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Mesmer: Change the changes!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


These balance can turn me back to gw2 again maybe.. I am in all the changes..


  • Scepter AA first attack which clones can trigger it aswell ll be OP,
    - can be maken 1stattack non condi 2nd minor condi 3rd major condi so risk factor can work as sacrificing 4sec ll be rewardly fair.. Maybe 1st NA, 2nd 1xtorment 2secs, 3rd one 2xtorment with 3 secs
    I am in balance for AA chain is really crap now.. In term of damage havind finished it yet some details about scepter AA
    As it seems,
    Scepter AA ll not be OP if clones wont stack torment.. (If my math is wrong pls let me know, and pls ignore skillcoefficient of notes on geared)
Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


I was just going to make a post on the state of mez in PvP. Every mez I come across is playing pu or a variant of it. Then I came across this post.

I have to say I am glad and can’t wait for this change to be implemented.

We will note see who is a mez and who is not. What I mean is who play the class because they like the class and the game play to those who play the class because of how op a pu build can be..

So to those that are crying about this change, either you learn to play a different build or go play another class.

It that simple.

And pls divide competitive gaming and casual gaming.. It ll help more on state of mes..

I don’t agree with pu not been good in competitive game play. Yes in most cases you won’t run it cause of point loss when you stay hidden for to long, but you can play pu as an offensive play.

If you look at each skills and say this is all difference or offence, then you are narrowing your view of the class.

We not seeing mez in high level pvp game is more to do with the class been broken or all the bugs or Anet not sure how to balance the class and not the build/pu.

I am not going to get into any text war with anyone over my thoughts on pu and competitive tpvp, this are my thoughts and I stand by it.

As i say competitive gaming is just tpvp in gw2 cuz of his offically ranking, which can be esport, and compare to spvp it is synced and organized..

Anyway i would like to ask u then why dont u swap thief or other classes kitten better overall efficient than u to his team.. At least shatter spec..

Or yes ofc u can how u like to but it is described as casual gaming..
Competitive gaming is trying to do your team best, (it cant be Spvp then cuz it is 5v5)

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


I was just going to make a post on the state of mez in PvP. Every mez I come across is playing pu or a variant of it. Then I came across this post.

I have to say I am glad and can’t wait for this change to be implemented.

We will note see who is a mez and who is not. What I mean is who play the class because they like the class and the game play to those who play the class because of how op a pu build can be..

So to those that are crying about this change, either you learn to play a different build or go play another class.

It that simple.

And pls divide competitive gaming and casual gaming.. It ll help more on state of mes..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


1) u cant ignore listening.. It is bussiness ethic.. They shall listen..
2) it is required for them aswell.. Here is one the biggest data source for them, but quality of data ll come by their inteeligence,prof

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

New Mimic. Will you run it?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Yes.. Guess u re in gvg in wvw or in os, as periphery huntering by yourzerg with small scaleing.. When u used yourveil use this to others melee who has long duration buffs, it sounds nice.. However sacrifice decoy..? I think still nice..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


I think thats all fine.. As for gvg mesmers, pu maybe better however survival efficient ll highy decreased.. Swiftness which is cons for gvg zergs.. As roaming with small scale by zergs.. Its fine.. Survival, however invis making high dmg mitigation.. Might can be usefull for more offensive use of pu.. Probably might ll be 3x but 5sec.. Cuz it hink it ll fit more than 1x of 15sec might.. 5sec is not high cuz however in invis u ll lack some secs + if u use skill with 1sec or can be more.. However if it trigger much it can be op? dunno while protection can make %33 damage reduction how much might ill require to let %33 damage…? Can be a thing.. And maybe ordered boons can be nice..

Clone death.. While if blinds aegis ll be triggered, it gives opportunity to cleanse your blind and his aegis with lower risk, evading can effect highy this trait however clone death is efficient sinergy deuling X which has high clone generation.. But risk ll be if u dont use duelX there ll no influence on clone death traits.. As i know clone death is not working with phantasm :S i forgot..

Dd as well highly efficient skill exactly if weakness triggered.. Ahh no we know that not all effects triggered 1/3 is.. Thse changes ll effect much tanky condi spects.. However there is no meta use in competitive pvp.. Which means these changes is not game breaking (gw2 = tpvp thats it) there is other part of game has offical ranks, organization, fairness, esport bla bla.. Wvw solo roaming tank condi spec efficient in terms of survivability while doing damage spec.. ll decreased.. I think which is not bad.. It remind me some of my old pov.. However which is my first solo roam experiment, cant show much but maybe this could show how pu can be annoying.. if it would nowadays it would much more efficient with lastly changes than video time.. Anyway there is no meta use of tanky condi pu builds except solo roam..

The thing is scepter AA, and if clones give torment is not good ll be too much dps.. If specter attack1 as now butattack2 can give torments 1 maybe for 2sec? And third attack can give 2 torment for 3 sec.. Which has 4 secs risk to chain all attack seems fair to me.. Some stuff i tried math.. But slacked cant finished.. Probable correct but ignore skill co efficient if it is not naked (ishould edit it)

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

DPS Scepter AA vs Staff AA

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860



Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

DPS Scepter AA vs Staff AA

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860



Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

DPS Scepter AA vs Staff AA

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


DPS: Damage Per Second
Rdps: Raw dps
Cdps: Condition damage Per Sec
Tdps: Total Dps, condi+power
TD: Total Damage
AA: Auto Attack
DR: Damage Reduction
Naked: not have any stat boost item on u in Hotm
Hotm: Heart of the mist
dmg: Damage
SE: Skill Co-Efficient (if naked 1SE=336dmg)

Assuming Patch will:

  • Scepter AA:
    - Ether Bolt: 2sec x1 Torment
    - Ether Blast: 4sec x1 Torment
    - Ether Clone: 2sec x1 Torment

Power and Condi Scaling
From Naked to Soldier amulet Scale %100 (your raw damage ll be increased %100)
For Condi it is %108 however i ll guess it is %100 Again

Heavy Golem is : 22k HP and has %30DR(however regular has %29.3 DR)

Scepter Clone has: 1 sec delay between attacks and 1sec attack time = 2sec freq between attacks

SCEPTER [Not Patched]
-Scepter AA chain: 3secs54milisecs = 3.9

  • DPS 0.4487 SE (150 damge) [0.50+0.50+0.75 / 3.9]
  • TD: 1.75 skillcoefficient (588 damage) in 3.9secs

SCEPTER [Patched]

