(edited by Arctinus.7824)
Yeah, I’ve noticed them too quite a while ago, but haven’t encountered them since. Maybe because I haven’t been in that area for some time.
I do one key run per day if I have time and if I’m in the mood. I figured it’s faster to do some hearts in one starter area and then some hearts in another starter area. Also, exploring the cities seems like it gives no experience, but once you complete a city map (100%), it gives you quite a chunk of experience.
I’ll never buy keys from the Gem Store, not even if they completely remove key farming, nor if they increase chances of tickets/ticket scraps dropping. Buying something with real life money or even spending gold on something that is completely RNG based seems like a ridiculous idea to me.
I would, however, buy BL weapon skins or tickets for gems, if they were sold in the Gem Store.
The mines are bugged for me and my friend too. There were almost to none separatists in the area at the time we were doing the heart, so we had to gather piles of metal scrap and pick up metal bars one by one and running back and forth, handing them in. It seemed like it took ages to complete the heart. And reviving the Blood Legion soldiers give a very small percent of heart.
(edited by Arctinus.7824)
Did you buy the Lovestruck weapon skins? If not and they just unlocked in your collections, then you’re one of many people whose Black Lion Collections of certain weapon skin types unlocked, even though they’ve never bought the skins.
For example my thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/BLTC-Collections/first#post4397283
And another one: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Black-Lion-Collections-Progress-without-skin/first#post4408875
I’m playing on 1600×900 and it’s basically the same. What’s interesting is, that my friend is playing on somewhere close to 1920×1080 (not sure, I know the resolution is way higher than mine) and also has this issue.
Nope. Tried that myself as well. Have two saddlebags in my inventory that have ‘collectable’ in their descriptions. Right clicked, but there’s no ‘add to collection’ option as it was with the Jar of Bees, for example.
There’s already a thread about it:
I’d suggest that you track that forum post in the Bugs Forum, but certainly you can submit a ticket, if you prefer.
Thanks. I’ve already made a thread in Game Bugs forum. I forgot to edit the OP, but this thread can now be closed/deleted.
I have two saddlebags in my inventory that say ‘collectable’ when hovering over them. However, there is no ‘add to collection’ as with the Jar of Bees. I can only use or destroy them. I used a couple before, but nothing unlocked the collection.
So, as already mentioned before, it’s either bugged, or there’s a special item to unlock it, which I’m a bit sceptical about, since someone would’ve already got such an item, right?
Also, one of the devs posted this:
Hi there,
We want you to know that we’re working kitten fixing bugs in the New Player Experience system. We’re also using this opportunity to make a few changes to its design to take into account the feedback we’ve been reading. We’re aiming to deploy the fixes early next week.
Thank you
EDIT: [SUGGESTION] If minis are such an issue, then why not limit them to cities only, since you can’t even see them anywhere else anyway.
A most emphatic NO! I use my minis out of town as much as, or more than in town.
The stated goal with this new patch was for us to be able to have our minis out all the time without having to re-click them at every portal. I’m gonna bug ’em until they get do that. If they remove my minipet, they can remove your Legendary weapon. THAT will save them some graphics resources.
People can hardly ever see ANY minipets anymore. The toons only have one “idle time” emote anymore. Nobody has any feet anymore. It seems to me the MegaServer has all sorts of resources available to it these days since it isn’t drawing half of what it used to.
I feel you actually. I always liked having minis around. Heck, I was one of those rare people who usually bothered clicking on minis to appear whenever I entered a new map. I am sad that most of the time my minis are hidden due to ‘’rising player population’’.
But, it seems the devs aren’t going to do anything about it, since it’s ‘’working as intended’‘. My suggestion is the result of something between sarcasm and disapointment. Don’t know how to explain. :d
Yeah, I’ve read a post by a dev that it’s working as intended. However, 90% of the time outside the cities, I can’t see the mini due to rising player population, even though there’s no one around.
AND YET, when I was waiting for Tequatl and the map was apparently full, my mini was shown right next to me. o.O
EDIT: [SUGGESTION] If minis are such an issue, then why not limit them to cities only, since you can’t even see them anywhere else anyway.
(edited by Arctinus.7824)
It wasn’t exactly at the top anymore, so it was easy to miss.
I guess it’s one of those bugs peopel don’t want to get fixed, so they don’t bump these threads. :P
The same thing happened to me, but with one Tormented weapon.
