Showing Posts For DaddyBoJangles.6012:

Returning Player need advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I don’t have the expansion yet, I may start a new toon to get re aquinted that sounds like a good route, I recall it didn’t take too long to hit 80. Yes I remember the scarcity of resources, I poured no cash into the gem store and spent 6 months farming here and there finding rare items to sell on TP until I finally gathered all the resources to make Bolt. I remember the sense of accomplisment I got when I finished it. Are Legendaries more easily obtained now?

Returning Player need advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


If this is in the wrong section please move

I am a returning Year 1 Guild Wars 2 player. Crafted Bolt, ran a lot of fractals and left shortly after the Queen’s Gauntlet. As a returning player can you offer me some tips where to get started again? I was like deer in headlights last time I entered Tyria.

Achievement Sorting Question

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


bump Arena Net please respond

Achievement Sorting Question

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Just curious as its been said Queen’s Gauntlet will be a reoccurring event in the future, is it going to be similar to Southsun Cove as in rotation and will the current achievements still be obtainable or will they be filed away under the historical tab at the end of this event?

Queen's Gauntlet Builds

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Was looking around for different builds for the Gauntlet and didn’t see a thread on these boards for it. So anyway, what builds have you guys tried getting through with? I haven’t personally attempted it yet but plan on it tonight.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


My Sylvari Warrior

Head: CoE
Chest: CoE
Shoulders: Radiant
Hands: Radiant
Legs: HOTW
Feet: Vigil

Dyes: Sapphire/Icing Not very good with dying armors thinking about going a midnight ice/ocean mix with some illumination thrown in on this gear at somepoint.

The radiant shoulders/hands mixed with Bolt/Corrupted shield and fully upgraded fractal backpiece make for one Skritt approved Shiny character.


Fractals need to be account-wide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I agree with this and as for AR being a factor, surely the people have Fractal characters in the upper 40s have enough laurels, relics or whatever currency to get a fullset of AR45 gear for an alt.

Candidate Trials Achievements not Popping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


This can be closed now but it still technically a bug. I did Evons Tiers 1-4 in one sitting and my final two achievements popped. Anytime I left and came back to start from Tier 3 it wouldn’t work for me but going 1-4 did the trick.

Candidate trials T4 guide post patch.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Did this strategy this morning and was able to barely get through. Thanks for the post works better than anything else I’ve tried. Finally got Kiels Achievements to pop now im having issues with Evons glitching on me.

Candidate Trials Achievements not Popping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


So I completed Kiels 1-4 Trials but not without hiccups. I had to replay Tier 3 and then beat Tier 4 again for the advanced support to pop fully. I went into Evons who I also already did Tiers 1-2 on and started at Tier 3 where I left off and no achievement for beating Tier 3 so I wasn’t even going to attempt tier 4. Can someone explain to me why this happens and what I have to do to fix it? Do I need to run Evons from Tier 1 on again and do it all in one go?


What classes *DID* make T4 Solo after patch?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Full Zerk Warrior. Greatsword/Rifle. Kick, Grasping Vines, Bulls Charge. Had to do tier 4 twice so far because of achievement glitches tho

Achievement Glitches Candidate Trials: Why?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Ok so I just tried Evons Tier 3 trial. I completed his 1-2 last night, Kiels 1-3. As you can see from above I had issues with Kiel 4 and had to replay 3. So I started Evon at 3 having already gotten the achievement for 1/2 to unlock the next tier and I finished Tier 3 with no 1/2 achievement progression. Screenshot below of the finished tier. Can someone from Anet clarify the problem for me? So am I to take this to mean I need to do Evon 1-2 again for the achievement to pop?


Achievement Glitches Candidate Trials: Why?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Ok Just got the achievement as OMMU said, I restarted and did tier 3 first then did tier 4. I failed tier 4 the first time was able to do it the second time and my achievement popped Now to do it for Gnashblade.

(edited by DaddyBoJangles.6012)

Achievement Glitches Candidate Trials: Why?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I just finished up Trial 4 and didn’t get my achievement what gives? I didn’t come to the forums and complain about the insane difficulty. I just kept trying new things until eventually I was able to finish with 1,000 loot left. Look I’m cool with the difficulty. Thats fine I want harder content too. But when I finish said harder content and my achievement doesn’t pop that is pretty ridiculous.

