Please add a material Storage 2the Guild bank
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Artanis.4963
Put them in guild bank tabs?
I read earlier that there was a bug where the machine parts vanish until relog if you complete the nearby heart quest.
Might have been that.
Teleport camera?
Teleport skills now move the character, then smoothly moves the camera back into position. It was adapted from some Revenant hammer and sword skills whose names evade me.
It’s a quick effect, you may miss it if you aren’t looking for it.
I also support this. I’ve seen requests for colorblind-friendly item rarity colors and commander tags, as well.
It’s not really a simple fix, there’s lots of skills to change and so many kinds of colorblindness to accommodate, but hopefully it’ll happen.
The problem is, that golem gives unrealistic values. Some of your dps stems from the fact that have actively fighting allies, and the bosses move around and attack as well your dps will be lower during the vale guardian as youre partially preoccupied with seekers and green floors.
It’s not a DPS meter, it’s a practice golem. It just includes a meter so it can provide feedback. What you want do is take your raid group in there and treat it like a raid boss. Don’t use the boons options, rely on your teammates instead. Use the walking golem if you want to practice a mobile fight.
Honestly, you don’t want to measure DPS with all that boss mechanics going on anyway. The only thing you can measure from such a situation is how much damage you did. You can’t measure how good you are at doing damage because the boss is in the way, and you can’t measure how good your team is at mechanics with DPS.
But if you practice in a controlled environment first, then you have eliminated the variable “how do I mine for DPS?” by ensuring everyone knows that already, and you can then focus on practicing and winning the actual boss fight.
They are on hold untill some time in the future.
Not on hold. Indefinitely suspended:
So, after shipping Chuka and Champawat, I’ve asked that we indefinitely suspend work on new legendary weapons. This team of developers will instead shift their efforts back to Living World style content, building new journeys and events for everyone to participate in.
The phrase is PR speak for “cancelled,” but they don’t want to say cancelled because that has a certain finality to it.
As far as we’re concerned, they’re a canceled project. It’ll be a pleasant surprise if they’re picked up again.
Exactly this.
I personally will be upset if they start hyping another expansion before they start putting out new Legendary weapons and I bet a lot of others feel the same way.
This is definitely going to happen. It was a certainty the moment legendary weapons were announced to be indefinitely suspended.
What I don’t expect to happen is for new legendary weapons to be announced as part of the new expansion.
Still in frostgorge sound, might be weekly.. or even worse.. biweekly
Is that twice a week or every two weeks?
Vova, if closing Overwolf or turning off the “Use Overwolf browser to open links” option allows `/wiki` to open in your default browser and fixes your problem with PayPal, please let us know.
I must say I’m having trouble to understand what the problem is in this topic.
I’m trying to puzzle it out, but it sounds like QLi wants to play GW2 as it was at launch, plus bug fixes.
To that end, this Extra Credits video on legacy versions of online games seems relevant.
(a) You acknowledge that ArenaNet may in its reasonable discretion provide subsequent versions, enhancements, modifications, upgrades or patches related to any part of the Service.”
New recipes are enhancements, 400-450 crafting is an upgrade, patches are for bugs, versions are at cities ( winter time).I have never downloaded willingly a MODIFICATION.
Ferocity, new trait system, filling the last slot of traits, new skills, some skills gone, changing the whole town (has its own ip)(Horrific!!!). It is total conversion. All should be made on a new server. I would create new character to see what is on the modified server.
Modifications are some things to choose to download and use and delete from the account. This is a fact of a modification. In that case a character that I use on a modified server would be deleted by me.
This statement from the Guild Wars 2 User Agreement (UA) basically says that you agree to allow Arenanet to change the game in any manner they see fit. You agreed to this term and to the UA in general as part of creating your account (or prior to logging in if the UA was changed). If at any point you disagree with that term, then you can no longer agree with the UA and you should not play the game as access to the game is conditional upon agreeing to the UA.
If you truly disagree with this game you could seek a refund and account closure, or just walk away. Your comments suggest you’ve been playing for a while, and I suspect your prospects for a refund are slim.
But the names of player characters that should be changed, the menu in character creation upgraded. We have a system that does not care what kind of kitten floats above player character head. Some of them tell me what to do. Some related to personal desire. Guild tags -drug related… Reports do not help, “old story”.
There is a naming policy! There are more then one server. There are many nations and many cultures.How do I feel…“third time”. :-(-
This is a different issue. If you see names that you feel violate the naming policy you should report them. Arenanet is not required to take any action, nor to reply to you as to the resolution of the report. Further, you should not expect action to be taken immediately, as investigation into the report takes time.
