Showing Posts For synergy.5809:
Ok guys, I don’t know if I am just kittened or this build is trash, but I tried full damage S/D condi ( power – condi – precision ) and defensive condi ( carrion ) and it was, horrible.
I tried to #2 then #3, caltrops, bounding dodge, and chain #3. I barely got the health of the elementalist 100 to 60. And you know what happened after that? He used heal
I was using my skills in this order; #2 – #3 – Caltrops – Dodge(Bound) – Chain #3 – #5 – Auto attack – #2.. and goes like this. But it didn’t feel like OP. I must be doing something wrong actually because I was doing literally no damage to anybody. Welp
You are doing it wrong. I mean… Bound? Wtf.?!
Build + Playstyle: build was exactly like that. But I felt like I’m so squishy so I changed my build to a defensive build and my dodge to Bound.
I don’t know..
well first of all ele’s have a lot of condi clenases and heals. also the burst combo is supposedly activate spider venom, steal, dodge 1-2 times for caltrops/impaling lotus. then disengage a bit and use sword 2 to immobilize and proc panic strike poison.
the build is viable but nowhere as strong as some of the people in this thread talks about. some of it is blatantly exaggerating, ie. press 2 buttons to put someone into down state. the stupid D/D condition dodge spam thief puts out way more damage and is much easier to play with much better reward for low effort.
with the new pvp season and influx of players for the upcomming expansion I think people are just fighting bad people.
i for one will not use discord for privacy reasons
I recommend that you remove your probably modern intel processor, and uninstall your copy of either windows or OSX. And you should probably unplug your router.
Oh, and never use your phone. In fact, you should probably avoid VOIP entirely, at least for another few years.
I recommend getting an old thinkpad, you know. One of the ones that has been fully reverse engineered. And running OpenBSD on it.
Oh, and by the way.
The TeamSpeak privacy policy isn’t the only privacy policy you agree to when using TeamSpeak.
The server host? You know, the third party server host?
The one that stores & transfers all your messages & VOIP communication?
Yeah. Every server you hop onto is a gamble as to whether or not they sell your information.
Have fun with that!
i already do most of the things you listed to some extent and i host my own TS server.
It’s also about the decentralizing of your data even if I host my TS on a vendors server or on digital ocean.
people like you is why net neutrality and privacy rights are being reamed in the ass
someone just watched GoT
i for one will not use discord for privacy reasons
or we can just get rid of gliding
guys… we only got what “we” asked for… for years thieves have been asking for rifle.
I always thought it was a bad idea, clearly it was, so now live with it…Even Anet is not confortable with it and you can tell by the guild chat specialization presentation. with other professions they show the skills on the golems and fighting class NPC’s, with thief they ONLY shown the abilities on golems, if you asked me they were afraid of losing to the npc’s wile in live stream, imagine how embarrassing that would be! LoL
It looks slow, static and boring to me, i’m only interested and finding out whats the viability of the trate line with diferent sets of weapons, using rifle in PvP is unthinkable.
Even in fractals, you need to be constantly on the move and dodging, it is impossible to use a rifle there too…
in wvwvw it might have some potential if your defending….
disappointed? yes!
surprised? not really…
dunno about you but i thought it was a bad idea too, i’ve been asking for a long bow or at least changes to the way short bow works. I think short bow for thieves should be closer to what the shortbow for renegade does right now.
This is now the second week that the Red Team in WvW faces the brunt of disadvantages due to “Glide into hostile objectives” exploits (e.g. Gliding from Pangloss to Ogrewatch, bypassing gates and walls rendering Ogrewatch indefensible).
Since Red Team is (by ranking) already the “weakest” Team, this adds even more disadvantages to them. Will there be any compensation for them / consequences for those that use the exploit (bypassing hostile gates & walls?) or will just shrug and say “we don’t care, sucks to be you, don’t forget to buy the expansion”?
Obviously this and a few other spots need to be fixed / addressed. But they are not sure yet if gliding will become a perma feature in the game mode, thus fixing and patching it now is quite a waste.
Once they have a commitement to keeping it, then fix it and it will be very nice. But yeah, it does suck in the meanwhile.