  • Scepter AA Tdps : 215.64 or 281.28(ifmoving)
    - Rdps: 150dmg, 0.4487SE
    - Cdps: 65.64dmg, 0.1934SE or 131.28(if moving)
  • 3clones Tdps: 96 or 192
  • 3clones + Scepter AA Tdps: 246 (0.73SE) or 342 (1.01SE)
    - (1xTorment x2secs / 2secs attack frequent)x3clones [x2if moving]

so if u wear +922 Power Stats your which ll be end with 1838power ll do x2 damage to your raw.. so 150dps ll be 300dps
ignorung base %4cchance when u ve Soldier Amulet example:

  • Scepter AA Tdps : 365.64dmg (1.08SE) or 431.28(1.28SE)[ifmoving]
    - Rdps: 300dmg, 0.89SE
    - Cdps: 65.64dmg, 0.1934SE or 131.28(0.39SE if moving)
  • 3clones Cdps: 96 or 192
  • 3clones + Scepter AA Tdps: 396dps (1.17SE) or 492 (1.46SE)

If u get +922 Condi stats on u

  • Scepter AA Tdps : 281.28dmg (0.8371) or 412.56 (1.22SE)[ifmoving]
    - Rdps: 150dmg, 0.44SE
    - Cdps: 131.28(0.39SE) or 262.56(0.78SE)
  • 3clones Cdps: 192 or 384
  • 3clones + Scepter AA Tdps: 473.28dps (1.40SE) or 534 (1.58SE)

Berserker: +%31Cchance +%29Cdamage +922power
it means it ll increase only power damage efficient by +%24.5

  • Scepter AA Tdps : 439.11dmg (1.30SE) or 504.78(1.28SE)[ifmoving]
    - Rdps: 300dmg*1.245=373.5, 1.11SE
    - Cdps: 65.64dmg, 0.1934SE or 131.28(0.39SE if moving)
  • 3clones Cdps: 96 or 192
  • 3clones + Scepter AA Tdps: 535.11dps or 696.75 (2.07SE)

i ll do Dps to Dummy, how much time it ll required to kill it..

A: Scepter AA only to Target Has %0 DM and 22kHP
B: Scepter AA only to Heavy Golem %30DM and 22kHP
C: 3clones active + A
D: 3clones active + B

Before Patch:

  • A: = 146.6sec
  • B: = 189.64sec
  • C = 146.6sec (maybe 1 sec it effects :P )
  • D = 189.64sec (yea clones has no effect on damage 1 to 10 dmg max)

After Patch:

  • A: 102sec or 78sec
  • B: 129sec or 93sec
  • C: 70sec or 46sec
  • D: 82sec or 51sec


  • A: 60sec or 51sec
  • B: 79sec or 64sec
  • C: 47sec or 39sec
  • D: 59sec or 47sec


  • A: 50sec or 43.5sec
  • B: 67sec or 56sec
  • C: 42sec or 31sec
  • D: 52sec or 37sec

Carrion if primary stats increase output %100 secondary will increase %56.6 (i ll say %57)

  • C: 39sec or 26sec

Rabid: 643prec = %31cChance = (%15.5 (i ll say %15) damage multiplier)

  • C: 44sec or 34.5sec

GS Spatial Surge AA:

Attack speed is approximately 1.4 seconds per attack. so

  • Damage Damage (3x): Damage if range is less than 300: 143.5 (0.385)
  • Damage Damage (3x): Damage if range is between 300-600: 177.8 (0.482)
  • Damage Damage (3x): Damage if range is between 600-900: 214 (0.578)
  • Damage Damage (3x): Damage if range is greater than 900: 248.5 (0.675)

Scepter vs GS (than 900)
Scepter Not Patched: -%50
Scepter Patched: -%5
Scepter Patched + 3clones: +%8 or %50 more if moving


to be continue..
let me know if there are mistakes, and lf feedback

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

(edited by Azo.5860)

Mesmer Poll: Scepter Auto-Attack Torment

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


@DuckDuckBOOM, my comparision on AA was about Damage Per Sec dps, efficient of that aa’s damage.. Cuz ppl say it ll strong bla bla, but how it ll be strong dont show.. Anyway i hadnt read posts before me.. It remind me sarcasm, “i hit rabbit 4627274647 this damage”..
U say scepter can spike pretty high.. I would like to see it.. How much he can give in how many sec and rate of its challenge, counter measures..
Otherwise your word scepter spike high.. Ll not mean anything to me.. Make it objective.. Than subjective..
And your condi mesmer mean dire(tanky)mesmers? As pu clone death tankiness threesum, i think u would like to say nerfs that threesum.. I in.. Cuz i dont do solo roam in wvw.. Anywhere that pu clonedeath tankycondi builds can work in high competitive no.. Cuz others classes roles even shatter can better rfficient than scepter or pu build ex in tpvp..
I found i made mistake on math on AA.. Cuz both 1st and 2nd scepter attacks ll do 2.5 sec torment.. However u remind 4sec..
Ok others lemongrass>koi .. Example u give 10 sec condi to foe with %0 condi duration on u.. Think u used koi so it become 14 sec (+4sec) but if enemy has lemongrass -%40 it ll not decrease -4 sec.. It ll 14×0.40= -5.6 sec socomparision between foods 5.4/4 = lemon is%40 more efficient than koi…
And with simple situation while u aa enemy with 4sec, any class dps can outnumber yours if u re balanced (guess all had ascendant with full customization)
Probably u ll not use daze for can aa better enemy
Any pvp can ve a scenerio as u say clones give tormentss 18stackss etc. no ofc.. if u say it about wvw? In large scale condi ? Probable u refer solo gaming, however no one would like to do pvp with condi pu mesmers.. In roaming.. Who ll care there is no rank.. Make video and let ppl wow is easy not require skilled gaming. Chance and imagination.. Subjective.. Anyway,
Tl,dr: i didnt satisfied about opowered description of this buff.. Require more math/brainstorm/theorycrafts.. Imo Still AA is not efficient as how ppl think.. I think ppl make mistake with mixing where their complains comes from.. As clone death, pu skill.. And mesmer role..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Order of conditions

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Anet should describe those things.. But yeah next yera maybe as skill co efficient tooltips on skills..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Mesmer Poll: Scepter Auto-Attack Torment

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Some notes about Scepter:
With not patched

  • Scepter AA chain:
    - dps 0.4487 skillco efficient (150 damge)
    Chain is 3secs54milisecs = 3.9
    - total damage: 1.75 skillcoefficient (588 damage)
  • make clone which gives non damage and use only 1st attack, does not chain
    As give more examples on others AA

War long bow:

  • dps: 0.5546 (%23 more damage scepter AA)
  • trait give boost them as %100 double projectile finisher :S + 1200range (from wiki note)

Necro scepter:

  • dps: 0.40 skillcoefficient (134damage) raw+ 254 persec condi damage(%158 More dps than mes scepter)
    - total: condi damage: 762..[2xbleed (5sec,426 damage) + 1xpoi (4sec,336 damage)], power damage: 403
    Aa chain takes 3secs..
    Condition scale: example taking rabbid amulet, total condi on AA ll be 1591, (%108 more ll increased from not using max condi amulet)
    Power scale: soldier amulet damage on AA ll be %100 more effective on raw damage with total aa chain raw damage ll be 808

Any stats can be added with precious and ferocity to look effectiveness but anyway it is out of topic..