Sending reports via the report tool and adding the offensive account to your personal blocklist are your only options here.
There’s a way to make `/wiki` open in the in-game browser? That command just opens a new Chrome tab for me.
You can turn off snapping in options, or set a hold-down-to-toggle keybinding.
But if you turn it off, you turn ALL of it off. Snapping is extremely helpful for using ground target abilities in action camera. But it breaks a lot of the wall type skills. Hence they need to separate or change the snapping functionality. It’s a case of one size fits all not actually working.
This is not quite correct. I’ll elaborate.
There are two settings here:
- A Boolean option in Combat/Movement “Snap Ground Target to Current Target”
- A keybinding in Targeting “Toggle Snap Ground Target”
The first you have enabled and it’s harming your ability to correctly place some ground skills.
The second is a toggle. If #1 is enabled, holding that keybinding disables snapping. If #1 is disabled, holding the keybinding enables snapping. This is exactly what you want: the ability to enable or disable target snapping for any individual skill you desire.
ArenaNet does not need to change anything here because there’s nothing to change. Every player is going to have a slightly differing opinion on which skills should snap and which should not. It’s not all walls, or even just walls. I’d want Firewall (Ele Focus Fire 5) to snap, so it hits my target, but Meteor Shower (Ele Staff Fire 5) shouldn’t because I need to position it to hit a group, not just whichever enemy is targeted. Someone else (or even myself at a different time!) might want Firewall to not snap, because they’d rather place it so an enemy runs through it, or so others shoot projectile finishers through it, and Meteor Shower to snap because they’re fighting a single and/or immobile enemy.
There are too many uses for each ground-targeted skill for ArenaNet to satisfy everyone. Instead, we have all the tools to make the judgments and implement them ourselves.
You can turn off snapping in options, or set a hold-down-to-toggle keybinding.
[attachment: “Why not both?”]
Honestly, this is what I do. I have all weapons with me all the time, and depending on the encounter will swap to a better set.
For example, I usually run dagger/warhorn, but at the Weapons Testing encounter in Molten Facility I switch to staff for the healing and Air 3 knockback. Or Molten Boss, switch to focus at the twins because Air 4 destroys the firebolts, and Earth 5 invuln. I also swap to staff or scepter for the Thaumanova Anomaly because dagger can’t attack while the center panels are gone (usually scepter because it has more blasts).
I’m part of a large guild (~400 members) but I have the biggest trouble with trying to organize a 10 man raid party. What I suggest is a calendar in the guild tab.
If Anet is bored of designing new things then just take what World of Warcraft has. Its so easy…
Have a calendar, let a captain (or through permissions) make an event with a signup. If you want to improve on what WoW has, give people the chance to define their preferred role for the raid. More options. UTC timings….
Currently with a social guild we need to use a third party website for this, which is obviously not the best way because your introducing another step which is easily overlooked. The more you put in-game the better. I’m sorry but people are lazy and need instant reassurance, going to a third party website does not feel like part of the game on a causal level.
I would like to hear from guild leaders on how they normally do this for small parties or if a calendar is a good idea, OR what what be preferable?
How do you plan on putting together a satisfactory schedule with a ten slot inbox and heavy mail spam suppression? Just transient in-game chat channel? Wasn’t the point of this finding a time for everyone to be available and online at the same time? Find a time to have everyone online so you can schedule a time for everyone to be online to play together?
You’d probably use email or a persistent chat server like IRC, Discord, Slack or even Teamspeak. Why doesn’t GW2 have a persistent, searchable chat history? Why not VoIP?
Because other applications do it far better, that’s why. Those other applications sole goal is to provide those features, to refine them into the services we love.
If you want team-management features in-game, I suggest looking for or writing an Overwolf plugin. Then you can have it display a Google Calendar or something and ArenaNet doesn’t have to spend a decade reaching feature parity.
1. New feminine skin for Asura/Charr that don’t have human boobplates.
I know it’s greedy, but the ideal way to handle armor, especially a high-prestige armor like this one (thoug certainly not limited to it!), is to design male and female variants specifically for Asura and Charr, not just coerce the Humannornsylvari armor design onto them.
Please, when you make armor sets, please take into account the differing body structures and social norms of each race. I know that means you’ll need to make three or more passes on them, but I think the additional diversity means a lot to the game.
And ArenaNet? I never thought I’d have to say this to you, but please don’t paste breasts onto species that don’t have them.
