(edited by truthishly.9513)
Showing Posts For truthishly.9513:
It’s not a question of mes being viable. All classes have at least one or two builds that are viable unless we’re talking about the uppermost levels of competition. It’s more just a matter of managing your expectations about solo queue.
For example, it’s not worth slotting portal unless you’re using it mostly for personal defense and mobility. Good team portal usage requires fast and often spur-of-the-moment communication that’s hard to achieve outside of voice chat. Some pugs completely ignore team chat or even have it turned off, and you may not have time to type in the first place, for instance if you’re trying to bail out a teammate who’s about to be downed or stop a decap at the last second.
Also, unless you’re in a high mmr bracket, don’t expect pugs to understand different class roles, i.e., mesmer is not a point holder. Try your best to stay alive, do your job as a dps roamer, call out numbers, and try to direct rotations. Outside of that, there really isn’t much you can control.
The only time I really see mes actively unappreciated is if there ends up being two or three mesmers on the team, which can be a pretty bad comp, especially if the other side has a lot of high sustain classes or multiple thieves.
If you hate turret engis so much, play a class that destroys turret engi like staff ele, power ranger, condi ranger or power necro.
I don’t even know how to respond to someone suggesting we should all play staff ele to counter a single build.
As long as you are not melee power glass canon zerker you stand a chance lol, sry most pvpers . It has plenty of counters,staff ele is just the best but we have to worry about other specs as well.
I can imagine a gs medi guard with stab can clear them turrets out pretty quickly.
@timmyf: In most cases, rangers will already have used PBS to set up the RF. If you had to blow through two dodges to get through RF, you should have dodged towards them, closing some of the distance that way. You should also have some kind of invuln or block which either negates the need for at least one of those dodges, or can be used for the next RF when it’s off cd, though if you closed the distance to them you should be able to dish out some damage and put them on the defensive, or force them to swap to GS. Dodge the bear and keep attacking.
I like 1b with the amendment that points be divided by matches played in order to eliminate the grind aspect and not have to use arbitrary cutoffs (last 100 matches, etc.), and that the multiplier be determined by your actual MMR divided by the average player MMR (assuming that MMR reflects a normal distribution), instead of using tiers from the example that probably disproportionally punish or reward below- and above-average MMR players.
This player is fairly well-known for this kind of language, and has been reported by numerous people in every match I’ve ever been in with him, and I’m sure many others as well. Apparently, however, nothing has come of the reports. Somehow, not surprising…
Was queued, map rolled, bugged out there. Can’t do anything ingame, map roll panel reappears on screen every time I relog on any alt anywhere in the world.
No one said it, it’s just unfun to fight against pets that do a lot of damage to squishy builds.
Squishy classes think everything is OP…
I main glkittenter mes and I love killing turret engis. No complaints here
That censor though.
Yeah… when I first started reading the mesmer forums I had no idea what was going on.
Or just make it a rate over time. LB pts divided by matches played, with a nominal minimum # of games played.
This wouldn’t work for teamq’ers with high MMR, since it’s impossible for them to gain more than 1 point per game, meaning they can’t average more than 1.
True. Might work better if the point spread was widened a bit, and took into account opponent’s score.
There are so many things not to love about a system that measures individual skill on team play, especially with solo queue being as random as it is and so crap at balancing classes between teams, but since the end of game scoreboard doesn’t appropriately reflect people’s contributions to the match, it’s unfortunately all we’ve got.
No one said it, it’s just unfun to fight against pets that do a lot of damage to squishy builds.
Squishy classes think everything is OP…
I main glkittenter mes and I love killing turret engis. No complaints here
Or just make it a rate. LB pts divided by matches played, with a nominal minimum # of games played.
(edited by truthishly.9513)
Since the expansion announcement or around then, I’ve regularly gotten solo queue times of 5-7 min, and longer as well, even without people afking through the accept dialogue.
It’s not a bug. No player skill in the game prevents condition damage. You’ll have to cleanse them or wear them off. It’s a simple rule so no need to bloat all tooltips with that information.