Mes staff:
To single target,
Dps: raw; 0.222 skill coefficient, (82,22 damage)
Dps: condi; 154,6 dps
+ boons fury: can ve %74 uptime on u if could ve bounces on u always, and
Might, 3,7 can perma on u..

If ve ielacity can ve double them all..


  • 1 torment gives: 32 damage per sec on not moving,
    So 1 AA chain gives, 2x 2.5 sec / 3.9 = 41 damage persec, 82 on moving
  • ether clones give torment as well per attack, dunno what that clone attack frequenty
    In conclusion imo,
    There is no need to use scepter AA,
  • low dps
  • low velocity even movements can dodge it
  • low attack rate that low efficient triggering attack on hits,
  • we use 2 weapons, swaping is low cd u can i wont give my five cents to 4 sec attack,
  • its not unique condition type that can stack, so easier to cleanse
  • meta use of scepter is in wvw solo roaming, so who cares..
  • there is new buff ielasity
    Tl,dr: scepter has no meta use on competitive play.. Which was already crap with damage and practically, and condi weapon that useless aa.. I think it was good start i say “yes” to OP, however i think it would better if it has CC condition as chills, blinds, i am not in for passive gameming arguments, i interest more risk/reward system.. As is it fair to sacrice 4 sec which is not highly can trigger its attacks/evadeable —> and damage in reward? Or what that skill is for?? Where how it can be used.. ?i ve no answer for it.. This sound me not passive gaming, hack and slash style for npc gaming.. However it is not working there aswell? I can miss, and couldnt read the posts
Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

So what's your REAL thoughts on Mes in WvW?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


In large groups, I play my mesmer less like an elementalist/necromancer and more like a thief.

Ele/Necros seem to offer big fat AoE support and damage. They do pressure damage on multiple people. Not every class can fill that role and mesmers are definitely not in a place to match their contribution in those areas.

Instead, I focus on performing like a thief or ranger. I zip in and out of smaller encounters on the periphery, bursting down squishies. Occasionally I’ll toss a support spell like feedback, null field, chaos storm, or phantasmal berserker into the blob. Most of the time, however- think thief, not staff ele.

if u are in pugs zerg with blob and if fight vs the same as your group.. so play what ever u liked to however if there are some organizationed groups faced how u role as that.. their thiefs ll get u in sec.. so your efficient to your group ll become `0` or more —> rallybot will give high opportunity to others.. what ever u ve nullfield feedback or tw.. will be so much useless.. how u survive without blink decoy.. and wont u ve veil ?

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

So what's your REAL thoughts on Mes in WvW?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Understanding mes in wvw, as well requires knowladge for gw2 mechanic and its philisophy..
In simple,
Gw2 game modes : StructuredPvP, pve, wvw
- spvp: is just only competitive mode cuz of game mechanic made with/for 5v5 structured caping/pointing system.. Which has ladder and esporting..
- pve: piece of cake for casual playing
- wvw: chaotic enviroment..

Www, has various scaled groups,

  • Large scale groups, has various environments
    Raiding/random encountering zergs
    - Zergs: have some various goals, and they are 2 organizations, competitive/challenging or scrub/casual
    _ pug zergs or guild zergs with/without blobbing.. Full/semi/none competitive.. Has all different goals
    o deathmatching, destroying faced enemy groups
    o roleplaying, troll raids, drunken raids, rpg, etc..
    o farming, badges, karma training, gold, achivement(probably fit moreforsmall scales)..

And they ve different compositions,
- As heavy melee train: as [GH] whose peripheries as well run with train with full compact..
- skirmish group, as early of noob pug zergs, who are ranging always, as just looking for most loot baging and lacking of organized frontline tankies..
- balanced, who has front mid backs

These compositions made naturely for better efficients.. Cuz of how many players online in wvw with similar goals, and game mechanic aoe cap..

However these raiding large scaled groups if organizedly challenged each other, it can gvg as in any part of wvw map or gvg as in obsidan sanctrum…

As there is solo roam which can be 1vs1 or 2 or many, as solo play it can be duels organized/random encounters 1v1 deathmatch…

Or small scale groups as well can play main goal of gw2 wvw philosphy for wvw points? :S or may look for famrming challenge trolling influence via e advertisement, testing/practice… Every thing can as solo or large scale groups..

I wrote them cuz how various/differ wvw can be that experessing something about mesmer without experssing where/how/why wont mean much anything..

Lets go with mesmer: mesmer is a class over 8 proff ya? And where as thereis no cap for selecting any class to your group composition + gw2 balance philisophy + wvw zergs requirements = mesmer mean veil,boting in organized groups who looks for most/better efficient as for deathmatch modes..

What is this meta say veilbot, meaning: why we have 8different classes who has different cons/pros in major/minor goals or tactical/strategic strengths-weaknesses.. So mesmer doesnt have any seats in any roles.. Cuz of not meeting requirements of his large scaled goals.. However every guilds wants atleast 1or2 veils or rarely portals for fun.. Rather than being class u required just for veil utility for zergs..

I was saying the same things Since Blurred Frenzy got nerfed to evade.. Most mesmer community was opposite to me.. However more and more ppl with increasing knowladge, experiance and done nerfs let ppl say mesmers re Veil bots for large scale grouping..

Lets discuss efficient of mesmer to his organized sync ed sinergied large scale group.. In various roles.. Seperately or/with overall
For gvg or guild raids groups.. And question for it is “Why would u choose mesmer in your organized zergs?”

Think that none of mesmers use veil..
- can harras/sustain damage enemy train better than necros, staff eles? While than damage, is there any build that can support his allies or cc enemies better than them?
Either while tanking, can dps and support and cc? Than guardian? and lets add to Risk&reward system mechanic of mesmer vs others? while mesmer ll have more challenge on risky composition fo higher its efficient, whereas reward is more less than tpvp mechanic.. yes as already told gw2 mechanic <—> 5v5 Structured pvp

And the most difference tpvp mes is from wvw mes.. Is there is no comfortable can position yourself in obsidan sanc while thiefs by close to all time.. And more action/less unconnection time in gvg.. Annnd there is no respawn..

