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2 questions for pvp devs

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


1) Do you really have any algorithm for matchmaking?

I’m asking this because i’m so sick about:

a) Fighting againist top 10 players when i won 2 or 3 games. Then getting 7+ lose streak. metrix-adolfas, adolfas-rom, bluri-tage.. As you can see in the pictures below i have -300 decay with 1759 points. Metrix has 2223 (Misha) with duo adolfas(Zan) also they have 2 more good players too againist our noob team. Lets say it is normal but please tell me why i’m losing 18 points againist top team if metrix getting only 2 points..

b) Dont worry i have 1637 points right now after 6 lose streaks and 1 dc. Why i/we keep getting necro-thief stacking againist ele dhs war engi with duo teams?we playing same necros-thieves like a premade full team again and again. We can never get 1900+ if we didnt start with 1850+ points. You can see some claiming to platin videos but thats all between 1600-1750 like hell worse than ruby. There is something obviously wrong with matchmaking. It doesnt matter how you tried hard to carry or how many points do you have like 499-500. We losing much much more points than winning..

c) There is a lot to say for alt accounts but i dont think you can do anything about it. You should match accounts for managing that issues.

2) There is some guys using hacks in pvp platin division and maybe much more in low divisions.. We are reporting them but nothing happen. Using hack programs legal now? Like el pequeño T I M Y (Randy.7846) He is engineer player and teleporting points, lord room, using speed hacks and we reporting him since 2 weeks in every game but he still playing

Please use all player datas for matchmaking in next season. Like how many games played, how many wons, how many different classes he/she playing and what is w/l ratio for all of them.

Dont allow alt account manipulation. Match all accounts for pvp season/leaderboard.

Dont allow class stacking. Make a pool like supporters-bunkers-condis-bursts. Read players trait and try to create teams 1 player from every single pool first. dont allow class or trait changing after this.



Extended Off-Season and Other Updates

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Just rollback to release day please. All things gonna be fine. Separated solo-team ques, separated pvp-pve traits, skills, armor sets.

I remember first shark rank player. We watched that finisher on youtube was unbelievable..

PvP was uniqe, hard (maybe impossible) to get top rank and many beautiful things.. You ruined everything about pvp..

PvP Druid needs balancing

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Too many complaining for every classes :/ Sad but true.

I’m pretty sure you never gonna make a balanced game. Because there is a lot of broken things and when you did something you breaking another thing.

But if you decides nerfing classes you should reorganise all of them. Otherwise we gonna talk same things about different classes.

Druid, Mesmer, DH, Warrior, Thief, Scrapper, Revenant all those classes are broken. Main problem is unbalanced offensive/defensive capabilities. You giving everything. All classes should have same rule; if you chose offensive gameplay you gonna lose defensive abilities, defensive gameplay gonna lose offensive abilities.

But you keep creating tanky(block,regen,heal,invul,evade,stealth,take no damage) dps classes.

If you really wanna make balanced PvP you should separate PvP – PvE/WvW like first days of gw2. Different traits, different skill specs. Thats the only way.

Btw you guys should know GW2 is a PvE based game.

GW2 not made for sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Arenanet told that before gw2 betas. GW2 never will be a PvP game, will be much more easy than gw1. We gonna focus PvE things for making a difference in mmo world.

So we all know. But i dont understand why arenanet ruined all good gw2 mechanics. We had splitted PvP-PvE traits and armors, solo and team ques, amazing PvP rank system for separating pvp players.. Personally i just want to rollback first days of gw2 pvp..

Skillcap Professions Rating 2016

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Let’s first define the term Skillcap

Skill Cap Ranking

1) Thief
2) Revenant
3) Mesmer
4) Necromancer
5) Engineer
6) Ranger
7) Guardian
8) Elementalist
9) Warrior

Skill level

1) Thief
2) Revenant
3) Necromancer
4) Mesmer
5) Engineer
6) Ranger
7) Warrior
8) Guardian

Are you serious or just kidding us?

You think Unblockable F1 > Dagger 1 1 1 1 1 1 > 3 dodges > shadowstep >Unblockable F1 > Dagger 1 1 1 1 1 gameplay needs a lot skill cap? Thief is one of most easy class since gw2 release. You just need brain, play for decap or be +1 for fast killing. Dont jump in mid zerg fight. Thats it. Btw you can see around some troll build theifs too but we talking about serious games.

