Showing Posts For Azzras.8041:

Complete our personal story solo

in Personal Story

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Just hit this quest as well. Doesn’t seem anyone will run it in Story mode. It was also a surprise that a group is required to finish my story.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


So many in this thread say no and act like they hate the game…yet stick around?
It’s ok. No one is paying a sub, so enjoy.

And yes, I would recommend it to a friend.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Jestunhi, what negatives!? The reasons the OP gave are, like pointed out by many in this thread, “not very good answers”. Using that term so my post wont get removed.

Do you think that some people should be able to see around corners while others cannot?

Does that sound like a positive, balance-improving change?

Perhaps it doesn’t matter in PvE, but in PvP it sure does.


If they tie model rendering to line of sight to remove any unfair advantage gained by FoV, I have no problem with allowing it to be alterable.

As multiple users have pointed out, you can alter your FOV by using 3 monitors or by adjusting your video card settings…both of which are supported by ANet.

Your Favorite Character [spoilers included]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041




Opinions on Raids

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


So what you all are saying is what separates GW2 from other MMO’s is a lack of raiding?
If gear progression isn’t what GW2 is about, then why the hate for raids?
Raiders wouldn’t get more powerful stats than you, but I’m sure you’d still be up in arms if they got cool looking gear that was difficult for a coordinated group to acquire.

Thanks Anet for the great patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


I’m an elementalist and I can safely say that I and most of the other ele’s find this a pathetic and dismal patch for our class. And in a broader view, it’s unfathomable that there are so many bugs, the game is so terribly unoptimized, class balancing still hasn’t been done, etc etc… This game was not released when it was done, as promised.

First MMO launch?

Asura Gate Identifier on the Map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzras.8041


If they really wanted to keep it cryptic, don’t update the destination of the portal until the players has stepped through it.

No mounts - I simply don't understand...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


I can’t believe this discussion is still going on.

You do not need mounts. You do not need mounts. You do not need mounts.

Three points are all you need.

-Most classes have a speed buff of some kind.

-Waypoints are placed all over the map, and the game is balanced to make the cost to use them not completely outrageous.

-Guild Wars 2 encourages exploration. Running around and into something. The entire leveling progression is balanced around this mechanic. This is also the case in WvW. Dying means something. If you’re out alone you are vulnerable. It encourages you to stay in groups so you can be revived from being downed/killed. Mounts would just see massive assaults on far reaching corners of the map and it would be impossible for one side to maintain momentum because of how scattered people are.

Stop treating this game from a WoW-esque standpoint already. I played WoW since vanilla release, and I find Guild Wars 2 to be the most refreshing take on an MMO to date (Played Ultima Online, EQ1, FFIX as well.)

So mounts are WoW only?

There are plenty of animals in the world that could support my weight.
Recorded history shows the importance of mounts in RL.
If you don’t want one, don’t get one. :P

No mounts - I simply don't understand...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


What I think is needed are mounts with combat options…kind of like swapping weapons.
Only give them a minor speed boost, but make them WAR ANIMALS.

The thoughts of a first time MMO-er

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Join a guild…….

Lost 1000 guild influence points from building

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Yes, we worked ourkitten off to get those influence points. :/

I really think we should be compensated for this, just give us 1000 more points and It’d be fine, wouldn’t cost ANet anything anyways.

This reminds me of when ANet banned loads of people for accidentally buying those weapons (even though that was ANet’s fault too) , this time it’s only ANet’s fault and we shouldn’t have to suffer for this one too.
(Yes I’m still a bit upset over that, even though I didn’t even get affected by it)


Looks like it was fixed and our upgrade is in progress. Nice!

Open a bug report in-game.

Lost 1000 guild influence points from building

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Me and my small guild “Sweden Mayhem” have worked our way up to a Guild Stash, and 22 hours ago we finally started building it, and now I login only to find that it’s no longer being built, it hasn’t been canceled and we’re still short 1000 influence points.

I have included a screenshot showing that we DID start building it and that it’s not finished and it’s not in the Build Queue either.

What happened?

This same exact thing happened to my guild over the weekend. I put in a in-game bug report, but I’m wondering if I should open a support ticket.

Influence is hard to get as a very small guild.

Asura Gate Identifier on the Map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Double post…


Asura Gate Identifier on the Map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzras.8041


In the attached screenshot, the mini map shows:
Asura Gate
E Fast travel to a far away location

Requesting for an update to show the actual destination of the gates on the map. ie:
Asura Gate
Fast travel to Heart of the Mists

The second screenshot shows you have to get very close to the gate to determine its destination.


