(edited by Bragdras.9572)
Yup, been getting destroyed by the bug that stops me from launching , decided to quit trying after 3 hours cause it disheartened me.
I pretty much have no choice but to put off the end cause of that :/ Tried to soldier through and keep trying until the stars would align but it just got disheartening after 2-3 hrs.
Completely at random, sometimes Mordremoth casts the giant wind aoe that does damage if you’re not within the small area during the glide phase, but it still hits you even if you’re in mid-air, you don’t even get to take off at all sometimes and you’re grounded to death.
Also sometimes you don’t even get up at all if you have the slightest lagspike at the wrong moment. Hell, most of the time you jump on the ghost mushroom, spin like a fool, then land pathetically without a hope of surviving, doesn’t matter that you press space to deploy the glider once, spam it, or hold it, it’s just up to the game to let you actually use the kitten mechanic, completely disheartening.
(edited by Bragdras.9572)
The challenges are an amazing feature of the xpac, they’re unique, they’re engaging if you like the idea, and they’re done very well, but I cannot understand why they’re blocked off because some events aren’t done yet, why? It’s a completely solo experience, why does it matter that I can’t run around a crash course as a mushroom for a Nuhoch just because some random stuff is going on on the polar opposite of the map?
Some of them I haven’t been able to even try out at all, never seen them unlocked, how are people going to even attempt them later down the line when there’s not ample amount of people clearing the events?
If this “requirement” was put in place to have players catch a break from trying over and over again, they can do that on their own, nobody needs an arbitrary flagcheck for an event that decides when I can play the challenge, if it only happened during a meta event to try and converge everyone toward it it would be fine, but it’s not the case from what I’ve seen, not the case at all.
I grabbed the ultimate edition before Anet added a char slot to every tiers, but I don’t seem to have my second character slot yet, is it gonna come later down the line or was there a slight hiccup somewhere? Just making sure.
These are the sort of stories that sort of ruin a few aspects of the game for me personally.
What if I want to, for whatever reason, just spend hours on end just killing the same mobs for farming purposes, all it takes is a few players who just think you may or may not be a bot, and bam, you’re suspended.
The hell is that about? I know there’s probably hundreds of tickets being filled for a lot of silly reasons everydays, but come on.
I’m certainly glad I never got suspended for spending hours in Queensdale farming the moas for their poultry meat, or more recently in the Silverwastes.
It’s seriously irking when a reason you don’t want to farm is “well I MIGHT get reported and successively suspended, so I probably won’t do it even though it’s nothing out of ordinary”.
Nothing else crashes, for now.
I’d post the error message but body length must be less than 5k
In case your needless blind anger is still clouding you from this very simple puzzle (if you can call it that), the Anise near Canach is an illusion and the real one, that you have to talk to, is hiding slightly north of where Canach & the illusion are, as indicated not only by Anise herself in the chatbox, but also by the minimap, circling around where the real Anise is.
Way to jump to conclusions and then convince yourself you’re totally not wrong, by the by.
Use the hammer abilities to prevent chomp from getting his food, then switch to staff and ward him off, then use the signet that knocks down, if by then you haven’t killed either chomp or strugar, your hammer abilities will be off cooldown, if after using hammer abilities a second time you still haven’t killed one, then you’ve either screwed up massively or strugar decided to throw the meat directly at chomp’s feet.
You likely had that skin through spvp and then unlocked it in your wardrobe when the feature patch went live, as did I.
I have a frail hope that they might’ve changed the ridiculous cooldown on the infinite watchknight tonic.
Or hoping that, if they haven’t (which is probably the case), the new people who will grind to get one of those tonics would cause enough commotion to have Anet change the cooldown.
The downed mechanic, wether you like it or not, seems to be in an odd position as it stands, in solo situations and duels, being downed will either be a last ditch effort if your target can be killed fast enough, or simply a slight delay for the inevitable waypointing that will occur.
This is fine and dandy for solo play and duels, it instills a sense of suspense when you can get a res on your own, and a sense of defeat when you know you’ve lost anyways.
