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Back to GW2. Looking for some pvp videos

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Hello guys! I didn’t play GW2 for a long time and i saw that warrior is finally buffed so i’m here.

I’m looking for some really good wvw/spvp warrior videos to hype me up.

Also i’d like to ask you one simple question. Why is warrior fun for you right now?

Asuras in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: wllalele.9427


I hate asuras, they’re too small comparing them to the norns and charrs. Human should be the smallest size in pvp. Besides fact that asuras are not enjoyable to fight against, they’re not enjoyable to watch as well. Anet wants e-sports? Haha, i am sure that common viewer will just leave the tournament stream after 5mins when he will see 5 asuras vs 5 asuras, this is unpleasant to watch.

Issues [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Biggest problem that i see is afk in soloq, we need a debuff one that is hard to fix the community, and a report for afk is important, soloq CAN NOT go on with the amount of afk/leavers.
This is game breaking issue you can’t win in 4 or even in 3, everyday i try to solo and i get frustrated because half of the time when i lose is because i’m playing with 4.
This requide a team syngery and a strategy is already doing soloq right now, with afk/leavers is just pure bullkitten.

I heavily disagree with this.

I disagree with you both.

Empathetic Fighter listed important bugs and bad designs, right. But the real issue is that, HOW MANY and HOW OFTEN changes will be implemented into the game.

I can bet right now, we’ll see only one thing from OP’s list in May patch and it will be the skill queue along with some small buffs for warriors, minor changes for other classes, one or two bugfixes and some tooltip fixes. [Just check how many changes they implemented in april’s patch]

This is how weekly patch should look like, not monthly! I think me and other players don’t wanna/don’t have time to wait month after month after month for drastic changes this game needs.

Root/dodge bug destroying pvp

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wllalele.9427


So i was playing warrior, in downed state i used the hammer, someone interrupted me then i died. Of course i had hammer 2 on cooldown in next downed state.

And you know what? I’m not even mad at this skill q thing. I am MAD because it will(or they won’t fix this at all HAHA!) take at least month to fix this.

Honest Discussion [PvE + PvP]

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Good thread Sol Haer, i appreciate it and i hope devs will look at this nice suggestions you guys posted.

Key to balancing warrior is tunning down 100b imo. My idea is to reduce damage by 35%-50% and make it usable while moving but reduce moving speed by 30%-50%.

Next step i think is giving warriors some regeneration and protection to make us viable bunker (especially in spvp). Some people may say “but why, go play guardian if you wanna bunker.” I disagree, there is no holy trinity, so everyone can be everything (i.e. bunker ele,ranger; dps guardian) and the most important thing: we are soldier class, just like guardian is. I know, warriors don’t use magic but we can use some things like hardened skin, enrage mechanics etc.
These two buffs are so important for warrior’s sustain(which is a big issue now). I think these boons should be applied through weapons, not through traits( we are masters of the martial skills for some reason), my examples:

Offhand sword 4.
Rename it for “Taste for blood”
Rip your sword from your foe for extra damage and regeneration.

Shield 5.
Reduce blocking attacks to 2 seconds and give protection at the end of blocking.

And the last thing. Don’t you think that our class mechanics are inferior to the other classes? We have only one adrenaline skill which is not so awesome. My suggestion is to give 1-2 additional skills, first one: heal based on adrenaline level and second one(not sure if it should be implemented) cure conditions(how much is based on adrenaline as well). Or maybe just buff adrenaline skills.

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: wllalele.9427


We will have to wait at least one month to fix this because devs dont want drastic changes.

Warrior Skill Lag?

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


They buffed us so hard that they realised warrior needs input delay, nice. And i thought it’s my internet.

Pace of the changes

in PvP

Posted by: wllalele.9427


First of all i have to say that im frustrated after patch, warrior changes were promising, but boon hate is too deep in discipline tree to be effective.

Don’t you feel frustrated like me, when every month there is “big patch” with their own name (Retribution etc.) and every time we see minor changes like bugfixes and very few “balance” changes? If you wanna keep doing small changes do it every week/2 weeks. With current pace of the changes you will release expansion faster than needed balance changes and then you will start balance from the scratch again.

How can you nerf Frenzy quickness by 50% and leave increased damage taken!? And it took you one month to realise that was a mistake, i mean really? Same thing with tournaments, how long it will take for you to realise that we need separated queues for premades and solo?

We NEED either drastic changes every month or small patches every week/2 weeks.

Why is ranger pet better then Warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Yeah didn’t think so.

You know there is something wrong with the game when ppl are seriously defending warriors in “Ranger’s pet vs Warrior” debate.

Why is ranger pet better then Warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: wllalele.9427


I would like to play as a ranger’s pet, more chances to get slot in the tpvp premade than as a warrior.

Attention Developers: Please read this.

in PvP

Posted by: wllalele.9427


I can understand “small steps” philosophy, but cmon Anet, do it at least every two weeks! With this pace you will never balance this game because new expansion will be released faster than “okay balance”.
My solution is to do either drastic changes or make patches every 2 weeks at least.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Same experience there. Small steps philosophy…We will have to wait another month, and again and again to the expansions, then either we will be op or up. Rinse and repeat.