Yeah, it’d be nice to be able to apply it on a short bow, now that I’ve finally created a medium class character. Though, if that were the case, I wonder if the applied skin would actually stay after the fix.
I posted this in Account Issues and was told to post it here in the Game Bugs.
I’ve noticed I’ve unlocked 4 BLTC weapon collections: ley line, chaos, phoenix and tormented.
Under tormented collection the Tormented Short Bow is unlocked. However, I’ve never purchased any tormented weapon skins, let alone the short bow one.
Yah. It’s a bug (not an account issue, which is about lost/not working passwords, refunds, suspensions, tickets to support, etc).
You might want to post on the Game Bugs forum.
Ah, thanks. I thought it’s just my account and not a wide-spread bug, so I thought I’d post here, even though there are many other more important bugs to be solved. I just thought it fair to mention this, since I ’’unlocked’’ a collection I wasn’t supposed to.
I’ve noticed I’ve unlocked 4 BLTC weapon collections: ley line, chaos, phoenix and tormented.
Under tormented collection the Tormented Short Bow is unlocked. However, I’ve never purchased any tormented weapon skins, let alone the short bow one.
I don’t know how it is with characters created after the patch, but I created my mesmer before the patch and levelled it to 16. Then I decided to wait with the levelling until after the patch.
Now, before the patch I unlocked utility slots 1 and 2. After the patch the second slot should be locked until lvl 24. However, my second utility slot is unlocked. Icannot switch it with any other skill, it is locked in regards to that. But I can use ‘Feedback’ normally.
Why not let us use our dyes the comm tag :P
Everyone follow the shy peach! xD
Had to. :P
I didn’t go through all of the posts, but would like to add that if you unlocked the second utility before the patch, you can use that utility, however you can’t change it with another one. :P
I’ve also opened a lot of bags but none unlocked the collection. Since there was no bug fix for this in the latest patch, I guess there’s a special item that unlocks it, since if I recall correctly there’s also a special one that unlocks the Krait items collection.
This happened to my warrior yesterday at Tequatl. I could only see my weapons and only if they were unsheathed. If they were stored, I had difficulties seeing where exactly my warrior was standing.
It also happened to my Guardian/Charr today when I used a Hair Style Kit on him. He immediately became invisible after I changed his haircut.
I didn’t expect this to retire. :/
I was never even able to get the ‘Score’ and ‘Enter WvW’. Not to mention I got ‘Level Up’ after 130 or so days.
I’ve opened quite a few of loot bags and I still haven’t unlocked the Hero of the People Collection. Maybe it really is a bug. Now the bags are stuck in my inventory until this gets resolved. :/
I’ve been searching some GW2 related stuff on YouTube and came across these two awesome GW2 videos.
The first one is about GW2 in general, like a trailer, and the other one is about Scarlet Briar. I’m curious how they haven’t got more views, so I thought I’d share them here:
Guild Wars 2 – Under Your Influence [Season 1 Trailer]
Scarlet Briar: Everybody Wants to Rule the World
I also did some google search and found from the Wiki (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toxic_Seedling) that they can be found in Queensdale, Kessex Hills, Gendarran Fields, Harathi Hinterlands, Caledon Forest, Metrica Province, Brisban Wildlands, Bloodtide Coast, Sparkfly Fen, Mount Maelstrom and Timberline Falls. So, they have apparently already spread and don’t need to thrive in a toxic environment.
That wiki information is almost certainly outdated and only refers to what happend during the Tower of Nightmare release. Despite having two characters with 100% map completion I’ve never found Toxic Seedlings outside the zones where the Toxic Offshoot events still happen (Caledon Forest, Brisban Wildlands, Queensdale, Kessex Hills and Gendarran Fields).
Oh, so it’s restricted only to Toxic Offshoot events. That makes sense. I took it as a relevant source (I know wikis are not meant to be taken as such) because I remeber gathering some spores in Caledon Forest and other areas outside Kessex Hills. And also one area in Kessex (or is it two ares) outside of the event, but maybe near? Didn’t have the time to check the info myself, since I’m currently busy with some work, but thank you for correcting my mistake.
They could easily fix that by adding a couple of Toxic Seedling nodes to every open world map. (Lore explanation: “The Tower of Nightmare’s destruction blew millions of spores far and wide, some of which are only just beginning to germinate after being carried on the winds halfway across the world.”)
