Showing Highly Rated Posts By Artanis.4963:

Corpse camping has to stop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Wait, I’m confused. What part of the game is this post about: PvE, PvP or WvWvW?
Players can’t kill other player in PvE, so that’s out.
In PvP there’s a spawn where the enemies can’t enter -> killing at spawn is impossible.
In WvWvW you can’t enter the enemie spawn either because of legendary defenders. Also the spawn has multiple exits, so camping them all requires quite the manpower.

And isn’t zerging single players or smaller groups a legitimate tactic? Why would A-Net do anything against that? And what does this have to do with camping corpses? Is there some secret way of standing up again after being defeatet that I don’t know about? Except of Revival-Orbs, which are way too expensive for repeated use.

The light fades.

Updates about Wintersday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


  • We will be leaving the Festive Imbiber achievement active throughout the year.

That’s not really a solution.

I’ll grant you it’s a bandage job, and a good one at that. Committing to the achievement staying open all year gives you time to fix (all year) it without also committing to a method as to how.

I’ve seen others suggest splitting the achievement, and I agree with them. 1000 drinks for the Masterful Toast item is in line with the other parts of the collection. 10000 drinks for the Spirited Drinker title is in line with other similar titles.

I’ve seen Winter’s Presence compared to Nightfury, but I took a look through the recipe for that item and it has expensive written all over it. The Mystic Forge items for Winter’s Presence come out to about 60g (all cost estimates in this post are very rough, intended only to be in the right magnitude), which is affordable for just about everyone. There’s nothing really rare or difficult to get involved in it. The remaining items are… well… several normal days just playing the game.

Except Masterful Toast. Honestly, I think I’ll chalk that one up as a mistake. I think it’s probable that someone decided to add a title to Festive Imbiber and increased it’s difficulty accordingly without paying attention to what other achievements it affected, or more likely, it was either designed as a nifty title and someone didn’t pay attention to what it entailed it when putting together the Winter’s Presence collection.

I don’t think it’s at all likely that it was designed this way as a gold sink. It’s just too blatant; the items are easy to get, but tedious in quantity. If they wanted a gold sink, there’s three other items available that were already there to do so, and without all this drama, too, as that stemmed solely from the time-limited (and now supply-limited), Festive Imbiber achievement. For example, instead of 50 of each ingredient for those items, use 250. That would bring those three items to about 300g, add another 100g or so for the drinks assuming the achievement is split as explained above, and you have a neat skin at a respectable 400g price point.

This method spreads that cost across four items (and 9 unique crafting ingredients), but more importantly, three of those items can be acquired any time of the year to complete the collection and the fourth is a nearly invisible opportunity cost. A player interested in Winter’s Presence can play the festival normally and acquire the time-limited achievements required over the course of the month, and then gather the materials for the “gifts” over several months, just as we do for other flashy item skins.

As it stands, even with the time limit removed, this achievement is a big gold wall, oddly similar to the old situation with legendary precursors.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a wonderful Wintersday.

What the new tags will inevitably become...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Give it a year and there’ll be a rainbow of icons everywhere. Mark my words!

Absolutely correct. In fact, we should stop calling them doritos.

They are now skittles. Taste the rainbow.

Spoiler: I'm not ok with this

in Living World

Posted by: Artanis.4963


So my take on this is that Taimi got handed the idiot ball and Phlunt is a jerk, and the PC was written to be spineless in this particular situation. I just sat there twiddling my thumbs while some egotistical politician terrorizes my friend to the point she nearly gets herself killed. I find this unacceptable.

I am the leader of this little band of adventurers.

First decision: order Taimi to stop running. She may have attached herself to the group by fiat, but I can require her to sit on the sidelines, back at Rata Sum, where it’s reasonably safe. She doesn’t get to be on the bleeding edge of research into Scarlet, or leylines, or dragons if she doesn’t follow that directive.

Decision two: As a critical piece of equipment in the fight against the Elder dragons, and developed at my request and on my group’s time, Taimi’s invention is under my control. Even if he disputes my jurisdiction over the device, Phlunt is now talking to me for control of the device.

