This is similar to the build I’m using in WvW for Ele. The only real difference is I have tempest instead of arcane and a single shout instead of arcane shield.
This offers very good healing for you and your team along with some condi dmg so your not just a heal bot.
This build is propably the strongest support troll in the game :-). I agree durability is a good one. I run it in WvW. but don´t get bored, the damage it does is very low. Maybe pick cheaper utility like precision oil or sharpening stone.
Do you feel durability is stronger than trooper runes? With the traits not cleansing on water attunement I would think trooper runes more valuable in that case. Durability if traited to cleans on water attunment. Or do you feel differently?
With my 10 -15 man. The Ele’s job isn’t condi cleanse that’s our guardians job. The Ele’s job is mostly water fields heals and perma prot.
That’s really dependent on your group’s comp is organized. Sure you could have guardians running shouts with trooper runes or rev’s spamming resistance. But it’s really not a one size fits all situation. But I do understand your point. However my original post specified condi clearing which is why I was asking for clarification. I think probably the perfect scenario would be 2 armor sets. 1 with durability and 1 with trooper.
If you have the money for two armor sets then yes that would be much better. Right now in my group I’m actually running monk runes but I do have a second set with durability. Most of the time I prefer to switch traits over armor sets. It much easier for most people. So if we are fighting a group that’s condi heavy I will just switch up my water grandmaster trait to cleanse on regen.
This build is propably the strongest support troll in the game :-). I agree durability is a good one. I run it in WvW. but don´t get bored, the damage it does is very low. Maybe pick cheaper utility like precision oil or sharpening stone.
Do you feel durability is stronger than trooper runes? With the traits not cleansing on water attunement I would think trooper runes more valuable in that case. Durability if traited to cleans on water attunment. Or do you feel differently?
With my 10 -15 man. The Ele’s job isn’t condi cleanse that’s our guardians job. The Ele’s job is mostly water fields heals and perma prot.
just reading. How are minstrel trinkets easy ?
With the new stat selectable trinkets it makes it much cheaper than the armor set. I didn’t mean to say easier I meant to say cheaper. To make the armor or weapons its about 115g just in freshwater pearls. While for the stat selectable trinkets its just farming the blood rubies, petrified wood, and winter berries
This build is kinda called the GF Ele (or atleast that’s what we call it)
I much prefer Durability runes over trooper but since you want condi clears.
If you cant afford minstrels gear and weapons switch those our for Nomads but minstrels Trinkets should be very easy to get.
The playstyle from back line ele isn’t much different. Instead of positioning your self to take least dmg and maximize dmg. You have to position yourself in ways that you can stick close to tag and still move and target low health allies to heal them
The best mix for your money I found is running nomads armor with minstrels trinkets with the new trinkets from the LS. Trinkets offer more stats than armor. As for runes Monk runes are always good on any healing build. But in organized play my personal rune choice would be durability runes.
I don’t like EOTM, its pure karma train
-added “Bulk of reward should go to Player Kill” to encourage more skill group, and lessen karma train mentality.
Except that doesn’t encourage more skilled groups; it encourages more blobing and less spreading out of people(havoc squads/roaming). Then you get to the point where the whole map is in one spot due to skill hit cap limit. It then becomes a safety in numbers game and you end up with the same situation everyone moving to one server.
So what?
If the enemy keep defending something you want – especially something with long supply lines – walk around and hit something else. Once they become distracted and more spread out, a borderhop zerg can often swoop in and take the objective. This is simple tactics.
Whats definetly not gonna help is giving up. In large scale WvW a few people often wont make a noticable difference over the week, but we see this in micro scale in sPvP on a daily basis. Oh so 5 enemies met our 3 on central point and we lost? Thats it everyone but me sucks my team is kitten now I’m not gonna do anything else than kitten about how everyone sucks and people should go back to PvE.
Yes that will surely make people fight harder and improve the odds of making a comeback.