.. In team situations, however, the downed mechanic can be too forgiving:
In PvE, being downed is little more than a temporary dps loss.
In WvW, being outnumbered by even 1 player can spell your defeat even if you down an enemy, or several, multiple times.
sPvP is similar to WvW on a smaller scale, but still very much present (and just as discouraging when on the wrong end of this mechanic).
Now here’s my suggestion for the downed mechanic, keep the downed mechanic as is, but change the rules around it:
1) Make it so that downed players can only be healed back up by ONE player at a time
- in PvE, this will prevent scenarios where you can instantly be healed back up by your group (if there is nothing to rally off of) and will be less of a free res (also small step toward nerfing stacking)
- in WvW, this will remove the free res card from being overused (4v4, one goes down, the 3 others help him up instantly), yes, poison slows down the ressing, and yes, cleaving is effective, but it matters little how much cleaving, cc and poison is applied when the target is up before you’ve even ran over to the downed target.
2) Make it so that DEAD players can only be revived by players who are OUT of combat (and also can only be revived by one player, too).
- This is something that, granted, does not happen often, but should simply never happen, this would make the defeated state a more crippling situation than losing out on a few loot bags in wvw.
- In WvW, this would give large scale fights a little sense of attrition, having a few people staying out of combat to revive in the backline could potentially be a thing (maybe make it so that healing power allows faster revives), granted, zerg fights rarely enter a state where both groups have a back and forth tug of war, still, having a dead guy suddenly being back in action because 5 players suddenly revive him is unreasonable.
TL;DR: Reviving/resurrecting one player at a time and resurrecting defeated players only when out of combat.
What do you think?
(edited by Bragdras.9572)
I think kodans are more likely to become an hostile race rather than a playable one, considering their superiority complex and all.
It’s always been that way as far as equipment goes.. The only difference is the ease of use through the interface, and the lack of mix n matching of your runes / jewels.
The Black Lion Traders [Armorsmith] are currently out of service, but when they’re fixed, log on to each of your characters and talk to this NPC (one is in DR, next to the trading post), you’ll be prompted an option to convert what used to be your town clothes.
This particular item, along with all the one-pieces has been converted to regular skins, so you’ll be able to wear this like any other skins once you convert it, remember to do this process with every characters you have that had non-default town clothes of any kind. (And remember that they’re out of service right now, so check back often).
I cannot be the only one who’d love for the Witch’s Outfit to also come back for a week, I mean, it’s just as out of season as the Winter one, and that one came back for a while, pretty please?
Not big, a lot of it is text and change of scripts, not actual new models or textures.
When I heard that town cloth sets would become tonics you can use in combat, I became very excited, but then remember how my watchknight tonic has a 5 minute duration with a 30 minute cooldown.. Will there be similar restriction on town tonics or can we actually make use of them, whenever we want ,as long as we want?
If it’s like the watchknight tonic, then the whole thing is useless, if we can have them on as long as we want and as often as we want, however.. It’s gonna be great.
Has anyone got any info on that?
Do you have one character with those skins? If so then come 15th of april you’ll be able to apply those skins to any of your characters.
And by that I mean the skins like the ones in WvW you can buy for a few badges, I use these all the time to change the look of my alts every 10 levels (along with changing gear for karma through the vendor in home borderlands).
Will the skins you apply directly be removed aswell, or will we still have this option? As much as I love the new wardrobe system, I don’t think I want to use transmutation charges on alts every 10 levels where I could save those for my level 80ies.
It’s likely going to be account wide wvw ranks.
Just like an entire blog was dedicated to the crit damage change.
Didn’t someone mention Tengu getting some kind of new animations as well?
Mini, animations, music… very suspicious indeed.
That was back during Tower of Nightmare, and no, they were not new animations, they’re shared with charrs.
It could simply be a very slight node to WoodenPotatoe’s oooold playthrough of GW: factions, where the viewers chose the name of his white-colored bird pet, which happened to be Tsuru.
You can always tell a patch note is fake when guardians have more than 2 lines of bugfixes and an adjustment for a skill no one uses.