Personally I hope they keep gliding, just fix the spots and bugs and provide some additional counterplay to it. Specific stuff vs gliding players. And it will be a lot of fun.
its been 5 years, and you can still engi jumpshot into hills inner and cap lord. people have been reporting that bug for years. you think introducing gliding anet will fix all the exploits that come with it?
Hmm, I never thought of something like diminishing returns to something like cc, sounds interesting.
it makes complete sense, WoW learned to do this years ago because who knew sitting there for 6+ seconds being CC’ed while you can’t do anything isn’t fun after using your 30 second cool down for condi removal/stunbreak.
that is why there are those of us who are against gliding, yes it makes it less annoying to run back / find a path down cliffs, but the negative impacts on WvW gameplay and risks are far too great.
Gliding bypasses a lot of the problems that came with balance changes: I was one of the few who managed to get into an attacked tower every time – nowadays I can’t really do that because the AOE is just too strong. Gliding to OW/Veloka bypasses that and it’s way easier to defend – the other corners might not have it that easy. But on the other hand it’s easier for the attackers as well. – You’d have to balance the structural damage and everything that’s going wrong for about 4 years now and which is getting worse and worse – or you can just throw gliders on it. Don’t know if I explained that sufficiently.
[…]That’s cause the mode offers so little to keep people interested in it. You can spend 30-60 mins in the mode and you’ve experienced the bulk of the mode. Expecting people to do it for another year or longer is unreasonable.
The reason people keep on playing is a) good fights b) community – work on that and the game mode is ‘safe’. I doubt that wvw players really wanted all this loot. I guess most are like me: I want balance (class and structure), I want strategy (which is being killed off little by little) and I want to play with my server (which is partlyy being destroyed by the links and also by not balancing the game).
this is the truth. fix condis’s and add diminishing returns to CC, fix skill lag.
that is why there are those of us who are against gliding, yes it makes it less annoying to run back / find a path down cliffs, but the negative impacts on WvW gameplay and risks are far too great.
People says this about EVERY change no matter how small or logical it may be.
WvsW is dying, its always dying. Every reboot and regrouping channels existing players into less servers and grabs players from other parts of the game into the mode. Those numbers are always in a downward trend though soon after these changes. That’s cause the mode offers so little to keep people interested in it. You can spend 30-60 mins in the mode and you’ve experienced the bulk of the mode. Expecting people to do it for another year or longer is unreasonable.
Truth is, changes are needed. Change brings with it risk, but its better than the alternative. So be more supportive of “not dying”.
never mentioned WvW dying, in fact i think they should unlink the servers now due to how many PvE’ers they brought in with the reward changes which I think are a good thing. Gliding still needs to go though. Too many Pve’ers and new WvWers don’t know whats good for the game mode in the long term, dont even know if they’ll be here in a few months.
that is why there are those of us who are against gliding, yes it makes it less annoying to run back / find a path down cliffs, but the negative impacts on WvW gameplay and risks are far too great.
anyone know when they are done testing and will decide whether to keep gliding in WvW or not?
guess i’ll be the one to say it.
i don’t like gliding. I’m fine with it being in DBL since it makes much more sense and I don’t play DBL anyways.
Sorry that you’re poor, but, don’t take it out on all of us that enjoy the new content while you twiddle yourself worrying about wvw only and an hours worth of work in money.
It has nothing to do with being poor. $30 is a trivial amount.
What matters to me is voting with my dollars, and in this case, I feel that buying expansions like these only incentivizes Anet to continue to carve up the game and design it more and more in a manner that funnels people toward P2W kinds of purchases (and rationales for why buying features XYZ is okay).
Thanks to the few who get what I’m saying. To the others that just equate what I’m saying to me being poor or complaining about Anet trying to make money, just keep drinking the kool-aid. You’ll have your p2w paradise in no time.
I preordered the core game at launch because, back then, it was sold as a very different pay model and approach to design. Watch reviews by somebody like AngryJoe, they specifically talk about the novel approach to “buy to play” and the total lack of level/gear-grinding. Since then, Anet has backtracked on many promises over these past several years.
