Showing Highly Rated Posts By Buttercup.5871:

Watchwork Pick: Non-inflammatory please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


It became inflammatory because after 12 hours and thousands of reactions, not one dev cared to react. It didn’t help, in any event.

New title: Overflow Masochist

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Forget about the flashy weapons, precursors, or minis. Just give us this title, Anet, and we’ll call it even. We earned it.

Watchwork Pick: Non-inflammatory please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


@ g e o: Please don’t confuse opinion for fact (“sprockets are useless”) and please don’t think this gemstone strategy will stop at “just” sprockets. Hence the word “precedent”.

Halloween used to be for everyone

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


I have plenty of coin, legendaries, precursors, ascended weapons, rare skins, everything. Yet I am bothered by the following.

Halloween used to be for everyone.
Last year, everything could be obtained by everyone:

- new cool weapons, which dropped in the mad king’s instance.
- candy corn: everyone could stuff themselves with it.
- mad king’s armor pieces and runes dropped like rain
- free candy corn bag for everyone
- rare Halloween materials such as fangs/skulls/nougats dropped like rain.
- You could enter the mad king’s realm (how cool was that!) and solo it on a low level character.

This made Halloween into the “treat” that makes this game shine.

When I compare it to this year, the story changes dramatically. You can enter the maze, but don’t try to solo anything on a low level character. You’ll be slowed, frozen and bled to death before you can see “trick or treat!”. The bosses have so much health that it takes a full zone or about 40 players about 10 minutes or more to take a boss down. And they won’t go away either. Some of them will follow you through the maze (legendary skeleton) until you die. If you manage to kill a legendary mob, you’ll be awarded once per day. The next time you kill it that day, there will be no reward for you buddy. His chest will be empty.

- You can get a mini, but you’ll need to grind out 20 thousand candy corns.
- You can get a bag, but you’ll need to grind out 15 thousand candy corns.
- You can get a recipe to an old skin, but you’ll need to grind out 10 thousand rare Halloween materials (fangs/skulls/nougats), 10 thousand candy corn, and more.
- You can get a black lion weapon, but from experience I know this will cost you roughly 4000 gems. I will not consider these skins in the ultimate equation, even though I should.

All of the above would not have been so much of a problem this year had candy corn and Halloween materials dropped like rain. But it didn’t. Personal example: I’ve spent roughly 70 hours in the maze with 130 percent magic find, and only received once received an exotic version of a Halloween material (1000x nougats) – on the first day.

I can go on, but the more I write, the more it will become apparent that – this year – Halloween is not for everyone. And that makes me sad. Don’t get me wrong, there’s many good things that I love in this game, and I always take the opportunity to express that on the forum as well. But the above is something that goes to the spirit of Halloween. Namely, that Halloween is – and should be – a feast for everyone.

Another lesbian relationship?

in Lore

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


I think no fantasy game should be without same sex relationships, actually. Relationships are a reflection of what happens in reality. I don’t want only part of that reality, I want it all. Too many companies feel they need to surrender to homophobia, because they fear it doesn’t sell. I think that is gutless, but more importantly, the relationships in those games become downright shallow.

Kasmeer and Marjory’s story is arguably the greatest strength in Anets living story altogether; they’re the only ones that make it shine.

Halloween used to be for everyone

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Buttercup.5871



I was also wondering: how can a company say “we don’t make grindy games” and require you to grind out 45 thousand candy corn and 10 thousand rare Halloween materials – for a mini, a bag, and a recipe (to an item that requires another 2 thousand candy corn, 120 lodestones, 270 orichalcum ingots, 40 globs of ecto and a legendary gift)?

I’m OK with grinding a bit, but not like this, and certainly not for Halloween. Halloween should be a feast.

Big mistake - keeper's recipes

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


The price of the recipes for an ascended set of keeper’s armor is too high. Keepers breastplate, 50g? Really? These recipes should be in reach for almost everybody.

Their low drop rate is a mistake. And a big one at that.
Recipes for stat combinations are not vanity items.

(edited by Buttercup.5871)

Less precursors = more RNG box sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Welcome to skinwars. Your highest goal is a weapon skin. It’s dubbed: “legendary”. The terminology is laid on thick so that you know that this is your goal.

