Showing Posts For Clyne.9038:

This event is so poorly done.

in Living World

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Lol, i texted in /map asking if any I7s were lagging. No one bothered to reply.

& GTX560m, 8GB ram here btw.

And yes, i lost quite abit of FPS. Hovering around 30-40s

7/23 patch notes - Mesmer section

in Mesmer

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Anet forgot to nerf Mesmer.

Windows 8.1 and guildwars 2 - interesting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clyne.9038


i dont see how windows would make it look any different.

Only time o.s has made games look “better” is when windows forces you to have to upgrade to get the latest dx, which happend from windows xp that didnt support dx11.

So even if you did go from windows xp to windows 8, gw2 should’nt look any better since gw2 is dx9.

Going to WIndows 8 grants a significant speed boost to those who have over 4 processor cores.

ANyways, there’s a bug with 8.1 in GW2 at this moment where if you alt tab the game crashes.

can you please show me some proof, link me a benchmark or somthing because i find it impossible that the o.s increases 4 core proccessor performance IN A GAME.

I also find it hard to believe that windows 8 increases performance with quad cores even on basic os tasks.

Ive read that windows 8 requires more rescources actually, (not that this would make a significant impact)

Btw i work in the computer industry, that DOES NOT mean im always right but i just don’t understand how these things you guys are stating could possibly work.

EDIT: ok you said over 4 cores, but even still, that wouldnt effect guild wars 2’s usage of over 4 cores because guildwars 2 .exe and the A.P.I (AKA DIRECT X ) control these functions.

First, working in the computer industry means nothing unless you deal with machine level hardware design&coding. Building stuff off hardware can be done as early as 12 years old.

Second -Resources are usually poured into the latest OS. Like it or not, optimisation goes towards stuff that drives profit. Windows 7 while still widely used, is aging. Win 8 has been getting mixed reviews, but in my opinion, it is nothing like the Win Millennium bull that i’ve used in the past. I dare say i liked it better that Win7.

Third – Guild Wars 2 is massively CPU intensive, especially in WVW or Jorlag. I’m using a quad I7 and I lag in massive events. Nothing too surprising here if Win 8.1 handles threads better than Win 7.

The New Flute :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Anet, the flute is TOO SOFT !

Phantasm is still as strong as ever...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Clyne.9038


So much kitten peeps. I think it is pretty obvious that anet doesn’t want high killing power without some sacrifices.

In particular, i honestly feel bunker builds that can kill passively and easily, should vanish from this world.

e-Mail from "ArenaNet?" Please read! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


How the fug did they get my email ? I’m extremely meticulous with it and yet they know that i have access to this game ? Bull.

I’m gonna come up with a witty reply for the ahole scammer.

e-Mail from "ArenaNet?" Please read! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Guild Wars 2 Account Will Be Shut Down Inform

We are sorry to inform you that your login account will be shut down or partially limited within 72 hours due to currency transactions or abnormal login. If you want to remove restrictions, please click the following link to validate:

Recently, account abuse is obviously rising up. Please pay attention to the safety your account. Don’t share account with any other people. We will not ask for your email password in any forms on our end. With the password, hackers will be able to log in the account through our security verification. If you have any account problem, please click on the link below:

We will come up with certain security protection measure to protect this account.If your account is limited due to our negligence, we will remove the restriction on our end and offer you a mysterious gift in game as compensation for the inconvenience.

Need help or have questions about your account? Please visit our:

The Guild Wars 2 Team

Wow, is this email for real ?

(edited by Moderator)

Class balances on Feb 26 ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Some forum posters have no clue on how an organisation works around here.
Seriously, i wonder how Anet deals with this amount of bull, day in and out.


Warriors almost facedout in sPvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Clyne.9038


skills are wayyyyyy too predictable.

Ignoring that the warriors build variety sucks horrible horrible kitten bawlz. I still don’t know why ANet hasn’t listened to the same suggestions for fixing the HB QQ (both about it being OP and complete crap) by something so simple as what’s been suggested a thousand times.

I mean come on, their dev team could hotfix this change in a matter of minutes. Remove root, decrease damage.

What will your proposed change fix ?
Seriously, think what will really happen with that change.

