Showing Highly Rated Posts By BilboBaggins.5620:
this is the “play as you want” that we hear from anet from time to time. lies..
I really dont like the new daily.
look at what they said last time:
Choose Your Own Daily Achievements
With our new selectable achievement system, you’ll have a chance to set new daily challenges for yourself and to choose what kind of content you want to be rewarded for playing.
Yep, no doubt they are trying to make people move towards PvP and vice versa because it’s easier and cheaper than building new content. Play as they want you to is fast becoming the norm here.
With these changes they’re encouraging a move all right… to another game!
The charrs is called the Hero’s Canton
So can you only use it if your character is named Jayne?
With so many pages of posts it’s probably been mentioned before but what boggles my mind is why ArenaNet would attach a “skill point” cost to “traits”. I personally don’t mind the gold cost, we had to spend gold on the master trait books, but skill points should NOT be attached to traits, especially with 25 point heal skills and 30 point elite skills! Not all of my toons are swimming in extra skill points.
While I have a lot of issues with many of the gameplay choices ArenaNet has made over the last couple years, I actually think this is a good business model. I bought the collectors edition so that was $150, not just the core game price.
I got three years of gaming for that investment and now I have to decide if it’s worth what they’re asking for HoT to continue my journey, but I have no problem with the core game going free at this point. If they continue to make expansions every 1-3 years, I sincerely hope the previous content is "free"d up (bad pun intended) to incentivize new players to join.
Because of some companies F2P has been given a bad rap, you have to remember that quests and raids are not the only content, so are we. Everyone who makes a digital world alive and vibrant is content for other players to group with and play. A large, happy community gives paying players a reason to come back, and a happy paying player spends more on a game they enjoy. If done right, everyone wins.
ArenaNet, you don’t always make decisions I agree with, but I applaud this one!
It’s because ArenaNet want’s you to be able to play the game the way you want to play the game as long as it’s exactly the same way that they want you to play the game.
Security Advancements and Reinstatements
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
Could we please just fix the jumping puzzles? Then there will be no false positives.
There’s a good chance you wouldn’t be in your position if not for my career.
Did you have to dislocate your own shoulder to pat yourself on the back with such furious vigor?
How did you get a computer all the way up on that high, high horse of yours?
Um, if I caught the references correctly this man is the brother of , All bow down in AWE and cry “We’re not worthy, we’re not worthy!”
Wow, I really hope this is not true. I hope this is a bug introduced in the new patch. Otherwise it’s just one more horrible design decision introduced with this patch!
I have to agree that the sylvari armor should go back to the way it was and offer a set with the changes as a different set. Maybe have an exchange npc for a limited time so people can choose to exchange their t3 original for the t3 new.
My t2 is not yet affected, and I don’t know if I’ll like or dislike this. What I do know is my t3 female human set cost me over 180g (not including dye) to build; first the cultural rare armor, then a set of exotic (which was much cheaper then), then the rune set. It also cost me 6 perfect transmutation stones. My human female now has the armor look and stats I want. If that got changed on me after spending all that, I’d be a bit upset too.
I trust Kirsten! I love the look of the sylvari which she is mostly responsible for. I love that female charr are real animal warrior goddesses and not kitty girls with cleavage. I don’t love the idea of changing expensive armor without even a warning.
The dungeon is a joke! Hard mode has officially arrived. I don’t mind the dungeon being that difficult, but I’m one achievement away from earning the mini and I can’t even beat Frizz let alone the dungeon! It’s frustrating to get so close to earning a reward for the living story only to run into a buzzsaw of a dungeon.
I’m not saying don’t create hard content for pro players, I’m just asking please don’t abandon us casuals in the process.
Well they did move away from most of the things they said during development (see the manifesto), it only figures that interview-lore isnt sacred either.
Unless we’ve built content around something, it’s usually considered malleable from a design and lore standpoint. Occasionally we decide to go in a different direction months or years after the first ideas are documented or even talked about externally. In some cases that means what one member of staff says in an interview can change when it comes time to building a release. It’s part of our iterative process.
In short, go by what’s in the game.
In short, it’s your own kitten fault you fell for our promises and lies! Now take what we give you and be happy with it.
I really wish you had stuck to your manifesto and tried to create a better Guild Wars…
Remember, a vote for me is a vote for change!