Most people cannot acquire this skin. Why? Well, we all know why. The droprate of the necessary “precursor” is so abysmally small, that the price is abysmally high.

Now consider the following. With each event, including the next event (Jade weapon tickets incoming), the new tactic appears to be: introduce RNG boxes that contain a “temporary” weapon skin. This skin is exclusive. It’s practically like a legendary. Veeeery exclusive.

Unless you’re dirt rich in-game, you cannot buy enough keys/boxes to get a “skin ticket”. And you cannot save for them, nonono; they’re “temporary”. So flip out your credit card, or grind yourself into oblivion (the latter is actually made impossible due to the DR system).

Now, tell me, are you still wondering why these precursors barely drop? Still wondering why there’s no “scavenger hunt” more than half a year after the very idea was announced? Or why your WvW chest contained nothing but masterwork items?

It’s so obvious, I should have seen this coming from miles. It’s just like in Aion, where NCSoft did the exact same thing (They lowered the droprate and adjusted the game mechanic of certain items to increase the sale of related store items. Manastones, anyone?).

Hugh Norfolk - Look Into My Eyes

in PvP

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


6, 5…

Hugh, you will wake up as a ranger instead

4, 3, 2, 1, 0.

[Merged] Can't sell my weapon skins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


This makes no sense whatsoever. It’s wrong wrong wrong. There is no difference between an account bound skin purchased with a ticket now (after the patch), or purchased with a ticket in the past (before the patch). None. Yet you punish the last group, while you reward the first?

Josh, this makes no sense.


Silver Doubloons: a year of /ignore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Dear Sir, Madam,

We, your customers, are very patient, and very understanding of the immense pressure you are under. We love your game to death. But the /ignore regarding the item “silver doubloons” has gone on long enough. I kindly ask you to please address it.

Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Your loyal, gem-purchasing customer,

4 November 2013:
27 October 2013:
21 October 2013:
15 October 2013:
7 October 2013:
5 October 2013:
23 September 2013:
10 September 2013:
8 September 2013:
8 September 2013:
8 September 2013:
29 August 2013:
27 August 2013:
21 August 2013:
22 July 2013:
18 July 2013:
15 June 2013:
6 June 2013:
29 May 2013:
27 May 2013:
19 May 2013:
11 May 2013:
31 March 2013:
26 March 2013:
7 February 2013:
4 February 2013:
23 December 2012:
11 December 2012:
11 December 2012:
6 December 2012:
4 December 2012:
30 November 2012:
29 November 2012:
28 November 2012:
22 November 2012:

Taimi mini for Christina

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


I doubt Christina wants special treatment. I’m willing to bet that she’d prefer to be treated equally like everyone else.

This. People with a disability, a genetic condition, or even people that are temporarily in a wheelchair because of an accident, usually just want one thing: to be treated normally, like everyone else.

I feel you, you read something that moved you, and you want to do something. Well, you can. Next time when you’re in a crowded subway, train or tram, take your eyes off your phone and check if others need your seat more than you do. That’s a huge leap forward in thinking. And actually seeing the world around you.

I like fadeaway’s proposal to introduce a mini Taimi, the proceeds of which are used for MS research. That’s entirely at the discretion of Anet though.

Dev confirmation - Mining Mechanics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


I think the OP asked a really valid question which, in light of the continuing controversy on the watchwork pick, quite deserves an answer. People spent big bucks on these picks, it’s not exactly charity work to answer it.

Silver Doubloons: a year of /ignore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Wrong forum, this is definatly not even close to a bug.

Mal, you have already explained you take this position because you don’t want your juggernaut to become “less valuable”. Stop being so selfish and obstruct everyone’s efforts for a bug fix at every step of the way.

Ascended Professions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


So essentially you want me to level all my eight characters – again – so they can (again) unlock new traits to be able to do everything an “ascended” or “finished” character can do?

No. Just no. This treadmill mentality has got to stop.

Everyone who did not vote earned cash

in Living World

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Lesson learned: don’t engage in story content, you’ll get richly rewarded!

The mystic forge still works!