Warrior berserker stance prevents condition damage. Not sure if that’s the only one.
accurately determining the contribution of an individual in a team game.
Does MMR even take this into consideration? I thought it was just a game of ping pong between opponent team MMR and your team MMR and whether the match was a win or a loss.
They announced on the last stream that the LB will be changed to reflect skill level more than grinding, but I don’t think any more details were mentioned.
I was wondering how MMR changes over time, not specifically the math behind it, which is available elsewhere, but what I perceive (possibly incorrectly) to be a bit of a paradox in the marriage of rating and matchmaking. Every day in ranked solo queue, I see the same one or two dozen names in my matches over and over. Through these matches, I have maintained just short of a 50% win rate, which is around what the system should be producing if MMR-based matchmaking is working and premades aren’t an issue (which they have not been). Assuming that the players’ ratings have stabilized to the point that the system is highly confident in them, how does one’s MMR ever manage to change? Playing with and against many of the same players day in and day out, winning roughly half your matches, it seems like after the initial period of high ratings volatility, once your rating has ‘settled’, it is not going to change much without a significant winning or losing streak, which shouldn’t happen in solo queue due to matchmaking as well as the nature of solo queue itself.
I am probably missing something here, which is why I ask this. I also ask because I feel like I’ve hit a wall in terms of progress where my skill and experience are concerned. I don’t feel like I’m learning anything new from these solo matches. Having had the opportunity the past few days to party up with more experienced players through a guildie, I know there’s a lot that I have to learn. But if MMR really does pigeonhole players after their ratings settle, it’s going to be hard to get exposure to higher quality teammates and opponents in order to improve their game. I feel like the majority of solo matches I’m in are won by the team that makes fewer basic mistakes than the other, rather than which one has a better overall strategy or skillset. If rating is actually very slow to change or just plain stagnant, solo queue just seems like a dead end in terms of personal progress.
(edited by truthishly.9513)
Personally i feel shatter mesmers have way too much going on for their shatters, specifically when in the meta shatter spec.
F3 Confuses, Dazes, Grants might, applies 5 stacks of vuln (per shatter), as well as doing pretty high damage, I think it’s a bit too much, but what do the rest of you think?First off, Mesmer is fine except for fire/air sigils right now. They need no nerfs. Second, in order to get your super amazing diversion, I have to invest 6 in illusions, 4 in dueling (no mes build is viable without DE), and 3 in domination. Sounds fair?
You mean the build that pretty much every mesmer in PvP is running because of how strong it is, how’s that any different to saying
“If i want to get x i have to put x into x”?
And the same build that most competent thieves destroy in less than ten seconds. There is no build that is so frequently, easily, and quickly countered by another kittenter mesmer is by thief. Whatever shatter mesmer brings to the table is nullified by the mere presence of one class on the other team, so long as the opposing thief isn’t absolutely terrible.
Ended 10:39am server
Battle of Kyhlo
Lost something like 500-116. Teammates all over the place, didn’t seem serious about anything. IIRC, 2 thieves on winning team, 2 mesmers on losing team. I was trying out a new build, but I wasn’t going to make much of a difference in the score even with the usual build I run. Team didn’t even try.
This match was on 2/2/2015 during thief and warrior daily, happened around 9:15pm EST. Final score was in the 500-250 neighborhood.
Next match was even worse but in my favor, appeared the other team was a 2+3 or a 5man, as all had the “Join Party” option. Pic is from the first match…
If they’re a 5 man, you won’t get the join option as the party is full.
Ended 5:27pm server time
Silent Storm
Won 500-110. First time I’ve seen a match on this map not get to the 8:30 round of buffs. Other team triple capped their home, then two ran right past me going from home to far. They spent most of the match fighting off point after their initial wipe at mid.
No I really don’t. Even one match of premade vs. pugs is one too many if you ask me. I don’t see why anyone would accept a non zero probability of a premade being matched up against a pug team.
Just because completely equal matches are difficult to accomplish doesn’t mean anyone should accept this nonsense.
I couldn’t find anything in the rest of your rant that seemed to me to be a valid point so I will not be responding to any of it.