I repeatedly obliterated a miniature city, scrambled across the inside of a snowglobe, rang bells, delivered clothes and toys, and drunk myself into idiocy in order to procure a portable snowstorm.
Too soon, sir. 7500 days too soon.
Since I didn’t have to soulbind corpse flower for it to count I didn’t think I would have to soul bind this. But ya, that worked, thanks. I feel silly… ._.
You’re not the only one.
Corpse Flower is account bound on acquire, so it completed automatically. A general rule for non-consumable collection items is if you can sell, mail, or deposit it in a guild bank, then it hasn’t completed its part of the collection.
A throwback to crafting in the old LA:
“Excuse me, where are the outhouses here?”
The old Canal Ward dialog:
Although, now…
Adventurer: " Hey, which way to the outhouses?"
Citizen: “We don’t have outhouses. We… well, we had water closets, but now… now I don’t know.”
Playing with friends.
I don’t care what we’re doing in game, if it’s with friends it is always fun.
The wiki page for Daily achievements lists the low-level achievements. Is it still possible for level 80 accounts to complete those? If so, that could increase the possibility of doing all non-HoT PvE dailies.
I’ve crafted Incinerator, The Bifröst and Howler (final step was funded by a Spark drop, of all things) for my Ele. The journey basically made the weapons for me. I made Meteorlogicus when the Wardrobe was released, bought Storm for 450g, and it feels a bit lackluster in comparison.
It wasn’t the only reason I bought HoT, but I was certainly looking forward to the second generation legendary weapons.
I already did my fractals 26 to 50 but since the patch the achivement has been reset and it shows that i haven’t done any of them.
Also is it possible to sort the fractal daily list by name/tier so it’s easier to read.
Not a bug. They retired the old 1-20 and 20-50 achievements. The achievements you are now looking at are completely new.
Elementalist – Spellshot
Weapon: Rifle
Skills: Stances
Mechanic: Accumulates Spellcharges whenever they activate a Weapon Skill with a Cooldown, which differ depending on Attunement. When 10 charges have been gained, they can launch a powerful Arcane Burst with F5.Mechanic: Spellcharges and Arcane Burst
Whenever the Spellshot uses a Weapon Skill with a cooldown, they gain a Spellcharge of the corresponding Element that they’re currently attuned to (For instance, using a Weapon Skill while attuned to Fire grants you a Fire Charge). Once they’ve accumulated 10 charges, the Spellshot gains access to a skill called Arcane Burst, which is a powerful Ground-targeted AoE, activated with F5, that gains different properties depending on what Spellcharges you’ve accumulated.
- For each Fire Charge, the Damage of Arcane Burst is increased and each charge causes it to stack 1 instance of Burning on enemies.
- For each Water Charge, the Healing of Arcane Burst is increased and every 2 charges causes it to Remove 1 Condition from affected Allies, up to a maximum of 5.
- For each Wind Charge, the Critical Hit Chance of Arcane Burst is increased and each charge causes it to stack 2 instances of Vulnerability on enemies.
- For each Earth Charge, the Radius and Target Limit of Arcane Burst is increased and each charge causes it to stack 2 seconds of Protection on affected Allies.
Oh man, I really like this mechanic, but I don’t think it can be done, not without an overhaul of how the engine handles skills.
My understanding is that any skill that has variation, for example, if a trait changes some aspect of it, the skill is actually multiple skills. One without the trait, one with the trait, and it silently swaps in the appropriate one when the trait is selected or deselected.
A skill that varies on charges like this would need 1 048 576 skills (permutation with replacement, set of 4 options, pick 10). Reducing it to 4 charges (probably the minimum acceptable number) still makes 256 skills.
I don’t meta, but I went to 80 on staff before learning dagger/dagger.
You have two options: 1) learn to stand in attacks so your target stands in your attacks, or b) accept that your target is going to move around and adapt to it.
Choose option 2 unless your job is to stand in fire. No one likes the guy that takes unnecessary hits.
You’ll lose DPS regardless, so lead your target. Place AoEs off center, and dodge through them so the target paths through your damage to enter melee range again. Since times you can engineer a situation where you evade and your target never leaves your attack. With Lava Font, for example, I’d drop it so the near edge just barely hits my target, then when I need to evade, I dodge forward, usually ending up just outside the other side of the field and the closest melee point on the nav mesh is still inside the Font.
It’s an awful twitch meme for sarcasm that stomps all over Japanese turtle culture. I personally find it offensive. People started using it for the sake of using it just because they saw it used so often so it barely even holds on to it’s sarcasm purpose and is simply just there as an infected sheep.
