Showing Posts For Eggman.1405:

Is your pet supposed to revive you?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Thanks for the info! Usually the only thing that matters is how fast you can spam Skill #4 when downed, so I wasn’t catching on to the fact that the other three are class-specific.

(edited by Eggman.1405)

Is your pet supposed to revive you?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eggman.1405


From what I understand a pet should not assist in reviving you once you are downed. However, maybe 1% of the time or less when I am downed, my pet will be standing over me and I will see the double set of green numbers that indicate you are getting assistance from some source in getting back to your feet.

Has anyone else seen this? If so, is it a bug? So far it has not happened often enough that I can put a finger on when exactly it will occur.

* How to play Naked and for Free at Max Level

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I wouldn’t follow the advice given about deleting your character and stating over, since you will then have the added annoyance of losing access to all the Traits.

I think theguildess offers the best overall advice. I would only add that if you are at level 80, you should be able to survive ok in the starter areas even with nothing. It should not take that long to acquire a set of blue or green gear that you can then use to participate in group events like the World Boss tour where your individual effectiveness doesn’t matter quite so much. At a minimum, do Tequatl and the Karka Queen on a daily basis to get yourself up.

Orichalcum Ore prices suddenly tanked today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


i hope they do never soemthing like this foxfire thing again

now ALL t5 mats worthless – t5 wood 10c, mithril ore 25c and leather 8c

they should do something to help this prices and not trash them

The part that gets me is that this illustrates how worthless the T5 → T6 promotion recipes are. In theory you would have expected that as prices dipped low enough, people would start buying the T5s to do material promotions and keep the prices up slightly, but this is clearly not happening (or not happening to any significant degree).

Also helpful would be the ability to downgrade materials.

Legendary losses/breaking even

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I didn’t realize that there was a range so I never bothered to look at it and stuck to promoting other items.

This is a big problem with the wiki that I’ve complained about and been told by the editors that (for reasons I don’t quite understand) they can’t display the range.

Right …

Looks like ranges to me.

It’s not a universal problem throughout every single page of the wiki (which is why I don’t understand why they can’t fix it). Visit the page for the Bronze Ingot, in the recipe section you will see that in the Mystic Forge it is used to make `Iron Ingot x40`, not `Iron Ingot x40 – xN`. So depending on where a person happened to look, they may end up thinking you only get 40.

Legendary losses/breaking even

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I didn’t realize that there was a range so I never bothered to look at it and stuck to promoting other items.

This is a big problem with the wiki that I’ve complained about and been told by the editors that (for reasons I don’t quite understand) they can’t display the range.

Green Beans No Longer Available?!!

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


One apple from a loot bag isn’t appreciably better. RNG, time spent getting/gold spent buying the loot bags means it’s not reliable enough if you want to get apples for leveling crafting or food for your low level chars.

I would agree, of all the bags I track, Apples have one of the lowest rates out of the account bound materials- usually ~1% or less.

(suggestion) Damask bolts

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


It seems it’s like this in every game with cloth; no one implements a way to get cloth other than drops or salvaging, so it ends up disproportionately expensive. Kind of silly.

Just as a historical note, you could weave your own cloth in Ultima Online, after harvesting cotton from the wild.

Instant One-Up Bids

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I don’t think there is a solution to this. I find others games with similar system suffer from the same problem. Unless they change the system where people can place a min and max bid, the problem will never be solved.

How would this help exactly if the bot is just going to +1c your max bid?

[PROs and CONs] New Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Anyone know if there is a way around this situation?

Lots of buy offers for mithril ore at 37c
30 mithril ore at 38c available
Want to put offer in for 200 mith ore at 38c.

Will only let me put a buy offer in for 37c (with the other several thousand) or buy the 30 mith ore at 38c maximum.

All you can do is clear out the existing listings that are offering the price you want to pay, then you will be allowed to put the rest in on buy order.

So if you see qty. 30 @ 38c and the next entry in the list is qty. 1524 @ 39c, you have to buy the 30 units, then you can place the buy order for the other 170 you wanted at 38c.

fine mats not labeled as crafting?

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Why are the fine crafting materials not labeled with “Crafting material: weaponsmith (225)” for example, any more. A couple still are, but most are not. Seems like this would be valuable information especially for a new player who just has this random item. why was the time spent to delete this info? or is it a bug?