Posts like this just reek of such ridiculous entitlement it’s surprising that the devs even bother responding on the forum. You sound like you literally have your fingers in your ears and you’re screaming at the top of your lungs to prevent anything that isn’t about you getting your way from reaching your brain.
Ended 6:18am server time
Ranked queue, NA
Forest of Niflhel
Lost 500-169 or thereabouts. Solo vs partial premades afaik, but the other team wasn’t the issue. My entire team first ran past home, then three of them capped it together, then four of them fought Svanir. The match was pretty much over by that point, but to put the final nail in the coffin, all they did was zerg for the rest of the match, mostly off point, and didn’t seem to be taking it in the slightest bit seriously. Never had the slimmest chance. Also, this was after an 11 minute queue (maybe 2-3 seconds short of 11 min).
Ended 7:35am server time
Ranked queue, NA
Legacy of the Foefire
Lost 526-56. Seemed somewhat the result of class distribution, but that didn’t account completely for the ridiculously lopsided score. Losing team had 3 mesmers, a ranger and a necro, all glass except the necro, winning team had 2 mesmers, guardian, ranger, and thief. The other mesmers on my team were not level 80, I think they were level 60 and 44, no idea how much experience they had with the class. May have been the fastest match I’ve ever been a part of.
(edited by truthishly.9513)
Anyway to allow us to know our chance of winning before the match starts?
I would like to quit while I’m behind and get it over with as quickly as possible.
For ranked arena during a ladder, we plan to make the information available. I wouldn’t recommend leaving in one of those matches though.
I think it would be best to show it after the match to prevent an epidemic of quitters/afkers/loudmouths. Keep morale up, some people already do a pretty good job of destroying it as soon as something goes wrong.
For people who are finding a lot of premades in their matches, can you mention whether it was ranked or unranked? I found in unranked I got a lot more pug vs premade matches than I do in ranked.
I don’t mind so much as bad matchups so much as the 4vs5. It’s nearly impossible to win. It needs to be fixed ASAP. i was in a match eariler where we had 450 / 500 in a 4 vs 5. It REALLY sux.
Ranked or unranked? I left unranked because of afkers/leavers every 5 matches or so, sometimes more. Been much better in ranked. It still happens, but more often due to dc, not because someone doesn’t like some map.
Really wish we at least had a mystic forge and crafting tables…
1. Leagues, or some formalized way to separate players into tiers based on skill as determined by MMR. The current way that new players are given an average base MMR means that they’re inserted into matches with experienced players, ruining those matches for both sides, until their MMR settles into something the system can be more confident about. Likewise, experienced players still learning are not going to have good experiences or learn much by being wrecked in the occasional match against more highly skilled players.
2. Matchmaking that takes into consideration the distribution of classes between the teams in the match, and is aware of the current meta. MMR is not the only determinant of a team’s chances to win. A low MMR thief can still do a decent job at completely shutting down higher MMR glass cannons like mesmer or power ranger, making the match a de facto 5v4 for the team with the thief. Stacking bunker or high sustain classes on one team also happens quite frequently, and the system should do its best to prevent this.
3. More statistics to view about your match history, like breaking down your wins and losses by predicted chance to win versus actual outcome, skills you’ve taken the most damage from, wins and losses by map – I’m sure others can think of even more interesting and instructive stats to pull from matches for aggregate reporting on the pvp tab. And, of course, making MMR visible, possibly with a graph of your rating’s trend over a certain number of matches, a spectrum showing how your current rating compares against a distribution of all players’ MMR, average MMR of teammates and opponents, etc.
That’s not exactly how it works in terms of points, you can get anywhere from -3 to +3 depending on your predicted chance of winning a given match and how many points your team ended up scoring, but yes, it’s just a grind. As long as you don’t lose the vast majority of your matches badly, your leaderboard position is much more a function of how often you play than how skilled you are. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not skilled, either, but there’s no way to tell. Win % has a lot to do with whether you’re playing on a consistent, organized team or not. I know many in the top 100 with win % between 45 and 55%, including myself, and we are all mainly solo queuers, as I have had matches with and against them on a regular basis. On the other hand, there are also many with 66% or better wins-losses, and I have seen very few of those people in my matches, so I assume they’re either in a much higher MMR tier or queueing with a team the majority of the time, possibly both.
