Showing Posts For Arysta.9530:

How many here are playing less? And why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arysta.9530


1. Who here, still come to forums but play the game much less?

I stopped playing after the Lost Shores event, but still poke my head in to see if things have gotten better. Seems just the opposite.

2. When did you start playing less?

Lost Shores, but I basically was going to quit anyway. I figured if that event was fun the game would have some hope. It was the antithesis of fun, so I lost hope.

3. Why / What caused the decline in time spent?

Economy was a big factor. I like feeling like drops are worth something. I like feeling like I can farm things and make money. The only thing worth anything are prereqs which is no fun if you like to work the trading post.

I also felt that legendary weapons were 100% out of my grasp. All the gold and rare items you need are up in the nonsense levels. Getting 500 tokens from WvW seemed impossible. I’ve played WvW for what seems like a ton of hours, and only have like 50 tokens. Screw that.

Feeling completely Left Behind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arysta.9530


A LFG tool with level requirements taken into consideration would probably solve this issue, but that’s not happening any time soon or ever.

Disappointed & Quitting GW2 | post yours

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I agree with everything here. I now see that GW2 isn’t a classic mmo, and those are the games I enjoy. This game is awesome for the niche who want… well, I’m not sure what people like about this game. There are tons of games out there I don’t like, though, so I’ll just put this in the pile with them.

It was a fun game to explore and visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.

Veterans and Champions

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I think they just have a very, very bad drop rate. Which is weird and makes people want to avoid champs like the plague instead of getting excited to kill them.

No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I know it won’t make you feel better, but if I had it to do again, I’d gladly put in some overtime instead of dealing with this event. In fact, if I had it to do again, I wouldn’t have even logged in today and just spent the afternoon fully enjoying the Bengals game.

Dear all: Cheer up!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I guess we’re all entitled to that, and it’s a good thing you can just come back whenever (no subscription fee and all), but I do encourage you not to give up. There are those who work for things in life, and those who are given things. It’s unfair, but it cannot be avoided. You should keep trying for it though.

I work for my paycheck. I get a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment at work. I guess I don’t really want to work that hard when I get home. I understand the drive some people have, but I’m not going to push myself past my fun limit just to get the funniest/coolest pistol I’ve ever seen.

Dear all: Cheer up!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I don’t think it’s an issue of cheering up. I know many people took the events today very lightly, and they let all the negative parts of the event roll off their backs and fall into a dusty corner never to be seen again.

I’m not like that.

I wanted to have fun today. I wanted to face evil karkas and defeat them. Instead, I faced invisible karkas that invisibly facerolled the entire raid over and over again. I saw a person who didn’t even know what a precursor was get the one for which I’ve camped endless dragon spawns. Personally, I got loot barely fit to sell in the trading post. Normally, I wouldn’t mind, but I know I’ll probably never get that precursor and that’s disappointing for me. I don’t have many hrs a day to spend making in game money, so the idea of buying a precursor is pretty overwhelming.

Today, I hit a point where I no longer cared. I’m so disappointed in this event that I’ll be moving on to another game. I might come back if word of mouth starts to improve, but my spirit is deflated for now. I disliked the Halloween event, and disliked this one even more. I’ve come to the realization that this game just isn’t for me, despite loving the combat system, dynamic events, and the graphics of the world in general. Usually, that’s enough for me, but the things that I don’t like have become too overwhelming. Knowing that, and hitting that quit button with a bit of finality behind it is the only thing that has actually cheered me up.

I’m not ragequitting. This event simply proved to me what I’ve felt for awhile now: this isn’t the game for me.

Reward was too big; I feel this is unfair [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


If u got no precursor there are good news:

life will go on!

Yep! In another game!

"Will change tyria forever!"

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


They found an island that could easily be seen by the naked eye from the shore. It doesn’t even make sense.

Panda monks are starting to sound pretty good.

Was it worth it?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I’m glad I had football on in the background. If I had been 100% focused on that utter crap, I’d be raging right now.

Final Event Rewards

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


4 hrs = 2 crap yellows, 2 exotics worth about 1 gold.

Yep. That’s about right. kitten off, Anet.

It is hard for me to find other people in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I’m sure many people have quit. This game, like the Cleveland Browns, is a factory of sadness.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arysta.9530


Personally, I’m not a fan of game elements that are based around inducing adrenaline. You know the “Zomg…..Zomg….Zomg…!!!!” moments. Some are ok but, for people to run puzzles like this for hours just isn’t healthy. Maybe would can get some thought based puzzles instead of speed based ones?

I agree with this SO much. There are a few jumping puzzles that are actually puzzles and those are always fun, but most are painfully easy to figure out. I’m not even sure why they’re called puzzles at all; they should be called reflex tests. This timed/moving platforms stuff is exactly why I don’t play first person shooters. I don’t like my adrenaline induced.

To the OP: You should definitely wait a week and then go do it. I know it’s annoying to have to do this, but what can you do? Suck it up!

