Showing Posts For Doctor Faustus.6372:
Astralaria III Meteorite Ingot Recipe Bug
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
Don’t know where you got the 25 meteorite thing from. I had to use 11. 10 for one and 1 for another… And on collection 4 (where I am) you don’t need a single one.
Wow. I am already submitting a bug report about this every single day! It really feels like they are throwing a biiiiiiigass middlefinger at our direction… Oh wait. It does not only feel like it…
(edited by Doctor Faustus.6372)
Hey all,
I know that some of you were thinking that we’d be releasing updates to fractals today, but that was not the plan. There’s still a lot of stuff coming in December — this is, after all, only the 1st of the month
-- so hold tight and you’ll see the fractal changes soon!
And when do we get the fix on “Sheet of Aurillium”? – It still blocks out people from getting Astralaria completed.
Two things. What exactly is expensive in tier 3? I am in tier 3 too, got everything but the Aurillium thing completed and it was not expensive by all means…
And Chak Gerent is quite easy – Join a Guild that does worldbosses or go to some community teamspeak…
Still no confirmation if they noticed. I wonder how long it will take till we actually get a statement about that – I gave up all my hopes it’s gonna be Tuesday with patchnotes…
There’s “challenging” and there’s “stupid.” This falls into the latter category.
Honestly? I don’t know what they thought when making this collection. And also I don’t know what they thought when not fixing “Sheets of Aurillium” for almost 2 weeks now.
Are they sleeping in the ArenaNet headquarter? I keep thinking they are not even aware of the problem. I did already contact support about that and reported the bug 11 times now. Nothing happened.
It’d be a pleasure if we can just get any confirmation that they are working on the problem(s). But I don’t think we will get a reply here either – they just seem to ignore it
EDIT: to creator of the topic – you should probably add “BUG / Issues” to the title to make them aware of the problem. I already see a moderator moving this thread to the BUG forum where noone will ever see it.
(edited by Doctor Faustus.6372)
This bug has been known for days now (almost 2 weeks) – no official statement – no reply from moderators – no fix – nothing.
Don’t expect anything to happen in the next 10 weeks… It’s ArenaNet.
I reported the bug plenty times, wrote to support etc. – still no statement if it’s getting fixed.
I believe it’s not even on their table right now – cause they don’t know.
I’d be very surprised if a dev actually reads this and finally gives us a statement about that problem here.
there will always be one kind of statcombination which is the best in terms of effectiveness. it doesn’t matter how good they balance it.
problem is: if they change things arround probably other stat-combinations will make their way to the top. that just means: you have to craft new gear.
if anet decides to change the stats somehow the picture will just change colours but it won’t get colourfull.
Legendary weapons will no longer be legendary
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
why should a legendary take 100-1000 hours of playing? you are concerned the new legendaries will not be prestige?
just for information: i made 20 (all) legendaries in 5,300h – I didn’t use credit card. Right now you can do all the work for a Legendary by just farming gold all day long. Very boring and very easy.
Heart of Thorns: Beta - Streaming allowed?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
Then I am ready to go!
Feel free to watch my stream – 24 / 03 / 2015 – 8:00 pm (CET) – on twitch.
Heart of Thorns (Beta):
Of course I will play the revenant!
Heart of Thorns: Beta - Streaming allowed?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
Short question:
E-mail says I am allowed to share the fun – does that mean that I am allowed to stream Heart of Thorns: Beta?
very funny. still not fixed. just remove it from the map …
Just give us back the Hower-effects Arena-Net!
vote for it. probably they will have a look at it.
Speculation on new weapons for professions
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
well to me the mesmer’s shield in the trailer seemed more to be like an burstweapon.
he casted an damaging aoe with it.
they made a ranged hammer so i think they might be able to design a damage shield.
Speculation on new weapons for professions
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
I am hoping the Mesmer Sheild thing was a troll and it will be given something useful like a MH pistol.
read and repeat: “something usefull like a mainhand pistol.”
hahahahahaha yeah good one mate. pistol is ranged, range in guild wars 2 sucks hard.