Lets do analytic.. To be continued

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

(edited by Azo.5860)

[Mesmer] Null Field

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


Atleast nullfield could effect 5 ally with 5 foe together.. Is it worked as it ?
And dodge can evade nullfield?
And aegis invis or blind on caster has some effects?
What is its cleans and rip orders? Or is it effecting from last/first order? Or random?
How skill chooses its tags? Who are most close to middle of skill? And party have priority to choose its ally?
If players swap each other in nullfield, swap as closer/further to mid?

Those are the questions that i would like to know first!

Anyway why i dont see nulfield is usefull in organized wvw large scale groups

  • mesmers have 2 skill slot already must, veil blink, so last one should be the survival skills as decoy or mirror images or if u hybrid mantra is MoConcentration,
    - in pug or blob zergs play however u liked to but in competitive fights as guild raid vs guild raid, or gvg as in os
    Mesmers is lacking aoe pressure so better join small scale group in your zerg and hunter peripheries as who are not in melee train players or hunter enemies hunters.. So nullfield on mesmers is sux in this way..

Or be a pug or blob for zergs and play however u liked to game in wvw.. Fun..

@OP: aka ileap +1 = anets intelligent balance philosophy.. = play however u liked to play in wvw..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Why no GvG ANet?

in PvP

Posted by: Azo.5860


What is large scaled grouping death match in obsidan sanctrum arena? We say it is gvg unofficially,

  • it is escape from wvw which is chaotic place..
    - in terms of fair challenge as,
    o same player vs same player
    o no use of siege, weapon sigil stacks,
    o in limited area,
    o no pugs, blobbing, slackers, afk or upskilled players
    o one goal is outnumber others and kill,
    o no waypoint
    o no resing dead
    o rounds best of 9 7 5
    And all of them is for both teams..

And from my side i think most differences of gvg from tpvp is,
Have some siffer style/roles, as tpvp meta has, decapper, roamer bunker etc..
And most important think is the gvg is innovative because of them, where as gw2 has not other offical competitive than tpvp, excatly u dont need to be competitive player from gw1 who used to play various different competitive play and, has different meta role specs/styles than tpvp, gvg uses more holy trinity spec.. Has tpvp any fronline, midline, or backline/focus party etc.. ? Maybe the reason that largescaling is often +15 +20 players.. For efficienty which game mechanic include aoe and dodge system.. That it makes frontline(meleetrain) midline(peripheries staff ele necro etc) or backline(periphunters/harrassers thiefs dd eles or mesmers) roles/styles more importand.. And still gvg is not someting as end stage as tpvp, ( tpvp meta we already see often same things where as gvg still hasnt any offical perspective yet..)
And i think gvg has more active combat/action, and different sync, synergies and positioning..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Is PVT viable for mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Regular shatter mesmers use usually full pvt or mix with some zerkers, exatly for outnumbered blob fights..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


i can add repeat some stuffs, for mesmer balance, to make them more viable for wvw zergs, instead just having seat if mesmer have veil(veil bots).. so it ll require some adaptation to mesmer for large scale organized groups without lowering/oping in other types excatly for tpvp..

Veil issue, =
if it become elite? or
change its function? (dunno what gonna be happen if mesmer has no veil anyone would prefer mesmer over other 5classes)? (i skipped eng and ranger dont have idea about them enough)

Phantasms: or making phantasms available to hit at least minimum required of efficient(minimum cant be `0` )
as i do some compare about izerker vs phoenix in terms of aoe damage.. i see still phoenix is much more better.. as izerker cleave(3 attack/hits) whirlwind (x4) so it is 12attacks/hits.. its coefficient is 0.55 × 12 = 6.6 phoenix pierce attack (thinks it hits 3 ppl in zerg avarage x 0.75 coefficient) + (aoe cap 5 × 1.70skillcoefficient) total = 11skillcoefficient so difference is Phoenix is %66 more damage than izerker(if phoenix done 10k total damage sum in cap, izerker only make 6.6k damage if both hits max) [ and guess what is the possibility of geting max hit risk izerker vs phoenix :P ]
so as these izerker or other phantasms request at least 1 hit before die is fair ? make them invul or let them prepaid damage , while dont give away from its counter play.. if it can want it can be make objective fair balance or adaptation..

BF: maybe let it only take half trigger or damage from retal.. probably will let mesmer more viable to use their shatter which has IP builds, u know what, i ll be thief and useing pistol whip as bf use would better maybe :P and it was the biggest issue of mesmers that become veil bots, (they are not efficient/suxing on melee train presurrer) or make BF invul with -%20 less invul time than evade, (so it will be more challenging skill but fair from my side, kitten after invul u ll have time non evading non invul time that can take all damages regularly so it can let player shorten theit BF challenge will let todo BF -%20 damage as well in terms of less risk in profit of -%20 damage) but player can easily interupt their BF i mean they should not have to press escape or staking as ram building etc, movements or other skill triging can interupt)

MIndstab: they were talking about buffing it, i am still not sure buffing will include wvw zerg philisophy, they were talkng about channeling, it sounds good to me, but channeling should not change that skill play style on tpvp as well,
so using mindstab as regular but then it can start channel so pulses while imbobilize and last pulse can make final hit or blast, so if skill ended its channel it can become double cd maybe ? or skill will channel but will give delayed big damage as staff ele earth2 water2 or scepter fire2.

these are some stuff i hope but ofc need objective theorycraft, which can let mesmer more viable in zergs without making it lack or op in other modes styles environments..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

[PvX] Feedback 8/8 Skill Bar - Warrior

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


No other class has such harsh penalties attached to the use of their class mechanic.

Dodge a mesmer shatter and not only have they wasted a cooldown, they also have to build up their illusion count again before having access to 4 skills. Two of which every Mesmer build finds useful.

indeed either +phantasms which is core mechanic of mesmer broken, crappy risky intermsof little to none profit.. in zergs..
+sword#3 become more risky that wasted your shatters, other cd, building up/unconnection time..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Buff Sword #3

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


I never understood how this skill bugs exactly. It performs what looks like [Savage Leap] which does go up the y axis. How it gets stuck on a stone or step beats me, but any bug fixing helps.

I’d hope the skill bar for Mesmer focuses on fixing bugs so that the whining stops like that they aren’t powerful enough when really its just bug fixes that would alone buff them a lot for a smooth QoL. To this day, a well played Mesmer either doesn’t like to die(stale mate) or scares the hell out of me and forces me to retreat or crawl into my grave so I’m not so sure they need a buff, just bug fixes so their other kitten works. Even when I spectate I watch them destroy people, or watch my guildies roam in wvw and let them melt people.

Visual counter
1)(as well with best performance video option it is clear at least compare to other skills fair visual effects)
2) more easier way to understanding that foe is using ileap, is on enemy bar u can see ileap icon
3) and ileap has 3/4 sec casting time

So it is dodgeable skill in will

But if it is not work as it requires,
Mean u use your #3 sword and for ileap that clone should reach to enemy and which is can stuck on the way that can still make u in cooldown wit it..

