Showing Posts For Christonya.3856:

HoT maps reset on me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Christonya.3856


Play normally, any additional progress you make won’t be lost. Any additional XP from rediscovering the same POIs and waypoints will also be retained once your characters are fixed.

The current plan is to repair all affected characters during work hours on Monday. I finished doing several tests and passes against the game databases to ensure we know who is affected and what they lost.

Those affected should be receiving an email in the next couple days with information on how this restore process will happen. For those that don’t want to wait for that email, the process is pretty simple:

We plan on temporarily blocking access to your game account. During this time we will perform the repairs and run some quick tests to ensure everything went smoothly. I don’t expect this process to take longer than an hour or so.

I’m also doing my best to ensure that those affected are compensated for the inconvenience this has caused. No promises on what that entails, as I have no control over that.


This is what I have been waiting for, a big thank you for the post.

Some feedback however: As soon as this information was found out a post needed to be made, I don’t know if that was the case or not but we were left guessing and worrying for a few days due to lack of information.

Keep in mind we arn’t trying to bite your guy’s heads off, we simply want communication, even a “We regret to inform you, we have no information at this time. However we are actively working on it and will provide an update soon.” Then even if the update is the same message, at least we know some thing is being done, and we arn’t left in the dark.

HoT maps reset on me

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Christonya.3856


Can we PLEASE get an update? How long are we waiting? Is it safe to uncover stuff again? If we do uncover stuff again what will happen? Any thing would be great.

Unable to start Nevermore I

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Christonya.3856


It hasn’t been implemented yet, they are finishing the legendaries still.

Is it safe?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Christonya.3856


Yesterday some players had their HOT maps reset on them (Myself included on my main character)

Is it safe to re-explore some area’s while we wait on the fix? Or should we avoid spending any time in maguuma on these characaters.. ?

Maguuma maps have completely reset.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Christonya.3856


With the exception of the hero challenges.

Precursor crafting. I don't get it . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Christonya.3856


oh good god, people like to be spoon-fed everything these days. There’s a reason legendary weapon being called ‘legendary’: it’s rare, it’s worth alot of effort, else they are no different than the starter weapons if everyone has one.
Ok, first you were yelling “it’s too rare, give a way to make one, I’m ENTITLED to a precursor”. Now you got a sure way to make one, now it’s “NOT FUN, TOO HARD!” , give me a break. If you are not willing to do all the work, then you are not deserved to wield one, simple as that. Do me a favor, recite the word “legendary” 1000 times before bed each night and contemplate what it means and then make a demand for your… entitlement.

No one has at any point said it shouldn’t require A LOT of work to obtain. People are stating the WORK required for it shouldn’t be doing some thing totally irrelevant to make gold to throw at the TP.

The LS S2 ‘hard mode’ achievements were a pain, but were fun. They were a challenge, it felt good to try them figure out how to do them, and then execute it properly.

But this ? This is just throwing money at the TP again. Which is what the original problem of getting a precursor was. Not the RNG. But the pure cost of obtaining the item, a lot of people just don’t have that sort of gold. But what they do have… Is time. Time that they are more then willing to spend combating challenges, doing puzzles ect ect.

SO we’re left in the following position. A: Do the collection and spend just as much money doing it as buying the item off the TP. Or B: skip the hoops and just buy it off the TP.

Which goes back to my title: I don’t get it. What’s the point of the precursor crafting when the over whelming majority of it is spending time on the TP? I might as well just buy the pre and enjoy it immediately rather then suffer through the collection which is the same cost any ways.

I realize the argument of “Oh well just go run around lower level zones and mine 15k iron and 10 platinum you don’t have to deal with the TP!” Ignoring how egregious those numbers are, why not just … SELL the items on the TP at that point instead of stocking up 15k of any ore which you probably don’t even have the bank space for in the first place? At which point it goes back to the original argument…. Why not do content you want to do IE the maguuma jungle, and sell items from it for gold to buy the precursor?