Except Mag has enough numbers to have a map blob on more than one map. And they claim to be a fight server but will zerg down 3 people taking a camp. By zerg I mean 30+. Mag doesn’t care about PPT or Fights all they care about is their KDR and will run from even number fights into their map blob just to win and protect their KDR.
Its not Optimal but if played correctly its fun and effective you can change skills around depending on your opponents.
Please, make Earth more useful for staff users.
Make Shock Wave ground targeted. This way it cannot only be used in a more effective way for groups, but can also be cast behind the Elementalist (like Vine Surge).
Reduce the delay of Eruption to 1 or 1.5 seconds. This way, it will finally be a reliable source of a blast finisher for staff Elemantalists.
They will make shockwave work like “Vine Surge” when they make RTL work like “Ancestral Grace” its called balance
They could at least make it so you can shoot the fikitten
his guy gets it I just wanna shoot stuff with my CANNONS!!!!!!
Please no more bugs and glitches that Anet dont want to fix so players can abuse, game already have alot fo those.
What’s a bug or glitch about this?
You’ve always been able to place siege on Bay boats?
I was asking for a PirateShip.
The boats in bay are two small to fit the correct amount of cannons. If you going to give us cannons you might as well add ships and a full water map so underwater combat is useful. And at least let me row my boat in Bay. I cant even move it!
Edit: If your going to turn the Pirateship meta back on at least give us Pirates Ships
(edited by Ancient Ranger.3276)
1. Fix the condi lag.
2. We need pirate ships to go along with our cannons
3. We need crumpets
There’s no doubt about it. D/F Mender’s is still superior to everything else in PvP. I’ve been toying around with this build, but it’s…meh at best I find.
It doesn’t heal well and there’s no power, but weakness is nearly permanent and burning does good damage, but that’s all it has running for it. There’s no bang with it. Overload Air is only useful for the aura, vulnerability and lightning field. And just like with every Ele build right now, it’s super prone to CC, even with HC. It’s the best condi build I could make up using GoEP. I’m going to try it with Viper’s and probably be disappointed, but will try it anyway. I can see Viper’s working with good teammates who can back you up, but I can see good enemies taking you down just as quickly.
You’re trying too hard to play condi with Nightmare runes and Torment/Leech sigil—those aren’t gonna help you win, especially the amulet with no vitality on it.
I think I told you already in the [ele] guild chat, but Sage is the way to go. If you want to play condi then use my build. This is the best condi build.
What you need to do with this build is pin them down with Signet of Earth and use Fire #4 (it helps to use the Snap function in options so the Fire #4 skill lands on the player). After you’ve used those two skills, you’re free to burst with Cleansing Fire and your Evasive Arcana dodge roll in Fire. Feel free to save your GoEP for something else; it’s entirely up to you.
If you want proof, here’s me roaming with it in wvw (GoEP is not used here, but still the same build. I used Feel the Burn instead.)
You think “Feel the Burn” is better then the buffed active on signet of fire?
I think they need to add ships with the cannons then they would be in the best place
- Name: Éleura
- Game mode(s): Main WvW Little Pve/PvP
- Role: Tester/Teacher
- Realm: Yaks Bend (siege humping capital)
- Other info: I am Worst Player World Wide!!!!!!!
Been playing Ele since Day 1
Edit: I also click all da skills
Pretty sure this is because they want to keep the next elite spec under wraps: The Shatterstoner! This dog still has yet to have its day!
When you pick this elite spec all your skills turn to shatter stone!!!!
New weapon: The Shatter stone
RIP ele shatterstone was the only skill we needed to be viable
In this iteration, we’re looking at some specific improvements to dagger weapon types in addition to general utility and miscellaneous updates. Abilities with very long cast times have been reduced to no longer provide extended interruption openings.
Impale: The aftercast of this ability has been reduced by 0.13 seconds. The damage of this ability has been increased by 20%, and the duration of bleeding has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.
