Showing Posts For Dal.5872:

Do you need more bloodstone dust?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


My 18m Karma is an over abundance, worse it is a burden.

All T7 materials get destroyed once they reach a stack of 250. Being WvW only I never had a nice backpack to eat that rubbish for me…..

On average I delete 2-3 stacks of T7 everyday. Another wvw player shafted by the pve addicted developers.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Aurora Glade Full....?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Moot point now anyway, moved off my (apparently full) long term home to an apparently lesser populated server.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Aurora Glade Full....?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


That’s all fair and well, but if that truly is the case then Anet algorithms to work this out should account for not only number of players logging into wvw, but the amount of time they are actually there.

We’ve actually been pretty active for AG since reset as we have something to fight, but we are used to having outnumbered buff upwards of 16 hours a day most days.

I just have no idea what they were smoking when they decided AG had a similar population to Deso and Gandara and more population than ALL the other servers.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Aurora Glade Full....?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Aurora Glade has full status and yet doesn’t have enough population even after linking to compete with anything above low bronze servers. So why is this 1 of 3 servers listed as full?

Desolation and Gandara I can believe, Aurora Glade? No way is this a full server.

I think Anet needs to review it’s metrics for the world linking decisions. Current metrics are obviously being skewed by something.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Full again??? Are you trying to kill guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Seems reasonable that they locked top tier servers while they try and figure out the balance for relinking. If the populations start moving around anticipating the link, it could screw up their balance.

This issue happened last time when several T1 guilds moved around just before the link happened.

Except they haven’t locked top tier servers.

Aurora Glade currently ranked 12th FULL
Seafarers Rest currently ranked 6th NOT FULL
Piken Square currently ranked 4th NOT FULL

I would have the person doing the wvw population arithmetic doing your taxes aswell Anet, cos they certainly are not dealing in factual numbers…..

IGN: Dal Brinium

Full again??? Are you trying to kill guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Aurora Glade full? Really??

I just bought 1800 gems to move server, by the time I go back to the world select screen servers are already locked. Including my current home world which is outnumbered around 20 hours a day but still apparently full.

Anet sort your bloody metrics out!!!

IGN: Dal Brinium

How does WvW FPS Work??

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Sounds like you have frame limiter on?

Try setting it to 60/Unlimited.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Siege does not do damage when you "Leave" it.

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Is this a new bug/feature as I don’t remember anything about it in patch notes?

Siege when fired and then left, before the projectile hits it’s objective do not do damage. But the projectile continues on it’s merry way and explodes. Seems like a clunky feature so thinking this is a bug?

If your going to make this a feature then remove the projectile once the siege has been left, but I think it should be put back how it was. I mean why would a great bit stone flying through the air suddenly do no damage because the catapult operator has left his siege while the stone was in flight?

I should add this becomes especially annoying when you are alone, manning siege and trying to hit something out of your direct line of sight. Which happens more than I thought.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Alpine Border Land Back - Spawn Treb Bug

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Sorry, but as a wvw player with almost 10k hours almost all in WvW game mode I have to disagree with the OP. Siege in spawn has never bothered me at all, countering is easy peasy and any server that has been pushed back to their north towers or has already lost garrison could do with a hand. More helpful than siegerazer who just wanders out to give free loot bags to the enemy (gg on removing those btw).

So again spawn trebs are no problem, move to the north to a higher spot than their treb and counter, they can’t reach you but you can reach them. Or the other option is just build one in a direction their treb is not facing. We all know you have a good 20-30 seconds before they can rotate and power up the treb.

I suggest to the OP to stop trying to spawn camp and go find something to fight =)

IGN: Dal Brinium

Cliffside Gates Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dal.5872


We are on Aurora Glade/Red Team, since reset Cliffside gates have been bugged to some degree.

After reset enemy captured Cliffside, so we came to reflip. Dropped a superior ram at the gate and rammed the gate down. Pop goes the gate, but wait in it’s place has spawned a reinforced/fortified gate that you can’t target, but you can hit if you can target something else on the ram.

So we started again by attacking the wall, built catas and took the tower no problem. Everything on the tower T1 and looking normal. We get the tower to T2 and all normal still. Tower gets to T3 and the gate vanishes…. Not broken or glitched so you can’t see it. Gone. The wolves who hang around outside came and went as they pleased, Cliffside now had pets…..

Yesterday we held Cliffside with literally no gate for over 20 hours, any enemy who even went to look could have wandered straight in and capped.

Anyone else having this problem on other Alpine borders?

