Showing Posts For Disdroid.6109:
I want this thread to rise from the ashes like my account after over a year of neglect!
Are all people with goods worth more than 25k gold(or insert other random number here) in their possession being monitored?
Lots of people doing the Marionette event. If you go to scarlets lair afterwards you’ll be able to open chest after chest with rares in them. More rares → cheaper rares → more ectos getting salvaged.
Advertisement isn’t meaningless and the player that get’s caught up in it makes it meaningfull because he makes it work.
If I had 1.5k liquid I could pull off quiet a few stunts, but not everything I know off. That also depends on the Item in question, the maximum profit I want and the safety of the whole project.
929 gold in 2.5 hours. There’s only a small number of items where thats possible even when you get lucky. Either the Item’s a legendary or its one of the top traded items who are on a steady price like iron or alike.
There are some stockmarket tricks that you could be able to pull off in a system like our tradingpost. All of which require enormeous amounts of gold for sufficient manipulation which would explain why he needs “clients” who add to his 1.5k capital.
I create this thread as a means to gather ideas and suggestions of features and changes that we’d love to see added to the trading post. As we’re extending and polishing the list, I’m sure John Smith is willing to foreward it to the right people at ArenaNet.
- 1. More filtersettings.
It’s rather inconvenient that when we’re looking for armor suited for our level, that we can’t exclude pieces in the list that we’re unable to use. Beeing able to search specificaly for light/medium/heavy gear would be fantastic.
- 2. Basic Design
Some complaints have been going around about the TP’s font size. (pls more)
- 3. Interface
A “back to previous window” option in every situation of trading would be an absolutely amazing addition.
- 4. Latency
Lag is an issue. Many have clicked a Sell/Buy-button with nothing happening, trying it again, only to end up with double or tripple the amount of a transaction actualy wished for.
- 5. The trading post’s Startscreen
A very select few of us can gain something from knowing what the Top valued/Top supplied/Top demanded 10 items are to date. Also, the data provided within the startscreen is mostly outdated or at least inacurate. It also promotes some people to que up a million+ buy orders for certain items at 1c just to get it advertised there.
I’ll try to update the list regularely with the discussed suggestions.
(edited by Disdroid.6109)
I guess dev’s tried to even out the amount of metal/leather/cloth by ajusting the slavage rate of the armor pieces. When you salvage medium/light armor you get 1.5-2 times as much material as when you salvage heavy armor.
The reason why this shows literaly no effect is because most of the weapons have a chance to yield some metals too. The reason why they don’t flood the market is because metals are used up a lot more frequently then leather/cloth.
Cloth recently got new recipes which lead to the high demand we have today. Since this happened recently the supply/demand will even out eventualy and I highly doubt that the dev’s will ajust any salvage or droprate for cloth before that happens.
As for leather: There’s way too little demand presently to justify a salvage or droprate.
I think we should make a list of things we want the TP to be and present it to the Devs. Some extra filter settings would definitly make the top 3 on that list.
And because flippers are actualy good for the game’s economy they’re not going anywhere.
You’ll just have to get used to them.
@danielrjones: Then you’re operating at a different quantitive level then I am. If you could salvage 2-4 per day and don’t want to risk anything sure. You’ll sell it to guys like me.
@Mystic: If we’re going to be precise you can calculate in the crafting mats salvagerate aswell. But since I’m not going to do that I’ve just noted that it’s a ->simplified formula.
@freeelancer: I’m not gonna pack out my formulas for every item type out there. I’ve put in work for that and save it for when I have finished my 300%mf.
(edited by Disdroid.6109)
safest of course.
And I follow the math
simlified formula incomming
for rares:
if ecto-price*0.9=itemprice or higher -> slavage (if salvaging with master/mystic kit)
if ecto-price*0.9<itemprice -> sell
A rule of thumb for greens:
Salvage everything under 2s
(edited by Disdroid.6109)
I’ll propably sell a part of my silver&gold before the update goes up and focus on cooking. Low risk&high reward always get’s my attention.
1.25 million demand… even for 250 per order thats still 5000 clicks. Well… I guess thats still a lot less clicks then magic find boosting :P
I’ve been salvaging for luck a lot lately and I’ve learned a few things. However I’m still in the dark about the average rate of materials recovered by salvaging weapons.
What I know so far:
- Salvage rate of Armor
-Medium/Light chest: 3
-Medium/Light everything else: 2
-Heavy chest: 2
-Heavy everything else: 1.2
- Salvage rate of Weapons
-2 handed give more then 1 handed…
As you can see, I’m not a lot smarter then when I started and this is about 3ksalvages in. Wiki is useless and I haven’t found any usable data elswhere.
maybe they’ll give you an additional aura…
Imagine fire circles around your char’s eyes…
a comet orbiting your head…
GW1 had such things, they were ele head pieces. Why not bring it back.
Well 1.2 million listings at 1c for an item thats traded around the 500g mark isnt realy something that makes sense to me. I’ll happily ignore it and continue on with my schedule.
weird, when i check the actual listings, there are about 20….