At this point, Taimi is safe and calming down; from her perspective, I am standing between her and injustice. Phlunt is now discussing this with an adult, and unless he is stupid on top of being a jerk, will do so in a calm and polite manner.

From there, whatever agreements need to be hashed out to turn the device over to Rata Sum are performed rationally, rather than condescendingly, or later, during an emotionally vulnerable moment. Further, Taimi’s concerns over losing control of her invention can be addressed.

Finally, some MacGuffin pops up that leads us to the new region of the map, and the story continues.

Doesn’t this sound so much better?

Charr and Asura female precursor armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


1. New feminine skin for Asura/Charr that don’t have human boobplates.


I know it’s greedy, but the ideal way to handle armor, especially a high-prestige armor like this one (thoug certainly not limited to it!), is to design male and female variants specifically for Asura and Charr, not just coerce the Humannornsylvari armor design onto them.

Please, when you make armor sets, please take into account the differing body structures and social norms of each race. I know that means you’ll need to make three or more passes on them, but I think the additional diversity means a lot to the game.

And ArenaNet? I never thought I’d have to say this to you, but please don’t paste breasts onto species that don’t have them.

System (What went wrong.)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


I must say I’m having trouble to understand what the problem is in this topic.

I’m trying to puzzle it out, but it sounds like QLi wants to play GW2 as it was at launch, plus bug fixes.

To that end, this Extra Credits video on legacy versions of online games seems relevant.

(a) You acknowledge that ArenaNet may in its reasonable discretion provide subsequent versions, enhancements, modifications, upgrades or patches related to any part of the Service.”
New recipes are enhancements, 400-450 crafting is an upgrade, patches are for bugs, versions are at cities ( winter time).

I have never downloaded willingly a MODIFICATION.
Ferocity, new trait system, filling the last slot of traits, new skills, some skills gone, changing the whole town (has its own ip)(Horrific!!!). It is total conversion. All should be made on a new server. I would create new character to see what is on the modified server.
Modifications are some things to choose to download and use and delete from the account. This is a fact of a modification. In that case a character that I use on a modified server would be deleted by me.

This statement from the Guild Wars 2 User Agreement (UA) basically says that you agree to allow Arenanet to change the game in any manner they see fit. You agreed to this term and to the UA in general as part of creating your account (or prior to logging in if the UA was changed). If at any point you disagree with that term, then you can no longer agree with the UA and you should not play the game as access to the game is conditional upon agreeing to the UA.

If you truly disagree with this game you could seek a refund and account closure, or just walk away. Your comments suggest you’ve been playing for a while, and I suspect your prospects for a refund are slim.

But the names of player characters that should be changed, the menu in character creation upgraded. We have a system that does not care what kind of kitten floats above player character head. Some of them tell me what to do. Some related to personal desire. Guild tags -drug related… Reports do not help, “old story”.
There is a naming policy! There are more then one server. There are many nations and many cultures.

How do I feel…“third time”. :-(-

This is a different issue. If you see names that you feel violate the naming policy you should report them. Arenanet is not required to take any action, nor to reply to you as to the resolution of the report. Further, you should not expect action to be taken immediately, as investigation into the report takes time.

Sending reports via the report tool and adding the offensive account to your personal blocklist are your only options here.

Asura female

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


I’ve said something about this before...

Ah, here it is:

Eww no.

Don’t paste breasts onto nonhuman races for such a shallow reason as to make them more attractive to humans.

10k drinks [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


well, if they take away the collection sometime and you can’t complete it next year or the year after, THEN you have a complaint but as it looks.. you’ll be able to complete this collection at your own pace, even if it takes years (just remember, you can get a present a day from your home instance.. might take thousands of days but you could eventually pull it off).

They probably won’t take away the collection, but the drinking achievement will be archived after Wintersday concludes, so if you haven’t consumed all ten thousand drinks before then you’ll be missing at least one item in the collection until at least next year, assuming the achievement is both restored and not reset for Wintersday 2016.