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Oh you had that bug where you put in 4 exotics and got a green back.

Insider trading is rampant...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


This info is coming out more and more, including on reddit. I would like to know what Anet is doing about it.

In your case, which is incredibly specific and the result of in-your-face obvious advance knowledge, it would be quite easy to track the accounts of those that bought the crossing. They could check out what other stuff they bought shortly before other patches came out. If the pattern is similar, terminate the account and investigate the chat history.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Regina, again you made a good, no, you made a great call. Rock on.
/faith restored.

Please nerf rune of strength

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


I have runes of strength, both in PvE and PvP, and find that they’re stupidly overpowered compared to any other rune. In PvP I actually went from being subpar in 1 vs 1 to winning 1 vs 2.

While I like winning, I’d rather have this imbalance fixed. Personally I think all other runes should be buffed instead, but I realize this is probably not feasible right now (Chinese launch sucks resources, which is understandable).

Why we hear nothing but Silence from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


OP, you have no idea what real silence means. We are far from that situation. The only reason the devs and customer support are swamped right now is because they LISTENED to the community and implemented many, complicated far reaching yet awesome changes that take time to handle and properly adjust – based on constructive feedback – satisfactorily, often going customer by customer (duplicate gemstore items as a result of the wardrobe, for instance takes seas of time).

This thread is wrong. Just wrong.

Too easy to stalk / Privacy concerns.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Your argument falls down to hypotheticals and pedantry at best. It doesn’t really matter if the system was designed for this purpose, it is being used in this way and I don’t see any real way in which it could be abused. (I’d like to hear of a realistic way in which it could be)

Wait, let me get this straight. Because I have not yet suffered from this system, which I argue allows for abuse, my arguments and concerns are hypothetical, and therefore flawed?

So let’s say someone always brings his machete to my workplace. He does so because he says he needs it to slice his bread. According to you, I cannot protest to this, because I myself have not yet been sliced up by a machete yet? And, of course, it’s only important how the machete is being used, right – to slice bread – not how it can be used instead?

If you do not see the potential for the abuse of the contact list yet, then ask for it. But do so politely, without being condescending, and while respecting the rules of this forum and the players that attend it. This brings me to your remark that my concerns are pendantic. Do you actually believe that my privacy concerns, including those stated by the OP and others in this thread, are petty and irrelevant?

Needless to say that your continued personal attacks only reinforce my arguments that we need more privacy.

Badges of honor - make them count

in WvW

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Please. Find a way to make them count for the other two types of gameplay (PvE and t/sPvP). After 2k hours, there comes a time that the reduced laurel cost and exotics don’t cut it anymore.

Please allow me to make three suggestions.

- Allow WvW exotics to be forgeable and/or salvageable.
- Allow an exchange of badges of honor for tomes of knowledge, obsidian shards, and/or dragonite ore.
- The best thing you could do – although resource-demanding – is introduce extremely appealing WvW armor and weapons that come at an insane badge cost.

In the meantime, at the very least, consider making badges of honor on par with dungeon tokens. Thank you for your consideration.

Why 80 players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Considering this bad boy will drop ascended weapons, I think you will be lucky if you’re not stuck in the overflow once Teq. is up. Seriously. I think people will wait 30 minutes in advance inside the zone to get a guaranteed spot when the event pops.

Insider trading is rampant...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


If true, the idea that someone at Arenanet is allowing (intentionally or not) a select few to make massive profits they otherwise shouldn’t be able to make is a disturbing one.

“Allowing” is not the right word. They need testers. Everyone benefits from good testers. Just not corrupt ones. They need to clean their house.

Braham/Phoenix/Magitech armor in gemstore!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Down with trenchcoats! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhh. Why does it always have to be trenchcoats. Give my ranger, thief and engineer a proper skimpy top for crying out loud.

anything going to be done about linen?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


We can add linen to the next chopping axe, problem solved! To avoid breaking immersion, we can call it “laundry” – as all sorts of people put laundry on trees to dry. You can then convert laundry to linen with the new laundr-o-matic. If you buy the chopping axe and the laundr-o-matic together in the first week, you get a generous 20% discount!