A plea regarding Crystal Breaker

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I currently have 100% historical achievements since Mad King on I figured we’ll if I can I’ll try and get all the event achievements. Crabtacular was almost the end to that streak but I got lucky and got it before I even finished the other Crab chieves. With that said 2 games of this and I thought yup, Crystal Breaker will be the achievement that stops the 100% streak. Can’t really damage the person with the crystal even with 3 people they have wind they are invulnerable to attack with the 3 rush. It didn’t bother me much though, I figured an achievement so asinine would come along eventually that would stop the streak and it was seemingly this one until…

I entered last night to try and knock out the games I needed for the 15 games or more chieve and I ran into the strangest thing. People in this game working together for a common goal in a pvp event. Every member on both sides were capping the crystal letting the other team bring them down then someone else would pick it up rinse and repeat until everyone had their crystal breaks. After everyone had their 15 breaks we probably played 8-10 games afterwards and it was so much fun. This game mode is a blast to play, IMO its kind of ruined due to the griefing over Crystal Breaker. I don’t propose they take the achievement out, I simply propose a fix to the wind ability. The wind ability really ruins any chance someone has at legitimately unlocking this without investing hours of their time towards it.

Name that armor skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Thanks! I had a fear it was a cultural, as a Veggie Sylvari this news depresses me

Name that armor skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Sorry I realize a screenie would help a lot here.

I have been seeing a mantle skin (heavy armor) that looks like wings fanning out towards the back and a chest piece with a Griffin Face on the front of it. Was wondering if anyone can tell me what set they are from

Recruitment Closed!

in Looking for...

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I am in a Guild right now that is currently having members drop like flies. We have made it too Guild Treks as far as Guild Missions go but its tough to find members to run content with.

I have the Dungeon Master title.
I am a Personal Level: 44 in Fractals.
I have a Legendary weapon(Bolt) That I crafted.

I have a L80 Warrior as my main, I use a 1h Sword/Shield Shout Build. I would respec to Zerker for Speed Runs though. As far as my dungeon experience goes it is semi lacking. Many of those runs I have only done 1 of for the DM Title. I have the most experience in Ascalon Catacombs, Arah(mainly path 4 due to all the fails and retries.) I have the most experience in Fractals, pretty much my favorite thing to do on the game.

Alt wise I have a Level 80 Elementalist and Level 80 Guardian neither are specced or geared so I would love to run dungeon runs to get them built to a specific playstyle.

Just message me in game when ya see me on your times that you do stuff is perfect for when I have time to play the game

Living Story Chronicles

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


thats a good point, I would love the dungeons back in fractal form!

Stop the Cheating and Match Fixing in Races!

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I like to give a good ole tortoise and the hare when I am in first(having already gotten the chieve) /sleep at the finish line until someone else crossed

Living Story Chronicles

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Just curious if the older Living Stories will ever have a chance to be replayable? I know most of the open world scavenger stuff isn’t an option but couldn’t there be an asura gate that allows you the instances for past updates? Seems like it could be a good way for new players to go back and see old stories they missed out on. Shame if you jump in the game now unless brought back you missed out on 2 of the better dungeons the game had to offer(Molten Facility and Aetherblade Retreat)

Thanks for another luck based title.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


It only took me to race 7 to get my first win and since then I have placed top 3 in almost every race where rubberbanding doesn’t occur. A helpful tip, at the beginning of the race ignore the “item” jars and grab the jars that give you things like Grounded and Aspect Master. If you get Aspect Master in one or both of those first couple of jars at the beginning it can make the difference in cruising to victory. I have never lost when gotten Aspect Master at the start. You can just use the Sun Skill and blast past everyone and while your doing that they are attacking each other most of the time. If you maintain first place then you can grab the occasional jar for grounded but I mostly stick to item pick ups and just place traps where you know most people have to run. Those fake Items have some crazy AOE on em. Good Luck!

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I went into EB this morning before work. I saw maybe 5 people. 3 of them on opposing servers. Got it done without anyone greifing. Last night when I tried there was an allout war in that place. Just try doing it at a non peak time if you can, I understand it sucks if you can only play at night(I myself only play at night) but for stuff like this I try to squeeze it in before work.

Pickup Completionist buged

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I unlocked it but had someone racing with me say it was bugged for them. We got a YMMV bug it seems

bazaar kites and the JPs

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


jeez man every update threads like this sprout up. Im beginning to think GW2 has the most entitled fanbase on the web. Im beginning to think people want metas that consist of talking to 12 people all standing right next to each other. This is all optional you dont have to do it by god they make you actually achieve something for the metas.

Shove your Achievements

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Im not sure what time zone your in, but I never get griefed in that JP real early in the morning. Whenever I was farming WvW badges I would hit that JP Daily for the 15-20 badges it yields and there was never anyone in there during the morning. I would log on before work and knock it out. Same thing with this event there wasnt anyone there when I got on before work to get the achievement.