Second one in your list is Revenant. Just lol. Must be really hard to play with perma unblockable skills, insane dps with endless evades, blocks, health fuller heal without any limitation, teleport and blocks. As you can see in every single video or meta build description power rev has a easy unstoppable sword staff combo. After run back, use your blocks, use your insane heal skill if you need then repeat again. If you think you need “skill cap” for doing this you should stop playing gw2 pvp.

And man.. you saying ranger is harder than ele-warrior-guard.. no words!

Here is my top 3 list. I dont wanna sort : Ele – Engi – Mesmer. You should know what to do with those 3 classes. All others same to me.

Top OP Season 4 : Druid and Rev. Less effort much gain
Top Easy Playable Classes Season 4 : Guardian, Necromancer, Thief, Warrior.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


I agree, nerf guardian please. Because they are useless but players never stop using dh on pvp. I’m so sick about losing games because of useless noob dh’s. Maybe after your nerf dh gonna be completely dead and players stop playing with it.

S4 : first impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


I got legendary badge from all seasons, and x6 last one. This season i started on sapphire like season 3 and played 9 games against top tier teams-players.

Looks like;

- Druid and Revenant clearly OP.
- Warrior, Thief and Mesmer are same
- Necromancer and Engineer are dead
- Dragon Hunter playable on low tiers but they are trash on top tier. Has no chance against druid or rev
- Have no idea about Elementalist. I haven’t even seen one

My meta team choice is Druid, 2 Rev, Mesmer, Warrior.

Nerf Druid! Enough

in Ranger

Posted by: Darkside.7182


I wanna ask you all if you disagree. Why you all druids keep using bristleback and smokescale if that pets are not OP?

Nerf Druid! Enough

in Ranger

Posted by: Darkside.7182


you are my new hero Darkside.7182 can you pls teach me how to play?

of course i can teach you softlight. First, put back your staff into your bag and change your HoT pets to wolf and hound or whatever you want. arm yourself with shortbow and axe-torch or sword-torch. make practice with your new skillful condi-trapper ranger.

But i guess you cant.. You keep staying on staff 1 and wait-watch your pets for killing. This is more suits you.

Nerf Druid! Enough

in Ranger

Posted by: Darkside.7182


WvW : i’m trying to catch him Sitael but its impossible.. Druid always staying away, running away, moving around tell what you want with staff 3, gs 3, stealth, root, sublime conversion for range attacks.. meanwhile i keep getting around 10k+ damage and knock down from that OP pets.. if you are lucky or druid makes a mistake and you still survive from pets attacks you have to face off with signet of stone, knock back, insane condi clean and stuns.. I dont wanna talk about druid heal abilities..

PvP : Do i really have to say anything? Just check all pvp teams and ask why you all have a druid in your team..

Nerf Druid! Enough

in Ranger

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Here is quick suggestion if you cant do anything..

Disallow pet switching in fight. they can pick 2 pets but second pet only can be active after the first pet dies. And first pet getting around 60sec cd.

With this update you can force that noob druids for fighting.

Season 4 Nerf Wish List

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Ranger HoT pets needs hard nerf. They have insane dps and skills.. Or nerf druid survival skills-traits.

Necro needs rework. I dont know what they can do for it but it looks crap. Most useless and weak class for gw2 pvp.

Maybe just maybe you should check a bit mesmer block/invul things.

All other classes looks fine, of course there always be a small op/weak things but all of it in acceptable standards.

(I’m talking about high rank pvp players/games not for below the line..)

World Linking 6/24/2016

in WvW

Posted by: Darkside.7182


btw, folks talking about unlinking deso Desolation has full of pve scrubs guys.. Vabbi carried them, anet link them with surmia and as you can see they are losing hard to gandara and Baruch Bay because there is no more Vabbi for carrying Actually they cried a lot on community guild chat, web site, TS etc about taking players from Vabbi to Desolation but i guess they couldn’t.

Deso is T3 or T4 server nothing more.

World Linking 6/24/2016

in WvW

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Wrong acts like always.. You should hold region servers at 1 like Baruch Bay (SP)

7 DE servers and 5 FR servers are too much. There is not enough region players for wvw. Make it 1 DE and 1 FR server. Force that players to joining EU servers and all things gonna be fine or will be better than today.

Team/Solo Split

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Dear Anet,

You already have unbalanced classes, i know you trying to do something about it and it is not easy. But please tell us do you really think 3-4 man premade vs full pug is a fair game?

And please dont tell us “team ques are too long”.. They can go solo whenever want but we cant find a team..

Me and all other players just sick about losing games to average players because of premade vs pug games.