Odd. I thought it was just a reference to the Greek letter ?.
Edit: It ate my letter. How do Greek players even use this forum? Kek.
(edited by Artanis.4963)
Gliders that has the same effect/theme as some weapons.
torment glider, ascalon glider etc.
I like this idea.
There’s an interest in gliders that aren’t gemstore items, so maybe gliders themed after legendary weapons, too? Have them unlock when their corresponding legendary weapon is unlocked.
They are getting away with in the sense that I haven’t seen any news of class action suits.
As for their income, that may be another story.
They’ll get away with it because we still like this game, as evidenced by the number of people that care enough about it to complain about this. Those people will likely desire to continue playing, which makes exacting some financial penalty upon ArenaNet somewhat problematic.
Refunds are a paper cut, and you can’t play after you get your $50 back. And why would you? Not having the expansion doesn’t undo it’s consequences, and you’re just locking yourself out of anything that does get released.
Lawsuits are a non-starter. $50 damages won’t get you into court. I suspect any case capable of doing anything might just result in ArenaNet walking away, and then no one plays.
A “disk-I/O error” might as well indicate that your harddrive / ssd is dying.
Try checking it with chkdsk an see if that helps or shows you any errors with the harddrive / ssd:
I heartily second this.
Also, I recommend taking the opportunity to backup your data (or confirm your backups are recent).
- In September 2013, we got Tequatl Rising, and were told that they’d do this regularly for all world bosses over time. It took them two and a half years (January 2016) to get to the second world boss (Shatterer). Promise unfulfilled, practically forgotten.
This is being excessively favorable to them. The only reason the Shatterer was rebuilt was because the fight made it nearly impossible to complete The Bifröst III. That’s it.
The devs could have given it immunity to blindness and changed how the “encase in crystal” skill worked (e.g.: more targets, more casts, or restrict it to players). We were lucky they decided to get more involved.
Maybe what they should have done is drop the crafting part for now and put the precursors in as a drop. Let people have this set of Legendaries and bring in crafting once they get whatever problems they have now, worked out.
This is a bad idea. The only problem it solves is “the precursor collections are blocking release”. On the other hand, the old system of acquiring legendary weapon precursors only appears to work properly, and is actually more broken than this one: it fails to produce legendary weapons.
The precursor crafting collections, for all their faults, make legendary weapons. Returning to the old system, even partially, will permanently taint this second generation of legendary weapons with the same problems suffered by the first.
Looks at the date
Bit too early for an april fools joke, aint it?
It’s exactly 7 days.
I would love a more mecha-magical rifle, not so long and Charr themed as the predator.
That’s be fantastic for a rifle-wielding Elementalist elite specialization.
It looks like the character is drowning. Like someone is trying to kill them by trapping them inside a water bubble. I think they missed the point, but I’m sure it will still sell anyway.
Joke’s on them, Tyrians don’t need to breathe!
thx all, problem resolved
Wait! Before you go, what did you do to fix it ?
I definitely don’t want anet to change the asuras body type, but it would be really nice to use more of the female versions of outfits.
( On a less related note, it would be awesome if you could switch between the different gendered outfits regardless of sex! )
Do you really want to see and fight with fat male norns fighting in “sexy” dresses?
I’m willing to take that risk.
I’ve said something about this before...
Ah, here it is:
Eww no.
Don’t paste breasts onto nonhuman races for such a shallow reason as to make them more attractive to humans.
(They’re probably getting a good deal on the ghosts though, I think they feed mainly on despair and inconsolable rage so a few minutes of free time to hang around the Mystic Forge probably does it.)
And now I have new headcanon for the Mystic Forge. I hope you’re happy with yourself.
It’s pretty clear from the design of the legendary weapon collections that Arenanet has decided that the precursors are actually a significant part of creating a legend.
I’ve made three precursor weapons (none of the new ones though), and frankly I agree with that decision. The legendary weapons I’ve earned with this system have much more value than the one I merely crafted with a purchased precursor.
I won’t argue that there’s not distortion from unanticipated market changes, nor will I argue those couldn’t have been anticipated, but in my opinion each step has sound reasoning behind it.
I have probably a stupid question. Can I sell a legendary weapon if I use crafted precursor.
The launch legendary weapons work exactly the same as before Heart of Thorns: you can sell the precursor weapon or the legendary weapon itself (even if you used the collection and creating recipe to make the precursor).
Only the new legendary equipment is different. For the new ones, both the precursor and legendary item is account bound on acquire.
It will be fixed and reforged to become a precursor known as Caledfwlch to become the legendary Excalibur.