Tequatl experiences after megaserver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


People with jobs can’t do Tequatl and Great Jungle anymore in most European countries. The times are awful. They’re either before returning from work or at 4 o’clock at night. 21.00 – 23.00 hours is prime time for adults, not 17.00-19.00 hours.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


What disturbs me is that out of the 1100+ posts in Jon Peter’s own thread, which was viewed over 140 thousand times, only two of those posts are his.

Come on guys, get your communication act together! You can do it!

A vote for Evon = a vote for RNG

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Evon will slash prices on black lion keys. But let’s have a look at those keys, shall we? What does a black lion key unlock? That’s right. Everything you’ve been protesting against for months. Haven’t we had hundreds of threads revolting against RNG? Haven’t we had enough of this by now?

So you get to pay less for black lion keys. I say: why are we paying for RNG boxes in the first place?

Vote for justice. Vote for bikinis. Vote Kiel.

PvP Cultural Armor/Emperor Title (Answered!)

in PvP

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


My first reaction was yes, this is absolutely logical. But then I read the description: “Soulbind 90 unique pieces of cultural armor.” Which looks to me like that title was designed for only one grand purpose – a fantastic gold sink. This is why it was not already implemented for PvP, and why the PvP skins do not become “items” after the patch but skins that can be applied to items. One crystal is still less expensive than t3 armor though, so I’d say buy the t1 and t2 pieces and use your free charges (80 charges if your new rank is 80) to get the t3 unlocks for the emperor title. It would, however, make no sense whatsoever if you had to buy a t3 skin you already own just to get the title.

Dev clarification would be nice!

are globs of ecto going to tank?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


i love when a dev comes in with the cold hard facts and is like BOOM

Problem is now im stuck with this as the image of Mr Smith owning some on in the forum

Smith: “Tell me, Mr. Cargan, what good is a forum… when you are unable to speak?”

[disables forum rights]

Precursor, 300, 800,1540 now 1850g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


The question is wrong. The TP is not broken.

But the droprate and mystic forge return rate of precursors is broken. I can afford them, but I’m not the norm. Smooth penguin is not the norm. Those defending these prices are wealthy and have profited from the TP for at least a year.

Precursor prices are clearly not right.

I do agree with above posters that precursor crafting needs to happen. Waiting further is not good for this game, there’s too much focus on one item now. That’s never healthy, for any game.

Too easy to stalk / Privacy concerns.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


you’re stalking botters. Or, to put it more correctly, persons that you believe to be botters (sorry, I’m a lawyer, I couldn’t help myself)

I doubt that you’re a lawyer when you consider the 1-2minute checking of suspicious behaviour on a non-person to be “stalking”.

But, but, I am! Haha! The lawyer comment related to “persons you believe to be botters”. Because they’re not botters until Anet labels them as such (“innocent until proven guilty”, that kind of thing).

Now, whether your habit is to do “1-2 minute checking” is irrelevant; other people can do a 1-2 hour checking. It’s the potential use of this list that is tricky; your individual behaviour (or, more precisely, the behaviour as you state it to be on this forum, which may or may not be true for all we know) when using this list is entirely irrelevant in this context.

You sound more like a politician than a lawyer. When a person exhibits behaviours and/or glitches such as the botters would, it’s natural that people would become suspicious, would perform their own small investigation and botters would be reported.

I’m sure you’re well aware that botters are only caught and found guilty by Arenanet because some players get suspicious, investigate and then report. What you’re suggesting is that these people are guilty of breaching privacy, which they are not.

Please, don’t apply the idea of “real world following a person down a dark alley” to watching out for botting behaviour. It’s not even remotely the same. It could be more akin to stalking if the person in question were looking for email addresses and information gathering on a large scale of that individual, but we’re not.

Again, I’m seriously doubting that you’re a lawyer, I could say that I’m a cosmonaut and people would either have to take my word for it until I say something silly that arouses suspicions to the contrary or they could just outright think that because I brought that up in the context of a space debate in order to claim authority on the subject that I’m more than likely lying.

When in doubt of your own argument, make it personal! Ha! Because my personal background is much more important than my argument, right? Please believe what you want. I didn’t include my background to give weight to my argument, I included it to indicate where my nit-picky remark came from.

