_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Showing Posts For Chidori.9483:
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
I’ve had a similar issue with my Dwanya backpiece. Was pvping and when downed my self did not have the backpiece but my fake did. :/
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
1. Character Development
I felt all character development came later in the story, I would have preferred instances to get to know DE2.0 better early on in the story. Ideally, I would like to see multiple character development instances throughout a release. Would it be possible to develop a friendship point system where your responses to them adds or subtracts "friend points" and changes their responses as time passes. This will add some variety to the game and be an excellent character development game. You already have something similar in game where you get different responses based on race or order. Don't hesitate to kill off people in DE2.0 either, a sense of danger is always welcome.
2. The illusion of choice
I would rather see more scalable instances than large-scale events (I believe Mari was the only large-scale event I enjoyed). With smaller, instanced events you can let the player decide how to go about a situation based on menu choices. This not only will help players feel they are in the drivers seat (rather than a minor character in Marjory's story) but will also add variety.
3. Not keeping everything for a big reveal at the end
There is no need to do this. If we had figured out that Scarlet was waking a dragon, would that not have made the players fight harder to stop her? Would it not have been heart wrenching when that drill hit the ley line and we saw the dragon yawn?
I believe utilizing multiple character development instances is the way to go about furthering the plot. Why couldn't we have gone with Kasmeer to Rata Sum to ask about Scarlet, rather than having an asura with the answer present? Or visited a place where Scarlet lived with Jory? Character development and planting just enough information for the attentive player to piece together a theory is key to an engaging story. After all, Harry Potter would not have been possible without Snape's key character point.
Edit: I don’t know why the spoilers did not collapse into a pretty drop down, I apologize.
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I agree that unbinding legendaries would be the best solution for those who have made multiples.
I for one am excited about the change; it gives me incentive to go out and make multiple legendaries now that I will be able to share the skin between my alts.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
(Side note, during the cut scenes, did any of you think it was weird and immersion breaking how your character just stood there, still, staring in one direction or the other?)
My friend and I did it as quaggans the second time, but yes my character looked really bored the entire cut scene the first time.
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Yeah.. I had a friend on Vent last night trying to finish her, he tried for over an hour before logging off in frustration.
I got lucky, a friend and I did it together, I think it took us 15 minutes. We only managed it because he somehow managed to get knocked into the doorway so the next time she tossed her skill, while I was thrown back (yet again) he was unaffected and able to finish her.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
*Spoilers* MIND BLOWN right now! A++++ ANet
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Chidori.9483
THIS was Game of Thrones quality?! Have they not WATCHED IT?!
I did really enjoy the wrap up. In particular Scarlet really looked the part of a dragon minion with the camera panned over her dead body.
However for it to reach Game of Thrones quality (if this is what they are shooting for) I would have really liked to see more character building story instances. I loved the ones that Anet created and hope to see a lot more throughout all of Season 2.
I also would have liked a few story points to have been changed:
- Taimi, I would have had her be a healthy little arsuran child up until Escape from Lion’s Arch. During that update I would have had her talk Braham into letting her come into the city to “study” the drill. When Braham turns his attention from her for one second, a piece of debris falls on her, crushing her legs. Braham’s guilt and Taimi having to learn to live with her condition would have been excellent character building opportunities.
- Jory and Kas, Jory getting knocked back and possibly killed while Kas runs in to avenge her was wonderful. However, I would have had Kas take a killing blow for the player character and Jory wake, permanently scarred, and call her name right as she is hit and killed.
Again, I did like the way Anet handled the story, but I think I need to see some more character building and my favorite characters dead before we can compare it to Game of Thrones. I hope what Anet learned from Season One and the introduction of some new characters will lead to an even better Season Two
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Specific Game Mode
Proposal Overview
Have pets re-spawn and synchronize efficiently with their masters
Goal of Proposal
To make pets viable
Proposal Functionality
My suggestions:
- Have the pet respawn after XX seconds if it’s HP bar reaches zero
- Add a trait to reduce the respawn timer
- Pets told to avoid combat support their masters give a buff or an effect to them (or have a hotkey option to trigger a buff or an effect). E.g. The owl removes 1 condition per X seconds or on trigger
- Pets go invulnerable during their masters dodge, thus allowing them to “dodge” too
- Pets adopt their masters stats. Pets would still retain weighting towards their main stats to keep their individuality, however a PVT ranger’s pet would last longer than a zerker Ranger’s pet, who in turn would deal more damage per second
Associated Risks
Balance issues and time needed for updating and testing each pet.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
(edited by Chidori.9483)
But how would I have designed the event then? Tough question. Maybe Anet could have sent the heroes we all love on those mini-rescue missions (including the orange map marker). This would give players who haven’t read a guide an indication that there is something to do besides the “big events”. Braham could patrol one of the escape-routes and people could join him. How many routes are there? 6-8? Well, we have quite a few heroes who could have run these routes.