So no, it’s not at your own pace. We have two (maybe four) weeks to complete this collection.

fixing Caladbolg?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Artanis.4963


It will be fixed and reforged to become a precursor known as Caledfwlch to become the legendary Excalibur.

Oh man, they have the tech to do this justice, too. It’ll be like Replica Job-o-Tron and the r-Tron gathering tools, playing narcissistic and belittling statements when your character takes an action. Periodically (read: frequently) it’ll spontaneously regale those around it with tales of its history.

And whenever your character says something, it responds with “Fool!”

Updates about Wintersday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


The skin isn’t for everyone.

You know what? I’m tired of this.

Go watch the segment of Guild Chat where they talk about Winter’s Presence. The biggest concern shown was that they hadn’t managed to complete the jumping puzzle at all and were worried that would be the blocker!

This is a neat Wintersday skin that they clearly intended players to get in 29 days with some effort (or at least complete the festival-specific achievements). It is not a “prestige” item. It’s not “premium”. Those labels were added by players as a means of rationalizing the astounding quantity of holiday booze it called for, or for minimizing or outright dismissing the desires of other players to acquire it.

So, ten thousand drinks? That has to be a mistake.

10k drinks [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


You don’t have to drink all of them during Wintersday. It’s a collection achievement, not a festival one. And who knows, maybe as more people come on and decide the achievement’s hopeless/they’d rather make money, or after the festival’s done and people can’t start the collection anymore until next year, the booze will be a bit more affordable.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. The collection achievement you certainly can complete after Winterday ends, but some of the required items are granted by Wintersday Festival achievements (including this drinking achievement), which players will be unable to complete once the festival cycles out.

As such, if you fail to consume all ten thousand drinks in the allotted time (at least two weeks, most likely four, and hope it’s more), you will fail to complete the collection.

The irony is, at that point the utility of the items will melt away and the demand will plummet, followed shortly by the price. You’ll be able to purchase them early on and then sit on the full pile for most of the year. Hoping, of course, that the achievement that you need is brought back with the next Wintersday Festival.

But that’s all quite pessimistic. It is likely the market will catch up to demand at some point, and the monetary cost of the achievement will fall to something more tractable. I’ll keep playing and consume all the drinks and tonics I find, and I’ll start worrying about finishing closer to the end of the event.

Female Asura's carapace butterfly shoulders!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Unfortunately, Asura and Charr both tend to receive the male version of any armor or outfits.

It was probably a bit of laziness on Arena Net’s part early on, but at this point there are likely a significant portion of players who enjoy having the male versions on their female Asura and Charr characters, and would be just as sad as we are that those skins suddenly became unavailable. I know there are a few skins that do change for female Asura and Charr, and in some of those I have wished that the male version was available (Ancestral Outfit, for example).

The compromise, splitting existing item skins into two new skins to preserve existing looks and satisfy us, is frankly a huge amount of work; and I do not criticize Arena Net for deciding not to do that.

Dailies and other dismal failures

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


I refuse to play any game that takes longer to load than it does to play. Perhaps YOU can load maps in under 5 mins. I am very happy for you if so, but that doesn’t benefit me, AT ALL.

Your problem isn’t the Dailies. Your problem is right here.

Five minute load times are not normal and you should not consider them to be normal. Normal load times are more in the range of one to two minutes.

This is most likely a bottleneck stemming from your HDD. Neither RAM nor CPU will affect this.

Once the game files are in RAM (this is what the loading screen is doing), you’re golden. Indeed, the game seems playable for you, once you exit the loading screen.

Using the CrystalDiskMark benchmarking program, my old disk drive, which loaded maps in 1 to 2 minutes measured sequential read times between 85-95 MB/s, and random read at 500-900 KB/s. My current SSD gets sequential 500MB/s, and random 250MB/s (loads maps from cold in 20-40 seconds).

