Showing Posts For street.2176:
“Rip Ocx/sea” and similiar comments make me laugh.
WvW is a PPT Game, so the most ppt should be awarded when the most players play wvw. So Look at all NA/EU Servers, look when each Server has the most Players and find the average. Thats exactly what happens, so its a good change.
Theres no reason why Players playing during times with lesser Players should make the same Impact than during prime time.
Having to work during the day and only being able to play during night or living in a different timezone is no excuse. Most Points should and finally will be awarded when most are playing.
Its just fair and Servers with a high Night Cap Population will still have an advantage. If said Servers have a low Prime Time then their Place wasnt in the current Tier anyways and they should and must drop a Tier. Its no fun for 2 other Servers playing vs a weak Server during Prime Time, its pretty boring when theres no enemies or they are only running away. And then still losing to the weak Server because it has 30-40 Players during night ticking away at 500.
I can be counted in as well. Tried relogging, changing characters, going to EB, BLs and Eotm and still no chest.
Same for me, also it reads 4th Place in the Achievements even though we got 2nd. Riverside, no transfers whatsoever, all Achievements except Eotm.
Still no Chest, Achievement says 4th Place and that I already Unlocked the Chest – Riverside.
I’d argue that WvWvW is just as much PvE as it is PvP. You kill things to shape the environment for your team— sure, there are other teams vying to take your environment, but I’ve gone through trains in Eternal Battlegrounds without seeing a single one of those filthy aspenwood traitors.
Remember the shattered Alliance against Blackgate. Remember the Aspenwood Jumping Puzzle Betrayal!
It is both, but for WvW only Players its neither PvE nor PvP – its WvW. Achievement Hunters just destroy this wonderful (and unfortunately sometimes laggy) Game Mode.
No annoying PvE Players who wants their LS Achievements and Guest option for occasional PvE still working.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you implying that PvE players are annoying because they play the game?
No, just bad english grammar from my side.
What I’m trying to imply is that the current WvW Capacity isnt enough for PvE Achievements in WvW. Players that only play WvW since launch cant get on the Map and their Servers which are/were pretty good are losing vs much weaker Servers because of Achievement Hunters running Ruins with 60+ in a Circle…
There are many ways to lure PvE Players into WvW, but what currently is happening is just downright kittening on what the WvW Community likes about WvW.
At least in my opinion.
New PvE Players are always welcome in WvW, but not if all Maps are full and Commanders cant get on the Maps because ppl are capping ruins 24/7 or doing the JP.
The new Map which has No Queue also wont help defend Keeps, Towers and Camps when the Players on Map only care about their Achievements.
Thats why Id wish there would be seperate WvW Only Servers.
(edited by street.2176)
Servers on which Players can only access Heart of the Mists, Spvp and WvW.
No annoying PvE Players who wants their LS Achievements and Guest option for occasional PvE still working.
No Eu/Us Servers, no timezone, no nationality.
WvW Community will have some few Servers to play on without bothering about long Queues due to Achievements.
WvW Players get more exciting Matchups.
PvX Players may have to decide between WvW and PvE.
PvE Achievement Hunters might get some Problems.
Or just make 3 more Borderlangs during WvW LS Achievements.
(edited by street.2176)
Of course you need to double team national server if you wanna win. Piken didn’t win because they double teamed wrong server.
National Servers only have a Advantage during holidays, all other times International Servers have the Advantage – at least in the first 12 ranked Servers.
Go Viz and PS !
Cheering for you
So funny seeing SFR complain about Blobs, double Teaming and even calling themself “crumbling at their weakest”.
Your arrogance and hate for Pugs (stuff like Switching off Commander to force them to go TS) is the reason for your current situation.
You brought in on yourselves. Deal with it.
Also its only the 1st week and so much QQ already…
Funny part is that RS and jade have more than enough players to win this match up.
During prime time maybe but definitely not druing the 20 hours off time on which SFr is ticking with 400+ pts.
Anyways, at least there are some SFR Players that actually have respect for their enemis and not everyone is like Wemil – “I PvD all morning and you cant do kitten about it haha im so great” – yeah gratz if you like PvD or need those points….
I prefer some good figts, lasting several minutes, but unfortunately I dont see much of those atm, my 2nd Account on RoS got more of those battles than my main acc…. Though that may be a RS “Problem” that most of us run in our 15-30 Guild “Zergs” instead of playing 100vsWooden Door.