IGN: Dal Brinium

Sugg- No EU players in US WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Cos geographical restrictions almost never work out well for people who implement them….

Hardly need to be a technical whizz to surpass them either (cough) VPN (cough).

IGN: Dal Brinium

changing class in map

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


This would be amazing, really can’t see Anet doing this though unless we kick up a fuss in the literal 10’s of thousands. Besides who knows, the queues might dissipate a little with the re-release of Alpine borders next week.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Skill lags during big 3 way fights.

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


The 3 lag is server side, the Chinese servers were rolled out a long time after the NA/EU servers, so are almost definitely sat running on superior hardware. I’m a little disappointed that after almost 4 years and an expensive expansion we are not running on better servers.

We all long for the day the 3-way allows you to use skills other than 1,1,1,1,1. Even then a 0.5 second skill can take 4-5 seconds to fire if at all, 2-0 are useless in such situations.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Post your CC suggestions here

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


- Stat reduction to pre-specialisation update so damage numbers are representative of the relative effort required to land a skill.
- Reduce access to boons across the board and also reduce the maximum duration of a stack of boons significantly – boon access is far too easy now.
- Reduction in CC sources across the board, why did Anet add so many ridiculous Taunt sources?
- Remove all auto-CC application/immunity traits that put the attacker in a worse situation for happening to attempt a CC.
- Remove all death prevention traits – “get invulnerable because you’re losing” just encourages the community to play terribly.

First point I completely agree, stat creep has meant everyone in WvW is OP at something, which is almost impossible to counter.

Boon access and ability to corrupt/remove said boon is broken, but I believe Anet is working on this.

CC really isn’t so bad now Stability has been balanced, I actually think this is about balanced. You can keep stab up with a little care, but won’t save you if you stand in the bomb of 50 people.

Auto-CC is disgusting. If Anet goes this route we will eventually not need 1-0 keys. We can just run towards each other and let Anet take care of the battle for us.

Death prevention traits are indeed another ridiculous addition, back to point above. We will no longer need to use keyboards cos everything autocasts.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Commander DC issue with long queues

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Sweet so all we have to do is play pass the dorito and we can jump the queues.

Never going to happen, queue exploitation has happened before and pretty sure Anet does not want to see it back.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Cloaking waters in SMC needs to go

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872



Anet please remove Cloaking waters, Airship Defense and Chilling Fog. All of which are nice ideas but do not work in a mass pvp environment.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Tomorrow Will Be a Better Day ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Oh look yet another one…

IGN: Dal Brinium

Will We have to wait EVERYDAY ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Dal.5872 it is call a FEED BACK
know what that mean ? so you are the type that don’t speak out ?
also do you work for anet ? how do you know " It’s people like OP that stopped Anet even visiting these forums. " ?
so we should NOT say a word ? do you even wvw ? how long was your wait ? 2 hours ?
again know how queue work ? if queue at 100 , that mean 100 people need to log out
if they don’t queue stay at 100

Dal.5872 did you even read my topic ?
I ask what if we have to wait like this from now on Everyday ??
are you happy with that ?

No… Feedback would be 1 post of well worded text about a change. You’ve started at least 4 threads and done the same broken moaning in all the others you have posted in. This after less than 24 hours.

I have no doubt a moderator/dev will be along soon to merge/lock/delete the whiny ones.

As for queues, yes there were lots of queues. But this was Day 1 in a big change for WvW. This by no means states it will be like that for the next 3+ years, which is how long we had to wait for them to make a change. Population bloom is caused by nothing more than excitement for a mode that has received little to no attention until recently.

P.S ^^ That is feedback

IGN: Dal Brinium

Will We have to wait EVERYDAY ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Well I’ve been on the forums for 3 minutes and already annoyed by your haphazard posting all over the place. It’s people like OP that stopped Anet even visiting these forums.

GG Keviin, GG

IGN: Dal Brinium

Anet claiming a wvw garrison?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Meh someone is upset because Anet actually came into WvW after releasing a big patch?

Perhaps they were just testing things…

IGN: Dal Brinium

Condition users not better on siege weapons

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


I’m fine with the change, but now make it so that a condi class can apply conditions to the siege. We shouldn’t have to spend 10x aslong to kill an AC if we don’t have an advantage somewhere else.

IGN: Dal Brinium

All Metas and WvW causing crashes [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dal.5872


It’s effecting everyone as far as I can tell, just at different points. Pretty sure everyone on my EU wvw server has crashed several times.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Siege scaling with condi damage

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


What a load of tosh, so not only can condi classes not destroy siege they no longer have a benefit when using it?

