EU Servers
Showing Posts For Diaspro.8529:
EU Servers
Bring back the permanent lava lounge pass.
I really love the location and would love to have a complete station for my characters there.
EU Servers
A solution could be using a “memorial server” that cycle every episode, each one week long.
In order to create profits out of that server, Anet could ask players to buy the access to it. (at least I would buy access to the Living World episodes I missed)
EU Servers
(edited by Diaspro.8529)
Bought the episodes I missed. 800 gems was a fair price to pay for my absence.
And I’ve an OT message for devs:
- Please, i beg you, make the Living World Season 1 available someday. I’ll pay for it!!
EU Servers
That’s the point that made me leave the game for one month. I hadn’t the time to comlete some living story achievements and I felt a bit frustrated and “uncomplete”.
Now I’m trying to come back in game, trying to enjoy the new things.
But the LS and the huge gold-gem exchange aren’t exactly what makes me whanting to fully play again, as was the first year.
EU Servers
The meta-achievement said “October achievements” so I thought it would be available for two more weeks. This was poorly communicated.
EU Servers
Oh, I thougt that the TA meta for the backpiece would had been available the wole month So I was taking it slow and doing one dungeon per day… I had 5 achievements to go
EU Servers
As the title says when I click over an object in my inventory and select “Sell at Trading Post” it opens the “Trading Post” TAB instead the “Sell your objects” tab.
The menu displays the correct TAB but it appear to be selected the Trading Post tab.
So if you want to effectively open the TP you have to first click over the “Sell on Trading Post” tab and. after that over TP tab
EU Servers
Just noticed I miss the watchknight too. I had in the bank slot.
When I recived the mail with the karma jugt I thought it was a sort of replacement for the Karma question.
A guildie told me he can’t find his watchknight either but reading the thread I noticed I don’t have it too anymore…
EU Servers
To me Aurora Glade seems to be quite active and good at WvW respect to lot of the others servers.
In PvE now people is focused in some dungeons and in champions run (Shatterer in Ascalon, Behemot in krytan swamps, Claw of Jormag etc etc…) Lion’s Arch is poputalted by the way.
Try to follow more the daily achievements and the events of the Living Story to find more people.
About the guild recruitment I’ve no power but I can signal yout two friendly international guilds I play with: Dragon Season and Mystics Spirals
EU Servers
Thanks to all the construtives answers;
GW2 day is going better because of that!
About the topic: I agree that in dungeon situations you have to carefully decide if you can rez people without creating more problems.
I was referring specifically to an open PvE with a high player situation, and in that case non very dangerous since I was the only one who were focused, downed and killed.
It wasn’t even a rez chain situation as it is during Claw of Jormag.
Being more careful about the mobs attacks and learn to dodge is the best thing. But having supportives players near you makes things better
EU Servers
This is maybe, my first “complaining about something” topic I create in my GW-GW2 story (don’t remember if I did in 7 years).
Point of the topic is: if you are not a bot or simply you don’t care for other people in game just try to lie to yourself about it. If you see a player that is downed in the middle of a boss fight with no AoE around him at least try to help him. I’m not saying to become a red cross operative, but just to care a bit more about the community and about the others and see the map time to time.
I was doing the Flame Ether champion in Labirintyne Cliffs, lot of people there, the champion focused me and downed me, I struggled for at least 30 secs asking for help too in “say” chat.
Sadly the ress came only when I was defeated
I was doing the boss for the achievement too like the other peps there. But it seemed to me they were afk just spamming auto attacks without seeing me on the ground. So, if 30 people don’t even try to ress me I can’t say it’s just a case where they didn’t see me. They just didn’t want to bother about ressing someone.
And this is a game and community un-health sign.
Today’s episode was only the latest of the same facts.
So if you like what you do in game, you like the game and not necessarily like to play with others, just try to care more about the community. Because without a healty community the game die
EU Servers
It’s sad to see so much bad comments in the youtube page.
EU Servers
I don’t feel to have recived anything without deserving it.
I’m happy that my dedication to the first chapter gave me 500 more AP and, by the way, rewards are obtainables by all people who wants them and aren’t exclusives.
Just play GW2 and take that 500 points in one week and a half or just enjoy the first chapter.
EU Servers
Etna Flamingfur says…
#TeamGnashblade For the win!!