Precursor crafting. I don't get it . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Christonya.3856


precursor crafting was never meant to be a way to get the precursor cheaper than the tp it is just a way to get a precursor out of RNG something you can work towards rather than hoping it would randomly drop.

get it through your thick skulls devs never ever mentioned it to be cheap or free it was stated multiple times it will retain the cost of the precursor in the market.

Actually it was. If it wasn’t then they wouldn’t have released it. Think about it, if the precursor collection is the same cost as just buying the item from the TP . . . . Why do it ? The point of the crafting was to give us challenges to over come things to do, a world to run around in RATHER then just busting out the wallet and throwing money at the TP. Unfortunately, the mats required are HUGELY unrealistic, and rather then having a realistic number or more preferably a list of challenges … Well, instead you need to grind gold, not really a journey when you think about it.

Precursor crafting. I don't get it . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Christonya.3856


When legendary crafting was first announced, it was talked about how the most frustrating part of obtaining a legendary weapon, was of course: The precursor.

Now. This had me pretty excited, since throwing money at the TP was… Well, not fun. Now I finally completed the first collection for Zap. I got my pattern, learned it, and went to check and see what I needed to craft this item. It became immediately clear, that the cost of materials, was not going to be part of the world, but rather, the TP. I find myself at an impasse. Where moving forward requires me to do, what I had hoped I wouldn’t have to do.

I have two choices. To throw money at the TP. Or avoid crafting this precursor. I had expected, or I suppose hopped that moving through the collection would have me doing challenges, and working towards obtaining the item. Not just simply buying the materials off the TP. To make matters worse, the crafting items in question are ascended, which means: Time gating.

So I really just don’t understand it. I thought the idea behind the collection was to have players running around completing challenges to obtain this amazing item. Not throwing money at the TP, as if the collection just didn’t exist.

Or you can play the game and treat it like a checklist of things to get.

The problem is, ‘playing the game’ for me involves being in fractals, or the maguuma jungle. Neither of which give me access to iron, mithril or many other materials needed to craft the ascended items needed to make the precursor.

SO I have to buy them. But if I am going to buy them, then the cost of the item in question is about as high as the actual precursor on the tp

SO why would I do the precursor crafting when it results in doing the same thing as just buying the item, except I have to jump a few hoops as well.

Precursor crafting. I don't get it . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Christonya.3856


When legendary crafting was first announced, it was talked about how the most frustrating part of obtaining a legendary weapon, was of course: The precursor.

Now. This had me pretty excited, since throwing money at the TP was… Well, not fun. Now I finally completed the first collection for Zap. I got my pattern, learned it, and went to check and see what I needed to craft this item. It became immediately clear, that the cost of materials, was not going to be part of the world, but rather, the TP. I find myself at an impasse. Where moving forward requires me to do, what I had hoped I wouldn’t have to do.

I have two choices. To throw money at the TP. Or avoid crafting this precursor. I had expected, or I suppose hopped that moving through the collection would have me doing challenges, and working towards obtaining the item. Not just simply buying the materials off the TP. To make matters worse, the crafting items in question are ascended, which means: Time gating.

So I really just don’t understand it. I thought the idea behind the collection was to have players running around completing challenges to obtain this amazing item. Not throwing money at the TP, as if the collection just didn’t exist.

Rev sword 3 - No counter play?

in PvP

Posted by: Christonya.3856


i just gave you all the infos on how to counter unrelenting assault. i’m sorry that i can’t play for you, that’s something only you can do.

You gave me no information actually. In fact you sorta confirmed my point.

Take double dodging for example, you can’t expect one skill, on a short CD, that provides invulnerability to require a player to double dodge it. All that does is sets you up for a CC right at the end of the ability, negating the point of double dodging in the first place.

Rev sword 3 - No counter play?

in PvP

Posted by: Christonya.3856


other than its damage revenant is weak. there are so many counters to revenants…

First off, Rev’s are far from weak. Second I am not talking about ‘Rev counters’ I am talking about counter play to a skill that does damage while gap closing, while evading, so far no one has suggested any — Standing next to an ally is the best form of counter play, but this doesn’t do any thing to negate the enemy being invulnerably while still doing damage.

