Showing Posts For Amiron.1067:

So in what way is condi viable in pve now?

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Sounds like it’s our highest dps build, but it’s very greedy and doesn’t do nearly as much damage as dedicated dps builds from other classes.

I’m hoping this is just early testing and someone will figure something else out, but it looks like it’s fine, just not great.

I disagree with it being greedy. Using dev/cor/inv means you have Assassin’s Presence for 10% crit damage aura, and you naturally stack might through your rotation.

Back to Revving

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


True. But that statement opens a can of worms about “viable” and “meta” and “popular opinion” that I don’t want to really get into :P

Let’s just say that condi rev has been very un-popular up to these latest changes but that now has the opportunity to become more popular. =)

I’ve been having loads of fun in T4 fractals with the condi-rev changes. Very, very optimistic about the future of the class.

Seaweed Salad Nerfed - PANIC BOIZ

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amiron.1067


r i p

Wonder what’s the best food now or maybe just quit power altogether and run condi meta

Don’t over react. Power still works just fine. I agree that the nerf was uncalled for, considering condi is still outperforming power builds.

Why is Jalis not considered for sPVP ?

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Jalis doesn’t increase your survability one atom, and replaces either Shiro or Glint, both of them are way better providing either sustain tools or heavy pressure to the target. Also, Retribution -which sinergizes with Jalis-was already inferior to Invocation in PvP before the patch that butchered that traitline in October of 2016.

I don’t know what you’re smoking, but Jalis certainly increases your sustainability. Hammers reduce incoming damage by 20%, and they’re easy to maintain. Take the Hardening Persistence trait along with keeping up protection while using a Paladin amulet, and you survive far, far longer than any of the glass cannon shiro/glint builds out there. With the life-steal healing from Devastation, regeneration from Glint, Vengeful Hammers, and Infuse Light, your sustainability is top-notch. The only danger is heavy condi-application builds, and even then if you use your tools correctly, you can cleanse the conditions and outlast the attacker.

Sure, you don’t pressure nearly as well as shiro, but that isn’t your job with this build. It is best utilised by holding points with your team or 1-upping a fight on a point you are trying to defend.

How is revenant for PvE?

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I do fractals everyday on my revenant and do just fine. Mind you, I take advantage of my seaweed buff (+10% more damage while moving with seaweed salad food) that I craft and the fractal potion buffs. They practically pay themselves off with how good the gold income is from fractals and how much more damage and easier it will be with those buffs.

All that said, I have yet to cross a group where we haven’t been able to succeed because of damage. Anywhere outside of raids, revenant is completely viable and acceptable. That perma-protection, fury, and strength/quickness uptime is fantastic and with other classes that provide buffs, your damage will be more than acceptable for whatever fractals or anything else PvE related throws at you.

As for raids, yes, we are sadly not in the “meta”. But if you join a guild that is more casually raiding or is doing training raids, you’ll be fine. Your damage with group buffs is more than acceptable to deal with whatever the game throws at you. You’ll most likely fill the spot of a guardian, providing protection and fury. Your CC is also fantastic with Staff #5 for breaking defiant bars.

New Player, Sad Player. Expansion ruined it.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amiron.1067


New to guild wars 2. Been playing the last week leveling up a warrior through the main story line and base game. I was having a blast, great story line and fun interactions. I even enjoyed the new take on some of the quests and how you could do a quest a few different ways. Last night I gave Zhaitan a beat down and was hyped to jump into the next story line and expansion. I had NO problems at all through the main game.

Then today happened. I get into the new heart of thorns zones and right away the first thing that hit me is how GOD AWEFUL and annoying the layout and design of the zone was. this set a horrible tone. I get that it was trying to force the use of the glider and whatever bogus mushroom crap is in the game but it was FAR too forced. Its more annoying than its fun.

I start up my SOLO play story line. Let me say this again.. SOLO PLAY Story line. To find out that not only do the NPCs get absolutely annihilated leaving you alone to fight 15+ mobs, but you yourself get zerg gibbed in 2 seconds. Yes i dodged, Yes i tried to avoid everything. At some point you have to try and hit them and thats when you get gibbed.

After dying and grinding my way through a few solo missions and getting to the point where I had to defend the frog village only to once again have every single npc dead within seconds and dying over and over i gave up.

The SOLO PLAY story line is simply not designed properly. Its garbage. And thats it for me, I was COMPLETELY enjoying the game .. right up until the expansion. Solo play is just not balanced properly.

I always wondered why more people dont play this game. Now i know.

