While I just love LW3 and all the maps, I do agree especially for achievement runs having a “skip dialogue” options would be fantastic. Some achievements you spend half the time in dialogue.
Get ascended weapon+trinkets, armor just correct stats/runes is fine @ exotic. Trinkets are basically given away for free with Living World 3 maps, ascended weapons are worth the investment, they yield the biggest upgrade. Make sure you do Tequatl every day for a chance for a weapon cache – very slim but getting just 1 will save you a bit of gold.
DHs aren’t even top meta, but they are still a good carry build for low-moderate rankings where people still don’t play around them. Every decent DH is pretty much AI it’s that obvious when they are baiting heal, trying to drag you into their trap. You mess up their start and you’re coasting home. Depending what set-up they running they will usually have poor disengage as well.
Try duel DHs more, or actually just learn how to play one properly then you will know how they think. DHs are fine now, there are much better classes. Try duel a good engin or elem then get back to me about DHs.
No most people are not in full legendaries, it’s rare. You need to check a few things first.
First, how experience you are in that mode, you may be making mechanical mistakes, have a wrong set-up, wrong sigils, armor type etc. Secondly, you can play more defensive and just roll with zergs until your confidence is up. Thirdly, ascended gear outside of trinks/weapons don’t help that much.
Getting ascended trinks has never been easier with LW3 maps, look up on that, will take you a week or few more to max out on asended trinkets. Then look into crafted weapons which are the biggest upgrades. You can run exotic armor and be perfectly fine.
Also know your match-ups, some people have been playing every day and know the ins and outs of every class and are fantastic duelers, know when to disengage, force resets etc. There’s MANY variables out there, trust me “everyone has legendaries” isn’t one of them.
So you have to complete all 4 years to craft the legendary back piece correct? My question is, if I get 10 wins on a Guardian to complete that achievement portion in Year 1 and I keep getting wins on the guardian, will those wins carry over to Year 2 Guardian win requirements when I am onto Year 2? If it doesn’t, then I guess it’s best to only play to required wins for each prof that year, if not I will just get 40-50 wins per class in one hit. Thanks.
The shield is one of the best shield skins in the game, looks amazing front and back. My dilemma is do I go with the sword+shield combo that looks out of the world or get GS+LB. The GS looks like a legendary, same as the sword.
I feel your sentiment, but there’s too much downside giving players full power to be judge and executioner in PVP. Other game have tried and all you do is have people holding others to ransom and abusing it. I’d rather have AANET control this with the small downside then the large spectrum of mentalities with players any day of the week.
That map TD has basically died out now. No one enjoyed it much to begin with but now its rare to see the meta happening. That means the chances of that egg sac appearing are a million to one
Died out? It’s usually got 1-2 full maps 30min before meta. TD to AB is very common combo, you just have to look @ LFG groups more closely.
Yeah nerf one spec that has a decent skill cap and if in the hands of a not so good player basically makes you a 4 man team. No thanks. As for DH isn’t even top meta anymore, only good for lower ranks when people just throw themselves @ you.
You want elite options for POF, nerfing one to make everyone move to the next is the wrong way to go. You make both strong.
DH has been nerfed over and over as well, it’s fine where it is.
There’s no problem, just have new set of HPs that are scaled to the requirement of the new elite spec. It keeps the maps alive, and once you do 1 route on a character it’s a cinch to do it on the rest.
As of now, you hit level 80 with core, you get all core skills. You go to HOT that has +10hp points, do like 2-5 hours, get your hot elite skill leveled. POF, same deal, let’s say it’s 450, maybe hps give +15, or whatever, you do 1/2-2/3 of those gets your POF elite.
Simple, easy and fair. If you don’t buy HOT, then you don’t need hot HPs for hot elite, same with pof. Whatever you do you have the same access relative to what you have bought. That’s why they stressed if you don’t need anything in hot to play POF, but really if you even plan to play this game for any decent time, HOT is so cheap anyway, but you still don’t need it at all for POF.
(edited by Despond.2174)
lol y despond, been playing gw2 since long on different systems. What i see is that gw2 try’s to use all resources until it finds a bottleneck. Wandering around on low populated maps i get easily +100fps. La or mist are heavy maps a lot of people are there and prob when you idle you check TP or wathever, which again adds another process.
And saying only cpu load without clocks or simultaneously gpu load says nothing.
Here some different settings on a msi laptop gtx1070/i76820hk
And i would advice everyone who’s thinking his system is underperforming, show (so post them!!!) us cpu/gpu load clocks/temp, and bus interface. Only then people can help rest is guessing.