- elementalist: sword mainhand
- warrior: offhand torch (hope it’s torch with high burst potential)
- guardian: longbow
- mesmer: offhand shield
- ranger: staff
- thief: rifle
- engineer: hammer
- necromancer: greatsword
So I just found this on youtube.
Please don’t let us wait till expansion’s release ANet!
It’s the first armor in Guild Wars 2 that doesn’t have kittenty pieces.
Every single detail just looks perfect.
Seems like you hired a good armor designer for Heart of Thorns!
Good job over there!
AngryJoe Interview - HoT Questions for Devs?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
- What will the new legendaries look like?
- When will the new legendary skins be revealed?
- Will there be something similar to the “Eternity”? (two legendaries that can be combined to one)
AngryJoe Interview - HoT Questions for Devs?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
Will there be any instanced group content? Dungeons, Bosses, Guildraids.
If the answer is no put a gun out an tell them to design some. Thank you!
Uhm. Some classes don’t really have access to some conditions / boons right now.
Guardian is pretty much the only one who can share Aegis for example.
I don’t see any probems coming with it.
(edited by Doctor Faustus.6372)
when you’re not willing to pay for the expansion stop playing guild wars 2. They will gain like +50% players (players who come back) and lose like less than 1% from the current playerbase. worth it.
I don’t see any reason not to buy the expansion. We don’t have to pay monthly.
I can’t imagine someone saying “Hardcore content” and meaning Open World.
Imagine Anet.
I think both Tequatl and Triple Trouble in open world are quite hardcore imo, depends what would you call hardcore
both not hardcore enough. the problem is: when things are too hard, too many players will complain. they should just invent a hardmode for everything PvE-based. And ArenaNet: finally make an instanced version of worldbosses please!
probably there will be some dungeons with only one room and one single boss with good mechanics. just because of the skipping issues they have right now with dungeons.
How does Taunt bring back the trinity system when it’s a CC to make you attack your allies (it’s the opposite of fear)
So because you start hitting your teammates you suddenly need a tank / trinity? :/
Did I read the update wrong? You attack your allies? Because friendly fire was never a thing, it was my understanding that the affected player/creature would run toward the source of the taunt and start auto attacking them.
nah. he is wrong. you’re totally right there… don’t know where he got that from. probably dreamed about it.
It’s CC, which means it will be:
a) pretty much useless in PvE
b) balanced around PvPIt’s a reverse Fear, I don’t really see an issue with it. It just adds diversity.
If Dungeons, especially Raid dungeons, dish out large number of pact mobs during boss fights, somebody will be needed to gather up those mobs of risk wipe.
AoE attack that applies Taunt to enemies hit, will be useful for guiding mobs of NPC to a specific location to be handled properly and keep the team alive.
There you all. I just gave you a scenario in PvE where Taunt can be extremely useful and provides the team with much needed defense while they handle the main target, which is the boss.
A few Controllers in the group would work wonders with dungeons designed like that.
good point.
but you’re missing one thing: ANet isn’t able to design content like that. They don’t design anything that needs advanced group coordination like that.
reason is: noobs keep complaining about content that is too hard.
i am fine with the taunt thing. what i am concerned about is that “tanks” will be needed to make it usefull. that basically means a return of the trinity system.
and the reason why i love guild wars 2 is the “no-trinity-system”.also i hope taunts don’t trigger on bosses at all. but it could be a good thing to pull normals, veterans and elites together. the end of the line of sighting! yay.
Well last I checked, DPS was needed for everything. Does that also mean the return of the trinity system? Its a play style. you dont like tanks, well dont play them. People that want more than Damage role would enjoy changes to improve the non-damage roles in the game.
There are no “non-damage” roles in the game. For PvE at least. Some do more damage some do less but everyone is going for full damage. at least in a experienced group that is going to beat the kitten out of every dungeon. Non-elitists really shouldn’t care about anything cause they don’t care about mechanics anyways. Someone who’s playing tanky gear right now (in PvE) doesn’t have any idea of the game mechanics.
i am fine with the taunt thing. what i am concerned about is that “tanks” will be needed to make it usefull. that basically means a return of the trinity system.
and the reason why i love guild wars 2 is the “no-trinity-system”.
also i hope taunts don’t trigger on bosses at all. but it could be a good thing to pull normals, veterans and elites together. the end of the line of sighting! yay.