I would really focus on getting gliding and jumping mushrooms. It makes traversing the new zones very easy.

A big thing to note about HoT content is that the difficulty is much higher than the classic game’s content. Play more defensively, observe the monsters, and stay on your toes. Most mobs have general weaknesses or signature moves that can be utilized/avoided to defeat them. For example, smokescales tend to do a bunch of attacks while teleporting around you. A good way to deal with this can be equipping an offhand shield to block that attack or double dodge through the attack.

Zhaitan is considered one of the most laughably easy fights in this entire game, and the fight is also considered to be the biggest let down in Guild Wars 2 history. Don’t base the difficulty of the game off of one terribly designed fight.

Most players love unlocking gliding, sorry you haven’t enjoyed it. Once you’ve unlocked the entire mastery path for gliding, you can glide indefinitely without falling once you’re out of stamina. It’s really enhanced the entire game, and you can even glide in older zones. I wouldn’t knock it until you put some effort into mastering it.

How much of a DPS loss is it?

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Can’t give you specific numbers, but without utilising quickness, it’s a very big DPS loss. If you have access to quickness and don’t use it, you’re missing out on multiple extra attacks.

Edit: I just wanted to add that, unless you’re playing a ventari revenant, you’re going to be swapping legends practically on cooldown. It’s a major part of your DPS rotation, and you need to do it to perform your dps, which, unfortunately for us revenant’s, isn’t that great in the first place.

Some Constructive Feedback of Mallyx

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Hello fellow players (and hopefully curious developers!) I wanted to share some constructive feedback after creating and playing with a new Mallyx/Glint Mace/Axe condition damage build:

Just a remark – you can use Balthazar runes instead of the Nightmare/Trapper combo. You still cap Burning, Torment and Poison durations, you come a little ahead on Condition Damage and it’s much cheaper.

Other than that, I’m having lots of fun with the exact same build. It is true its damage is subpar and Mallyx doesn’t really add much in terms of condi applications.

I realized this after watching a qT video on their best build for pve damage XD Good call. And glad you’re liking the play style too! I’m going to update the original post with the right build.

Some Constructive Feedback of Mallyx

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


  • Remove energy cost of weapon skills.
  • Corruption needs to merge the torment duration / torment application on crit minor traits and have another new minor trait to help the trait line out more.
  • Diabolic Inferno needs to have no ICD and Embrace the Darkness needs to be given a 2 second cooldown on activate/deactivate.
  • Unyielding Anguish needs evade frames on it.
  • Venom Enhancement shouldn’t have an ICD and should have its poison application’s duration reduced slightly to compensate.
  • Other legends need to have better support for condition application; Glint really does very little for it outside of Elemental Blast. A good way to do this would be to put bleeds on Shiro skills.
  • Revenant really needs a secondary condition application weapon set outside of Mace/Axe. Hopefully a future elite spec helps out here.

I like the majority of these ideas! It would be interesting to see perhaps Impossible Odds causing all attacks to bleed for, say, 5 seconds. I’m hoping we get a ranged condi weapon with the next elite specialisation.

Some Constructive Feedback of Mallyx

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


The only change to mallyx I would like to see atm is,

Unyielding Anguish:
*Immobilize Removal

Any of those things in some combination. But that’s from a wvw perspective.

I think it could be interesting to see it ignore immobilization! I honestly don’t play much WvW ^^’’, but I am getting more interest in the game mode.

I have to say I dislike the idea of hyper-specialization (having to pick, say, condi DPS in your skills, your legend, your trait, your stats, your sigils and your runes – why even have 6 areas of choice if they have to be aligned anyhow?).

I’d rather have Mallyx itself come with significant modifiers, so that even in a non-condi setup I could swap to it to temporarily become “not bad” at conditions, and in a condi-centric setup, swap to say, Shiro, to become not bad at direct damage while I’m in the presence.

Something like:

Mallyx – Legendary Demon Stance
Invoke the power of Mallyx, gaining access to powerful condition-related abilities. While you channel Mallyx through you, your conditions last longer, are stronger and your weapon skills have a chance to bleed your foes.
Condition duration improved: 25%
Condition damage increased: 300 (maybe more, not sure)
Chance to apply Bleeding: 25% (applies to all hits, but scales down with procchance on multi-hits and AE attacks)

In essence, this would be something all these legends have, some form of massively enhancing their primary area of expertise. So that you can (sort-of) be a “hybrid”.