I guess since people will keep paying to have the game carved up and the community split more and more into haves and have nots, Anet has no reason to stop this money-grubbing approach to designing their expansions. This is why I won’t buy the expacs, not because I’m too poor as some of you wrongly assume.
And those of you who say this isn’t the right game for me, I guess you’re right. I actually stopped playing MMO’s for a long time until GW2 came along because I was so burnt out on the rehashed designs and emphasis on endless grinding and cynical money-grabs. I only bought GW2 because of the novel way they did pve and dynamic events, the wvw, the way it was possible to get to lvl 80 with exotic gear relatively easy (and be fairly competitive if you had a good build and were skilled). They promised us back then that we wouldn’t be spending all of our time on a gear/level treadmill and that we wouldn’t be paying real money for core features of the game (just for cosmetic or convenience items). So much for that!
Now that HoT has already driven away a lot of people who share my sentiment, Anet are even bolder in releasing another expansion that worsens the problem. And the sad part is, most of the players who remain don’t care because they’ve got their shiney new feature, so tough for those like me and we should all forget what Anet promised in the past and what initially drew some of us to play this game. It was a very different approach to an MMO (and monetizing an MMO), but now it’s just another waiting-game until you can buy the next expansion for the new gimmicky feature. In a few more years, it will only be a question of who can open their wallet fast enough when it comes to progression and achievements in this game.
I still remember how messed up it was when HoT came up that they gutted all the achievements and hard work smaller guilds had put into their guild upgrades. Now, the studio that told us we wouldn’t be forced to grind endlessly in gamemodes we didn’t enjoy required that we grind to upgrade our guild halls (upgrades we had already unlocked, a process I contributed a lot to for the small guild I"m part of… features that I cannot enjoy because I’m a non-HoT player — except to look around and click stuff and be told I can’t use this feature until I buy HoT).
It’s clear to me most of you won’t hear what I’m saying, choosing instead to make personal attacks and call me poor, but my thanks to the few who actually understand what I’m trying to say. I guarantee you that Anet won’t change their course though. They have their core audience of people who are willing to pay for this stuff and don’t care if it alienates parts of the customer base. They want people like me gone.
The sad part is, I would have spent a ton of money over these past few years if they actually stuck to their initial promises and approach to monetizing the game. But after I saw how they neglected wvw changes and improvements for so long, and then released HoT, I haven’t been willing to put another penny into this game. PoF has only hardened my heart more, especially with the inclusion of gliders in WvW.
Best of wishes to those of you who keep playing. I will try a few more times, but every time I WP to Overlook and have to jump off the cliff and take fall damage and run into OW while my HoT teammates glide into the tower above me, the tastes grows ever more bitter.
Don’t worry, i’ve read every word you wrote, even though anet will probably delete it soon. I was on the fence on whether to preorder the game or not due to this stupid gliding update. but after reading what you wrote and reminded me about how anet has treated us in the past I’m I’ve decided to pass on this expansion. If I wanted a gear treadmill grinding game there are better games out there that do it. And you’re right anet wants to see people like us gone. I used to enjoy the game for the same reasons as you, and I bought stuff off the gem store to support the game, especially for fashion wars. but with every single fashion thing coming out now being an outfit that you can’t mix and match, and/or being gated behind RNG chests, I’ve stopped buying gems.
I feel that while things may not be perfect, they are not as dire as some forum members paint them
that attitude along with lack of communication and changes like deployable cannons + repair hammer is precisely why people feel like you abandoned the game mode. If you had something to show for all the lack of communication I don’t think people would be half as upset. Instead we got DBL, repair hammers and deployable cannon polls
(edited by synergy.5809)
I’m aware of Tyler’s posts, which if you read them don’t ever promise a 3rd borderlands map. I just wanted to clarify that nowhere in the polls did we say anything about creating a 3rd borderlands map, even though that is stated as a ‘fact’ over and over again on the forums.
