Showing Posts For Digivolution.8029:
Usually do 2-3 dailies a day usually don’t even get a ring. They need to reverse the rewards or no one is going to do this anymore.
Make sure next time you should be specific on what ascended item it is. Okay so you got a ring! Nice! Just imagine if you got nothing from the bonus chest. Thats better than getting nothing. Its 5s to vendor btw. So it does have a price
so your saying you are willing to do a dungeon for a little bit of silver
No because level 10+ rewards you with pristine relics and I don’t have to pray to god to get the ascended ring I need. You can buy the ascended rings you want simple.
Make sure next time you should be specific on what ascended item it is. Okay so you got a ring! Nice! Just imagine if you got nothing from the bonus chest. Thats better than getting nothing. Its 5s to vendor btw. So it does have a price
How did you put “Effort” into an RNG system that granted you an ascended drop? That doesn’t make any sense. You were lucky to get an ascended drop you didn’t work for it at all. You get a random stat ascended chest, that is it.
How is it lucky to get something you cant use?
and its not a chest like in pve where you can pick your stats. its an item have to make it to lvl 10 fractiles before you even get those drops let alone find a decent group to go with so it doesn’t take hours to do a fractile. i’de rather get an exotic drop at least then i could sell it or break it down.
You act like level 10 is hard to get to and hard to find a group for. I have crafted over 10 ascended weapons for my warrior with all the stats I wanted. Now that is an example of effort. You got a chest, you actually can use the weapons within the chest. You get to pick a weapon of your choice, which means you can use it and it’s just the stats you don’t want. I’m lv 50 fotm and it takes me around 30 mins to get a group together for lv 49 because not a lot of people have AR for 50. You’re only level 10 and you’re entitled to getting a good reward for such a low level. An exotic is around 1G and the ascended chest weapon is 1G for vendor price. Come back with a valid agruement. Thank you
I like predator when it had the purple projectiles.
Is it just me or the fractal weapon skins have a less chance for drop rate than ever before the fractured patch. I’m lv 50 fotm, been doing fotm dailies since this new fotm update and not a single skin in sight.
How did you put “Effort” into an RNG system that granted you an ascended drop? That doesn’t make any sense. You were lucky to get an ascended drop you didn’t work for it at all. You get a random stat ascended chest, that is it.
(edited by Digivolution.8029)
The tier is 31-40 and when you do over your personal level you get your own reward lb chest and not the one you did. If you’re lv 40, and do lv49 you will get lv 40 chest and cant get lv38 chest. Not a bug
It’s been 2 weeks and no fractal weapon skin since post patch, I do very high level fractals and have not received a single skin yet.
I was suggesting every time you do a fractal you have a Fractal Skin Percentage Rate when you enter fractals. The more times you do fractals the higher the chance you get fractal skins. The percentage ranks add up and up until you get the fractal weapon. When you get a weapon you will have to start over at the percentage of your reward level. Different percentages for different
1-10= 1%+
Percentages should only go up once a day per tier by doing fotm, if you do all of them it all adds up to make your percentage rate higher than before.
How would people make more ascended gear if they only have to craft it once and switch stats? You don’t need ascended weapons to clear content besides high level fractals. The reward is better stats and you obviously know that if you’re attempting to craft it.
It is affecting my gameplay because less people want to do dungeons in a traditional way. It isn’t against the rules yet, but it should be. I don’t play this game for numbers (yea, those dungeon tokens and achi points are just numbers) but for content – meaning for example challenging and interesting boss encounters. Moreover, most people tend to forget that it is a MMO Roleplaying game. How am I supposed to roleplay a dragon-slaying hero when I see folks jumping across walls in undead-haunted city to get a shiny chest once a day?
True but those people are playing the game how “They want”, not how you want them to play. Just because people selling doesn’t mean people will buy it . The ones who sell are doing the dungeon themselves. Speedruns are challenging but that isn’t the traditional way dungeons were meant to be played. You want people to spend hours and hours clearing all the mobs? People who are buying dungeon runs are not being forced to buy them. All you really gotta do is post on lfg tool and people will join your party.
So, how is this affecting your personal gameplay? Is it making you buy the dungeons? Dungeon selling is not against the rules.
I know silk and gossamer is needed, is harden leather needed for the refinements?
Well rares drop more frequently now. Not sure if that is new MF or fotms though
I’m not getting as much, and wtf the relic kittens are less than before fotm is dying because of this junk.
Haven’t gotten rings or fractal weapons like I did before this patch hit. I just wanted fractal weapons, before patch I got at least 1 fractal weapon skin every 2 days by doing dailies 28,38,48. Now Im doing dailies 10,20,30,40s everyday and still no fractal weapon since pre-patch. Barely get rings like before. Rings didn’t mean much but it made you come back for more. Now I feel like Im not getting anything; why even come back?
Jarvan from RISE…. Lol sike.
Still didn’t get fractal skin since this patch arrived. Before I at least got 1 skin every 2-3 days. Nothing yet… Oh wait non- infused rings at 30 + woot
Why join the party if you knew they were selling? Obviously they wanted to make profit like selling arah. But you decide to come in and said they’re crazy. You should read posts before joining.
I think Vas is right. I don’t remember you ever being able to open anything higher than your personal level. I think the OP is just confused.