Has happened to me too. Seems very rare, quite annoying when it does happen though. Also, it wasn’t quite that many pings, only a few over one or two points.
He didn’t actually say that though, if he had noticed a spike in your MMR that would’ve been a possible explanation. He said he was at a loss to explain your losses, and specifically noted that premades weren’t consistently stacked against you.
That’s all I said that he said, I said I inferred that there was something going on with my MMR, which he later replied was probably ‘settling’ – from what, I have no idea. Maybe because at the time I was somewhat new to ranked? And while he addressed premades, I never said once that premades were an issue. Class stacking? Yes. Completely new players who should not be playing ranked? Yes. But not premades. I even defended the system in another thread as far as trying to prevent premades versus solo queuers and doing a reasonably good job at it.
My more general issue is that matches vary so much in terms of teammates it’s hard to figure out where you stand. Yesterday morning, nearly all my matches were extremely close and exciting, where everyone seemed fairly equal skill-wise. Then I teamed up with some friends later on and we continually got paired with a really inexperienced group that we trounced over and over again. Today, the matchmaking feels like it did a few days ago, some experienced players, some completely inexperienced players, usually overwhelmingly in one or the other team’s favor, and a ton of really imbalanced class stacking. Several times I’ve been on two or three mesmer teams while the other team has two thieves, or three guardians, etc. Only one of my several matches today has been close at all, and only because of a last second lord kill on Foefire.
I really think we need a combination of things to improve the pvp experience for everyone – leagues to create a hard threshold between players of different skill and experience level, matchmaking that takes class distribution into account and has some awareness of the prevailing meta, and greater transparency of the available data regarding our matches and mmr, all of this being aimed at creating better, balanced matchups for players, and serving as ways to inform and facilitate player progress. The excuse regarding queue times comes up quite often, but I think the effect of less balanced matches and the possibility of solo queue players going on long losing streaks due to ‘randomness’ is a hell of a lot more demoralizing and more likely to result in people leaving the game mode than waiting a few extra minutes for a better experience.
I love it when he does that! People are coming on the forums complaining that all their matchups are terrible and they’re getting wrecked and Justin goes “nope, you’re winning about 50% of the time, here’s proof”. I don’t know what’s causing so many people to think they’re getting screwed over by the system when they’re clearly not. Could be:
a. their losses stand out more in their memory than their wins, so they think they’re losing more than they are, or
b. they have an accurate estimate of their wins/loss ratio, but they overestimate their own ability so think it should be higher, or
c. they attribute every win to their own awesomeness and every loss to bad matchmaking.
Either way, we’re all just being human, but people should really read about cognitive bias before coming on here to moan. Remember, however good you are at this game, you’re not special, you’re just a number! :p
Or there are people like me, whose losses Justin admitted he had no explanation for. All I could tell from the matchups was that my teams were being overmatched by far better players, so I chalked it up to an aberrant spike in my MMR. But even winning roughly 50% of my games since the losing streak that prompted this thread, I have seen that a great number of my wins AND losses resulted from one team or the other having a ton of really inexperienced players on them, which is at the base of many complaints on the forum.
I’m no pro player, but I’ve been teamed repeatedly with people who don’t know basic map mechanics, run past downed teammates and uncapped points, afk if we’re down by 100 points, trickle into mid one by one to get rekt by the other team over and over again, simple things that don’t imply you think you’re any better than average, just that what you have to work with is far below that.
I’m hoping the partial MMR reset mentioned in another thread has started to correct this, as this morning I’ve had a ton of incredibly fun and close matches, and judging by LB point increase, my team was not predicted to win several of those. But the most important thing is that the players seemed on a pretty even playing field skill-wise. These are the kinds of matchups that are fun, that you can learn and improve from, and which keep you coming back to pvp, which at many points I’ve been just about to give up on altogether because of bad matchmaking. I’ve learned to take one set of matches with a grain of salt, but one can hope, right?