it doesn’t matter, the news spread on reddit that you were less likely to create a new map again if people voted to remove DBL. It affected peoples vote and you know it, whether you intended to or not and regardless of whether that was included in the poll or not. What you should’ve done is did another poll clarifying that in the wording of the poll so people like Teon can stop referring to that skewed poll result. Though it might be too late now since most people I know quit the game already.
maybe u are playing the game wrong if u have hard time making 300 gold in this game.
you pretty much lose money if you only play WvW
given anet’s track record on “balancing” i’ll keep my hopes low.
i’d command if they didn’t ask for 300g for a tag. Already have enough trouble getting gold to dump into WvW.
lol yep we tried that and tyler was actually communicative and tried versus the silence we get now and repair/portable cannons
people also forget that the devs made a reddit comment post right before the poll launched that they are more likely to create maps in the “future” if DBL was voted to be kept. This definitely had a sway in the amount of people that voted to keep this terrible map in.
no kidding ppl who voted to keep it dont even play that map they go queue EB first.
wondering where that Teon kid went who would rage and defend the DBL poll results back then and flamed whoever dismissed the poll results. He probably quit the game once DBL came back too.
either merge servers or rotate out the names every week
It’s so sad that the huge majority of the comments you see in here now are about removing the linking even though the apparent poll asked for it. But of course the poll was in favor since MOST people that play gw2 are on the top 4 tiers… that in itself skewed the results of the poll. Those of us in the lower tiers that really liked how we played had no chance.
We have also seen our community slowly broken down into either roaming guild groups or simply groups that come in for missions and leave. Most hosts are gracious and fun to run with but it is THEIR server, not ours. A large number of the people I know personally don’t like the big zergs and don’t run in them. I would rather run with a few people and run havoc on camps and towers and battle other roamers than be a “borg” drone.
ANet will continue to see these posts; will continue to ignore them because they know better; and will continue to see people like us play less. As I’ve said in other posts, I’ve seen so many of my friends stop playing completely. The other leader of my guild and her partner are two of them. My guild went from a nice roaming group of about 10 on average, to a group of 1-3 on a good day in WvW. I know at least 6 other people personally that stopped playing because of the linking…. and that’s just people that I know.
One positive thing financially has come out of this for me though.. I spend a LOT less money on gems than I used to since my commitment to WvW and even to this game has dropped off significantly.
I truly don’t understand why ANet thinks that it’s ok to toss people around from server to server and really think that they love it… because I believe most of us don’t. The ones that do (for the most part) already had moved to higher tier servers… :P
I was one of those people who voted for it. But me and a bunch of other people assumed that we would retain our name and/or rotate out every week. If I knew we would be just someone else’s kitten every week I’d vote no
nerf condi, and my server name back.
WvW is jacked up don’t come back
On the flip side if links never happened, we probably would be here with people complaining how dead their servers are every day. Let’s not forget the major downward spiral wvw was on after the expansion released, it still is, but links were a minor stop gap from people leaving and may have brought back some players, like myself. It certainly has it’s problems, but it helped revive wvw for a moment.
If you don’t like links fine, but just think what the alternative could have been, your server absolutely dead during the last 6 months. That’s not to excuse anet, been about year since the expansion and things still aren’t looking that well for wvw’s future. Question is, are there even any long term solutions on the table right now.
a lot of people advocated for merging servers to create new identity instead of the joke of a system we have right now.
BP…a once noble adversary of GoM…those were the days, eh? Sadly, even if they dumped the linkings, our servers would be but a shadow of their former selves.
thats cause server linking either caused people on GoM to transfer off to some other host server or quit the game.
OP you won’t get a straight answer since not everyone who quit the game due to server linking will come back and check forums regularly.
So Moderators closed this thread:
The thread was not about a particular matchup but to visualize server linking problems matchups were used as examples.
Honestly Arenanet, are you so scared to talk about the issue ? Do you think that closing threads solves problems ?
they’ve been deleting some other threads that was harshly criticizing the merges, and also another one that linked to another poll about DBL. It was left up until removing DBL was winning again then the post was removed.
the problem is when they link you with servers you hate.
i would pay sub if it meant they would stop adding annoying things into the game to try and get you to spend IRL money for “convenience”
lol you actually believed them? they only said it so people would vote to keep DBL instead of scrapping it.