(edited by Azzras.8041)

Map Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Asura gate destination identifiers on the map.
Replace: ‘Takes you to a distant land’ or whatever
To: <Actual destination name>

I don’t mind if it only updates once you go through the gate, but I would love love love to see the destination name of the gate on the map.

It is a bit annoying to have to run up extremely close to each gate just so to determine if that’s the one you want.

the endgame answer ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Also, didn’t notice the edit but this

Guildwars = MMORPG

is completely false. You clearly know nothing about the genre you’re talking about if you think GW1 was an MMO.

How was GW not an MMO?

"This is maybe just not the game for you"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


The difference between tiers of gear is very small. A full set of rares vs a full set of exotics is less than a 5% total upgrade.

It would stand to reason the difference between a full set of whites and full set of exotics is a 20% difference, if all are separated by 5%. So yes, in theory, a fully coordinated group, on TS3/Vent, could quite easily do dungeons in whites.

The problem is there IS difference in stats. That means a team in exotics has a 20% advantage over a team in all whites.

Isn’t this the thing that anti-gear stat progression are saying they DO NOT WANT…yet it is already in game…

Another bot thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Make sure to report the players in game.

Asura Gate Identifier

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azzras.8041


As I thought. Maybe the text when you hover over them on the map is just a place holder. Oh well, thanks everyone.

Asura Gate Identifier

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Walk up to it and step through.

So you’re saying there is no way to tell where a portal will take you until you are about to walk through it?

Asura Gate Identifier

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azzras.8041


How do I identify where an Asura gate goes on the map?

"This is maybe just not the game for you"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


I’ve seen these exact same type of threads in every recent MMO released.
And every one of them end up being a ghost town.

I enjoy the game, but I’m worried about the population of players doing a mass exodus in the end.

Telling people to leave is not the answer.

How long do you see yourself playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Do not mock me, I just tell it how it is, they need to revert it or i am going to leave and take people with me, and smear this game at every oportunity i got. That isn’t kitten, that is business. REALITY

Trust me, I don’t NEED to mock you.
For every 4 people you take out, I can bring in 8. And as for smearing the game… So? Lots of people do that already; anyone who can’t think for themselves is probably not someone I really want to game with anyways.

I’m not so sure you know 8 people.


OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Leveling is a side effect…. Ive read everything you have and seen the ridiculous apple-like marketing… and as you can see with other posts cropping up showing the flaws in their advertising.

All this gear-treadmill crap as if it is an insult. It takes less grind to gear up in 5 mans on wow (because they are actually well designed) than it does to do a few explorables on this.

You won’t realize that ofcourse because your a fanboy.

You never told me of any post-80 content that’s unavailable unless you run some other post-80 content to gear for it in this game, btw.

It’s because you know that it doesn’t exist, and where most of the people find that a blessing, you find that bad, because you don’t feel relevant unless you can run some dungeons solely so you can get that +10 needed for some other dungeon.

You won’t realize that, of course, because you’re a WoW zombie. Go back to that instead of chewing on our game trying to turn us into you.

I’m done. I’m clearly talking to walls, walls that I hope won’t be here on the 25th when they go back to their grear treadmills in pandaland. But I’ll leave you with a little bit of insight from one of ANet’s game designers, a quote from about two years ago:

“Too many MMOs are satisfied with basing their game content solely on ‘This is your sword. This is its pointy end. Now go stick it in things until your numbers don’t go up anymore.’” -John Stumme

I’m glad to be playing something that’s more than numbers going up. Enjoy your Excel with fantasy graphics, Birdy.


Ok, now I’m done.

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Wait, so you’re saying that I have to progress my gear to complete these dungeons?
And the reward for completing enough of these dungeons is….wait for it…gear?

Cosmetic gear. Prestige. It’s not gear that’s necessary to run some other dungeon so you can get gear that’s necessary to run some other dungeon.

How are you not understanding the difference? It’s a really simple concept.

Nevermind, Dusk. I’m done chatting with you.

Go on white knighting the game.

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


So why have levels at all?

Because having an RPG that rested solely on its gameplay would be too much of a shock for you kitten graspers.