It might even increase supply of Toxic Spores since not many people generally go to Kessex Hills.
As far as I know there are already Toxic Seedlings all over Tyria. I remember finding some in Caledon Forest and in Kessex Hills far away from the toxic grounds.
I also did some google search and found from the Wiki (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toxic_Seedling) that they can be found in Queensdale, Kessex Hills, Gendarran Fields, Harathi Hinterlands, Caledon Forest, Metrica Province, Brisban Wildlands, Bloodtide Coast, Sparkfly Fen, Mount Maelstrom and Timberline Falls. So, they have apparently already spread and don’t need to thrive in a toxic environment.
If they really wanted to get rid of or at least in any way hinder keyfarming, then why don’t they remove Transmutation Charges from city exploration? Last time I checked they sell those for gems as well, and they’re even for sale now. And you can farm them just like keys by creating a new character and exploring all five cities. So it doesn’t make sense to me to prevent players from farming keys. shrug
Well, since I’ve been carrying it around this whole time, I thought, why not give it a try and use it. I think I might try again someday.
+1 to this. Adding any new currency to the system should be done with the thought of adding it to the wallet. So they should’ve added them in the wallet already when they introduced the geodes.
P. S. – It would also be great if Foxfire Clusters were added to the collections, after all they are a crafting component just like all the stone lumps and herbs that randomly drop while mining or gathering.
Geodes may not stick around, and there is very little to do with Foxfire Clusters. Like Mystic Clovers.
But, like someone already mentioned, what would happen to Dry Top? Yes, perhaps it’d be weird if Zephyrites never recovered. However, the ’’permanent’’ content bothers me. Since you can replay the LS, you can get the essential parts for the backpiece with each new character. So, if I understand it correctly, everyone that is going to purchase the past episodes (say, next year) will be able to craft the backpiece. Therefore it would make sense if geodes stayed, since the recipes for the backpiece recquire geodes in order to obtain them.
Unless they change the way how you can get the recipes in a few months time.
10 giants makes more sense, frankly.
This is an achievement I’m just not going to care about…
I went to the Town of Nageling (Diessa Plateau) today just to see when the giant spawns and it spawned at 12.00 CET (Central European Time). So it seems it’s at xx.00. Still have to confirm if it’s every hour, though I think it is.
So, if you do it daily, like at least one giant per day, then maybe you’ll get close to 1000 eventually. Even quicker if you do, say, three per day. Sure, it’d technically take 1000 days, but since you (and I) won’t bother much with the achievement, it’s still worth considering killing one per day.
Though 1000 is a bit large number for such a rare creature. xD
+1 to this. Adding any new currency to the system should be done with the thought of adding it to the wallet. So they should’ve added them in the wallet already when they introduced the geodes.
P. S. – It would also be great if Foxfire Clusters were added to the collections, after all they are a crafting component just like all the stone lumps and herbs that randomly drop while mining or gathering.
I don’t know what to expect, since I bought the game after the April Feature Pack.
But considering all the experience I have as of now, I’d say maybe some new items in the Gem Store and perhaps some old ’’festival’’ returning back, like the Four Winds did (though I guess that one was necessary for the plot of the LS). I don’t think we’re getting a new Halloween event, but never say never.
And it’s kind of sad I never had the chance to witness all the past events here because they seemed pretty nice from what my friend told me. But oh well, this is a living world, life goes on.
Welcome back EneERD!
I would suggest you to wait with the creation of a new character until the September 9th patch goes live, since it’s going to bring some changes to levelling up characters.
Also, here’s the list of all the news since March (and even further back) you can look at. It has all the info of all the events and changes in GW2.
http://dulfy.net/category/gw2/page/14/ (the link starts with news from around March 21)
I have like 10 giants, I think. xD And yes, they’ve added the Sand Giant in Dry Top, but most people (as far as I know) avoid it because it takes too long to kill and prevents them from doing other events during sandstorm.
I think the ’’easiest’’ way to get this achievement is to kill the giant that comes to the Town of Nageling in Diessa Plateau each time you have a chance. I think it spawns fairly often… for a giant. xD (On GW2 Wiki it says that the respawn time seems to be around 30 mins, which might be true, since I’ve encountered it almost everytime I went to Diessa Plateau, and people also post in map chat when it’s up.)