I brought this up over a week ago and didn’t get any response from anyone. At first, I assumed this was intentional: they took away the tooltip for crafting items if it isn’t one of your professions. Later I discovered though that this wasn’t the case, the tooltip is also not there for some items I could have actually used, so it may be a bug (or both).

Green Beans No Longer Available?!!

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Alternative source for green beans along with the other types of icy bags.

I was going to suggest bags to OP as well. Although none are particularly great at getting Green Beans:

Tiny Icy Bag has about 3.5% chance of Green Beans
Small Icy Bag should drop Green Beans, but I don’t know the rate
Icy Bag should drop Green Beans, but I don’t know the rate
Heavy Icy Bag has about 1.25% chance
Large Icy Bag has about 0.85% chance
Small Bag of Goods has about 0.8% chance
Small Thorned Bag has about 0.45% chance
Tiny Thorned Bag has about 0.08% chance

The Green Bean rate from Small Icy Bag is ~2%, the Icy Bag rate is ~1.5%

Celery Stalks

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


If you are really desperate, the drop rate of Celery from Tiny Icy Bags is decent (compared to other account bound cooking ingredients) – sitting at 6%. I’ve even been throwing away tons of Celery as I can’t sell it and using it in a recipe usually devalues the other ingredients.

Track profitable objects for crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Which brings prices down and is good for the community as a whole..

That’s a bit debatable… and in my own opinion I would not say `as a whole` the community is helped. Low market prices help new players that have not had time to earn money, and extremely casual players who don’t have time to spend a couple hours every day farming or running dungeons. Other people (a majority, but again, only an opinion) suffer when the number of avenues they can use to get cash aside from dungeons is reduced.

Crafting Beaded weapons with Sun Beads

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


While this is of course highly annoying, there’s a case for it being left alone. If people get so annoyed buying the beads that they prefer to get these items from the TP, then that helps keep the prices up.

this is the reason these weapons give the highest karma->gold rate in the game.

Yeah, I’ve been doing pretty well by it. I’ve started running the game in windowed mode so I can watch YouTube while I mindlessly click.

How to collect TP data from the GW2 website?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I’ve been downloading TP data from a link provided by GW2Spidy. However, since the patch, their site has become riddled with errors- numerous items are listed as having 1c buy orders when in fact you can see this is not the case when you access the TP in-game.

I’ve then tried to visit via Google crome and get nothing but a blank page when I go there. I also looked through the API sticky in these forums and I didn’t see any mention there of things related to the TP. Does anyone have a guide on how to get the TP data downloaded directly from ANet?

Odd and annoying UI change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Did anyone else notice that if you picked up a crafting item, the tooltip no longer tells you what Crafting disciplines/levels are associated with that item unless you have training in that profession?

I can imagine why they did it- better to display information that is less relevant to the player. But, it isn’t really their call what information is or is not relevant, that is a personal preference for each player. I can also see this change as harmful to new players, since when they see an unfamiliar item they may just vendor it without realizing they may have wanted to save it for later use.

EDIT: And looking again, it doesn’t even say `crafting material`…

(edited by Eggman.1405)

Crafting Beaded weapons with Sun Beads

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


While this is of course highly annoying, there’s a case for it being left alone. If people get so annoyed buying the beads that they prefer to get these items from the TP, then that helps keep the prices up.

The Trouble with the New TP: Ergonomics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Now let’s say I say “Screw that!” and want to place a buy order. This has been simplified over the previous iteration of the TP, but it’s confusing to newcomers. Now I have to click on the left side of the screen, enter my quantity and desired price, and list the item. This part is done fairly well, but not very clearly to newcomers.

However, I ran into a snag while doing this. I tried to place a buy order at the same price as a listing. The system automatically shifted me over into the instant buy section. This was not my desired goal — I wanted to place a buy order at a specific price and quantity, not buy instantly at variable prices and variable quantities. Now we’re back to the aforementioned issue of instant buys!

I’m glad somebody brought this up so I didn’t have to start a whole new thread on it. The first time I wanted to put a whole stack of something on buy order, it gave me an error because I was asking for more than were currently being offered on sell orders, even though the current sell listings should be irrelevant when I’m making my own buy order. Eventually I realized I had to click in the buy order listings window first before doing anything else, but this is far from obvious. And, since the upper part of the interface doesn’t seem to change one whit, there is no feedback to the user telling them that the UI thinks they are in `buy order` mode vs. `buy now` mode.