However, no offense meant- wish we’d have SFR coverage, just trying to say that you maybe should hold back with your comments of “glorious” fights when you actually fight xxx vs 10-30 during off time – looking at Wemil here who trolls since like 5+ Topics when all you got is a BIG rndm zerg…Respect for the SFR Guilds though.
(edited by street.2176)
Oh come on lets stop the “you blob, no you blob, no you blob” discussion now before it destroys the Thread again…
Also there are unfortunately on every Server Emote Spammers.
Cant’t do anything about it.
As for me I really enjoy the Matchup, fighting against Deso is always fun.
Nice fights with DVG and EXT (?) yesterday at Gandara Bay, even though we didnt get the bay while you were defending, we both mustve gotten a hell lot of lootbags^^
Whats wrong with you PS Forum-Warriors?
Somehow every Server Sucks, except those you tick with 450+ pts whole day against.
If you hate T1-2 Blobfest so much just trans to some t4-t7 Servers with your Guild and stop flaming every and each Server playing succesfully a different Style than your own.
Also running with 50+ Players with same Guildtag or 2 different Guildtags is also considered blobing.
Well, im happy that PS is facing now Viz and Sfr…they deserve it.
Shout-out to the Piken Warrior @ Kodsash BL at the Bridge east.
Was a really nice 1(RS) vs 1(PS) vs 3(KA)
We fought Viz 4 times the past 7 weeks, so in all honesty, aint you having the role of filling the sandwich?
Oh great VZ again…
at least PS is also here so its gonna be a entertaining Matchup Thread, starting with the title.
Rank 14. vs 11. and so much QQ in here already.
Other Servers like Riverside gotta fight more than every 2nd week a T1 and/or T2 Server as rank 8-10 – so a much bigger difference in strength.
Stop QQing already and get over it, new Matchup System isnt fair.
…, just try to beat PS, because they in front now. Dont worry with SFR according you and VZ we are dead.
Why? If they make it to the 2nd then only because you attack us, before you attack them
. Shurely not, because they stand a match vs Elona without help. The only reason I would see to finish in front of Piken is, to help RS to go ahead of them. But 1st RS do not need that help, and 2nd german servers are more rivals than allies
The match ER\SFR\RS was one of the worst Ihave seen SFr was double teamd, at the time I have asked to RS guys to tell me if they got any tower from ER, in EB during the hole muach, no reply until today.
The whole week was the same ER attaking Anza and RS attacking Ogres, ER lost the match but seems to be very happy because they can fight SFR, you can if you have other server helping you like RS did.
SFR prefer to attack ER because you are the number #3 server so you musto be more stronger then PS. But PS allways prefer to attack SFR, wen we attcack ER we allways had to be careful with our back, because we know PS will attack us.
Please learn that the points are generated in all 4 maps, dont abandone one map to go bash another server in is BL. You took our garrisson in our BL, we took your keep in EB.
PS: This EB point of view, play very litle in BL’s.
Thats pretty much what always happens when any German Server fights vs 2 INT Servers, except Desolation – they somehow didnt Team up with the other INT Server but it was a real 1v1v1.
The only servers that wouldn’t be able to nightcap Piken is Vabbi, WSR and FoW. Every other server we’ve faced has us outmanned at night.
So u got less than 15 players at night?
Looks like Deso wont team up with you Piken, even though you, as always, accuse others of Blobbing.
Well maybe you will get next week some Rank 10+ INT Server with which you can team up again and write about blobbing in the Forum.
This week Deso unfortunately realized that all ur Blob Complaining is just ridiculous.
augury rock guild BLAK:
1vs1 run
3vs3 run
1vs5/10 charge we can win!SKILLED!
Everyone else is just merely jealous and taking a mighty high road about their playstyle to justify their jealousy.
So glad other INT Servers think the same.
But certain Servers which think they are Elite, not gonna mention any Name now before my Post gets deleted again, will always accuse better/equal Servers of playing “unfair/bad” and will only talk about a fun week when absolutely dominating the enemy and leading with at least 200k Points.
Sorry for hijacking this thread but coming from a server (GH) that have faced Riverside about a month ago i don’t understand the hate towards them.
They are a defence oriented server, i would personally use the numbers they have otherwise, but it is their choice.
I haven’t seen anything different from servers who call themselves anti blob onestbh.