I think thieves are mainly the reason for mesmers getting shut out of the meta. I haven’t seen top tier teams have too many issues with turrets, and it seems that supply crate is mainly used for the stun and secondarily for the bandages and turrets. With all the eles hanging around, I doubt those turrets last very long.
That’s not necessarily true, thieves have been part of the meta for a long time, but that didn’t stop mesmers – the shift away from mesmers wasn’t due to the introduction of thieves. Anyway, that’s a different topic completely :P
Mesmers are less played exacly because of Thieves.
Did you even read my post? If thieves were the ONLY reason that mesmers are being pushed out, they would have been gone over a year ago.
I certainly don’t play at a high level, but I definitely feel that, as a mesmer, I am a detriment to my team simply by the existence of a thief on the other side, so long as he’s even marginally competent. I don’t know when the meta builds became what they are now, for thief and mesmer specifically, but under the current meta I can’t see a reason why mesmers wouldn’t have a place in it other than thieves being such a hard counter. They’re weak to condis, I suppose, but so are other classes like engi, and that class is the poster boy for the cele meta. Maybe I’m missing something?
(edited by truthishly.9513)
I think thieves are mainly the reason for mesmers getting shut out of the meta. I haven’t seen top tier teams have too many issues with turrets, and it seems that supply crate is mainly used for the stun and secondarily for the bandages and turrets. With all the eles hanging around, I doubt those turrets last very long.
64 Ladder Points, 58 Wins, 69 Losses, 1 Desertion, 5 Buys, 9 Forfeits
Also, the fact that I have more points than wins…
58 wins + 5 byes = 62 points
and still a losing record (when I’ve never been under 50% for a reallly long time) shows that I am more often getting used as an equalizer for unbalanced matches than I am getting actually placed against similarly skilled opponents. Doesn’kitten That’s my main gripe.
Since you’re only 2 points away from your ladder score it could suggest that you mostly get even matches and do at least well enough to not loses point most of the time. I’m not confident any assumptions can me made from that data alone.
If I get time I can run another report for you.
I have roughly the same number of lb pts as wins too, but with 23 more losses than wins as of the last hourly lb update, what I infer from this is that I’m ‘expected’ to lose the vast majority of matches that I have lost, or the -points would have dragged my total pts far below my win total. I think the only thing you can reasonably infer from lb pts is whether or not your teams have been performing ‘as predicted’. I don’t think you can read anything regarding match balance into this.
As a condition ranger, I much rather fighting turret engi than fighting a pro celestial ele, which is ridiculously strong and survivable.
So true. I was playing turret engi last night and 1v1ing a condi ranger was brutal. I had to spend most of my time trying to avoid line of sight while holding the cap. How fast you can stack that bleed is insane. Although I will admit I was not using the melandru runes.
i’ll have to agree as well. turret engies are a l2p issue really. condis destroy them, but theyre also hardcountered by LB rangers. you can choose to destroy all the turrets from long range, or just get the engie to pop his defensive cd’s. most of the time as condi or LB, i’ll take down the rocket turret quickly and proceed to kill the engie himself.
Also pretty easy on mesmer, as long as there’s some room to kite. Feedback works really well on rocket turrets, and Warden is also very good against turret engis, especially if they’ve bunched all their turrets up together.
Turrets are annoying, but they’re just that. The engi is fairly useless away from them, assuming he’s traited into turrets, so let him sit on point and go outnumber the rest of his team elsewhere, or send a good ranged or condi class to kill him. There are a lot more glaring issues in the current meta, and turret engi isn’t even in the discussion (or the meta, and for good reason).
Svanir killed me once ; ;
While I don’t think that matchmaking is “Horrible” as the OP put it, there is are solutions to the problem of PUGs vs Premades that are implemented in, for example, most Valve games with a matchmaking system.
Basically, in DOTA 2 and CS:GO, teams are put together partially based on their team compositions. If you dual queue with someone, you will usually end up facing a similar team of two on the other side, because you were matched up with them, and the other spots on either team were filled with solo queueing players. They really should just add in some sort of factor in the matchmaking system that takes into account the size of the groups being entered into the queue.