Are Elites required now to be competitive?

in PvP

Posted by: Christonya.3856


It depends on class. Thief? Nope. Mes? Yup. Necro? Yup.

But the latter two one are extremely overpowered right now.

fixed it 4 u

try actually killing a druid reaper or dragonhunter on you’re own with mesmer
before you make statements like this the amount of everything they got is insane

Mesmers are incredibly overpowered right now. Just because they can’t 1v1 the (arguably) tankest classes in the game doesn’t diminish the power they bring to any team.

Rev sword 3 - No counter play?

in PvP

Posted by: Christonya.3856


It’s just a broken skill, combined with two heals, evades (Shiro) and block on shield (Glint) Revenants are too tanky and too mobile at same time.

Well any one with a brain is aware that Rev is overpowered. Every one who saw how they buffed them considerably, damage wise, before even releasing the dps legend is aware of this.

But until they tone down the “Master of all trades” situation Rev’s are in, I would simply like a way to combat this skill.

Currently it’s easily the biggest problem with Rev’s purely because as my title says, there is no counter play to it. Which is beyond unhealthy for the game.

Guild Wars 2 - Removing amulets -> eSport

in PvP

Posted by: Christonya.3856


What about making Stronkhold main mode instead of Failquest and balance around it…?

Oh god no. Conquest is a skill oriented mode, stronghold is pve. I hope they leave stronghold as it has always been, fun to play but not in the slightest bit competitive.

Are Elites required now to be competitive?

in PvP

Posted by: Christonya.3856


It depends on class. Thief? Nope. Mes? Yup. Necro? Yup.

But the latter two are extremely overpowered right now.

Rev sword 3 - No counter play?

in PvP

Posted by: Christonya.3856


So, during the beta weekend, they decided to give the Rev sword 3 an evade attached to it. Their reasoning was that when you used it, you’d get locked into this animation which would get you killed by a boss.

I immediately thought: It’s ok, this CAN’T stick. Ranger sword 1, Thief dagger 2, and many other skills in the game lock you into an animation creating the exact same issue, but instead of these classes getting evades it’s simply a “Learn to play” issue where using your abilities at the RIGHT time is more important then just using them when ever you feel like it.

However it has stuck. So now we see Rev’s with this ability that gives them straight up immunity giving the player ‘playing’ the class time to drink some coffee, and those not playing Rev have one way to counter this: Dodge. Twice.

You can’t fight back. You can’t CC them. You can only /sit and watch them float around in the air waiting for your turn to actually deal damage.

So unless im missing some thing, this skill has literally no counter play, it’s like if a thief’s pistol whip also teleported the thief to you the entire time the skill were active, allowing him to land all the damage of the skill.

I mean, it wouldn’t be so bad, if in full dps gear it did upwards of 1000 total damage, not 6k. Given how egregiously defensive this skill is, while still doing so much damage it need some sort of fix.

Dragon Devil ? Runes of the Dare Devil.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Christonya.3856


After finishing my elite specilization line for the Dare Devil, I was rewarded with runes of the dragon hunter. Is there an ETA on when this will be fixed ? I am still looking forward to crafting my own class runes.

DEV'S seem to not care!!

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


I want to point out that the first pre season balance patch isn’t out yet. SO you can’t claim they arn’t listening …. Yet. After the first major balance patch goes through if thief gets “Fixed a minor bug with X Y and Z” and not a page of all the fixes we need.

Then you can be unhappy. Right now we’re playing the waiting game.

Really need a second opinion on this build.

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


The one thing our class is good at: Mobility and you have chosen to take none.

Glaring weakness: You won’t be decapping any thing.

Imposible to play thief on high level wvw/pvp

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


In my opinion thieves now are dead. please make something to correct it. Its not the build or setup, is the character and the balance between other characters

This is why pre HOT I was telling thieves if they wanted to play thief in the xpac not to buy HOT till the first major balance patch. Either it will bring buffs to a class that severely needs it, or it will do nothing to us and we will be out of the meta completely.