If you can find the time, run that benchmark program on the disk you’ve installed GW2 on. Unless I’m mistaken, you’ll find very slow read times. If you do, please consider investing in a new disk drive, they really aren’t expensive these days.

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


This is only a sink for the people who want the skin fast.

Except fast is the only way to get it. The Winter’s Presence collection is only viable during the 29 day long Wintersday festival.

Legendary Weapon SETS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Behold, Legendary weapon SETS.

Legendaries are great, but they do not match. Currently, if you want those best-in-slot skins, you only have one option (until new legendaries arrive) and you end up looking like some mix-match monster.

A legendary set example would to be putting the twilight scheme and particle effect on every weapon type. Did you love Twilight but you don’t use greatswords? There you go. Right now with only one legend per weapon (yes more to come) you don’t really have a unique way of expression. If legendaries were sets, you could make follow a scheme and do your own thing.

I imagine this would be less work in total for development to churn out more legendary options while using content already in the game, ie old legendary particles and 95% of the old recipes. All old Twilight materials + Zap = Twilight 1h sword. All old twilight mats + The Legend = Twilight staff. Etc. Same textures, same particles, same footsteps, same auras..

What about the new precursor collections? Let old pres work on different recipes as shown above and we won’t need new precursors or new collections. What if a player already made and used the one-time, account-bound precursor? They can go buy another one off the TP because we’re only talking about old legends for now (but doing this for the new skins is also an idea).

- Your Herald can’t use greatsword? Dual Twilight swords~!
- Love Bolt but only use Staff on your ele? Bolt staff!
- Too srs for The Dreamer? Incinerator short bow! Or whatever!
- Don’t think Quip/etc would be a good set candidate? Don’t make that one…

Partially rehashed old content that players would want — easier for devs, amazing for players.

I can see it now, a Twilight themed herald with a Ghastly shield. xD

This of course would be in addition to the new forthcoming legendaries.

I’ve been mulling over the idea of having a legendary weapon’s weapon type be selectable just like its stats are.

Some of the themes the weapons have would be amazing of other types beyond their own original type, but I won’t claim it wouldn’t be a lot of work to actually make 300+ derivative weapon skins.

I think what’s going to happen, though, is they’ll cycle some of the more popular themes through the other weapon types (for example, Astralaria is similar to Twilight/Sunrise/Eternity).

Not that I wouldn’t love to have my Ranger or Thief shooting Incinerator from a bow like they’re Archer from Fate/stay night!

I can think of roughly 1.6 MILLION thing’s I’d want the art department working on ahead of more toys for the 1/10th of the one percent.

Probably 2 million things if I gave it a half-hour of light pondering.

This is the informal fallacy of relative privation, where one minimizes or dismisses an argument by citing that other, more important issues exist.

This thread is not a demand upon the art team to be placed at the top of their work queue, but a mere suggestion for something that Gav thinks would be nice to have. Other tasks needed to improve the game have have no bearing on making a suggestion, nor upon any developer taking a suggestion into consideration.

10k drinks? Really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


if everyone could get it so easily than what makes the item special.

Is that it? For an item to be special, it must be denied to a majority of players?

You must truly feel empty, knowing that there are several thousand players who possess the same armor and weapon skins that you do, and that the value of every item skin you unlock decreases minute by minute as other players unlock it themselves.

I sincerely hope that you can find an aspect of this game that you find fulfilling without also seeking to deny it to others.

[Suggestion] All NPCs should rez

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


And the ‘port on me’ example is often where I see someone downed just fighting trash out in the world, I run as fast as I can there, don’t quite get there, they die. Might be a few mobs around, maybe I have to finish them first. Start rezzing them, and they are gone. Now, I ‘suppose’ it’s possible they had the map up and were looking around trying to decide where to port to during all that, but it sure seems to happen a lot.

What I do is start reviving the player first. A few ticks, maybe enough to pull them out of the map view. Then fight the mobs, and finish reviving after combat.

Kind of a “Hey, I’m here. Stick around and I’ll get you back on your feet.”