Leveling in the game was a side-effect of playing. That’s the way they intended it, and (I can’t believe I’m saying this again) you’d know this if you had read anything ANet has been saying about the game for the past three years. It’s cool and all, but power plateau means power plateau, and that’s something we knew would be in the game around the time they gave us the elementalist reveal.

Deal with it, or go back to your gear treadmill. I honestly don’t care which, because they’re not going to turn a 180 on their entire philosophy on this game just to please a few whiners.

You know Dusk, as much as I’ve been enjoying myself in GW2 it’s people like you that make me want to quit. Seriously, demeaning over a video game? You’d fit right in with the current WoW community.

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041



Better doesn’t have to mean a stat increase. It could still be aesthetics.

And that I see no problem with; hell, that’s already in the game.

It’s these people coming into this forum saying that the game should have “progression gearing” post-80 to get to certain content so you can do even more “progression gearing” to access certain content that just aren’t getting it. ANet said it wouldn’t be in the game. Those of us who were following what ANet was saying and looking forward to this game for the many reasons, one of which being that there’s no pointless carrot-chasing to get to otherwise accessible content after max level, would rather see than unchanged simply because a bunch of people decided not to read anything about this game and then bought it thinking that certain stuff would be in it.

If they want that, they can go get that somewhere else; we bought the game because we think that progression raiding crap is hardcore boring.

We get it, you don’t like PvE, instead of progressional content you just like doing a dungeon once.

Whats stopping you just not taking part in raiding? I thought it was for the fun, not competition, challenge and reward?

If you don’t like it, why do you want to deny it to such a large audiance?

You are a hypocrit to the core.

Because a raiding system requires you to have certain gear progression before even seeing the content. The gear progression grind is required in order to see content — the content is locked behind that grinding gate. That’s a totally different story from optional grinding for item skins.

I don’t agree with you. Raiding does not have to have a stat increase gear progression to be fun, challenging, and rewarding.
The artists at ANet are pretty darn good. I’m sure they could put out some epic looking gear that would get raiders salivating.

The poster I was replying to was talking about “progressional content”, not raids with aesthetic rewards. I would have no issue at all with aesthetic reward raids. I doubt, however, that most raider types would happy with that: “Lol, Anet, why should I bother with organizing a raid to get a kitten skin. What kind of kitten is that?” kind of thing.

LOL, Anet, why should I bother doing all of these 5mans to get a kitten skin? (see how that can already work in the game?)

Raiders want challenge. They want to be the first to say “We downed that boss”.
Do you think the hardest core raiding guilds in the world care about the loot drops other than min/maxing…NO. They want to meet the challenge the devs throw at them and be the first to do it.

Lol, I have had this argument before with the so-called “raider community”. Almost all of them (no, I’m not talking about Paradigm or EJ, but your average Joe Raider donk) say repeatedly that raiding should have the best rewards (meaning stat gear) because it is the most challenging content, and that setting it up any other way would just mean people would do the other/easier content to get the same rewards as raiding gives, stat-wise, and not bother with the increased coordination, organization and difficulty that raiding presents. I’ve never once heard an actual Joe Raider normal player admit that he would be satisfied if 5-mans or crafting provided gear with the same stats as raiding did. Not. Even. Once.

So basically what you’re saying is you are against social interaction with more than 4 other players in regards to PvE?

Didn’t GW even have some form of raids?

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


The dungeons promote gear progression

No they don’t. If you’re of the level required for the dungeons and have gear at least 5 levels below your character level, you can finish the dungeon. If you’re 80, and are decked out in level-80 whites, you can definitely finish a dungeon. You don’t need to do some dungeon solely to get gear so you can do some other dungeon; once you’re at the level cap, everything’s open to you, and everything possible to complete with a skilled group.

And that’s how it should be.

Wait, so you’re saying that I have to progress my gear to complete these dungeons?
And the reward for completing enough of these dungeons is….wait for it…gear?

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041



Better doesn’t have to mean a stat increase. It could still be aesthetics.

And that I see no problem with; hell, that’s already in the game.

It’s these people coming into this forum saying that the game should have “progression gearing” post-80 to get to certain content so you can do even more “progression gearing” to access certain content that just aren’t getting it. ANet said it wouldn’t be in the game. Those of us who were following what ANet was saying and looking forward to this game for the many reasons, one of which being that there’s no pointless carrot-chasing to get to otherwise accessible content after max level, would rather see than unchanged simply because a bunch of people decided not to read anything about this game and then bought it thinking that certain stuff would be in it.