I wish to see your golden pvp childs playing with full pug noob team vs average-good premade. Keep protecting them from 2wins 3 loses, 3 wins 2 loses games..

Everything you done for pvp wrong. You marged pvp-pve traits and team-solo ques. Why?

Make Ranger Pets immortal

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Pets, Amulets etc all are fine. Main problem is anet devs-planners-programmers or whatever..

They keep nerfing pets, dps skills-utilities, condi damage – traits.. but they dont get it “you should create offence and defence balance” so if you going to ask what is this it is pretty simple basic rule of games.

If you choose offensive play, you should lose most of your healing, block and immune abilities..

if you choose defensive play, you should lose most of your dps abilities..

Thats it..

Druids standing on a point, perma healing himself, condi clean and CCing but druid pets hitting around 20k in same time. (you can add druid base dps too and dont wanna talk about search and rescue..)

Elementalist has same problem. Anet keep nerfing them too.. Wake up! you cant fix anything with amulet-trait-utility nerfing.. Elementalist support-heal skills are OP. Should be support-heal or dps-condi. Not healer,supporter,dpser and condi dealer!

Warrior was OP too with same reasons. ultra defensive stance utilities, insane heal regen + top dps..

Now we talking about mesmer too. Many players are saying “mesmer op”. And anet thinking about it, getting all team together and doing brainstorming “guys, what we can do”. Voila! lets nerf mercenary amulet and everything is going to be fine… No its not! let me tell you whats the problem with mesmer. They are hitting a lot of condi. this is normal because they are choosing condi gameplay but they also getting perma condi clean and healing with endless clone create/shatter factory. Can you see? All op classes we talking about has a same base problem, OP healing abilities, OP mixing offensive-defensive gameplay.

Can you fix this? I dont think so
There will be a balanced game soon or future? I dont think so

So, i accepted 1,5-2 years ago. you should do the same. There always will be nerfing and buffing classes but never gonna be a balanced game and healing-support classes always be OP in gw2.

End of the story, thanks for reading

Fractal loot nerfed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Yes.. new fractal daily loots are awful.. i’m completing all dailies since patch realese but couldnt get even a useless ring.. only trash nothing more

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


1 question 2 suggestions from me..

Q) Why you hate solo players so much?

S1) Remove %50 win rate rule
S2) Split team and solo que. Every team has a chance to go solo..

Dear Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


or just find a developer who is playing gw2…

Matchmaking is broken

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


No one cares here. You should open your thread on reddit or find a kittens streamer.

Do what you want, say what you want nothing changes. There is one truth anet really really really so much hate solo players. They only want keep protecting golden child teams. Marging solo and team ques one of worst thing they did.

Anyway please dont do anything, anymore.. If it is possible rollback to first days of gw2 will be 1000 times better than this crap.

No matter how you good player. You can carry your team for 1 game but dont worry anet gonna throw a rock to your head and you lost 3 games. They always like to punish solo winners.

Lets talk with numbers. If you are 9 points player from 10 and trying to play solo you gonna be suffer all days. But if you are 5 points player and have a same skill friends gw2 will be haven for you all.

Keep hating old and good solo players anet. You are doing great..

Bristleback Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Darkside.7182


what an amazing nerf again from anet Woww bristleback really dead! Hitting only around 20k.. we need kill shot pet in pvp. Please tell your genius planner developer or who is responsible

Scrappers needs NERF.

in Engineer

Posted by: Darkside.7182


no no scrapper is fine maybe a little bit weak. They haven’t enough dps or survival abilities. Buff scrapper please.

[Vid] Full Zerk Power GS Reaper :^)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Still laughing.. yes your build is amazing if you are emerald division, rank farm room or NA player.. offical forum becomes a garbage dump

How many times we have to report?

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


probably he’s selling games. name looks familiar

Rate That: Necromancer Name!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Nice name “Diabolist Gehenna” from FlashGamer.4017

Here is mine, simple

Name: Master
Race: Norn
Gender: Male

Is a problem if Necromancer become Meta?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkside.7182


necromancer never won’t be meta because we are weak profession. Half of us playing with necro because we loving black magic – dead thing we loving being necro and other half playing because its pretty easy class.

So why? because we havent’ block, evade, invul, regen, mobility, stealth, quickness, slow, resistance, giving ferocity-power-toughness etc self or for teammates..

gw2 pvp is team game if your profession cant give anything to teammates then never gonna be meta

(edited by Darkside.7182)


in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkside.7182


i am talking for pvp,

- terror is pretty useless because its not stacking, low duration and we haven’t a lot of fear skills againist to diamond skin eles, invul + resis mesmers, resis reves + heal for each condi and burst damage, resis + perma heal druids etc

- chill damage not bad but also not good too. players already talking about “nerf chill damage” and trust anet gonna be nerf it or some other classes get access to same trait soon.

if anet things Terror and Deathly Chill are really good “necro thing” please give them to reve and let us stack 19 torment..