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


I noticed it was said above, but I want to restate it: the point is not to be cheaper or easier, the point is to sidestep both the pRNG and the anticlimactic “buy from the Trading Post.”

Beyond that, it’s to add to the journey of acquiring the legendary weapon. I’ve completed the first collection for The Legend and I’m half way through Spark, and from those alone I’ve made a story for these legendary weapons that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Why? Because I met other people looking for these things. We puzzled through the hints and found all the bits together. Only thing I had to look up were the locations the hints referenced (turns out my memory of Dredgehaunt Cliffs is pretty poor!)

(kill so many grawl, etc)

You know this is the kind of grinding they worked hard to excise from the genre, right?

Wintersday? More like Wintesmisery.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


So no one has to grind to get shinies; we just don’t seem to want the shinies that don’t require griding, perhaps they aren’t shiny if we can can get them with ease.

It doesn’t need to be easy to get. It shouldn’t be soul -rendingly tedious to get.

Kudzu Barrage Disappointment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


yes, and because i have bifrost i want my ‘meteor shower’ to do this
shut up and take my money

Fixed that for you. :-P

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


And yet I’m pretty sure Gaile said it’s viable afterwards a very short time ago.


And where, pray tell, are you planning on getting drinks or gifts after he festival ends?

GW2 releases Story Journals: Feedback/Questions [Merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Artanis.4963


One of my guildmates was worrying about the potential paywall that could build up for new players. What’s great about the Journal feature is that it stops the problem of telling a friend about the story, but that it only hangs around 2 weeks so they don’t get the game; but instead that friend buys the game and logs in the the first time ever, he has his personal story… and the current episode.

You take your friend through an executive summary of replays, front the gems for the episode you were talking about, but there’s still a lot missed, and if this is mid-season 3 or further, a lot of potentially salty purchases to really catch up on the story.

So here’s my suggestions:

  • At or nearing the end of each season, put a substantial discount on the “box sets” for a short period of time, excluding the current/just ended season.
  • More importantly, for most new episodes, put one or two episodes in the same season that have the strongest impact on the current story on a massive discount (read: steam sale discount, 60% to 75% off or more).

This does a few things for the new player:

  1. It’s not quite as painful to acquire multiple past seasons of the story. This is something you’d like a new player to do, since the point of a story is to be told. More than that, this is the end game, you want them to participate in it.
  2. Following the current story naturally leads to catching up on past events. This encourages the new player to continue participating in the current story, continue participating in the community. Not only that, this would highlight currently important parts of history for the entire community, and players that missed those episodes the first time around will be accompanied by others who decided to replay those episodes.

There should be no real effort made to highlight every episode over the course of a season, nor that each should only be highlighted once. Any given episode might be important to several subsequent episodes, although highlighting a single episode this way consecutively is probably not a good idea, nor the immediately previous episode.

Indeed, “…at this time,” suggest that it may be developed in the future. Its not a concrete confirmation or the like, but it indulges the idea, and that alone tells me they’re moving in the right direction.

One way they might do it when replaying a story step, you’d talk to an NPC to make a decision as normal, but only the only options to take are the ones you took before. Other decisions would be visible, but not available.

(edited by Artanis.4963)

CDI- Guilds- Logistics and QOL

in CDI

Posted by: Artanis.4963


A pair of related proposals regarding guild calendars. These should be considered in addition to another full guild calendar proposal as feature requests.

Proposal the First

Proposal Overview
Import calendars from a trusted calendar provider (e.g.: Google, Apple, Yahoo, or Microsoft) for display in the guild calendar UI.

Goal of Proposal
Some guilds have existing calendars that they could continue to use, needing only the means to display the calendar in-game. Rather than give cause to redo all the effort that went not only into making these calendars, but also into making calendar software, take advantage of what has already been accomplished.

Proposal Functionality
In a proposed Guild calendar UI, one or more calendar URLs can be entered. These calendars are downloaded and rendered in the guild calendar UI.

Associated Risks
There is, unfortunately, the question of public calendars, and authentication for non-public calendars.