I’ve always been a fan of having legends give some basic stats to help the revenant succeed better at being a “jack-of-all-trades.” My only concern with this idea is how much work the developers will have to do to implement such a change. Sounds a lot like an expansion update, rather than a quarterly one.

Because of that concern, that’s the main reason I tried focusing on small tweaks that seem plausible because I want to see this profession fixed in both short and long term.

(edited by Amiron.1067)

Did GW2 lose its identity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I’m a new player, don’t have an 80 yet. Reading the forums and reddit it seems HoT is ‘L2P or GTFO’.

Still enjoying the core game, but not looking forward to HoT.

It’s not as disastrous as people claim it to be. Fractals are a very fun way to play 5-man content at max level, and raids are there for those that want to pursue it. The game is so lax’ed in design that I think it’s humorous people would suggest that this game’s community has become like every other MMO’s.

The beautiful part that most forget is that nothing in Guild Wars 2 is mandatory. Achieve what you want to set out to achieve, skip whatever you dislike. Be free.

Ep5 update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I appreciate the head’s up, and I’m looking forward to what you guys and gals over in Seattle have cooking in the pot!

Some Constructive Feedback of Mallyx

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Hello fellow players (and hopefully curious developers!) I wanted to share some constructive feedback after creating and playing with a new Mallyx/Glint Mace/Axe condition damage build:

Generally, the theme of the build is very fun, and far more active in combat compared to the Revenant’s power Shiro/Glint counterpart. However, it runs into a few problem when it comes to how it stacks up compared to other profession’s condition damage builds. I wanted to list some key problems I think Mallyx Revenants face, and offer some solutions to those issues that I mulled over.

DPS. Let’s address probably the biggest elephant in the room; comparing Revenant objectively to other classes, it falls short of just about every condi build in the game, barely managing dps above 20k in near perfect conditions.

Some ways I believe Revenant could be buffed is in some traits in the Corruption line, and a small tweak to mace skill two. The T3 minor trait, Yearning Empowerment, could be buffed to bring some sort of damage buff to the Revenant’s torment application, much like how the Guardian receives a damage buff to their burning condition. What this percent should be, I’m no mathematician, but it’s clear the tech is there to tweak the damage of specific conditions on professions, so it could be applied here to buff what is, in most situations, a fairly weak condition in terms of damage potential, albeit being the one of the signature conditions the profession applies.

Another small suggestion is to buff the application amount of the major trait Venom Enhancement to two or three stacks. Perhaps another specific buff to Revenant’s damage specifically with the poison condition is applicable?

Finally, another small way that could help buff condition damage would be to look at the mace main-hand skill, Searing Fissure. A key issue with this skill is the fact that the fire field is stationary, and acts fairly wonky sometimes with the terrain. Sure, an enemy sitting still will take a fairly respectable amount of burning damage, but we all understand how active Guild Wars 2’s combat is (one major reason I play this lovely MMO!) We understand that movement is as key to combat as using skills are, and it’s unrealistic to expect monsters to be standing still long enough for the condition to really show potential for the revenant.

To help tweak Searing Fissure into a more formidable skill, perhaps you could consider reducing the duration of the burning condition applied, but increasing the applications to two or three in such a fashion that is a net dps gain and is careful not to overpower the skill. Or, perhaps you could frontload the applications of burning on the initial strike, increasing it to two or three stacks of burning, slowly simmering down over it’s duration and applying fewer stacks of burning as it dissipates.

Another area that could help Revenant’s AoE damage would be by tweaking Unyielding Anguish. As it stands, it is one of Revenant’s few reliable ways to really commit to some AoE condition application, yet it applies few stacks of torment and, for the energy it costs to use, it feels fairly under-tuned. Would it be an acceptable tweak to increase the stacks of torment it applies to two?

Another thought comes to mind when considering Unyielding Anguish; it could be transformed into a control ability, (something lacking within the Mallyx kit.) I don’t know which developer decided that red-scaled reptiles should be able to pull me in and apply nasty, deadly amounts of confusion to my character, but let him or her know that they can chalk a few of my deaths in-game to those sunscale kitten-munchers.

Now, stay with me, what if Unyielding Anguish’s initial damage was a pull to the center of impact? This has amazing synergy with mace/axe playstyle, allowing the Revenant to neatly pull his prey into a tightly knit group to unleash his Searing Fissure’s upon. It also gives Mallyx a way to finally assist in breaking defiant bars beyond a 15 second cooldown in axe off-hand’s skill four, Temporal Rift.