I really don’t care about the hammer since it does more damage the further you’re away from your target. That’s also the reason why Mesmers greatsword is kinda useless.
It’ll find it’s use in pvp i guess but for pve it will be useless.
Let’s see what the sword mainhand will bring!
What Specialization you want revealed next?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
everything but engineer and necro.
Q: Will there be any new dungeons or new paths in existing dungeons as we know them right now? If no: is there a chance we’ll get new dungeons in living story season 3? (like the aetherpath in season 1)
What Legendaries Are You Hoping For?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
i hope for a cool dark themed shortbow and harpoon gun.
the rifle will be my next legendary and the last one till the expansions release.
since only shortbow and harpoongun are left i hope the new shortbow and harpoongun will be insane. don’t really care about the rest because already got legendaries there.
Who are you all to comment my playstyle? Elitists. I gearcheck how I want, you can’t tell me how to play.
You can’t tell me how to play! You’re not my mum daddy!
The only issue of dungeon LFG is the people’s inability to read.
They just press join without reading a single freaking word.They deserve to be kicked if I list specific requirements on the post and they do not meet it. It’s like job resume. If I ask for a certain requirement and you do not even read it and try to sneak in without meeting my expectation, there’s no excuse or forgiveness that we end up dismissing you and kick you out of the group.
Don’t bother talking about how exceptionally different you are, or how kitten we are, because you do not show respect in the first place by not reading the post and the requirement.
exactly this.
I want that armor-set so badly. at least the gloves would look so awesome on my ele.
The “dark side” is that players keep joining groups they should not join.
I keep doing LFG-Posts like this:
SE 1+2+3 | expert players only | full berserker meta | write “gandalf” on join | be able to follow tactics
And still people who got no idea join the party. For example a Greatsword / Rifle Warrior. A Warrior that uses Rifle in Dungeons is not an expert at all. Don’t try to argue that he is.
I kick them and get a flame back like “What the kitten? Why you kicked me? Rifle on warrior is fine!”
The worst part is that players like that really think they are good at this game.
EDIT: by the way – the “gandalf” thing is to make sure they actualy read the LFG.
(edited by Doctor Faustus.6372)
Legendary Weapons - an appeal to ArenaNet
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
getting thousands of gold is hard in my opinion. it is not skillbased that’s right.
but the amount of legendaries you got basically shows the amount of time spent on the game. getting one legendary is not hard, i agree. but getting 10+ legendary is very hard if you don’t spend money on gems.
but i am also fine with the idea that players have to complete skillbased challenges in order to get their legendary. that probably even makes it faster for me to complete my legendaries. i rly don’t care about how hard they are to get.
Legendary Weapons - an appeal to ArenaNet
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
some people here are like “legendaries are the easiest thing to get”. I currently got 16/20 and my goal was to have 20/20 before the expansion get’s revealed. well, i failed.
and the only thing i was doing in my 5.000h of playing gw2 was farming gold. so well – they are quite hard to get, trust me.
trying to farm enough gold and materials for new legendaries.
my goal is to craft 2-4 of them within the first week. depends how the precursor-collections will look like and how the mat-prices will increase.
Will PvE give more value to support builds?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
I got quite excited when I saw the devs discussing how they’d be adding a load of much more challenging content with HoT.
I guess I really want to know if it’s challenging enough to mean that some players will have to build almost entirely for support to help their teams win?
I really hope so because the current PvE meta is just power power power. As I will be specialising as a Druid, I’d love to be able to have a solid support build, and in using it I would be seen as a valued member of the team rather than just a dip in the team’s DPS.
You know that almost every class ingame has it’s own way to support a team at the moment? Support does not always mean that you have to support in a defensive way.
Warrior: Offensive Support (Banner of Discipline, Banner of Strength, For great Justice!, Empower Allies, Phalanx Strength)
Ranger: Offensive Support (Frost Spirit, Spotter), Defensive Support (Healing-Spring)
Thief: Stealth.