And yes, I am glad that people report botters. I do, too. However, I highly doubt that using the contact list for this purpose was intended in this manner, and see the real potential for its abuse. Whether you, personally, do not abuse it is irrelevant to me. Edit: your personal attacks in this thread are however one of the reasons why I would even more strongly argue that my privacy in-game be protected in a better way, since my forum name allows you to stalk me without my consent. Again, whether you do so is irrelevant to my argument; the fact that you can is scary enough.

To me, it would be much more logical that people send a friend/contact invite, which the other person must accept. Without mutual consent, there should be no appearance on anyone’s contact list. Plain and simple. I also believe that there should be an in-game setting that you can set to “invisible” by default, so that noone sees you the moment you log in. This would be particulary useful to people that are part of two guilds, but – in order to avoid spite – do not want to show everyone that they’re online, playing in the other guild at that particular time. Particularly in a game that promotes membership of several guilds, the availability of this setting should be a no-brainer.

(edited by Buttercup.5871)

Exit Polls (updated 8/2)

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


I’m pretty sure this is anets way to ask their players what type of content they want. Completely new lore, or to better expand on old lore.

Exactly! That’s exactly it! On the money!

As I said in another post, I think both candidates are evil. Both will bring about the destruction of Tyria. Kiel through lying, backstabbing, boring aetherblades and nuclear destruction. Evon, who already has all the money in Tyria (20% tax on all items, duh), wants to find out how Abaddon gained his power – namely, “from an older deposed god” (see wiki). Evon will want to personally destroy Tyria as a deity.

We don’t get to vote whether Tyria will be destroyed, but how it will be destroyed.

If Tyria is to be destroyed, I’ll choose the cool way. From a guy who’s at least not hiding his treacherous nature.

The Watchwork pick and past/future tools :D

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


The problem indeed is: where is the limit? You have to realize that sprockets will become more valuable and that Anet will keep adding uses to them (precursor crafting anyone? What if they add a subcomponent that requires 10,000 sprockets?). So what’s the limit? A chance of empyrial shards? Lodestone cores? Crystalline dust, Azurite orbs, Toxic spores, or pristine snowflakes? Anything is on the table.

Other than that, you’ll always have regrets about buying an infinite tool because the next one will always be better/more efficient/more rewarding. It’s a very deep rabbit hole; you do not want to go in there.

(edited by Buttercup.5871)

Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


As a player around the top 500 NA in achievement points, I absolutely agree that dailies/monthlies shouldn’t count for achievement score. Dailies and monthlies pollute the achievement score with points that really don’t say anything about one’s achievements, but speak more to the volume of hours spent in-game.

I so do not understand this mentality. Anet says “behold, we will give you free stuff”! Instead of saying “wow, nice, thank you!” you say “mmmm, nice, but don’t let other people get more rewards than me, because I deserve it more. Because look, I did all this difficult stuff whereas they had it easy!” I’m not a fan of this attitude. Therefore, I’m just gonna say “thank you!”, and say points are points. I don’t care one iota if my neighbor therefore receives more rewards than I do. Such demands always backfire anyway, so stop asking for it.

What's wrong about grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


So unless there is a required fashion show in-game, I believe nothing is “requiring” us to grind.

Except, you know, ascended gear.

State of the Ranger (After "major" patch)

in Ranger

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


As a ranger for 2.400 hours, we’re doing quite fine. I do not play WvW, but for PvE purposes I have no problem with dungeons, fractals, Liadri or other “difficult” content. I do not feel kitten. As for PvP there are more than 1 viable build, which is more than I can say for other classes. I have no problem carrying myself into the 90th percentile, and I’m not that good.

Except from AI, bugs and small mechanic issues, we don’t have it that bad. In PvP i fear more for a longbow spirit ranger than any other class

Can you eloborate on your experience with other classes? Anyone can clear this game’s content. I mained a ranger for approx. the same amount of hours as you did; I can clear any content I want as well. That is, however, not the issue.