These are just some initial thoughts I had. I really do enjoy this build, and I plan on playing it, even if it is a little bit below the herd in damage, but I would love to see the developers reiterate on some of the designs so that the play style can bloom into something even more enjoyable and contributes better to the party as a whole.

I look forward to comments, ideas and criticism both, and further discussion on bettering a gem of a specialisation, stance, and gameplay.

(edited by Amiron.1067)

Viability of a Revenant/Herald support/heal

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I run a zealots Devastation/Salvation/Herald with monk runes for fractals, sometimes in raids. Don’t let people tell you it doesn’t work, because it does. The problem is that this community is deadset against anything that isn’t meta, so you’ll have a hard time finding groups.

Heal rev tips wanted

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Water runes are generally better.

Only for you, the 10% outgoing heal on monk heals more than water.

Which is why I also recommend sigil of transference on both weapon sets if you are going yolo healer.

any of the sigils with “on use of heal skill” are also VERY good for ventari since you can spam your heal skill. you can get nearly 100% uptime on fury or regen for 5 people just out of your runes plus even rune of the flock is pretty good.

I think you mean on heal rune, and while they are all very good, monk is still the best option. It heals more than flock, and water. And the boons from dwayna/grove/altruism can be given with glint/traits.

I should correct what I said earlier. One should use sigils of water and life. The math was done on that and they have the best heals per second.

how are you supposed to provide fury and regen with glint while your using ventari tablet to heal? does not compute.

You heal in glint via regen and shield/staff #4. Regen alone heals others 500+ a tick if properly traited. The shield skill hits for 5214 in heals, staff around 4995. Plenty of healing for the 10 seconds you’re in Glint. Unless there are specific phases of a fight where intense healing is needed, which then I recommend camping ventari for those phases.

Edit: Fixed my guesstimates with actual math using my build.

(edited by Amiron.1067)

Alacrity fixes everything...

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I’m very much a fan of these Ventari rev buffs. This is the build I use. Haven’t run any raids yet (I’m still working on getting ascended versions of zealots accessories), but the fractals I’ve done have been butter smooth.

V Tablet needs to be a back piece

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Oh, I thought this thread was going to be about wanting a ventari’s tablet backpack skin and I was all set to thoroughly support the request.

Never mind then.

I’m totally in favour of this!

Heal rev tips wanted

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Here is the build I use.

Key aspects;
*Switch legends on cooldown when possible to keep 20% outgoing healing buff.
*You deal good damage in zealots gear, so make sure to multi-task!
*Try to cleanse conditions with your staff first; tablet cleanse is an energy hog.
*When in dragon stance, fury, protection, regen, and facet of nature should be prioritised.
*If you have good might generation already via another party member, switch Shared Empowerment for Bolster Fortifications.
*Always use Ventari’s Will on cooldown as much as possible to keep up your 10 second +200 healing power buff.

I’ve been having lots of fun carrying fractal groups and supporting big zergs in both pve and wve with this build.

Upcoming Changes to Skills

in PvP

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I understand the nerfs to damage revenant builds, but I’m really honestly shocked that a year and some months after launch of HoT, we still don’t have any bug fixes for many of our abilities that don’t work properly, like Mace 2 not working on the slightest slant of terrain, Unrelenting Assault randomly not working or stopping mid animation, Jalis hammers disabling themselves when they touch a wall, and the list goes on.

The revenant class needs some serious bug addressing, and as someone with three level 80 revenants and many hours playing the class, my patience is running thin with these game-breaking bug that have existed since the beginning, yet appear to receive no attention every time skill updates make their way through.

Could you guys at least acknowledge these bugs exist and that you’ll look into them? That would be the best baby step to restoring some of my faith in the team.

[NA] LF Semi-casual/Social PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Hello, SconeOfDoom! Thanks for the reply. After taking some time to read your post and look around the website, I think your guild is a close candidate to what I’m looking for. A little disappointed to hear that meta builds are an absolute requirement for the guild raids, but understandable, as they are meta for a reason. The reason I’m so stingy on this issue is because I’m not a huge fan of the Revenant dps play-style, and I’m looking to fill a role that is both different than what I’m used to and more interesting than the auto-attack spam that is sword gameplay.

That isn’t particularly a deal-breaker, however, because it seems like the Knights check practically every other box on my list (I can respect your view on age; it’s completely reasonable.) I definitely have my eye on your guild, and I’ll have a more concrete response after I review my options.

Thank you again, Scone! I’ll add you in-game.