There could have been a personal revive and encourage counter also. After the event you would see Braham and Roxx telling each other how many citizens they rescued… like Legolas teasing Gimli how many kills he got. And players whould get +10 extra bags for every 10 citizens rescued.
I think it would have been a good idea to have “Encouraging” a citizen give you a drop. All I do at these events is revive and encourage. I get a couple bags from killing mobs around citizens that need to be rescued but the # I get is nothing to what I got the first two cycles when I just did events.
It would have been nice if the map scout dude could have given you an overview of how the event works.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Hi Asko,
There is no point in the CDI if the members of it are unable to give it the attention it is due. We make a live game and thus ‘things’ come up. Thank you for your patience and I to am looking forward to being able to giving my full attention to the next set of topics.
I do not pretend to know your schedule, however, since things typically come up on patch week (that I can tell) would it be a good idea to have a policy of starting CDIs on weeks there is not a patch?
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Escape from Lion's Arch - Trailer discussion
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Chidori.9483
It would be nice if they replaced it with a new city in orr since zhaitan is dead
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
1: We need to keep thread and post sizes more manageable. Should we put a limit on the word length of posts?
2: How are we going to chose topics moving forward, for example, by votes or by Anet choosing them etc?
1. I think a word limit would just lead to multi-posts. I think we need to come up with a format to present ideas. How do you present ideas internally? If we could mimic your internal documentation I think it would make it easier put the ideas we have on your table in a form you are used to.
2. Can we take turns?
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
I too really loved the conversation story instance in LA, it was the highlight of this patch. I would love to see more of them scatter throughout the living story in the future.
My main problem with the story instance (and the whole living story arc for that matter) is how disconnected my character feels to the overall plot. I’m just that guardian they call when they need additional muscle and nothing more. It’s getting tiring to be honest.
Seems a few people feel this way, and I can see where you’re coming from but I can also understand why they have decided to use other characters to drive the plot.
I’m curious, how would you have structured the living story to prevent this feeling of being a sell-sword?
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
What sort of systems of horizontal progression unlocking would you like to see that’d accompany a system like extended class progression?
I think it would be neat if there were sub-story quests that resulted in skill/trait unlocks. It would be a good way to establish back stories. Perhaps one trait unlock could involve the back ground of the three Order leaders.
I believe some people have mentioned adding gambits or mistlocks to dungeons for added difficulty/better rewards, I would think a skill/trait would be a nice reward for completing a difficult dungeon or for even defeating revamped dragon champions like Teq. However, this solution has a problem, some people do not play PvE and wouldn’t like it if they had to venture into it to unlock skills/traits. I don’t WvW much so I don’t have examples of difficult/unique WvW feats.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
I’ve been getting this problem since yesterday. I checked for driver updates, windows updates, ran gw2 in repair mode, ran gw2 in the port 80 test mode and am still dc every 5-10 minutes, and have crazy lag. I’m currently reinstalling gw2, however, as I see this has been a past issue on the server side (it seems) I would like to add my voice.
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Ah that sucks, a dev response was made on this thread on how to escape for now:
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Can you get into the Heart of the Mists? I never tried to do that when I was downed so dunno if that will work.
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Like many others have said, exactly zero. The only reason I’ve been considering an ascended staff is because I like the cosmetics but I’ll probably wait a long time on that..
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Thanks, Justin. Most of those guilds are dead/inactive as far as I know. If you could promote the guilds and teams still playing that would be wonderful.
Yeah, I’ve been trying to find one to join for months and no one ever mails me back/pms me back/or replies to my posts. If someone knows of an active one please pm me.