Rampant High-speed Automated Buy Orders

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I still suspect this is RMT gold-generation, but I’m less sure about that now that I seen it turn off and then back on simultaneously across several markets.


The new crafting UI is awesome

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I like the new changes, but it’s hilarious that you still can’t keep menu categories permanently closed.

Adding an item to my current listing?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I was under the impression from the PoI video that everything is dynamic now so no refresh is necessary.

They said that the number of calls to the server was supposed to be minimized to speed things up, so I wouldn’t expect anything to be auto refreshed any more.

Current, best way to farm linen cloth?

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Buy the bags that have good chances to drop Linen on buy order, then sell all the materials you get that aren’t Linen to recoup some of your money. Depending on the bag this will be cheaper than buying Linen directly from the market and certainly much faster than farming.

Generally speaking when I decide I must farm for cloth in the wild, I go for the bags dropped by Pirates/Bandits as their drop rates for bags are pretty high. Ritual bags produce more cloth on average, but the drop rate for the bag has been lower in my experience. I try to avoid farming bags that won’t give me 75+ in one hour.

Permanent Node Clusters

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Be aware that some of the spots marked for a lot of the items are not the only locations. For example, ancient wood in FGS has many more possible spawn locations than what is shown.

Thanks for that link! I knew there were permanent sites for the Rich ore veins, I didn’t know other nodes also had permanent sites (aside form the clusters, obviously).

Permanent Node Clusters

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Exactly what I was looking for, thanks!

Permanent Node Clusters

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


If it’s something as low as like 5 gold/hour then I will probably post.

I wouldn’t expect it to be high, because obviously anything you can just run out and pick a dozen or so of on demand will keep market prices down.

Mini Wardrobe Impact on Prices

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Lol. I cleared out my mini pet inventory about a week ago. Got rid of all the ones I don’t use regularly. Oh well.

Don’t they all just sit in the bank safely? Why would they need to be cleared out?

Permanent Node Clusters

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405



Does anyone have a good list of what/where all the permanent gardens/patches are that give Chef ingredients (such as the Metrica Province Potato farm)? The wiki has a list that indicates what ingredients might have such a spot, but it doesn’t say where they are.

Black Lion Chests: Artificial Scarcity?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I bet it has to do this move is related to info from China.

Right, but the problem is that if China has its own TP, how can people in our market speculate based on anything rumored in China? Same goes for the Potatoes.

And to nobody's surprise ...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Even with the key sale, doesn’t an average person already have so many BLCs lying around that the alleged chest speculator won’t really be selling that many?

Where are the T6 mats?

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


1 laurel = 1 heavy crafting bag at the laurel vendor. Each heavy crafting bag has 3 t6 crafting materials in it. That’s typically where I get mine since I don’t have the time to go out and farm for them.

I was doing that myself when I first started out, but the amount you get from each bag is low it seems there are far better uses for your Laurels.

48/50 in HoM...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eggman.1405


It’s a tough call, I was only 3-4 away, and obviously all the easy ones to do are long finished. Can you even get faction points as fast as you used to if few people are playing? Seems like it would be a huge grind, and there is already enough things to grind out in GW2.

Believably Black Human Male?

in Human

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Not sure about second part of you message. The only Ezekiel I know comes from religion, and I’m not good at it.

Sorry, that was a Pulp Fiction reference.

Where are the T6 mats?

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


As stated farming directly for mats is challenging. You are better off farming for the Heavy bags that will give you the materials you want. Or, do your preferred activity to earn gold and either buy the bags or the materials directly. Collecting them straight from the wild is probably the slowest possible method.

Obscure GW2Spidy question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I use this link to copy all the pricing data from the GW2Spidy site into a text file:

Then, I import this into Excel 2010. When I am ready to refresh the data after downloading it again from the website, I select the whole page and hit `delete`. When I do this, I get a message from Excel warning me that the data contains a query, and it wants me to confirm that I will be deleting the query.

So, my question for tech mavens is this: what query is this? Is there something embedded in this data that might allow me to have the page refresh itself from the site without me having to manual download and import it?

Sigil Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Oh really? My bad then. One more fact to be forgiven: you’ll loose your stacks when going underwater, since it counts as a weapon swapping.

  • flies away shamefully*

Unless one of your underwater weapons has the same sigil, then you don’t lose it.