[NA] LF Semi-casual/Social PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Hi! I’m Amiron, and I play Tolgwyn, the sylvari revenant on server Tarnished Coast. I’m recently returning to GW2 after a hiatus and I’m looking to join a social guild as I level my new revenant. I’m looking for a guild that is:

*18+/Mature. I’m 22, and I want to play in a mature environment.
*Social/friendly environment that is accepting of all individuals, regardless of lifestyles.
*Focuses on playing during the late-evenings and nights. (EST: 10pm onwards)
*Raids semi-casually. (Whether that be dedicated raid nights or fluctuating based on schedules)
*Interested in fractals, casual or otherwise.
*Does not require me to stay tagged in guild 100% of the time.

To explain further what I mean by semi-casual; I’m planning on gearing up my revenant using Brazil’s guide for the Ventari Support Herald, and filling a support role. I understand it’s not “meta”, but it looks fun and effective, and I plan to play it seriously with an intent to master that role. If your guild isn’t interested in accepting anything besides meta builds, then I probably won’t be a good fit for you.

I am unfamiliar with most the raids, but as I level my revenant, I plan to research and learn the fights through videos and guides. I am very interested in this pve side of GW2 that I never truly got into. (Downed Spirit Vale Guardian with an old guild, but never progressed further as people lost interest in the game.)

And on the topic of tagging 100% of the time; I’m also a role-player, so I will seek to join other guilds that RP and will tag up to RP with them. I have no issues representing the guild outside of RP all of the time, but if I can’t join other guilds for this niche purpose, then I will not be a good fit for yours. PvE will come first, so RP will not conflict with raid/fractal schedules.

Anyways, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me here or in a private message. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

(edited by Amiron.1067)

Revenant Appreciation Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


My favourite profession! It’s a shame it took until Heart of Thorns for it to be released, because I would have been playing the revenant from the start otherwise.

I am concerned about our lack of condition damage options (and the lack of viability of our condi-spec, for that matter), but I really enjoy all the other specializations. I hope Ventari can continue to see some more quality of life improvements, and to see Riposting Shadows finally escape the nerf-hammer lol.

Looking forward to whatever comes next on my rev.

One dimensional Herald Change [Suggestion]

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I like the aura-mancy feeling of herald, and would hate to see the play-style be changed/removed. However, I would certainly hope that the new elite specialization branches out far away enough from the normal play-style.

Please explain energy AND cooldowns on skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


…Revenant just auto attacks all day until their energy comes back.

And this is how you know you’re seeing a bad revenant. If there is a revenant just sitting there auto-attacking (i.e. not switching legends and using utilities), then they’re just doing it wrong. You should never be waiting for your energy to come back as a revenant; instead, simply switch legends when you run out of energy to attack.

Sarif's Phase Traversal CD Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Fantastic feedback. I’d still prefer an increase of energy cost to 25 or 30 and removal of the cooldown, however. We don’t need cooldowns; energy is our limiting mechanic.

Revenant Changes 28/10

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Surge of the Mists: Reduced the damage by 15%.

This makes sense. It wasn’t meant to do damage anyways.

Sry but what it should do if it is not doing damage, it is 20 CD skill god sake and best scenario in which could land 9 hits, which rarely happens, could do 10 K damage and knock somebody down.

It’s a great CC and quick evade. Staff is not a damage weapon, so I don’t mind the damage nerf to #5. That said, staff still has problems that I would like to see fixed:
-long cooldowns compared to other Revenant weapons
-long cast time on #2 makes it unwieldy
-high energy costs (#2 triggered ability, #4, and #5)

I personally propose (i) a reduction in cooldown of staff #5 to 15 seconds and so that it can be used more as a sustainable evade/CC rather than burst damage; (ii) reduction in energy cost of #4 to 10 energy, and/or cooldown reduction to 12 seconds (iii) reduction in cast time of #2 from 3/4 to 1/2 second.

Fluidmonolith said everything I wanted to say. To summarize; staff isn’t a weapon based around damage. The #5 is meant to disperse a crowd. The damage is second to that first feature.

Revenant Changes 28/10

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Infuse Light: Reduced the duration from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.

This seems fair, although I would have liked to have seen a bit of a reduction in cooldown to match the nerf.

Phase Traversal: Added a 5-second recharge.

I really dislike this change. This is what made us so good mobility wise, and it already had a high energy cost. You could have upped the energy cost to 25 or 30, but I really dislike having cooldowns with skills that already have energy costs, which are supposed to balance it all out anyways. You only have a finite amount of energy, and spamming Phase Traversal expended our resource very quickly.