I just can’t spam it in my Twitter account cause I’ll be flamed by non gamers
EU Servers
We dont live in the Amiga age now….and the amiga age players play Mario if they want to play with nostalgic platform games….not Gw2 -_-
Actually, I’m an ex-Amiga user, and I play GW2 and love the platforming.
If I want my dose of nostalgia, I pop Megaman 2 into my NES, or I play Super Adventure Box.
Clearly the “Amiga Age” is amongh the ages that made the VGs story. Jumping in a MMO? why not?
We come from 6 years in GW where we couldn’t jump; we have reprexed needs of jumping somewhere
No, seriously, I love the platform content and I like going through challenging puzzles. We, “old players”, are lucky cause we had lot of previouses jumping schools
EU Servers
Thank you Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
EU Servers
Just a dumb question cause I haven’t found anything that answer it in the forum and I’m not an huge PvP frequenter since now:
I opened some AP PvP reward chests for skins and it happened that I recived skin I already had in my PvP locker; can I safetly delete them from my pg inventory?
EU Servers
What about 800 gems for a non animated, vanilla unbreakable (and soulbound) gathering set? I’m happy to have the entire story themed set for my main Charr (yes not char) And I, not so much secretly, enjoy this kind of “eliteness”.
So yes I won’t cry if they bring in game a vanilla set of eternal gathering tools.
EU Servers
Most of the times I fell doing BotFW jumping activities I found that was my fault and not the lag or server system fault.
I find myself jumping better and faster than lot of people and it surely isn’t because of my ISP or because of my gaming rig specs.
The system error and lag can influence sometimes but not always or the majority of times.
EU Servers
I experience huge FPS drops, from 60 FPS to 1-2 FPS, in battle where there are lot of explosion’s dust effects, like the one produced by a trebuchet hitting the ground. The FPS drop suddendly to 1-2 fps and, when the fog effect is gone, comes back to normal.
I think it’s an issue caused by the multiple particles used by the fog effect.
EU Servers
I never suffered of the disconnection issues, but are 2 days that I have sporadically same error 7:11:3:191:101
It doesn’t happen so much times but I noticed it because I never had such problems. ISP and modem shoul be ok.
And, if that matter, I run the latest Nvidia drivers
EU Servers
Thank you @Orangensaft and @CurtoKy !
EU Servers
What if I convert to PvP one skin? will I still be able to withdraw the same one to a charachter and use it in pve?
EU Servers
Don’t lose hope
EU Servers
I’m writing here on the international official forum about looking for an Italian guild.
I know that the first comment could be “Go and search it over ITAforums” but I could answer I wrote here because I search for a Guild of Italian players who don’t fear to talk or write english or inform themself over international forums.
I have already my international guild but me and some friends from GW1 lack of an active and friendly Italian Guild. We aren’t hardcore gamers but we’re active, we like to do things togheter both PvE or PvP.
Some of us don’t speak english so it’s difficult to bring them over my international guild.
None of us have time to organize and lead a guild (we’re all >25 years old) so we’re looking for a mostly-italian group, who can organize things without dying in some weeks
Thanks! And HF
EU Servers
Just did the queen event at the 1st try. And I’m on a EU server, in the morning, so surely not reached the max population.
Once all the camps are secured there are many ways to get to the queen without passing inside the Karka poppers mass.
We had nearly 4 mins to kill the queen and we made it
EU Servers
C’mon guys!!! You can’t complain just for EVERYTHING! Some want solo play others party play. And the only thing you can do is to NOT pretend to give an “aut-aut” request to ArenaNet.
EU Servers
Yes being nonconstructive and harassing usually is ^^ I’ve yet to see a Dev call a player lazy, I figure they deserve the same respect. You brought no new info to the discussion other than to gripe and call someone lazy.
I don’t want to be nonconstructive but I want simply add my doubts about the sickle.
I would buy one for my main as I did for the pickaxe, but I’d really appreciate if they change the animation to a sickle one, mantaining the water effect, and the time you need to harvest.
EU Servers
I want to thank all people in Aurora Glade who cooperated to get the achievement this morning!
EU Servers
Any change for this feature with the latest patches? Is it still possible to trasmute order armors?
EU Servers
I was going to do the same question and I’ll add another one: are tickets going to drop from BLC after the event end?
EU Servers
Welcome aboard!
About the hearts: talk to the heart’s npc, so he will explain better what you need to do to complete it.