Finding watchwork sprockets

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I get roughly one per node on average with the pick.

My experience has been the same, even though the pick advertises only 20% chance (I think).

Mystic's Gold Profiting Guide

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


As a side note on bags, be prepared to have to refresh your buy orders at least twice a day as competition is (obviously) fierce on the best ones. If you’re trying to get a `hot` bag, don’t be surprised to be outbid by +1c by somebody asking for several thousand of that same bag- who will then be outbid by +1c by somebody else with their own order of several thousand.

Depending on what bags you opened, you can also add value in some cases by doing material upgrades. So if you open 1k Tiny bags and end up with 250 Jute Scraps, you could be better off converting the Jute to Wool and selling the Wool.

The right Salvage Kits for the right items?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eggman.1405


so, white/blue/green: crude or basic or copper SoM

Hmm, that’s interesting- I usually use Master kits on greens to give a better chance of recovering the upgrades so that I can Forge them. But given how cheap most are on the BLTP, if I really want to Forge upgrades it may save me money in the long run to buy them exclusively from the TP.

Skritt Shinies!!! Yessssss!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eggman.1405


yes and no. Skritt bags are notorious for dropping a LOT of different items. Medium Bag of Skritt Shinies, for example, can drop 36 different materials. Some of those have as low as 0.2% chance to drop (1 every 500 bags). 100 bags will give an idea, but I doubt you’ll even see everything that is possible to drop from them. Still, it’s a start.

The basis for my previous comment is the old saw `the perfect is the enemy of the good`. If you only open 100 bags, then sure, you may have missed tons of stuff that has less than a 1% chance of appearing, but by definition items in this range have near zero impact on the expected value of the bag unless they can vendor for several gold on the TP. If I open 100 bags and see that I can make a 1s profit off each bag, it isn’t going to matter to me if the `real` answer is 95c or 1s5c. If I’m not asking `what makes money` but instead I care about the actual odds that apply to a particular item in a bag, then definitely, more need to be opened.

I can confirm they are dropped in wvw borderlands. My toon is lvl 20.

Thanks for taking the time to do this! I’m still curious as to how easy this would be to farm if you were serious. While you’re doing it, your character is going to level itself out of the range where you can keep getting the bags so you have to start over just getting a character ready. Mystic comments that the drop rate from the Skritt is good; my experience has been just the opposite- I consistently get frequent bag drops from the Centaurs but when I visit the Skritt the rate is abysmal. Does anyone want to comment on the rate from the Dredge and Hylek?

Silver Fed-O-Matic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Either lower the price or boost the chance of better materials so that it would be preferable to the Master Salvage Kit. It seems obvious they just wanted to use the name `silver fed` to complement the `copper fed` kit and didn’t really think it through.

Anyways, in a couple of months when their data tells them that nobody is buying this kit something will probably be adjusted. And if you are one of the few people that buys this now, don’t complain that is is unfair if it gets changed later. You’ve already been warned this is a poor bargain…

Where to get wool/cotton/linen scraps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I didn’t think about buying the bags off the TP, though. That’s an idea I’ll consider.

At the volume you’re discussing, you’ll really be better off trying to buy the bags. Farming them directly is best saved for situations where you only need a couple dozen scraps to finish something off.

Please let us save chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eggman.1405


( Shameless Bump )
I’m bumping this as I hope a developer can see it before it gets relegated to a back page and dies in obscurity. This has to be on the list of one of the easiest to implement and least controversial requests on the forums (falling under keeping crafting menus closed and permanent individual pet names).

Skritt Shinies!!! Yessssss!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eggman.1405


If you want statistically significant results on drop rates, though, you’ll probably need 10-20 times that number. Unless this is just for your own personal edification.

Yes and no… to be really accurate, you do need 1000+ as you point out, but just to get a “good enough” idea of the expected value you only need to be in the hundreds. When you have 100 of everything you get a good baseline of what warrants going up to 1000, and that points you to what to push for 10,000. Of course, supply is also an issue, so even if I really wanted 10,000 of every bag, getting them is going to be a very slow process unless I’m willing to dump a lot of gold at the problem. Even though there appears to be no supply for this bag, if I started putting in 1g buy orders I could imagine that they would suddenly start falling into my lap. Hehehe actually if I had money to throw around I might consider trying that experiment some day. If you notice the price of this bag suddenly spiking to 1g, it’s probably me.