Crystal Hibernation: Increased the recharge from 20 seconds to 25 seconds.

This change makes sense. The healing still feels fairly low. I would like to be able to move while using it or you could at least let it scale with healing power.

Soothing Bastion: Increased the recharge from 20 seconds to 25 seconds.

This also seems fair, but could benefit from the changes above. 2 second boon duration feels way too low though.

Surge of the Mists: Reduced the damage by 15%.

This makes sense. It wasn’t meant to do damage anyways.

Underwater Weapon Swapping, Just Spears?

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Revenant was originally designed to be the Heavy armor single weapon profession (like Ele and Engineer). However, players were underwhelmed by the profession since you made three flat choices (weapon set + 2 Legends) and had no way to change up your primary bar like Eles and Engineers can.

ANet went with a kinda lazy fix and just added a second weapon, but didn’t design a second underwater weapon. Just like how they didn’t design beyond the initial 3 utilities per Legend.

They had time constraints that prevented completely new development on skills but it’s bad PR to say such and Roy has avoided commenting on either fact (lack of additional utilities for build nuance or additional underwater weapons) and is unlikely to. What will happen is that a few months from now they’ll say “While the Revenant has been a rousing success we felt they could use more nuance to their builds! So we’re adding Trident as an under water weapon and an additional utility per Legend!”

I would hardly call adding weapon swapping a “lazy fix”. It was a simple and needed fix, and I’m very happy with the change.

Buying the game early =! early access

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amiron.1067


The only reason HoT launch was smooth is because the sales were really below the expectations of ANet…

Not enough players to hamper the servers…

Do you have the details/numbers on how many people logged in for the launch?

(Hint: the answer is no, but you like to make stupid comments anyways.)

5 days

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amiron.1067



Now go do it again on ten other characters. From the exact same hero points every single time.

It will be a lot easier now that he/she has the masteries to get to them or access them a lot easier.

How long does it take to level a rev to max?

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Leveling has always been pretty easy to do in GW2. Get some food and utility consumables to increase your exp gain and just play however you’d like.

Opinions on Ventari?

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


The healing feels too low for the amount of time it takes to actually get it rolling. On top of that, the tablet is still clunky to use.

I suggested a “follow mode” for the tablet, where the tablet simply follows the revenant until ordered to move somewhere. Then, the revenant can recall the tablet and have it continue following him/her.

Revenant Extremely OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Sounds to me like you don’t understand how the class works or how to counter it. Go play the revenant for a bit and learn it. It’s much easier to fight classes you understand.

I played mesmer for a while just to understand the class better so I could fight it in pvp a lot easier.

Is The Revenant Worth Playing!?

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I go sword/shield & staff berserker with sigils of fire and air, energy and intelligence on staff. Traits are devastation, invocation, & herald. Stances are dragon & assassin.

Damage is insane on this build. You squish pretty easily, but if you can time your opponent’s attacks and learn when to burst, you can take people out in mere seconds. The miststep on assassin stance is absurdly good for getting to enemies hiding or on higher terrain. When you get focused, you can use your heal to survive.

Overall, the Revenant is incredibly solid in sPvP. I can see them being meta.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Finally got a chance to fight the boss without disconnects and bugged ui. It does not feel like gw2 boss at all. Where did our cool combat system go? Everything feels way too passive now. It is challenging but not in a way I was hoping :/

I disagree. I really like the designs. They just need some tweaks to really up the need for other roles. Have the boss raid wide damage tick higher numbers to require another healer, and have the boss auto attacks be a little stronger so the “tank” has to focus on more active defenses instead of just using the a little toughness to hold aggro and then go full on dps.

Raid Feedback

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amiron.1067


PLEASE DISABLE THE USE OF BOOSTERS IN RAID ENVIRONMENTS LIKE YOU DO FOR PVP. Other than that, the raid seems fun! I think the floating blue orbs that can hit you for damage need some extra kind of explosion effect if they touch your character as it’s kinda hard to tell what happened. Their hit boxes are a little off as well. Also, please increase the periodical damage from the bosses that effects the entire raid. Otherwise, we’ll never see the need for more than one healer in the raid.

Those things aside, the mechanics are really fun. Really looking forward to the raids to come!