Predict the balance future re: warriors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Lol, i wonder how Anet deals with stupid threads like this day in and out. Mad Respect to Anet and her crew here.

Warriors, warriors everywhere

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Warriors are wanted because they have max base health and armor(why? No one knows) on top of some seriously insane(why hasn’t this been balanced yet?) DPS before you even account for gear/spec. I run into people saying we need a guardian or warrior all the time in fractals and it simply isn’t true. Don’t get me wrong, they can certainly make things a heck of a lot easier(especially guardians with reflect and Aegis) but they aren’t really needed.

The main thing you want in a party member is that they aren’t idiots. I will take a competent squishy over a no-brain cell warrior/guardian any day of the week. All the health/armor/block in the world can’t save someone that has no idea how to utilize their skills correctly.

Sure, let’s give the warriors 10 k hp and light armor.

Loosing out on stats because of your class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clyne.9038


So Warriors get ~80% more hp than us Guardians but we have the same toughness. Warriors are meant to have more base hp than us because we supposedly have more heals and mitigation than warriors.

Shout heal builds from warriors can be compared to Mediation heal builds

AH build can be compared to banner + adrenaline + signet heal (3 passive heals – regen (boon), sigent heal / second and adrenaline heal/ 3 or so seconds)

Sure guardians have blinds, blocks and 1 invulnerability
Warriors have 3 second blocks, Endure pains, whirling evade,

So we have similar heals to a warrior, but now what about damage? Warriors have a higher DPS and that is a given with 100HB + axe auto attack + easy might stacks + vulnerable stacking + FURY

So we have auto attacks, empower,…. whirling wrath?

So since we have worse DPS, shouldn’t we have a higher base power stat?

It is really unfair that I have to trade off 800 stats just to have a base stat of a warrior’s and then I’ll still have worse DPS with less stats to use into damage.

Sure its not as bad being a light armor class where u only have to trade off 300 stats to match a heavy class, but light armor classes have their ways of making up for their loss in armor which is much more obvious (say illusions, death shroud, and water attunements)

Im feeling really bad for elementalists that need to trade off ~1100 stats just to match a Warriors BASE stats.

I think they should have base power stats as well to balance classes out.

You fail at balance.

The Dilemma of the CoF Zerker Elitist

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clyne.9038


That was really difficult to watch. The elitism at the beginning with the gear made me feel a little queezy inside, but it’s not like I haven’t seen it before. The part that made it difficult for me to watch was seeing how brain dead easy this content is for these groups. Running a glass cannon ranger, guardian or engineer isn’t remotely close to this.

I was genuinely surprised when two people were downed at the end, the boss has more than 10% of his health (this is the final boss of a level 75? dungeon path) and the party keeps DPSing it down because they know they can get a rally – off of a boss at 10% health, with three people. Glass cannons downed right next to it, and the warriors can DPS fast enough that they don’t even die. Great sword DPS needs to be nerfed, it’s way out of line with glass cannon DPS from other classes (although other classes come close). People are getting away with this because their DPS is high enough that they can kill things before attrition gets to them, if the targets lived longer (ie, these glass cannons had DPS in line with other classes and couldn’t just cheese through encounters) we might actually see the need for survivability.

As a side note, I’d like to see a discussion (probably in it’s own thread) on the impact of portal and blink in dungeons. There is a lot of content which was intentionally designed to challenge several members of a group, traps like the water spouts in TA (although it can be turned off, it seems to be intended that you get at least a couple people across to turn them off), or the rolling boulders in this video. In this video we see a mesmer blink across (so no need to play through the encounter as intended, FotM has a similair encounter with the stairs favouring classes with blinks, blocks or invulnerability) and simply portal people to finish the event. I like that classes are being rewarded with valuable contributions to groups from powerful skills, I also like that content is “challenging” people to find creative solutions, I don’t like that it’s creating a kind of “soft trinity” of classes that have “the right” skill for the job, while others are simply ignored.

Every group I’ve done CoF with (and it’s one of the easiest dungeons if you do path 1) has had to play with far more skill and effort than what’s showcased in that video, and it takes us much longer. Sure we aren’t optimised (but that one dude was running major runes, and this is actually a pug team, not a co-ordinated team – even the OP isn’t “experienced” with this style), but wow this looks way too easy.