If they want that, they can go get that somewhere else; we bought the game because we think that progression raiding crap is hardcore boring.

We get it, you don’t like PvE, instead of progressional content you just like doing a dungeon once.

Whats stopping you just not taking part in raiding? I thought it was for the fun, not competition, challenge and reward?

If you don’t like it, why do you want to deny it to such a large audiance?

You are a hypocrit to the core.

Because a raiding system requires you to have certain gear progression before even seeing the content. The gear progression grind is required in order to see content — the content is locked behind that grinding gate. That’s a totally different story from optional grinding for item skins.

I don’t agree with you. Raiding does not have to have a stat increase gear progression to be fun, challenging, and rewarding.
The artists at ANet are pretty darn good. I’m sure they could put out some epic looking gear that would get raiders salivating.

The poster I was replying to was talking about “progressional content”, not raids with aesthetic rewards. I would have no issue at all with aesthetic reward raids. I doubt, however, that most raider types would happy with that: “Lol, Anet, why should I bother with organizing a raid to get a kitten skin. What kind of kitten is that?” kind of thing.

LOL, Anet, why should I bother doing all of these 5mans to get a kitten skin? (see how that can already work in the game?)

Raiders want challenge. They want to be the first to say “We downed that boss”.
Do you think the hardest core raiding guilds in the world care about the loot drops other than min/maxing…NO. They want to meet the challenge the devs throw at them and be the first to do it.

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


We get it, you don’t like PvE, instead of progressional content you just like doing a dungeon once.

Whats stopping you just not taking part in raiding? I thought it was for the fun, not competition, challenge and reward?

If you don’t like it, why do you want to deny it to such a large audiance?

You are a hypocrit to the core.

Uh, PvE is practically all I do in this game. So you’re wrong there. What’s to stop me taking part in progression raiding? The unnecessary grind it would require to access otherwise inaccessible content. Ya know, that thing ANet changed when they released this game because a lot of people don’t like that crap in MMO’s? That crap.

Also, no, you’re not a large audience. A “large audience” didn’t buy this game thinking it was going to be WoW 2 like you did. A lot of them saw that GW2 wasn’t going to have an end-game gear-locked content months ago, decided it was not for them, and stuck with WoW. That’s where that “large audience” is; playing WoW.

Like you should be, instead of whining on these forums trying to turn our game into that.

Ok Dusk, if you are against raiding the you should also be against the current 5man dungeons in the game. The dungeons promote gear progression, therefore you should be against it even though it is in game.

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041



Better doesn’t have to mean a stat increase. It could still be aesthetics.

And that I see no problem with; hell, that’s already in the game.

It’s these people coming into this forum saying that the game should have “progression gearing” post-80 to get to certain content so you can do even more “progression gearing” to access certain content that just aren’t getting it. ANet said it wouldn’t be in the game. Those of us who were following what ANet was saying and looking forward to this game for the many reasons, one of which being that there’s no pointless carrot-chasing to get to otherwise accessible content after max level, would rather see than unchanged simply because a bunch of people decided not to read anything about this game and then bought it thinking that certain stuff would be in it.

If they want that, they can go get that somewhere else; we bought the game because we think that progression raiding crap is hardcore boring.

We get it, you don’t like PvE, instead of progressional content you just like doing a dungeon once.

Whats stopping you just not taking part in raiding? I thought it was for the fun, not competition, challenge and reward?

If you don’t like it, why do you want to deny it to such a large audiance?

You are a hypocrit to the core.

Because a raiding system requires you to have certain gear progression before even seeing the content. The gear progression grind is required in order to see content — the content is locked behind that grinding gate. That’s a totally different story from optional grinding for item skins.

I don’t agree with you. Raiding does not have to have a stat increase gear progression to be fun, challenging, and rewarding.
The artists at ANet are pretty darn good. I’m sure they could put out some epic looking gear that would get raiders salivating.

Waypoint costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzras.8041


I’m still amazed that some people thrive on being punished.

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Dusk, that’s probably because this game, yes GW2, has conditioned them while leveling to expect better gear for their efforts.

I doubt that I’ll stick around to much after level capping a few alts if some type of guild oriented PvE isn’t implemented…ie raiding

In the mean time, loving the game thus far.

And if ANet did implement raiding with gear progression, no one is forcing you to do it. See what I did there?

My thoughts on GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Why didn’t you just post it here?

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Better doesn’t have to mean a stat increase. It could still be aesthetics.