[BWE3] Revenant Feedback Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


So, Revenant. Fantastic profession so far. I will definitely be playing one as my main as soon as HoT launches. I have but two suggestions for the profession so far. One of them is a cosmetic suggestion, and the other is mechanics involving the Ventari Tablet.
First, the cosmetic; I’ve noticed that the Revenant hand-glow that changes color based on which legend you are channeling persists throughout the entirety of the Revenant’s existence. I’m a role-player and a fashion king, and the constant hand-glow is a bit off-putting. My suggestion; make the Revenant hand-glow and in-combat only graphical effect, much like how the elementalist’s elemental bracelets only show up while they have their weapon’s unsheathed. I know this is a minor detail, but I and many of my friends pointed it out, so I thought I’d offer the suggestion.

Second, the centaur stance; love the healing capabilities, but the tablet mobility is a serious issue. The issue was incredible exasperated in the raid’s first boss where my guild had to almost always be mobile. The druid, on the other hand, had a much easier time healing people on the fly because their healing was more positioned around themselves. Because of this, Revenant healing might fall far behind the potential that Druid has.

Here’s my suggestion; make the tablet hover next to the Revenant by default when it is summoned. When the Revenant moves, the tablet moves with him/her. Then, if the Revenant wants to send the tablet to another area, he/she can use the skill again to send it out towards the targeted area (like how the skill functions currently). The Revenant can then use the skill again to recall the tablet to him/her to resume “follow mode.”

-#6 Summons Tablet; Tablet follows closely to Revenant by default.
-Using #6, Revenant can send tablet to targeted area, and it stays in that area until called back.
-Revenant can use #6 again while the tablet is stationary to summon it back to him/her to have the tablet follow him/her again.

This would make it much, much easier to position yourself to heal others, while still having the ability to send the tablet off into the distance to heal others who might need it. It would also make the Revenant’s healing much more competitive to Druid’s.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Unfortunately, the displace mechanic was interacting poorly in the game as a whole. It was causing undesired behavior with NPCs and pathing, its strength varied by game mode, it was very disorienting to the receiving foe and other issues as well. We made the decision to remove displace and change the skills which had it on them. In this case we changed it to a knockback because it was similar functionality.

  • Forceful Displacement: This skill no longer displaces foes, instead it will now knockback the foe 600 distance.

Quick note: I hope you didn’t make it a single target knockback… Because then it’s basically a watered down Guardian downed #2. Make it unblockable if it’s a single target, otherwise it’s worthless.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Hey there, Roy! Just wanted to say thanks for the heads up on the changes. Also, I have a suggestion for the hand-glow; make it an in-combat effect only, much like the elementalist elemental ring around their hands when they’re holding their weapons. It can be kinda distracting when standing around in town clothing.

Describe the Reaper in 3 Words

in Necromancer

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Lacking Blast Finishers
Loads of Fun
Slow and Deadly
Imitation Dervish Shroud
Shouts Need Buffs
All The Twilights
Vulnerability Applications Incoming

[feedback] HoT failed...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I’m inclined to disagree, the events were very good. Most of them were just bugged this beta weekend. I find them a more fresh and interesting experience than how Silverwastes did it (nothing against SW, it’s a nice map). Rather than having one central event, there are a variety of things you can go do. You could help the Itzel, grab Pact supplies, help capture outposts, etc. Also, using rifles is 100% optional.

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amiron.1067


They should not be blocked out from fun experiences and cool rewards, they should not have a slower advancement path, just because they do not want to participate in difficult content, or are incapable of doing so.

I was with you until the bolded part. I disagree fundamentally with you if you believe, if there were an “easy mode” and “hard mode”, that easy mode players should have access to the same unique or interesting rewards as hard mode players.

I’d be okay with a system that provides the same rewards, but more to hard mode players. In example, a new dungeon path rewards easy mode players with 1 charged core on completion, but the hard mode players are rewarded 3 charged cores. Players still get the same rewards, but the ones who put in the extra work get the better reward.

Historically, those who put in the most work net the bigger and better rewards. What would be the incentive to play hard mode content if easy mode provided the same rewards and took much less time to accomplish with relative ease? It simply makes no sense.

Low FPS (yes, another thread)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Don’t use Auto Detect and I, personally, wouldn’t use Raptr at all to “optimize”.

Try setting everything to high but turning down,

  • Shadows- Medium would probably do best on your CPU+GPU
  • Reflections- Terrain and Sky or None,I normally use none even when my average FPS is +50 because it can cause some serious dips with quick camera movements.
  • Native Sampling
  • Uncheck Best Texture Filtering.
  • Character Quality and Max Characters- Medium

Dont expect a solid 60FPS in most areas, your CPU is holding GW2 back a lot, but that should be better since those are the heaviest performance impacting settings.