Looks easy.
Pretty much sums up your wall of text.

An ele can solo dungeons, just youtube for it.
Should we nerf eles too ?
Your simplistic view of things makes me shudder, and i don’t think i should comment on it further.

Game Freezes the Computer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


could it be a bad motherboard ?

Definite WvW Warrior God Build (GS)

in Warrior

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Allright im done trying around for a working greatsword build, bottom line: There is none. Because with any greatsword build thats putting some serious damage and doesnt lack totally on the defensive, you are going to have close to no condition removal. Well thats the way it is, but dont despair: We have ways to deal with condition classes even without condition removal. Mobility and regeneration. So here is my build, designed to spearhead a zerg and kick massive kitten in a non-burst way.


Healing Surge for a big heal when your lifesteal doesnt cut it anymore, also: adrenaline for longbow combo field
For Great Justice – passive buff on autocast
Endure Pain – For the hngrrrmblgrrr moments
Fear me – Get off my back/over the cliff
Signet of Rage – Nobrainer

Traits: 10/20/30/10/0

Berserkers power, 30% vuln, might on crit, rally health, balanced stance, spiked armor, leg specialist


Invader Armor Set with Knight Chest – Knights Trinkets with Ruby Jewels, Knights Amulet, Cavaliers Backpiece (Ruby). Runes of Speed (+7% speed on swiftness).

Buff food:

Master Maintenance Oil
Omonomberry Ghost

2nd Weapon of your choice, axe offhand is nice for lifesteal or whatever rocks your boat.. i use longbow because im too lazy to switch and need it for siege, but also putting up the fire combo field and then whirlwinding through is .. nice

How this build works? Charge and see

btw this is a WVW BUILD – so think before you criticise. It is not designed for 1v1, but for 1v5 (newbs) and 1 vs 20 with 20 of your people arriving 5-10 seconds behind their commander.

calling it a “god” build, you know you are inviting some critiques right ?
No mobility strikes almost confirms death in a 1 v 5 situation.
no shield stance, again will mean death in a 1v 5 situation. heck, even 1 v 1 you’ll get owned. not to mention the 1 v 5.

How do i disable cutscenes ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


i’ve attached the file


edit – i ran Furmark – burn in test. system did not crash though.
Is it something wrong or odd with the client it self ?

GTX 560m


(edited by Clyne.9038)

How do i disable cutscenes ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Hey everyone, i would crash whenever there would be a cutscene. I do not crash anywhere else. Able to complete dungeons, fractals without cutscenes and so on.

Have sent a support ticket to Anet already.

Does anyone knows any target shortcut/ command line arguments -nocutscenes trigger that i could use in the mean time ?

(edited by Clyne.9038)

Engineer gun sound

in Audio

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Can i second this ? The rifle really sounds horrible.

Crash/Black Screen Issue (NVIDIA)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Any updates from Anet ?

I can only play IF and ONLY IF i downclock my GPU by 25-30 MHz.
Else i’ll suffer restarts and freezes.

Anet, i know this is the Holiday Season for you guys, but please do something about this. I have faith in you guys

Nvidia GTX 560m
Windows 8 Pro 64


if you need anything else, let me know.

I see that as a hardware issue if you gotta downclock to be stable

Thanks for the reply. But i think it may be too much of a sweeping statement if you ask me.

This thread is filled with people with the same issues. and other threads that have sunk, with time.
In the first few posts, People changed GPU cards and still face the same issues.

For the record, i am 3 hours stable on OCCT and Prime 95 as i’ve mentioned weeks ago. Was worried that it could be hardware related but this sets my mind at ease and points it to GW2 client instead.

I’m not really complaining as i can play while down clocked. But something is odd don’t you think ?

I have done a clean install. Infact, just upgraded to Win 8 Pro 64 – only keeping personal files.
Stable run on OCCT and Prime 95. Afterburner Stress test for an hour as well without crashes.

For the record, i have even run OCCT and Prime 95 at the same time, in an attempt to crash my system. It didn’t for the full hour that i’ve let it run for.