I’m leveling up my key farmer to check on wvw skritt, unless someone else can get there first. curiosity too strong!

Take your pick:
*Urge to discover… rising!

Market Implications of Profession Loot

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I think this is also going to affect the bag market. The value of lower tier bags are largely boosted by the price of cloth, so if cloth prices take a hit Tiny, Small, and possibly Light bags will fall with it.

Where to get wool/cotton/linen scraps?

in Crafting

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Just to add some more data to comments already given:

The OP mentions that ‘To get the amount of wool I need would cost 30g, whether I buy it as scraps or bolts’. Looking at market prices this corresponds (roughly) to 1,000 Scraps of Wool if you just buy it directly without buy orders.

If you acquire 1,000 Small Ritual Bags on buy order this will cost you 16.5g and you will have an expectation of receiving 650 Scraps of Wool. You will also get other items that you can either keep or sell to recoup some of your money. If you’re poor and can’t buy all you need off the TP, then this is the bag you should farm. The chance of getting any amount of Wool when you open the bag is 34.5%, compared to the Grawl bag which is second best at 19.5% (based on my own research, others may have slightly different values).

Skritt Shinies!!! Yessssss!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eggman.1405


edit: on second look, looks like I was actually outbid at the same time the buy order demand went down. probably more likely someone removed their old bid and put a new smaller one 1c above mine.
Eggman, looks like this might not get researched

Well, that’s a bummer.

Edit: Now that I think about it, there are level 15 ish resources near the skritt camps in the northwestern side of World vs World borderlands. While the area as a whole is level 80, aside from upscaled level 15s who will almost definitely get the bags in question, there may be a small chance even for higher level characters to get those.

Wait, so anybody in WvW only gets loot based on their base character level? That’s interesting. I think I knew already that this would apply to getting armor and weapon drops but didn’t think it applied to getting a non-champ bag.

I’d test this out now but I don’t have any character slots free to make a new level 15 – 20 character. Anyone else able to try this? The downside is that the drop rate on the bags from those Skritt for my level 80s is rubbish- like 1 bag per 10 kills. I’ve already been there trying to collect the Heavy Bags of Skritt Shinies.

Please let us save chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eggman.1405


I’m on my virtual knees begging for the ability to save chat in some fashion. Just the other day an online buddy tried to send me a link for a build- they can paste it into the chat box to send, but when I receive, I have no way to copy it out. This isn’t even the only example of how this is useful. There are plenty of options, too:

  • Allow us to toggle a means to have the chat text constantly streamed out to a log file. Probably the most “difficult” (with full quotes) implementation but not without some problems, since you have to worry about problems writing to disk and deciding if you care how large the log file is allowed to grow.
  • Add a ‘/copy’ or ‘/log’ command that immediately dumps the contents of the active chat tab into the clipboard so we can process it however we like.
  • Allow us to at least select the chat text and do a manual copy to the clipboard.

Some user requests are pretty low-hanging fruit- you can imagine a programmer you discuss this with would already have the solution worked out in their heads before you’re even done talking to them. Our text is right there on full display, but yet so far out of reach! And my Internet searches for `GW2 Chat Log` gave me links to people saying this is a problem in GW1 of all things, so it seems it is high time to address this issue.

Skritt Shinies!!! Yessssss!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eggman.1405


Does anyone know if the skritt in this event drop any loot? I recall fighting them, but I didn’t look out for loot at the time.

That seems like the best candidate so far. Anyone doing this should keep an eye out.

Skritt Shinies!!! Yessssss!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eggman.1405


EDIT: I’m assuming you are aware the Wiki entry on this item is empty. This speaks volumes about the rarity of the item.

Assumptions are dangerous, but in this case, it’s correct. One of my sub-goals for this task is to help bring the wiki more up-to-date on things. It’s very surprising how incomplete some sections still are after 2 years.

The Skritt Burglar may be the only option, I’ll have to try to see what happens. When the wiki refers to the Burglar dropping `bags` I think these are the ones that show up on the ground like the world boss chests/bonus chests from regular monsters, and are not bags that appear in your inventory.

Possibly there is also an event that makes the Skritt in Skrittsburg hostile? I know an event occurs where the Skritt King comes under attack, and if you fail, the entrances get sealed up, so would this also add hostile Skritt to the area, or not?