Another question, I believe we’ve been told to report those people who purposely leave matchs, as in “I hate skyhammer goodbye ya’ll”. What option should we choose when reported them. I had two people in the past two hours do this and I didn’t think any of the options given matched what they were doing.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
It is not a forum for making demands of what we absolutely must do, nor should the expectation be that whatever we are talking about right now is going to show up next month. If you are expecting to see any of the things we have discussed happening quickly, you should adjust that expectation. Some of it could, but the simple fact that we are discussing it here is not a promise to that effect.
Nothing I said indicated I expected these changes next month, in fact I suggested seeing the minor changes in 6 months. I’m not sure what your turn around is but I do remember a Dev mentioning that resources are already allocated out to projects for the next 4 months.
I’m sorry if you read it as a demand, I was trying to answer your question about priority.
I fully understand that if an idea is not promising, or cannot fit into the infrastructure of the game it will not happen. However, if it can, why not? Not tomorrow obviously, I do not even expect major changes to be made in 2014. This is a great game and I have high expectations as to where it can go, and I completely understand that it will take a lot of time to realize those expectations.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
(edited by Chidori.9483)
Perhaps the largest question I still have, how would everyone feel if the only changes to commander were the smaller scale ones? The other stuff is super interesting and has a lot of promise, but is also a major task and one I can’t make any guarantees about. I suppose the crux of the question is how priority is the rest of the stuff, if the smaller bits are taken care of? Would the commander system be functional enough with more markers, guild only tags, less suppression, better supplyinfo, and possibly additional marker shapes?
Why do anything if it’s not going to be the best? This Collaborative Development Initiative is supposed to not only make players happy but help GW2 go down in history as one of the best games.
6 months from now I would like to see the minor changes we’ve talked about but long-term I would like to see the ideas that have promise go into the game. I fully expect major projects to spring from this initiative, in fact, I thought it was the point.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
For a basic tag to use in PvE, yes, but I’d like to see more requirements to distinguish seasoned commanders from “gem store commanders”.
I’ve had a thought about this. I really don’t think you should have to sacrifice points to be a commander. I’ve talked about reputation being what makes a good commander, so my suggestion is an approval rating system. Being able to thumb up or down a commander. The thumb down needs to be available to negate those who would ask their friends to thumb them up, of course the approval rating wouldn’t be able to go below zero.
To see the ratings or rate the commander, the player would right-click on the commander’s name and select See Rating, or Rate only while the tag is up.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Seems like people really enjoy answering questions so I’ll throw out a few more.
1. How big do you expect a squad to be?
2. What kind of content is a PvE commander most useful?
3. Is money a good enough gate for commander tags?
1. It would really depend on the functionality. I like the idea of being able to assign lieutenants very much. If you could assign 3-4 lieutenants and have the commander I would say squad size of 100 so you could divide into groups of 25 or 20.
2. I’ve only every found them useful for Guild Missions, with increased functionality I believe this would change.
3. As I mentioned before, to be a commander is to step up and lead, you shouldn’t have to grind for it. I believe the 100 gold is sufficient.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
i think this is why it is important to make commanders stay character bound so people know who the bad commanders are.
The bad commanders could still buy more icons and the good commanders would have to buy more icons too. Either way they are a good or a bad commander, I would rather have a good commander have the freedom to change between roles that are needed then have to worry about bad commanders having “extra icons” either way he’ll reestablish himself as a bad commander on that other character.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
I think there are other things we could do, like provide a commander only channel that has no suppression but that people have to opt in to.
I believe this sounds like the best resolution. If you add in lieutenants (which I really like that idea) they should be able to speak in the channel too.
That is why any full on rework of the squad system will be a large project. It is important to us that when we introduce new UI elements we have fully fleshed out their place in the rest of the game UI.
I think a full rework of the squad system is needed, and I would wait for it. However, if it’s decided to be reworked I would like to see a focused discussion on the squad system.
I vote for account bound tags.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
What if you still acquired the current tag by spending 100g, but you upgraded to new shapes via the WXP system?
I’m not sure I like the idea of a abilities and icon unlock system to be honest. To be a good commander all tools should be available to them. New commanders would be at a disadvantage, and I think it would be difficult to be able to level up after other commanders have the new toys, players would want to follow only the “experienced” commanders.