Burning Speed: The recharge time of this ability has been reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.
Earthquake: The recharge time of this ability has been reduced from 45 seconds to 40 seconds.
Drake’s Breath: The damage of this ability has been increased by 40%.
Cone of Cold: The damage of this ability has been increased by 20%. Its base healing has been increased by 10%. Fixed a skill-fact bug that displayed this ability’s healing contribution lower than its actual levels.
Ice Spike: The casting time for this ability has been reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds. Aftercast of this ability has been reduced by 0.5 seconds.
Healing Rain: The casting time of this ability has been reduced by 0.3 seconds.
Lightning Surge: The damage of this ability has been increased by 10%.
Glyph of Elemental Power: The trigger chance of this ability has been increased from 25% to 100%. Weakness duration has been reduced from 6 seconds to 3 seconds. Internal cooldown can now be shared between elementalists. This ability will no longer apply conditions to nonenemies.
Signet of Fire: The burning duration of this ability has been readjusted from 2 stacks for 10 seconds to 4 stacks for 6 seconds.
Signet of Air: This ability now inflicts 8 stacks of vulnerability for 5 seconds in addition to applying blind in a radius of 240 around the target.
Ether Renewal: The casting time of this ability has been reduced from 3.5 seconds to 2.75 seconds.
Harmonious Conduit: Updated the tool tips for overload skills to display stability granted when an attunement is overloaded while this trait is equipped.
Elemental Surge: Immobilize duration has been increased from 1 second to 2 seconds.
Ice Bow: Ice Storm damage has been doubled in PvP only.
Changing the number of Victory Points (VP) awarded for Skirmish placement is something we are considering. So far we’ve intentionally held off changing the live values (3/2/1), to avoid altering too many variables at once. First, we wanted to see how, if at all, WvW play patterns would evolve just with the addition of Skirmish scoring, before making any further iterations on specific VP values. That said, internally, we’ve been graphing-out current match results, using various sets of adjusted VP scoring to see how, if at all, existing match results would change when scored using updated values. We have also been investigating if adding something like a time-of-day or population-based scoring multiplier would have any noticeable impact on match results. For those interested, so far it hasn’t. Worlds who have been winning are still winning even if we added the time-of-day multiplier, but we will continue to evaluate if it will make a difference.
I don’t believe 1 up 1 down will work very well in this closed system. Right now in T1 if you were to implement the 1 up 1 down system both the #1 and #2 server would just target the #3 server as both top servers cant go any higher but will also not want to drop any lower. So T1 will constantly have to same two servers with only the third server constantly getting doubled teamed. While 1up 1 down working nicely in T2 and T3. T4 is a little complicated I believe the same thing would happen. Both the #1 and #2 server would pick on the #3 server to move up while the #3 server quits as it has nothing more to lose and can not go down anymore.
A lot of these (or similar) are what should be done.
What will be done:
“Shatterstone : Now applies one additional stack of Vulnerability. Cooldown increased to 5s.”
Shaterstone OP I can hit like 7k with it. but that require a chain of skills along with some terribad traits.
Even though I prefer Ice Spike with the set up hits like 10k.Hahaha, that is what ele is about, setting up long convoluted skill chains to make a completely underwhelming skill do above-average damage. I am assuming you are full-zerk, setting up all kinds of vuln stacks, when you could just a rev and 16k CoR every 4s with no setup and easier to land.
Actually these are my stats I’m not full zerk but I do have a lot of power.
A lot of these (or similar) are what should be done.
What will be done:
“Shatterstone : Now applies one additional stack of Vulnerability. Cooldown increased to 5s.”
Shaterstone OP I can hit like 7k with it. but that require a chain of skills along with some terribad traits.
Even though I prefer Ice Spike with the set up hits like 10k.
(edited by Ancient Ranger.3276)
i think it would not make ele superpowerful, but it would increase manual skill to get maximum out, which might see some exeptional ele´s. I fear if you then balance on esl level ele gets unplayable in lower tiers.