The crystals usually appear near or by his right leg. He lifts it up before they appear and you need to be really fast to break them because they’re very easy to shatter.
The easiest way to do this (in my opinion) is with Guardian using staff skill #1 because it’s instant and hits multiple targets.
I would like to see Magus Falls, Woodland Cascades, Crystal Desert, Tarnished Coast and Blood Legion Homelands. ^^
Sure, everyone would like an expansion, but the problem with all these whiners is that they want an expansion now. When they get it, they’ll just play through it for a month or two and after there’s nothing left to do, they’ll just start whining about a new expansion again.
Or they’ll get a new expansion and say that’s not what they wanted and that it sucks. Whiners gonna whine. :P
Are you absolutely sure this is the right attitude to develop a game ????
GW1 has rock solid proven that expansions are the right way to do it.
How anyone in an economy based corporations gets the idea to abandon everything
that made the company great and well respected to try out stuff that really every customer is fighting against is far beyond me
No, you missed my point, or maybe I didn’t express myself right. I would like an expansion too, new content is always welcome. I actually yearn for new maps the most of all the possible content. But people who ’’whine’’ about it are mostly the ones who can never be satisfied. Or at least I got that impression from these forums. Yes, I admit, not all of them. But a lot of them are.
I too would like to see some more ‘skimpy’ armour for my elementalist. Well, maybe even for my warrior (the only two human characters I have). The ‘skimpy’ light armour could look something like:
http://tera-online.cc/uploads/gallery/main/56/castanic_m_r25.jpg (this one doesn’t exactly look like light armour, even though it is, but since the new outfit can be used by say, elementalist, I don’t see a reason why not )
Yeah, I know it’s Tera, but still. Wouldn’t have to be exactly the same, just similar in design. ^^ Plus, being armour (6 separate pieces) light armour wearers would get some more pants. Yay for pants!
“I want this, I want that, I wanna get ascended weapon by killing bunnies all day long!”
So many I WANT whiners. GW2 IS going somewhere, by getting new stuff every LW patch. It goes somewhere in the story, and in items they add. Sure, its not as wast as a whole new continent, but it’s there and it’s free. Many of us like LW system this game has, and I don’t see how they could continue with it in new expanded areas, without being forced to make 2 separate living worlds for each area.
Sure, everyone would like an expansion, but the problem with all these whiners is that they want an expansion now. When they get it, they’ll just play through it for a month or two and after there’s nothing left to do, they’ll just start whining about a new expansion again. Or they’ll get a new expansion and say that’s not what they wanted and that it sucks. Whiners gonna whine. :P
I see so many speculations on Queen Jennah being Anise’s illusion, yet Anise’s illusion of herself (in the first instance of Dragon’s Reach Pt. 2) could barely speak. The only thing she could say was ‘’Hmm?’’ all the time. Queen Jennah on the other hand can form normal sentences. That makes me believe Queen Jennah isn’t an illusion. :P
But maybe Anise can indeed make her illusions talk and interact normally with people and was doing the “hmm?” thing just annoy Canach..
Yes, I was actually thinking about it after I had already made my post. :P Indeed she might’ve just made her illusion to constantly say ‘’Hmm?’’ to annoy Canach. I don’t know why I even came to the conclusion that illusions can’t create full sentences, when it is clear that they CAN talk. At least Anise’s, since she’s a powerful mesmer. I guess I just assumed somehow that her illusion was just repeating the same word all over again because it was just that, an illusion, and illusions aren’t capable of normal conversations. ^^’
I see so many speculations on Queen Jennah being Anise’s illusion, yet Anise’s illusion of herself (in the first instance of Dragon’s Reach Pt. 2) could barely speak. The only thing she could say was ‘’Hmm?’’ all the time. Queen Jennah on the other hand can form normal sentences. That makes me believe Queen Jennah isn’t an illusion. :P
I checked WvW maps every once in a while to see if we’re holding anything I need. I also had a friend I play with, so sometimes we even ’’sneaked’’ our way around the enemy’s territory. But the last thing I needed was the Dreaming Bay in BL, which I thought would take quite a while since no one seemed to bother with it. But I got lucky after checking the map every few mins (yeah, being so close to 100%, I thought why the kitten not, let’s just check the maps a bit, maybe, just maybe I’ll get lucky enough) and I got lucky because someone took over Dreaming Bay just as I checked again. :P
So, I believe you’ll eventually get those 5 PoIs and 4 vistas. ^^ And if those aren’t in the enemy’s forts/strongholds but outside, yet still in their territory, maybe you could ask someone to accompany you there. You know, two pairs of eyes is better than one and all that while sneaking around. Plus the extra protection. :P
I’m not native speaker myself either =D
But anyhow, i finally found the missing spot, guess i had skipped one place on the list when i did it last time. Shame on me. And for resurrecting this already past thread.On another note, all the area explorer achies done, now to camp those wvw zones to get the last vistas/poi’s to get that Been there, Done that
Congrats! And didn’t even notice it’s an old thread. Usually I just assume the ones popping up at the top are new. :P
Good luck! It took me a month or so, maybe a month and a half, to get the last map in WvW I needed. But I finally did. ^^ So it’s not impossible as some people believe it to be, though it is a bit annoying sometimes. :P
Been there done that was pun, I ment i’ve been through the list, and in Langmar estate. I used the list to to finish up Shiverpeak mountains, even thou it show’d me missing 3 points and i had to collect 4 to get explorer from there. Only zone explorer achi i’m missing is that 1 point from Ascalon. The list shows 176/176, thou it doesn’t list Langmar, so i guess i’ll just go throu the list again.