To be a commander is to be a leader, the tools that come with the commander tag should be bought with the 100g, to be a good commander is to build your reputation, not an xp bar.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
A friend of mine noticed a few weeks ago that your character’s voice echos in Hathari Hinderlands on the Tarnished Coast. Might be the same issue, not sure if it was fixed.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Re-skinning is lazy and frankly I’m disgusted by this. It’s bad enough they recycled a skin and made it “shiny”, what makes it worse is the light armor option is one that is supposed to be exclusive for humans.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
What do you all think of this proposal:
That we only have one thread per area open at one time, for example, the next PVE one then PvP and then WvW?
I have been thinking about this for a few days and believe the major issue would be the overall velocity of the CDI, and the main Pro being that we will have more time to enter into discussions due to only having to focus on one at a time.
To be sure I understand
Week one: PvE thread
Week two: PvP thread
Week three Wvw thread?
My thoughts are that there are different devs on different teams responding to feedback on each of these three areas. Would you be able to respond to WvW feedback? If my understanding is right and different devs would respond to the different areas, I think that we should have three threads open for each area at a time.
Unless the lead time would allow you to set aside more time when your week comes around? Then I’d be all for it.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
- And for any adventurous readers, what different stat combinations on amulets?
Sentinel stats please o.o
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Yeah I opened a ticket, hopefully they’ll fix it for me
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
I see, thank you very much.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
I bought a second Zinn’s Data Crystal today, however when I go to equip it, it will not let me. Double clicking will only switch it out with the other data crystal.
Are we not allowed to have two of the same ascended accessories equipped or is this a bug?
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
1. More feedback in threads from relevant development team members
2. Better focus on the topic at hand/less off-topic discussion
3. More transparency of the CDI meetings. (What are you guys discussing? What has no chance of making it in the game? What suggestions are you taking seriously?)
Someone typed my feed back for me lol. Number 3, what suggestions you’re taking seriously/particularly like, I consider the most important.
You’ve told us the development process is a ship that takes four months to turn which is a good start for transparency, however it would be nice for more information to know what’s open in the realm of possibility and what’s just plain impossible.
I also think that if a topic gains popularity, it should have it’s own split off topic opened for further discussion. This will help keep ideas organized instead of having to remember what page the good idea was on.
On that note, can we have a collab. development forum where only devs can create topics and everyone can post?
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
If he’s already playing computer games, why not GW2? I say let him play, and you can spend quality time with him.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
I kinda though the biggest flaw was there is no reason to keep doing the tower. I played about 4 hours and got all the achievements done already and I’m no great player. At first I died a good bit but nothing that felt too cheap other than the mobs CC. I just don’t see much reason for people to go back other than a rare chance at a gasmask skin that you get anyway for the meta. The meta is pretty easy, there’s no other skins to get, and its hard enough that its not a good farm.
Honestly, a meta that doesn’t take forever is what we’ve been asking for. People wanted to recieve the achievements by just doing the release rather than having to do x number of things over and over again and grind.
I say good job on the achievements this time around Anet.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Well, I learned that Scarlet knows Malycks secret. Maybe she knows where the Other Tree is.
When and where did you learn this?
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Shorter story arcs, more zone-by-zone storytelling and less focus on larger player-funneling zerg events.
This ties in with the longer event chains I brought up several pages ago, although I think it looks in a slightly different direction. When I originally posted my “longer event chains” post I left it wishing there could be a week-long event chain.
This could be the answer. Each zone could have it’s own story which takes around a week (or as long as it takes) to tell. This way the zone is a little different every day we log in.
Does anyone have any ideas for a story in a zone?
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
You should be guaranteed a special dye for buying the pack, I originally thought it was just random which special dye you got. Well.. I won’t be buying any more, I’ll just save up to buy them off the TP if I want one.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Try out these event chains:
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Okay, lets say I own a farm and have saved enough grateful NPCs around the world to hire some farm hands.
Would the supplies from the farm be able to influence the world in some other way rather than just creating events?
The discussion has mentioned having the servers compete with each other, this could be another way. Additionally, if a server does a lot of farming and the veggies make it to market perhaps it could influence the living story in some way, or provide supplies for the living world to make fortifications.
That farm that keeps getting attacked by bandits in Queensdale really needs a new fence.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
This is why we need a better mechanism to re-tell the story of missed LS events. I had suggested either in an in-game or out of game Lore Book that details not only the history of LS, but of Guild Wars as well. This will also help players who never played GW1 understand the original lore.