And with lastly nerf(i say nerf cuz if other professional skills can be bugfixes on tooltips, not on skill mechanic however with mesmer in contrast)

I dont see mesmers whinning about not enough being powerful..
Whining comes with not objective/subjective critices which are mostly scruby things.. As OP mentioned as with his pov all mesmers are 30/30/30/30/30 i mean 4 5 optional builds which they can have maximising specs all to gether while skiping cons of them.. As in risk/reward thing no risk max profit..
Mesmers accept their pros as how they can be better/more effective in goals as general wvw solo roaming, or with having portal, veil pros.. Etc..
But things that can seems whining have already experiance knowladge in their topic.. Pls dont skip them.. As blurred frenzy complains in wvw large scale fightings zerging.. After bf got nerfed.. Whinings as u say.. Are coming from anets untrasperant balance philophys, as they nerfing it for pvp but same as in all modes.. However goal of their nerf on bf, was not the same as zerg mesmers.. Which meaned that balances was not include wvw primarly, however they changed their word now..

If u re talking over videos, it ll be not objective source for you,
U ll not see cons, as how he died, or cut mistake scenes.. Maybe live videos as twitch can better source and other thing is knowladge differences with u and him.. U should understand how they do things and why.. Their willingness.. As u can see a video as vash ll bursted players to hell.. But in risk reward? Bursting player nonself sufficient cant dodge or upskilled or afk or zerker with notmax itemizationed players with various enviroment effects..

Anyway tl dr: mesmer is not weak or strong as all other 8 proffessions, they ve pros/cons weak/strong things.. However would like to remind u that major thing is.. How they can perform the requirements in goals over other proffessions..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Mesmers are OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


Can we come to a compromise, that all classes are OP, UP and broken?

Yes, all classes may ve op,up or broken things in various roles/modes/playstyles in gw2

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Mesmers are OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


@ryu, mumbo jumboing?
U just talking scrubby u know? U dont know why u say things, where should say, and how should say.. Your words is subjective. Ppl dont interest unconstractive words. if they interest/answer to u just because of trying to help u which is appriciated.. i would like to give u advice, check my signiture.. And feel free to ask things.. it ll both more understanging for u and community.. Maybe for anet aswell..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Examples of Overdone Balancing

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


please do remember that all professions skills balances are focused around 5 vs 5 team arena conquest mode, not WvW or PvE.

Me either was thinking the same
Until ready up balance philosophy.. They agreed that balances should ve done to all game modes? And they said it with transparencely..
Or am i wrong? Uhh ileap bug fix?

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


The mention is just theory/possibility over many..
i didint make compheransive but little others can be aswell

With classical view As adam smith says: companies first priorty is make profit.. However this code of conduct/work ethic is not available anymore.. Since industrial revo
Human/civil rights.. —> crm customer relationship managment → customer satisfaction..

So game include wvw mode officially right? What is wvw environments.. Tools in wvw roles/modes/specs can be solo roam or small scale roam or large scale roam(zerging) or solo deathmatch as duels can be organized or random encountered.. Or large scaled duels as in obsidan sanc fights (gvg)

Plus gw2 includes pve things and pvp things..

And if everybody already understand state of mesmer in wvw various places..
Plus if anet say in officially that game balances should include pve wvw and pvp systems..
So as @OP mentioned that we should see some fair adaptation to mesmer for all part of game..
However i was telling the all same things since bf got nerfed since more than 1 year ago.
i had hopes that the knowladge/experiance of competitive large scale mesmer will increased that ppl can be away from scrubing.. However same rate is similar to how many competitive mesmer players quiting from game too..

Example what was the reason bf got nerf/bugfixing for all game modes.. However many other classes/skills bugfixes not from tooltip to mechanic, fixes happened to tooltips not game mechanics in buff way..

Lets see future about mesmer ll see it or ll be as the same while they triying to make brow, they removed eye.. ?

Or they ve just absurd goals which most mesmer playing players wont happy since 1andhalg year that always having more unsatisfy..

How about nerfing veil to ground, so try to born mesmer from his ashes? i think it ll be more objective in his goal?

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Daliriants Mesmer Meta!! (High end TPvP)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


i ll cap some duels and roam with that build.. But just afraiding that it can take nerfs :S

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Vitality vs Toughness

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


if u already done thiusands of math what re u asking for?
U tried to ask metas in various environments?

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


This Mesmer Q.Q is a joke these days, they see a few “pro” thieves and suddenly thief is viable and OP. Mesmer can blow up a thief and be just as slippery, I’ve watched it in videos and spectating and been a victim of it since launch while experiencing a multitude of nerfs, sorry if I have zero sympathy for your class.

i m giving answer with assuming u read my above posts..

are u trolling or what?
sorry, no need answer pls ignore it will better.. cuz i am not capable enough to discuss things with u i cant reach your iq..

Its funny that you and countless others think you’re not good compared to other classes. Seriously, did I miss the opposite day memo?

Maybe you should get better, that’s all I hear when thief gets nerfed and we’ve been nerfed hard numerous times with zero compensation. So no, not trolling. If I didn’t enjoy the playstyle of thief so much I’d gladly trade mine in for a Mesmer, at least I get globally known skills that do something.

Want to trade null field for shadow refuge? Pretty please? I dislike AoE and being CC’ed out of it while making it near impossible to stealth downed allies when they pretend their AA is going to do something. What other support skills do you dislike? I’ll probably trade ya.

i am sorry wrong question i asked to u..
directly lamer should fit more..

or sorry dunno your age, if u are kid getting back all my words from u..
anyway.. gl hf..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Daliriants Mesmer Meta!! (High end TPvP)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


himm yumi yumi..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Daliriants Mesmer Meta!! (High end TPvP)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


maybe u should swap dueling to illu IX
and i couldnt get it why sigil of chili? any way

gj.. +1

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


skills/traits makes roles to classes.. and roles is required for maximum efficienties in goal of win..

and skill comparision vs another classes skills have it is logic.. i didnt get what u mean to try? give example.. the reason/goal of your topic?? @OP

if i say mesmer is one of Worst Crowd Controller in gvg because there is not have respected cc compare to other classes…
will be wrong from your view?

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

(edited by Azo.5860)

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


This Mesmer Q.Q is a joke these days, they see a few “pro” thieves and suddenly thief is viable and OP. Mesmer can blow up a thief and be just as slippery, I’ve watched it in videos and spectating and been a victim of it since launch while experiencing a multitude of nerfs, sorry if I have zero sympathy for your class.

i m giving answer with assuming u read my above posts..

are u trolling or what?
sorry, no need answer pls ignore it will better.. cuz i am not capable enough to discuss things with u i cant reach your iq..