Now, I only suggest this because Anet seems to have attempted to change the structure of their matchmaking to be very similar to the above games (I’m not sure exactly which game they took their inspiration from, however there are a lot of 5v5 competitive games of which the new PvP matchmaking system is very reminiscent.)
One of the few good things about current matchmaking seems to be that it does a decent job at limiting premades vs solo queuers, at least in ranked matches. I seldom get matched against a premade when queueing solo, but quite often when I queue with a team, which is how it should be. However, possibly due to the lack of teams queueing, the matchup often seems to have little to do with MMR and a lot to do with throwing any two teams together in order not to extend queue times farther.
The real failing of the matchmaking, as I see it after several hundred ranked matches this month, is difference in skill levels. Maybe it’s a problem with MMR volatility, maybe it’s also due to a lack of players queueing. I don’t really know, but I have seen a lot of very inexperienced players getting teamed with very experienced and highly skilled players, and this situation is pretty bad for both sides. Maybe it’s an issue as referenced elsewhere on the forum where new players are given an ‘average’ MMR rating until they’ve had enough matches for the system to be confident about their rating, and until then, they’re considered volatile enough in rating to be teamed with experienced players.
Class stacking and balancing between teams also is way out of hand, and it’s not just about the daily profession winners. I’ve been collecting screenshots of dozens of ridiculous matchups I plan to post here at some point, situations like three thieves on one team and three mesmers on the other. It’s like the system isn’t even trying to divide classes up somewhat evenly when it seems like it would be easy to do in cases like this. So, even if matchmaking is highly accurate as far as player skill ratings go, the matchups we’re given are often completely one-sided as a result of how the classes are divided between the two teams. Unfortunately, queue time seems to be an evergreen excuse from the devs, and combined with low pvp population, I have little faith that it will ever get better.
Welp, after one day of a reasonable win rate in solo queue, I’m back to taking tremendous losses. Rather than being overwhelmed like this past weekend, though, it feels like my matches were winnable, but the teams I’ve been put with don’t know basic rotation, stomping, etc. All they do is just trickle one by one into mid outnumbered and die again and again. It feels like my MMR has adjusted so low after that losing streak that I’m in a really inexperienced bracket right now.
On the other hand, if I look at my LB points, they haven’t taken a hit despite the ridiculous amount of losses I’ve had since the reset. I’ve been about 2-3 points above my win total with no noticeable decreases other than one point once in a great while. I might be wrong, but I can only infer from this that, for the majority of matches, my team is predicted to lose. It’s great that the system can make these predictions accurately, but the losses are really starting to wear on me, and from this and other threads, I am definitely not the only one. Obviously, the beneficiaries of these lopsided matchups aren’t going to take to the forums to complain, so there’s no way to know if those complaining form any kind of majority, but this definitely seems to point to either a serious deficiency in matchmaking or endemic lack of players available to create balanced matchups more often than not. Perhaps both.
In the bigger picture, this situation starts turning formerly enthusiastic players away from PvP, who in turn tell guildies and friends it’s really not worth doing unless they just want to grind rank points or get reward track loot, which reduces the player population further, creating increasingly imbalanced matches, and the cycle continues until this gamemode is just dead.
(edited by truthishly.9513)
I don’t see why the LB can’t just take the points earned and divide them by the number of games played to get a rating of points earned per game, with some nominal threshold for LB eligibility, like 15-20 games or something like that. The spread of points available each match might have to be reworked, like -5 for a disastrous loss you should have won to +5 for a miracle victory of pug noobs over a premade team of esports pros, in order to provide for greater variance (and fewer ties) in player rankings.
(edited by truthishly.9513)
players cant be given any control whatsoever because there is the potential for abuse
The actual tolerance range for matchmaking and queue times would still be set by devs, players would just select one or the other option. Not sure how this could be abused, though I haven’t given it much thought from that angle.