Also Riverside folks showed respect towards us in game but also at the forums.
Probably because of the Witch Hunt started by PS on which other INT Server Forum Warriors jumped on. So now we are just Rivercart, Blobbadons Mouth and Koblob regardless of our Numbers, Points or what we do.
4th week in a row fighting vs T1 and T2 Servers, 5/7 weeks since new matchup System fought vs T1 Servers – still not crying as much as other Servers fighting us which are in the same tier or 1 above/below. L2p.
(edited by street.2176)
@ 4:06 am GMT Today
thats nothing to be proud of rly… post it on the server website, but posting it here is only to say “hey guys look how much you suck and how good we are”
Good to see that there are Players which arent arrogant also in other Guilds than VII.
12 Posts, 3 of them already talking about Riverblob/Cheaters.
I can see in which direction this Thread is gonna go..
Id love a PikenTears – Blobadon – Rivercart Matchup.
At the Moment the only 2 honorable Piken Guilds (in my Opinion!) are GH and VII.
Everyone else just blobs or bashes random Players/Zergs which are around as big as their Guild Zerg, run away and camp in Keeps – practically do the same thing they accuse every National Server they fight of. I suppose GH and VII are the only things left of PS old fame.
Oh, and before someone delets my Post for “not being involved in this Matchup” – I transfered to Kodash just to have some fun with you Pikenguys again
Yes lets remove the AoE Cap from Skills, delete all our Characters and only play Staff Ele in WvW from now on. F1 – 5 F4 – 5 and see who dies first.
The Reputation of AM is only bad because of a handful of INT Servers complaining about how they play the Game. Also those said INT Servers also do BLOB often, making excuses like “because we have to” – well, I thought theres no pride in that for you?
Think theres pride for AM in getting Steamrolled from a 20 Player Guild Group while they are 20 Randoms, some even upleveled?
It all comes down to one thing:
We all just want Lootbags.
And you INT Servers dont get enough Lootbags fighting AM/RS/VS/ER etc. but are instead turned into Lootbags yourself. Thats why you’re mad spamming the forums with “blob blob blob no pride skillag i died”.
Also a funny thing with those “bad Blob Servers” is that they get attacked from the other 2 Servers more often than they attack each other and still manage to make more or around the same amount of Points as they do.
Servers with a bad reputation get attacked more often and still make their kills/points.
You can talk all you want about AM or other Blob Servers needing double as much Players, they are getting focused from 2 Servers normally.
“Sometimes you just have to blob” eh?
Oh no, pikes prove they are pikes again… zerg the kitten out of the borderlands, then come to the forums and cry as loud as possible about the terrible, terrible blobbing of others.
Sorry to break it to you, piken square is just another zerg server. The special flavour piken had is long gone. The only thing left is a few diehard deniers who live in their own dreamworld and try as hard as possible to compensate with forum wars.
It`s been a long time since I`ve met a server with such low individual player quality as seen tonight. But I have to say, you guys are pretty good at running. The only exception tonight was GH, but thats not roaming, that`s monotag zergs crushing pugs. Well done.
On the contrary, Augury roamers seemed to have something called fighting spirit and actually tried to engage even against the odds.
Come on, Dawdler, keep on bragging…
Yes, well sometimes you just have to zerg. There’s no way around it.
Here, have a video of a Piken zerg a couple of hours ago:
Just too bad the zerg lost half its people in the initial assault
And that other Servers sometimes just_have to_ zerg in order to counter your Guild Groups is called Blobbing. Even though there’s no way around it.
But funny Video, rally 2 times lol.
(edited by street.2176)
I suppose this is gonna get a boring week for each Server.
RS will a 7 day Karma Train and the other 2 will probably only be able to fight back during Primetime.
The new Matchup System needs a fix. Putting Servers in the same Matchup who have a totally different WvW Population doesnt really work out.
Thanks for a lot of fun tonight guys.
The AM blob is really easy to identify at least – if in doubt, use this checklist;
1. sec Pc starting to lag slightly ?
2. sec You’re downed?
3. sec Look up and see first screenshotIf in doubt, zoom in!
Time to go sleep about steel umbrellas and lost keeps.
Yup thats a Guild created after PS crying – Blobbaddon [BLOB]
Riverglade has a nice ring to it.