This guy has the right idea. All of these should help your FPS tremendously at the expense of minor appearance improvements.

Bigger interface text 4K

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Its been reported a few times now, I think its because when the game was developed, 4k wasn’t even a thing for gaming, I agree that they should look into this, given that a lot of people play other games that might well support 4k, id be amazed if they didn’t have something to cover 4k after HoT is released.

It has definitely been reported multiple times. I play 3840 × 2160 right now, and while it’s playable, it’s can be really hard to read boon stack numbers and chatlog entries.

It’s hilarious to me that so many people dismiss this issue because “Only 1%’ers play like that, you elitist snob!” These claims are false. Nvidia Dynamic Super Resolution allows gamers to enjoy 4k resolution with non-4k monitors, meaning lots of people are playing or trying 4k.

Another counter-argument: WoW is 10 years old, and they’ve had proper UI scaling since the get-go. They didn’t have to prepare for “4k elitists”, they simple took care of the problem with smart coding. GW2’s UI, however, is the least customizable (but very pretty) UI in the MMO market. Unfortunately, pretty does not trump quality of life.

(edited by Amiron.1067)

Game keeps crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Question: Did you recently upgrade to Windows 10? And if so, are you running Nvidia graphics? If yes to both of these, it’s a known issue that’s being worked on.

Until then, I suggest doing what I’m doing; reverting back to Windows 8.1 for a couple of months until driver issues are ironed out.

Issues with Frames dropping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amiron.1067


I’m going to play around with gpu/cpu over clocking to see if I can find any differences.

Honestly, don’t expect it to make a huge difference. You won’t see much of an improvement at all in areas that already drop to 15-20 fps because of poor optimization. The engine is old, and newer hardware and overclocking isn’t going to fix the issues raised.

Issues with Frames dropping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amiron.1067


This has been an issue since the game has launched. My specs well exceed the minimum and average hardware for this game, but even with such high specs the game can drop to unacceptable frames per second. My specs are as follows:

-i7 4790k @ 4.4 GHz
-Nvidia GeForce 780ti x 2 SLI
-Z97 MSI Krait Edition Motherboard
-16 GB 1866 Mhz Corsair Vengeance
-Windows 10 Home 64 Bit

In most open world areas, my FPS varies from 60 fps to 100+ while running 3840 × 2160 and nearly max settings. (LOD Distance and Shadows are set to High instead of Ultra. I get weird FPS drops at Ultra for LOD, and Shadows at Ultra cause a really strange stutter whenever I turn my camera. This has also been an issue since launch.)

At this point I’m more than convinced that it has nothing to do with my hardware when I drop to 30 or less FPS. Areas like Bloomhunger, The Maw, Lion’s Arch, and other locations just have bad optimization. Another setting to note is the “Player Model Limit”. Anything above Medium causes ridiculous FPS drops in giant zergs. I don’t understand how or why the optimization can be so horrendous for player models, where so many other MMO’s get it right.

Honestly, I love this game, but if Heart of Thorns doesn’t bring any improvements, I’m going to be very disappointed. This game is in desperate need for an update. Whether that’s hyper-thread optimization or Dx12 or whatever, it needs to happen. 30 fps or less in zergs, one of GW2’s biggest features is big group gameplay, seems like a major oversight by the programmers and engineers.

Reaper Changes for Next BWE

in Necromancer

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Robert Gee, thank you so much for listening and balancing based on feedback. You’ve really changed my outlook on the specialization, and I’m super excited to play in the next Beta Weekend Event!

4k Resolution Needs Bigger User-Interface

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Steam survey says less than 0.07% of Window users have a primary display that’s 4K. So prioritizing things to do that affects the most players, I would say it’s rather low on the list.

Where is this survey? And it sounds like it accounts for 4k monitors, not 4k dynamic super resolution. Because of DSR, I imagine it’s a much larger portion of gamers who use resolutions higher than 1080p.

4k Resolution Needs Bigger User-Interface

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Ever since Nvidia has allowed their users easy access to a method of downsampling (they coined it “Dynamic Super Resolution”), many players have been enjoying the 4k resolution experience. Guild Wars 2, in particular, looks absolutely amazing in that fidelity, but there comes a huge problem with playing at such a high resolution.

Even the largest UI scaling option “Larger” is far too tiny to read at such a high resolution. Here is an example of what I’m talking about.

Is there any word on providing a bigger UI option for players who use a 4k resolution to play Guild Wars 2? It’s an amazing experience, graphically, hindered by an unreadable UI.