IGN: Dal Brinium

Give us back build diversity.

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


What more build diversity do you want? In WvW, I have multiple build that I run on multiple characters that are all more than viable, they’re great.

Guardian – 3 different builds.
- Celestial Medi/burn (Without elite spec)
- Marauders trap Dragonhunter
- Large group front line build (without elite spec)

Necro – 4 different builds.
- Classic power well necro without elite spec
- Power well necro with Reaper
- Corruption condition necro without elite spec
- Chillomancer Condition necro with Reaper.

Elementalist – 3 different builds
- Celestial Aurashare Tempest front line dagger/warhorn
- Zerk/Marauders Tempest back line Staff
- Celestial Tempest roaming dagger/warhorn (Without aura share, runs condi clense on regen instead)

Mesmer – 2 different builds
- Condi chronomancer
- Zerk shatter chronomancer

Revenant – 2 different builds
- Marauder staff roaming build with elite spec.
- Marauder hammer build for back line in larger groups.

Engineer Scrappers are pretty much just used for roaming, I don’t play it but I do know that some run zerk/marauders, condition or celestial. So there is still more than 1 build.

Thieves pretty much all run daredevil right now because its strong and they can go zero-skill gank people.

Warrior has 2 builds that I’ve played around with since the elite spec. One was the classic front line for larger groups and one was a mid-line/roamer/gank running gunflame.

Who cares about rangers anyway? No one should be playing that garbage.

And I mean, lets be real – who really cares about thief, engineer, warrior or ranger anyway? Warrior is the only semi-useful one of those. Ranger is still stuck on focusing single targets forever, engineer is not the best at anything it does – if you were to play engi, might as well play ele and do it better. And thief is just thief, always been a scrub class lol.

So lets see, you have Guardian which is one of the few classes that can get away without HoT spec traitline, but they are definitely not as good. Jack of all trades master or none.

Elementalist, ALL builds require the new HoT traitline, so less builds than before.

Necro, in which ALL your builds use the new HoT specialised trait line. Therefore less builds than there was before the HoT traitline.

Mesmer, 2 builds BOTH using the new HoT specialised traitline. So again less builds than before.

Revenant, again ALL builds but 1v1 builds need the new specialised traitline.

So as you see if you have 1 traitline decided before you even start the build that leaves you with 2 trait lines left to use with too many skills being must haves.

99% of the time you can tell what build someone is using before you have even fought them because of these new traitlines.

(Sarcasm) So well done for making some Metabattle builds because there is no viable diverse alternatives. Pat on the back for you. (Sarcasm over)

IGN: Dal Brinium

Give us back build diversity.

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Man, you have no idea what your talking about. There are so many builds in use currently, our server cant even detirmen which one would be meta.

With the current trait system and the must have HoT trait line we have less builds. Fact.

I don’t know howto make someone do basic counting better…..

In my guild we currently have:
4 guardian builds
2 warrior builds
3 revenant builds, with another 2 in consideration
1 ranger build
2 engineer builds
3 elementalist builds, with 1 in testing phases
3 necromancer builds, with 2 more condi builds being developed
2 mesmer builds, with 3 in consideration

All those builds diverse in atleast 1 traitline, a full set of gear, weapons or utility skills.
And the thing is, those builds are optimized for certain parties/roles so none of them is inferior to other, if just put in right party and played in right style.

So dont bullkitten me about no build diversity.

Brilliant well done, I bet half of those builds will not be even considered by decent guilds/wvw veterans for good reasons. 5 builds for Mesmer!! Lol… Some of those must be proper rubbish. You also don’t appear to have any builds for thief. So a whole profession just with no builds at all.

Stop being a pedantic moron, there are less viable builds. Go look at PvP it’s kitten with WvW following closely behind. If you can’t see that you need to remove the wool from your eyes.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Give us back build diversity.

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Man, you have no idea what your talking about. There are so many builds in use currently, our server cant even detirmen which one would be meta.

With the current trait system and the must have HoT trait line we have less builds. Fact.

I don’t know howto make someone do basic counting better…..

IGN: Dal Brinium

Give us back build diversity.

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Actually we have a few builds that work for 1v1, a few builds that work well in small groups and a few builds that work in zergs. That is not diversity….

IGN: Dal Brinium

Give us back build diversity.

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Pretty sure other parts of the game are missing the build diversity now, but meh I don’t play them so wouldn’t know. I say bring back the old trait system, the supposed “confusing” one that we’d managed perfectly well using for 2+ years, where I can invest partially into trait lines as I see fit.

