Showing Posts For Clarity.7281:

Meta-Event Chests Account-Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


Don’t feed the trolls. Zosk is actually pretending to have something to say. Re-read the post and you’ll notice a bunch of words but no substance.

He’ll probably complain if there is a “Daily Alt” achievement; log into two characters. “ZOMG Anet is forcing me to run an alt now!!! WAHHHH!!!!”

you know what you are right, lol

Meta-Event Chests Account-Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


This is an absurd request. I have eight characters, I don’t have an advantage over your 1 though. Do you know why? Because you have the ability to make as many characters as you want. You made a CHOICE to only make one character and to run with that character exclusively.

What’s more, you cite guesting as a way to get to multiple instances of the event in a short period of time. Well this works two ways. Every instance of a zone is a unique occurance of that zone. That means that a person that has only one character can take advantage of the same exploit, and it is an exploit. If you do an event with your one character and get the chest you can then guest to another server and do it again AND get the chest again. Based on the number of “Change Guesting Rules” threads this is happening regularly.

This is what needs to be changed, not the design of events simply because you chose to make only one character.

It’s not absurd at all, and you can stop pretending like it is?

It’s how daily and monthly currently work in this is account wide. They don’t judge whether you want to play 1 or 20 characters…you do the tasks and you get a reward. How absurd!

What is absurd is pretending like number of characters at level 80 (which is all that’s required here BTW, gear doesn’t matter!) is any indication of how many hours somebody has played or how hard they worked. It’s not! It’s not only possible that people with just one or two characters invested more time…it’s actually somewhat likely! (People who roll lots of alts are often, in my experience, more casual players and getting 80 in this game is not a particularly long grind)

you can stop pretending like you should be able to tell me how to play, im not telling you how to play, so stop telling me how i can.

you are asking for something already regulated, you are trying to hinder and punish everyone for not having the same play style as you.

any punishment you incur is because of the choice you made, and if its so easy how come you don’t do it?

(edited by Clarity.7281)

Micro-event system.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


Now i have no problems with systems in place, but this is something i would love to see implemented.

Guesting to be "By Invitation Only"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


I have this idea solved, Make it where you can guest only one time a month unless you server transfer to server you guested to. Closes loop-hole for multi jumping, Forces you to move or don’t if you do, you can check another server, but you can’t move because of the transfer wait time.

problem solved!

Require an invite to guest.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


The solution to this issue is to make it so Dragon and World Event chest timers are bound to your character (or account, depending on what ANet wants to do) and this bind would follow the character everywhere it went until it resets, either 24 hours later or at the daily reset time.

This would automatically fix the constant jumping some players do in an attempt to maximize their “rewards” from events.

They already are bound to characters, already in place. characters cannot recieve more than one chest per character per event.

Require an invite to guest.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


Better Idea, make it where you can only Guest one time a month unless you server transfer.

Doesn’t harm anyone who use the system as intended, closes an exploit unless they pay for it. would vastly hinder the exploit.

plus limiting them to guesting on only 2 servers, but forces them to switch to do so at the cost of gems.

(edited by Clarity.7281)

Suggestion for GW2 Designers (The Apex Level)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


i would be okay with level 100 being a final goal personally but i think going beyond that creates a vicious cycle that many other games suffer from..

[Request] - Abolish Level Scaling

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


I love GW2… I really really do, and I do believe its unique classes and interface really set it apart from all others in the genre… however one thing that is bugging me and really souring my experience is the level scaling when out in the field. I get that it means 80s can join in with 35s and that’s very sweet and everything, but really what is the point then? When I am spending time and effort and enthusiasm on gearing and leveling my character I kind of expect to see a return… as in I can smash an Etine seven levels below me in the face and he’s going to feel it… Not the case in Guild Wars.
I love the whole bringing people together idea but I don’t think I am alone in feeling that being nearly owned by a bunch of level 3 bandits when you are level 17 makes any kind of sense. For the record that didn’t happen, however I do feel that my level being scaled is like being promised s**x and then the person passing out drunk… anticlimactic.
The thoughts on this may be mixed, and so perhaps an alternative server where level scaling is not an implemented function would be best? That means everyone can enjoy the game the way they want to? Ideas?

EDIT: Another thing that bugs me about the level scaling is, your required XP for the next level isn’t scaled with you.

Why Should your XP be scaled with you? this sounds like an exploit in the making. Suddenly level 80 from one zone!

level scaling is a main feature of the game, unfortunately for you its here to stay.

Meta-Event Chests Account-Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


Alright better idea, lets make it where you can only do 1 meta-event a day to get a chest, its an unfair exploit for you to get to do multiple since i only have time for one a day.

if you think this sounds ridiculous, then rethink your own argument because your argument is the same as this.

Meta-Event Chests Account-Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


No other content or rewards are limited by the number of characters you have besides some minor achievements and rich harvesting nodes. Dragon chests are worth way more than rich harvesting nodes. This is an exploit-grade increase in rewards for players with multiple characters and it’s broken.