Maybe a bug?
the basic ore node pack is propably what tiggered this hype for gold&silver yesterday. Either that or some datamining.
I dont belive it. I’ve got more silver then Vol. Invested heavily in silver&gold after I finished selling off my silk. I thought the time for leather is not yet here.
@Fiontar, longest tl;dr i’ve ever read.
There will always be people smart enoth to make others work for them and have more gold then 99% of the game population. As long as those people exist you cannot expect there to be an Item that’s got prestige and accessible to almost everyone. Actualy that would be a pretty accurate definition of an item that is the exact opposite of prestige.
As for the broad approach vs the narrow approach: If you have certain goal then it is very inefficient to never commit to the most effecive way to your goal.
I even disagree on the statement that only highlevel content is rewarding enoth to grind. People are running champtrains in queensdale. And I’m certain that there are absolute great farmingspots/eventchains in the game that could be exploited even harder then frostgorge if only enoth people would be around to scale them up.
Welcome. The most populated server will propably be blackgate. Although you should know, I myself am on a pretty low pop server and there are always enough people around to play with.
Haaa this seems fun. Let me drop my little wall of text aswell real quick.
Disclaimer: I am not an economist, I use my personal view and logic to come to the conclusions presented in this post
- Is Farming less rewarding then playing the TP?
You can’t just say yes to this question. There is more to it then just putting a gold/hour stamp on everything. How much you make while farming is only tied to your farming locations and the average gold/hour of it. On the TP you don’t get a steady gold/hour income. Let’s have a competition.
Competitor Steve tries to farm 500g.
Competitor John plays the TP until he has 500g.
Steve googles GW2 farming locations, goes farming for about 8g/hour. 65 hours later he has finished farming and has 500g in his pocket.
John has farmed only 6.5 hours to get 50g so he can start playing the TP.
John googles “make money on TP” and discoveres Flipping. An hour later he has discovered various helpful webpages and spreadsheets. He find’s an Items that’s promising and invests his 50g in buyorders. Half an hour later he has 45g because he got screwed by other flippers who are more experienced then he is. He spends another 4 hours reading and analyzing the market. He starts flipping low profile low reward items for the next 53 hours and luckily ends up with 500g. Just in time to call it a tie.
Now Steve is mad at John because John got the same amount of money in the same amount of hours without putting in any “real” work…
- Will gold inflate to infinity?
No. The TP itself prevents that from beeing possible. The more value players generate through loot the more value will be in the TP. The more value is in the TP the more gold will be destroyed through trading.
It’s simple. Let’s say every farming player generates around 7.5g/hour worth of value. Most of it goes through the TP at least once. If it doesn’t go through the TP again, it usualy get’s taken out of the economy by making it account bound or consumed. If it goes through the TP again the value is cut down by 15% everytime it goes through.
If you put enough value into the TP then these 15% cuts will get high enough to completely negate the vlaue that is brought into the game by the farmers. This is the point where further inflation is no longer possible.
- Is inflation hurting common farmfolks efficiency?
Yes, but it’s not as bad as you might think. Even if we reach the previously described point of maximum inflation, you will still be able to get a good amount of money, because the only thing that will be almost worthless is the direct gold and silver reward that you get in loot. That 1s30c will still be the same amount then. However, all the unidentified dyes, rares, crafting materials and minis that you get will be of roughly the same value compared to all the other items out there that they are now.
And by the way. Maybe when max. inflation is reached it will be worthwhile to look for the item needed yourself instead of buying it off the TP.
Edit: the [spoiler] bb-code is broked.
(edited by Disdroid.6109)
Silk is the problem. 100 bolts of silk a day? 300 scraps of silk a day? That’s not farmable, and the recipe is sucking up all the silk in the game at an astonishing rate. The player base can’t replace silk fast enough. The price of silk is way out of balance.
The recipe requirement of 100 silk bolts was a HUGE error in judgement and needs to get fixed, ASAP. Frankly I am shocked by the poor judgement that was shown here, and it hurts my confidence in the game economy over all.
No. Silk is not the problem. The Devs didn’t put the large requirement of silkscrap in the recipe so they could fix it’s prices for now. They want silk to be at a price expected from a T5 crafting material in 6months and onwards.
Right now the demand is incredibly high because the number of people who still dont have their ascended armor. It should be rather clear that the demand for silkscrap will eventualy even out and so will it’s price.
So, let’s say the devs ajust the silkscrap requirement and bring it down to an acceptable level, like 1s or something. Within the following months, most of the people who want aA will have it. Result: Silkscrap back at vendorprice+1c. I don’t think fixing a problem in a way that makes you fix it again later is an acceptable solution.
And as for linen scrap: it never had 8 million supply on the TP sitting at vendorprice+1c.
I’ve come back to gw2 after i heard that silk scrap (which i converted all my money into) went boom. Now i’m slowly selling my stacks off and i’m looking to fill my Bank+Chars up with another low risk-high reward material like thick leather. Since it’s a high tier crafting material, it shouldn’t be cheaper then most other mats. The developers know that and since i dont plan on playing every week for the next couple of months this seems like a good investment of my Gold. Hope i’m not too late though.