I prefer to play the game. I’m sure you do too. If you enjoy playing the way you do have fun doing so. Why can’t you just believe that some people just look at the score at the end of the week and ask: ‘oh we were green?’ while spending the whole week in WvW. This is not Score Wars but not Forum Wars either :P
Just enjoy.
Youre right.
But we actually dont sit in our Keeps building AC’s and we (RS) also dont play for points.
We just got a better coverage and more WvW Players. This results in us having more Keeps → more defending and More Players → Less organized Raids and players in TS.
So we run around the Map, fighting enemy Zergs and capturing Keeps.
Still some Players from certain Servers feel the need to mark us as “blobbers” (which every non-Guild Zerg is) and says we only camp in Keeps building AC’s… I just always wonder how we got those Keeps in the first place if we only camp inside them. Also AC’s are just great for defense, EVERY Server uses them for defense purposes – wheres the problem?
Oh, did you know the fastest way to meet an enemy Zerg is while attacking an enemy Keep or defending your own?
PS for example is dominating atm. They right now have 319k points and the other 2 servers 135-150. Look in their Matchup Thread. You will see ppl from the other 2 Servers complain about “blobbing” while Players from PS write about a “week with fun fights” and say essentially things like “we just got more Players we arent blobbing” when someone accuses them of only attacking with at least double as much Players as they got.
No Server says as often that they prefer running in Guild Zergs than PS does. Still, they are blobbing right now, defending their keeps and making lots of Points.
Its practically the same with the DE Servers, but most Players from INT Servers fail to see that, that we just got a better coverage. Also many INT Forum Warriors cant count. They kill a RS Zerg in a Video stating RS had at least 3 times more Players, when they actually had less. Also much stuff about running away when we got not at least 5:1 more Players. Bullkitten…
Is KISS transfering to Piken? Or is it just a couple guys
Also, you talk about solo people running away, but what ive seen from PS is guild grps running and only fighting back when another guild backs them up and start outnumbering 2:1…
Rly boring way of fightingI seriously doubt a Piken guild would run from a fight, even when heavily outnumbered, I think you are chatting kitten to be fair.
WIC been running away all day untill they could come back with FG
Same with TNTD yesterday, after one wipe(with around equal numbers) they kept coming back holding hands with HoDNo, only Servers making more points than PS are blobbing. They dont. Never ever.
PS 303k, other 2 Servers both around 130k – “fun fights this week”…
You PS Elite Guilds should consider transfering to Blacktide or FoW, then youll be able to dominate Vaabi and have many weeks with “fun fights”.What are you even talking about ? Every server blobs sometimes. So you got a bad match-up, boo hoo. What do you want us to do ? Tell people to kitten off for a week so you guys have chance ?
We got more active wvw-ers, more guilds, better coverage etc. Get over it.Moan moan moan.
Just doing the same you do every time when you face a Server with more active wvw-ers and better coverage.
Moan moan moan.
Summing this up: all 3 german servers enjoy fighting each other. All EU servers enjoy not having to fight against these 3 servers.
Why not make everyone happy and lock this matchup? :P
Well Id like that, at least for 2-3 Weeks.
But also let PS and AG play against us, we need that drama and tears they make from time to time to remotivate us.
My Dream Matchup:
Elona Reach – RS/AM – Piken Square
Oh the tears, i can see them flowing.
Is KISS transfering to Piken? Or is it just a couple guys
Also, you talk about solo people running away, but what ive seen from PS is guild grps running and only fighting back when another guild backs them up and start outnumbering 2:1…
Rly boring way of fightingI seriously doubt a Piken guild would run from a fight, even when heavily outnumbered, I think you are chatting kitten to be fair.
WIC been running away all day untill they could come back with FG
Same with TNTD yesterday, after one wipe(with around equal numbers) they kept coming back holding hands with HoD
No, only Servers making more points than PS are blobbing. They dont. Never ever.
PS 303k, other 2 Servers both around 130k – “fun fights this week”…
You PS Elite Guilds should consider transfering to Blacktide or FoW, then youll be able to dominate Vaabi and have many weeks with “fun fights”.
Why do people complain about this so much. Run, press f, and you have your bags. Easy. We do that all the time in our zerg battles. Sure you miss some, but its all part of the game. If you can’t press f, you don’t deserve the loot bag anyway.