btw alt+tab can be replaced with overwolf’s overlay browser, much easier ^^
Ah, didn’t get the pun. ^^’ That happens sometimes, since I’m not a native speaker, but I guess that shouldn’t be an excuse. :P
Thanks for the tip. And I wish I could help, but I don’t remember what the last thing was that I was missing in Ascalon. :/
EDIT: I checked your post again and indeed one does not have to be a native speaker to get it. Again, I keep embarrassing myself. xD
(edited by Arctinus.7824)
The final form will be your character being turned into a human/norn/asura/charr version of this:
Sweet Melandru, I’ve only just now noticed that the Mordrem Wolf is actually a half-eaten body of an actual wolf controlled by a flower. xD It looks even more disturbing in this picture: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/6/69/Mordrem_Wolf.jpg
Even more than that, I want Mawdrey II to be something I can put in my home instance; my pet carnivorous plant.
Ideally, it will wave at me when I visit, and make happy chomping noises when fed.
A few days ago I told my friend how funny it’d be if the final form of the backpiece was the blossom of the Cultivated Vine Seed Flower. Imagine players walking around like peac(o)cks. xD (Peakittens? Seriously? xD ) https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/159609/feedmeSeymour_.jpg
Been there, done that, still 176/177 -.-
The only way to find out which area/location you’re missing is to use this site http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Bluestone/Explorer and then go slowly trought the list while looking at the in-game map at the same time (alt+tab-ing).
For example: Am I missing an area in Ascalon? Let’s see. Let’s start with Plains of Ashford.
Facula Castrum – I have it on the map. Devourer’s Mouth. Check. Tela Range. Check. Lake Feritas. Wait. How did I miss this one? :O
It can get tedious checking all the locations, but you get the gist.
As for Been There Done That, you needn’t unlock all the areas, just all the Vistas, Waypoints, PoIs and hearts. Basically have all of the maps that count toward the map exploration completed to 100% (including WvW).
All my characters are male. :P My main is a human elementalist. My alts are human warrior, Charr guardian and a Sylvari necromancer.
Inbetween I created a Norn mesmer. Mostly for fun, since my friend and I decided to create Norn with long hair and long moustaches. Mine ended up being blond in a pink armour (combine this with their dance and cry emotes xD).
I thought about keeping it, but then decided to create an Asura engineer. Because I just see Asura as engineers. :P I didn’t play much on him and then decided to delete it and create a Norn necromancer. I made it a female so that there would be at least some gender diversity, but rerolled as a female Norn necromancer a couple of times because I wasn’t satisfied with either hair, face or other body features.
Didn’t play it for much long either. So I deleted her and created a female Sylvari Necromancer. Tried her out a bit and then I realised that apparently female characters just aren’t the thing for me. So then I created my male Sylvari necromancer that is now at level 28.
At the moment I have one free space for key farming, but I’m waiting for Character slots sale, so I can create an Asura something and a Norn something.
Yesterday my friend and I were in Orr when there were suddenly two lags, one after another. We experienced them at the same time. He lives kilometres away, so it’s not personal issue.