WvW is going way better than it was 3 months ago. It’s far from dying, it’s even improving but there are still much improvements to be made.
WvW has less players compered to 3 months ago, it is not doing fine.
I’m curious as to how you measured how many players participated in WvW across all maps, 24/7 now and then. And when you say “fewer players than 3 months ago”, by how much? Is this less than we’d expect due to normal attrition? How does it compare to PvE and PvP participation?
I’m not saying the game is in great shape in any of its modes. I’m saying we don’t have the data to say one way or another showing that WvW is on its last legs.
Regardless, the point is moot: if you are not having fun, does it really matter if the mode is ‘alive’? And if you are having fun, does it matter if there are fewer people this week compared to 3 months ago?
they had to go from linking 2 servers, to linking 4 servers together. There’s less and less people playing over all they are just consolidating players to fill up the map.
Schools are also restarting all over the US right now. Less people playing in the US during the week as more people are going to bed a little earlier. (Not sure when schools start again for the rest of the world)
summer time = everyones out doing summer things and traveling
school time = everyones starting school again
so which is it?Most of CA has started schools back already, VA has started some counties back, others start Sept 6th (granddaughter starts back then, right now she is in Space Camp), AL has started most back, TN has also started most back. FL has started most back also. Different states start the schools back at different times but most go back between the last 2 weeks of Aug and the 1st week of Sept. They offset them for various reasons. I know in the northern parts of the country they leave a few days to at least a week extra in their planning (maybe more) because of snow days that the schools shut down. Then all that goes out the window when the kids are in year round schools.
Summer time is pretty much over in the US with the schools starting back.
i don’t know about everyone else but my friends and I played the most games when I was in school, didn’t matter whether it was summer time or during college or high school. If anyone went on vacation its usually for 2 weeks max in the US since most people in the US can’t get away from work for that long and/or can’t afford it. Only thing that changed me and my social circles gaming habits is that once we started working we are playing less.
Schools are also restarting all over the US right now. Less people playing in the US during the week as more people are going to bed a little earlier. (Not sure when schools start again for the rest of the world)
summer time = everyones out doing summer things and traveling
school time = everyones starting school again
so which is it?
I hope you realize they have added more content in a few months than they have in the past few years. They already stated that once they are finished with the overhauls, they will work on the next season. From what I have seen, wvw was dying before April. Compared to now, it’s a new game even despite losing some of its luster.
yea we wanted them to fix the game mode not kill it faster.
don’t bother Coopa, some of my posts already got deleted for pointing out the failure with the polls. GoM is pretty much dead. I hardly ever logon anymore I just check forums for when there is a vote going on. Let these people continue to ignore the problem and think things are going in the right direction. We already went from 2 server links to 3/4 server links. Soon they’ll need 5+ links and they’ll end up with their last 3-6 servers and zerg train pirate ship cannon meta. And when they notice then it’ll be too late to fix anything.
Ridiculous, can you please set a requirement of atleast 500 or 1k wvw rank needed to vote???
Who are these people voting for this kitten, the last thing WvW needs is more kittening siege, please focus on making fights more important, people who play WvW for sieging and karmatraining should stay in PvE!WvW should be focused around being mass PvP combat, siege should be secondary to the actual fights vs other players.
It’s kittening 2016 and you still haven’t figured out how to fix skill lag when 3 servers are fighting eachother, get your kittening priorities in order!
i won’t lie, me and a bunch of friends rage voted on both this and the repair hammer poll due to the DBL and server linking poll.
well between this and the DBL coming back I’m done with this game.
- gw2 pvp is boring to watch.
- i would watch it if I was allow to spectate in game and wasn’t forced to watch it on twitch. I want to follow whoever I want and be able to spectate builds etc. Also the casters are really annoying.
Meh. Constantly outnumbered. Constantly defending 10v50 or worse. Fairweathers taking the week off. People running around apparently naked, getting 1 shot.
We can whine and cry or deal and try to make things better. I’m fine running into an outnumbered fight with a lot of names I’ve learned to recognize on SoS and definately GoM as well. And if I’m defending a keep in a 10v50+ I throw as many ACs as I can get operators for. Throw a couple shield gens you lazy blobs.