Always gather the resource nodes as copper, wood and herbs and take with you a salvage kit.
Use the “Sell junk” button at merchant and the “store collectibles” option in the inventory".
EU Servers
Explore your first area: Wayfarer Foothils, follow mainly the green star of the main story line quest.
While you’re at it repair refugee signs and light bonefires you find around and partecipate to the event that involve all that’s called molten or ruptures, that way you’ll begin to complete the “Flame and Frost” achievements.
I don’t think it’s a good idea going in the “molten Facility” with a low level character, even if you’re upleveled to 80.
EU Servers
i don t have the lost and found achievement, seems like a giant pain then cuz i can t find anything, even using dulfy help
You can use the beautiful guides made by DulfyCleric & Friends
EU Servers
This is an EASY and enjoiable 5 players instance. You don’t need a fractal team to complete it. Planning to re try it to get my rocket backpack
EU Servers
True, 90% of all the gamers of MMOs dont like to have actual obstacles on their way.
Ambush on the road which you happened to walk on? annoying.
event killing your favourite merchant? annoying
Getting knocked back from a periscope? annoyingThis is why MMOs are the least engaging games out there, people do not want to be the hero, unless they get a silver platter with a gold name plate on it that says that they’re a hero.
What a joke.
Unfortunally the road taken in all games is “made all easyer”.
Periscopes were nice and “instructive” encounters: you had to do something else instead of pushing R and watch your char running.
I completed the achievement two days after the nerf but I was obviously near to complete it with full functioning periscopes.
This change have a sense just to make it faster to complete that achievement for those who started it later.
EU Servers
(edited by Diaspro.8529)
e-Mail from "ArenaNet?" Please read! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Diaspro.8529
Got the same email, delivered directly to my junk folder.
The address where I got this is the same associated to the official and non official GW2 forum and not to the game account.
EU Servers
e-Mail from "ArenaNet?" Please read! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Diaspro.8529
I recived the same email that was directly sent to the spam folder. It was delivered in the email linked with the forum and not with the account.
EU Servers
The solution that normally works is a simple re-log, however, if that doesn’t work, then you’ve got to be hit by the giant headcage thing’s laser at the end of worlds 1-2 or 1-1. I accidentally discovered that it seems to reset the camera the other day. I hope this helps.
Yes the camera could be resetted as you say. But the glitch shouldn’t happen at all.
The problem still persist with new Nvidia Drivers 314.22
EU Servers
I just run trough this minor graphical issue.
As shown in the map I’m in Kessex Hill and the problem is that there are invisible textures that makes the character like suspended in the air.
In that area the effect is very visible so, for me, was worth to signal.
Here two screen shots
EU Servers
As I said in this thread
I’m experiencing the same bug.
I suggest to create a [MERGED] thread about it.
EU Servers
Exactly what’s happening to me.
When from SAB I zone out to Rata Sum, using the grey house icon, after destroing the cage, the camera stay stucked to far view and it wont fix until I re start completely the client (simply changing character won’t work).
I’m using the Nvidia drivers 314.07
In addition, when I try to close the client, it crashes or gives some error.
It’s happening to me since the last little patch.
EU Servers
(edited by Diaspro.8529)
Thanks Dulfy! Those guides were just useful and complete!
EU Servers
Worked for me.
Is dying a factor?
No, it isn’t. I died, used a continue coin and still got the achievement.
EU Servers
You just need to do all the zones at least in NORMAL mode.
EU Servers
I can’t complete the Scholar achievement too, I’m stuck at 1/3. I did all the other achievements though. For some other people doing a full run in infantile mode was enough…
EU Servers
I LOVE the content update, playing it and I plan to do all the achievements connected to the SAB. But (IF) it’s meant to be a temporary thing it should remain a temporary thing.
I don’t like “One Time Only” events but I like events like this because I know it will be back after some time. Having it all the time will just “spoil” some fun for new upcoming players, and will make the content “old” in a few weeks.
Just re insert it during festivities or other events and you’ll play it enough to be bored by it.
EU Servers
I looted the first zone chest but no Bauble was added to my inv, so I believed to forgot to take them and I re made the zone with the same char but no Bauble were in the final chest. So if you forget to loot Baubles the first time you’ve lost them for the day.
EU Servers
Authentication is back for me
Same here
EU Servers