The simplest option is to require a publicly available calendar. Anyone on the Internet with the calendar URL will be able to access it. However, some guilds might not appreciate their calendars being public to allow inclusion in the guild UI.

A more complex option is to authenticate the GW2 server with the calendar providers, collating the calendars and publishing them at a guild-specific URL, which the game client accesses (piggybacking on current player authentication).

Further is to authenticate the game clients themselves with the calender providers, downloading the calendars directly from the source. It would be simpler to make a generic calendar panel, which can automatically use guild calendar URLs, rather than guild calender specifically.

Proposal the Second

Proposal Overview
The in-game calendar should also provide a URL that the user can enter into his or her own calendar application.

Goal of Proposal
A calendar soley in-game requires the game client to be installed, patched, and logged in to to view. If the calendar is made available to guild members outside of the game client, then those members will be able to determine what is happening, and what is scheduled to happen, even if they don’t have immediate access to the game client.

Proposal Functionality
Alongside a proposed in-game guild calendar, any URLs the calendar data is retrieved from should be made available to the user.

Associated Risks
In-game guild calenders should not be published at a public URL by default. While it should not be a problem if this is desired by the guild, it must be possible for the calendar to be restricted to only guild members out-of-game just as it is in-game.

RNG as a concept: Discuss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


I am inclined to agree. It has been far too reliably observable by too many players to not warrant suspicion.

Seriously, again, this isn’t a thing.

If it truly isn’t “a thing” doesn’t it speak volumes that it seems so prevalent?

Confirmation bias, however, is a thing.

For the Tamini! or not

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


First thing that comes to mind are China regs; no depictions of human skeletons.

I’ll check next time I’m in game, though. It could also just be a rendering glitch.

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


That being said, the 10,000 drink thing is a little excessive. There’s no challenge to sitting at a computer and doing 50+hours of bells except perhaps, the challenge of maintaining your sanity. I’ve been doing the JP, instead, as I find that more fun and rewarding, but after 300 times through it, even that is getting just tedious.

And honestly, I’d even be fine with the argument that “not everyone should be able to do this challenge” if people simply couldn’t forego most of the rigor and just buy the drinks needed. It would be nice if the skin actually represented the challenge. Otherwise, why doesnt anet just put the skin on the tp and say “give us 5$ for it!”

I agree. I’ve no problem with this item being expensive, or hard to get. My only complaint is that the expense is focused entirely upon this one tedious and functionally time-limited achievement.

A Bad Land Diagnosis - Alaska Is Not Europe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Somehow, it must make ‘bit’. =/


Trying both I get
And neither is filtered.

And neither is a copy paste.

Hmmm. I suspect the forum filter had a senile moment. Lol.

Nah, here’s what happened:

The post where this happened made a quote tag linking to post 5885833, by Chad.6104. The two parts of the tag are separated by a semi-colon, which the filter strips out to find a substring “kitten” (or, eight three three C h). Eight looks like B, three looks like E, so “kitten”, as in the tree, which has the unfortunate distinction of being a near homonym with a term for female canines.


Nevermore vs Solarbeam (Druid staff 1)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Should just be a raven that spits out a laser.

Are there even any flying-types that can learn solarbeam?

Change weapon while in combat?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Hey Devilmonk! Looks like you’re enjoying the New Player Experience™ added by anet in a recent patch

You see, anet recieved frequent reports that showed players often had difficulties understanding difficult concepts such as weapon swapping, utilitiy slots, downed combat, class features and other complicated processes such as breathing and walking at the same time.

So the solution was to gate each of those horribly difficult concept at artificial levels. Looks like you haven’t unlocked weapon swapping yet! But don’t worry, if it weren’t for Anet locking that content away from you, you might have gotten lost, scared and confused and chocked to death on your own saliva or something.

So you should be thankful you can’t swap weapons yet, heavens knows what a chore it can be doing such a difficult task almost daily!

You’re not really answering his question here, just adding a tangentially-related rant of dubious relevance.