To make it less confusing make minor traits 1/2 a point, so obviously a whole point for the nest step the major trait. Then give us all 12 points. Most importantly “Wait for interesting new builds and balance accordingly”.

Short and sweet and to the point.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Invulnerable, Evade, Block Block Block

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Sounds like one of the new Tempest builds, Diamond skin I believe shows “invulnerable” to conditions unless below 90% health. That on top of there huge health regen and couple of block skills are possibly it.

The mesmer build someone mentioned before also a possibility, more unlikely would be a perma evade thief but I don’t know where the blocks would be generated from.

IGN: Dal Brinium

kinda of a rant/ need ideas on what to do

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


The HoT powercreep removed more viable builds than it added, with everyone now having to have the new trait line to be competitive. This makes me sad. Even sadder is a condi warrior/guardian is far more dangerous than a damage warrior/guardian.

When your melee classes are running condi builds you know the game is out of balance.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Can you please stop the nightcapping?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Mega served…. Guilds can’t stay happy with each other when they have 27 servers to choose from and spread out around. WTF will happen when they all have to cram into 3?

IGN: Dal Brinium

Overlook INNER can be trebbed from Anz Cliff

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Oh noes… Someone can use siege from an open field spot… Whatever next?

Don’t tell me they shouldn’t be allowed to attack anything unless you already have an equal opposing force inside and plenty of counter siege?

IGN: Dal Brinium

Night time wvw......

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872



So the game breaking FSP MonoBlob is moaning about nightcapping. When FSP plays I can’t even play during primetime, being in the same part of a map as your blob brings ping rates up into the 1000’s and now you say my gaming outside primetime should count for nothing. Dream on…..

FSP also has one of the biggest mouthed night capping zombies the game has left (we all know who). Just cos he’s not keeping your ppt nice and healthy this week all the rules should change?

So as a counter argument I think FSP should be BANNED from playing during primetime as it ruins it for other people. Or at least learn to split up and use other skills than staff 1 on guardian/DH.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Can you please stop the nightcapping?

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


LOL…. Out of all the issues WvW has ppl are complaining about the completely irrelevant scoring system. Also BB’s dominance isn’t even as long as Deso or SFR when they held top spots.

I suppose your football team only plays good football for 15 mins, so all football matches should now only be 15 mins long….?

Get a grip people, improve the game mode and worry about the small intricacies later.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Give F2P gliding in WvW. Perfect marketting.

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


No way, less gimmicks please…..

We want less mechanics to foul up when we play, not more. I do also feel it’s coming whether we want it or not. Then we can have orbs back as you no longer need to hack to fly…

Essentially we still want the WvW from 2 years ago with LESS pve, LESS gimmicks, LESS ridiculous mechanics. We want a basic war simulator so we can play war.

Wars have used aerial combat for a hundred years IRL, it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine gliders being used in our fantasy war simulator.

Gliders aren’t as much of a gimmick as they are a different way to traverse or create new ways to fight. Shooting a zerg out of the air with a wall placed ballista 2 sounds like a lot of fun.

What we don’t need are teleporting npcs, lasers that destroy all gates on the map and (from the old maps) Siegerazer style npcs. Those are all gimmicks, gliding could at least create a new way to fight, and I like fighting.

Rubbish, most true wvwers could possibly manage a week of it. But full time… No way…

Another trash idea likely to get a developer excited and stick us with even more ridiculous glitchy mechanics. At this rate Oasis event will turn into kittening quidditch…..

IGN: Dal Brinium

Give F2P gliding in WvW. Perfect marketting.

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


No way, less gimmicks please…..

We want less mechanics to foul up when we play, not more. I do also feel it’s coming whether we want it or not. Then we can have orbs back as you no longer need to hack to fly…

Essentially we still want the WvW from 2 years ago with LESS pve, LESS gimmicks, LESS ridiculous mechanics. We want a basic war simulator so we can play war.

IGN: Dal Brinium

WvW how get 14 rank ASAP

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


First of all I have to get good eq then learn how to fight Now I am unusable

Edge Of The Mists is mostly upscaleds levelling… You should be fine in there, join the zerg and start the karma train.

Also know that in WvW dying is part of the process, everything wants to kill you from the enemy players to those slightly declining slopes.

IGN: Dal Brinium

WvW how get 14 rank ASAP

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Rank 14 is easy, solo capping camps and sentries can smash that out.

Fastest would be following the zerg in EOTM (shudders). I hate that EOTM inflates peoples ranks…….
But even better log into WvW, join the voice comms and have fun. Before you know it you will be Rank 3350 like me =)

IGN: Dal Brinium

Want the old maps back?[186 Signs]

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Feels completely pointless… But sure sign me up…

IGN: Dal Brinium

Be patient.