Oh, telling people they bought the wrong game or go back to xyz is eventually going to lead to some very empty servers.

No one wants to play a game where all they hear is ‘go away’…

On the subject of entitlement and End Game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


My only hope is that they add PvE content that a guild can group up for, say 10-20 ppl, that is challenging and rewarding.

I don’t feel that a 5man cap is substantial enough.

So what are we doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


That is not nuff said. Did you read my post? What are you doing? Are you guys both just exploring the map? I am having trouble with just question right now, I can do 3 or 4 quests and have enough silver to use the waypoints just once, or I can run around harvesting and get a pile of onions with no other ingredients to make anything.

And Avatar, like I said inb4 – Running around the map really doesn’t do much but get you exp, then you have spend money to get back to something worth while. (well worth while to me) What are you getting out of dungeons? Since the nerf on money, and the buff on difficulty I have been losing money going in to them. I get like 5 silver, then spent like 9 on repairs.

Running around the map is how you’ll find most of the dynamic events.
These dynamic events are what replaced the conventional quests of other games.
The hearts are only a small part of the game.

3 things that make a great MMO you cant stop playing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Most people yet the most popular mmos are all focused around this, clever analysis there -_-;

If those MMO’s are so popular, why is their player count so low compared to this one? I can understand the zombie masses waiting for pandas, we’ll see how it all evens out on the 25th, but as it stands right now, GW2 has over thrice the active player count of WoW.

No offense, but this game just launched. Everyone jumped over to play the newest MMO, and it will happen again when another MMO is launched.
This could be a mediocre MMO (it’s most certainly not) and the same thing would still happen. Look at SWTOR.

Waypoint costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Another thing to add, if you die there should NOT be a cost to get to the nearest waypoint as that is your only way of resurrecting with no other players around.

Guild Wars 2 Extended Experience (Iphone App)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Android app would hit a much wider market.

Why does it have to be either or? Making apps for Android is somewhat more difficult than for iOS. Just based on the variety of hardware available for one.

Then of course while Android may be relatively dominant in the smartphone world as far as OS’s go, iOS is absolutely crushing everything in the tablet market.

I was merely making a point.

An app for droid, ios, and w8 would be the most logical.

Carrots on Sticks. Om Nom.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041



TL;DR Version:

If you don’t like the game, don’t play it. Don’t try to change the reward structure for the rest of us who do like the game. We were it’s intended recipients, as such has been clearly stated by Arenanet many, many times.

Let me rephrase it for you:

“This game is perfect and free of any bugs or design flaws. There can be no suggestion to improve the game, and all suggestions ever made will make this game less perfect. ArenaNet said that this game is perfect, so the only people who can play this perfect game are myself and people who think like myself. If you don’t think this game is perfect like I do, gtfo.”

Now, let’s see…


Anyway, I’m not a fanboy.

I can see why you believe that, lol.

Yep. Anyone who likes the game is a fanboy.

I guess he missed the part immediately after where I said “The game has problems,” and then the posts below that where I agreed with some other posters on what, specifically, those problems were.

Just a troll here, best to move along.

Trolling is a harsh word and it certainly isn’t my intention. It was meant to show you that how your tl;dr (not your entire post and the follow ups) reads exactly like what a fanboy would say. I would suggest you either don’t make a troll/flame bait tl;dr, or at least make them accurate to reflect the entire post.

Anyway, I’m just trying to clear up confusion about the deleted post of mine. Thankfully it’s preserved in quotes and I do hope you would agree with me, that this forum doesn’t need more fanboys complain about complainers in an inflammatory fashion.

But what it DOES need is anti-fanboy straw men crafters to complain about fanboys complaining about complainers in an inflammatory fashion?

Do people even think before they post any more?

Did you? When creating this post, did you honestly think it was constructive, or just a way to get back at the anti-fanboys and people voicing their concerns – or, to you, whining?

Your TL;DR seems to suggest highly that it’s the latter, and nothing else.

My post was intended to highlight a common theme among recent complaints in the general discussion boards, so that we could try and discern how to stop the developers from listening to them and avoid having the game turn into something that people who agree with me do not want it becoming.

Your reply seems to suggest highly that you either skipped most of the thread, or just have a distinct lack of ability to process what you read and decided to post anyway just because hey, why not?

Wouldn’t a ‘common theme’ suggest that there are quite a few that are not happy with the current system?

Guild Wars 2 Extended Experience (Iphone App)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Android app would hit a much wider market.