I don’t know if we’re in need of a Burglar, Mr. Baggins.
But aren’t all politicians burglars?
Alot of you are not getting what most of have been talking about so lets get this straight.
When We say recipes we are losing WE ARE NOT talking about what the devs posted about. WE know the recipes for incriptions will not be reset. What your not getting is. We have already combined Inscription + Part 1 + Part 2 and discovered for them all for all the inscriptions. And to give even more Sence of what ArenaNet is ripping from us. Heres the example count of Mats and need to get back to what we was previously at for huntsman that they will stealing from us.Huntsman
9 Incriptions types have to crafted again.
5 dowels x 9 inscriptions x 7 weapons = 315 dowels needed again
5 × 9 × 7 = 315 Ectos
5 × 7 for each teir 6 mat = 35 fangs , powerfulboods, etc
10 × 7 Flawless Snowflakes = 70 Snowflakes
30 × 7 Karka Shells = 210 ShellsDowels
315 × 3 ingots = 945 ori ingots
315 × 2 planks = 630 Anceint planksCraft Comp. 10 Inscriptions need this 11 if you crafted celes
Harpoon| 2 ingots 2 planks x 10 Inscriptions = 20 ingots 20 planks
Longow Stave | 4 planks x 10 = 40 planks
Pistol Frame | 2 planks x 10 = 20 planks
Rifle Stock | 3 planks x 2(2 weapons Require this Comp) x 10 = 60 planks
Shortbow Stave | 4 planks x 10 = 40 planks
Torch handle | 2 × 10 = 20 planks
Harden String | 3 × 2(2 weapons Require) x 10 = 60 Cured Hardened Leather Squares
Ori Horn | 1 ingot 2 planks x 10 = 10 ingots 20 planks
Ori Pistal Barrel | 3 ingots x 10 = 30 ingots
Ori Rifle Barrel | 3 ingots x 10 = 30 ingots
Ori Torch Head | 2 ingots x 10 = 20 ingots
Ori Warhorn Mouthpeice | 1 ingot x 10 ingotsReplacement of the 7 Sentinels Inscriptions I used already from the Molten Dungeon
7 × 14g(yesterday they where 18g wth) = 98-99g and There is only 208 left on the TradepostTotals for huntsman (forgive me if my maths wrong this news has me very upset)
1065 ingots x 2 ore = 2130 ore
850 planks x 3 logs = 2550 logs
100g for sentinals inscriptions
315 ectos
70 snowflakes
210 karka shells
35 of each teir 6 mat (Powerfull bloods, Ancient Bones,Elaborate Totem, Vicious Claw,Armored Scale,Powerfull Venom Sacs,,Vicious Fangs)This Is what they will be ripping from my Huntsmans Crafting The time it took to gather the mats and buy any mats i still needed. mostly ectos and ori. The time spent on getting the Sentinals Incriptions in Molten Dungeon.
My weaponsmith I got done the same way before the Chaos update. Should I elaborate those totals too? Weaponsmith has 8 weapons instead of 7 so it be even more cost.
“edited for length”
And don’t forget its not just 2 of my professions that are being reset. If there going to reset all the exotic weapons What do you think going to happen when they roll out ascended armor my other 2 craft professions will get hit too Even worse for the ones that has this done for all the professions Something of which I was still working to do. this might no big deal to the ones that stopped @ 400 but this is a game killer for the ones that went past it and unlocked everything. The way i feel right now is Arenanet is reaching into my chest and pulling out my Heart with this reset. Its not a great feeling to have.
So please Arenanet don’t reset the exotic discovery’s give some sorta of retroactive reward for the exp thru discovering them all(or some of them) already instead.
Since so many replies are “What have you really lost? Stop complaining.” I’ve quoted the above. This is what we’ve lost and it’s not minuscule! The prices on ALL of these materials have gone up, and at least one of EACH and EVERY recipe lost will have to be made again! That’s a HUGE gold sink. Even if this rollback doesn’t affect you, even if you like this rollback, you have to at least concede this is no small setback for those of us who have invested the time and money to collect these recipes. And just because we actually LIKE crafting doesn’t mean we have an OCD problem, are WvW players addicted? Are jumping puzzle completionists OCD? We like crafting, it’s that simple.