Nice take on SMC last night!!!
i’m impressed that GoM doesn’t have more of a presence. from my days there we had a lot of dedicated wvw guilds. problem being, when you ask the larger pve guilds for help, they often tend to not care. It’s mostly a pve server, i guess.
most GoM guild either transferred out or don’t WvW anymore due to either not liking the server linking(losing server identity/dislike of blobbing), stale matchups, and with the recent poll announcing DBL coming back i don’t think many people will be coming back.
Hey guys, since I’m seeing this topic pop up a lot, I wanted to step in and clear up some misconceptions.
1. Nearly every player that voted, plays WvW at least somewhat regularly.
2. Whether they play 1 hour a week, or dozens of hours a week, the breakdown between people who voted ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ remains very constant around the 65/35 split.
3. The in-game poll notification mail is only sent to players who are actively playing WvW. They must be at least rank 10, and have ranked up while the poll was running.
i never got an ingame mail
Getting rid of a map completely would inevitably lead to never getting another map again. At least having it on 1 BL … would give some hope for the future of WvW …
As a business, they have to innovate or lose. A better way of thinking about is to imagine the Dev’s saying, “Wow, they really did dislike that map. Better make another one fast before they jump ship.”
Except they have made it clear that a new map is off the table if they get rid of the DBL.
Link Please? I’d be surprised someone from Anet marketing would say that as it would have to be one of the poorest responses to a Customer Satisfaction complaint I’ve ever heard of.
It was in the poll on mixed BL maps. Its not certain but there was a clear implication.
So basically your saying the WvW team twisted everyone’s arm with an idle threat that they better vote to keep the DBl or they’ll never make another map again? Seriously? Why isn’t there an uproar over that then? Ya’ll just stood there and took that?
I never saw any anet devs say or imply this. I did however see the handful of dbl supporters repeat it constantly to scare people into voting to keep it.
here it is
a lot of people on reddit have said they voted to keep DBL for the very reason. This probably contributes to why keeping DBL poll is winning right now
Getting rid of a map completely would inevitably lead to never getting another map again. At least having it on 1 BL … would give some hope for the future of WvW …
As a business, they have to innovate or lose. A better way of thinking about is to imagine the Dev’s saying, “Wow, they really did dislike that map. Better make another one fast before they jump ship.”
Except they have made it clear that a new map is off the table if they get rid of the DBL.
Link Please? I’d be surprised someone from Anet marketing would say that as it would have to be one of the poorest responses to a Customer Satisfaction complaint I’ve ever heard of.
like I said in the previous polls, This method of polling doesn’t actually show anything. Due to how they chose to do the polls, anyone with 20 accounts can vote 20 times and if you don’t even play WvW you can vote as well. They didn’t email them to past and present WvW players over a certain rank to ensure they get WvW player feedback and instead it is open to non WvW players and multiple accounts.
Most do not even know the polls exist, nor are they going to bother with voting in them, they will just leave when they don’t like the game anymore. TBH, I stopped trying, I am not going to go tell people to come vote/ post anymore because honestly, Anet saw the numbers, they know why people left. They know many will leave and not come back this time if they bring the DBL back, if they want to kill the game faster it is their game to kill, I am not going to bother trying to save it anymore. Seriously, if it is this much of a struggle to even get them on the right track to making great maps and increasing their game population long term and they want to force people to accept broken maps they made somewhat playable instead, I don’t think it is worth my time to try to help them anymore tbh. IF they want to do stupid stuff to their game that runs much of the population there isn’t anything we can do to stop them in the end except sit back and watch it burn.
Sure many people will accept a bad map rather than nothing, but that isn’t going to keep them playing long term. Wanting them to make great maps that focus on keeping players engaged in nonstop challenging, fun strategic PvP action the entire time they are on it will never happen because people will accept garbage instead so they will keep feeding them garbage. Those who don’t want to be fed garbage are not going to stick around to watch the others eat it in the end.
well said i’m pretty much on the same boat as you. already told my guildmates my intentions. Next week’s reset is supposed to be when they redo the pairings. Depending on what happens I might change my mind but seems unlikely.
