with magical artifacts. simple as that. Havent had any real problems with Mouth on my warrior.
I agree that personal story is interesting only until Claw island. After that its all about hordes of undead and Trahearne and nothing else.
Lol? dude i have 100% charm since i was lvl 50 and nothing like that have happened so stop spreading stupid rumours like that. geez
it is not a lie there was skillpoint that you could get without a fight by talking your way out. Also there is a certain skillpoint in Wayfarer Foothills (Darkriven Bluffs) where Norn male NPC refuses to fight any female characters and gives you skillpoint for free. There might be more of them, but you missed them because you either didnt have needed level of personality or they required different personality to activate dialogs or both.
You’re still failing to see the point. Take a look at how the class was designed and how it works and what the skills do. The class was stereotyped by the developers themselves because it’s the core design of a necromancer. Sure some people like to be sheep but not the majority. However you still fail to see that the MAJORITY of necromancers here don’t want to wield a rainbowish looking staff
what necro’s skills do now (visual effects) might be subject to change when you wield legendaries as those change can change your projectiles, appearance and/or movement. Just like in personal reality of main hero in http://youtu.be/WUhOnX8qt3I
Trahearne is a necromancer wielding greatsword which means he can have any skills devs want to give him.
As for that pair – having pet doesnt automatically make you a ranger.
let’s see… for example i have a thief with thief’s guild and basilisk venom learned and guild doesnt work underwater, then i have no choice but to put basilisk venom on elite slot for underwater combat and game doesnt allow me to even try to change that untill i learn more skills. still you should check your skills, those that you cant use underwater have blue drop with red cross on it in skill tooltip.
Latest patch looks more like partial rollback than patch itself. Also they could’ve added
- Fixed bugs for various stuck events and skill challenges.
as they usually do cuz server restart “fixes” those for short amount of time.
It`s not due to auto targeting on my end, not used that since BWEs.
I do select my taergets yet it`ll send me to another random one/place at times.
Only been like this last couple of days.
maybe you turned on simplified casting for ground targetted skills (applies to skills where you choose direction too) and didnt pay attention to your mouse position during skill activation? Or your character faced other direction that the one you intended him to move.
2 Wahaha: you always have option to farm karma in WvWvW rather than Orr or any other PvE location.
i think OP has strong prejustice and stereotype about his class, influenced by other games/movies/books or w/e else… I can easily imagine a girl in a frilly dress wielding said staff being necromancer. If you paid attention to storyline – Trahearne is necromancer too but he is neither dark nor gloomy, but knowledgeable about undead.
it is possible if other skills you learned dont work underwater. You dont have skills to change your elite, thats why game does not allow you to.
disable autotargetting if you want to use charge/jump/teleport skills for moving around and not to enemies, simple as that, and get used to manually select enemies you want to fight (which can be hard in crowds, but then you have “tab” for that).
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
1 – Zojja is female
2 – If you cant defend her – just ress when she is down to charge up mega cannon
3 – 5 pure damage dealers in arah story makes it walk in a park as enemies die very fast (if players know what they are doing).
i hate when this invul blocks you from starting combat at all and rendering some of traits useless: all 50% fall damage + some effect traits because half of the time when you jump on mob from above – they go invuln.
I dont think those bonuses worked at all untill yesterday for me and my friend. Since yesterday i started to notice that sometimes i can gather 4-6 times per tree/ore node. Today my friend gathered same mature herbs node 4 times in a row. Server has 15% gathering bonus atm.
Count your trait points… There is possibility you have more that you should’ve had.
It always happens. You have can dozens of pets but only two pet names.
And even then secondary pet’s name will be either reset or dominant over primary pet’s name on pet swap (f4).
Jumping directly from that height wont kill you but sliding will.
