As topic stated, according to all the testing you’ve down, rate each of the new Specialization from 0 to 10, in terms of strength and your personal preference.
Here’s my score:
Spellbreaker: 7
The animation is very good and the class itself is quite unique, but I like dps spec more, so despite it’s unique role it may not be my favorite.
Soulbeast: 4
In theory it is a pretty good specialization, but in practice it just lacks alot of things, that I suspect core ranger is doing better than this one. There’s alot of tweaking needed for their main hand weapon: dagger, that has no utility, no damage, and no survivability. Many of the merged pet skills need complete rework too. Overall feel like a rushed class. The new pets are very good though.
Firebrand: 7 Many of the tomes need polish, but personally I like how they reward long cast time with big effect. Thematically is pretty great, just need abit polishing for the cone mantra.
Weaver: ?
Haven’t test this one much so can’t judge it fairly.
Holosmith: 10
Both thematically and practically works great. Heat mechenic is very interesting yet rewarding. The graphic is top noch, the synergy is very fun. Some utilities need a bug fix, but overall I really like this spec.
Scourge: 8
Very interesting new mechanic for Necro. Most of the Shades has great synergy with the core Necro traits, which is fascinating. You can cast one shade skill and does burning, boon removal, condition clear, weakness all in one bottom. Can fulfill some interesting role in WvW.
Mirage: ?
Havent’ test this one much but the theme and animation is pretty cool .
Deadeye: 7
The burst and the Deadeye mechnic is pretty cool. Kneel mechanic is slightly annoying for me though because I really like the feel and slippery of Daredevil. Also while rifle does nice damage, it feels abit boring playing it honestly. The new F1 is very interesting and I like it alot though.
Renegade: 3
This spec looks unpolished and incomplete. Energy cost of most skills are unreasonable. Bow 1 is pretty bad aside from the piercing trait. Bow 2 barely hit anything and it’s redundant. Bow 3 barely hit anything too. Bow 4 is decent and bow 5 is pretty good. Overall this weapon lacks functionality as a package compare to hammer. The utlities need alot of rework too cuz energy cost is way too high for a killable spirit. F2~F4 all need a rework too. Overall feels like a class that only has good animation and that’s about it.
What are your thought?
You don’t have to give reasoning, just a number of each class.