I will do this again, with the update I’ll have no choice, it doesn’t mean I have to like losing a ton of gold and time to just get back to where I was before this update. You don’t have to agree but can you at least respect our position?
1. Account unlock armor and town clothes even if it means increasing their cost a bit.
2. More armor skins please!!!
3. More town clothes please!!! (and please, full sets not single pieces, I’ll mix and match on my own)
4. Probably can’t be done, but more underwear choices!!! The default ones are ugly imo.
5. MOUNTS!!! (even if they’re only cosmetic, and I know this one will cost me some +1’s)
6. More hairstyles.
7. And while we’re at it, more faces, body types, tattoos, etc…
8. More emotes.
9. Since I’ve never seen one in-game, an exotic aqua-breather!
10. 20 slot bags so I don’t have to waste 10-20g on them.
There’s my (top) ten list. I’ll probably think of things I’d want more than half of these, but they’re not coming to mind now.
Just wait the 45 minutes for the event to fail if you can’t do it seems to be the best way to remove this “issue”.
People want permanent additions to the game, and as far as we know these will only happen once or twice per day after the event.
But of all the things they could’ve made permanent THIS is what they choose??? I didn’t find it fun or engaging from day one. So many other better options to choose from.
This community is so annoyingly unreasonable. Maybe the changes should have taken less than a year to come out…but they didn’t and thats a mistake they’re correcting right now.
Your rant probably wouldn’t change anything because either you have useless ideas or they’re already ideas expressed by everyone that anet is likely already working on.
He said they’re building their temporary content portfolio in order to focus on bigger and better things for the future…how can you argue against that? you just guna whine about everything they haven’t done yet with absolutely no regard for what they plan on doing in the future?
Providing feedback isn’t ‘annoyingly unreasonable’. This is a large and diverse community. Everyone has a right and I’d say a duty to provide positive and negative feedback to ArenaNet. I do believe ArenaNet even wants this feedback!
The feedback just needs to be a bit more specific and constructive in some instances. Instead of a blanket “this is garbage” statement, what specifically don’t you like, why don’t you like it, and what would you have done different.
I think there were many people who provided excellent negative feedback in this thread. You don’t have to agree with them, and you definitely can post why you don’t agree, but that doesn’t make their comments unreasonable.
At least 1 new playable race.
At least 3 new professions (1 light, 1 medium, 1 heavy)
An actual new map location, not little nibblets.
About 750 gold added to the accounts of each of the 99%ers to make up for abysmal economy.
Guild halls and player housing.
Real mounts, beasts of burden, not a stick and a rug.
And the blog post is live, enjoy reading!
Why oh why are you time-gating, on a per-account basis, ascended weapons that are bound to us? This really hurts alt-a-holics who have multiple characters to equip. I just don’t get why you would need to slow the creation of bound ascended gear that much… unless you changed your mind and we’ll be able to sell our creations?
(edited by BilboBaggins.5620)
I just don’t think I would call all of these features expansion worthy comparing it to other MMO expansions.
Exactly! This “expansion” is pretty anemic even when compared with EOTN let alone an expansion from a current AAA mmo.
I don’t really mind this new system, but it can sometimes feel odd. Like, I had to do Ascalon miner the other day, and went to one of the zones and was only there to find some nodes and never did anything else there. It felt like a chore, wasted time. Under the old system, I just did want I wanted to do, and the achievements happened along the way. This new system makes you go out of your way to get specific things in specific zones. But again they are easy so it’s not a major drama.
But I feel like I’m being sent somewhere I didn’t really want to go – it feels artificial and clunky.
This is a very good summary of how I feel about this new system. I don’t play games to be forced into doing content I don’t want to do. The direction of this game is ArenaNet’s to choose, but if this is the continued direction there is less and less bringing me back each day.
The more info they release, the more certain I am that I will NOT be getting this expansion. I just hope they sell the new class separately on the gem store.
It only seems bad because of the definition you made up for cost efficiency.
Pay attention to most of the game and the development, and you’ll see the effects of “cost efficiency” in action. Put things into better context…
Cost efficiency is using all of your resources (which have costs) to produce a product or service with a maximum outcome. It’s simply using your existing resources efficiency.