No VOICE But Squads Completely "Reworked"?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Artanis.4963


There’s also Discord.

Install is completely optional, it’ll run in your browser.
Text-to-speech if a user has no microphone.

I’ve been using it for the past few weeks, and I highly recommend it.

Could our modern military take on Mordermoth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


not nuclear weapons.


The only reason to specifically exclude the most powerful weapons humankind has developed is because you believe Mordremoth would be trivially defeated by them.

So, nukes is the strategy, and the answer is yes, modern military can take on Mordremoth.

Delivery method is tactics. I’ll let the other armchair Generals work out how to do that.

Is Ascended Gear too Hard to Get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


5 small remarks:

  • yes it’s pricey, but if you craft materials when availabel, and just take your time theend is less gains from mat sales and in the end all the ascnededs you need.
  • biggest hurdle is actually levelling your profession to 500 as this part reall y doesn’t seem to pay off (seem worthwhile) a whole lot… Then again this will allow you a lot of options later.
  • You used to have induvidual recipe’s for all armor stats but, with the introduction of the anthology of heroes at Miyani, Stat swap is possible so you should only focus and learn the cheapers way to craft armors you can then jut switch all. (Old 3 stats is definately cheaper to craft compared to the newer 4 stat options.)
    I prefer Sinister. But there is no real problem crafting something else.
  • You do not NEED ascneded armor unles doing fractals 50+, RAIDS or being a WvW only player, having ascended Weapons however is preferable on power (and Power/ Condi) hybrid builds… condi really doesn’t matter that much..
  • Having and ascneded armor will raise your ARMOR rating (not your toughness) in some intances and it an cause you to get aggro when running with 4 other ppl in full exotics. (also potentially causing your to get killed before they do). so consider the reasons to aquire your armor.

I want to raid, and my guild is instituting some heavy requirements. I can only be missing 2 pieces of armor at most, but the requirement is for discussion in raid section. Plus I enjoy fractals.

What a silly guild. Maybe find a guild that has sane equipment requirements, because ascended armor is not required for raids. Or, if you really like this one, build chat links for ascended versions of your build’s armor and just lie through your teeth.

Revenant kills existing professions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Could we see future reworks of exisitng professions to make them on par with Revenant or should everyone just reroll the new profession on day one and forget about the past?


I don’t disagree, but it isn’t enough. So far each class gets one “specialization”, and those seem to be thematic changes as well as mechanic changes and/or additions. Its possible that specializations will be strictly superior to their bases, too; especially if they are supersets.

Perhaps existing classes shouldn’t or can’t be updated to compete with the revenant or their own specializations, but what definitely could happen is a second specialization that keeps the same theme as the base class and layers on mechanics changes. If the announced specializations are like taking a second profession, then this kind of specialization would be like taking the first profession as your second profession as well.

Of course, it is possible that the base classes will be updated, making them something like a default specialization.

mastery legendary crafting _ WARNING!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Since you’ve finished the tier 1 collection, you can now but the reward from the vendor that sells you the collection unlock item.

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


The thing I disagree with is the theory that ANet makes you grind. The decision to grind is yours not theirs. Nothing stops you from playing as you want during Wintersday and buy the drinks you miss if you want the skin or sell them if you rather make some gold.

In fact getting 10k drinks is pretty much the derandomized version of getting the Batwing Brew for the Halloween skin and I find it much more preferable as it spreads out the benefits and doesn’t limit it to a few lucky people.

No, the collection as means of acquisition was the “derandomization”.

It seems like everyone who compares this skin to Nightfury forgets the rest of the collection exists. There’s an item you buy, and there’s three items you craft. That’s where the gold cost belongs.

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Why is it that this community is up in arms over “grinding” things like elite specializations and mastery xp, but when you have an actual “do this a thousand times to get this item” it’s suddenly okay?

That is my specific problem with it.
One player can actually farm for massive hours or be exceptionally talented in the JP
and another can buy it.
When other players see it though, they “know” you bought it instead of achieving it.
Ad in the JP bots and they are convinced.