General post @ the 3-4 people who are doing nothing but defending their main class: This is still my point. This person just happens to say it much more elegantly than me.

I at no point claim that this game is perfectly balanced, or that every profession can fill every roll at a high level. Stop making up words and twisting them into something else. It’s bad enough to watch guys on FOX do this to religious texts. Don’t do it here.

  • i couldnt understand what ` It’s bad enough to watch guys on FOX do this to religious texts. Don’t do it here.` that means..
  • ``I see many people comparing different skills across professions, claiming that one is OP compared to the other,`` why it is happening.. let me give a example, i ll compare 1 skill vs from other prof skill..

Balance Philosphy ready up happened

Dulfy`s Full notes:
Mesmer: from 44.20
Mesmer: Misdirection, crowd control, utility. Brought in for utility all the way from GW1.
Weakness: Conditions are hard to deal with. Lack of AoE – good single target damage but weak at AoE situation. (A bit weaker than where we want to be. We don’t want to make it too strong as we want you to bring Eles for ranged AoE damage). Mobility – not a ton of mobility due to lack of swiftness but they do have a lot of teleports such as portals. Mesmer can get there and back with portals but can’t go too far forward due to lack of swiftness. Low defense against high burst damage – maybe some small tweaks.
Official design: Access to key utility skills. Gain defense through stealth, evasion, misdirection. Strong 1v1 ranged damage dealer but weaker in sustained AoE damage. Weakness – conditional removal, sustainability if illusions are countered, AoE damage make it hard to sustain illusions.

then mesmer get iLeap nerf/bugfixes in all modes..
in wvw environment(but in competitive environments as unoffical GvG)
let me ask something to u!.. Why would u take mesmer in gvg composition?
answer is Veil.. as i mentioned already Veil Boting..except 1 skill mesmer has no respected/efficient role compare to other classes..

some of are saying why u are Good Supporter and and saying nullfield is OP..
bahh.. i really tired bored..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Almost non-existent in All-Stars Tournament

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


@chaos u mean mesmer is viable with your subjective/personal describtion of FUN..

We are not talking Subjective things.. Our arguments is from Objective things..

We are not talking about Player’s mesmer class… We are judging Mesmer Class it self..

Or let me give example as this.. We are not crying for beatiful colored expansive popular shoes.. While we have rag and tatter shoes.. We are crying for cant walking or runing as others while we both in the same line.. it was not our choose while we could spend our precious time on others ant it will not cry us as this..
Topic is productivity/effectfulness-efficient

Do u think did i enjoy/fun with that?
U see that i won duel 1vs4 with mesmer but not fair match
All were in fights witme constantly there is no one by one or duels..
But i cant judge personally them../respect it could have done me as well..
i usedthat spec just forcouple days test mode and it was my first solo experiment

So as u say kind of quotes.. So give my all precious time back, cuz i risked some things in my real life in reward of FUN from gw2 mesmer.. And golds/gems for this class.. i am remorse with being mesmer anymore.. Cuz i believed anet.. But they did.. As one of mother can give advice to her daughter as, show but not let it touched..(probably i couldnt yranslated it )

Risk/reward is my thing..
As i risked all other classes to play mesmer, but rewarded with being veil botting..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

(edited by Azo.5860)

tPvP Game Modes - Need Moar

in PvP

Posted by: Azo.5860


+ 1
Some of as making organized large scaled deathmatch fights.. in wvw obsidan sanc.. Which is included unoffical ranks/leadder.. it has different taste.. in arena fair match(not as random encountiring as in wvw) with rounds for the win.. Seems one of unoffical competitive gaming.. Cuz if u play better u win not as it seems with first scene.. Is different from spvp meta.. Team fights(like 3v3 as in custom maps) happening while larger scale vs each other.. And every class has role as holy trinity system hybrid jackofalltrade system..

Your post remind me how gw1 was.. Pleany various competitive modes + pleanty customizations all over on everything..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Gamescon LAN - Why now?

in PvP

Posted by: Azo.5860


Hey all,

I’ve seen some concerns in this thread regarding allocating developer resources for tournaments and events, and I just wanted to let you know there’s no reason to be alarmed! While I’m sure our programmers and designers would make for awesome Event Managers, they’ve got a game to work on! Projects like Tournament of Legends, our tournament at gamescom, and anything similar that we do in the future is largely owned by myself and our community/marketing teams.

I had a lot of fun working on the community team earlier this year as the PvP Community Coordinator, and I’m really excited to be back on the team in this new role (Events Manager). For anyone who has been around since the start, you know I’m very passionate about the competitive side of Guild Wars 2. I didn’t want to jump in and ring a bunch of bells announcing my new role when I moved into the position – I’d rather just make things happen.

Hope that all makes sense.


gz, gl&hf..

Is your role will be include all Competitive modes in gw2? not just T sPvP?

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Is Mesmer is FUN/SCRUB Class?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Mesmerize One Last Time

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


You might be waiting a long time.

yes, ll be better efficient if it ll for another game which can e-sport..

ty/gj for mesmerize.. and gl hf rest of it

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Almost non-existent in All-Stars Tournament

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Who cares, honestly?

Exactly. We play the class because it’s fun, everything else is noise.

:S i didint get it excatly..
it means,
A) There is not much have any play spec left except *Fun. (mesmer cant be competitive class anymore instead of fun/fan/obsessed/role playing/experimental specs) because meta ll not change?
B) or it meaned directly? (we are scrubs and talking through one’s hat)
C) others

edit: Describing my FUN

  • Fun: Scrub = not playing for win!

example, my ele: in wvw he is farmer, IGN: Holy Scrub

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

(edited by Azo.5860)

Almost non-existent in All-Stars Tournament

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


@Jurica Pls! give me a favor and instead let me to write things again, there is fresh post from me which fits u.. and continuing post in there..

TL;DR = It is about productivity..
No rice no power.. ohh dam sorry! :P Knowladge is power!!! + check my signature..
Being scrub is different from competitive..
Escaping/being silent sometimes best thing to do.. understandable.. so GL&HF

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


o @Substance E, yeah rangers as well sux[with my first impression/subjective].. even they are not desirable for organized PuG zergs as well i dont see any eng in gvg as well i am not knowladged/experianced with that 2 classes.. i feel the same when your pet died in sec, as my phantasms as well with 0 sec as well.. (i wanna compare any of other classes skills can be dead insta/obstructed as these ? yeah it means not fair with not working with desirable , + its main archetypes of that classes)
yes thats why cuz of veil tw portal mesmer is better than ranger in overall efficient as everybody accept it.. as the same as mesmer have more seats than ranger 1 is bigger than 0
ofc mesmer is not ele lol.. but if anet say that ``MESMER has very much CC(crowd control) yeaa very much pleany things `` bla bla.. check on `ready up` and how they say check their body languages as well.. and without stating any part of game mode.. that which words go to gw2 with its all modes(wvw Large scale groups as well) what is that mean tell me? while they were saying that in ready up Balance Philisophy`` Balances should include wvw`` i ll try to find what it can mean..