If you were talking about your family budget, then yes I’d say that’s exactly how cost efficiency works. However, I’ve worked in a few large corporations and cost effifiency is just slang for “squeeze every last drop until all you have left is a dry husk”. (at least that’s been my experiences)
Keep undercutting everything, prices have gotten way out of control, make those speculators lose $$$$$$$$$$$!
I can never understand this mentality of "I don’t want you to have what I have.’ I’ve been playing Guild Wars from the beginning, I’ve unlocked all kinds of cool rewards in my HoM, and if they were in the gem store tomorrow I’d have absolutely NO problem with it. Heck I’ve had exclusive use of them for two years, it’s about time new players got to enjoy them too!
As long as it has it’s own tab like the others I don’t see why not. That way people who want to chat game-wide can, and it’s still in a tab that I can ignore like map chat.
I played in the betas. I wanted this game so badly, I couldn’t even imagine how it must have felt to be a GW1 player and waited years for it. And now this.
I used to watch the manifesto video every week during beta. I would just sit there and say ‘thank you’ to Arenanet, even though they couldn’t hear me. It would bring me to tears to think of being given a game that finally…finally!…broke the mold.
At cap level everyone would be equal. Equal. WvW equal. PvE equal. Dungeons equal. Everyone. Gear was for looks, not stats.
I am stunned. For those folks that want gear progression…that say it’s only for the dungeon, so it’s ok (even though it’s also gated now)…
Will you take off that gear outside the dungeon?
Will you not wear it in WvW?
Oh, and all the folks with legendary that will get bumped up now…will you not bring that to WvW?Gear progression affects the whole game. I am not in a guild (except my own) so far, but in other games, there was always pressure from the guild to “go on the raid” so you can “get better gear”. I am over it. I am sick of it. I am so sad this is happening. I’m sure watching the manifesto right now would bring me to tears again…but not for the same reason.
I played Guild Wars 1 for almost seven years now. My story was much like yours, but I’ve been addicted to this game for much longer. I have been saying thank you to ArenaNet in a much louder way, by bragging about this game to anyone I can get to listen (and some who don’t want to listen). I’m currently going for a degree in business management and have chosen ArenaNet and Guild Wars 2 for several assignments just so I can expose more people to Guild Wars 2.
When information first came out about the colors no longer being account unlocks and the dye packs being account bound and random I was very worried and asked them to please change the colors back to account unlock. They didn’t go that far, but they came back more than half-way by allowing you to sell dyes you already have or don’t want. I guess I’ll wait and see what happens here. I’m going to hope this is still the ArenaNet that I look up to, brag about, and dream of working for. If gear grind is added just to satisfy the players from some “other” mmos who came in here, flew to max level, and then whined about there being nothing to do and left, then ArenaNet will be going after the “WoW” crowd over their core fans. I hope the numbers are large enough to justify that kind of move.
24 hour availability screwed ANet as far as I’m concerned, I get paid every two weeks; now I’m much more likely to spend that money I’m getting paid else where next Thursday because ANets not going to have any thing I want to buy.
Hey it’s only money, except some one else is getting it not your company next week.
Here in Sweden we get paid once a month. Does that mean they should only ever do sales once a month (usually around the 25-28th)?
Absolutely not! In no way should ArenaNet cater to their paying customers, that would be foolish!
I’m genuinely getting more and more baffled by the complaints on this forum.
You can’t expect content to be balanced around 2-3 person guilds. That doesn’t even qualify as a full party!
The game type should clue you in… Massivley-Multiplayer-Online.
If you can’t stand the rest of the community to thebpointbyou have hamstring your enjoyment of the game… Well, that’s your issue and not Anets.
And for the love of Dhuum. Does ever single tiny tangential complaint need a new thread?! This forum is already hard enough to navigate without “I’m quitting HOT because X” thread number 9000.
You should all start an anti hot support group guild, then you will have plenty of people to get a guild hall.
^ And you wonder why he can’t stand the rest of the community?
He means fun as in game formats that are fun to people.
Conquest does not encourage fun for many people because rather than combat it emphasizes certain build elements, like builds who can bunker and outlast, and the extreme builds that can debunker. Most importantly, you can win most team matches and still lose the game because conquest is about rotating players and neutralizing/capping nodes.
Other formats like capture the flag or death match emphasize other aspects of combat that tend to be fun for most people. Death match in particular.