Achievements: 9 done, only counts as 7?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


People whine that they have to do PvP achievements… Anet removes the PvP achievements from the meta… people whine that they are removed….

This why you should completely ignore everything on the forums and just develop the game how they see fit.

I wish I could plus 1000 this statement. It is unbelievable from event to event how much I see this very scenario play out. If you were someone on the fence about buying this game, and you came to the forums to find out if this game was for you, you would walk away with the impression that the community absolutely hates this game.

Jungle dragon confirmed in game

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Nice screenshot though! Kudos

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I bought 1200 gem card for 15.00. Spent the gems on Rich Coffers, got squat. Took 13 gold from my bank and bought a stack of Dragon Coffers got 4 minis, and 1 weapon ticket. Just my personal experience and recommendation is to stay away from the rich coffers. A few guildmates have bought well over 1,000 Dragon Coffers and gotten nothing though so as per usual, RNG is RNG.

Can we just stop, please?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


+1 to this. Op wins the forums for the day.

I have bought a gem card each event and bought the chests for a random chest for the weapon skins each event. I spent 15-25 dollars not for a weapon skin but to support the game I love and for a CHANCE to get a unique weapon skin. Not once did I have a fit of forum posting rage and cry RNG over not getting a skin. I knew I was buying into a chance.

Dragon Ball - Can't Play With Friends

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I’ll never understand why this game refuses you to enter team based competition with your team. Wintersday Capture the Flag Esque game would have been a blast with a group of guildies. This looks like it would be just as much fun, but yet it’s random 5v5 teams ( ._.) C’mon Man!

So instead of entering this with a group of 5 and using some type of strategy or teamwork to win, you either get paired up with a group that has some afker’s or you get lucky and get stuck with a group thats semi sticking together and working together. I played about 15 matches last night, the teams I was on won 2. Had a couple really close matches come down to the last kill but I’d say 8 or so I was on teams that were blasted with at least 2-3 people akitten at all times.

I don’t come to the forums to complain hardly, I actually really enjoy Dragon Ball, it’s a fun game mode. Just curious as to why we can’t enter these type of events with a party.

Living Story: Dragon Bash

in Living World

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Will there be living story quests with Dragon Bash, or is the entire festival just considered the living story going on for that month?

Changes to ecto salvage from rares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Sold 2250 COF Marks yesterday for 75 helms for salvage. Ended up with 68 Ectos.

No reward

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


The dungeon was accidentally available before the patch, so the rewards that were being hooked up in the patch were not given to those who did it before the patch. Since we only intended for those rewards to be given once, that means players who did the event once cannot get the rewards again, even if they didn’t already get the rewards the first time during the gap before the patch.

We’re working on a solution to the problem though.

So its not once per day per account, its just a one time reward period?

Sclerite karka shell ascended upgrade

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Thanks for the thread was thinking about this last night, so everything works fine if you transmute it over a Fractal backpiece then, thats good to know.

Please increase the loot on Fractal & skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Took a month or so break from running Fractals, hit the AR Cap and couldn’t get past 40. Now with 45 AR I went back in. My first run I got 2 Rares and account bound exotic soldiers amulet. My second run I got 4 rares and account bound medium exotic chest piece with soldiers stats. This could be due to the fact that both runs unlucky had the dredge frac in it, more drops more loot but those were significantly better yields than when I used to fracs daily.

I also agree with the fractal weapons, I have a Fractal Trident, Warhorn, Shortbow…all items I don’t use -.-

Crabtacular Achievement

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I got the achievement last night. A large majority of the people in the game dropped and there was only 4 other players. Ran right at a Karka rolled through it, and he took down the people chasing me. Good luck fellow Crabtacular hunters!

Login server down free trial?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


“Can’t live without you…” — Attempt to log in 500 times while GW2 client is down

Crabtacular Achievement

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Oh lord.

Why nerf everything?

I got the achievment last night, on my 4th game I think?

Yes, it is related to luck somewhat, but it does require skill and timing.

- Get the crab, when there are 3 giaant karkas
- Run between the 3 karkas
- Press key 3, or do a dodge roll
- You have the achievment

And no, I wasn’t playing with the mentally diasbled, they were dodging, running, knocking me down like mad (only won 1 match).

Ps.: I was highly disappointed when Wintesday Toypacolypse got nerfed. That one, I did on my second try – by communicating with my team and giving them tips.
At least MK’s Clock tower didn’t get nerfed.

I just suggested a nerf or at least a fix for the achievement. Like I said I got the crab everyone got knocked down by karkas and no chieve. I have read on this thread and seen in game where people have gotten the achievement and did not even have the crab in hand. The achievement at hand doesn’t bother me, I would just like to know that when I achieve it, I actually get credit for it.