Its kind of annoying that game doesn’t register end of falling on receiving falling damage for 1st time. Also players get punished for having speed buffs, speed traits or speed signets by taking bigger and more frequent falling damages on “slopes”.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
My wife and I didn’t get karma helping each other other on our mains, but last night we got it for doing each others stories on our new alts in divinity reach. We are both human, but different backgrounds. We got about 100 karma for the helping each other for the level 9 and 11 story quest. We even commented to each other that they must have fixed it since we hit 80 on our mains…
I can confirm: some of lower level (5-15) human(thief) story quests award karma for helping friend.
looks like it is bug in oil description. it should (and it does) add precision for toughness/vitality just like all low lvl oils do.
Those are not expensive karma-wise, but it adds up as there are a lot of other materials that require you to travel around the world and spend karma. So yeah, hes stuck to spend karma to make you food.
There is 1 way out of this: if those lemons required to make some cooking ingredient for final food – you probably can buy that secondary ingredient on TP.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
So here’s what happens ,
you get downed as a warrior you use vengeance and get back up , a mob kills you BEFORE the debuff has worn off , you then waypoint to whichever is closest as soon as you load to waypoint you die to vengeance debuff wearing off.to cut it short if a mob kills you the bebuff does not come off and you die after you waypoint , i’m unsure if this adds extra repair costs but i do know its highly frustrating.
It is knows issue and it does in fact break 2 pieces of equipment for 1 actual death. So it adds extra repair costs to your frustration.
and i’m pretty sure there are 12 of orbs in chasm as i’ve gathered them all.
But there is bug on using up all 12 orbs: while it opens all 3 chests(and you can loot them), 1 “lock” remains unlighted and fails you on getting achievement so you have to try again on next day or do that puzzle in 2-day timeframe gathering more than 12 of those orbs.
1. you need to do event with harpies (protect cows while Mad Mardine does his experiment)
2. wait until he launches the rest of cows “for fun”
3. when Mad Mardine becomes merchant cattlepult is usable for players.
P.S. server: Seafarer’s Rest, but i’m pretty much sure it works on all/most servers.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
Though then I would ask if that works when it also has the side effect of causing people to stop using it altogether.
Umm… To increase time of achieving something for players, encouraging them to buy gems to exchange them for gold and buy needed materials off TP to save a couple of days they would’ve spent @Mystic Forge.
I want you guys to think about this a bit. Seriously. Why would we ever want to systematically discourage you from chucking things into the Forge or salvaging them as often or as fast as you want to? It is SO SO SO (I can’t stress this enough) important for items to be leaving the economy at a healthy ratio to the items being created and entering the economy, otherwise, there would be no economy. Everything would pile up and pile up until everything was worth nothing because the supply would be endlessly higher than the demand.
Bottom line, DR systems exist to prevent players from generating too much currency and destroying the economy. Why would we have DR on the things that balance and fix the economy?
There a simple answer to that last question: to limit income of new items/resources to players via Mystic forge. By your own logic: less items – healthier the economnomy is.
how their model looks and how they look ingame unsneathed – 2 completely different things, models does not show any particle effects or changes in your movement or projectiles…
However, to think slightly outside the box, for chefs who completed 100% of the map and thus unlocked all renowed heart karma vendors etc – maybe they can have a special NPC in their home instance who sells them every available bulk purchase from around the world. I mean, as it requires 100% map completion, chefs would have to put in extra work to unlock this vendor. Only thing this NPC would do is save chefs travel costs by being a one stop shop in their home instance.
Still wouldn’t solve the vanilla bean issue and you would still have to go out in the field to gather things like the Omnomberry BUT it would make gathering bulk purchases for cooking seems less expensive.
And there is already perfect place for that NPC: unused “The Undermarket” on Hooligan’s Route in Lion’s Arch. I dont mind if that vendor-to-be sells those bulks for a bit higher price (in karma) than those in fields.
iirc “glacial eye” changes the color of one of your eyes and is not an actual headgear, that is why you might see no difference when you hide/unhide transmuted helm. Was wrong, but still it should add small crystall on your forehead that is hard to notice.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
there are no rich ori veins in game… at all… and should not be (at least not until 81+ locations introduced). If you’ve seen it – it was probably visual bug.
are those available by any means in the game?