High risk, low reward

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


So the balance between high risk/skill and high reward doesn’t apply to thiefs. You need to play like a pro to be a little useful. But if you have those skills, just reroll another class and even get more rewarded. So why does this class not get deleted completelY from the game? It would save a lot of time for newcomers who start with a thief.

What are you talking about? Vault is a low risk high reward skill….

Vault is the easiest thing to dodge in the game.

Thiefs are well balanced

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


OP. Thieves are far from balanced. For a moment, lets compare thieves and mesmers.

Thieves are a extremely fragile class with moderate burst, and team support in aoe stealth, that with HOT has been extremely nerffed due to all the new revealed mechanics.

Mesmers are extremely durable, extremely sustainy extremely high burst class with insane amounts of utility the best utility skill in the game with moderate mobility.

Note the difference? Mesmers have no real draw backs, it’s why they have become so common. Thieves however excel at one thing: Movement, which is all fine and dandy but not when you lack the ability to 1v1 people you run into. Thieves are extremely fragile, which is all fine and dandy if they have the burst damage to back it up, which they don’t. On my mesmer (chronomancer now?) My shatter combo’s which are as easy to land as dodging my opponent big attack do at least 8k, before air / blood sigils. My thief ? Backstab does around 5k, tops….. Starting to see the picture ?

Not to mention as fun as the Dare Devil elite is, it isn’t very good, it still need a lot of improvements.

I will say one thing though, although thieves are underpowered, they are far close to balanced then most of the other classes.

Thief Meta

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


PvE for example, but you can share your thoughts about the other play styles too.

Right now it really feels like the thief meta is to reroll Rev. That said until some one does the dps numbers on classes we won’t know if thief is good or bad in pve.

As for pvp, there is no meta for thieves, we’re more of a detriment to our team these days.

Game breaking fractal bug fix ETA?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Christonya.3856


For the past 3 days now the fractal vendor that unlocks via masteries that you use to infuse rings to gain extra AR for fractal progression has been bugged when you talk to him you get the message:

This content is unavailable at this time

When will this be fixed? I kinda need AR… To do fractals.

[Feedback/Discussion] Fractals of the Mists

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Christonya.3856


My biggest issues with the new fractal systems are:

1. Larger health pools. I like that the bosses won’t one shot you with an auto any more, auto attacks one shotting you was never skillful or cool, or w/e, it was lack of tuning. At least in a game where you are suppose to be able to fulfill any roll (all dps, all tanks, all healers) in a group that you want. The problem.. is that the larger health pools also don’t create a challenge. If a fight had no mechanics, nothing to look out for, nothing to combat, having it take 4x longer doesnt suddenly make it harder, just makes it, well, longer. I didn’t mind some health increase, but the amount is ridicules, fights taking upwards of 10 minutes just because of a bloated health pool is not fun at all.

2. Rewards. Dear lord, I open the chest at the end of the boss, there is no bouncy chests now, no, just these fractal boxes and a lack of keys for them. What’s inside these boxes? Oh… Grey vendor crap, that sells for gold. Nothing more, nothing special. I could probably accept this if the keys that dropped in fractals ended up in your wallet, and more keys dropped and less chests BUT the chests also had more gold coming out of them.

3. RNG. During the 60+ bracket (I think? Correct me if im wrong) the instability you get is ‘random conditions applied when hit’. Alright… Sounds annoying, but what ever. Doing thuamo and getting hit once, feared, and walking right off the edge. Yeah. Right. So bad luck is now an element to completing this fight. Or you can be immob’d while a platform is going down, or crippled / chilled while trying to get off the platforms. So much can go wrong, and none of it is within your control. But the worst part, is that due to the health pool on the boss being 500% larger then before, the boss also took like 15 minutes to kill. 15 minutes of waiting for bad RNG and if it happened at the very end, well.