EBG will always have queues, it’s the map pugs go to first to find action. Guilds go there to get fights around smc.
Alpines almost never have a queue over EBG (unless something special was happening like a major gvg or an attacking side is trying to hold a T3 keep), so why would you expect that for the desert bl?
haven’t had to wait more than 5 minutes on reset in EB since alpine came back on GoM. And when the commander / guilds decide to head to another BL there’s more than enough room on EB while the alpine BL’s have queues. I like the way it is now and dont want it to ever go back to the times when there’s 50+ queue for EB cause no one wants to play the DBL.
LOL. And what if you do see that? I, for one, will be waiting with anticipation to see what sort of dire consequences you have in mind with your motherly “I better not see that” threat.
Chances are, the dbls and abls will be in some sort of mixed configuration, so none of us really know what sort of participation there might be with a mixed bls sort of setup.
Hopefully that happens, as I think it would be interesting to see some sort of mixed bls setup.It wasn’t a threat. I’d probably just stop playing but the world will continue turning and others will keep playing without me. Just saying people who are voting to keep the DBL shouldn’t be hypocrites and reminding them to not regret it when they bring the maps back and find them empty like before.
Funny, I had an account on T2, and I never remember 50+ queues in EB when dbls were around, except for reset nights.
Now, I do remember larger than 50+ queues on EB on reset night when they linked servers and brought back abls.
Using your logic, that must mean that everyone hated abls.
yeah no queues on ABL but at least it’s not empty and at least if you ran in there you don’t spend hours running around not seeing anyone.
They got pulled because that loud minority were the only ones communicating with Anet. They were the ones that pushed for the type of communication you have now.
where were they when the DBL’s were empty and EBG was full?
EBG will always have queues, it’s the map pugs go to first to find action. Guilds go there to get fights around smc.
Alpines almost never have a queue over EBG (unless something special was happening like a major gvg or an attacking side is trying to hold a T3 keep), so why would you expect that for the desert bl?
haven’t had to wait more than 5 minutes on reset in EB since alpine came back on GoM. And when the commander / guilds decide to head to another BL there’s more than enough room on EB while the alpine BL’s have queues. I like the way it is now and dont want it to ever go back to the times when there’s 50+ queue for EB cause no one wants to play the DBL.
LOL. And what if you do see that? I, for one, will be waiting with anticipation to see what sort of dire consequences you have in mind with your motherly “I better not see that” threat.
Chances are, the dbls and abls will be in some sort of mixed configuration, so none of us really know what sort of participation there might be with a mixed bls sort of setup.
Hopefully that happens, as I think it would be interesting to see some sort of mixed bls setup.
It wasn’t a threat. I’d probably just stop playing but the world will continue turning and others will keep playing without me. Just saying people who are voting to keep the DBL shouldn’t be hypocrites and reminding them to not regret it when they bring the maps back and find them empty like before.
(edited by synergy.5809)
Get over it. Most people want/like DBL and would like to play on it again. Just because there are a few haters that fill the forums doesn’t mean that is how most of us feel. Enough.
ppl liked it so much that EBG was always queued and DBL were always empty and tooks hours to find another living soul.
if DBL comes back you kittens better not be queueing into EBG after you see the whole DBL map is empty like before.
What do you think would happen if Anet decided to make an EBG desert map (with all the same objectives that are currently on EBG) and made all of the borderlands alpine maps?
Do you think that EBG would no longer get queued?
I think you missed my point. My point was with the way the polls are going it looks like DBL are coming back. And when DBL was around back then before the spring quarterly patch there was always 20+ man EBG queues on reset nights and weekends. Mean while the DBL’s were empty. Only time I’ve seen ppl in DBL is doing guild missions cause its so empty and the maps so large its easy to do capture and holds.
So if the DBL come back since there seems to be a majority that want it back from the polls I better not see EBG have queues while the DBL are empty. Basically what happened before was ppl would go into DBL realize not enough people are there and queue for EBG anyways.