Why do people complain about ideas so much that make the game more comfortable? If you see one, and it will only make the game more comfortable without any disadvantages, then ignore it. Easy. We can all profit from it even players that are already spamming f during zerg battles. Sure you wont miss some, but thats a part of the game no one likes. If you dont need to press f, you will be able to concentrate more on the battle instead of picking up loot anyway.
Difference was very simple. Players from the servers are fighting, from Rivercart died like mobs
Sorry for having enoguh Siege and Sups (Camps) to build them? We did need them to defeat you, you dont even need them to defeat FSP/DL crashing t1 keeps… Fun Match aint it…
@Balzamon: We do try, but it just dont works, or rather – it works rly slowly. Also after the big wave of Players leaving for ER/AM we are slowly finally getting some strong (rather new) wvw Guilds back. Still a long way to go.
But when you’re dominating !!! 2 weaker Servers its a fun week for you ??!
This is not Piken’s fault that we play with weaker servers in this week
Same can be said from other Servers playing against you who have a better coverage…which is in PS opinion blobbing (sorry for having enough ppl to fill 2 or even 3 Borderlands? lol).
@ Balzamon:
No Im not hiding anything, why should I?
Im from Riverside and I only post MY opinion, not the Opinion of the Server I play on. How could one Individual even represent the Opinion of a whole Server?
Just trying to point out that now YOU, PS is in the same position as Riverside was. You have a better coverage and dominate now. Well same goes for Riverside, we just have more Players and sadly less organised Guilds, thats why we only got 1-3 Commanders on every Map and Blobbing may occur. Also advanced tactics, or even easy things like “Melees follow the Commander” just aint possible.
Still, some PS Players (surely not all) and Players from other Servers are like “Noobs just blobbing”.
Well we cant help it, not so many Guilds and even less Players in Teamspeak.
Ridiculous thing about that is, that now you just play like RS díd against you and you call it a fun week. Not saying that you “want to” play like that, its just you got a better coverage than FSP and DL. And even though you are way better organised than RS is, what you are doing now to FSP and DL feels for them just like blobbing.
So try to get some consideration for Servers who got more WvW Players but arent as good organised. Else you are just hypocrites.
(edited by street.2176)
PS you lost all respect I ever had for you.
If you got a challenging week you complain about Siege and Blobbing.
But when you’re dominating !!! 2 weaker Servers its a fun week for you ??!
Get off your high Horses and admit already that you really just want a line of Enemy Players turned into lootbags without them putting up a decent fight and when they fight back they must be blobbing or building way too many Siege right?
Oh my, I also cant wait to meet AG again, hopefully RS will be able to play against you soon again
Get to EB and you’ll see for yourself what those ppl at South SM are doing, they come at our keep with 1 or 2, I attack them, all they can do is run away when I chase..
None of FSP on EB is doing this
Seems like they are trolling you and it is working.
Yes, since they’re so bad alone :>
Haven’t been to EB yet, but I’d run away from a 1v1 most likely, why ? because with my build I’d pretty much get owned by a competent player. I run with a build that focuses on group play and AoE etc. It’s just common sense, neither can I be bothered with a boring 1v1 when I’m in WvW for obviously the large scale fights. If you want small scale go sPvP and quit the moaning. I also find it funny how you’re surprised that you get jumped and outnumbered fights in wvw, especially EB…
Anyway, nice night in DL BL. You guys sure are suicidal tho…I got like 400 kills during in just ~30 minutes at the fights near cragtop (?) and garrison. Good stuff.
Funny Fact: PS complained (and still is complaining a lot) about larger Forces in WvW, calling them “Blobs” and wanted them to play in smaller Numbers since “Blobbing” is boring.
But if PS does it, then its okay.
And you still dont get that they started running before you were visible shortly before the big Orange Swords appeared at their spawntower.
@Runty: More Open Field fights the last 33hrs than what we had after 1 week of GH.
Siege are one of the most important things in wvw.
With Siege you can defeat/defend a way larger force than your own, or could you defend a Tower without Siege and doors in a 10v50 Situation?
Without Siege and doors itd be a Karmatrain and only 1 Commander on every Map, running around in circles recapping stuff.
What TUP (and many other smallscale Guilds/Groups) want is GvG, but wvw aint gvg.
So itd be a nice idea if you complain to Anet for not implenting a GvG Modi instead of complaining that you meet much bigger forces in WvW than your own.
Anything PS does is ok. Only other Servers suck for doing it.