  • intimidating.. they re closing to curtain to buff mesmer (can be exampled as they gave power block skill to mes then nerfed, same as another chaos gm trait, focus pull bla bla)
  • they are illitirate, not knowladgable/not experianced (one of scrub tell them something and they belived without judge)
  • they mean they gonna nerf mesmer (example: iLeap[sword #3])
  • they re taking strengths from scrubs/not competitive players/role players/lamers/trollers/causals who hasnt got any competitive experiance and who are most percentage of population of gw2(QoL is sux) (every body nows how many competitive players already left gw2 since launched maybe it was their goal :S —> less players will find their cons, that will not influence/intimidate other not competitive players who are already likes to shining items buying gems players)
  • or they are just `yes-men`(talking from already constructed disccusion with in othority, they dont belive what they say as well [hint: check body language and complix talks from them]
  • comparision: mesmers broken mechanic vs what other classes have in term of CC (want me to open this thing more? pls not now, but in conclusion, try self.. how other classes can CC + while they can do other roles with efficiently vs mesmer :P) answer from me is.. if not have veil, take another class for what role u ll put him.. ) again is it fair to nature of gaming? wish that competitive gvg compositons ll play without veil, so without mesmer that it can take attention where as no one ll have any excuse..
    if anet would clever from minor point.. at least for big segment of gw2 i would care to make mesmer more viable for tagging.. but ofc we can add pleany theories example: this made mesmer to roll another class —> from anet mission accomplished.. or more :P
  • jack of all trades, something as celestial having all but none of is better compare any other ones mesmer is the same.. however i remember some words from anet offically..
    it was offical interview about ll be have healer class question.. and they said, no we dont want any class is highly desiriable and contrast.. it was anet philisophy about viablity in classes in anywhere.. i should have link but i am in slacker mode to find it now.. anyway what is the state of game viablity of any class in any environment? LoL!

@OP it is for u and who is in with topic says.. Why there is a big differences of viability of classes each other? i wanna give answer it is because of comparision!! in terms of `Looking better efficient in` Where why how situations!!!
it let me think that Are u fake devoloper account? for marketing research? `sarcasm`

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


Because of class mechanics it is arrogant to compare specific skills directly across classes.

Comparing classes can be done if you are comparing the class as a whole and not just individual skills. I see many people comparing different skills across professions, claiming that one is OP compared to the other, without taking into consideration the core differences between the 2 professions. The skill itself might seem drastically strong or weak by itself but when you look at the bigger picture including the entire class mechanics you often see that there is a reason for said skills to be the way they are, but some still refuse to see that.

Can I get an amen!!!? This person gets it.

@crunch Have u already read my pre posts above? so i should think that u accept all what i said?
as example: i am guessing u understand why nullfield is not OP in wvw?

- indeed.. it is happening to mesmers as well.. example, u ve veil.. ohh bla bla u are ok..
yes we say veil bot it means.. do u know what is veil bot mean? rather than 1 skill(veil) u cant do in any role ( better compare to other classes = delete veil.. or respect nature of gaming sprit..
and it s subjectively my theory that u ll not see any veil bots atleast in kind of competitive gvg organizations.. if meta ll be the say as this.. or if getting nerfs(or how u say getting bugfixes)[u can see competitive meta gvg players has already understanded veil ed moves already, but still it can work vs pug zergs as how everything can work as Feedback :S mantra heal vs pvd]

o @crunch my theory about this `mesmers is not viable fair enough in tpvp`..
because.. if highend tpvp mesmers can say that they would be better productive/efficient/effective to his group if they were another class with the same skill play as they do with mesmer`` so there is something WRONG with MESMER aswell in tpvp..
i mean population of mesmer doesnt show how viable they are in tpvp.. (/who says there are still mesmers in tpvp)

@NinjaEd pls read my posts and ask if u ve question would be my pleasure to help u..
yes cuz of not making of wall of text i made some short cuts for what?where?how?why? question`s answers that it can seem still not enough objective..

- `So you want utility support and massive damage?` It is available, well necros.. and it is really desirable thing.. and staff eles + having more CC – maybe less damage (i can be wrong with + – havent theorycraft clearly them) while they are more survival from shatter mes? except pu mesmer in shortly and if shout wars? – support + survival(not survival tanking should more fit if u adding positiong challenge) – sustain damage(dps) and more cc ec. u can add other meta builds/classes thiefs, dd ele, dps war etc..

yes mesmers cry.. but would better to understand why? how? where?

WVW, I still see them everywhere. It’s not uncommon to find them roaming and even as a “veil bot” the fact that they have those little things is better than what thief has which is “blast bot” followed by being dead.

- there is a 2 types of gaming competitive/casual(scrub)
u say who cares PVE
i say who cares Scrub gaming (probably u lack of understanding what gvg thief can do instead of pugzergs busters groups [which most guild raids do]
- yes anet say mesmer has great mobility = politics.. as above i had some words about it as ``having high CC``= they should have some goals with saying it or it can be IQ/illitirate problem..
defining problem of mobility..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Almost non-existent in All-Stars Tournament

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


ask every high end tpvp mermers ``If u play another class with same skillfullness, would u be better efficient to your team``

and if it is Yes so there is something wrong with class then..
as how is the meta now in competitive large scale groups in wvw..
both other classes and mesmer say the same thing.. they would choose it for only veil.. and u ll see that in some time later exp competitive gvg guilds as well stop use veil boters + withoutveil mesmers..

for the win..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

(edited by Azo.5860)

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


@floude yeah i missed that part :S was it true that implementation about gw2 from anet ?
anet pls.. make gw2 2d make me army man, but give fair challenge game..

@butter, yeah and there is somethin missing is Honey.. where are u talk about which mode of game?