Conquest also creates a lot of 1v1 scenarios, and this game is horribly balanced on 1v1. There’s no way a necro or ranger will kill a warrior. There’s no way a mesmer will 1v1 a competent thief. There’s no way an elementalist can win against a warrior or s/d thief or necro.
In death match classes which are not good in 1v1 don’t get penalized.
^^^ This!!! Absolutely this! GW1 felt like Build Wars towards the end, and this is beginning to feel like Build Wars v2.0
(edited by BilboBaggins.5620)
And the female Sylvari, waving her hands around and grinning like she just told herself a funny joke? Why is that still in the cutscenes?
If my character is capable of expressing any range of emotion, then how come the only thing she can express is that her hair needs to be brushed back out of my eyes? It’s pretty boring.
Well then, looks like THAT should have been your topic. Not that goofballs are being, well, goofballs…
So besides editing your original post to compare the female human and sylvari(which then I’ll actually be on your side because you are indeed right about why the female human was the only one to get the axe on some animations that were inappropriate) this point unfortunately does not support the topic of this thread which is comparing a sentient being with… Toys
Actually, someone changed the original title of my post which was “Please address the Double Standard”. (I guess that was too provocative or something?)
I suggested that if cutscene interruption was reason enough to kill the female human animations, then cutscene interruptions should also be reason enough to kill mini pets. But the mini pets were mostly received with laughter. It’s a double standard.
THAT is what my post says. It was another poster who decided that the situations weren’t the same because our characters are “sentient beings” and mini pets are just “goofy toys”. But read the mini pets thread. A few voices there are decrying the goofy little fellows as “immersion breaking”, exactly like the animations in question. So the situations are perhaps more similar than you think.
I don’t really expect them to remove mini pets, and I thought I was making a good case that they should never have removed the animations either. It was a convenient inroad for bringing the lost animations into the foreground again, reminding ANet that people still care.
You did make a good case, it’s just that the white knights can say anything with impunity against anyone with a criticism. (this does NOT work both ways though)
Argue the finer details all you want, for me it’s as simple as this;
ArenaNet realized that underwater “endurance” was a bad idea and players didn’t like it so they removed it and we have aquabreathers. So what makes them think people are going to like this same antiquated mechanic up in the air?
It’s no different. You can’t get to places you’re not meant to get to, this is isolated to this map and any future maps they make to take advantage of flying. Updrafts and the mastery to use them could be used to gate aerial waypoints without using endurance. The current dodge mechanic could be used for aerial combat (if any) instead of endurance.
Antiquated, boring, frustrating, poor design.
I held my commentary until I actually saw the system in-game. I don’t like it at all. Looking at the choices for today, there were only two I’d consider doing. Dailies used to be earned easily in normal game play; now you almost certainly have to go out of your way and jump through hoops to do them. What’s fun about that? It isn’t “stimulating” to go to maps I don’t like or participate in things I don’t like to do.
I just keep wondering what happened to GW2’s original guiding manifesto: “Our games aren’t about preparing to have fun, or about grinding for a future fun reward. Our games are designed to be fun from moment to moment.” (
I also wonder what happened to “Is it Fun? …how ArenaNet Measures Success”
( used to enjoy spending time in GW2, attaining the rewards I wanted naturally as I explored the game, but it seems as if each new patch is determined to ruin the things I once enjoyed about the core game by continually narrowing my options and taking away the fun.
^ This can’t be restated enough! ArenaNet is constantly making changes that force everyone to play this game the way ArenaNet believes we should be playing this game.
Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
50$ standard edition.
Too high!!!
ArenaNet-Try Harder(to get me to)Pre-Order
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
gw2 spoiled me by giving me FAR more content than $60 would usually give.
so i’m happy to buy HoT =)even if it is only 1/4 the size of GW2’s original launch. i’d consider it worth it due to the ammount of content GW2 and HoT together gives for $120.
and new players get both for $60! if GW2 original launch was worth far more than $60,
then HoT+ GW2+ the content added in since launch makes that the best thing on the market.i know i will be dissapointed by thief if it gets a staff (i wanted a rifle……)
and probably ranger since it gets a support staff….but more content and stuff to mess with yay
( is it that hard to give us a medium armor rifle class? no….engineer doesn’t count. thats a SHOTGUN. not a rifle. )
GW1 spoiled me, this game has been a huge disappointment.