I can attach my crash log and dxdiag if anyone needs it.
It is easy to simulate the crash. Just run the clocks back to stock @ 775/1250 and i’ll crash minutes into game.

I remember a user – Squall telling me to check my PSU. That is the only block which i’ve not tested yet though. Not easy to find a spare 150W-180W block around.

(edited by Clyne.9038)

Crash/Black Screen Issue (NVIDIA)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Any updates from Anet ?

I can only play IF and ONLY IF i downclock my GPU by 25-30 MHz.
Else i’ll suffer restarts and freezes.

Anet, i know this is the Holiday Season for you guys, but please do something about this. I have faith in you guys

Nvidia GTX 560m
Windows 8 Pro 64


if you need anything else, let me know.

(edited by Clyne.9038)


in Warrior

Posted by: Clyne.9038


The warrior is like Ryu from Street Fighter 4. I play SF competitively, hence the comparison here.
Easy to play difficult to master.

The strength of the class relies heavily on the player him/herself. As mentioned, we do not really have the defensive boons that other classes have. But we have the raw strength to compensate for it. Punish their mistakes harshly is how i play the warrior

Doesn’t mean a Zangief can take kitten loads of damage doing silly stuff and still win right ? :P

(edited by Clyne.9038)

Sword and board. Condition or Power

in Warrior

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Tried condition build in wvw, it was pointless. Too easy for your conditions to be removed in a 1v1 and pointless in a zerg.

What were you using ?
The only reason i can fathom is that you got burst down before being able to do anything. Else, i never had issues reapplying conditions on anyone.

Sword = Constant bleed/Cripple = heavy pressure
Rifle = Constant bleed/Frequent Vulnerability = constant bleed and keep away
War traits -> Frequent Vulnerability/More Bleed

To be honest, 1 vs 1, in wvw, i’ll just let my conditions kill the other dude while i hang back and my health ticks up.

spvp is another story.

(edited by Clyne.9038)

Best equipment for warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Clyne.9038


You said DPS build right ? Or do you mean GS burst build ?

Carrion set is better for DPS, and axe/sword are better DPS weaps than the GS.

Mystical Cog Ripoff

in Wintersday

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Not complaining but i used all of my glues and stuffing but i got 0 endless tonic.

New Arcing Slice buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: Clyne.9038


The current arc slice is really crappy.

The new one is pretty strong. I like it

Random freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Reporting back here.

I can confirm that dropping my Clocks by 25 Mhz prevented the freezing. Else i would freeze 5-10 mins into game.

GTX 560m

Constant crashing starting Dec. 15

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


this is not an isolated case. i’ve been crashing since the lost shores. . . seriously. I’m thinking of asking for a refund already. I’ve supported anet through the beta of Gw 1 – gw2, this is not an easy decision for me.

alright, i changed my ram to the new state of the art ddr 3 1600 rams.
and dropped my GPU core by 25mhz. . . no crashes so far. wow, must i really drop the core speed on a reference gtx 560m card -__-

(edited by Clyne.9038)

GTX 560m - Vbios Step Up voltage

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Can anyone step up my VDDC voltage to 1.025 or 1.050 ? I’ll flash it with NVFlash and see if it still crashes with the Nvidia Driver Has crashed and recovered message.

The editor that i have doesnt allow for voltage modifications yet. Perhaps anyone with Svet’s tuner can aid me with this.

Apparently, this has fixed the solution for tons of people using 5xx series cards.

I’ve attached my Original Vbios.


Crashes in almost every big battle

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038



I have been asking for assistance for awhile now and have tried several fixes.
Your situation seems to be like what i’m experiencing too. My game would freeze, have that tacktacktack sound, like you’ve described, and i’ll either have to end task or do a manual restart.

Are you sure its a sound issue ? I might try to update the sound drivers.

There is no reason to apply such updates when the system is stable and they don’t even apply to the system in question. As an example, your specific example does not apply to my system because I only have one display attached.

Also, the description of the problem, and the attached debug data, clearly points toward the software itself being the culprit. Additionally, subsequent people reporting to have the same issue supports this conclusion.