4: Spirit of fractals. Now I am not fractal 100 yet, mostly because the fractal vendor has been disabled for a while and my team needs it to open up again so they can obtain more AR. But when I do get there and I run one each day …. The spirit of fractals is going to be an issue. Before HOT I would run a 50, every day, finishing it within around 25 mins. I would (as with every one) roll swamp and go from there. But the next 3 fractals were always randomized, this always gave me a sense of some thing different, instead of running the exact same mundane content over and over it would change up on me making it feel just that little bit fresher and therefore, a little bit more repeatable.

The are probably my biggest issues.

Two bugs so far.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Christonya.3856


One: Fractal skins obtained prior to HOT are not counting towards the collection.

Two: After obtaining my elite (Dare Devil) I received the scarf and nothing else, I have been told we are suppose to receive a pattern for the runes.

So I have dragon hunter actually, but not DD.

(edited by Christonya.3856)

Fractal legendary backpack collection bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Christonya.3856


I have completed both of these. They arn’t bugs just tool tip errors I believe.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Christonya.3856


Hey folks,

Lots of passionate feedback and discussion in here on either side, and a friendly reminder that constructive feedback helps us make better games (please do keep it constructive!) We don’t always get every detail perfect the first time, but I like to think one of our strengths is we’re always open to and listening to feedback from our community and making good decisions based on that feedback.

Ultimately, we’re thrilled with the parts of HoT everyone is enjoying. Your passion is awesome, and it’s part of why we all love creating this game. In particular, in game we’ve seen a really positive reaction to the game from folks who are busy playing, which has been really cool to see.

While we never like to rush and make snap decisions, in particular with a game that’s basically been out less than three days; I think there are some fair points in here for us to discuss. Much like other feedback about HoT, we’ll be discussing this as well!

Thanks again!

Releasing the expansion AND halloween was a mean thing to do. It causes people (like myself) whom are EXTREMELY excited to get into the jungle, think twice and decide on the content that has a limited time. However I just finished my last achievement like 2 minutes ago, and now it’s time roam the jungle.

how the @#$% do you deal with rangr taunt

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


You use reaper shroud 4, and every thing in a 5 mile raidus just dies next to you.

Oh wait, you’re still playing thief. Well, you deal with it by not play thief of course !


in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


Thief is dead. No really the thief just died, again, and the game has been a 4/5 the entire match.

For real, until the first balance patch, thief is not part of the pvp meta, at all.

Which Traitline to give up?

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


None. DD is hardly worth taking, especially when you lack the points for it.

Once Thief's Mobility

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


First, Thief cannot 1v1 if using ‘zerker amulet, then on the next statement, where pros are using marauder amulet speaks that thieves aren’t good at 1v1 right now.

…… Thieves can’t 1v1. And then my second statement is that the pros confirm it. I get 99% of trolls are stupid, but come on, are you THAT stupid?

Yet, you see them being phased out in high-level matches in its current state…lol

Fixed that last bit for you.


in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


Can you imagine if the Shiro Skill set was given to Thief instead?.

Yeah. Thief might actually go into HOT viable. As it stands we are not because of poor decision making on Anets part. But if say… thieves got tools they needed, like a way to remove condi’s from themselves, well then…. Thats a step in the right direction.

Hence “Planting”.

I’m sorry, just being uber skeptic at this point.

Trolling* is the correct term. All your posts in all threads have had zero credibility, and you seem to enjoy handing out false information and poorly thought out opinions.

And this opinion is not poorly thought out?

Glad to know.

My opinion is that you’re trolling. Which you are. So no, it is not poorly thought out.

Elite specializations stream.

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


So uh…. Whens the Dare Devil stream?

More Cloak in Cloak and Dagger

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


An evade doesn’t solve the underlying problem. If you miss, if they randomly dodge… You used 6 initiative and gained nothing. It would be better to have the damage and stealth components separate, where if you land the CnD you do damage, if you don’t you still gain stealth.

Course you will still lack headshot as an interrupt making D/P better still, but at least you won’t be worthless thanks to one random dodge from your opponent.


in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


Can you imagine if the Shiro Skill set was given to Thief instead?.

Yeah. Thief might actually go into HOT viable. As it stands we are not because of poor decision making on Anets part. But if say… thieves got tools they needed, like a way to remove condi’s from themselves, well then…. Thats a step in the right direction.