3.4ghz standard, no o/c shouldn’t have to. GW2 does use a lot of CPU, my system is solid—it’s stated in my last post—it’s brand new, GW2 has always been like this. I’ve run benchmarks on multiple games, at worst I have a youtube clip playing the background. There’s no chance, it’s impossible to have 100 fps during an event on my 24". On medium it will drop to 25-40. Maybe if I was supporting low res, but other than that my PC specs give this result.
Have friends all say the same, usually 65-80% cpu usage in major cities/events too, just that way it is. I too can get 100 fps walking around on a low pop map doing nothing, but it’s about frames during events/raids/ that really matters. You always get someone claiming they run everything on high on a toaster though, details are usually left out.
(edited by Despond.2174)
You are more likely to get 1 sprocket than 4. I’m willing to bet that getting 5 sprockets is the equivilence of the chance you’ll have at getting an ascended gear chest. And 7 sprockets has a chance worse than a kittening precursor dropping.
Odd, then what about so many guildies getting 25-50 in some of their free? I think that’s more like ascended drop tbh.
Someone got the ghost rifle skin today from my guild as well. It’s amazing, 700g+ skins or 50s candy. Though I’ve never been lucky with any RNG item like chests, boxes etc.
Like others have said, it’s not required. It’s already been reduced in price, and in the future I am sure they will bundle it even more cheap with a 3rd xpac. Support the devs, it’s an xpac that you don’t need but if you want it it’s a very small price to pay. There’s no way it should ever be free.
I’ve waited a long time for these, bank slots and shared slots. Who’s CC is also going to light up? At least I can finally set myself up with massive QOL upgrades.
Well with bank tabs and shared slots going on sale now, I can’t afford to wait to miss the sale. I’ll easily be buying probably 7-8k gems since they rarely go on sale, so I miss out on the pass and other goodies.
If there’s a way to do this quicker, as in within one to half a day I would.
Just a funny update, I used the free box we got today, got 1 sprocket again while a guildy got like 56. 6 boxes netted me 12 sprockets, with 4 being 1’s. RNG is cruel indeed.
Masteries alone spiced up the game, a way to sort of progress without increasing level cap. Getting your 250 points even if you did no core HPs is only a few hours once you’ve done the route for VB+AB once or twice. Any points you can’t solo, if you start them up or wait, people end up coming, or ask in mapchat/lfg. If you fall short, then do 1 DS meta, those 6-7 HPs there are gimmies as well – besides 1 of them if you don’t have gliding upgrade.
It’s not “just gw2”. My hardware in far inferior to yours(see below) but I’m walking around the beta area with +50fps on high/ultra.
Just need to know how to streamline a PC to play single thread/render heavy MMOs.
Maybe 50fps walking around a random low populated map, my PC even when brand new and even now with no issue at all to underperform on full maps, Teq etc it can drop to 20 FPS. The latest POF patches I have noticed overall ~15fps on average. Oh and I only run it on medium. i5 7500, 1060gtx 6gb, 16gb ddr, SSD, so if your rig is doing what you claim it has some magic Quaggan dust.
GW2 heavily bottle the CPU. I am constantly around 75-85% cpu usage on full maps or 60%+ just idle in LA or Mist. Straight away I will hear my CPU start working hard, there’s just nothing you can do about it.
(edited by Despond.2174)
This is so frustrating, where there DDOS attacks? Ever since the last few patches, my MS in events/pvp just sky rocket. Just then with Teq 3 people from Australia jsut spiked to 1.5kms, and we kept getting d/c. I noticed spiking to 800-1kms in SPVP too. At first I thought maybe it was my ISP but it’s happening from other ones as well.
I’ve never had this many connection problem with GW2, normally it’s always a smooth 240-280ms no matter where I am.
I waited 30min to do Teq, but I had to close the game off, it hit 3k ms, unplayable. I tested another game, pings were fine, internet is fine, so it’s 100% an issue with just GW2 atm. Any word on this? The xpac is close as well, I hope it’s resolved soon.
Low FPS in all areas; PC exceeds requirements
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Despond.2174
Yes, 1060gtx6gb, i5-7500, 16gb ddr4, after these POF patches I definitely noticed my frames dipping up to 20fps lower than normal. Before I would only dip under 60fps for Teq now I seem to be dipping to 30-40s even with normal events. Frustrating, CPU loads are 15% higher too. Nothing on my end has changed as well to warrant this.
Sounds messy, what do you mean a refund? How does that work since it’s all been processed?
Oh, sorry I meant Ultimate, oh well that’s a shame. So basically I’d have to spend $80 to get it, while having paid $30 already for standard?
(edited by Despond.2174)
How do I go about this? I want to upgrade to deluxe POF for the $50 price difference.