They should never be balancing on ESL level. They should be balancing all classes around the average player skill level. If they are balancing on ESL level that would mean that lower skill cap classes are much more effective than higher skill cap classes when played at average skill levels.
That would be way to much UI interference
Also the fire grandmaster trait Pyromancer’s Puissance isn’t working either. There is no might on using a fire skill.
They’ll probably fix that by changing the tooltip.
I would be easier for them to do it and would make more sense. I say they just take away most of the trait lines and leave water tempest and arcane.
Also the fire grandmaster trait Pyromancer’s Puissance isn’t working either. There is no might on using a fire skill.
That would make is a little overpowered IMO. This is want Anet should get away from. They should in general with every heal is lower the base heal and raise the ratio from healing power.
Here is my Asuran Elementalist Jïxx and he is superman!!
(edited by Ancient Ranger.3276)
Considering classes getting additional class mechanic skill, is ele supposed to get F5 skill, which will be a new attunment? I’cant see any other option than this.
Yes, it will be a new attument called “Heart.”
And the elite will combine all attunements to summon Captain Planet.
So we become tree hugger that wont fight back and just die for the noble cause?
But what happens if to Ele’s fighting each other both hit F5? Do the become allies? Do the get automatic free transfer to the last server in T8?
All these question need answers!
If we do get and F5 skill there is no way it will be a new attunment. Then the Devs will have to add new skills for each existing weapon type along with the new weapon. I don’t think they devoted that many resources to this update. So I do not think we will get an F5 skill like Mesmer and Engineer.
Just so you know your also forgetting the addition stats to armor sets. So unless your running full berserker at the moment then you will be buffed through armor stats also. Just an FYI
Very good feedback. The only thing I have to say is about Final Shielding and Armor of Earth. Both of these traits got nerfed in my opinion. They both went from a Below 50% activation to a Below 25% activation. To me on an elementalist with the lowest health pool that is to late of a time to activate it. It goes from activating at 5000 health to at 2500 health(assuming no vitality on armor). A class with very little base defense 2500 health will go in 1-2 attacks from most classes. With the little delay in time it takes to activate these skills, most efficient class at killing people(Mesmer and Thief) will have already gotten off their skill to bring your health down completely.
That would make no sense unless they do it every Friday which means the xpac would take a long time to come out
As the title says does Anet have a specific date in which they will start posting information or is it just the general in a few weeks?
The only Ele’s this is hitting hard is Cele Ele’s. If you want real attacking your going to hae to leave the Cele amulet. And we do have might on attunement swap its called Elemental Attunment and swap to fire 10s cd. As for stone flesh not working I haven’t tested it so i wouldn’t know. If you want real attacking power might isn’t the way to go dmg increaser’s from trait like stone splitters work much more efficiently and add a lot more dmg than 25 stacks of might.
For orge does the dog last that long in WvW?
As the title says I’m looking to change my current rune set.
Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fFAQJAoIIwBQoVb6nVCjEo0VA-T1xHAB9oMAM9ADp0bgTAwjq/0kSQAeAABAQAuZbGADdoDdoDdodzbO0bO0bWIAnjBA-w
Just for reference I play almost exclusively in WvW.
I run D/D.
My current rune set is Superior Rune of the Pack.
In WvW I’m either solo, 3-man roaming, or in a havoc group.
I’m thinking a better rune set would be either Superior Rune of Hoelbrak or Superior Rune of the Scholar. But am open to any suggestions.
I would probably go with this build as a stat spread with his traits
20 d/d churn bomb eles on a zerg. so much fun
best video ever
Perma swiftness and Fury is much more beneficial than 2 and 3/4 seconds of stability every 10 seconds. While Rock Solid is a party wide boon its mostly used for selfish reason’s (to get off Ether Renewal or a stomp). With an Aura share build, you want what is best for the party rather than yourself. And back to my first post If you build with a guardian they can give much longer and more reliable stability than an Elementalist.