Warriors have no sustain.

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


I feel that warriors should have 2 adrenaline skills, general heal and damaging one based on weapon.

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Move in the right direction, but still… Too small steps for a such big company.

Should warriors have good regen ?

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


I sometimes think that the bulk of the forums won’t be happy till each class gets a “Press this button to win game” skill.

Huh, sounds good only on paper, you know? Go and play tournies, not hotjoins so you will understand me.

Second best burst damage in game? This is our “viablest” role, still thieves outclasses us.
High health pool? It’s nothing without protection boons etc. You just take few more hits and you’re dead.
Absolute best ranged damage? Oh yeah, decent player will just dodge your rifle’s F1 and that’s it. Longbow is okay, but it shines in big group pvp where your class doesn’t matter.

Okay, we don’t trust magic(and that’s why i’m playing warrior) but there is simple solution – enrage mechanics.
Ideal frontline members?
1st frontline squad: 2x Guardian 2x D/D Ele
2nd frontline squad: 2x Guardian 2x Warrior
We all know which frontline is better.

I dont need kitten “press to win” button. You’re saying this like everything is balanced in this game. When i play warrior, i’d like to feel that i’m playing warrior, not glass cannon with heavy armor skin.(This is our “best” role so far, and ele’s best role is roaming tank, this is ridiculous by the way).

Should warriors have good regen ?

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


There are 2 soldier classes. Guardian has lots of protection, blocks etc. And what we have? High health pool… I don’t wanna be as tanky as guardian is, but c’mon, warrior in gw2 is like thief without stealth. We should have lots of regeneration and be in some way immune to cc because we are soldier class! We are supposed to be in the frontline!

Hammer Build

in Guardian

Posted by: wllalele.9427


PVE, WvW, sPVP? Tank, support, zerker build? We don’t know what’s on your mind.

Tpvp - viable LB/GS build?

in Ranger

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Since nothing really works on my warrior, i’m trying with ranger now. Is this worth even trying? Or should i just go trap ranger like everyone else?

Question from a non warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Trust him.


Let's get it together

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Kaga, go to the mists, make builds for every weapon combinations except greatsword(not even in secondary slot) and try to find some party to do tournaments. I bet you will not find any group(anyway its hard because pvp community is almost dead) with your mighty sword/sword, mace/axe or w/e. Now try soloq tournament, you will be punished for every your spec. Maybe you will think you are bad at pvp. Okay then, reroll D/D bunker ele and you will win tournaments like boss.

Leave the devs alone!!

in PvP

Posted by: wllalele.9427


We will not leave them alone, they promised it will be an e-sport game.

GW2 official twitch channel

in PvP

Posted by: wllalele.9427


All they do after “pvp balance patch” is streaming some PVE content, instead of PVP in e-sport oriented game, haha! I mean, they dont care about spvp at all, its not profitable for them.
They tricked me when they said about 50% PVE 50% PVP with e-sports. Well, my mistake. Bye and good luck if you are still trying.

26.03.2013 Update

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Anet GW2 Warrior description.
“Warriors are masters of martial skills. They rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive. They’re versatile in combat and benefit from offensive and defensive abilities. Warriors inspire allies and demoralize enemies. As a soldier profession, warriors wear heavy armor.”

My GW2 Warrior description
Warriors are mediocre of very few martial skills. They rely on speed, strength, toughness of their teammates, their heavy armor doesnt help them at all to survive. They’re versatile in combat, but other classes do it ten times better. Warriors inspire allies to invite other classes to the group and make enemies laugh at them. As a soldier profession, they are inferior to Guardians.

To be honest, Engineer is now master of martial arts(toolkits) with his buff. Why didn’t they work on warrior as much as they did with engi? And this is just warrior, one class. What about 50%/50% PVE-PVP and e-sports? I am done with this game.

Class for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Hey guys,
First of all i’d like to apologize for my english, sometimes i just cannot describe what is on my mind.

Generally speaking i like gw2, but i can’t play it for longer than 1h. I mean, i can’t pick class for me. Mainly i play pvp, structured looks a little bit boring atm. so i wanna level char for wvw.

Normally i would go with warrior, because it suits me the most but i always play classes with high skill cap( i like the challenge, it keeps me entertained). I think about:
1. Engi
2. Mesmer
3. Ele
(The first one is the class background i like the most)
So in wvw i’d like to roam and be useful in group as well. Should i pick engineer? Maybe mesmer? I know ele is really solid but i’d pick it only when i know that engi and mesmer are rather bad in roaming.


PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: wllalele.9427


I remember all these pictures with 50% PVE 50% PVP, focus on e-sports etc. Where it is now? Anyway, the best thing is, there is no guild wars in Guild Wars, this is disgrace.

Norn necro and PVP

in Necromancer

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Hello guys,
I think i finally decided which class i wanna level up and this will be necro. I am kind of guy who likes both PVE and PVP but its rather 70% PVP and 30% PVE. I wanna play huge norn, since it suits best for me, but im afraid of being “clothy giant” pvp wise. Won’t this be an big disadvantage on sPVP and WvW fields? I don’t see many norns in the Mists so that’s why i’m asking.