Elementalist: Offensive Support (Fury & Mightstacking)
Guardian: Defensive Support (Aegis, Protection, Reflect, Absorb)
Mesmer: Defensive Support (Reflect), Portals
Every class has it’s own way to support a group right now. Noone needs a full Support class…
Necro would like a word with you.
“Almost every class” – but who knows? probably necro will get usefull traits with the expansion.
Will PvE give more value to support builds?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
I’m pretty convinced the problem here is not that ppl need to be forced to support because many want to be it by default without being pushed into it. The problem is majority of ppl are being pushed into dps because if it dies before it manages to cause problems it’s the best defense, rather then having to properly defend from it.
no. i can fight lupicus for 10mins or 1h without dying. zerkgear or not.
i do use zerk-gear just to make it faster.
elitists don’t take zerkgear because they cannot dodge – they take zerkgear to make it faster. that bosses actually die before we need to dodge is a problem of to low mob-hp.
Will PvE give more value to support builds?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
I got quite excited when I saw the devs discussing how they’d be adding a load of much more challenging content with HoT.
I guess I really want to know if it’s challenging enough to mean that some players will have to build almost entirely for support to help their teams win?
I really hope so because the current PvE meta is just power power power. As I will be specialising as a Druid, I’d love to be able to have a solid support build, and in using it I would be seen as a valued member of the team rather than just a dip in the team’s DPS.
You know that almost every class ingame has it’s own way to support a team at the moment? Support does not always mean that you have to support in a defensive way.
Warrior: Offensive Support (Banner of Discipline, Banner of Strength, For great Justice!, Empower Allies, Phalanx Strength)
Ranger: Offensive Support (Frost Spirit, Spotter), Defensive Support (Healing-Spring)
Thief: Stealth.
Elementalist: Offensive Support (Fury & Mightstacking)
Guardian: Defensive Support (Aegis, Protection, Reflect, Absorb)
Mesmer: Defensive Support (Reflect), Portals
Every class has it’s own way to support a group right now. Noone needs a full Support class…
I don’t think the existing legendaries will change in any way (except that you will be able to get precursors through collections aditionally).
I do think that ANet thought of people haveing some gifts already finished.
Imagine the kittenstorm if they change something about the legendaries…
It’d be very cool if they do some kind of replay season one till we get the expansion-pack.
They could just bring an episode of LS season 1 every thuesday.
That would be so cool while waiting for expansion!
Agree with you Lindelle! That is one awesome-looking weapon!
<—- loves ravens.
OMG! Raven-Staff confirmed!
I’d love to get more information about the mats that are needed for it =P
Yep. But they should have said that more clearly. Probably most of the players want new dungeons and not WvW-maps or PvP-maps. The hype would be so much bigger if they announce dungeons or raids.
My opinion is that we will get dungeons or guildraids or both – but we cannot be sure till we get more information or beta =P
New weapons for heart of thorns expansion
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doctor Faustus.6372
There will be no new weapon types. If there were going to be new types, they would’ve been announced explicitly at PAX. The melee polearm you saw the Revenant use is actually a melee-attack Staff.
how can you be sure that was a staff?
to me it didn’t look like a staff because there was a blade on the top.
Funny that someone can do a way better UI-design in 2-3 weeks than ANet in 3 years.
As mentioned in some of the comments ahead it’s not perfect but there are some very good ideas included in your design.
Would love to see some of your ideas ingame – ANet should hire you.
PVE rebalance! I’m obviously asking to fix the zerker gear problem, where it’s so much more useful than the other stat combinations that it’s making them absolute. In an expansion people are expecting great changes in the gameplay, so it will be perfect chance to slip this among them.
First: It’s way to late for wishes right now.
Second: PvE is balanced. Zerker-Gear gives you way better damage but less defensive. Do you really expect same damage with other types of gear? And also everybody has access to berserker gear. If you are not able to play with it you got a lack of skill which obviously means it is balanced. Less defensive → more damage per second ; but requires more playerskill.