If Anet now wants to vomit on to everyone loot that’s tied to really easy content they could do it without punishing players for wanting to devote their time to one character. This is entirely against “play the way you want to” when there’s such a large loot gap between the two.

Gather nodes are character based as well too, actually more exploitable than the dragon chests, because they are not limited by a window spawn time.

2 rares or exotics vs 80 possible orichalcum a day?

So vomit and punish players who have multiple characters instead..
for their choice, so you feel punished, so you want them to punish others instead, sounds childish and unfair altogether.

(edited by Clarity.7281)

Meta-Event Chests Account-Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


Also don’t forget to factor the Spawn timer for bosses. every 3 hours, in a 24 hour period, if i have other things to do, like working and sleeping, odds are i have 2 windows to get a chance at the chest. thats two characters maybe 3 if im lucky.

Not exactly a huge advantage..

Your not taking into consideration guesting. A ton of people in my guild are doing 5 times more events than me because they each have like 6 characters and guest on other servers.

Then guesting is broken not the chests.

and like i said, you shouldn’t penalize players for playing multiple characters, what would be the point of having multiple character slots..

Meta-Event Chests Account-Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


to continue, if i wanted to get gear for each of my characters not just one, you are penalizing me for working multiple characters up for gear, classes do require different gear.

I don’t really see how meta-event chests relate to you gearing multiple characters.

Crafted gear the exotic kind, require ectoplasms, now i could spend hours farming for a rare and might not even get one, or i could hit the chest and get two.

Also these items also can give sigils needed too.

so yeah this would be helpful in gear farming, especially for multiple characters.

Meta-Event Chests Account-Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


Also don’t forget to factor the Spawn timer for bosses. every 3 hours, in a 24 hour period, if i have other things to do, like working and sleeping, odds are i have 2 windows to get a chance at the chest. thats two characters maybe 3 if im lucky.

Not exactly a huge advantage..

Meta-Event Chests Account-Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


to continue, if i wanted to get gear for each of my characters not just one, you are penalizing me for working multiple characters up for gear, classes do require different gear.

Meta-Event Chests Account-Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


Its not against the anti-grind policy for one, since they obviously don’t feel that way themselves.

It’s not an unfair advantage at all, because you have the same chance for the advantage, it doesn’t lower your chances for getting the loot either..

I have 4 characters i leveled to 80, it took me time to earn that said advantage, why penalize me for spending my time to level 3 more than you, rather than spending my time to just play one. if anything you have the advantage over me for time spent on your character.

Micro-event system.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


You could also add a tiered effect to zones, so renown hearts once completed open up the vendor, but tiers of renown could be reached allowing for expanded vendor lists or discounts.

this is good one. Tiers after heart completion. a new reason to do all the things again with the same character

and with the micro-event idea basically just expanding the renown hearts and giving them world purpose, cause in my opinion they seem to have little purpose right now.

Other than being transitional content.

(edited by Clarity.7281)

Help 5 friend leave..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


Im just gonna take one portion, i would like to see, Guild wars 2 Raiding style content.

It can be done and with fun focuses, for instance:

Main boss needs to be dealt with.

Reinforcements for the main boss need to be blockaded and held off.

Mages that shield the boss need to be disrupted so they aren’t shielding the boss.

For lead up for raids:

Gates that need to be open require split teams to activate all gate crystals, clearing different paths for one singular goal.

lets say one group makes it to the first crystal, second group is struggling, first group can split off holding the area while assisting group two.

trust me raid content would be ALOT more fun with guild wars 2’s system, rather than just health bars being massive, you can just add secondary requirements that require teams.

boss kill being ultimate goal, but teams can be split based on player choice, and skill.

Please Reconsider Legendary Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


I think currently this is the best possible way to have them implemented.

If you have it achieveable at the end of a quest line, then what ends up happening is people will get it like crazy.

Right now unless they have some miracle idea, either people will not get it because they don’t want to “grind”, or people will get it.

What i ask if you don’t like the way it is, try to think of a way to do it, then ask how hard would this be to do.

would it feel like much of an achievement if everyone now has the same weapon as you?

Micro-event system.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


I do realize some of these sound like events in place, Like loading up pack dolyaks.

More along the lines it could even affect what merchants have, making prices raise or lower like in real economics. There is many things that could be added making the world seem much more affected by player influence.

This is minor additions that slowly bring the world to life, much like the poisoning of the water supply in queensdale, it would have after effects that players could remedy.
They would be like a mini-quest system. that is tied to events. I know they wanted to do away with quests, but these would actually change way events occur.

Give reasons to why you prevent the bandits from attacking the farms, or the centuars attacking the mine. Where materials that you can buy are directly effects to the supply route from the mine or the food from the vendors from the farms.

it would develop an NPC like economy, where if bandits successfully steal from the farm that it cascades to all vendors in the zone. or protecting all caravans lowers the cost of equipment or good purchased.

You could also add a tiered effect to zones, so renown hearts once completed open up the vendor, but tiers of renown could be reached allowing for expanded vendor lists or discounts.