I’ll be sticking to DD that’s for sure, it’s better in every regard for PVP and open world it’s still the fastest and efficient option. Hopefully they make some deadeye changes, I can see sort of where they are going but it’s clunky, and I agree that when in position you should be able to move out with WASD.
DD is my favorite open world spec, I hardly see that changing because there’s no chance they will make a spec more mobile with reliable cleanses for thief.
There’s still lots of theory crafting to be had, maybe for raids/pve it will be the best.
Ah well. Warning to others, it seems it’s not a 1-67 even chance, 1-5 more common. I bought 4 boxes and only got 6 sprockets 1 1 1 and 3. Would have been cheaper to wait for an airship pass for 1k @ the gem store. Ouch for me, 800gems and can’t make anything off it or get something I even want.
(edited by Despond.2174)
So you can get 1-67 spockets per box correct? I got only 5 in my free box, I noticed that the airship pass is 25. Is it worth buying a couple more boxes to try get an airship pass a lot cheaper than the 1k gem cost when it comes up in the gem store?
I don’t think I can ever get used to a style that’s less mobile and fluid than DD.
Wow that’s a gigantic nerf, range and thus cone. There goes the only decent range option. A support weapons doesn’t/shouldn’t have to be a dead weight dmg weapon as well.
Imagine if we could have a menu and within it save build AND armor templates. Have all sorts of combinations of gear+builds for all game modes, I mean the QOL change would be nuclear.
Honestly they could have just given us the ability of true flight and that would have given players all the mobility they need. Mounts is OK and lacking true flight does add a travel dynamic to the game. It’s the least of my concerns as the new elites look to complicate the game enough.
This is the one of the worst things you could do. Having everyone in the skies, making all the effort into the world trivial. Plus a host of pve balance issues. Even the World of Warcraft devs always regretted adding in flying mounts, but it’s something once you add you can’t take away without MASSIVE backlash. I know AANET won’t ever do it—knock on wood—so we’re safe.
I personally would have just preferred gliding, though as long as we don’t have mount clutter—especially with norns and kittys—I am happy/fine with ground mounts.
I just hope there isn’t too much bunny fluff all over the ground! xd
Even with my beast PC I will still drop to 30fps for Teq but that’s with the whole map all in one spot. The game looks stunning even for today’s standards on medium+, and I agree with the post saying it’ would be nice for the CPU to be hit less and more on the GPU.
I would love to know if this new QOL area is conveniently spaced like the Royal pass and whether it will be exclusive only for purchasing this xpac. It’s the main thing making me want to buy the mid pack, but not enough details for me to decide just yet.
As others have stated you already have legendary functioning trinkets with bloodstones and you can fill the rest out with berry trinkets from Bitterfrost. We basically get trinkets for free now it’s that easy. I farmed a full set of zerk and vipers in like a week with a couple of alts, and unless the new xpac brings out some superior stat version these will last me indefinitely.
I think the price is too high, but we have very cheap options instead so I am not bothered. If it gives a cool unique aura then that’s going to be why it’s expensive, and 2k then doesn’t seem so bad considering people are paying 4 figures for the Winter aura.
Huh? Necros are in a fantastic spot in WVW and SPVP… and used in some recent unofficial tournaments.
If there’s a real reason it’s fine, but after a day of working and listening to people I don’t want to spend my free hours listening to 5+ people trying to talk. No, I will play my music instead. I will TS only with people I know, don’t voice spam and when it’s absolutely needed. You don’t need TS at all to be helpful.
Silmar said it perfectly. I would say it’s a medium tier quality of life purchase. I personally think things like bank slots, character slots, shared slots, invincible farming/savaging tools are higher priority but a permanent pass is definitely close.
Count all the load screens and menu opens you normally do every day, then every week, every month, the passes make you avoid so many and it adds up fast. It’s something I would use real money on because the gem exchanges during sales etc are a very bad way to lose gold @ a bad ratio.
(edited by Despond.2174)
GW2 has a Top 3 MMO population. It’s awesome and always has people playing all modes. I go to Orr for daily, there’s event farmers, I go to LFG to do something, I see HP trains, world boss trains, meta groups. WVW now has more players than ever with the recent changes, major cities always has people etc.
Try join a guild that isn’t just a spam guild. Also realize there’s a lot to do in this game, so people maybe be busy and you can’t expect everyone to drop what they are doing just for you. However, with a good guild usually someone is always willing to help. I also find map chat decent, epecially for hero points, or a champion you can’t kill. GW2 system rewards people who help, even redoing a HP give you a reward etc.
GW2 community is about 100x more friendly than any other MMO I’ve played. Play it for awhile and you’ll will see.