I’m a vet fotm player, I was able to open higher fotm lvs if another party member was in LA in my server while he/she had a higher lv for me to open.
Well I did say I didn’t remember it being possible.
Wouldn’t be the first ninja nerf/change anet made in the game.
Yesterday I was able to do it, now I have to stick to one toon and can’t switch if the group needs a different class. lame.
I think Vas is right. I don’t remember you ever being able to open anything higher than your personal level. I think the OP is just confused.
I’m a vet fotm player, I was able to open higher fotm lvs if another party member was in LA in my server while he/she had a higher lv for me to open.
Anet made it becouse someone with higher fractal level could allow to open their friends (or for gold) any fractal level, and then leave the party.
They didn’t leave the party it just changed when my friend started rolling.
Fractals pre-patch use to let you or anyone in your party open a highest fractal level that is in the party. My friend just tried opening a lv 36 and start rolling for swamp and it turned to his personal reward level(33) when he got into the actual fractal. Did Anet ninja change this?
didn’t see anything in the patch notes about the fractal weapon container or anyone telling they had it yet. Was the Dev false about the container?
What is your personal reward level?
That makes all the difference in the world. You can NOT do a Fractal above your personal reward level and expect to receive a higher level reward.
And the tiers used to be 1-9, 10-19, etc. Not sure if they have changed.
30 when i did it
Did a lv 29 daily got bonus chest at jade maw, but then I did a lv 30 no bonus chest at all. I thought tiers are 10-19, 20-29,30-39…
I currently have 1 berserker axe that is transmuted. If I make another am I able to wield both of them? I know ascended is unique and only can wear one at a time, but for weapons is it different? Am I able to wear 2 ascended berserker axes same time?
Let me show you:
“VERY EXPERIENCED ONLY. Zerker Gear. Melee all bosses. Will be quizzed on join. P1”.
Generally easier with a friend so you can boot people. Key thing is put path at the end so they must read to find it.
Oh pretty good. Gonna use this to show people I’m serious thanks lol
How does it filter people who can actually read?
It’s not the tool, it’s the people who use it.
Edit: Still punished for 900sec. Agree with chuck. His descriptions are pretty spot on, letting the world know we are elistists scumbags before anybody even steps foot in the party =)
In gw2lfg you can’t just straight up click “Join” so it isn’t instant, you have to take time to copy and paste the name. And most of the time I’ve used it before this ingame lfg tool people actually read before entering name.
Sounds like you need to step up your description. Or get a group of arah runners together to make your life not suck.
I put speedrun experienced only, but once its a full party I tell them its a speedrun/experienced only please leave if don’t have the requirements.
The ingame lfg tool sucks, no one ever reads your description and people who merge without reading is kitten me off… When I say Arah speedrun experienced only… I seriously mean speedrun experienced only! I’m not doing a teaching run, maybe on my free time. I want it to be within 30 mins not 1-2 hours. Really hope gw2lfg comes back, at least gw2lfg filters people who can actually read.
all the armors look ugly af on a male norn. why is the gloves so big on a human male and small af on a male norn? logic.
Keep getting out of game now, every 1-5 minutes. Doing dungeon is hard when you get kicked out a lot.
As long as you tried it
Have to get rid of all variables
Last week I didn’t get bad connection throughout the day, I didn’t change any settings on my pc what-so-ever. Hoping someone has the same issue as me atm.
Might want to disable it and give it a go. Which A/V do you currently use?
Bitdefender, I tried disabling it yesterday. I don’t have it right now but I just logged in now and its working fine. 4pm-6pm Server time, that time I seem to not be able to connect.
It’s not that, I’ve already checked my firewall and antivirus, I even put it on game mode just to check but nothing at all.
At around daily reset server time(US) for past 3 days I’ve been getting Error can’t connect to server. If I ever get a chance to connect I can’t use lfg tool, friendslist, guild panel(shows only myself online). I know the connection isn’t me because I’m playing other games to wait this out; 2-4 hrs after daily reset and it usually connects again for me.
+1 for race change
I have done so much for my warrior I don’t want to start over just to be another race
Age : 1.6k
Most Expensive Drop : Spark (550g), Spark (715g) , 2x Abyss, 3x Entropy (60G)
Mystic Forge Spent : 100G+
Precursor : 2
I got first spark from cof chest and 2nd spark from mystic forge
We have passwords for our accounts but it would be a great idea where we can put a pin or a password for our toons as well. Usually phishing goes for account password only but cannot go for the inner game options.
Tequatl is really fun, you’re just baddies. Keep complaining and don’t learn from previous encounters with him.
I got the name Little Shorty, waiting for my Asura to use it.
I have 3 sets of arah with weapons. People don’t do arah?! Wtf seriously?! LOL
Brings up the menu but when I click nothing happens.
Can’t even find people who even want to do this path now.
If you still haven’t got it done by tonight I’ll whisper you if you’re on.
Thank you, I have not finished it, still trying though. Been trying for the past few hours or so.
Nvm Just beat it 2nd fail try on it aswell, all we did was run around ina circle.
Can’t even find people who even want to do this path now.
If you still haven’t got it done by tonight I’ll whisper you if you’re on.
Thank you, I have not finished it, still trying though. Been trying for the past few hours or so.
Can’t even find people who even want to do this path now.
The path is easy only the final boss is hard.