Hence “Planting”.

I’m sorry, just being uber skeptic at this point.

Trolling* is the correct term. All your posts in all threads have had zero credibility, and you seem to enjoy handing out false information and poorly thought out opinions.

Once Thief's Mobility

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


I honestly don’t understand the mentality that ‘teef only good at recap’. When playing in SPvP I win the vast majority of 1v1s on my thief (unless going up against something where it’s futile. Looking at you, minionmancers). In a group fight, I tend to play the edges, applying pressure on someone who is weak, making them blow defensive CDs, disengaging and striking another target. Oftentimes in something like a 3v3 I can often burst down an opponent or interrupt to the point where it completely destroyed an enemy group’s ability to support one another.

My real bane are competent support guards, as there’s really very little I can do against them outside of pressuring them to the point of stopping them from being as useful to their team. Usually I’d like to rely on someone else to deal with them.

Ultimately, thief is what you make of it and I think the line of thought that ‘teef only good at recap’ is pretty much poison for the class. Yes, it’s a viable tactic that’s worked well in the past. The state of the game ‘is’ evolving and as a result it’s becoming less viable. This doesn’t mean the class is useless by any means. In my opinion you have far too many people who rely on others to do their thinking and strategizing for them.

For competitive games, I run d/p + shortbow Berserker Amulet. I’ve tried Marauder, but I find the increase in passive survivability (increased health pool) doesn’t balance out for my playstyle against the increased burst potential and reliance on active defenses of Berserker. I may yet shift over, but we’ll see where things go. I feel I should also note that I do not use the ‘meta’ build with its reliance on the SA tree. Currently I run Trickery/DA/Acrobatics. In HoT, that is likely to shift to either Trickery/DD/Acro or Trickery/DA/DD. The condition cleanse on evade is a beautiful thing.

If you haven’t really given it too much of a try, I really do suggest giving Hard to Catch in Acrobatics a chance. It does a LOT to prevent lockdowns and subsequent death, letting you save things like Shadowstep for other purposes. Point being…Thief could use help in some areas for sure. But it’s not so dire a situation as people are making it out to be. Find new tactics. Think outside the box a bit. Don’t just go with what is ‘accepted’.

See, the problem with saying “Oh yall are wrong, thieves arn’t only good at +1ing and decapping, they can fight too!” But then say you’re using the berserker amulet shows that you’re playing against incompetent players.

When you’re playing against the guys you see in tournaments, you can’t use berserker amulet, you will be worthless the entire game, dead on the floor. Not to mention you won’t be able to 1v1 any one. Ever. Doesnt matter whom.

There’s a reason people keep saying “Teef only good at recap” It’s because its true. Listen to the ‘pro’ thieves as they explicitly say "I find it hard to 1v1 most match ups, thieves just arn’t good at 1v1 right now .. "

And it’s attitude like yours thats preventing thieves from having a place in the meta game for HOT. As it stands, thieves in their current state won’t see any play in high level matches, the class is just flat out inferior in every way.


in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


Can you imagine if the Shiro Skill set was given to Thief instead?.

Yeah. Thief might actually go into HOT viable. As it stands we are not because of poor decision making on Anets part. But if say… thieves got tools they needed, like a way to remove condi’s from themselves, well then…. Thats a step in the right direction.

Hence “Planting”.


in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


I get the “plant” part, but why in the world would you want to steal conditions in the first place?

You arn’t stealing conditions, you’re simply planting the conditions that some one has applied to you, back on them (Or some one else).

But I had thought about, ‘what if’ our elite wasnt DD and I always thought of a more supportive shadow caster type deal that would ‘steal’ condi’s from allies and ‘plant’ them on enemies.

Necro already does that. Plague Signet

Thief can shadow step. So can mesmers. Your point ?

The point is, if ArenaNet will ever add that feature, it won’t be given to the Thief.

Why…. Not ? Mesmers have plague signet… Just as the necros do. Giving similar tools to other classes happen all the time, and a class like thief that is struggling extremely hard to not only APPLY conditions, but REMOVE them can have both problems solve easily with a simple change.


in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


I get the “plant” part, but why in the world would you want to steal conditions in the first place?