The problem is the sheer disparity between the functionality and effectiveness of the ranger class – when comparing it against any other class in the game. It’s so off that we have to actually prove ourselves through skill that we can manage content other classes can do pressing their auto attack and dodging the occasional NPC attack. It’s really that bad. The class is rife with bugs, overneglected skill+utility synergy and a crippling pet AI. This results in what ultimately is any class killer: low damage and mimimal group utility.

This is why many guilds, particularly succesful WvW guilds, don’t accept rangers. It’s too much of a gamble to fill that valuable spot with someone who will often be the weakest link, regardless of the person’s skill.

I wish I could give more constructive feedback at this point, which is what the devs obviously need. But after providing so many of it in the past, and after so little improvement, most rangers have given up being constructive. After a year of trying, they have lost hope that their suggestions for core improvements will be heard. With this patch, I would say: Yes, more pet health in PvE is nice as well, but their damage was nerfed so hard recently that it feels like we got the consolation prize. In WvW, however, the pet health was not buffed, so the pet still remains a liability that will die when it is hit by any form of AOE. Because that’s really uncommon in WvW, right? AOE damage? I have no words for how baffling and alienating this patch is in this respect. Not buffing pet health in WvW feels like a slap in the face to any ranger that posted any constructive feedback over the last 6 months.


in Norn

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


I love it when my Norn female character says this. It’s so quintessentially Norn. She just says it like it is.

The devs should be bloody proud of their Norn work. And wow, their snowy mountain area, it’s simply mesmerizing. Levelling up through that area was a treat. I really enjoyed looking at the cutscenes from those waypoints, with the accompanying music from that area; it’s everything you hope for when doing PvE, and more. And I’m a PvP’er at heart, so it was a real surprise to see myself enjoy PvE that much.

A big giant kudos to the devs that worked on the Norn and their area. It is, in one word, awesome.

Im really loving my new armor set

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


A flaming mankini would be even better.

Mystic Forge for precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


I always have the feeling that there’s people with vested interests posting in these precursor threads. Either it’s the people selling mats (i got my precursor in 10 tries) or the people that sell precursors (I made 10 thousand rares/exotics, still nothing).

Black Lion keys not at all worth the money.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Thanks John. Never thought I’d get an answer on this from you, but I’ve come to trust your answers blindly.

Insider trading is rampant...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Yes, I can explain it to you, as well as other’s have already tried. I’m not going to beat the dead horse anymore.

Do yourself a favor. Look up the information on the basics of the Scientific Method please. You might have a life-changing epitome.

And no, btw, I did not fail “university”; I graduated with Honors.


OK, I am a lawyer. I’ll concede that my knowledge of the Scientific Method is limited. What I do know, however, is that this Method is “a method or procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.”

The underlying feature of this method is being able to replicate an event.
Think about it. Can anyone of us replicate the event? I sure hope not. Because that’s exactly the problem!

“Your honor, I did not commit murder! Yes, I was there, yes I had a gun in my hand, and yes I hated the person, but, but, you can’t replicate the event, can you? Therefore, I must be acquitted.”

There is no logical explanation for the extreme rise in price of the mad moon and the crossing one day before the patch. No other magic find item showed a similar pattern. Additionally, we were explicitly told by Anet that high level Magic Find items would not be affected by the patch in that they would remain tradeable. So in fact, this goes against your theory people should buy out the crossing and the mad moon before the patch. Based on all public available information, nothing indicated that anything significant would happen to these two items that would affect their price. Yet they skyrocketed one day before the patch. Huh huh.

You know, I’ll give you another theory. It’s funny, because one of the ascended weapons that came with the 3 September patch was named after it. It’s called “Occam’s Razor”. The simplest possible theoretical explanation for existing data is usually the correct one. I submit to you, based on all publicly available information, that the OP offers exactly that.

Going back the above example of the guy holding a gun in his hand at the time of the murder: all I want, and the OP wants, is for Anet to look at the security camera, and check for fingerprints. Because this case screams murder.

Infinite Dragon Mining Pick?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


At least no profit would be made from this, but still classifies as P2W.

Well, yeah, but it would be something I’d pay for in an instant, and if they’re already doing it with sprockets, why not?

Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the New Normal! Where your starting point is “the gemstore should provide clear in-game advantages!” The only question that remains in the New Normal is “how much should the advantage of gemstore items be” rather than “do we want that all?” or “where does that lead us?”

I’m just wondering, in this New Normal, should it be “the bigger the advantage, the more Arenanet should charge”? Is that the concept? Cause if it is, you’ll be squeezed like an orange.

Farewell GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


OP, your post is very non-constructive and filled with superlatives that lack any form of decently argued backing. This alone simply makes it very hard to take it seriously, or even to read from front to back. You have a couple of points that are worth arguing, but the scatter-attack form you’ve chosen doesn’t bring it out

Sorry man, gl.

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Today’s patch makes it blatantly obvious this thread is a red herring. There was never any intention of satisfying the player’s concerns regarding the rewards for open world PvE.

If Arenanet can figure out within a day that drops should be lowered to their previous atrocious level, rather than the level it was when the merged thread that preceded this thread was created, then it’s obvious the current atrocious droprate and hard hitting DR are working as intended. I feel cheated wasting time posting my concerns previously – in this thread and the one that preceded it.

Suck it up. Your reports on droprates are showing them it’s working as intended; when you reported getting more stuff, the droprate was nerfed instantly.

playing TP - good job Anet :))

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


They can get 100% margins expecially when some dev suggests them to invest in ascended crafting materials to resell later -.-

So “normal” players will have their expenses doubled…..

Ok, now you’ve gone one bridge too far.
“The devs” informed everyone, using every communication channel available to them. They did not do it to “tip off” the flippers. No. “Flippers” did not need any help in that department, because what “the devs” said was beyond obvious. What happened was that the devs informed those that did not know so as to best level the playing field.

I’d also like to point out that the “speedclearers” you speak of have a choice: sell the materials they get or save them for later (for example, because “the devs” told them these would become valuable). They generate the materials on the TP, no “flipper” can do that. The “flipper” can only react in that sense, his/her actions are bound by, or are the result of – the actions of those that generate the materials. For example, I’m always amazed when people decide to sell an exotic, event-based temporary recipe for 3 copper and later turn around and accuse the “flippers” that selling it for 3 copper was a bad decision. This goes two ways, don’t blame everything on the “flipper”, who in the latter scenario probably had to reserve several bank spots for those recipes for a period of 6 months before the recipe in question became profitable (with the risk that it would still be worth only 3 copper after 6 months).

In this debate, don’t just take any argument and twist it in your favor. There are reasonable arguments to be made; this is not one of them. Quite the contrary, in fact.

(edited by Buttercup.5871)

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Still no mail. Far Shiverpeaks (EU). I’m getting worried now. Who’s bright idea was this?

Human Cultural Armor in the Gem Store [Merged]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


This just in:

Hey, everyone. We’ve been reading all your feedback about the Flamekissed Armor Skin that was released into the Gem Store yesterday.

Although the Flamekissed Armor uses the same mesh as the Tier 3 Human Cultural Armor, it was not our intention to create an armor skin that so closely matched the existing Tier 3 Human Cultural armor set. The intention was to use the mesh as a basis for creating an armor set that stands apart and is distinct in appearance. However, after reading your feedback, we agree that the Flamekissed armor is not visually distinct enough from Human Cultural Tier 3 armor.

We will do a few things to address this issue.

  • We will temporarily remove Flamekissed Armor Skin from the Gem Store.
  • Players who have purchased Flamekissed Armor Skin will keep the skin.
  • We will make new art for the Flamekissed Armor Skin that achieves our goal of making a visually distinct and attractive armor set and does not closely resemble the Human Tier 3 Cultural armor.
  • Once this new artwork is completed, we will then update the Flamekissed Armor Skin so that all existing sets that players have purchased get the new art. We will also offer the Flamekissed Armor Skin for sale again at that time.
  • When we update the Flamekissed Armor Skins with the new artwork, any player that has already purchased the set and who does not like the new, updated look, can get a full refund by contacting Customer Support.

Note that there is no ETA on when this change will happen. We need to work with the Character Art Team to determine when we can have a new armor skin ready, and this could take some time.

Thank you everyone for providing your feedback. We appreciate that you took the time to let us know how you feel about the new armor set.