And then there’s this.

We just got a system to acquire legendary precursors with little to no randomization involved, because buying them off the trading post is not legendary.

Future legendary weapons don’t have precursors in the loot tables, and can’t be sold on the trading post, because buying a legendary weapon is not legendary.

Why? Because there’s been a general discontent over players just buying these items, to the point where any prestige that should have been attached to them is corrupted beyond redemption. You look at an Eternity, and you don’t feel anything, because, well, credit cards.

So, Winter’s Presence. How many people bought it? How many people bot it? Because of ten thousand drinks, it’s not prestigious. Just like the original legendary weapons, prestige now just means wealth or plastic.

What do you find most fun on this game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Playing with friends.


I don’t care what we’re doing in game, if it’s with friends it is always fun.

Tracking Monthly Achievement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


I believe Korsbaek is correct, the Daily Achievement tracker appears to take precedence over the Monthly tracker.

Learning Recipes on the Wrong Discipline

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Artanis.4963


I just learned this can happen, this time with [Recipe: Lye], part of the Spark’s crafting.

While having replacement items available is a good stop-gap, I would have expected recipes to be unavailable to learn by characters that didn’t meet the requirements for them. For example, my Elementalist doesn’t have 450 weaponsmithing, and should not have been able to use [Recipe: Lye].

Dailies and other dismal failures

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Hmm… so if RAM has little to do with loading times, how come when I removed 4gb of RAM (from an 8gb RAM laptop) did my loading times treble/quadruple? I don’t mean to sound sceptic or sarcastic, I’m genuinely curious.

Removing half your RAM probably caused more windows pagefile (“virtual memory”) access

Huh. I had forgotten about virtual memory. That feature(?) is almost never necessary these days, and if you do need it something has almost certainly gone wrong. That would increase load times though, and reduce the performance of other parts of the system as non-GW2 files are paged out.

OP, when you get a chance to post your HDD benchmark, could you also post your RAM?

Both of those components are both easy and cheap to upgrade, so hopefully that’s what’s wrong.

5th machine part?

in Living World

Posted by: Artanis.4963


I read earlier that there was a bug where the machine parts vanish until relog if you complete the nearby heart quest.

Might have been that.

Problems getting used to staff/meta builds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Artanis.4963


I don’t meta, but I went to 80 on staff before learning dagger/dagger.

You have two options: 1) learn to stand in attacks so your target stands in your attacks, or b) accept that your target is going to move around and adapt to it.

Choose option 2 unless your job is to stand in fire. No one likes the guy that takes unnecessary hits.

You’ll lose DPS regardless, so lead your target. Place AoEs off center, and dodge through them so the target paths through your damage to enter melee range again. Since times you can engineer a situation where you evade and your target never leaves your attack. With Lava Font, for example, I’d drop it so the near edge just barely hits my target, then when I need to evade, I dodge forward, usually ending up just outside the other side of the field and the closest melee point on the nav mesh is still inside the Font.

Dead players dragging everybody down.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


Events can detect that players have not performed any actions relating to the event within a period of time and will scale down the event accordingly.

This raises a few questions: what is “a period of time,” and which actions are related to an event?

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artanis.4963


They are on hold untill some time in the future.

Not on hold. Indefinitely suspended:

So, after shipping Chuka and Champawat, I’ve asked that we indefinitely suspend work on new legendary weapons. This team of developers will instead shift their efforts back to Living World style content, building new journeys and events for everyone to participate in.

The phrase is PR speak for “cancelled,” but they don’t want to say cancelled because that has a certain finality to it.

As far as we’re concerned, they’re a canceled project. It’ll be a pleasant surprise if they’re picked up again.

Exactly this.

I personally will be upset if they start hyping another expansion before they start putting out new Legendary weapons and I bet a lot of others feel the same way.

This is definitely going to happen. It was a certainty the moment legendary weapons were announced to be indefinitely suspended.

What I don’t expect to happen is for new legendary weapons to be announced as part of the new expansion.