Worth starting?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


You won’t need to grind through previous phases to be able to participate in phase 3 I believe – just hop on a ship in Lion’s Arch to reach the Karka-infested Island

A-nets true no grind way of thinking at work. Progression isnt the same thing as being locked out of content

I really don’t understand when people say this game doesn’t include a grind. Have you seen the Legendary weapon requirements? Is that somehow not considered a grind? I’m honestly curious and not trying to be a jerk here.

Risk v reward / awful drop rates

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


This is all just a reminder of how overwhelmingly horrendous the grind is in this game. It makes me sad.

The New GW2 Flavor Rocks!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I haven’t visited most of the old dungeons. Sigh. I thought I had time. I’m so disappointed that this happened so quickly after launch. Without a LFG tool, I might as well give up on ever seeing them.

dungeon finder LFG isn't in the works currently

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I’ve met some great gaming friends through LFG tools. I tend to join small guilds because I don’t like the vast amounts of mutes you find in the average guild. It’s weird. I like knowing everyone. However, in small guilds you tend to get very casual players, altaholics, etc., so it’s hard to form groups on the fly. I hate spamming chat for a group (so much so that I won’t do it). I also hate joining 1 person who wants to go to a dungeon, then waiting an hour to find 3 more people who also want to join.

These troubles have led me to only doing 2 dungeons thus far (I have over 200 hours played). The bugs I faced in those 2 dungeons have also turned me off, but that’s a far lesser issue as these bugs will get addressed at some point.

I probably won’t do many more dungeons because finding a group is so tedious, and now that my character is lvl 80 with 100% world completion, I’m not finding much else to do in the game. I’ll probably quit playing GW2 soon due to boredom… whether I truly want to or not.

Community Segregation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arysta.9530


And the only thing you’ll hear in the lower lvls is how noob you are, and how everyone else’s “main” is on lvl 100… whether it’s true or not.

Dissapointed with phase one.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I agree with this post. Going to that vendor feels like I just walked into a dollar store that charges $100 for everything.

Are the chest worth it

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


If I could trade a piece of grass from my front lawn for one of those consortium chests, I’d seriously have to consider whether or not it was worth the effort of going outside to get the piece of grass.

What are we supposed to be doing?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


The best part is when you get to the bugged NPC!

Subdirector Blingg audio [Merged threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arysta.9530


Nearly the most annoying thing ever.

losing listing fee if you remove item

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arysta.9530


It would be very nice if you could adjust the price of an item without unlisting it. You can do that on ebay. I hate losing a listing fee because I priced the item too high and it’s not selling. I have two things listed right now that would probably sell quickly if I just lowered them by a silver or so, instead they’re just sitting there because I’m too cheap to relist them haha

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arysta.9530


Dogblaster: In my opinion, it would be downright insane to not wait. Clearly, they’re going to make something about the process easier. You’d either not hurt yourself (doubtful) or greatly hurt yourself by buying it now.

Am I the only person that's been sorely disappointed with this event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I was about to ragequit because of this event. Then I thought about my mmo options and realized it wasn’t that bad haha. It’s the best of what’s out there, and it’s a newborn game. I think I mostly felt disappointed because the rest of the game (except for the horrid dungeons) is pretty darn cool, and I feel like it didn’t really live up to the rest of the game.

Halloween Event Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


Scavenger hunt: No bad, but I would have liked a few more hints. Maybe general map markers or something. I know GW2 doesn’t really work that way, but I wouldn’t have been able to do the hunt without the wiki guide. I enjoyed how the item given was a back item. Since back items are so scarce, it made the item matter.

PVP events: Seemed pointless, but after being the last villager left alive, I saw where the fun could be had. That said, I didn’t do them over and over, and was over them both by the 2nd go ’round.

Clock jumping puzzle: Not sure why this was called a puzzle and not a reflex test. There was nothing to figure out, it was just training your hand/brain to react in a certain way. I had no desire to do this just as I have no desire to play platform games.

Black Lion Chests: Items were far too rare. This bit made me downright sad. Maybe it comes from playing those other mmos, but I’m used to have a realistic shot at getting everything during holiday events.

Labyrinth: Best part of the event. I felt like I was doing/accomplishing something that had real meaning. I was able to get a lot of the daily achievements requirements, farm candy corn, and have a chance at good loot.

Mad King dungeon: Not bad. I ran through it twice and was bored with it. I can’t fathom how some people did this mini dungeon like 200 times. I’m not sure why the cut scene was considered a one time event that I didn’t want to miss. It’s easy to find in 1080p on youtube. I figured there would be a one time fight or something, so that was a bit disappointing.

Town clothes: I don’t get it, and I probably never will.

Mad King Says: Amusing. Probably the only time during the event I felt happiness. 25 trick-or-treat bags after each round was a pretty nice reward.

For those of us that spent money, will you buy again at Christmas?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I think this whole Halloween event put a lot of things in perspective for me about this game. The most important thing I learned is that spending real money in the gem store is not worth it unless I really want something specific. I only spent about $10 on chest keys, and even that felt too much. I’m not poor, so I think I probably would have spent more had I thought there was a chance of getting something within reasonable limits.

I’ve also learned that Anet’s idea of fun isn’t exactly in tune with mine… but that’s a story for another thread.