Crabtacular Achievement

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Just thought I would post my experience since its getting forwarded to the team.

Play a dozen or so crab toss matches tonight won 3 of them. In 1 of them I had the crab at the end of the game and everyone was steamrolled by Karka, I had no chieve. Im not really mad about it because I didn’t know this was an achievement to begin with until I came to these boards. Maybe change it to where you just have to be the last person holding the crab at the end of a match?

THANK YOU! Dungeon was great

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Co-Signed loved the dungeon. For anyone asking about doing it with less than 5, we 4 manned the final half of the dungeon after our 5th left and it took a looooooooooong time but we got it done.

Molten Jetpack / Molten Firestorm Drop-rate?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Ran it for the first time last night, 2 people in the group got recipes, I got the Mini Molten Firestorm. Didn’t even know about the MINI Drop but when I hit sell on TP I went from -.- oh cool a mini to 0.0 ermahgerd look at how much gold I can get for this mini. I may keep him though he looks pretty awesome

April 30th patch sounds impressive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Will this new dungeon count towards the Dungeon Master title for those of us who haven’t unlocked it yet(still need Arah 1,2,4.)?

Pretty excited about the new patch looking forward to concluding Living Story and trying out some custom arenas

New Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Anyone know if there will be some new ascended gear rolling out with this patch? I assume Ascended armor would be the next pieces to slowly trickle out.

Fractal 10-30 warrior build

in Warrior

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I run this build here. It works out well for me

Level 38 in Fractals right now. I don’t have too many issues running this build. DPS is pretty low though, if your looking for big number damage don’t run this build.

Color Scheme

in Sylvari

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


The Tier 2 Helm is Super Saiyan hair, I need some Saiyan Armor schemes to match. Anyone got a good dye scheme to make the T2 gear look saiyanish or a better skin for this look?

Bolt or Frostfang

in Warrior

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012



I have to agree, Frost Fang with either Jormag’s Breath would be “cool”. Try it in the mists, see what you think

Yes, its quite “cool” looking.

Very nice looking! Love it! I ultimately ended up sticking through and making Bolt but I love the look of Frostfang/Jormag’s Breathe. Only 10 Lodestones left for the lodestone part of Bolt and my honor badges.

*Your* Wish List For Next Patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


Dungeon explorable mode unlock per account instead of character.

This and only this.

200g for pre-cursor attempts, what're you at?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I forged a Dawn with about 150G of Rares last month. I sold it, and used the money to buy Zap and some of my Charged Lodestones for Bolt. Who knew the Charged Lodestones was going to cost me more money than my precursor x.x I am still 11 shy of the 100 needed for Legendary.

Bolt or Frostfang

in Warrior

Posted by: DaddyBoJangles.6012


I swear to god though. If you go for Kudzu the RNG gods punch you in the mouth repeatedly. Everyone I know including myself has spent nearly twice the ectos/coins/skill points/karma on clovers than they should have according to the average amount required. I used 466 ectos on my 77 clovers alone. Not to mention the other 250 ectos required to complete the gift of fortune. Really, it was no cheaper than any of the lodestone legendaries due to this and I’m offended when people seem to think that it’s “one of the cheaper” legendaries.

I have my Clovers, Shards, 200 Skill Point Item, Icy Runestones, Precursor for Bolt, my Gifts of Exploration. I need all the T6 Mats(I may have like 50-100 of each) and I need the ectos(took me 120ish ectos for my 77 clovers). Only reason I say Kudzu is cheap is because I could sell my precursor and my 79 Charge Lodestones and buy the Kudzu Precursor and get close to buying all the mats required to craft the gifts for it. Didn’t mean to insult my bad. All Legendary weapons are crazy to get in my opinion. I have been working on Bolt for quite a long time.

Why make bolt for a warrior? Hey, look at my kitten mobility set!! Until sword is actually seriously viable it just seems like someone who is putting a bodykit on their kittenty honda instead of investing in performance.

Would 1h Sword be better paired with something than a shield? Sword/Axe build Viable? I have had no issues with PVE content to this point. I haven’t entered Arah outside of story but I have a Zerker gear set in the bank for it since that seems what people look for in that dungeon. Everything else though no issues.

1h sword is just not really viable as anything but mobility outside PvE. Some people use flurry for the immobilize to set up 100b but other than that and some bleed builds which are ok at best it’s just not that good.

Ok, I get what your saying. I will probably continue my 1h/Shield Build for PVE but in WvW I’ll prob use 1hS/Warhorn for mobility while a Hammer/Longbow will be my main weapons.

(edited by DaddyBoJangles.6012)