Our Time is Now Trailer. My thoughts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Are people seriously white knighting that add?

Come on now…the game is good, but the trailer was bad.

ANet would have been better served just showing the game. Nothing else needed.

Should dungeons reward karma?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Not a bad idea imo.

Carrots on Sticks. Om Nom.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


It’s the skinner box.

A design concept that has plagued MMOs so hard people genuinely think it’s good.
It’s how you keep subs up, creating the illusion that you’re progressing.

In reality, you don’t though, you still stay in the same city, doing the same raid until you move onto a new raid and repeat until updates stop.

To these people this is all that endgame can possibly be, shuffling you onto the assembly line for no real reason. It may as well be cosmetic because the bosses scale up and you don’t unlock anything new.

I want GW2 to change this, but it won’t because this concept has been so deeply entrenched into the genre that it’s become a core design.

I agree with your post, but I don’t see how it needs to be a core design for GW. Basically, since there’s no subscription, there’s no need for hamster wheels; and there’s no reason for Anet to listen to people are so conditioned to hamster wheels that they really want them, either.

All Anet has to do is to ensure that there are enough people concurrent to keep the game world lively, and there are enough people who have enjoyed the game to a degree that they’re willing to buy another expansion a year down the line.

Neither of those two desiderata require Anet to design hamster wheels or skinner boxes.

Stop with the ’there’s no sub fee so ANet doesn’t care if ppl play’ stuff. ANet needs players to buy things in the cash shop to continue upkeep of the game. Without players, GW2 will not thrive.

Carrots on Sticks. Om Nom.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


So I think there is a bigger issue as to why people are EXPECTING the proverbial carrot on a stick. Players are conditioned in GW2 to expect better gear as they level.

The ENTIRE leveling process can be considered gear progression. Stat levels increase as you go to higher level zones and acquire new gear. Once you hit lvl 80, that progression stops and there doesn’t seem to be anything that replaces it.

Carrots on Sticks. Om Nom.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Can we stay on topic and not let a troll hijack this thread? :P

What’s the topic? “OMG, U PPL R SO DUM. CRRT ON STK, GO BK 2 WOW”

If so, I much prefer the derailed version.

No. Your verbage contains an implicit disrespect for players that enjoy the WoW playstyle.

I would like them to find a game that caters to their tastes, and play that, instead of trying to change mine.

Thanks for your additional attempt to derail the thread though.

This is our game as well. We paid as much, if not more than you did.

While I don’t much care about the traditional carrot on a stick, I do care that I there doesn’t seem to be any guild activities for those that have guild larger than 5 ppl.

If you don’t care that there is no traditional carrot on a stick, and the purpose of this thread was to request that we keep the carrot on a stick out of the game, then why exactly did you just group yourself into the audience of people that I was clearly defining this post at?

You obviously aren’t amongst them.


You misunderstand, there is a carrot on a stick in GW2. Aesthetic gear upgrades.

What I don’t appreciate is your tone. I’m not attacking you, so please be civil and respectful.

Carrots on Sticks. Om Nom.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Can we stay on topic and not let a troll hijack this thread? :P

What’s the topic? “OMG, U PPL R SO DUM. CRRT ON STK, GO BK 2 WOW”

If so, I much prefer the derailed version.

No. Your verbage contains an implicit disrespect for players that enjoy the WoW playstyle.

I would like them to find a game that caters to their tastes, and play that, instead of trying to change mine.

Thanks for your additional attempt to derail the thread though.

This is our game as well. We paid as much, if not more than you did.

While I don’t much care about the traditional carrot on a stick, I do care that I there doesn’t seem to be any guild activities for those that have guild larger than 5 ppl.

Guild Wars 2 New Paragon System END GAME

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


lol, funny OP

gw2 is huge, give it some time to stabilize.

anyway, did UO have an endgame?

honestly, i feel GW2 endgame is doing groups and organized Dungeons and PvP.
if you want to stay solo, youll be a failed hero

What if you are in a guild of more than 5 people?

Carrots on Sticks. Om Nom.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


It’s a buy to play game with a cash shop. Nothing free about it. ANet makes their money by people continuing to play the game after their initial purchase. Without an income, the game will shut down.
The problem with your mario example is once you beat it there was really no need to replay it.
MMOs are meant to be replayed.

Anyway, I don’t think you needed to create a separate thread for this. You should have just added your opinion to the already existing threads for this topic.