You arn’t stealing conditions, you’re simply planting the conditions that some one has applied to you, back on them (Or some one else).

But I had thought about, ‘what if’ our elite wasnt DD and I always thought of a more supportive shadow caster type deal that would ‘steal’ condi’s from allies and ‘plant’ them on enemies.

Necro already does that. Plague Signet

Thief can shadow step. So can mesmers. Your point ?

Once Thief's Mobility

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


The Meta-Mindset is the problem. Whoever thought that Thief is only good on decapping and +1 needs to rethink the meta again.

………. That is all that thief is good at doing right now. That’s why it IS meta for a thief. It is also why the thief forums are so full of despair and why thieves are grieving that their elite specialization is effectively a built in energy sigil.

Daredevil Staff + Dash-Dodge = Best Mobility

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


SB + dash is still far better mobility… Not to mention SB brings Z axis mobility, and don’t discredit how advantageous that is. Running staff + dash will be solid, but SB’s ability to leap up the ledges will always be better.

Looking for help on a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


This is my build for sPvP. Pistol Pistol is a lot stronger then before and is viable and fun to play, at least for me anyway.

Viable and usable are two different things, I can assure you, in higher level play P/P is very weak, however with DD it is seeing some improvements and might ‘might’ become viable, in a solo Q environment.

Bitfrost or Nevermore for DD?

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856



Ugh that staff looked amazing, not so much for melee but in general, where as bifrost looks kinda .. silly.


in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


I get the “plant” part, but why in the world would you want to steal conditions in the first place?

You arn’t stealing conditions, you’re simply planting the conditions that some one has applied to you, back on them (Or some one else).

But I had thought about, ‘what if’ our elite wasnt DD and I always thought of a more supportive shadow caster type deal that would ‘steal’ condi’s from allies and ‘plant’ them on enemies.

Looking for help on a P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


I would run some thing more like this.

Couple notes on what I am doing differently to you:

In DA, mug is just huge, when you steal you do bonus damage, heal yourself and since you can do this while inturupting and put yourself in point blank range for an unload.. It can burst them down to panic strike. Which will hold them in place, allowing you to continue to rip them apart.

I like improv personally… So I run it, but if you prefer executioner, change that.

As for crit strikes, I have flawless strike over side strike purely because in a lot of cases you’ll have people hobbling towards you, meaning you don’t get the 7% crit, where as, being ranged, your ultimate goal is not to get touched so … more damage.

Utilities, P/p has no survivalbility at all. Running step is pretty mandatory because of that. Combined with roll for inni and withdraw + the condi removal trait, you should have plenty of escape mechanics while having condi clense too.

Devourer venom is another ‘do w/e you want’ thing, I just picked it over haste as a more defensive option, being able to immob people from the start of a fight to the finish (With basi —> devour -- > panic strike) is pretty solid, but other wise you can go haste for more damage and another condi clense. Or a stealth tool.

(edited by Christonya.3856)


in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


I remember playing in Skyrim, and attempting to get into the thieves guild, there was a mission fairly early on where we were meant to steal some thing, and then plant it on some one else.

What if thieves could do this for condi’s? Some traits that let us ‘plant’ condis on our opponents?

Once Thief's Mobility

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


It’s worth noting rev’s can keep up with thieves. In HOT, until a balance patch comes out, thieves ARE out of the meta, completely.

I need help. Everything hurts.

in Thief

Posted by: Christonya.3856


Reroll. What you’re experiencing is the results of the june 23 specialization patch that had just stay .. the same maybe a bit weaker, and all other classes got buffed out right.

Question about HoT release time [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Christonya.3856


Midnight pacific time, as was previously announced by ANet.

We’ll probably have to download a patch, but we don’t know when or how big it’ll be.

I missed that announcement, and I hope not. It’s always awesome when every thing is done pre launch and they just use their tech to activate the expansions content, it allows for players to be firmly planted at their started point and immediately get into things.