I do not accept your theory that SP1 is the culprit. Unless it is shown that the game actually requires SP1 in order to operate, then I will not waste my limited bandwidth and time by installing patches that could adversely affect the stability of my computer.

Thus far, nothing posted to this thread has shown SP1 to be an actual requirement for this software to run properly.

Laptop shuts down playing GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


So what’s your point? That uninstalling PhysX doesn’t help? Why does it crash less often then?

Maudlin, did you try running the game in windowed mode ?
Doesnt seem to crash as often.

Game Freezes since 11/15 Lost Shores release

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Can i add myself to this thread ? I am suffering from the freezes as well. Worked well before the updates.

Apparently, the freeze doesn’t happen when i’m running the client in windowed mode. Any ideas ?

(edited by Clyne.9038)

Laptop shuts down playing GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


game doesn’t use physx for that option to be of any difference to the game.

If you Google, you will know that this “fix” has helped tons of people even when games do not use physx. Check out the links for League of Legends, Wow and even Black Ops.

This is for people who crashes with the – Nvidia Driver Stopped working and has Recovered message


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Quoted text is somewhat a biased opinion.
For people that could run hours on end on Prime 95 and OCCT without crashes, how do you explain that ?

I’m not trying to diss Guild Wars 2, been with it since the beta days in Guild Wars 1. The fact is, people have been crashing since the recent updates.

Well, if nothing else, this just saved me a service call. Thought my video card was fried, but after all the normal investigation, it’s only in GW2, and happens exactly as described here. Just started two nights ago for me, not a problem before then.

Only in GW2 does not rule out HW, infact it just makes it more obvious that your hardware is not operating in a completely stable configuration.

Laptop shuts down playing GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


@Maudlin, Did you verify ALL hardware drivers are up to date. I recently upgraded my GPU and had system crashes from the get go (only in GW2). Turned out I needed to update my BIOS. I would make sure ALL your hardware drivers (sound, GPU, BIOS, Network, etc.) are up to date. You never know with issues like these.

Yes I did, everything is up-to-date!

Set Phys X to GPU only. Try it, i haven crash in awhile.

Laptop shuts down playing GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Guys, i may have fixed it. Seems like Phys X is causing all sorts of trouble for people like myself. Uninstalling it and i haven crashed at all.

I have also installed the fix listed above.
Will report back and check if Phys X is causing the crash.

Another thread with the same issues. It is “WOW” but they offered the fix.

Laptop shuts down playing GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Just an update, OCCT and P95 doesn’t seem to crash my system.

I modified Nvidia Power Management Setting to prefer maximum performance instead of the default one, seems fine now. Haven’t crashed yet. Will report back.


scrap that, i’m still experiencing crashes. I wonder if it has to do with my factory oced hardware. . .

(edited by Clyne.9038)

Laptop shuts down playing GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Hey there,

I’m doing exactly this right now.

Running Prime 95 and OCCT GPU at the same time and hoping to see a crash.

Try running prime95, OCCT & 3dmark all at once for a while see if you can replicate a system shutdown.

Abstract layers
GW2 —> OS --> Drivers —> BIOS --> Hardware

GW2 doesn’t touch the hardware directly to force a abrupt system shutdown. It all goes through a middleman. No game modern would bother programming access to the hardware directly, but its not impossible. Usually, it’s a point of failure between the drivers and hardware. Often shutdowns are safety mechanism to prevent physical damage.

Laptop shuts down playing GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


prime95 doesn’t include the heat produced by a gpu thats usually on the same heatpipe/sink

I ran OCCT for 3 hours, and i still didn’t get an error. I ran both GPU and CPU load tests.

For the record, i have separate heat sinks and fans for my cpu and gpu.

Thing is, i’ve cleaned the interiors of my laptop. Reapplied quality thermal paste on my GPU and CPU. There is literally no visible dust patch in my laptop.

I didn’t crash when the troll event was up and there were tons of effects going off. I crashed while doing the simplest things, like looking on the ground with nothing going on.

If it was a matter of heat, i’m guessing i should be seeing similar crashes while i load up D3, Borderlands 2 or Far Cry 3. But i have no issues in those games.