I’m not sure players would read a story book. I love to read and wouldn’t be opposed to it however, I’ve noticed a lot of people … just don’t like to read.
I’d love to find out more about Guild Wars, I downloaded the free trial over the summer but was overwhelmed with how different it was.
Do any of you remember that personal story instance where the Pale Tree shows you the future? Why not do something like that to recap the living story?
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Frankly I think it depends on traffic, I don’t want to wait much longer than 5 minutes for a match. It’s frustrating when I talk guildies into going into tPvP with me and then we have to wait 20+ minutes around reset.
The two options, “put me in a match now” vs. “wait” I think are good ones. However, if I choose “put me in a match now” would I still have the same 20 minute wait?
It would be nice to have a way to see the volume of traffic going into tPvP. When I’m waiting 20 minutes + for a match I start wondering if anyone’s even playing.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Has anyone else had to wait 10-20 minutes every time they submit their roster to the tPvP guy?
I’m wondering if I have to wait so long because I usually can only find two other people to play with me?
How long do you usually wait to get into a tPvP match, and are you in a full team of five?
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Whether or not it is possible given the content structure of the game(dynamic events and many public-centered content), is another story.
Yes, the public events would be the main problem with implementing this. Due to the way they structured it not all the content may be repayable, they may have to do a “Previously on GW2” for things like the invasion where it shows a little cut scene that summarizes what happens. Then, after the invasion cut scene you could be taken to an instance (like the begin game instance, where others doing it are there) where you can fight Scarlet and she can escape before moving forward with the story.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
I’m hoping we’ll get precursor crafting and new legendary concept art for Christmas.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Are there technical difficulties to this to wihch GW2 and Phasing don’t mix? This would seem to solve your problem of content that should be temporary and content that could stay. It would also fix the problems that are in the game, such as undead in Orr still chanting Zhaitans name when he has been defeated by many.
I think phasing would be the best idea. Then people could go back and experience the story themselves, it is after all our character’s story. It’s kinda strange if you just come in in the middle of it all or at the end of an arc and are praised a hero for all your deeds when you didn’t do them.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Another food for thought: Back when we invaded Southsun, we did a lot of “one time” events with the story content. Folks complained that one time wasn’t fair because they would miss it, so we extended the “story” style content so you now have 2-4 weeks to experience it. Does having it around this long take away from the sense of story progression, and make it feel like it should be permanent when it’s taken away? Or would simply having (using the TV analogy) something like TiVo that allows you to see the story you missed balance out this issue?
Honestly, I don’t think having it around for 4 weeks would take away from the sense of story. The people who finished the content would move on, while those who had irl things going on will get to experience it themselves rather than be frustrated.
For example, I have two midterms coming up on the 14th and the 21st and if the Tower of Nightmares is only around for two weeks then I’ll have exactly four days to rush the achievements. So added on to the stress of exams I have the stress of I’m not going to get to enjoy this cool stuff because I’ve got to be an adult. Giving me four weeks however, will give me plenty of time to run the dungeon.
A lot of people complain of the two week pacing of the Living Story release, a compromise might be to leave the release in for four weeks, then they can take their time.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
I was constantly swapping through the 4 elements, deffing with earth, healing with water, doing dmg with fire and then going back, so QUITE a hassle.
Constantly swapping elements and moving around is how the ele is supposed to be played. It takes a lot of practice. It took me 6 months to feel I was really “good” at the class and knew what worked best in which situations.
Sigils that increase your endurance on swap are a life saver. The lower levels are tough when leveling an ele, once you gain access to traits like the “create a spell on dodge” and get used to constantly moving and changing attunements according to the situation ele is really fun (in my opinion).
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
You don’t need to chase after Epic – epic is a natural outgrowth of scale.
What you need to focus on is ‘Compelling’.
In Kessex Hills there is a little stand-alone escort event in the Destroyer caves. A child from the nearby town has fallen into the caves and can’t get out. Lead her to safety.
Give me a reason to care. I’ll suspend disbelief (no way pointing out just because), I’ll buy in if you let me. But don’t confuse scale with relevance.
Some of the finest victories are small.
Like seeing a little girl make her way home.
Honestly, if I was going for an epic story I would start with something simple, no party crashing. I would have a little girl ask me to find her mother, and in doing so stumble across something so horrible that I cannot ignore it.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________