Micro-event system.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


Events being the main part of the way guild wars 2 progresses. Sometimes you hit a dry run of fewer events.

By having this system it would add opportunity to cause event chains, by adding this to renown heart areas, it would further expand on the living breathing aspect to the world.

as well as giving a time frame to some events, that can be sped up by players.

Micro-event system.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


This is a small but significant change that could be made to solve one of the games slight problems for me. not sure about others but that is why i am posting it.

adding a Micro-event style system, these are not events that give rewards like the regular events, these are mean’t to supplement the already in place system.

The idea is to have some events tied to the micro event system, like area capture, escort, area defense.

Allowing continuous activity by players assist in the start of events or help make the outcome tip in the players favor.

For escorts rather than having a specialized event to gather what is in the dolyaks, you would have a supply build up that takes place by npcs but players would be able to speed up the process by gathering the materials as well. if npcs that are gathering are dying then rezing them would help push this event forward at normal pace.

For area capture again, raising soldier morale, gathering supplies and assaulting the enemy would make the event push forward and as well as go smoother.

Area defense would be gather supplies for repairs and fortifications, protecting the workers, helping repair and fortify the area.

some still would randomly spawn, like small boss events and meta events.

This would give more things to do for players, as well as make areas worthwhile to return to.

if there is any questions please do ask, i am never that great at writing my ideas out on paper as i am with discussing them.

Kill credit is breaking during big events.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Clarity.7281


There is a huge incentive to group. If you are grouped, as best I can tell, everyone in the group is getting some credit if anyone in the group hits the mob. Therefore, it is best to have the maximum size group in order to get decent drops.

This is based on my observations of when I have participated in events solo versus grouped. If I am wrong, someone please correct me.

This simply can’t be accurate. And I say that because it is so simple to test. Get a friend and form a group with them, and then go kill some mobs (or kill mobs in an event). If you simply stand there while your friend does all the killing, even if you are actively buffing your friend the entire time, you will not get credit for the kills. No XP message. No looting rights. You must do beyond a certain threshold of damage to the monster to receive credit for the kill.

In regards to grouping, I know it doesn’t work that way in nearly every other MMO. I wish it were true here because I’ve been complaining about that failing of the group mechanic since beta. But how I’m describing it is how it works (unfortunately).

Actually you are both right, You can get more credit, however you have to hit the mob, not just buff or heal an ally. If you do so you do get team effort on the kill, therefore more experience and more chances at loot.

New class: Samurai

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


in essence could be was thinking about it not being a plate wearing class though sharing the same armor as a thief.

New class: Samurai

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


I have read this Idea on the Wiki but would like to place my idea of it on here.

Weapons: Great Katana, Katana, Sword, Rifle, Longbow.

Profession Skill: Way of the Bushido.
This meter fills when using certain skills much like adrenaline. however when activated places them into a Stability state and removes all cool downs on abilities at the cost of using Bushido to activate abilities. Giving them the ability to Chain weapon skills together much like a thief temporarily.

There is obviously some skills already in place that work for this class like endure pain, and shouts. however since this is a totally different class other mechanics could be used. so heres some ideas i have.
Healing skill ideas;

Signet of Courage: Gain regeneration when struck. Activate for healing self, and granting protection and regeneration to nearby allies.

Utility skill ideas;

Stalwart defense: Take a defensive stance, blocking projectiles and granting protection and stability for nearby allies.

Piercing blows: When activated your Next 5 attacks pierce through your foes and causing cripple and immobilize.

Signet of Righteousness: your attacks bleed foes. On activation your next 5 attacks cause vulnerability.

Elite skill ideas;

Reckless abandon: When activated your bushido meter becomes filled and remains filled for the 5 second duration. during the 5 seconds you take 50% more damage. when ended bushido goes on cool down.

Suggestion: re evaluate the balance of Elementalists in a group?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clarity.7281


I actually understand why this is this way, There is almost always an elementalist in my parties. i would gather thats the reason. i think you just might be the unlucky soul who gets there late

Wil be issuing a chargeback in 24 hours

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clarity.7281


I think you missed the whole point, All i would ask is to be understanding because it is and can be difficult. Threats can’t make them suddenly come to a revelation they haven’t yet. They work hard if you watched them during the Beta Weekend tests they were working hard, and they produced fantastic work then.

Now there is alot more to deal with, 6 days is and can be a long time i understand that, but i still also understand their position too. give them time, they have been working not sitting around partying, or wasting time.

While you are all well within your rights to invoke a chargeback, note it is well within their rights to not render you assistance if you do so. Might just be better to keep them posted about the issue and be patient. the more understanding and more detailed information you give them will give them a better chance of solving it much more quickly.

Friendliness tends to be better than big bad threats in my opinion.

Character Slot Expansion in Gem Store - received more than one

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clarity.7281


yeah i wasn’t sure about mine either, wasn’t sure if intended or not. was waiting for the support forums to ask.