I’m still unable to access edge of the mists:
“World vs. World is unavailable while matches are being updated. Please try again in a few minutes. (code=1068:9:17:5068:101)”
Has been the error message since after the scheduled wvw downtime ended, roughly.
Power as the main stat? It can give place to very interesting specs then.
Unfortunately, because of the narrow way to obtain them, very VERY few people will actually experiment with such stat combo.
Which is the main stat, forgive my ignorance?
I’m sorry, what? The amount of fragments you can grab, then head to scarlet’s lair and open up all the chests is great value, and then if you actually win the encounter itself you get a pretty good chest.
The only “bad” part of this is it renders your MF meaningless as it doesn’t affect loot chance from chests.
Especially during the marionette fight, where you’d think she would be all the more annoyingly crazy and happy-sounding that her marionette is stomping people, is sounding surprisingly dark and grim?
It’s such an odd 180 in the way she speaks, though I much prefer the way she taunts you in a colder, more paused fashion during the fight, it’s the first time I hear Scarlet speaking and don’t just roll my eyes while shrugging.
Anyone else enjoying the way she speaks during the encounter?
In many ways, the number one reason(other than the dodge mechanic) going all-out berserker and offensive stats in PvE is because every classes, to an extent, still have access to various defensive boons (or offensive defense like blind) built into their weapons and utility skills.
So what if, for example, an aegis would only reduce damage by 50% rather than an outright block if you have below a certain threshold of toughness or vitality?
What if Vigor only provided 15% endurance regen if you had below a certain threshold of toughness / vitality?
Now I was initially thinking that toughness should be the main stat to boost boon potency, but I quickly thought an additional vitality check would be necessary aswell, or rabid would become the new berserker.
In similar ways that condition damage / duration obviously affects conditions intensity, do you think boons should be bolstered by vitality and toughness rating?
I’d like to hear your opinion on this, and what flaws do you guys think this idea has.
(edited by Bragdras.9572)
Again, I am not using this thread as a way to defend female players, it’s a simple question.
Why is it that most guys think only guys play MMOs?
It’s an innocent question… Lets not all jump on Jaymee butt for it.
It’s less a case of thinking only guys play MMOs and more a case of not caring in the slightest that the person you’re adressing is a guy or a girl, and simply assume to be talking to a guy unless told otherwise or made obvious, in whatever ways.
As for the reason for that assumption? None really, it’s like searching for the reason why we call a table, a table, it just kind of happened.
The only “mount” I would ever be able to get behind the idea of would be if it was a multi-seat heavy-duty siege vehicle exclusive to WvW, maybe essentially a giant APC to transport large amount of players, and then sneak in a nerf to zerging to promote the use of said APCs
Tag as many people who are rushing to the middle point then make your way to a side point, if one of your tagged target dies while you’re downed (regardless of distance), you’ll rally.
I don’t like “robes” type leggings and I’m not a fan of the starter mask, so I went with this:
(edited by Bragdras.9572)
Standing upright (or at least like flame legion shamans) would be a good enough optional change, imo.
Lupicus, while being a good fight, is a poor representation of a good 5-man dungeon boss, because he can be solo’d (with effort, I’ll give you this), in this sense it’s a bit flawed, on another hand, this is possible due to the dodge mechanic, which means the boss works great for GW2 standards (telegraphed animations are fair but punishing).
I’d love to have more fights like this, but I’d prefer for Anet to fix the current broken AI on most bosses we currently have who don’t use their AoEs properly (looking at you, spider queen, Kholer and every other bosses who use their AoEs exclusively as gap closers.. Dumb).
Barbarian is the sPvP equivalent of Knight in PvE, Knight amulet isn’t available in sPvP anymore, and has been replaced by Barbarian stats.
Which I like aswell, but it would have the same problem: Power is the minor stat, making it a poor choice in any situation.
You have to understand that support doesn’t mean better healing all the time, the best form of support in GW2 is to outright prevent damage, rather than mitigating it, blind, block, reflect, control, etc is what makes support a very real and effective strategy in guild wars 2, the only problem that reduces the need for support is the amount of exploits (boat skip, thankfully fixed is one of the many exploit), overpowered “mechanics” like corner stacking, and faulty AI like the spider queen only using her AOE at range.