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Best Healer in Game?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Time to buff other aspects of mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


anything changed with gvg meta? because its happening now in obsidan sanc..
what were anet say and how is going ?

i dont see any cure for mesmers however getting more harms :S

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


Being scrub is not shame.. Play however u like to play.. And not knowing is not shame But not learning..

in shortly, comparision is just the nature of gaming.. As there is no retriction to choose any class but being threated as a fool :S and i am customer of anet as u..
i ve freedoom to discussion and criticize/comparisition/judge

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


@ cruncy: no imo real problem is anet leaving all part of game as scrub, except tpvp.. And there is a uncharacteristic politic about game..
And about nullfield is op? in organized zergs? Where as corrupt well can
- rip boons
- cc, returning boons to as fear and others
- deal damage aoe close to 3+ip traited shatt er burst
- dark field is more selectable over etheral for blinds
But not cleanse, in conclusion
It ll better eficient blasting dark field blind > chaos armor dont say it why yet
Nullfield can be dodged not unblockable vent testet nowadays still same?
Cleanse efficient is so low cuz of spammle boons on getting from enemy group + none group can rely on nullfield cleanse eles and shout guards wars is enough + lemon grass melandru
And most important think is that glamour is not used but any other survival skill as decoy.. U already ve veil blink mandatory.. Thiefs are always around u not as spvp that u can track thief is on other cap like.. And there is no respawn.. U die your efficient become 0.. Dont swap veil otherwise u ll not be in as gvg groups..
At least knowladge about competitive organized large scale fights is increasing that no one said feed back yet.. :P

Thiefs: i can freely say that thiefs are the best for perip hunting as in organized larhe scale fights as gvg, and more survival with nore burat/dps than mesmer.. And have respected group support as can give nice dps aoe.. If mesmer doesnt have veil i would prefer thief or dd ele for in same role..

Mes not available in pvp? yes both players are very highly self sufficients, but if cutie turned to thief and if helseth says if he would play thief he would be more productive to group.. Anyway my perspective is organized zergs enviroments..

i dont care loot bags.. in gvg there is not have..
Yeah maybe i can say mes is more respected than eng and ranger but dunno this it is i dont see them in gvg compositions enough..
Yes indeed i am judging mes with viablity and overallefficient in large scale organized compositions.. And pls be objective logical and dont mix casual/scrub gaming with competitive gaming as how modes have differences..
Lol.. Any competitive can care that what mesmer do in fun dungeon run or vice versa and each all modes.. i care only with who i play sync, sinergies, where and why..
Would u excuse pro football player that he sux on volleyball.. Can compare to beach football but still u wont crtize it as it..
And remember mesmer archetype style is not working as desirable in zergs.. Shatter phantasm..
Risk reward mean how much u sacrifice in return of awards.. Exp.. U risked izerker to on zerg in terms of enough efficient as most classes exp lava font.. ?n reward u get nothing but cooldown which is just one of limited aoe of mesmer.. U can say use it on single person as lineer ele so why should i choose mesmer than while thief can make better that.. Or think as in pvp u wanna burst compact guys in reward death .. Retal .. kittensay dont use if they have retal but they can make perma retal on them..
Comparison skills on different profs.. As anet say mesmer have very much CC they are pros with it.. Ofc i can say what we have while others have this this.. Lol funny.. What we have that they show us better CC compare to others?? And they nerfed ileap of mesmer aswell :S

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


Like I said earlier…stop complaining about what other classes can do well, and figure out what your class can do well.

Mesmer : In competitive Large Scale Organizations = Veil bot! = Not ethic, Not Fair to nature of gaming.. and absurd Risk/Reward for mesmer! And still getting unlogical nerfs(or how u like to say bugfixes).. AND,

  • Anets behave on mesmers.. (all lie what they say)[probable they know it alrready = slacking]
  • Solution: Mesmer should have to be most buyer gems on tp class and intimidate anet as not to buy gems anymore if etc etc.. lol :P as well my other coins can go eng or ranger but i cant talk about them cuz of lacking knowladge/exoeriance with them in GvG or WvW raids..

- Extra: Veil Bot means: mesmer doesnt require/not having seat in organized large scale groups except Veil skill for inv group (would like to have not have this skill if it is excuse i wanna risk/reward game and fair challenge..) or portal.. still tw is not mandatory, mass inv can be better choise still in perip huntering role etc..)
- if not have veil: Mesmer will not be better efficient in any role Compare to other Profs.

why would u take mesmer in your organized large scale group? answer? and is it fair? or is it wrong to ask anet why? (ofc if they say in offical that `balances should include large scale groups environment WvW` so example of iLeap nerf? first in mind i said nerf cuz, effects of this skill to efficient where as mesmer already in low tier qol.. other thing is while other profs skill wont change but tool tips why it is opposite to mesmer?

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Why no GvG ANet?

in PvP

Posted by: Azo.5860


gvg was a high end competition part of gw1.. boost your morale with kills/ cap flags to get opportunity to kill enemy to kill guild lord etc.. rather than split style most use age is fights was on by the capture the flags as a deathmatch..

in gw2 we have unoffical gvg.. cuz of wvw environment is random generated unfair things interupting.. guilds are looking for fair matches.. mostly in goal of they are better.. gvg in gw2 is making death match in os with rounds at the moment..

it is working practically.. guilds who have better self sufficient skilled player and organization with sinergy and have timed sync wins.. (i mean its not all chaotic something as hack&slash style) players can still make pros or cons individually to his guild gvg compositon efficient..

yes gvg is Guild vs Guild, as tpvp guilds do.. but it is monotone to some players excatly who are gvg players from gw1.. personnaly i dont feel guild sprite in tpvp.. and i tasted gw2 unoffical gvg dm.. i like this.. why i purchased this game.. and moved from my gw1 gvg guild to here to make some gvg.. not me personnaly cuz i was inaktive but my guild quit gw2 for 1 reason tpvp was not enough for them and there is no gvg as gw1..
u know how many modes gw1 has? how many various customizations.. and my goal is.. anet can make little respect to kind of gvg.. gvg as tpvp is 5players capturing point style and as in things happen in OS is death match with rounds with wider customization than hotm..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Why no GvG ANet?

in PvP

Posted by: Azo.5860


@olba thats why still with un offical GvG in os with twitch from 1 person can make +1200 live views + u can add other personal pov videos aswell i think thats a fair amount yeaah? And guess there will be an officall gvg i think it can be better esport? + how many competitive players have already quit game cuz of there is no offical gvg..

@vayne can u give any link? About anet say in officially that there would have no gvg.. Cuz i am confused.. And as anet say in ready up balance philophies.. That they say balances should include wvw(large scale) mechanics.. And as i am mesmer player.. These nerfs on mesmer class? Any way as op ask "why there is no offical gvg? Why and what anet think about it?

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

For the love of God, stop nerfing mesmers.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


There is nothing wrong with being scrub medohgeuh.. My new class ele has named Holy scrub.. U ll play how u like to play as anets slogan.. But the thing is if u read the pre posts on mesmer, bugs, ileap, etc.. U ll understand the things.. if u already read, there is nothing wrong with being Low IQ that its not choose to being as this.. But if u choose to be as this it is shown as characteristic problem/not have.. But that can ok u can be too young.. if not young as check part IQ.. Or being ignored will be better for both as mesmer.. And not knowing is not shame but not learning.. Feel free to ask instead accepting things subjectively..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”