Unfortunately a lot of the recent changes are all about carrots dangling in front of you to entice you to log in daily and grind for these items. I would suggest you do what I’ve done… I’ve resigned myself to the fact that there are some things in this game i will NEVER have because I’m a casual player. I’m not going to grind for something at the expense of having fun in this game.
Wait for a while and hope prices on materials drop again after the rush to hit 500 is over. Take a bit longer and gather the materials yourself, or just stick with exotic gear and have fun in the world. With any new content, I always ask myself “Am I having fun?”. If the answer is no, I avoid that content like the plague.
And no, providing ArenaNet with feedback on what you don’t like is never being childish.
ArenaNet-Try Harder(to get me to)Pre-Order
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
Seeing the little progress made from first closed beta to this beta is very bad. It just seems nothing is done and things that got finished worked several times, with developers needed at other places.
What I see and played didn’t changed anything inside my mind to still say it’s still not worth money at all and things people wanted to come back still ignored. Sure BETA development, but the core game shouldn’t be dead by this years they take.
Compare with a car factory. Developing a new models of cars, all production of old cars is stopped because we need all for the new. Selling none of the old as long as the new ready will force the factory to close. Because people want to buy even if older instead of waiting for a ghost inside a long dark future, nobody knows if it ever happens.
People really need to read this and think hard about this. They’ve had nearly THREE YEARS and the beta seems anemic and rushed! They can keep the paltry extra character slot, the only way I’ll even consider HoT is at a severe discount.
I could be wrong but here is my opinion on what’s happened in this first year:
At launch we have a lot of us hardcore Guild Wars fans come in along with many players from several other “grindy” MMOs. I’m sure there were some GW1 veterans who decided to see how fast they could hit lvl 80, but for the most part even they knew there were still many things they could do in the game to have fun.
The vast majority of the “race to 80” group came from those other MMOs, hit the end, and started loudly complaining that GW2 was shallow and had no end-game. ArenaNet saw all of these complaints they didn’t expect to see and thought “Oh no, we gotta add a bunch of repetitive content or we’re going to lose a lot of customers.”, which, for the grind-happy, was mostly true. Unfortunately I don’t think anyone at ArenaNet ever stopped and asked themselves how this content would be received by their core fans. And now here we are with zones of mindless invasion mobs standing around waiting to be farmed into oblivion.
I love this game!!! I’m not going anywhere! This is NOT a whiny “I’m gonna quit!” post. But I do think there have been several missteps lately by ArenaNet all to appease a group of gamers who are all going to move on to the next big thing as soon as it launches. That is the wrong group of gamers to develop content for!
If it is priced around $20 -$30, then sure!
And if it has 2 character slots.
Puff, the elder dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in the land of Sylvari,
Little Scarlet Briar loved that rascal Puff,
And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. oh!Together they would travel on a boat with Aether sails
Scarlet kept a lookout perched on Puffs gigantic tail,
Noble kings and princes would bow whenever they came,
Pirate ships would lower their flag when Puff roared out his name. oh!A dragon lives forever but not Sylvari girls
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened, Scarlet Briar came no more
And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.
Without his life-long friend, Puff could not be brave,
So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. oh!
I’m 47 years old and that @&^! song still makes me cry!
if <$10 yes, otherwise no tnx.
No Tengu no money for u!Do you really think something with that much content will be that low? I mean sure it isn’t a huge expansion from what has been revealed so far, but the fact that there introducing a new class all together it wont go for that cheap.
That much content? Pretty anemic if you ask me. Precursor quests that have been promised for years made a part of the Mastery system and placed behind a pay wall?
Guild halls that should’ve been in since launch now put behind a pay wall?
The Mastery system which is just horizontal progression (levels without calling them levels)?
A couple new PvP maps?
And what happened to “if we do this game right, we’ll never need expansions.”?
I’ll run as an independent! If elected, I will reduce waypoint costs by 50% for 3 months, explore BOTH fractal projects, and remove rng chests from the gem store putting all items for sale for a specific price!
less info = less hype
Anet do things as slow as possible with max hype
Mostly because I am hype and want the expansion to come out,
I was really hyped about the expansion, but now with the hype going down, i’m starting to see more and more of the truth
And many others, so on:
This is exactly “why we can’t have nice things” – because the so-called community can’t take anything in a mature way.