I’ve tried to put 16 lvl 80 master craft heavy breathers into Mystic Forge only to get: 1)rare light chest, 2)mc medium pauldrons, 3)mc heavy boots, 4)mc light pants
all with random prefixes and runes.
There are no instant death abilities. All have warnings and can be countered with dodge at the minimum.
Instant death would be getting Death Touched by Cazic-Thule. Big difference.
Kudu’s killing shot has hardly visible charge animation because he is kitten halfhalflingasura and there are a lot of effects from party members.
The lieutenant in AC.
Mass pull+Mass oneshot ftw.It never gets me due to Balanced Stance / Dolyak / Endure pain / Defy Pain, but I love seeing others getting sucked in and going downed.
I can’t help but explode in laughter :p
break stun + dodge helps to evade damaging ability (if you dodge without break stun – you have chance to stay alive if your reactions are good – done that with glass cannon build warrior), it is also possible to evade his pull as he charges it for some time.
You get banner after graduating from “novice” and that is after lvl37 (or 39 quest)
after you successfully complete "Mightier than the sword" mission and be4 you are sent to recruit one of lesser races
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
mouse2 is right mouse button. There is hint about it at bottom of every skill’s tooltip.
Dear Zbrkesbr, it does not matter if I am right in their face I cannot use auto-attack! I have a target, even if they are on top of me my Character just stands there unless I press an attack.
Even if I press “1” I attack once and then stop.
Then i have wild guess that you assigned autocasting to some other skill (warriors like to put FGJ! on autocast) and only 1 autocasting skill is allowed. You can reassign autocasting on #1 skill by clicking mouse2 on it while holding CTRL: you’ll see arrows around that skill’s icon meaning its set to autocast.
Haste shouldnt give quickness – those are 2 different buffs. Haste is a fun buff to have in PvP (and is very abused by “Pistol Whip” thieves and “100 blades” warriors): you have animation and cooldowns halved for buff duration meaning you can pack twice as much skills in that timeframe and kill your opponent before he kills you.
as description says – you can get either common or uncommon or rare dye and i think rare dyes have lowest probability among those 3.
My thoughts exactly. Windowed mode is a workaround, which I appreciate having, but it’s not a solution. I don’t want to see the taskbar or window border when playing a game.
You dont see those on main monitor if you use fullscreen windowed (unless you have “stay on top” checked for taskbar) and is convenient for you to use browser, chat and do other things on 2nd monitor as it doesnt minimize main on either alt tab or simply moving mouse to 2nd monitor. But that is my personal preferences, you might think otherwise.
which means either they forgot to fix tooltips or you have some 10% reduction trait or they forgot to implement change in latest patch despite announcing it in patchnotes…
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
Autoattack will not trigger if: 1)you are out of range, 2)you dont have target.
As if hotkeys dont exist… by default autoattack is bound to “1” key which is faster to press than click it with mouse (with a chance to missclick). Also hotkeys dont make you move mouse away from focused target which is helpful for ground targetted skills. Get used to them.
Okay i am currently stuck on 98% world map completion, with 7 waypoints left, 16 poi’s and 5 vistas.. i gotta say the waypoints are confusing me the most…. I have completed all 4 WvW zones, i have completed every quest zone 100% and compeleted all city zones, and even gone to the extra places like Chantry of secrets / hall of monuments etc… yet i cannot work out where the missing ones are… as far as i am aware i have done 100% now
any help would be appreciated!
Sounds like you forgot to discover Hoelbrak or some other town…
For those who don’t know, a cattlepault is a catapult that launches the cattle you may see roaming around from time to time.
Which catapult are you referring to?
there is only 1 cattlepult (which is designed to launch cows…) that may block progress if disabled and that is to the southeast of Moorwatch Tower on Diessa Plateau.