What if there were some player controlled setting, like
matchmaking preference, where you can select faster matches with possibility of greater mmr variance, or more balanced matches, with possibility of longer queue times?
It could have also been that your rating has settled closer to a proper level. Please let me know if you run into any other odd streaks or games.
That was really my question when posting this thread, as I’m not sure why my MMR would have suddenly gotten so high to begin with. I can’t remember any substantial winning streaks which could have contributed to that, as I’ve been basically ~50% my whole pvp career, slightly higher if you don’t include my first 29 ranked matches (9 wins, 20 losses) which I did mainly with friends and guildies for fun before I started taking pvp at all seriously. Anyway, just feels good to finally be winning at least as often as not.
Just a brief update, since going 28-44 over the weekend, I’ve been 21-12 since, so maybe it was just a really (statistically improbable) unlucky streak? Or maybe I should just stay out of solo queue on weekends…
I don’t believe your issue is premades. Of the 72 games you played, only three had you stacked against premades (11111 vs 311, 11111 vs 311, 2111 vs 32). Every other instance involving premades also had your team with an equivalent premade.
I’m at a loss to explain your losses. I’ll keep an eye on your account over the next few days to see if anything stands out.
Thanks for taking a look. As I mentioned above, I try checking each match, and I didn’t notice more premades than usual when I queued solo, which is why I thought it might be an issue with either my personal MMR or MMR in general. It just seems that I’m up against far more experienced groups much more often than I was prior to this weekend. I think you could see that many of these matches were not even close (losses by 200+), including some of the premade vs. premade matches.
Pretty much only going to go with premades of 3-5 in ranked going forward, where possible, and just practice other classes in unranked. It’s been so frustrating to queue solo in ranked lately, I’d rather just avoid it.
(edited by truthishly.9513)
I understand that ranked is tough on solo queuers. But I just don’t see a reason for so many ‘impossible odds’ matchups. I’m not learning anything getting stomped from start to finish, nor am I having any fun. I don’t care about the leaderboards or my LB pts. The fact that I’ve been top 30 or so since they reset is proof of how bad they are. I am not a top 30 player, nor top 300. Maybe top 3000? Maybe. I’ve just had a lot of time to play, and until this weekend’s terrible matchups, was really enthusiastic about PvP.
I was 70-68 in ranked before this weekend, which I figured was pretty average for solo queue. I wouldn’t have bothered posting, but going 28-44 after that seems like more than just a simple bad streak (and several of those wins came with the little time I’ve had with a full organized group on TS). It just feels like my MMR was set too high and now I’ve been thrown in the deep end, which does not benefit me or the teams I’m put on. Would appreciate if Justin or someone could take a quick look to see if that was the case.
Is there a reason more premades would be queueing up just in the past few days? I almost always check if the other side is partied and it hasn’t seemed any more often than usual. I know rank isn’t necessarily an indicator of skill, but there seem to be an awful lot of phoenix and dragon finishers in my matches. My lowly bear is scared ; ;
And yeah, I have been between rank 10 and 30 on the Lb with a few more pts than wins, so it seems i’ve been expected to lose all those matches too. So maybe MMR is fine and there’s just so few people playing? I’m really at a loss here… many losses, in fact.
(edited by truthishly.9513)
In the past two or three days, I have had an abysmal win-loss rate. Up until then, I managed to hover between 48-52%, which I assumed was fairly normal, given that I queue solo most of the time. Since the leaderboard was reset on Saturday, I am now 28-44. I know I haven’t gotten suddenly much worse than I was before, but I have felt overmatched significantly more often than before, and I’m wondering if the reset or something else affected my MMR, or if there was some kind of change to MMR itself. I did recently rank up to bear, I’m not sure if that would have an impact, but I’m getting increasingly frustrated with imbalanced matches which, for whatever reason over the past few days, have seemed overwhelmingly in the opposing team’s favor. I don’t play for leaderboards or reward tracks or increasing rank. I just want to have fun, evenly matched fights that, even in a loss, I can at least learn something from, and it’s pretty hard to do when your team is getting rekt right from the start seven out of every ten matches. Beginning to feel like all really is vain…