Maybe im saying same thing but i mean if you doing torment for necro and necro is becoming to worst torment user this is just funny, like a joke

Scared of scepter buff consequences

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkside.7182


you not gonna hit twice that chain in new meta dont worry.. can you stay alive now with bunker meta? of course not they putting a target on your head and you going to die in 3sec by bunkers. Tell me please how you gonna be survive with new burst meta. thieves warriors shatters reves they all gonna eat necros

(edited by Darkside.7182)

starting life force

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkside.7182


@Baseleader.4128 we need LF at start because every profession has some move skills from utility or weapon. necro hasnt.. if we can start with %5-%10 LF we gonna use RS 2 for movement thats it. but i guess its been 3 years we saying same thing. nothing happend


in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkside.7182


I just wanna ask a question to developers. Do you remember why you creat a condition with name “Torment”?

If you cant remember let me tell you. Necro was too weak and need some upgrades. You gonna decide lets do a new condition for necros and you did torment. So then you said “we decide to give torment to mesmers and engineers too”. Now almost every profession has it. It’s okay but please tell me how the hell all other classes can use torment 10 times better than necro?

Do you think stacking 18-19 torment in a sec from revenant is normal?

Upcoming Changes to PvP Runes/Sigils/Amulets

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


what a bad move from anet like always.. do you have any idea about rifle warrior, thief, zerk reve, DH and shatter mesmer dps on soldier rune bunker? And now you going to remove soldier and sentinel amulets for what? let me tell you, because you cant planning, you didnt realize whats gonna be happen with HoT updates on pvp.

You should spread out pvp and pve again, i dont know why you marge them anyway.. you need to reconfigure each class skills and traits for pvp and pve then all be fine, pvp updates doesnt effect pve or pve updates doesnt effect pvp.

Are you thinking about the split between solo and team ranked queues? Guess not.. Please dont say “teams waiting long for que”.. they have to wait or they can go solo easy but solo players cant find a team easy…

Just save my words we’ll see i’m pretty sure pvp gonna be worst than today..

(edited by Darkside.7182)

[Suggestion] Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkside.7182



Please give back our fabulous server ISTAN and let all gw2 pre-order players to free transfer there. Could be GW2 anniversary celebration idea or something else You dont have to new one just rename most low population server.

Thank you <3

Raids Problem. LF a guild ASAP!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Darkside.7182


yes it must be a challenging content but what for? problem is starting here. you can give titles, mastery and ach. points even armor-weapon skin etc. but if you say “raid is only way to get legendary armor” you gonna break your promise..

That meta thing ruining everything in gw2 for classes.. You need 7-8 good player friends at least or it’s really hard even impossible to find a group for raid in lfg system.

Actually i dont care or like raid. I’m just thinking about legendary armor. Anet should give us another ways to get it

Reaper Shroud / Death Shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Hello, i dont know, does anyone agree with me but i think we need to pick RS – DS with reaper traits. I have 2 idea;

1) Could be F2, F1 for DS F2 for RS
2) We can change F1, like revenant F1 stance

Anet spits on PVPers once again.

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


This skilless players makes me laugh They are flaming everywhere to anet, playing more than 3 years but still only can do DS spam If you think about that all classes are OP so go play with it you dont have to play only 1 class. Ahh sorry you cant because you are skilless player you need easy and OP class.

Yes anet has faults but they are trying to do best thing. GW2 completely changes on every part. I can say mesmers has too many invulnerability-block etc. and undead cancer engis looks need nerf but all other classes seems fair. As you can see classes dont make you better player you need skills playing with that, i saw too many useless mesmers, druids, reves, eles and necros like you dying in second.

And you cant wait a big changes if there is tournament with money prizes. Too many players played with this builds-classes and they are eliminated.

Anet gonna do some changes but surprise you not gonna kill them anyway with your DS spamming playing style so go watch some videos, guides or something and try to be a better player.

Signet of Spite

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkside.7182


Hello, i am not sure if this is a bug. As you all know our signet of spite giving 180 power on passive mode but when we go shroud signet passive mode power dissapear and we losing 180 power. Because there is no utility skills at shroud mode. Does it have to be like this?