Ok, so Silk Scrap jumped to 1s a piece. 1250% profit
The weekend should speed things up a little. I only sold 50 stacks of it by now.
Got rid of all the gossamer tough, now i have enoth gold to pay listing fees and the price seemed to go down slowly but steadily since the update crashed it’s potential.
So i had a bit of an absence from Guild Wars 2, because I didn’t feel like playing any my time wanted to be invested in other things.
Before I left, I converted pretty much all my gold into 2 stacks of gossamer and about 300 stacks of silk scrap.
Now I have a ton of silk and no idea what the best way to sell them is. I could sell them all at once for a rather low price if I wanted fast money but that doesnt seem to make a lot of sense. I dont like to sell them a stack at a time though. I’m not an economist. What would you guys do?
(edited by Disdroid.6109)
Well… Since I’m not much of a tradingpost gambler and i didn’t know about the great rise of gossamer before they were already at 4s, I invested about 200g into silkscrap+bolts of silk when they still were at 8c &16c and left them in the grab section of my bltc.
I expect to get 1000g-2000g out of it.
(For those who dont understand already, here’s the thoughtprocess:
-How far up will gossamerscrap go? Looking at ancient wood and oricalcum it could go up a lot, to similar hights of 10s a piece, but propably more.
-The promotion exists, therefore the price between gossamer scrap and silk scrap is linked.
-If gossamer scrap is bound to go up in price, so is silk scrap.
-Will they both go up the same percentage? No…
Here’s why:
Gossamer was at 1s. Promotion was very unsatisfying you invested 250×16c(bolt of silk) + 5×1500c(cristalline dust) + skillpoint to get ~17×200c(bolt of gossamer), as you can see. The silk was too expensive(vendorprice) and the gossamer too cheap.
Then gossamer went up to 400c and stayed there. why? The promotion got efficient
-> 250×16c + 800+5x1500c = 12300 which is only a bit less then 17×800
Now if all of our predictions were true and gossamer scrap will go up to about 10s a piece, then even if cristalline dust goes up too (let’s say to 20s) the Silk will still go up to 44c to make the promotion even.
So even if you were late to the gossamerscrap party like me. You should’ve still been able to make a 8c to 44c. = mimimum factor 5 profit while if you’ve invested all your gold in gossamer at 4s, you will only make a factor 2.5 profit when it rises to 10s)
For each % gossamer scrap price rises, % silk scrap price rises harder, because their price is linked.
The only reason their price didn’t flux with eachother before was thanks to the hard cap of the vendor price.
(edited by Disdroid.6109)
I’m at 81% now and according to the wiki, progressing to 100% will need just as much as i needed up until now. Technicaly, the higher you get, the more MF-boosters, food and bonuses are worth.
Considering, that you can easily get at least another 100% through various boosts, it doesn’t make much sense to mee to progress further after 200% is reached. That’s when a permanent % of MF starts to cost half a fortune.
HOWEVER, If MF boosts and achivement upgrades happen to ignore the MF cap of 300% then it’s a different story. Considering this, the maximum possible MF bonus would be 565%… O_o
To be fair, you can actualy craft essences into the next bigger tier at the artificing station.
so out of 20 Clicks become 4 then 2 then 1.
But still, a simple extra button on rightclick wouldn’t be bad.
Doesn’t anyone think this is something that’s missing?
Since the luck update i’ve been breaking down masterwork weapons for the Essences of luck. I realised very soon that I’ll not be able to rush to the cap even with the thousands weapons I snatched off the TP before the update.
I saw myself before half an inventory of full Essence of luck Stacks and I noticed: Holy crap that’s a lot of clicks to go through.
Seriously. I don’t see the point of sitting there using 500 clicks per stack to use it when it could be so easy.
rightclick on consumable stack
-> Use
-> Use many <-
-> Destroy
How many do you want to use?
[Number] [Use Stack]
I don’t think that it would damage the gamemechanics. I’ll go clicking now.
Thank you.
Guild Wars was the first MMO that I played, Factions the first part of it that I bought. I didn’t know what treasure I held in my hands back then, I didn’t know anyone who recommended the game to me. I was looking for a new game, the box said “no subscription fee” and that was enoth for me.
Now I get nostalgic when i remember the people, landscapes and enemies that I faced as an elementalist. I’d love to see what has become present on the now distant continent.
I miss you Cantha.
I agree with all of the issues listed except with number 1.
I’ve been playing this game casualy since release, (/age = 219hours) and I can only remember two bugs which where both nongamebreaking:
My elementalist got stuck in the channelinganimation of the autoattack until i casted another spell.
The running animation would not display.
That’s it.
I didn’t expect it to be that polished on release. I expect it to be mechanicaly working, so i guess i got lucky none of my favored traits weren’t working, but I think in a year or even only half a year things will get realy enjoyable with the amount of content&other updates they’ve been pumping out lately.