It was already discounted by a lot. Base HOT is only $30. When the new xpac is out I would think instead of making HOT free, they will bundle it with Vanilla for a very cheap price, like $15 or something.
$30 now is a steal, I would buy it because the next xpac could be late this year, and you’re missing out on a lot of prep work for all your characters etc.
You’re doing a lot to repel new blood. It’s already impossible to catch up or become remotely close and the requirements also reflect this. So you can keep it how it is, but after the new shine of the changes are gone it will be the same population. Maybe that’s how you want it, I’d rather encourage news players, or medium WVW time based players to play the mode more while not pushing them way with massive requirements.
It’s not about making it casual, it’s fine tuning to reward loyalty and encourage new/old players to use this mode more. The fact wvw rank is not exponential is already a deterent. Someone who plays even a moderate amount of hours but was not playing only WVW since the beginning are just light years away, even light years behind someone just playing a year.
Let’s be real, WVW is just about time. For most just ktraining, stacking defensive armor, spamming aoe defensive/offensive skills. Some posters almost looking down at people who don’t have their rank, it’s easy to be this way when you know there’s zero chance someone can catch up to you with linear progression system.
Once again I think there needs to be a balance, with loyalty rewards giving novelty bonuses like exclusive skins, grindy prestigious titles etc, not massive differences like triple pip counts. You’re going to just end up with the same population, maybe some want this gentlemen’s club situation, shrug but you don’t want to keep increasing the gap, otherwise no-one else will ever even have the motivation.
There’s not enough spare hours in my life to do everything I want to in this game. There’s always something to do. If infinite gear/stats progression is more your style/grind then there’s a gazillion MMOs to quench that thirst for you. GW2 has plenty of end game and I am constantly traveling all over Tyria to do stuff.
Try having a weak dollar against the US. A small 800 gem purchase is like $15. Then if you save your gold for hot items people all wait for to be 20%+ off, gem prices make it a horrific conversion rate. So I have to bite the bullet and use money for high tier QOL purchases and extremely limited really nice skins, use gold to fill out if I am missing like 100-400 gems to avoid a further purchase etc. I have no problem letting ANET have real money purchase, they deserve it, it’s just I’d like to buy more but the currency rate is brutal.
Sadly after my return I didn’t take advantage of the mad March sale, and I had to get things like character slots etc all full price. I am always on the look out now though.
I will try that and see if it works. Is this a common issue with cameras zooming in and staying zoomed in unless you zoom it all the way out again?
I’ve read up on this issue but I can’t seem to solve it. It’s pretty severe, taking at least 1/4 of my game time readjusting camera zoom. I heard it’s an issue with Teq, but TD meta and quite few others I will walk over a hill or sometimes barely any bump and my camera will just zoom in fully. I then have to zoom all the way back, then it happens again. I’ve tried tricks like having the settings not on max and just @ 90% and played around with turning all the settings on/off. Nothing seems to work, and it’s getting frustrating having to constantly zoom my camera all the way back or be zoomed in while in combat randomly and dying because I can’t see anything.
Any help would be great!
(edited by Despond.2174)
It’s too messy, wanting too much at the same time will cause problems. WVW rank really is just who has time, and sure someone who just ktrains may not be as skilled but that’s how it is. When you start going all specific like “if you do this and that you get more” then people are just going to essential shift their “zerg” and do that, cheese with classes etc. Then people be on the forums saying WVW is just X and X capturing/doing this objective.
The extra pips/reward hopefully aren’t too much because like I stated, you can just put on all tanky gear, and have followed ktrains for 3-4 years and have a monster WVW, it’s just time. If it’s too much of a difference then you’re going to still scare off people wanting to bother with WVW.
It’s a lot worse in other MMOs. They’ll just shove the slider all the way to one end, leave it, then when people complain they’ll shove the slider all the way to the other side. I think you know the MMOs I am talking about. Foresight + gradual adjustments is what should happen.
the removed it from the shop few days ago, but its not only the wiz hat, other hats and headgear also makes you bald
Err wait area you sure about that? I’ve been checking the gem store every day and haven’t seen the wizard/witch hat go up since it was there a few months ago. Because I am waiting for it to come back, I really want it.
It’s just words on a screen from someone you’ll never meet. If it affects you that much and the intent is serious—not just half joking—then report them. You can also block them, or switch to another tab.
To be honest I very rarely encounter anything that bad in chat, it’s definitely not a common thing. Maybe once in a blue moon if like an AB meta fails, someone might swear, but that’s it. No big deal, laugh it off and move on.
Well I kinda of meant “boss” but sure it’s not a champion fine. My point is just in the first zone 8/11 are all gimmie/solos you just have to learn where they are once, develop a decent route and you’re gtg.