[Possible Bug] Forsaken Halls World Dungeon in Dredgehaunt Cliffs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arysta.9530


Gerrvid is dead in the dungeon on my server. You can’t restart the event, revive him, or kill Fleshgrazer because he’s invulnerable. Been like this for days.

We lured Fleshgrazer to the light, lit all the braziers at once… all he does is stay invulnerable and try to put the braziers out.

(edited by Arysta.9530)

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


Tried for about an hour and got no farther than about 25% of the way (or so a friend told me when I explained how far I got). I just suck at jumping. I’m not happy that there are things I literally cannot do in the game, but I suppose I’ll just have to accept it. At least my girlfriend is awesome.

25+ Gold and 10k Bags later and...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


This event is all about being disappointed and frustrated.

Current Gripes and Ideas on how to fix them

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arysta.9530


There’s no reason to kill Mad King multiple times. There’s honestly no reason to farm anything. You’re going to get bad drops, with an occasional once a month/week depending on your playtime “omg” drop, no matter where you go, no matter what you do. No reason to kill high level mobs… just farm trash. I’m starting to think the bots have the right idea.

Tyria Thriving?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I’m on a full server and a lot of the higher level zones seem relatively empty too. Maybe because the world is so large or maybe people are all in pvp?

Exotics, y u no drop?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I’ve learned to stop hoping for anything good to drop in the game. I have a full set of magic find armor and still nothing drops. It’s just one thing on the long list of things that are fun in other games, but absent in this game.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I’m not a huge fan of jumping puzzles. I don’t have the best reflexes due to a hand injury I got many years ago. I basically have more issues doing jumping puzzles on rainy days (hurricane, anyone?).

I’ve done a handful of them, and I’ve never had much fun doing them. I’m not sure why/how anyone thinks they’re fun, but to each their own. I think farming is kind of fun, so we all have our quirks. I never complained because there are parts of mmos that we all dislike or find very difficult, and that in and of itself is fun.

This jumping puzzle, however, takes things to new heights. I plan on devoting up to 4 hours on it (by assuming the worst I hope to keep the frustration levels low), but after the first hour of trying, I’m not sure even that will be enough. The timed aspect makes it very difficult, but that’s just me complaining.

Second, I’m very glad my main character is not a Norn or Charr. I would feel very guilty about blocking the view of everyone so thoroughly. I’d estimate that 70% of my falls thus far have been because I haven’t been able to judge where I am on a platform. I’ve sort of enjoyed the time I’ve spent with others bemoaning the rough time I’ve had attempting to get up the tower, but I’d rather just get to the top alone and be done with it.

edit: Didn’t realize you didn’t need the Clock Tower for the meta-achievement. Edited post for that.

(edited by Arysta.9530)

Why I'm not happy with the Halloween event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I gotta say, I would never have found the Mad King’s Memories books without the wiki page. That quest had old-school Everquest-style hints that you’re probably not going to understand unless you’ve explored every inch of the world, remembered where every NPC is, and remembered their back story. I know many self-proclaimed know-it-alls will argue with me about this until that vein pops in their forehead, but for the average person, those clues were wicked vague. I just don’t think you should have to read a wiki page to figure a quest out.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I came here to see if it would be worth it to buy some gems. I guess I got my answer…

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I suppose the patch didn’t work because I just tried this quest for the first time this morning. I ended up here after a google search. I’m on the “defend the gate” stage. The initial wave of mobs at the gate were killed, then nothing else happened… just been standing there for about 10 mins.

Edit: I relogged and started the whole thing over. It worked this time, but the ensuing battle at the gate seemed to be very difficult (like a previous poster mentioned). The arrow carts and gate guards were killed by the time I even got to them. Trahearne died about 4 times. The only thing that saved me was running away a few times (I was scared that would bug things, but luckily it didn’t). The rest of the story played out in what seemed to be a normal manner.

(edited by Arysta.9530)

Do the halloween events repeat like normal events?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


Maybe these events that happen only once aren’t short events… they could be long events that last the whole day.

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


Thanks for the update. My nerd rage has subsided a bit.

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I’m not going to expect anything until 2:59am Eastern. That way I won’t be disappointed haha.

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


The lack of communication over this is baffling to me. They’re making people angry for no reason. They should take a lesson from Rift. Trion is very communicative and honest about delays and events such as this.

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I almost took a vacation day from work today because I was super excited. I’m glad I didn’t!

Trahearne - initial impressions

in Personal Story

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I just googled “hate Trahearne” to see if I was alone in what feels like an irrational hatred of this character. Obviously, I’m not alone. I’ve disliked this guy since I first saw him as a young Sylvari.

Personally, I have nothing against the storyline. I think the story was written well, and I think it’s cool that Trahearne is calling the shots at the end because he has more life experience than my character. Unfortunately, they forgot to make Trahearne interesting. He’s so very flawless, nice, and bland that there’s nothing endearing or likeable about him. He’s supposed to be the oldest Sylvari, so you’d think he’d have a few personality quirks by now.

I wish there had been an option to replace Trahearne with Caithe in the end… I love her to death.