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Indeed, waiting for a Directx9 game to sort itself out… By the time they finally do we will all need special out of date PC’s to run it. =P

IGN: Dal Brinium

Hope... wvw change to a fast past game

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Don’t want to shoot your idea down in flames but we had Orbs, Orbs got hacked, Orbs never returned, hackers have.

If you don’t remember Orbs they were a capture the flag type system that was removed on the premise it would be fixed and returned…..

So any capture the flag type system would need to be hack proof as little has been done to actually stop the hacks. As they don’t seem to be able to stop the hackers this means that any capture the flag type system has to be automated and instantly loses it’s fun appeal. No chasing a flag carrier across a map.

IGN: Dal Brinium

When will we get answers? [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


I’m still in absolute disbelief at the fact they have been working on something for 12 months, without consulting with the player base once about what the planned intentions are. If Anet were to actually do as other developers do and offer a basic poll then the new borderland could have been a success, not the complete failure it has turned out to be. It would also have saved the devs from the heartache of watching their work be slated and heckled since HoT release.

After now 4 months and much time spent on the new borders I appreciate the effort by the devs, but sadly the maps are just pretty. As a wvw map they fail at the basic functions we want. Until those issues are addressed the playerbase will continue to haemorrhage players and population slide will continue.

IGN: Dal Brinium

WvW-Battle of the Red Circles

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


We are recreating the 1965 classic Spirograph but with AOE circles.

But seriously Anet, this Pirateship META sucks big chocolate salty balls and has done for a year now. You have not improved or changed it in anyway that would help wvw players.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Salvaging siege

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Yes but the timer for this obviously has to be less than the current siege decay timer. Those people who build and refresh their siege every hour run the risk of someone just coming along and removing it. Or are you now suggesting people should visit siege more than once every hour? If not how does this timer work you suggest?
Even then the timer for semi built siege is 9 mins…. how does that fit into everything?

Try solving some of the blatant issues before you declare my counter completely moot.

IGN: Dal Brinium

Salvaging siege

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Never going to work, that is far more trollable by just removing all the siege.

IGN: Dal Brinium

LOLz fer dayz 3 very high 5 high servers

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


and the playerbase continues to dwindle… But worry not, beta testing will commence on something. Soon. Maybe this year. If not then, at least with the next expansion. Maybe. Now due with GW3….

IGN: Dal Brinium

Help: how to last over 10 secs against elites

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Seeing as everyone is mentioning Mice, I should point out that I have had a Naga, a TTesports but not the Redragon. But looking at it I would suffer the same issue I had with the Naga and TTesports mice. Which is they were just too big for my hand, having to move/adjust my hand on the mouse to hit a button became a chore and actually contributed to a bout of repetitive strain injury.

I now use a Mad Catz Rat5 which is a fairly small mouse but extendible in length, this has been my saviour for modern gaming and the button overload we are subjected to.

IGN: Dal Brinium

(edited by Dal.5872)

Help: how to last over 10 secs against elites

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


Also if you have trouble watching for all the skill triggers you may want to turn on “standard character models”, which makes everyone human. This way you only have to learn the skill triggers for one race. Empower for example looks very different on humans, asurans, charr etc…

IGN: Dal Brinium

Anet please refind/re-employ your mapmaker

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


It made me realise today that Apline and EB are actually very, very, very good maps, just tiresome and feeling old after 3+ years. Massive thanks to whoever designed them in the first place. They had a nice balance to the maps, less pve would have been nice, but meh….

What I suggest is they go and find this map making genius and rededicate/re-employ them to make you some new maps sticking with the original tatical forethought present in both maps already made by this person.

You don’t know what you are talking about..unless you were making unrealistic generalizations for the sake of making an offensive statement? Anyways hopefully the comments section shed enough light on it so that you now do.

I think you will find your statement gives a more unrealistic generalization for the sake of making a comment…………

IGN: Dal Brinium

Anet please refind/re-employ your mapmaker

in WvW

Posted by: Dal.5872


It made me realise today that Apline and EB are actually very, very, very good maps, just tiresome and feeling old after 3+ years. Massive thanks to whoever designed them in the first place. They had a nice balance to the maps, less pve would have been nice, but meh….

What I suggest is they go and find this map making genius and rededicate/re-employ them to make you some new maps sticking with the original tatical forethought present in both maps already made by this person.

IGN: Dal Brinium