Powerful aura is great for team play (groups of 3-5). It biggest potential comes from the boons associated with the auras and the only elementalist share. The auras themselves are not that powerful enough without the boons. I altered you build slightly to a more standard Powerful Aura build as for sigils they are up to you. Good choices are Renewel, Energy, Battle, Water, and Force. Powerful Auras really shines when you build with a guardian for boon sharing because then you can pretty much keep up protection for you group 100% of the time.
Altered your build slightly for more boon sharing and condi cleanse in this condi meta
I like where your head is at with the build, but having anything less than say …. 800 healing power isn’t worth it. Id say ditch the Zealot armor and swap out for some valk + zerk / assassin.
In terms of sigils, for dps i personally tend to like running battle and (accuracy, air, or strength)
hope this helps
Other than the fact that my armor is actually ascended switching it is very difficult but as for sigils yes it helps
this is my build.
I am wondering two dps oriented sigils for my weapon. Right now I currently have battle and blood-lust and I’m really looking to replace blood-lust for sure and battle if another sigil is better for dps.
Dragon’s Claw does help against blinds and aegis since it hits in multiple packages. Vapor Blade has its uses too, mostly because it hits everything in a line. Especially in PvE, the 600 range can make the difference between being able to hit your target, and twiddling your thumbs because you cannot be in melee for some reason (boss attack for example). It’s not great, but no other melee weapon has a 600 range auto.
The only reason it has such a long range on a melee weapon set is because its now classified as a melee attack it is classified as a projectile this also mean it can be reflected, this also applies to dragons claw (also a projectile).
Only lighting whip and impale are considered melee attacks as those can not be reflected and also why they are both at max 300 range. You also have to remember we are elementalist we are not actually hitting the opponent with out weapons but rather our spells that we channel through our weapons.
I do think that the Signet needs some improvements, with them it could be rather good.
You must have about 1,200-1,500 Healing Power. I have 798 Healing Power and i get 282 per a cast.
1) Channels – I think skills like Drakes Breath and Cone of Cold should proc the heal on each tick of the channel. Using this heal and then channeled skills is a rather big Healing loss if you go during a reasonable fight.
I agree with your idea #1 because when you have confusion or enemy has retaliation it hits per every tick but our healing signet does not. I think our healing signet was meant to help counter confusion and retaliation but it doesn’t do its job with channeled skills. I am either up for it ticking per hit with channeled or retaliation and confusion being brought down to once per skill rather than per tick. Even if that means buffing confusion and retaliation damage.
Just a question.
Is rank 12 going to be free transfers or cost 2400 gems? A-net listed it as both in the table.
Are you sure you did not crit with Earth while he was downed? Because when a character is downed, they do no benefit from armor bonuses.
I am positive because it downed him and to my luck he was using the treb at the time so that’s probably why I hit him
Versatile…i’ve heard of that word.
Maybe when they game came out and they said ’ Any class can fit any role!’. No holy trinity!..
But then they gave everyone different hp and armour totals and expected a class with 8k less hp and 300 less armour to have the same levels of tankiness as a warrior?
Exactly, i strongly dissagree how Anet treats elementalists, we should have much more damage if they stripped us of everything else, i wouldn’t complaint if i could see 5,000-10,000 damage numbers in PvP as an elementalist, but thats not happening, most i ever saw my elementalist crit was like 5,000, with full CRT gear.
Which is really nothing, coming from the fact that it was with the Nr5 D/D spell, which has like 40 seconds CD.
When thiefs,warriors, rangers,ect crit on a daily basis like that with spammable skills and auto attacks.
I actually crit a 10k churn bomb in PvP the other day. Be mindfull that was on a Mesmer probably very classy.
Edit: That’s only a 30 second cooldown. Yes I know it very diffuclt to land but I still did it once at least =)
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