Oh man, they have the tech to do this justice, too. It’ll be like Replica Job-o-Tron and the r-Tron gathering tools, playing narcissistic and belittling statements when your character takes an action. Periodically (read: frequently) it’ll spontaneously regale those around it with tales of its history.
And whenever your character says something, it responds with “Fool!”
5 small remarks:
- yes it’s pricey, but if you craft materials when availabel, and just take your time theend is less gains from mat sales and in the end all the ascnededs you need.
- biggest hurdle is actually levelling your profession to 500 as this part reall y doesn’t seem to pay off (seem worthwhile) a whole lot… Then again this will allow you a lot of options later.
- You used to have induvidual recipe’s for all armor stats but, with the introduction of the anthology of heroes at Miyani, Stat swap is possible so you should only focus and learn the cheapers way to craft armors you can then jut switch all. (Old 3 stats is definately cheaper to craft compared to the newer 4 stat options.)
I prefer Sinister. But there is no real problem crafting something else.- You do not NEED ascneded armor unles doing fractals 50+, RAIDS or being a WvW only player, having ascended Weapons however is preferable on power (and Power/ Condi) hybrid builds… condi really doesn’t matter that much..
- Having and ascneded armor will raise your ARMOR rating (not your toughness) in some intances and it an cause you to get aggro when running with 4 other ppl in full exotics. (also potentially causing your to get killed before they do). so consider the reasons to aquire your armor.
I want to raid, and my guild is instituting some heavy requirements. I can only be missing 2 pieces of armor at most, but the requirement is for discussion in raid section. Plus I enjoy fractals.
What a silly guild. Maybe find a guild that has sane equipment requirements, because ascended armor is not required for raids. Or, if you really like this one, build chat links for ascended versions of your build’s armor and just lie through your teeth.
Ascended gear is trivially easy to get. Log-in rewards, guild missions, fractals, and optionally wvw will get you the currency you need to buy ascended gear.
Ascended armor has an insignificant stat increase on it, and crafting it is an intentional tax on the section of the population that somehow likes spending months on new equipment. The only place it’s required is high-level fractals, and only because you can slot agony resist into it.
Looks more like a problem with the graphics card, rather than the game.
Make sure your drivers are up to date (consider reinstalling the graphics driver). If it persists, run hardware diagnostics, specifically for the graphics card and RAM (memtest is good here), and check the temperature of the card when these artifacts appear.
With this kind of glitch it is usually not the program messing up. It could be anything from corrupted drivers to overheated or dying graphics card to bad RAM.
Since you’ve finished the tier 1 collection, Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs will now sell you Chest of Prey for 10k karma.
Because of you can solve this yourself, I doubt Customer Support will do anything. Make sure you have a hunstman learn the recipes this time!
Real statistic: 99% of all action movies have less than 20 combined minutes of action.
Real statistic: 99% of all gameplay in most games is walking or performing other mundane tasks.
Real statistic: 81% of all statistics used in casual conversation are made up on the spot.
How about a compromise?
Waypoints that are unlocked on at least n characters on an account are revealed to all other characters on that account.
But you still have to run each character to a waypoint to actually unlock it.
Could you take a look at Manganese Dioxide drop rates (need 10 to make The Bifrost III’s Jar of Purple Paint)?
It seems really low.
I have zero concern about this. In fact, I think they made the right call having it “Staffs”. What irritates the bleep out of me is the pronunciation of Wyvern. Who the bleep screwed that up??
I never listened to the npcs in-game saying it. How do they pronounce it?
Neither have I, but Google says it’s /?w?v?rn/ (whyvern). What are they saying in-game, DeWolfe?
(edited by Artanis.4963)
I can only +1 on keyring.
Really annoying to get the fancy to go on a map (answering taxi LFG), with a character that doesn’t have the currency.….or entering your home instance to farm the Found Bandit Chest, amongst other things, only to discover that it needs a bandit key and the alt you’re using doesn’t have any.
(And why does the Found Bandit Chest need a key anyway? It’s found! I took the time to complete it’s collection quest. It’s mine, tarnations! Who’s coming into my instance and locking the darn thing?!?!)
It’s not the same Bandit Chest.
Everyday someone goes out to the Silverwastes and combs the desert for a Lost Bandit Chests and delivers them to some cities. It’s become “found”.
Considering this person also has to transport trees and fresh herbs and lumps of ore and crystal and candy and gifts and random scraps of cloth and chests of magic items and repair the sprocket generators everyday and now you want them to unlock the Bandit Chests, too? Why does nobody think of the NPCs?