Laptop shuts down playing GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


I spoke too soon, i crashed again.

I wonder if its heat issues although i’ve never gone above 80 on Prime95. TJ max is 100.
Will get a laptop cooler and report back

Laptop shuts down playing GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Did you disable all non-microsoft services ? Not just start ups, the services are important too.

I had the same issues for 3-4 days now. Random Crashing and stuff.
I disabled non-microsoft services and now, i don’t crash anymore.

Hi guys,

I’m having this problem for about a month now. I allready made a support ticket but the guys there seem to have no idea how to fix it. My laptop just shuts down and I have to manually turn it on again. (power just goes off)

I’m a 100% sure it’s not a overheating issue. I’ve stresstested my system with different programs (like OCCT, prime95,..). I played the game on all possible settings and it doesn’t seem to do anything. The problem seems to get worse on prime time (EU GMT+1).

Things I’ve have tried:

- using different internet (friends house)
- clean windows install
- directx update
- MSCONFIG and disable all startup programs
- set GW2 to only use physical cores.
- all possible graphic and sound settings
- set my CPU to not over or underclock (Turboboost)
- used my graphic drivers coming with a clean windows install, the 306.97 and the 310.70 Nvidia drivers
- started in all possible compatibility modes
- reinstall GW2
- repair GW2
- used the ‘Black Screen Issue’ settings in Nvidia control panel

I’m really starting to get frustrated by now. I played this game from headstart without any problem. The last month orso (don’t really know the exact date) I started to get this issue.

Hope somebody can help me

Hardware Failure? Opinions please

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Thanks for bringing this up.
I’d have to consider the case of it happening on Guild Wars 2 only, since this IS GW2’s tech support.

Glad you have warranty support though.


Does it happen for other games ?

I run games like Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2 well above medium-high settings, yet Gw 2 repeatedly crashes my system.

So you may not be having a hardware problem. Read the forums, there are others out there like you.

Thanks but the problem was not isolated to GW2. It also crashed to black and went in to the restart/ crash loop when watching a video on youtube.

Hardware Failure? Opinions please

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Hey Smarty Pants,
Am i missing something here ?
I told him to read the forum posts as there are others like him around. The fault may not necessarily be his hardware. He did not explain the 10-15 mins later portion. I’d assume he meant running guild wars 2 and then, it crashed 10-15 mins again.

I had the exact same scenario happened to me. But i’m pretty sure an 8 hours OCCT run is sufficient proof that i have a stable system. The recent patch broke something for many users. Which could* have affected his system integrity.

Clyne, READ before posting, he followed up with

“Screen went black, all power shut off. Then it tried to restart itself but went black again before before reaching the “starting windows” screen. This loop continues indefinitely, tries to reboot – goes dead – tries to reboot – goes dead. Had to hold the power button in to break the cycle.

Let it sit over night. The next morning was able to get to the desktop but within 10-15 minutes it was doing the same thing again."

Sounds like compromised cooling to me. take it for servicing or fit a water catching nozel to a compression pump and blast the dust out of it.

(edited by Clyne.9038)

Constant crashing when zoning/combat/in towns

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


I just tried to run in windows mode, and i crashed again -_-

Hardware Failure? Opinions please

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


Does it happen for other games ?

I run games like Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2 well above medium-high settings, yet Gw 2 repeatedly crashes my system.

So you may not be having a hardware problem. Read the forums, there are others out there like you.

Crashing every few minutes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


My system was designed to clock itself up to 2.9GHz under load, how do i disable this ?
I can’t really play for more than 10 mins at a time, without GW 2 crashing my system.

Win 7 64
GTX 560m

I’m not running a 32 bit system, yet i’m crashing still.

Crashing every few minutes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


I can confirm that i crash with a blue screen as well. I do not think i’m overheating, TJ Max is at 100 degrees for an I7, and i’m maxing out at 68 degrees in GW2.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clyne.9038


I took a break due to my Uni exams. Now i’m back and i face this crashing issue.

It seems that GW 2’s recent patch causes some issues with heat ? My system would freeze within 10-15 mins into the game. Never happen before my break 2 months back.

Any ideas Anet ?