- They don’t say anything – it’s bad.
- They say anything – it’s always not enough, people get excited like there’s no tomorrow for 2 days and then they start complaining about “hype trains crashing” and whatnot.
- They say everything – that’s obviously bad, because they’re then locked to any changes (and there certainly will be changesIf people would just sit and not go drama about every single word, both said and unsaid, they wouldn’t be so disappointed with every possible outcome. The word “hype” should go under the kitten-filter for people’s own safety – because they cut themselves with it like a razor.
That being said, few months of no content and no information is not good, maybe revealing it too early was a mistake, but what’s done is done, at least they’re not making things worse.
Ia ArenaNet a mature company that’s been around over a decade or a 6 week old baby we’re not supposed to speak loudly around?
I had way too much Karma, that I was running out of things to use it on. Over 7 million from the start of the game until now. And that’s only a fraction of the Karma gains of some players.
I’m glad they reduced the output. With Karma being so easy to get, it made it less desirable to get. Plus, now that there’s no Karma gain from failed events, that gives more incentive to people to actually succeed for the awards.
I say “Good Job” Anet. A well welcomed change.
I have no problem with removing karma reward from failed events, but we all don’t have 7 million karma and the nerf to dailies and monthlies is ridiculous imho.
I don’t like living story because everyone is playing it. Anet, please make something that people won’t participate in. Too many people are playing the invasions, please make it stop. I want GW2 to be the cool little game that no one knows about so I can be hip.
This post adds nothing to the discussion, is belittling and trolling. I find it very interesting that posts written in this tone that are anti ArenaNet get removed and reminded that we’re supposed to be respectful to each other, but these ‘white knight’ posts remain.
Will you also make dyes account-bound, remove DR for players, reintroduce the costume system from gw and finally gave me some tin foil hats for free?
I’ll get started on the tin foil hats today, the rest might take a while, maybe by my second term
Will Asc. crafting be time-gated per account?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
I really don’t understand why time gating is necessary on items that are NOT trade-able.
I can empathize with having a busy life and not always being able to fit my gaming schedule in between work, home life, and social commitments. Your comments are not lost on us.
We’re exploring some ideas for the future, including a system that would allow certain bits of Living World content to be accessed independent of the release. Plans and designs have not been solidified yet, so I want to temper your expectations. But if you have any opinions on the matter feel free to let us know. We’re already looking at ways to leave some LW content behind to evolve Tyria and improve the game. This would be one element of it, should we decide to build such a feature.
What about adding a mechanic like the Guild Wars bonus mission pack? Some type of historians that allow you to ‘re-live’ epic moments in Guild Wars 2 “history”.
Alerno — Taking what you have (and everyone else has) put on the table I do wonder something. I want to ask, and hope nobody will bite my head off here.
You mention wanting to know there will be more to the game. The new and continuing episodes of the Living World count towards that, right? The fact that players know there’s a team working on new content and features, and that there are releases on a regular basis? I fully understand that may not fulfill every desire, but it does show a continuing commitment to “new stuff” for us players, wouldn’t you agree?
For me, no the LS doesn’t count towards that. Don’t get me wrong, the story has improved over the first season but for the most part it just feels like a delivery method for the latest pay items added to the gem store while the majority of the game goes unattended to.
Right now, for me, it feels like the GW2 roadmap for the next year or more is living world and gem shop only. As has been mentioned too many times to count in this thread; there are things that were planned to be in at launch that still aren’t (shooting gallery), bugs that have been here since launch, features that were discussed before launch that were planned for “sometime after launch” that still haven’t gotten any form of timetable, dungeon and boss revamps that we now know aren’t happening (in the next year, 2, ever?). The full list is here for the reading and I’m only a third of the way through this thread.
I’d like to know if a true expansion is planned for this game? If there will be more playable races or classes? If the shooting gallery and other in-town games are still being worked on or have they been scrapped? Is guild and/or player housing planned to be added in the next 12/24 months?
I find living story a fun diversion when I’m burned out on other content, but as the core of PvE it’s definitely not what I’m looking for.
I loved GW1, this does not feel like a sequel. It did in the beginning but it feels like there was a drastic change in direction about 6 months into the game. maybe it’s just me, maybe my expectations were too high because of my love for GW1, but this is how I feel.
I miss Livia