It would be nice for Liadri to be replaced by a new boss in the next Queen’s gauntlet, and instead have Liadri be an ally in a future Living story, not having a big role, but just following you (like Braham / Rox during Molten Facility), and give her unique, but different abilities than in the Gauntlet.
I tend to put myself in combat and then put down my weapon to run bipedal, it works until I’m out of combat.
I’d obviously like an option to choose how to run (also a checkbox to choose being hunched over or standing upright, like the flame legion shamans wouldn’t go astray).
It’s most likely never going to happen, considering the art designer himself (during the anniversary bash Q&A) said charr problems with clipping are pretty much unimportant, so even smaller details like choosing how to run is almost certain to never come.
The thing about the Colossus fight
Even though you are using an overhang in the pillar to keep the rocks off of you. the big lizard can still come up to you and hit you like a truck, done in the open room it has a nasty knockback that will last you outside of the kind warmasters shield.
So what do most do? they stack with a wall to THIER backs, so WHEN they get hit, they get knocked back INTO the wall.
I am sorry but I still don’t see it as an “exploit”.
The exploit part is that falling rocks cannot land on that particular corner, this makes a part of the fight completely meaningless (and renders Warmaster Grast’s shield useless).
If you’d stand next to a wall but the rocks could land on you and you’d have to be protected by Grast’s bubble, then it wouldn’t be an exploit, just a way to circumvent people not taking stability or not being able to dodge.
There is a key difference between stacking behind a pillar for the spider queen, kholer, and standing at the pillar for Colossus:
Spider Queen and Kholer are not exploits because:
Stacking at the pilalr doesn’t remove any part of the encounter, the poison well is used by the spider only as a gap closer (when anyone is further than melee range), stacking behind the pillar puts everyone in melee range, you could arguably not use the pillar and have everyone be in melee in her own room, the exact same for Kholer, he uses his grapple as a gap closer, if everyone stays in melee, he’ll never use it
This makes stacking an overwhelmingly easy strategy that pays off way too often, but it isn’t an exploit, still, an easy way to make those fights more “as intended” would be to simply to make the bosses use their AOE at regular interval, rather than only based on distance.
Why the pillar in the Colossus Rumblus fight is an exploit:
You stand in a spot where the rocks are completely unable to fall at, this remove the entire point of having Warmaster Grast, as the whole fight resolves around Grast’s shield.
Do you see the difference? In both cases, it’s an unintended strategy, but in one the fight still happens as intended, while in the other, it doesn’t.
Again, a simple way to fix this is to make bosses use their AOEs as regular part of their attacks, rather than using them as gap closers only, and, of course, to fix the actual exploits we know of, like the Colossus pillar.
I’m hopeful that they’ll eventually fix all these exploits, and adjust bosses’ aoes to be used other than as a gap closer, this’ll make dungeons interesting again to see pugs actually playing dungeons the way it’s intended.
Very, very much.
I’ll probably get the next infinite logging axe so I have 3 infinite sets because it irks me only having 2 axes but 3 picks / sickles, but still, thank you for making these account wide!
I don’t mind if they’d strip town clothes in WvW, I just hope we can still use it in PvE
You’re saying a bug (or an oversight) is a reason to not have an interesting feature in PvE that would spice things up ever so slightly?
Yes it’s an annoying bug, but come on now.
Any of the toxic offshoot events have a chance to have them also spawn.
So After opening a few seed boxes, I got the air filtration skin and the new recipe (Toxic Maintenance Oil), I was able to sell it, but chose not to, and wait instead.
Now I’m looking at it today, and for some reasons I cannot sell it anymore, why is this? If this “can only sell soon after you get it” thing is intended, then make it clear, if it’s a bug, well, I hope I’ll be able to get rid of this recipe and make my 8 golds..
More precisely, it’s the Huntsman version of the Toxic Maintenance Oil.
Story-wise, she is currently helping with Braham to reduce the toxic offshoots, at times, you can see them ingame helping during the events.